Eligibility List | IBMA Awards | International Bluegrass Music Association | IBMA.Org Page 1 of 8 <.ibma.org/site/ibma.awards/2005> Tuesday, May 5, 2009 ,QWHUQDWLRQDO%OXHJUDVV0XVLF$ZDUGV Awards Eligibility List 5()(5(1&(/,672)(/,*,%/(5(&25'('352'8&7 2009 Awards Show Hall of Fame Recipient History %OXHJUDVV5HFRUGLQJV5HSRUWHGDV5HOHDVHGEHWZHHQ Broadcast Affiliation $SULO±0DUFK* Awards: Criteria This list is solely for the informational needs of IBMA members when nominating recorded product for any of the related awards in the first round of balloting. Due to the limited nature of IBMA’s informational resources, this list does not necessarily contain 100% of the bluegrass recordings first released during the eligibility period, so members are not restricted to the entries on this list when making their first ballot write-in nominations. Albums re- issued and/or special compilations of previously released material are not listed here, but may contain individual songs eligible for certain awards. All recordings are listed in alphabetical order by artist or group name. &OLFNKHUHIRUPRUHLQIR 8SGDWH0D\ If you have recordings that should be included in this list - please email artist name, album title, label, website and first commercial release dateinfo to
[email protected]. $57,67±5(&25',1*7,7/(±/$%(/±:(%6,7( Darin Aldridge & Brooke Justice, ,¶OO*R:LWK<RX, Pinecastle Records, www.pinecastle.com Allegheny Drifters, &DQ¶W:DLW, www.alleghenydrifters.com Balsam Range, /DVW7UDLQWR.LWW\+DZN, Mountain Home, www.balsamrange.com The