Name of all actual participants AU: Stine Højlund Pedersen listed by institution UoM: GINR: Other : Glen E. Liston (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), Colorado State University, USA) Actual field work start / end 2 - 30 April 2014 dates

Actual field work site Zackenberg Valley, Wollaston Forland, Store Sødal, Payers Land, and , NE- Number of man-days used in Stine Højlund Pedersen : 28 days field (specify for participants) Glen E. Liston: 28 days

Short summary, main achievements and difficulties encountered during field season (150 - 250 words) Regional snow cover in North East Greenland

In April 2014, good snow conditions and clear weather enabled us to traveling on snow mobiles across a region stretching 100 km from the most eastern point of , through the broad valleys around Zackenberg Research Station, and into the inland parts of Tyrolerfjord and Store Sødal with their mountainous terrain. We collected snow observations in 44 snow observational sites. In each site, we conducted snow depth transects (in total 8400 snow depth measurements), dug snow pits to measure snow density and observe stratigraphy, and noting snow crystal sizes and hardness.

The observations of the landscape and snow distribution across the region in April 2014, gave an impression of a decreasing wind speed gradient from the coast and inland direction. We, therefore, expect to identify a gradient of decreasing winter precipitation amounts as well as decreasing wind speed across this region from east to west in the extensive snow dataset collected through April, which is currently being analyzed.

Photos (1 – 3 relevant photos in high resolution. Attach all photos as individual files) Photo 1 (map/study area)

Credit: Stine Højlund Pedersen Caption: April 2014, snow mobile route (yellow lines) and 44 snow observational sites (red triangles) in the region in Northeast Greenland.

Photo 2 (field work)

Credit: Glen E. Liston Caption: 194 cm deep snow pit dug at northern coast of Wollaston Forland.

Photo 3 (field work)

Credit: Stine Højlund Pedersen Caption: 15 cm deep snow pit dug inland at Payers Land.

Acknowledgements (funding agencies, etc.) Logistic support from Kenny Madsen and Jørgen Skafte at Zackenberg Research Station.