D-Glucuronic Acid. Crystalline Glucuronolactone
The Tohoha Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 69, Nos. 2-3, 1959 Biochemical Studies on Carbohydrates CCXXVII. On Paper Chromatography of Rexuronic Acids By Hajime Masamune and Mei Satake (正 宗 一) (佐 武 明) From the Medico-chemical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai (Received for publication, December 15, 1958) There were three papers published from this laboratory with respect to paper chromatography of glucuronic, galacturonic and mannuronic acids.1)-3) Since then, L-guluronic acid was isolated as L-guluronolactone from alginic acid,4) and L-iduronic acid in ƒÀ-heparine and skin-itinsulfate was identified by paper chromatography5) as well as by isolation as 2,3,4- tri-O-acetyl-L-idosan.6) Therefore the writers have investigated how to discriminate those five hexuronic acids occurring in nature in a paper chromatogram, with the resulting conclusions: 1) Kinds of filter paper made up of acid-treated fibers, for instance, Toyo Roshi filter paper No. 3 give concentrated spots contrary to those of filter paper without previous acid-treatment. 2) Free hexuronic acids are less sharply separated than their lactones by any of the solvent mixtures listed in Table I. 3) Solvent VI, VIII and ‡\ in Table I are most appropriate for the purpose, because they separate galacturonic acid from the remaining hexuronic acids on one hand and the lactones of the latter four hexuronic acids from one another on the other. Rr (rate of flow of a sugar against rhamnose) values of the hexuronic acids and their lactones are shown in the same table. 4) It is advisable to preliminarily free a hexuronic acid or acids from hexosamines, amino acids and ordinary sugars, which are present in the same hydrolysate, by the aid of a cation- and an anion-exchanger, if identification of them in mucoproteins is aimed at by paper chromatography.
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