ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2011 Check List and Authors Chec List Open Access | Freely available at Journal of species lists and distribution

n First record of itajobi Rangel and Mendes, 2009

istributio Archipelago, Brazil D (Perciformes: Blenniidae) from São Pedro e São Paulo 1* 1 1 raphic g 2

eo Figueiredo Mendes

G Paulo Augusto de Lima Filho , Rodrigo Xavier Soares , Wagner Franco Molina and Liana de n o

1 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Biociências, Departamento de Biologia Celular e Genética, Laboratório de Genética de Recursos Marinhos. Avenida Salgado Filho, s/n. CEP 59078-970. Natal, RN, Brazil. otes 2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica, Ecologia e Zoologia. Avenida Salgado Filho, s/n, N [email protected] CEP 59078-970. Natal, RN, Brazil. * Corresponding author. E-mail:

Abstract: Scartella itajobi in the São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago,

This article presents the first record of the blenniid located off the state of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. As a result, the species distribution is extended 610 km northeast. The number of species of Blenniidae known to occur in São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago is three, whereas the number of endemic species shared by São Pedro e São Paulo, Fernando de Noronha, and Rocas Atoll now stands at two.

São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago (SPSPA) is a group of The record of S. itajobi in SPSPA represents a small islands and rocks located approximately 1000 km off the coast of Rio Grande do Norte State, northeastern Brazil from the supposedly northern limit of distribution of the (Figure 1). It shares about 80% of its fauna, including distributional extension of approximately 610 km northeast

species, which was thought to be Fernando de Noronha species of reef , with the Brazilian coast. SPSPA is toArchipelago. the geographic In addition, distribution the number of Pomacentridae of reef fish Stegastes species 1983;also considered Floeter and as a Gasparini low diversity 2000; fauna Joyeux reservoir et al. in 2001; the rocasensisknown to inhabit the SPSPA is now 61. This record, added FeitozaBrazilian et Biogeographical. 2003). Province (Edwards and Lubbock endemic species shared by SPSPA, Fernando de Noronha (Emery 1972), changes to two the number of Vaske Jr. et al. et al. 2003; Rangel and Mendes Blenniidae is one of the most diverse families of 2009).Archipelago and the Rocas Atoll (Rosa and Moura 1997; Teleostei, with approximately 400 species in 56 genera 2005; Feitoza (Eschmeyer and Fong 2011). However, only 10 species have for inferences in ecology, zoogeography, biological (Rangelbeen reported and Mendes in Brazilian coastal waters, including two of Knowledge of species distribution is fundamental which that were recently described from oceanicOphioblennius islands areas of biological interest such as the Brazilian oceanic trinitatis (Miranda Ribeiro2009). 1919) Two a species Pan-Atlantic of the species, family and conservation programs, particularly in andhave Entomacrodus been previously vomerinus recorded in SPSPA: the rocky coast and inland tide pools(Valenciennes in SPSPA (Feitoza 1836) et a al.southwestern 2003; Vaske Atlantic Jr. et al species, both commonly found on A female specimen of Scartella itajobi collected in September. 2005). 9, 2009 in Belmonte Island bay (Figure 2) was

(00°56’ N, 29°26’ W). The specimen was sheltered in a 40 andcm-deep Mendes rock (2009). crevice. It was fixed in formaldehyde and identified according to descriptions provided by Rangel The specimen is now deposited in the In Museu addition de Ciênciasto S. itajobi, Morfológicas at the Universidade Federal do Rio GrandeScartella do cristataNorte (CPV-MCM 115). has an amphi-Atlantic distribution, two other species and Scartella of the genus poiti occur in Brazil: (Linnaeus 1758), which

(Rangel, Gasparini and Guimarães 2004) endemic to Trindade Island. These species display a cryptic behavior, Figure 1. are resistant to salt and temperature variations, and are site of Scartella Map ofitajobi Brazil. and oceanic islands, with São Pedro e São Paulo frequently found in shallow waters and tide pools (Bauchot Archipelago enlarged in the foreground. Arrow indicates the collection and CheckPras List 1993; | Volume Mendes 7 | Issue 52006). | 2011 599 Lima Filho et al. | First record of Scartella itajobi from São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago, Brazil

Figure 2. Female Scartella itajobi Rangel and Mendes, 2009 collected in São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago. Scale = 1cm.

Acknowledgments: (Secretaria da Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar) for We thank the Brazilian Navy and SECIRM Mendes, L.F. 2006. História natural dos amborés e peixes-macaco comportamental.(: Revista Blennioidei, Brasileira Gobioidei) de Zoologia do Parque Nacional logistic support, the ICMBio for the collection permit (19135-1), CNPq for Marinho do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, sob um enfoque financial support (556793/2009-9), the Museu de Ciências Morfológicas 23(3): 817-823. at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte for curatorial Rangel,species C.A. andof Scartella L.F. Mendes. 2009. Review of theZootaxa Blenniidae species from assistance, and Luisa Moreira for helping during identification. Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil, with description of a new Literature Cited of combtooth-blenny (Teleostei: Scartella Blenniidae). 2006: 51-61. Guía de los peces de mar de España y de Rangel,from C.A., Trindade J.L. Gasparini Island, Brazil. and R.Z.P.Aqua, Guimarães.Journal of 2004. A new and Aquatic species Europa Biology Jordan, 1886 (Teleostei: Blenniidae) Bauchot, M.L. and A. Pras. 1993. . Barcelona: EdicionesJournal ofOmega. Zoology 432 p. 8(3): 89-96. Edwards, A. and R. Lubbock. 1983. Species The ecology of Fishes of by Saint family/subfamily. Paul’s Rocks Rosa,Brazil. R.S. and Proceedings R.L. Moura. of 1997. the 8thVisual International assessment Coralof reef Reef fish community Symposium (Equatorial Atlantic). 200(1): 51-69. structure in the Atol das Rocas Biological Reserve, off Northeastern Eschmeyer, W.N. and J.D. Fong. 2011. JuneElectronic 2011. Database accessible at 8(1): 983-986. research/ichthyology/catalog/SpeciesByFamily.asp Captured on 16 Vaske,Paul T., Archipelago,R.P. Lessa, M. Nóbrega, Journal S. ofMontealegre-Quijano, Applied Ichthyology F. Santana J.L. and Bezerra. 2005. A checklist of fishes from the Saint Peter and Saint Feitoza,biology B.M., and L.A. zoogeography. Rocha, O.J. Luiz Aqua Junior, Journal S.R. ofFloeter Ichthyology and J.L. and Gasparini. Aquatic 21(1): 75-79. Biology2003. Reef fishes of St. Paul’s Rocks: new records and notes on

7(2): 61-82. Journal of Fish Floeter,Biology S.R. and J.L. Gasparini. 2000. The southwestern Atlantic reef fish fauna: composition and zoogeographic patterns. Received: February 2011 56(5): 1099-1114. Journal Last Revised: July 2011 Joyeux,of Biogeography J.C., S.R. Floeter, C.E.L. Ferreira and J.L. Gasparini. 2001. Accepted: July 2011 Biogeography of tropical reef fish: the South Atlantic puzzle. Published online: September 2011 28(7): 831-841. Editorial responsibility: Michael Maia Mincarone

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