as Curriculum Unity Who's In Charge? Hierarchy and The Episcopal Church An international conference sponsored by The Anglican Communion Institute Dallas, Texas February 5-6, 2010 Featured speakers: The Rev. William J. Abraham, PhD., Perkins School of Theology The Rev. Robert W. Pritchard, PhD., Virginia Theological Seminary The Right Rev. James Stanton, DD, Bishop of Dallas The Rev. Andrew Goddard, DPhil, Trinity College, Bristol, UK Mary Edlund, JCL, Chancellor, Catholic Diocese of Dallas The Very Rev. Philip Turner, PhD., Dean Emeritus, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale Mark McCall, Esq. Communion Partners presents "The Communion Partner Vision" The Rev. Dr. Charles Alley, Rector, St. Matthew's Church, Richmond The Right Rev. Bruce MacPherson, Bishop of Western Louisiana Location: Church of the Incarnation 3966 McKinney Ave., Dallas, Texas 75204 Registration: US$125 {Fri-Sat, lunches included), $50 (Sat only) To register/for information about the conference see URL: (Paypal available) OR E-mail to:
[email protected] OR US Mail registration to: Anglican Communion Institute P.O. Box 7544, Beaumont , Texas 77726 THE IMNG CHURCH this week November 29, 2009 news 4 -sojourning Anglicans Praise Vatican's Plan . - 4 · ""--Swedish -Consecration Received Coolly -e_ssay A---- Cross as Curriculum for Catholic Unity BY CHRISTOPHER WELLS books 10 Days of Fire and Glory ... Living in God's Creation catholic voices 10 Wounded Church - ~-- - ; letters ::;'i} ;~ieiriterpreting _the Canons other departments 13 Sunday's Readings 14: People & Places THE LMNG.CHORcH magazine-is{>ublisbed 'Dyta.e ·nMng'Chm-eh ltotm:d.a.tlon, fnc. tb,.e.hl!:doxfo,.nnssi'C>ti 'o'f the 'Living Church Foundation tsto promote · andsupport Catholic Anglicanism -within.°"the Epi~copal Churc_h.