Să Cunoaștem Timișoara 1 GHID TURISTIC 2 Descovering Timișoara • Lernen Wir Temeswar Kennen Să Cunoaștem Timișoara 3 GHID TURISTIC

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Să Cunoaștem Timișoara 1 GHID TURISTIC 2 Descovering Timișoara • Lernen Wir Temeswar Kennen Să Cunoaștem Timișoara 3 GHID TURISTIC Să cunoaștem Timișoara 1 GHID TURISTIC 2 Descovering Timișoara • Lernen wir Temeswar kennen Să cunoaștem Timișoara 3 GHID TURISTIC Descovering Timisoara Lernen wir Temeswar kennen Să cunoaștem Timişoara As a city with a calm pace of life, breath- Temeswar ist eine Stadt mit einem lang- Oraş cu ritm de viaţă calm, cumva răspândind un aer de tihnă mic burgheză, ing an air of petit-bourgeois leisure, samen Lebensrhythmus, die ein Flair Timişoara se dezvăluie cu încetineală, parcă mereu rezervându-ne sur- Timişoara reveals itself a little at a time, as von kleinbürgerlicher Ruhe ausstrahlt, priza unei noi întâlniri, fie prin cine ştie ce eveniment ori sărbătoare if always keeping in reserve the surprise die sich einem langsam erschließt und (şi chiar prin popularele ritualuri profane), fie prin propria sa of some new encounter, either through immer eine Überraschung bereit hält, înfăţişare ce-amestecă arhitectura trecutului cu micile who-knows-what event or celebra- entweder durch irgendein Ereignis oder ademenitoarele zeităţi de luminaţii ale comerţului. tion (even common everyday rituals), eine Feier (oder auch durch die ver- Deşi divertismentul ţine chiar de o poveste or through its own appearance which schiedenen volkstümlichen Riten), oder a vârstei spusă în fel şi chip, în cele mai blends the architecture of the past with durch ihr eigenes Erscheinungsbild, in diverse momente, atunci când rupţi the intricate and attractive modern dei- dem sich die alte Architektur mit den de ritmul propriilor noastre munci ties of shop window lighting displays. kleinen, aufsehenerregenden, strahlen- încercăm să ne gândim că Although entertainment dates from time den Gottheiten des Handels mischt. viaţa trebuie să fie pe- immemorial, it involves a story which in Obwohl Freizeitgestaltung eine Sache trecută şi altfel one way or another is told at all kinds of des Alters ist, die völlig verschieden aus- decât different moments, as when, escaping fallen kann, setzt sie doch immer voraus, from the daily grind of our labour, we set dass wir einmal innehalten, Abstand von out to think of ways in which life ought der Arbeit gewinnen und darüber nach- to be spent otherwise than in toil, ambi- denken, dass das Leben noch etwas tion, frenetic activity and stress.Seen in anderes sein sollte als nur Anstrengung, this way, entertainment should involve at Ehrgeiz, Hektik und Stress. Sich zu least one or two drops of oblivion mixed vergnügen setzt also ein, zwei Tropfen with a little piquancy and then with a Vergesslichkeit voraus, gemischt mit et- few more drops of pure indulgence, was Würze und zusätzlich noch ein paar simple and unpretentious, as when we Tropfen Lust, die sich am leichtesten sink into some comfortable chair in front of a generous feast of a meal, reason- in gemütlichen Stühlen vor einem ably well lubricated with sufficiently reichgedeckten Tisch einfinden, der potent tipples which, like the swathings mit den verschiedensten Getränken of a host of divinities, infuse themselves gedeckt ist, deren Anblick sich in discreetly and confidently into the colour unsere Linsen einbrennt und alles of the lenses through which we view in uns zum Strahlen bringt… the surrounding world, so that as a result und umringt vom Zauber everything seems mellow and radiates einer Umgebung, die in eine a sense of wellbeing… And mingled Vielfalt von Farben getaucht, with the enchantment of the right sur- denjenigen belohnt, der roundings, with a wealth of colours and sie zu entdecken und zu objects which exist as a prize awaiting schätzen versteht und sich the one who knows how to look at them, von ganzem Herzen auf discover them, and deeply imbibe the sie einlässt, auf das Spiel interaction of these volumes and forms mit Formen im Raum, Domul that are enveloped by spaces and build- auf die Pflanzenwelt Roman-Chatolic Dome ings, vegetation and the play of water… und die Wasserspiele Der Dom 4 Descovering Timișoara • Lernen wir Temeswar kennen Să cunoaștem Timișoara 5 GHID TURISTIC and added together with all these there in Springbrunnen… und zusammen în strădanii, ambiţii, alergătură şi stres, divertismen- come other drops of new sensations – mit all diesen und anderen Zutaten tul deci ar presupune o picătură, două, de uitare, tactile, olfactory, pleasant to the ear and von neuen, tastbaren und riechbaren, amestecate cu mărunte picanterii şi apoi alţi câţiva all accompanied by the companions of hörbaren Eindrücken, die uns zusammen stropi de voluptate, modestă şi nepretenţioasă these hours, new acquaintances, beauti- mit den Gefährten dieser Stunden und când e vorba de a ne cufunda în scaunele comode ful silhouettes that pass us by, or even neuen Bekannten erfreuen, die schönen, din faţa unei mese îmbelşugate stropită mai mult strangers whom we observe at other vorbeihuschenden Silhouetten, die wir sau mai puţin cu gradatele licori, care, precum tables, or waltzing around us as in a show wahrnehmen oder auch die Fremden, învăluirile unei armate de divinităţi ni se strecoară … but especially is this experience to die wir an den anderen Tischen beob- discret şi sigur în compoziţia lentilei prin care be savoured in the company of friends achten, wie bei einer Aufführung, die um privim în jur, şi astfel totul se-mbunează şi radiază – without whom those who cannot uns herum Walzer zu tanzen scheinen… bucurie... Şi-amestecate cu vraja unor ambianţe, appreciate this fellowship of relaxation aber in erster Linie zusammen mit cu bogăţie de culori şi obiecte care se oferă ca un will receive no whit of what the miracle Freunden, ohne die diejenigen, die eine premiu celui ce ştie să le privească, să le descopere of true friendship can offer… gemeinsam verbrachte Zeit nicht zu şi să respire cu plenitudine flirtul volumelor şi-al And so, above all when spring arrives, schätzen wissen, nichts von all dem, was formelor înconjurate de spaţii şi zidiri, de vegetaţie the whole town comes into bloom, con- die Magie einer wahren Freundschaft şi de jocuri ale apei... Împreună cu toate acestea 6 Descovering Timișoara • Lernen wir Temeswar kennen Să cunoaștem Timișoara 7 GHID TURISTIC firming its name of “the city of flowers ” ausmacht, spüren werden. earned for it by generations of gardeners. Am schönsten ist die Stadt zu Beginn More than a hundred years ago, Timişoara des Frühlings, wenn überall Blüten zu was even compared to the famous sehen sind. Deshalb trägt sie den Namen German garden city of Erfurt, after some “Stadt der Blumen”, den sie von Gene- legendary flower shows, hectares of rationen von Gärtnern bekommen hat, flower stands, greenhouses and sophis- völlig zurecht. So wurde Temeswar vor ticated displays by gardeners as famous mehr als 100 Jahren mit der bekannten as Muhle, Niemetz, Agatsy and Marschal. deutschen Gartenstadt Erfurt verglichen, Gripped by a feverish enthusiasm for this nachdem im Rahmen von verschiedenen fascinating pursuit, they brought millions Gartenausstellungen große Flächen mit of plants here from all over the world, Blumenschalen, Gewächshäusern und acclimatising trees and other exotic hochentwickelten Kulturen von be- species to local conditions and placing rühmten Gärtnern wie Muhler, Niemetz, them along the streets, rotating them to Agatsy oder Marschall angelegt worden create plays of colours in the parks and waren. Vom Fieber dieses faszinierenden adorning the grounds of the houses of Berufes erfasst, brachten sie aus allen the nobility with delicate English gardens Ecken der Welt Millionen von Pflanzen, or their own imaginative designs. As versuchten sie zu akklimatisieren und public recognition of their virtuosity, the verbreiteten sie entlang der Straßen, great international flower shows awarded verwandelten Parks in ein Feuerwerk Wilhelm Muhle and Francisc Niemetz nu- von Farben und schmückten die Gärten merous gold medals, in particular for their der Oberschicht im englischen Stil oder creation of new varieties of roses, which nach ihrer eigenen Fantasie. Als öffent- they described in specialist magazines liche Auszeichnung für ihre virtuosen and which attracted great interest. şi alte picături de noi senzaţii, tactile, olfactive, Leistungen erhielten die Gärtner Wilhelm Parcul Rozelor The Muhle gardening family, related to plăcute auzului şi acompaniate de tovarăşii acelor Muhler und Francisc Niemetz auf den The Rose Park the Niemetzes, came to Timişoara already ceasuri, noi cunoştinţe, frumoase siluete trecătoare großen internationalen Gartenausstellun- Der Rosenpark famous as the floral decorators who had gen zahlreiche Goldmedaillen überreicht, ori chiar străinii pe care-i privim la celelalte mese worked on the gardens and parks of Bu- insbesondere für das Anpflanzen einer ori ca într-un spectacol valsând în jurul nostru... dar charest and the royal domains, including neuen Spezies von Rosen, worüber mai ales în compania prietenilor, fără de care, cei ce the park of Peleş Castle in Sinaia. Arpad sogar in verschiedenen Fachzeitschriften nu ştiu să preţuiască această împărţeală de amu- Muhle had trained in Japan in the cultiva- berichtet wurde. zament, nu vor primi nimic din ceea ce miracolul tion of chrysanthemums, and was the adevăratei prietenii e-n stare să ofere... only European gardener to have been Die Gärtnerfamilie Muhler, die mit der Şi iată, mai mult ca şi oricând, odată cu venirea honoured by the Sultan of Turkey with Familie Niemetz verwandt war, war über primăverii, întreg oraşul înfloreşte confirmând the title of “bey” after he had clothed the die Grenzen der Stadt hinaus bekannt prin botezul a generaţii de grădinari
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