Cooking School Again a Success Lincoln Dinner Plans Progress
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All Ule New* of RED BAf K WE DO and Surrounding Towot OUR PART Told Fearlenly and Without Blat. RED BANK liiued Wwkly. Entered u Kccoml-Clmi Uitttt «t tho Foit- S'ihacrlptlon Price: Ori» Year $2.00. VOLUME LVII, oJici at Rail Bank. N. J.. under the Act of March 3. 18711. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 193>5O?. ,'jix Months S1.00. Single Copy *c. PAGES 1 TO 10. STORM HITS SCHOOL. hlclo and ao did the two men with Cooking School Lincoln Dinner Methodist Chorus Pupils Snow Bound the wrecker. Many To Attend Budget Adopted Out-of-Town Pupils Dent Attendance "I nevc:r *;iw bettor behaved chil- Again A Success Plans Progress of the Local High School. To Give Program At Farmhouse dren in al! my life," .said Mi^. Thomp- Hospital Benefit Due to the severe snow storm son In talking with Tho Hf^istcr re- At Fair Haven porter. "They didn't Rive -.-lie a mile Fifth Annual Banquet to be Giv- which swept the Jersey coast, not Old Songs of Four Types to be Fourteen Atlantic Township In Spite of Snow Storm, Which only trains, malls and automobiles uf trouble," she concluded. Card Party and Dance Saturday Amount to be Railed by Taxa- Caused the Postponement of en by Red Bank Republicans wero snowbound, but schools as well Presented by Choral Society Children Had a Three-Day Tile smow bound pupihj were Jos- Night, February 2, at Elks tion ii $5,364 Leu Than Lwt at Elks Club on Tuesday, Feb- as school buses shared a vacation. Next Monday Night in the Experience Last Week That eph and James Moreau, Edna iTec- One Session, Others Were htuiK, Cliua Biown, Donald MuUhcw.-j, Home—Ail Expenses Being Year—No Comment by Spec- Well Attended. ruary 12. At tho height of the Btorm laBt. Church. They Will Never Forget. Stanley Dobry, Adoiph Seihler, Stan- Paid by the Elks Lodge. tators—Other Mattera. Wednesday 156 pupils attending the ley Bennett, Myrtle Towlcr, Janet The Register's second jinnual cook- Plans are being made for the fifth Keel Bank high school were absent. Attired In costumes of the "Gay Thirteen children at Atlantic town- Kalurduy niyht, February 2, plves Tho Fair Haven mayor and coun- ing school held In tho Elks auditor- annual Lincoln's day banquet to bo Following thii storm, school closed Nineties," members of the Choral so- ship, who attend the Red Bank high Stewart, Dorothy Hunt, Adolitu: Mc- every promLse of bfing n great night given Tuesday, February 12, ut the ciety of the Methodist church next Oory am] Christine Olinskl. Also in cil Monday night adopted trie bwl- ium Friday and Saturday afternoons Thursday and' reopened the follow- school and a bits driver were '.mow tlio ]mrty, although IKII. snow bound for tho Kivorvlew honpilal. TVio oc- Kct of'expenscii for 1930. Mayor Au- wan a success in spite of tho trying Red Bank Elks club by the Young ng day. The wind that Whipped the Monday night will present a program bound part Of last week in the large casion will be the card party and gustus M. Minion lnfurriiril tho tipee- •weather conditions duo to the snow Men's Republican club of Red Bank. snow had blocked highways through- of songs written In that period of on the farm near Vanderburg, away from Innnf, wenj the four danco ,1!. tho Elks home on Broad American history. Forty members Thompson chililien, Joamjttf, Doro- tutors Hint the budget wus up for .•dorm, which made most of the roads Mayor Van R. Halsey of Rumnon, out tho country and accounted for occupied by Mr. and Mrs. William thy, Garrel and William. street. This event in sponsored public hearini; and that 529,000 of th« hereabouts impassable, Tho school chairman of the Republican execu- the abaenco of the 222 last Friday. make up the society. Thompson, The pupils and the driver by tUo ElUs lodge as part oC Its ac- taxpayers' money will bo spent dur- was scheduled to open on Thursday tive committee of Monmouth county, Roads were impassablo and trans- The program, which* will bo pre- left for home earlier than usual, tivities nlonK welfare and charitable ing the coming your, Ho invited but this was Impossible because will serve as toaotmaster. The portation ^o and from town was sented under the direction of Mrs. school having been dismissed ahead endeavors. Thclodgc is bearing the anyone to make any objections or many of tho firms who were to make speakers Include Senator Frank Du- practically Impossible. Theresa Willey, organist and choir of tbe'ceheduled time because of tile njUre expense and all the receipts criticisms but apparently everyone- exhibitions and furnish suppllos were rand, Assemblyman J. Edward director, and Mrs. Olive Wyckoff, will weather. About thirty Young Women will be turned over to the-hospital. was :ui!tstleU as no comment wfta unable to do no. -Tho traveling con- Knight, Freeholder Raymond Wyc- bo divided Into four groups, the first youngsters were in the bus when the Widespread commendation Is heard made. Tlic budget thin year ahoWi ditions wore so bad that on the open- koff and County Clerk Joseph Mc- folk songs, the second Negro spiritu- journey wa.i started, but approxi- Plan Fund Drive ! of thf! Elks' good deed in aiding tho a reduction of ,$5,:1B1 in the amount ing day the person coming from tho Dermott. All of the addresses will Hiked To Holmdel als,, the third so-called modern songs, mately half of them "were discharged hospital, and the manner in which to bo raised by taxation. longest distance lived only five miles bo brief. and the last sacred songs. at Kcobeyville and Colt's Neck where tnc r from Red Bank and on tho second they lived. The bus was owned by Junior Woman's Clubs of New i public has' responded has been Councilman TTenry C. Fricduuid0 * Among tho guests of honor will be O'er Drifted Snow Between each group there will be chairman of tho road committee, re- day the person traveling tho great- former Attorney General Robert Me- readings by Doris Hurst, marimba John Clark of Freehu!d. Jersey to Raise $10,000 to! est distance only lived ten miles from ported that Ihe snow plow and truck Carter, former Attorney General selections by Miss Evelyn Wyckoff All went well until the car got in • Buy Talking Machines for j i-iilnK fusi and it. in catiruntol that opemtod for 103 liuuha continuously Bed Bank. Last year tho cooking William A. StovenB, Judgo Raymond Seven Boys, Storm Staid at Red and piano accordian nolos by Miss front of the fann occupied by Mr. t l( a:!l 00 achool drew people from all parts of Blind—Meeting Held Sunday, j ' - J. " persons will attend. after Ihe storm of lunt week and that Bazley, Judge Harry Truex, who is Bank Two Days, Plodded Virginia Wyckoff. Mrs. Wyckoff and and Mrs. Thompson, where the Card* will be flayed in the t the ond of tho first -18 houra every tho county and there la no doubt had also vice chairman of the county John Ebner will be soloists. wheels started slipping. The bus slid the weather been different and trav- Their Way Back to Their Plans for a drive to raise funds I Jinny prizes will be awarded. While road in the borough was open. Ho committee; former Senator E. Don- The program will be as follows: into a ditcli and became so deeply for the purpose of purchasing talk- ||1(. card games are. in progress, there .stated that tho borough would bo un- eling conditions bettor the same old Sterner, who is also state com- Homes Last Friday. Organ number, "Southern Fan- imbedded in tho soft mud that it was j thing would have happened this year. ing machines for the blind were dis- will br: dancing in' t?ic auditorium. ble to clear any private driveways nilttoeman; Albert B. Herman, presi- Joseph Phillips has the contract to tasy;" "Dixie Land," chorus; "Old impossible to :nove it. Snow was de- cussed at a meeting of tho presidents Mrs. Elmyr B. Morrow will be hos- of snow. Several requests •wero made Several of tho Red Bank mer- dent of tho state Republican organ- transport the high school puplla of Black Joe," Harry Compton and scending with a log-like denscness and Braille chairmen of the Junloi tess at tile card party. ollowlng last week's storm. Mr. chants co-operated In tho Bhow by ization; Mrs. Dolly Madison, vlco Holmdel township to and from their chorus; "Drink -to Me- Only With and the weather was rapidly .turning Woman's clubs of the third district, The hennf!t Is under tho general ^riedlandcr recommended that tho making exhibitions and donating president of the New Jersey Affiliat- studies at Red Bank. Wednesday, af- Thine Eyes," Mrs. Mildred Morris culder. Among those in the bus waa Sunday afternoon *at the Woman':! direction of the executive cormnittee borough make arrangements to pro- products. National advertisers also ed Young Republican clubs; Mrs. ternoon of last week, while the snow and chorus; "The Last Rose of Sum- a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- clubhouse on Broad street. The Jun- of tho hospital, the ofllcers of which vide a snow fence at Knollwood and took part In the show. Emma VanScholok, vlco chairman of storm was at Its height, something mer," soprano solo by Mrs, Olive son, and the pupils and the bus driv- ior clubs of the state arc endeavor- lire.