Woodseats Farm Windy Bank, Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire Written Scheme of Investigation for Building Recording January 2019 Revision A – 11 February 2019 matlock office | knoll farmhouse | matlock | de4 5fp | 01629 828187 | 17818 886944 sheffield office | studio edge | 28 byron rd | sheffield | s7 1hb | 0114 3600767 | 07752 533623 www.wcarchitects.co.uk |
[email protected] WRITTEN SCHEME OF INVESTIGATION WOODSEATS FARM Site location Woodseats Farm, Windy Bank, Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire Woodseats Farm LOW BRADFIELD 0 100 0 metres Location Plan NGR SK 24874 92456 Proposal Internal and external repairs and alterations to the roof structure, valley gutter, cross wall and rainwater goods of the building Planning Reference NP/S/1118/1011 WSI date of issue 24 January 2019 Revision A – 11 February 2019 Prepared by Walker Cunnington Architects wcarchitects.co.uk 1 WRITTEN SCHEME OF INVESTIGATION WOODSEATS FARM 1. INTRODUCTION 1.01 This document is a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) for Historic Building Recording in accordance with Condition 4 of Listed Building Consent NP/S/1118/1011, for Woodseats Farm , Windy Bank, Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire. It has been prepared by Walker Cunnington Architects (WCA) on behalf of the client, Miss Rachel Hague. 1.02 The scope of the work is defined by Condition 4 of the Listed Building Consent and reproduced at 2.05 below. 1.03 This document has been prepared in line with the guidelines for project design laid down in English Heritage's Understanding Historic Buildings: Policy and Guidance for Local Planning Authorities (Historic England 2012) . 1.04 The result of the project will be a permanent record of the building prepared to standards set out in the Historic England guidelines Understanding Historic Buildings: A guide to good recording practice (Historic England 2016).