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2;nr,^.n REGIONAL OFFICE, IRINJALAKUDA AKP.rn Chnn Co Lrge Rood. Chr*r Naetr. rnnrataltud.. Thn${r.6troi2i Ph 04S0 23191:16, 2tt29116.. c-mait rol0lTArbc. in TENpER CUM AU9TTON SALE NOIICE WHEREAS the Authorized Officer of the Bank (hereinafter referred as AO) had issued Demand Notica dat€d 06.06.2019 to the borrower, Mr Sivadasar K K @ Sivadas, S/o Krishnan, and the guarantor Mrs Ramadevi Sivadasan, w/o Mr Sivaclasan K K, both residing at Kallayil House, Edavilangu P O, Thrissur - 68067t under Section l3(2) of tbe Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcenlent of Security Interest Act, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as 'The Act') and has taken posse,ssion of the immovable property, more fully described in the schedule hereunder under SectiJn l3(4) ofthe Act read with Rule 8 ofthe Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on 27.08.2019. AND WHEREAS, the borower/guarantor has failed to pay the arlount, Notice is hereby given that the immovable prcperty morc fully described in the Schedule hereunder will be ,,as sold by way oftender cum auction on "as is where is" basis and s \,r'hat is,, condition, on the date and at the place mentioned herein below for realization of a sum of Rs.59,94,690.36/-(Rupees Fifty Nine Lakhs Ninety Four Thousand l;ix Hundr€d Ninety and Paise Thirty Six only) as on 04.02.2021 with further interests and costs from 31.12.2020 subject to the following terms and conditions:- Name of Property Owner Mr Sivadasan K K@Sivadas Description ofpropedy All that part and parcel of land admeas.uring 0.1647 Hectares / 16.47 Ares (Equivalent to 40.70 cenus) in Sy. No.573 / 3 [along with right to way through 15 ]-inks wide road on the eastern boundary] and all other usufructs and improvements thereon situated in Thekkumkara Village, Thekkumkara Desom, Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur Distric! owned by Mr. Sivadasan K. K. @ Sivadas, more partir:ularly described in Sale Deed No. 1067 / 2002 dared 28.05.2002 of SRO, Vadakkumkara, with following boundalies, North : Properties ofvaliyaparambil Prasad & Others East : Road South : Property ofSivadas West : Panchayath Road Reserve Price Rs. 70,80,000/- (Rupees Seventy Lakhs Eighty Thousand only) Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 7,08,000/- (Rupees Seven Lakhs Eight Thousand only) (EMD) Date and Place of Sale 18.03.2021 at 11.30 AM at The Sc,uth Indian Bank Ltd. Regional Office, Irinjalakuda, AKP Jr. Christ College Road, &;::. Christ Nagar, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur - 6t;0125 s,^"d r' Omce - stB HoLr.l B Roao \t sro1ur1e. thr ..., <..rt: ,.8OOO e.mail r sibcorporere@sib, websne: $fr,.sourhindiarb.nkcoi! Col'odt€ lde iry Nunber L65l9lKLt929PLC00I0l7 Z;n'or,^,n REGTONAL C,FFTCE, IRINJALAKUDA ,^KP.ln ClrrhtCollcgeRoad.ahf$NagrLkinlatxluda.'fhrsr. 6f0D5 Ph 0.110 28?t136,2 t29216.. e mait: rot0tzrArbco in TERMS AND CONDITIONS l) The property will be sold on "as is where is,'basis and.,as iri what is', condition and the Bank is not responsible for title, condition or any other faot affecting the property. The paiticulars fumished regarding the secured assets aro stated to the best of information of the Bank and the Bank will not be answerable for anv error. misstatement or omission. 2) The proposed Tenderers shall read and understand the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice which is published by the Bank in its Website/ Kodungallur Branch at First Floor, Pavizham Tower, Chandapur4 Kodungallur p.O., Thrissur, Kerala-680664, Phone Number - 0480- 2802256,2803533and Irinjalakuda Regional Office at VI/950-B , AKP Centre, Chrisr Colle{te Road, Christ Nagar, Irinjalakuda, 680125, Phone Number - 0480- 2829336,2829236 and also visit the scheduled property and satisry as to its area, boundaries, ownership, ritle, encumbrance, statutory approvals, measurements etc. The llank shall not entertain any dispute regarding the Tender process or the scheduled property after participating in the sale. 3) Interested Tenderers shall produce a copy ofany valid photo identity/ address prooi ln case, the Tenderer is participating on authorization, he / she should prcduce the ID proof ofhimself/ herselfand the Tenderer. 4) All amounts payable regarding the sale including EMD shall be paid by way of DD drawn in favour of"The Authorised Officer, The South Indian Bank Ltd." payable at Irinjalakuda,/RTcs,4.,lEFT/net banking to Aurhorised r)fficer Account No. 0463073000000104 maintained at lrinjalakuda Christ N.gar Branch (IFSC : sr8L0000163) 5) lnterested TendereN shall submit Demand Draft / RTGS Receipt as the case may be for the EMD at The South Indian Bank Ltd, Regional Office, I njalakuda along with the Tender in a sealed cover before 11.00 AM on I8.03.2021. 6) The Right of entry to the place of sale will be restricted to the Tenderers who have submitted the Tender letter and EMD in a sealed cover rvithjn the stipulated time or within such time as may be decjded by the Authorised officer it his sole discrction. 7) The Authorised Officer has got rjght to cancel/ postponi the Auction wiihout ,r.!.assigning any reason whatsoever. Further, the Authorised Officer shall have the Regd. Omcc: SIB House. TB Road. Mfsion Quane6 Thrissur, Kerala - Phone+91-137-2420020,Fax-+91,487-244202lTollftee(lndla)1800,8t3-1800.3m{25-1309'3m01 e-mail nbconorare@slb e in, websner w.sonrt!indirnbrnkcortr Coaonle ldentiry Number: L65l91KLl929PLC00|0r7 Z;n'or,^n REGIONAL OFFICEI TRTNJALAKUDA KP.In ChrnColl.g.Rod.Ch.dNagI k'i].lxkuda.Tlrrisnr-68ttti Plr 0ll0 28:9116, 2li?9236.. e,ndil: rol0t7@sibco ri discretion to accept, reject or return any or allthe Tenders already submitted and the Bank will not entertain any claim or representation in that regord from the T€nderers. 8) The Sealed Tenders will be opened by the Authorised Oflicer on 18.03.2021 ar 11.30 AM. Any tender received quoting a price below the Reser\e Price wjll be rejected oulflgt)t, 9) After opening the tenders, the Tenderen who are present may be given an oppodunity at the discretion ofthe Authorised Officer to have inter se biddins amons themselves to enhanca their offer p ce. l0)The Successful Tenderer should pay 25 % ofthe bid amount iless EMD) immediarely on receipt of bid acceptance letter and the balance 75 o% amoLrnt within 15 days ofthe sale, failing which the entire amount paid by the Tenderer lhall be forfeited by the Authorised Officer, without any notice and the sale will be cancelled and the propefiy will be brought to sale again. However, in desifable cases tle time may be extended at the sole discretion ofthe Secured Creditor. I l) The sale is subject to confirmation by the Authorised Officer. who shall have right to cancel the sale also notwithstanding that the successful Tende:er has remitted the 25olo of Sale amount. Further, the sale is also subject to confilmation by the Secured Creditor. l2)On the sale being confirmed and on receipt of the entir) sale proceeds by the Authorised Officer, the successful Tenderer will be issued with a Sale Certificate as per the terms and conditions of the Bank and the SARFAEfjI Act. The successful Tenderer should pay all the existing dues etc., to the Governmenv Local Authorities including charges/ fees payable for registration of sale certificate such as registration Fees, Stamp Duty etc., as applicable as per law. 13)The Authorised Officer or Bank will not be held responsible for any charge, lien, encumbmnce, property tax or any dues to the Government cr anybody in respect of the property under sale. l4)The successful Tenderer shall pay all Taxes / Electricity / Water / Sewerage Charges or any other charges demanded by any authority after the acceptance ofthe bid, even if it peftains to previous periods. Successful Tenderer shall, at his cost, get the Electricity / Water / Sewarage connection etc. and any other common services transferred in his / her name. Regd, Ofir. - SIB House, T.B Road. Mission Quane6 Thn$ur, KeBta -63000t {".* Phoie+914372420020,Fax-+91-437-2,1,1202tTolllEe(Indra)1300-343-1300,300-415,lgO9 e-mail sibco'ponte@sib co n,webrite: r1s.sourhn'di.nbnnLto'q Corp.r e lde.trry Number: l,65t91KLI929pLC00t 017 %tflgl#,,*n REGIONAL cE, JALAKUDA AKPJn Chn$ College Road, Chnsi N :[email protected] l6)The Authorised Officer has obtained EC / search rcport property fiom 01.01.1985 to 28.01 ,2021 and it contains Nil onoumbrance 17)For any fudher information and for inspection of property, Tendergrs may contact the Authorised Officer, The South Indian B gional Office, Irinjalakuda or The South Indian Bank Ltd., Kodungallur Branch workhg hours. ij iNIr,j U:\Ni' !:D n,,,;r,-,;r C Daret 05.02.2021 Place: Irinjalakuda (Assistant eral nager) Copy to :- I ) HO Credit Recovery Department 2) Br. Kodungallur Regd. Ome : SIB Hous, T B Road, Missio. QuarteE Thrissur, Kenla Phone +91487-2420020, Fax+91487-2442021 Toll i€e(India) 1800-8431800, 80G425-l e-mril r sibcoQoBt@[email protected],web6i1e: Corporale ldenti|yNumber: t 5l9lKLI99PIr00l0l7.