urbanized documentary download free Urbanized documentary download free. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Cloudflare Ray ID: 67dc8ba4b9b5f152 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Urbanized: a documentary about city design that comes in the nick of time. A series of familiar images unfolds on the screen: a wall of glass towers, a Brazilian favela, the Shibuya pedestrian crossing in Tokyo. Visual shorthand for a crowded planet, they are accompanied by an equally familiar sequence of statistics: half of humanity – or 3.5 billion people – now live in cities, and urbanisation is so rampant that by 2050 this figure is projected to be 75%. So begins Urbanized, a new film about the challenge that cities pose in the 21st century, which had its London debut this weekend, playing to a packed house at the London School of Economics. It is directed by Gary Hustwit, who made the cult hit Helvetica in 2007 (an unlikely film about a Swiss typeface) before taking on the much broader topic of industrial design in 2009's Objectified. With Urbanized, he zooms out even further to complete his trilogy, a cinematic story about design moving from the micro to the macro. With each leap in scale, Hustwit risks pointing his camera at a topic so big he ends up saying nothing at all. Yet Urbanized is a brave and timely movie that manages to strike almost exactly the right tone. For a sense of the scale of the urban problem, simply look at Mumbai, a city of 12 million people that is set to be the world's biggest by 2050. Already, 60% of its population lives in slums with such poor sanitation that there is only one toilet seat for every 600 people. The municipality is reluctant to build toilets for fear that it will encourage more migrants to come. "As if people come to shit," retorts the activist Sheela Patel in the movie. Quite. Most people come to work. Cities are basins of opportunity, and their citizens drive national economies. It is peculiar, then, how poorly cities reward their citizens for that contribution. Empty spaces . the view from the Detroit People Mover railway. The film takes a clear line on what makes a city habitable. Why is Brasilia, for all its drama, inhospitable? Because it was designed with a bird's- eye view that left the poor mugs on the ground hiking across town beside a highway. The movie illustrates the catastrophe of designing cities for cars rather than people with the battle between Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses – the saintly advocate of Greenwich Village's street life and the panto-villain masterplanner who scarred New York with his highways. These days the Big Apple is starting to atone for Moses's sins with public spaces such as the High Line. This new elevated promenade doesn't make up for the growing inequality that is turning Manhattan into an island for the rich, but it is a noble case of the city giving something back to its citizens. People power . Paris city residents protest against bad urban planning. Even more impressive is the way the former mayor of Bogotá, Enrique Peñalosa, changed the dynamic of the Colombian capital by creating a network of cycle lanes and a public bus service. In a city known for its crippling traffic, it is now the poorest – those without cars – who move the fastest. As Peñalosa points out, showboating on a mountain bike as he overtakes a car squishing through the mud: this is democracy in action. Only by prioritising pedestrians have cities rediscovered their vibrant centres. In the 1980s, by contrast, cities were hollowing out as the middle classes fled to the suburbs. Here the camera pans the suburban sprawl of Phoenix, all identical houses and driveways, as land use attorney Grady Gammage epitomises the selfishness of the American dream with the words "I like the way I live". Nowhere has that dream gone more wrong than in Detroit. The most powerful scene in the movie is an eerie train ride through the deserted city, now depopulated thanks to its dying car industry. There we have the full spectrum of the problem: some cities are bursting at the seams while others are becoming ghost towns. Who has the answer? Is it Norman Foster with his Masdar eco-city in Abu Dhabi? Is it Rem Koolhaas with his behemoth of a headquarters for Chinese state television in Beijing? To its credit, the film is unequivocal that architects – especially starchitects – are not the solution. What happened when Brad Pitt rallied a group of well-meaning architect friends to help rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina? The city got an odd assortment of houses that look like they were parachuted in from Malibu sitting amid a sea of devastation. Not all that effective. If there is a new orthodoxy in urban design, it is citizen participation. And Urbanized revels in this so-called "bottom up" approach. It depicts several cases of community engagement, from an energy measurement scheme in Brighton to a new pedestrian area in the South African township of Khayelitsha. It devotes a good chunk of time to the Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena, whose system of half-houses that residents complete themselves is often cited as a paragon of "participatory design". The idea is that citizens, not god-like architects and planners, are the solution to the urban question. And Hustwit knows just how effective people power can be: his movie was partly paid for through the crowd-funding site Kickstarter. This aspect of the movie is very much in tune with the zeitgeist. 2011 is the year of people power after all, the year when across the world, from Tahrir Square to the streets of Santiago to Wall Street, citizens have been making themselves heard. Indeed, there are several protests featured in the film. The message is undoubtedly a positive one, and the focus on small-scale, tangible solutions is at pains to be uplifting. The only caveat is that at times this borders on the naive. Watching people plant community gardens in the abandoned lots of Detroit, or plaster New Orleans with stickers that let citizens have their say, creates a cosy feel-good factor, but the problem is scale. On one hand, favelas and shanty towns are emblematic of the tremendous capacity of people to look after themselves. But no amount of self-organisation is going to introduce running water and sewage to the favelas. That kind of infrastructure requires politicians, not just residents. Perhaps that's where a film such as Urbanized can be useful. Undoubtedly there are limits to what can be said about cities in a one-and-a-half-hour documentary – for instance, maybe this notion that 75% of us will live in cities by 2050 is bogus, and that as the global economy falters so will urbanisation. But this is not the purview of films like Urbanized. Whatever the drawbacks of a mass medium when it comes to nuance, it is redeemed by its ability to reach a mass audience. The more people who see this movie the better. And the more politicians who see it – and are persuaded to look beyond the vested interests in front of them – the more powerful a tool Urbanized will be. Urbanized documentary download free. Filmmaker Gary Hustwit is streaming his documentaries free worldwide during the global COVID crisis. Each week we’ll be posting another film here. We hope you enjoy them, and please stay strong. March 31 to April 7: Urbanized Urbanized (2011, 85 minutes) is a feature-length documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. Over half the world’s population now lives in an urban area, and 75% will call a city home by 2050. But while some cities are experiencing explosive growth, others are shrinking. The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain. Who is allowed to shape our cities, and how do they do it? Unlike many other fields of design, cities aren’t created by any one specialist or expert. There are many contributors to urban change, including ordinary citizens who can have a great impact improving the cities in which they live. By exploring a diverse range of urban design projects around the world, Urbanized frames a global discussion on the future of cities. Urbanized film by Gary Hustwit 'summary' - Essay Example. Extract of sample "Urbanized film by Gary Hustwit 'summary'" Urbanized Urbanized Urbanized is a documentary film created by Gary Huswit which portrays the architecture and designing of differentcities across the globe. The documentary utilizes excellent cinematographic effects under the supervision of the maker to portray the structures of cities. The movie explains the need of equilibrium between the different components of a city for the proper running and functioning of the city and to make it a good place for the different groups of people belonging to all walks of life whether they are schoolchildren, businessman or people belonging to the industrial sector. The importance of maintaining a proper balance between the natural beauty and the construction of infrastructure is also highlighted in the movie.Urbanized explains the fact that the movement of people to cities has highly increased over the years. It presents the viewer with the fact that by the year 2050, 75 percent of the people of the world would be residing in cities. This reveals the drastic increase in comparison to the year 2010 where it was seen that 50 percent of the world’s population was in cities. With the presentation of the statistics, the maker of the movie tries to explain the importance of the proper construction and maintenance of cities as most of the world’s population would be residing in them.The movie presents the fact that good and effective constructions programs in the cities can help the people living in the city overcome their miseries and live in a better environment. The movie shows the viewer the different cities across the globe to explain the importance of proper construction and architectural strategies for the maintenance of cities. It takes the viewer to the poor, unhygienic conditions of cities like Mumbai in India to show the poor slum conditions prevailing in the cities and very low standards of sanitation and public health as up to 600 people need to use a one washroom. On the other hand, Huswit takes us to Santiego in Chile where proper planning by Alejandro Aravena who is an architect by profession has led to the designing of a housing scheme for people who are non-affording so that they have a better standard of living. He contrasts and compares different cities to indicate the impact that proper planning and construction can have on the living standards of the people.Gary Huswit uses his movie “Urbanized” to explain to the audiences that proper architectural designing, good schemes as well maintenance of sanitation and infrastructure is central to the proper running of a city. The importance of good means of transportation has also been put forward. Huswit utilizes the example of Enrique Peñalosa who was the mayor of Bogota to express the fact that reduction of pollution is also a central measure for a city. Mayor Peñalosa himself used to ride a bicycle around the city to promote the usage of transport that reduced pollution in the city.Urbanized is a movie that has been perfectly made by Gary Huswit to explain the importance of the understanding of the working of cities across the globe. Huswit has put forward the examples of different cities to put forward the fact how good planning can result in the improvement of the cities around the world and result in making this world a better place to live. ReferencesHustwit, G., Burdett, R., Katz, B., Foster, N., Dunn, K., Swiss Dots (Firm), & Plexifilm (Firm). (2012). Urbanized. New York, NY: Plexifilm. urbanculturalstudies. the culture(s) of cities… space, time and urban everyday life. Urbanized – view entire documentary online here. I’m currently about 30 minutes (out of approx. 86 minutes) through Urbanized which I am watching here, I see it is the third documentary in a series by Gary Hustwit who also did Helvetica (a documentary on what is aptly called there something along the lines of the ‘font of gentrification’ – watch it when you get a chance). The images and composition are incredible, and I can imagine using this as a first assignment in an Introduction to Urban Studies course or equivalent… Many basics and themes that could be expanded upon in subsequent discussions – Haussmann, Garden Cities, public transportation and democracy Robert Moses vs. Jane Jacobs – specific locations featured so far include Santiago Chile, Mumbai, Bogota, Brasilia, Copenhagen, un- cumbersome interviews with a variety of architects, nyc city planner, etc. so far seeming to be very inclusive geographically. Share this: Like this: Related. 2 thoughts on “ Urbanized – view entire documentary online here ” Reblogged this on metrhispanic and commented: What seems to be a comprehensive documentary on urban issues. Thanks for posting this! I’ll definitely be using it in my seminar this fall.