The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 14
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Union College Union | Digital Works The Concordiensis 1912 The Concordiensis 1910-1919 2-21-1912 The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 14 Henry A. Schermerhorn Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Schermerhorn, Henry A., "The Concordiensis, Volume 35, No 14" (1912). The Concordiensis 1912. 5. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Concordiensis 1910-1919 at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Concordiensis 1912 by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. =iiJ~ 'IIFI'F~========;fl~++++ajJJ~. ·A· P '~ : • . &JI F . ww. ilJ . ' .' .rn := . !!J [\![!:w=· ~==· ==~JJJ Q m =: :t±q gg;g;;;::;g; ." !!l l!!!=-c:==:::====:==:$::=-!!!w;;:!!!:d!l - . ·' VOL. 35~ FEBRUARY 21~ 1912~ No.. 14 F =m 6f il fiF? = -• Iii LF . - iiJ liF ::;a [!::::: : : zi!l l!!:: · :· _· :: :: :m t!2s : :: :!7~ m::::= === ==M L:: a . *=e-d •' ~ i I ·~ 8 ~- ~g ll ~~- ~••• -~~- -~~· ~~-,":_ ~~- I ~-,, ~--- '"•'II•• ·.1 ''•' .... , .... , •' ·., •' ...... ''•' . I I. ·- I . I .I ·I t ~· 8 8 0 0 ~ -~ 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 ~ \1 ~ 0 0 --~-~ ~ .. , .. - ,..,. ... '1"_,,. _...."" .. ,... ...................... __~~---------- .... _.."'"---------..-----.....__..._ __ ......._.. __--,.~--.- .... -------------..- 'fHE CONCORDIENSIS ==~~==================~~==~=====================· =··==~==~~~.:::..__.., RESERVED The best light to read T'HALMAN'.S by or study by is the Cakes, Pastries mellow, steady light of · and Ice Cr-eam the modern gas burner (90 C. P. 2/5 of a cent per hour). One burner UNlO STUDENT~ on fixture or table lamp are invited to open a cl1eck will serve a w h o 1e account with us. Accoun~s of group of readers. Let Clubs~ Fraternities and Asso us show you the best citations solicitated. for your needs . .. THE SCHENECTADY TRUST CO~ Company 318 and 320 STATE STREET ------------------------~·------- r The Ernp·I ire La1..1ndrv• 'vV alter & l-Iedden, Props. Phones 337 21 Jay Street is in. your own handa. Don't strain your eyes USE ELECTRIC ----LIGHT -It's a perfectly safe light ...... very restful to the Raincoats ! ! eyes and ideal for read ing and studying. If you have electric service, you cal'l e~joy the com forts of electric appli .. a.nces. : .. Get your Rain .. L SCH~~~~DY ILLUM~~T~NG co. coats at the - - When in the market for floral arrangements • Rubber Store tc er t i FLOR.IST t !,, ~ Orders receive every attention afforded by our unex celled facilities for catering to the most exacting taste ALUNG RUBBER CO. I High Grade Caskeh and Shower Bouquets a Specialty 229 STATE ST. - I Greenhouses aud Nurseries. L. D. Phone 1413 & Town of Florida and Hoffman, N.Y. Home 42S Sporting, Athletic Rubber Goods ' I N ~ Y ~ C. PLrcade State St - cu Q- m..,..•*=f"<<• ~P •• "e''+ mrr•- "'~~~~~>tl'l"-~ THE CONCORDJENSIS 3 . - . ------·-----....:-- --·- A. R. Zita's Orchestra rul~g~d·o~~~~.~~~~~~~·?o;1;\~ BEST DANCE MUSIC 'IN THE WORLD 6 7 :~~~ ~! 8:s~~ e!~~e. None Better for Concert Office and Res. : 16 7 Hamilton St., Albany. RESERVED C. A. WHELAN & CO.· Cigar Stores Read The Citizen 301 and 433 State Street Foods prepared and sent out. Sal DR. GEO. R. LUNN, EDITOR ads, sandwiches, pastry, meats, breads, sent out for parties, smokers, spreads and feasts. Sc:henectady's Fearless Weekly 107 JAY.STREET GOODMAN'S Both Phones Drawing Inks TAILORING Eternal Writing Ink Engrossing Ink That's Worth While Taurine Mucilage Photo Mounter Paste IIIGGINS' Drawing Board Paste Liquid Paste Advance Spring Designs on Office Paste display at 406 State. Street. Vegetable Glue, etc. The early bird, etc. By placing Are the Finest and Best Inks your order now you not only and Adhesives benefit in price concession but also by receiving the attention Emancipate yourself from corrosive that is not possible to give and ill-smelling inks and adhesives later, when the rush is on. : and adopt the Higgins' Inks and It wil be a revelation to many Adhesives. They will he a revela- to find how far $1 S or $20 will go here for a Spring Suit or tion to you, they are so sweet, clean, Top Coat. : : well put up, and withal so efficient. A trial is earnestly solicited. AT DEALERS CHAS. M. HIGGINS &. CO. NAT COHN 206 State St. Manufacturers Branches Chicago, London A few Fall and last Spring's suitings Brooklyn, N.Y. at astonishingly low figures 271 Ninth St. 4 THE CONCORDIEN3IS INVEST'I(GATE ''For good work and; F:rompt Service" The CLEARANCE SALE Gasner Laundry At j.ust the time when you 448 State St.. Home Phone 431 N. Y. Phone 1214 . need good Winter Shoes Special Prices on: Entire Wash most, we are selling them The Policies Issued 'By The at a big reduction in price. Phoenix Mutual Life ln$liT:ance Company .Are conceded by competitors to~ :be· superior to· all ~thers Hurley $6.00 .Shoes now $4.25 MAY WE SEND YOU A,SPECIMEN POLICY FOR Hurley $5.00 ,Shoes no\\·J $3.85 YOUR INSPtC'JI()N The Hurd $4.00 Shoes now $3.15 Van Voast &leonard If you are in need of .Shoes, GENERAL INSU1RANCE 'ILLUMINATIN.G BUILDING,. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. the kind that will stand the wet, 'Shoes that have style We Announce and lots o:f it come here the seas&n.'s latest developments in refineci apparel for the p-articu- Where lar man....... Everybody BARNEY'S Shops Clothing- -- Fur11ishings -- -Hats fJJ Students will Wells & Caverly find that they TROY have every COES & YOUNG CO. thing at- I MEN'S SHOES Now BARNEY'S A-Day• It's 20 SCHOOL STREET Co~i & You:.g's SHOES ROSTON, MASS. H. S. BARNEY CO. 80HENEOTADY'8 GREATEST STORE HARVARD SQU·ARE, CAMBRIDGE THE CONCORDIENS1S 5 ~ Schenectady Clothing Co. Angora Polo Toques, ::~e, r~a:,· b~~: warmest, softest, -most sightly headgear ever dei!igned for cold weather. $1.00;. iM. .. -k~ .. j k· .t all wool, wind proof, . ac lnaw ac .e s, rain proof, cold proof, The sna:)piest outdoor coat on the market. We will glac ly show them to you. ·B:u. ~'ksk····n. Glov·...e· s lin~d or unliDed. short " ' wnst or gauntlet. The THE TENEYCK ass<>rtmcnt is complete. $ 1.00 upw-ards. Leading Hotel of Albany, N. Y. ·~ Schenectady Clothing Co. FIREPROOF. EUROPEAN PLAN ~.---- GIBSON & WALTON Orchestral and Auxet:Jphone Concerts during :B .. R .. 9li-W 313-315 State Street Home 91 dinner and after t~e play Afternoon Tea on Mezzanine from 4 to 6 o'clock FRED'K W. RO-CKWELL Always the best thing·s to eat at the THE ONONDAGA, Syracuse, N. Y., a Jlj new fireproof Hotel, opened Aug. 1. 1910, un d er ClROWN HOTEL ~~ the same· management I. fJ I· JAMES COFFEY, Prop. THE NEW-HES-MOR PRINTING CO., 420-422 State St. BOOK BINDING We make a specialty of hinding MSS. and periodicals of For College Students every description. Get our prices QUALITY- ACCURACY EXPERT WORKMANSHIP PROMPT SERVICE The Store With Over KEELER'S LYON'S 100,000 Prescriptions --------EUROPEAN-------- Bon HOTEL' AND RESTAURANT Sole Bons Broadway and Maiden Lane ALBANY, N. Y· Agents and GENTLEMEN ONLY For HUYLER'S ~-- ------ 250 Rooms -- Choc LADIES RESTAURANT ATTACHED olates .. SPECIAL NEW RATHSKELLER .. Bowling Alley and Billiard Room Kodaks, Premos and all Photo Supplies Twenty-five Private Dining Rooms LYON'S, Corner State and Centre WM. H. KEELER, Prop., . - -Annex, 507-509 Broadway I cordially invite you to call to inspect my Cigars---Ice Crealll---Soda NEW IMPORTATIONS OF Suitings and TOILET ARTICLES Fancy Overcoating St. Regis Pharn1acy Stock New and Nobby ~===================== 2-00 UN ION STREET GEORGE A. MANNY,- TAILOR - 170 JAY ST. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded ..---~- .r.---------- 6 THE CONCORDIENSIS Wallace Craftsman Furniture for Student's Comfod .· ;HE d. esign ~f this Furn. iture is exception~Hy good: The ch:=tirs are w.phcl_3tered ia real Spantsh Leather. Many fitted wtth luxunous ·cushrons. The pnces, you T win note by compariscn, are less than you wiH be asked to pay elsewhere for I I I Furniture of indifferent quality I I f I ! I t] Mission chairs uphcistered in real Sp2nish :Leather; $5.75 to $2~s~oo I I : IJ[ Missicn study tables (ten styles) in Sc lid Oak; $5.25 to $2:5.00 I tJ[ Mission and Gclden Oak book-cases; $4.25 to $35.00 (j[ Waxed Oak missicn finished flat top desks; $14.50 upward i ~- The Wallace Co. Scheneclad;;~Di~t;ti;~--St~r;- ti CARNET 1903 l904 ''The College Photographer'' 1905 1906 1907 1908 WHI'TE, 229 State Street 1909 1910 1911 NEAR BARNEY'S 1912 UR STOCK o'f early fall wearables is now complete. We are showing all the latest European and American novelties in the Hats and Haberdashery line for the natty fellow. Such as the new rough hats and low brim derby; newest novelties in knitted fou.r-in .. hands.. Large line of sweaters, shirts, gloves, underwear, hosiery, collars and caps; college pennants, pillow tops, umbrellas, canes & rain-c<>ats. JOSEPH NUSBAUM 336 STATE STREET GAZETTE BUILDING .... .. !.-- TILLY Baltic %e Newest Notch THE BARBER WE ARE THE FAVORED AMONG THE COLLEGE. BOYS ROW AND SOLICIT YOUR TRADE COLLAR clicks on and off and is a cinch TILLY on·the cravat. r;---- g::~t=:k ofth~?VorcPI ~ j I The Concordiensis I ----------------- -------~--- I VOL. 35. FEBRUARY 21, 1912 No. l4 :DE·BA TING TEAM THAT DEFEATED· ·CORNELL ..!I' I· I ,. K. E. WALSER, '12 ROY W. PETERS, '12 ]. H. POTTER, '12 UNION WINS ANNUAL The second speaker for the affirmative said that no DEBATE WITH CORNELL change had been made reading "unreasonable" into the law.