Bulletin Shorts for Year B – 2018 Sunday Prayer Shaping Life and Belief

Eliot Kapitan Springfield, Illinois [email protected]

Christmas Time – December 2017-January 2018

Two years ago, this series of bulletin shorts set out to help the faithful and catechumens delve into the Sunday Scriptures and wrestle with works. That Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy 2016 set us on a journey to see-think-act in more merciful ways. This work continues. Use these shorts with your , community, and ministry. Put in the mail, post on the website, print in bulletin or newsletter, share in other ways that are helpful. They are a gift. Link: http://www.dio.org/worship/liturgical-year.html

Corporal Works of Mercy ● Feed the hungry ● Give drink to the thirsty ● Shelter the homeless ● Clothe the naked ● Visit the sick ● Visit the prisoners ● Bury the dead ● Give alms to the poor ● Care of our Common Home ● Spiritual Works of Mercy ● Counseling the doubtful ● Instructing the ignorant ● Admonishing the sinner ● Comforting the sorrowful ● Forgiving injuries ● Bearing wrongs patiently ● Praying for the living and the dead ● Caring for our Common Home

Bulletin Shorts for Christmas Time in Year B

Nativity of the Lord [Christmas] – Monday, 25 December 2017 Today. the Christ was born in history. He is both man and God. What does that mean today for those who bear the name Christian? How can we, how can I remain faithful?

Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph – 31 December 2017 Family. Every child is born to greatness in the Lord. Every child is full of grace – even when growing old. Every family is holy. This is the message today. Not only Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. But also, me and mine. Also, yours.  How will I cherish my children, my family this week?  How can I grow and become strong in the Lord?  How will I strengthen family life by mercy works?

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God – Monday, 01 January 2018 Not a day of obligation this year, but still a day to keep holy. Holy Mary has the title , God-bearer, given to her long ago. Because of , we, too, bear that same Christ in the world. What can I promise on this new day and new year to be and do?

Epiphany of the Lord – 07 January, 2018 Coming and going. They are alien visitors, Magi from the east, who seek out Jesus, the newborn king. They had “visas” from King Herod because he urged them on the journey. The story is about Jew and Gentile. About us and them. About coheirs and copartners, to use Paul’s language. All members of the same body in Christ Jesus. All sharing the one mystery, the one grace.  How do I help people come to Jesus?  What gifts do I have? What treasures can I give?  2  Sunday Prayer Shaping Life and Belief –

 How will I treat the alien?

Baptism of the Lord – Monday, 08 January 2018 Christmas Time closes quickly this year. Because Baptism of the Lord falls on Monday this year (instead of the following Sunday), the Christmas season loses a week. Let us not forget to cherish our own Baptism and the charisms, the special infused gifts, that may only be used for good.

Corporal Works of Mercy ● Feed the hungry ● Give drink to the thirsty ● Shelter the homeless ● Clothe the naked ● Visit the sick ● Visit the prisoners ● Bury the dead ● Give alms to the poor ● Care of our Common Home ● Spiritual Works of Mercy ● Counseling the doubtful ● Instructing the ignorant ● Admonishing the sinner ● Comforting the sorrowful ● Forgiving injuries ● Bearing wrongs patiently ● Praying for the living and the dead ● Caring for our Common Home