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Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1966-11-22 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1966). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 200. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/200 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ancient Studies Give Depth to Modern Minds Re-evaluation of the status of uate study in classical languages, Theology D epartment. Latin and Greek in the liberal arts ancient European history, medieval Culture, as well as language, curriculum is prompting an en· studies, and classical archeology." will be an integral part of the Classics program. The department richment of the program offered Dr. Siegmund Bets, profeBBor of will offer courses in Greek and by the ClaBBics Department. Dr. English and classics, added to this Roman culture next year, besides Mildred P. Smith, chairman of the appraisal by observing that a study those already available in the other department, spoke enthusiastically of the classics is desirable as a contributing departments: History of the upcoming changes and com· background both for English litera of Ancient Philosophy in the Phi mented: ture and for science, the termi losophy Department, History of "It ia our belief that in a chang nology of which is so laden with ing world, the aims of the Depart Greece and Rome in the History Greek and Latin. ment of ClaBSics are still valid. A Department, and History of Art study of the cultural heritage of Elementary Greek will be of in the Art Department. D efinite Greece and Rome contributes to fered next semester, in addition to plans are in progress for a new wards a deeper understanding of the Latin language courses now course, Greek and Roman Litera the problems confronting western available. This course will serve as ture in Translation, which will be civilization; Latin ... is valuable a basis for next year's literature counted for credit in either Eng for increased appreciation of the courses in Plato, Homer or the lish or Classics. Under considera heritage of the Church; reading of Greek New Testament. All of these tion are courses in Classical M yth Greek and Roman authors pro· will fulfill the foreign language ology, Greek Words in English (as vides an introduction to world lit requirements. The course on the an aid to the study of scientific erature; the claBSical program pro New Testa,ment will, it is hoped, terms) and Archeology of the N ear vides a solid foundation for grad· be a cooperative effort with the East and Classical Lands. Barbara Tyirin and Maureen Flannigan fit Martha Hilmer's costume for the play Light Up the Sky. Vol. XXXII Our Lady of Cinc~ti, "Edgecliff," Cincinnati, Ohio, November 22, 1966 No. 3 Students Worlc Behind the. Scenes At Edgecliff Academy Productions Chardin Expert to Speak at Edge<liff The Edgecliff Academy of Fine Arts is presenting its sixth winter Monday, Dec. 5, Edgecliff will take its place a talk as part of the LeBlond lecture series, Dec. 7, season of fine plays this year. The theatre employs a professional cast, alongside the campuses of Berkeley, Chicago, Uni at Emery Auditorium on the topic "A Touch of but some of Edgecliff's students have been master minds and hands versity of Michigan, Harvard, Stanford, Notre Dame Atheism." and others as it welcomes the Rev. Raymond J. Nogar, behind the scenes. · More details will be available later concerning 0 .P., as guest lecturer. "Teilhard de Chardin" will Most of these students are drama majors and minors from the these opportunities to hear Father Nogar speak and be the topic of his talk and, as Stanford profeBBor college. In order to gain education under the title of experience they to meet the man described as "open, willing to talk Michael Novak points out, "His critique of Chardin must put in many long hours of work. Some of these students, like and to be contradicted," " uncertain of the meaning is excellent." Barbara Tyirin, have become permanent members of the academy after of life, the validity of ancient concepts, the sufficiency Besides having a reputation as a lecturer Father graduation. Others, like Martha Hilmer and Pat Flannigan, now students of his own past and special point of view." Nogar is also a well-known writer. One Edgecliff here, have established for themselves reputations as actresses in past student, commenting on his latest book, Lord of the For anyone interested in doing some preparatory Edgecliff performances. Absurd, points out that "Father Nogar himself is one reading on Chardin before the Dec. 5 lecture, the Two new-comers to the theatre of the 'drama people' which he characterizes in his College Librar:r has an adequate selection of books in the last year are Maureen Flan Noted Psychiatrist book by a wish to be involved in the uncertain and and periodicals. Charlene Lichtman, a Chardin en nigan, sophomore, a n d Barbara unstructured open world - those who do not need a thusiast at Edgediff, especially recommends "Scien Labanz, freshman. Maureen is an Leads Workshop detailed and clearly drawn picture for comfort, who, tist or Philosopher?" in the May 1965 International assistant to Barbara Tyirin in the Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs, interna in fact, realize that such a picture is no longer po88i· Phil.osophical Quarterly and "Theilhard de Chardin costume room and Barbara has the tionally kriown lecturer and psy ble." End or Beginning" in the Summer 1964 Philosophy title and job of aBSistant' to the chiatrist, will conduct an Adlerian While in Cincinnati, Father Nogar will also give Today. stage manager, Lloyd Kay. workshop at Edgecliff Jan. 27-28, 1967. Maureen started working for Barbara a year ago as a volunteer. Dr. Driekurs received his M.D. Students Initiate College Coffee House to Open Soon she was offered a job and degree at the University of Vienna. He is presently director of the Speakers Forum Looking for a place to relax and for discussions, relaxation and en accepted it. Her duties include meet other college students? Father tertainment. sewing on trim, doing hems and Alfred Adler Institute of Chicago A Student Speakers Forum is Raphael Domzall, director of re "It will be yours to use - free pockets and general care and re and profeBSor of psychiatry at the in its preparatory stages for real treats at Holy Cross Monastery, of charge - if you'll only come pair of the costumes. Maureen Chicago Medical School. ization in the near future. First and 1 o c a 1 college students are (evenings and Saturdays) and help says, "It is a tedious, time-con The two-day workshop for ele semester, a discussion ruid debate transforming the fourth floor of the others finish the work," says suming job but worth it for the mentary and junior high school between members of the philoso the monastery into a Coffee House Father Raphael. self-satisfaction and education in teachers, counselors and o t h e r phy department, as well as the theatre work which I receive." school personnel will also be open appearance of a political figure. to advanced students and profes sionals working with children. Graduate Study As Well As Dr. Wester, chairman of the Sympathy Psychology Department, explained, Faculty and students e x t e n d Study Abroad. Encouraged sympathy to the Rev. Martin E . "All students are invited to attend Student opportunities for ex Garry, O.P., former chairman of the piled for ready reference. Students the workshop but they will be re tended graduate study a b r o a d Department of Philosophy on the are i n v i t e d to investigate the quired to pay the regular $15 fee." either before or after the B.A. death of his mother; to Sister Mary "world campus" opportunities, Sis· In addition, one student will be degree will be explored in a sym Kevin, R.S.M., associate profeBSor ter Mary Virginia said. chosen by the department faculty posium during the Dec. 1 faculty of education, on the death of her from each of the following claBSes : meeting. mother; to Virginia Sander, sopho· Volunteers Teach Adolescent Psychology, Clinical Sister Mary Virginia, R.S.M., more, on the death of her father; Problems of Childhood, Educa Edgecliff president, explained that and to Elizabeth Schulte, sopho Crafts at Peaslee tional Psychology and Counseling "in view of increasing interest in more, on the death of her mother. A program of service for cul and Guidance. the attainment of the master's de turally deprived children h as been gree and entrance into a program initiated by the Art Club and car of doctoral studies, a special fac ried out with the assistance of the 1New _Philosophy Club Is ulty committee will centralize in art education classes during the formation and channel this to current sem ester. In the form of In Organizational Stages prospective candidates for fellow an after -school enrichment class, Plans are being mapped out for d e g r e e of co-operation can be ships." this art activity h as attracted about Barbara Laban• a new club at Edgecliff - the achieved between Edgecliff's Phi· Under chairmamhip of Dr. Sieg 80 children from the first to the Philosophy Club. losophy Club and the Philosophy mund A.