The London Gazette, November 25, 1892
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1892. the Borough of Stalybridge, and terminating in Corporation to acquire by compulsion or agree- the :township of Dukinfield, in the parish of ment rights or easements in, over, under, or Stockport, in the county of Chester, in a field connected with lands, houses, and buildings. numbered on the ordnance map, scale l-2500th To empower the Corporation to stop up, alter, for the parish of Stockport, at a point 150 yards, or divert, whether temporarily or permanently, measuring in a south-westerly direction from all such rords, streets, highways, brooks, streams, the centre of the bridge carrying the Manchester, canals, subways, sewers, pipes, aqueducts, rail- Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway over the ways, and telegraphs as it may be necessary to occupation road used for the accommodation of stop up, alter, or divert for the purposes of the the Plantation Farm, and which said sewer is intended Act. intended to pass from, in, through or into the To empower the Corporation to purchase and said townships and parishes of Ashton-under- take by compulsion or agreement all or some of Lyne, and of Dukinfield and Stockport. the following lands, and to use such lands for A Sewer (No. 1) wholly situate in the said the purpose of receiving, storing, disinfecting, or township and parish of Ashton-under-Lyne, distributing sewage, and to empower the Cor- commencing in Corkland-street, at the southern poration to erect, make, and lay down on such end thereof, and terminating by a junction with lauds all necessary and proper tanks, buildings, the intended intercepting sewer at a point in engines, pumps, sewers, drains, channels, and Whitelands-road, 100 yards west of the centre of other sewage works.
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