All Ule New* of RED BAf K WE DO and Surrounding Towot OUR PART Told Fearlenly and Without Blat. RED BANK liiued Wwkly. Entered u Kccoml-Clmi Uitttt «t tho Foit- S'ihacrlptlon Price: Ori» Year $2.00. VOLUME LVII, oJici at Rail Bank. N. J.. under the Act of March 3. 18711. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 193>5O?. ,'jix Months S1.00. Single Copy *c. PAGES 1 TO 10.

STORM HITS SCHOOL. hlclo and ao did the two men with Cooking School Lincoln Dinner Methodist Chorus Pupils Snow Bound the wrecker. Many To Attend Budget Adopted Out-of-Town Pupils Dent Attendance "I nevc:r *;iw bettor behaved chil- Again A Success Plans Progress of the Local High School. To Give Program At Farmhouse dren in al! my life," .said Mi^. Thomp- Hospital Benefit Due to the severe snow storm son In talking with Tho Hf^istcr re- At Fair Haven porter. "They didn't Rive -.-lie a mile Fifth Annual Banquet to be Giv- which swept the Jersey coast, not Old Songs of Four Types to be Fourteen Atlantic Township In Spite of Snow Storm, Which only trains, malls and automobiles uf trouble," she concluded. Card Party and Dance Saturday Amount to be Railed by Taxa- Caused the Postponement of en by Red Bank Republicans wero snowbound, but schools as well Presented by Choral Society Children Had a Three-Day Tile smow bound pupihj were Jos- Night, February 2, at Elks tion ii $5,364 Leu Than Lwt at Elks Club on Tuesday, Feb- as school buses shared a vacation. Next Monday Night in the Experience Last Week That eph and James Moreau, Edna iTec- One Session, Others Were htuiK, Cliua Biown, Donald MuUhcw.-j, Home—Ail Expenses Being Year—No Comment by Spec- Well Attended. ruary 12. At tho height of the Btorm laBt. Church. They Will Never Forget. Stanley Dobry, Adoiph Seihler, Stan- Paid by the Elks Lodge. tators—Other Mattera. Wednesday 156 pupils attending the ley Bennett, Myrtle Towlcr, Janet The Register's second jinnual cook- Plans are being made for the fifth Keel Bank high school were absent. Attired In costumes of the "Gay Thirteen children at Atlantic town- Kalurduy niyht, February 2, plves Tho Fair Haven mayor and coun- ing school held In tho Elks auditor- annual Lincoln's day banquet to bo Following thii storm, school closed Nineties," members of the Choral so- ship, who attend the Red Bank high Stewart, Dorothy Hunt, Adolitu: Mc- every promLse of bfing n great night given Tuesday, February 12, ut the ciety of the Methodist church next Oory am] Christine Olinskl. Also in cil Monday night adopted trie bwl- ium Friday and Saturday afternoons Thursday and' reopened the follow- school and a bits driver were '.mow tlio ]mrty, although IKII. snow bound for tho Kivorvlew honpilal. TVio oc- Kct of'expenscii for 1930. Mayor Au- wan a success in spite of tho trying Red Bank Elks club by the Young ng day. The wind that Whipped the Monday night will present a program bound part Of last week in the large casion will be the card party and gustus M. Minion lnfurriiril tho tipee- •weather conditions duo to the snow Men's Republican club of Red Bank. snow had blocked highways through- of songs written In that period of on the farm near Vanderburg, away from Innnf, wenj the four danco ,1!. tho Elks home on Broad American history. Forty members Thompson chililien, Joamjttf, Doro- tutors Hint the budget wus up for .•dorm, which made most of the roads Mayor Van R. Halsey of Rumnon, out tho country and accounted for occupied by Mr. and Mrs. William thy, Garrel and William. street. This event in sponsored public hearini; and that 529,000 of th« hereabouts impassable, Tho school chairman of the Republican execu- the abaenco of the 222 last Friday. make up the society. Thompson, The pupils and the driver by tUo ElUs lodge as part oC Its ac- taxpayers' money will bo spent dur- was scheduled to open on Thursday tive committee of Monmouth county, Roads were impassablo and trans- The program, which* will bo pre- left for home earlier than usual, tivities nlonK welfare and charitable ing the coming your, Ho invited but this was Impossible because will serve as toaotmaster. The portation ^o and from town was sented under the direction of Mrs. school having been dismissed ahead endeavors. Thclodgc is bearing the anyone to make any objections or many of tho firms who were to make speakers Include Senator Frank Du- practically Impossible. Theresa Willey, organist and choir of tbe'ceheduled time because of tile njUre expense and all the receipts criticisms but apparently everyone- exhibitions and furnish suppllos were rand, Assemblyman J. Edward director, and Mrs. Olive Wyckoff, will weather. About thirty Young Women will be turned over to the-hospital. was :ui!tstleU as no comment wfta unable to do no. -Tho traveling con- Knight, Freeholder Raymond Wyc- bo divided Into four groups, the first youngsters were in the bus when the Widespread commendation Is heard made. Tlic budget thin year ahoWi ditions wore so bad that on the open- koff and County Clerk Joseph Mc- folk songs, the second Negro spiritu- journey wa.i started, but approxi- Plan Fund Drive ! of thf! Elks' good deed in aiding tho a reduction of ,$5,:1B1 in the amount ing day the person coming from tho Dermott. All of the addresses will Hiked To Holmdel als,, the third so-called modern songs, mately half of them "were discharged hospital, and the manner in which to bo raised by taxation. longest distance lived only five miles bo brief. and the last sacred songs. at Kcobeyville and Colt's Neck where tnc r from Red Bank and on tho second they lived. The bus was owned by Junior Woman's Clubs of New i public has' responded has been Councilman TTenry C. Fricduuid0 * Among tho guests of honor will be O'er Drifted Snow Between each group there will be chairman of tho road committee, re- day the person traveling tho great- former Attorney General Robert Me- readings by Doris Hurst, marimba John Clark of Freehu!d. Jersey to Raise $10,000 to! est distance only lived ten miles from ported that Ihe snow plow and truck Carter, former Attorney General selections by Miss Evelyn Wyckoff All went well until the car got in • Buy Talking Machines for j i-iilnK fusi and it. in catiruntol that opemtod for 103 liuuha continuously Bed Bank. Last year tho cooking William A. StovenB, Judgo Raymond Seven Boys, Storm Staid at Red and piano accordian nolos by Miss front of the fann occupied by Mr. t l( a:!l 00 achool drew people from all parts of Blind—Meeting Held Sunday, j ' - J. " persons will attend. after Ihe storm of lunt week and that Bazley, Judge Harry Truex, who is Bank Two Days, Plodded Virginia Wyckoff. Mrs. Wyckoff and and Mrs. Thompson, where the Card* will be flayed in the t the ond of tho first -18 houra every tho county and there la no doubt had also vice chairman of the county John Ebner will be soloists. wheels started slipping. The bus slid the weather been different and trav- Their Way Back to Their Plans for a drive to raise funds I Jinny prizes will be awarded. While road in the borough was open. Ho committee; former Senator E. Don- The program will be as follows: into a ditcli and became so deeply for the purpose of purchasing talk- ||1(. card games are. in progress, there .stated that tho borough would bo un- eling conditions bettor the same old Sterner, who is also state com- Homes Last Friday. Organ number, "Southern Fan- imbedded in tho soft mud that it was j thing would have happened this year. ing machines for the blind were dis- will br: dancing in' t?ic auditorium. ble to clear any private driveways nilttoeman; Albert B. Herman, presi- Joseph Phillips has the contract to tasy;" "Dixie Land," chorus; "Old impossible to :nove it. Snow was de- cussed at a meeting of tho presidents Mrs. Elmyr B. Morrow will be hos- of snow. Several requests •wero made Several of tho Red Bank mer- dent of tho state Republican organ- transport the high school puplla of Black Joe," Harry Compton and scending with a log-like denscness and Braille chairmen of the Junloi tess at tile card party. ollowlng last week's storm. Mr. chants co-operated In tho Bhow by ization; Mrs. Dolly Madison, vlco Holmdel township to and from their chorus; "Drink -to Me- Only With and the weather was rapidly .turning Woman's clubs of the third district, The hennf!t Is under tho general ^riedlandcr recommended that tho making exhibitions and donating president of the New Jersey Affiliat- studies at Red Bank. Wednesday, af- Thine Eyes," Mrs. Mildred Morris culder. Among those in the bus waa Sunday afternoon *at the Woman':! direction of the executive cormnittee borough make arrangements to pro- products. National advertisers also ed Young Republican clubs; Mrs. ternoon of last week, while the snow and chorus; "The Last Rose of Sum- a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- clubhouse on Broad street. The Jun- of tho hospital, the ofllcers of which vide a snow fence at Knollwood and took part In the show. Emma VanScholok, vlco chairman of storm was at Its height, something mer," soprano solo by Mrs, Olive son, and the pupils and the bus driv- ior clubs of the state arc endeavor- lire. Mrs. George T. Llnton president, also to request the county board ot Tho lecturer at, tho Bchool was the county committee; Freeholder went wrong with the clutch of his "Wyckoff; "Heab'n," chorus; "Deep er accepted an invitation from her to ing to raise $10,000. The amount ap- ATIT;. Wellington WilkhiH vice presi- freeholders to erect a snow fence Miss Laura K. Konncdy, who con Joseph Mayer, Leroy Gariabratidt, bus and. the defect was so serious Rlvor," bass solo by John Ebner; enter the house and have supper, portioned to the third district, which | dent, Mrs. John A. Chaunzy treas- along Eidge road, from Hance road ducted the school last year and who president of tho Monmouth County that it was impossible to have It re- "Nobody Knows the Trouble I See," Mr. Thompson, like all Atlantic comprises all of Monmouth county urer, Mrs. John A. Blel secretary to Grange avenue. lit that tlmo made many friends. Miss Affiliated Young Men's Republican paired In time for him to mako his chorus; "Night Winds," duet by Mrs. township farmers, always has a plen- and parts ot Ocean and Middlesex clubs; Milton Siegfred, president of Lorber and Mrs. Grace King; mixed and Mrs. W'illiam Ward correspond- M. Floyd Smith, borough clerk, waa Kennedy was oven better than last rounds. tiful supply of provision on hand, A counties, ia $900. ing secretary. nstructed to reply to a letter from yoar. She gave some extra recipes the Railroad Men's Republican club; quartette, Mrs. Wyckoff, Mrs. Rose, bountiful repast was served in the Jury Commissioner Charles Miller, Daniel S. Ely, president of the Mr. Ebner and Mr. Woolley; "Trees," The principal speaker of the after- The committee is composed of rep- federal authorities, Informing them on Saturday because the school was township board of education, and big dining room of the commodious noon was Dr. Stuart Nagle of the resentatives of the various auxil- that the borough has no relief pro- shortened a day. Miss Kennedy In Mayor Charles R. English and Coun- trio, with Mrs. Wyckoff at the piano, farmhouse. After the meal James cilmen Joseph Irwln, James Parkes, Charles Bennett drove to Red Bank Miss Virginia Wyckoff on the piano American Foundation for the Blind. iaries as follows. jects In view. iiddltton to being an excellent cook In their cars to bring tho children Moreau, one of the pupils, got out his He demonstrated the machine, which is also a capable entertalnor. ThomaB Gopslll, Albert VanSchoIck accordian and Miss Evelyn Wyckoff banjo and produced ttiusic for danc- Kcil Bnnk auxiliary—Mrs. Huljort M. George A. Hawkins, overseer of tbe and Kenneth Wyckoff of Red Bnnk; home. Their automobiles wero not on the marimba; "Sail On," Mr. is a combined radio and talking out- Fai-iow chairman. Mrs. Elmer Morrow, poor, announced that some men On Throughout her talks she introduced largo enough to accommodate all the Woolley and chorus; male quartette, ing and singing. The time was also fit. Complete books are" made on Mr». Thomon Doiemus. Mrs, F. O. Wode- relief were reluctant to work out many humorous remarks which kept Mayor Ira • Wolcott of Eatontown, pupils, but most of tho children were whlled away in playing games. Early liDuse, Mrs. F. W. Fickor, Wru. Homy the audlenco In a pleasing humor. Mayor Dorman McFaddln of Long "Church In the Wildwood," Mr. Wool- in the evening the pupils .and the bug records through an appropriation by Kohl. Jr., Mra. Godfrey Olsen, Mrs. B. their relief tickets and ho added that Branch, Recorder Harry Klatsky and transported to Holmdel, Including all ley, Mr. Ebner, Arthur Davis and Mr. Congress and are distributed tree P. Powers, president. although anyone In absolute . want.. AH of her cooking was done on a of the girls. The snow waa comlrig driver had no expectation of spend- Kulr Huvcn auxiliary—Mrn. John A. Has etovo which waa furnished by Water Superintendent Richard Hack- Rose; "Awakening Chorus," chorus; ing the night at the farmhouse. It throughout the country by the Con- will get relief, those on the borough staff of Red Bank, Commissioners down so densely and drifting to such closing with "Now the Day Is Over." gressional library at Washington. At Clmunzyy chaii-mac n and presidentp, , MrsMrs. relief roll who have been paid In CBHh, the Jersey Central Power and Light an extent that It was with great dif- turned out that they spent not only CurCl l SchwenkerShk . MrnM . \V\V . C. VanHornVH , for services rendered to tho borough company. Tho furniture used dur- William Jones and Samuel B. Zart- ficulty that the return trip was made, Members of the chorus are Mrs. that night but the next two nights present the nearest places whero Mr«. C. Roy FnUen,, Mrs. J, W. Ivlni, i ng tile demonstration was loaned by man of Long Branch, Herbert Brown there. these records may be obtained ara Mrs. J. 1\ Mulvlhlll. Miss EHliibcth C. will nave that amount deducted front of Keyport, treasurer of tho county Some of the girls live in partB of the Sarah Valleau, MUss Emma Burdge, coweroft, Miss Margaret Tobln. tho amount of relief tickets they r»« Hendrickson and Applegatc. Tust- township conHldernbly distant from Mrs. Rae Turklngton, Miss Abbie at tho New York city public library Oceunport auxiliary—Mrs. Jennie L. ing'a furnished two W'estlnghouse committee; Richard DeWltt of Long Holmdel village. They wero not ta- Strickland, Mrs. Eva Clayton, Mrs. Shortly after the bus got mired in and the New York state library at Herbert prenident find chairman, Mrs. electric- refrigerators, a Maytag wash- Branch, Assessor George Bray of the ditch Mr. Thompson telephoned Albany. John A. Blel, Mm. Henry Tiltoii.- Red Bank and Howard A. Mallen of ken to their homea but spent the Alice Smith, Mrs. Olive Shapter, MIBS , Shrewsbury auxiliary—lira. Elmer Wnln- Ing machine and a Phllco radio. Oth- night with friends in the village. Grace Allen, Mrs. Jesse Supp, Mrs. to tho owner of an automobile repair Wherever these machines have wriKht president and chairman, Mrs. Ed- rrB making exhibitions and dona- Leonardo, candidate for ohorlff. George Williams, Miss Edna Maps, business at Freehold to have a wreck- been used they have become immedi- mund Nt'Btlcr, Mrn. Otto Herden. Frank Wadsworth tions were:'Hod Bank Dairy, milk Seven boys were "left at Red Bank I Mrs. Anna Bray, Miss Minnie Com- ing machine sent to pull the bus out ately popular and havo filled a long- TIntnn Falli imxtUnry-—Mri. WellinB- Raymdnd VanHorn Is chairman of because there was not room In the of the mud. The garage man took ton Wilklns president? Mrs. Richard Dodge «nd cream; Mount-English company, two cars for them. Two of them mes, Mrs. Lorber, Miss Sue Holmes, needed want In furnishing pleasure chairman. Ford and Lincoln automobiles; Wll- tho dinner committee. The dinner Mrs. Maude Sherman, Mrs. Kate quick action to comply with the re- and .education for the blind. They ItuniBon auxiliary-—Mrs. Jolm Follet For School Board bert Products company, "Javex" will bo served at eight o'clock and went to the homo of Red Bank reln- Rose, Mrs. Joseph Turklngton, Miss quest, but the wrecker got Imbedded are particularly beneficial to persona president,, Mrp. Edwid n Farrier chairman,, YRnko's, drynondn; Stelntwch-Kresge dancing will be enjoyed from ten tives. The other five "put up" at tho Emma Lafotra, Mro. Mildred Morris, In- the soft soil even moro deeply who have lost their eyesight in late M RalpRlhh I,orienItt rcct. MmM . JacJkk SmithSih, Huduon Houco. There was no school than the bus about a. '.nlle south' of rn. Stephen Stevens, Mr3. Harold Wood- Leonardo Resident Make* State* company, department store at Asbury o'clock that night until two o'clock Mrs. Elizabeth Larrlson, Miss Mary years and have been unable to mas- ruff. ment About Hia Candidacy for Park and tho Aspdln company, tho following morning. at Red Bank last Thursday and some Oakley, Mrs. Miriam Coddlngton, the Thompson farm. Two men were ter tho Braille system by which tho palnta, varnishes and painters' sup- of the boya attempted to walk home. Mrs. Grace King, Miss Lola Rogers, In this machine, and they did not get blind are able to read raised letters Membership on the Middle- plies. Flowers for table decorations The roads between Red Bank and Miss Hazel Larrlson, MISB Minnie back to Freehold until two days later, •with the aid of their fingers. Mrs. R. C. Brown town Township Board. woro furnished by Dean's of Llttr Holmdel wero Impassablo with dcop Carh»rt. Mrs, Ifelen VatiSunt, Mrs, an during that time Atlantic; town- drifts iind tho weather v"»» Mtttrly 1 The Junior clubo with 510,000 will Silver. '' , . /'p ' Wanderings Of A Harry Compton, John Ebriei , Vernon shtp was cut off from all the rent of be able to buy two hundred machines. Resigns As Teacher Frank Wadaworth of cold. The boys who essayed the trip Rose, Arthur DavlB, Harold Coddlng- tho world by high snow drlft3. The who has Hied a petition as candlditat, : returned to Red Bank after going a These, machines -will be lent freo to Special prizes donated by -varlous ton, Warren Palmer, George Wil- men spent the first night at. a farm- blind persons and if any person de- for tho Middletown Township Board Runaway Horse Hhort distance. The day was a dreary house near where Uie wrecker got Mrs. Rohert C, (Theodora) Brown, of Kducation, has Issued tho follow- merchants .wero given away h one for them. They had no money liams, Melvlu Morris, Harry Comp- sires to buy a machine he or she may a member of tho Red Bank high Uay. Tile winners uf tbe special ton, John Chamberlain and Russell stuck. The next morning they walked d.0 so on tho installment plan. ing statement: prizes on tho first day wero: Mrs. V. Edward Cross's Steed Eluded Its with which to pay their way into Woolley. to Colt's Neck and remained at Emil school faculty for the past nine Having been it resident of MtfllS*"" moving picture shows or to attend Hoffman's inn until the road to the Greetings to visitors were extend years, completed her teaching here s B. Smock of Harding road and Fran- Owner at Red Bank, Spent other amusements. Most of the pu- ed by Miss Mary Gill, president of town township for" fourteon yean, cln Adama of Harding road, one pair county seat was opened sufficiently last Friday when her. resignation during which time my threo chlldron Night in a Cemetery and Was plla had never spent a night away for them to get home. the Red Bnnk Youn^ Woman'.s club. was accepted by the local board of of silk stockings each, donated by the from home. Miss Catherine Russell of Red Bank, education. have attended the Leonardo school. Albert S. Miller shoo store; Mrs, I Lassoed the Next Day. Shrewsbury In The children at the Thompson Junior Braille chairman for the third I believe I am qualified to serve our On Friday all seven of the boys sal- Mrs. Brown was a popular teacher community Intelligently as a member M. Williams of Fair Haven, a per- farmhouse had the time of their lives. district, presided. of dramatics, English and. short- manent wave from tho Spanish Edward Cross, a farmer who lives lied forth for Holmdel and this time Annual Y Campaign As the night wore on and It heonme of the Board of Education. I have Beauty Salon; Mrn. Reginald Vau- near Everett, had some purchases to they succeeded in making tho hike, On Saturday afternoon of this week hand and i.s well known for her filed my petition In accordance with ovldent that tho wrecking machine a meeting will be held at the home , Brunt of William street, a 2<-lt> bag mako at Red Bank Saturday, and as despite the fact that vehicular traflle At a meeting, under the' direction was not going to show up, prepara- directing of the many plays she has the law and respectfully solicit your the roads were blocked with snow .to was still Impossible over the route of James Mattonleo and as the guests of Mrs. John J. Quinn at Perth Am- coached in this vicinity. Her last franchise. of Heckor's Superlative "Nover-Fall' tions were made to provide sleeping boy, third district Junior vice chair- flour; Mrs. O. F. Clark of Harding such an extent as to prevent use of which they traversed. They floun- of Donald E. Lawes, tho annual so- accommodations for the unexpected play as a director for the high Bchool I believe that the moat important, road, assorted biscuits from Davld- an automobile, he rode to town on dered through deep drifts and some licitation for funds for tho Shrews- man, for representatives of clubs who was "Dulcy," presented by the senior function of the school board Is to one of his horses. After buying sev- of thorn had falls, but they were none bury Young Men's Christian associ- guests. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ritscher, were unable to attend Sunday's meet- class, which showed the largest profit Hon Brothers; Tillle Nestler of Broad neighbors of Mr and Mrs. Thompson, ing. Another meeting will bo held provide adequate education for our .street, Shrewsbury, biscuits from eral articles Mr. Cross tethered hi tho worse for their experience aside ation was launched. volunteered to take in some of the of any plays in the past three years. children in the moat efficient and eoo* horse on Monmouth street to a light from being fatigued. Tho distance County YMCA Secretary, Leigh later at the home of Mrs. Herman Her position will be filled by va- Davidson Brothers; C. H. Throck- pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson 'Asendorf in Red Bank. nomical manner. It la the duty ot morton of River road, a carton 01 standard and went to get some medi- Is about flyo miles. The boys are Cobb, epokc of tho activities among thanked them for the offer but said rious members of the. faculty. Miss the board to select competent admin- Kcrapple from Schneider's Market; cine. While he was away tho horse William McCormlck, William Metier, the boys during the past year, men- that the children were so "well be- Others present at Sunday's meet- Dorothy Macintosh of the junior istrators to supervise tho course of Evelyn Wylie, a meat loaf cooked broke loose and started for home. Richard Francis, Jr., Edward John- tioning as high spota the invitation haved and were having such a good ing were Miss Dorothy Woolley, Miss high school, a teacher of English Instruction and maintain tho school The animal crossed Hubbard's son, Jr., Forman Sutphin, Jr., John secured from Princeton athletic as- Louella Frey, Miss Alice Kennedy, and dramatics In the junior building in the school from Dletz's Market; Long, Jr., and Harold Pollacok. Tho time together that they did not want equipment In flrst-class condition »t Mrs. John McNeil of Madison ave- bridge and was about to turn Into sociation, to attend, as their guoats, to separate them. Miss Gertrude Norman, Mrs. Thoaias will take Mrs. Brown's position as all times. Hubbard avenue when a group of return of the boys relieved their par- ono of tho football games, and the Voorhis and Mrs. Herman Asendorf dramatic reading teacher in the nuo, a calto cooked In tho school; ents of much anxiety. Decisions on matters that mW Marie Mcado of Thomas avenue, boys let loose a barrage of snowballs. invitation to attend the Princeton- All hands prepared the sleeping of Red Bank; Mrs. John J. Qulnn of senior high school. Mrs. Brown, be- come before the board will be mada Shrewsbury, a house dress from To escape being hit by these missiles Not only at Holmdel but also at Williams hockey game Saturday, Feb- quarters. Spare bedrooms were ample Perth Amboy. Mrs. C. Lamar Thomp- sides being active in teaching dra- by me on an absolutely impartial Schulte-United. Tho stolnbach- the horao re-traced Its steps and ran Red Bank and nearby placep much ruary S. These trips are arranged for the girls and the boys slept on son of Asbury Park, Mi's. F. A. matics at tho school, organized the basis. I shall particularly oppose tho Kresgo company gave a linen lunch- across the brldgo to Red Bank. It criticism has been expressed because and supervised in the Interest of ticks and blankets in, the parlor. Mr. Smith, Jr., of Interlaken, Miss Vir- Dramatic club three years ago. Mrs. advice of political. lenders'or their con set each day. Each day jit tho then croscd Cooper's bridge and held tho schools hero were kept open all demonstrating and showing to plagtlc and Mrs. Thompson telephoned to all ginia D. Oliver and Mrs. Frank War- Brown also assisted a number of the henchmen and stand ready to explain cooking school food baskets were dis- up traffic to a considerable extent day Wednesday. It Is said that In youth, outside examples In good the parents they could reach that the dell of Asbury Park, Mrs. Florence graduates in their public speaking lo the pconlo my attitude on any' tributed. They contained a bag of whllo doing so. many neighboring communities there sportsmanship and the resultant pupils were safe and sound. The chil Antrim and Mrs: Gertrude Hull of addresses and presentation of their character development. That hon- matters which are presented to me. Hecker's flour, loaf of Bond bread Hoof marks In the snow at Fair was only a half session of studies dren wero up bright and early the Point Pleasant, Miss CarmelitaLucltt nddresses at commencement exer- Our teachers should be adequately package of Vogt's food products and that day and that for various reasons esty, fair play, thoughtfulness for the next morning and they looked outi(,f South Amboy and Miss "Marguer- assorted vegetables. On tho first day View cemetery the next day indicat- It would have been well to have fol- other-fellow can go hand In hand on a world transformed by Old King ' ite Dolan of Sayrcville. and promptly paid for their services. ed that the animal spent tho night with a vigor, sturdiness and whole- The plays which have met with,,,.,At, the present tlmo we all recognlz^ tho winners of tho baskets wore Mrs. there. At any rato It was seen near lowed this course at Red Bank. Many Boreas. The gnow kept up -without | much success and which Mrs. Brown I tlv iinanclai ditliculties o£ many ot H. Smith of Mount atreot, Mrs. J. R parents called at tho schools to bring some rivalry, is a very evident and cessation all day and all night. The ' ' " m *""""" Headden'a Corner Sunday and pur- outstanding result of such trips. has directed wfro "Pulry," "Mummy" our citizens and 1 do nut support th« Anderson of Plnckney road, Mrs. J sued by a number of men »nd boys. their children home In automobiles roadd Were ililpiis.^able; IIHTI: was no land "The Mumps," "JI. M. S. Pina- suggest ion which I understand W&M M. Pratt of Dwyano street, Ocean- Tho horso turned into tho Tramp and they had the unpleasant experi- Last spring at the invitation of the way to get the children home; and it Parent-Teacher ! fore," minstrel show, "Whole Town's made by Mr, Mandevillo that w« port, Francis Hccklng of Front Hollow road and then veered to tho ence of their cars getting stuck In New York Yankees, a delightful trip soon became apparent that another Benefit At l\UmSOn"l'«»"n?." "Boomerank," Tommy and I throw the township Into litigation street, Mrs. F. Aumack of Marlon right to run along the railroad tracks snow drifts.. Some of these parents was,made to see one of the closely 21 hours would have to be spent by • the Patsy." ' against its citizens through a writ street, Catherine Kelly of East Bci- say that keeping the schools open all the snow bound youngsters and bus toward tho Middletown village rail- day in such weather showed not only contested ball games. Upon the re- of mandamus. gen place, Madeline Brooks of road station. turn, a number of the boys expressed driver at the farmhouse, The annual card party of the Rum- EXECUTIVES MEET. .Shrewsbury avenue, K. Stadlecnan of a lack of common sense but an entire themselves as being very much in- There -wasn't a dull moment dur- :;on Parent-Teacher association for Worlhley street, Mrs. Homer Methot Among those who followed the ani- absence of regard for the welfare of ing all of the daylight time and un- the ben-clit of the milk and welfare the children, terested In the attitude of the play- fund will bo held Wednesday night. Shrewsbury P. T. A. 1'laiis for a Meet- "LADIES NIGHT" DINNER, of Conovor lane, Miss H. Llndoroth mal wan Clarence Johnson of Head- ers In their conduct upon tho dia- til well Into the night when the 1m- ing Monday N'fiht. of Branch avenue, Mrs. Thomas H. dtn's Corner, hotter known as mond in the face of the rooting of provised sleeping quarters were again February are Mrs. Jacob Kuper, Mrs. Fred Fin- meeting to be held ile l of McLaren street, and W. C. Wol- den's Corner, where It was stabled be hold Mumbiy night, February 4, at Col. Koscoo Turner, NuU.\l Aviator, favorites. Whitticr's "Snow Bound" February -1. at the schoolliuune at ' i Wednesday, February 6, but It half-past .''even o'clock, at the ROHO- ncrty, Mrs. William Macintosh, Mr.'. cott of Llttlo Sliver, ench a pair for tho night. Mr. CroBS brought the: To Bo Guest'Speaker. was especially popular. Anna Panels, Mrs, ncorgi< Ilalkin.iii, eight o'clock. wu.1 postponed because of tho boil of silk stockings; a permanent wavo animal homo Monday. The horac velt tea room at Little Silver. Mlsa •Arrangements' havo. been mado to traveling' comlltiuriH unused by tli« Lola Hcayo will be toatitmaster and Tho ninth annual council dinner "It was like a three-day party, only Mrs. Charles Gcyer, Mrs. Alfred to Mrs. J, Gullllams of Mechanic was none the worso. for Its eKpcrl- better than any party I ever went have i;. Harold Nevius, president of snow storm week. nti'egjt, prio BUlt or arena ilry cleaned tho guciits will Include Mrs. Herman meeting of tho Monmouth Boy Brighton and Mrs. Arthur Jacquest. tho Plirowsbury hoard of education, Tho fo.itivltioa lire .scheduled to b(' enco. Aaendorf, Mrs. Thomas Voorhis and to," said one boy in talking with a refreshment?; Mrs. IJcrnanl V. IXyiiii. and f*vcsaed at Leon's to Mrs. J, H, Scout council will bo hold Friday Register reporter. The eyes of Ihe a* a guest speaker. Mrs. gin at hilf-paul sovou o'clock ntiil White of Hudson avenue; ono houso Mian Gertnulo Norman of Red Bank night, February 1, at tho Berkeley- Mrs. Al. NiediMvr, Mrs. Raymond B.irker, welfare nurse, will akin | [h° chief feature will bo u turkey EA8TKRN STAB OAUI) PARTY. and Mia. John J. Qulnn of Perth Am- pupil sparkled im a new thought Pillion and Mrs. William Finegun. diOBS from Schultc-Unltcd to Mrs Carterct hotol at Asbury Park. Din- crosiseu his mind. "Maybe wiVU bu lablc-j; Mrs Rayir.mul rullcn. ndvev- ] speak. A discussion will follow the -livmcr. Joseph Knnnedy will" net as Carl Sehwcnker of River road; ono boy. On the banquot commltteo ore ner will bo served at half-past seven toustniusjerj . Must of the pprofesaiunul can of paint ami brush from tho Asp- Benefit Tonight la the EIBIKT Build- Mrs. Ronald Mulllken chairman, Miss and ladles have been cordially in- lucky enough to have it happen to UH tiidng; Mrs. Uvalll EnslicMi o and Mi.- ''"" dln Pnlnt company to Mrs. Anna Virginia Chnsoy nncl MISB Vera Nor- again before the winter hi over. I I.aUbert, cards; Mr-;.' (.'hnrle.i A. Wo!.. j Those attonrliiig the meeting were Kuidcnoys'of llil:i vicinity unil tlwlf Ing on Broad Street. vited. hope If It docs it'll snow po h.-irtl wo bach, Mrs. Kdwji; t'luniplin and M s. Clyde Miisi Mi*. Hriico C.UIIJI- wivoy. and children will lxi present. Kosiiti of Wall ntrncl, .icltngc of Senator W. Warren Barbour of Lo- crackora from Davldaon Brothers to Red Bank chapter, No. 70. Eastern cant go" back to school for a month," Edwin Knrrior," in-i/.i's. and Mrs. Mrs. Juluf Fruuk The ceh-bmtiuu will be, tu charge «f Star, will hold a card party tonight cust, chalitutin of tho council board, ho concluded. Ralph Lcuu'sttfot, Mm. Al Micderer, j A. ijuaokenbiinh, Miso Helen I-angi llio executive oommiiteo of Ihe so- Mrs. Harry R. Illackman of Arthur Will Ulvo Away Coal. will preside and Colanol Roaeoc place and. Mra. E\ Loddy of Branch at eight o'clock In tho Khmer build- Judging from remarks made by tht> Mni. Stanley Fielder. Mrs KstheH *<'•- :md Mrs. Morgan C. Knapp, Mr.i. ciety coiupiisluir F. 'V. Ktllnglon Ing on Broad atreet for tho benefit A ton of coal will bo disposod of Turner, noted world aviator, will bo ll-l. N. Pegrani, Jr., and Krccl C. 'Kit chairman, Charles Byrni:M, Jartic* nvonuo. on tho co-uperntivo plan by tho Re- the guest speaker. mature members of the Thompson Barnes and Mlr-s Kathryu O, Tilton of the lodge. Tho affair was oohed- family It Is hard to determine who tickets, I land. Keniii'ily, John Dlrlmlo, lCdwnnl Winners of tho food baskets on tho ulod for last Thursday night but was lief Entflno company Monday night, Roinalne, Willlnm I'<>rli>r, Aloxandor February 4, at the Carlton theater. had tho host time, they or their, ju- second day woro Mrs. E, S. Wlllard postponed on account of tho snow- Second Annual Turkey Dinner. venilo Know bound puostii. The Snlo nt tlm.lioivls Shop County Dcniorrntio Meeting. Perulval and Chnilcii Rico. of Eatontown, Catherine McOarlty storm. A prlza will bo awarded at Tho drmvlnKwIll take place upon the is now going on. Twenty per mil off Htnj;o of the theater at nlno o'clock, Tho aocflnd annual turkey dinner grown-up folks joined in the party 'I'lin .monthly mooting of tho Wom- of Bridge avenue, Mrs. E. W. Miller each tablo and refreshments will bo on all purohaseji of underwear1 , hos- en':! Democratic club of ,Monmouth Notice. between tho two evening perform- and danco for the beneMt of'Vernon whenever they could spare tlmo from iery, gloves, Iti'gs, HCKiiK' !-:;, robes, Our -ninth nmilvi'iuiiry eaIn IN OB. of Maplo nvonuo, Mrs. David P. Wood served. Mrs.' Lyman C. Vanlnwogcn A. Brown post, Veterans of Foreign county, will bo held Sal unlay after- of Sycamore avonue, Shrewsbury, N ance!]. their chorea. The .food supply proved corsets, conu:lelte:i and bnissieres. Twenty per cent off on nil purHmnea In In general charge Wars nf Red Bank, will bo hold at moro than nniplo except in ono re- Also extra uUc.'i. I.ewia Kpoolnltj- noon of thin v/cuk at tlio Knlr VInw of unilerwt'ar, hoi'lety, KUIVPS, baffit, 13. McGarlty of Bridge avenue, Jos- Ijcarn to Dunce Smartly. the Olobo hotel Thursday night, gard. Tho bread inn out tho second Shop, 01 Broad street, Red Bank. - public Hchool at Ilcjuldou'.'i Coruor. negllgoen, rubpn, cornels', rnrarlettM rphlno Kenrns of Broad street Card Farty at C»thollo High. Adultn' ballroom claim Friday oven- February 21, Washington's birthday day, but Mrs. Thompson had ft plen- Advertisement. It waa scheduled for- Hatuidny, ami buiHuleien. Al;w, exl»* slssun, Shrewsbury; Mrs, Blanche Lesh of Ing, children's clnascs Saturdays (bal- ovo. Dinner will bo served at eight tiful Htovo of f!ouv on hand and, cap- lint wsa postponed on account of the IJI-WIM tlpeclallv Slhon, 111. JllO»(t Lcrny place. Margaret M. Tobln of Mr>. Edward O'Kano will be hou- lot, too, acrobatic, tap, musical com- 10c Window Sluiclcs. snow : to mi. all-out, rtfd Rjtnk, "Ailvei'lJnemcnt, tcaa at the card party thin oftornoon fidy, otc); high school girls' .clauses o'clock, after which thero will be able houncwlfe thai rthe hi, soon made New Mini simile*, ll)c curb, in ecru Arthur placo Mrn. Fred Colomorgnn addresses by prominent speakers, en- moro than enough bivad to tide out of Oakland street, Mrs. John Chntn- at tho Rod Bank Catholic high school Friday afternoon; Now York meth- as well «s [our other coloi.-i. Just Many Income Tux CiuMiKeu. VnliiitliHi auditorium. It will bo under tho di- ods, Broadway routine*, llowella tertainment and dancing. tho Htorrn. Tho children Mild It tasted received Hi dozen ni'i'ii !lft-cunl Hol- CiMl.-tllll, It. 111. PilfUCO, (us nxpiM'l, KiM>!ins{ ciirdn, at tho All Klft't bcrliiln of Branch avenue, Mrs. Clara land, narrow shades- -hero's u tinr- Little of Rlvor road, Mrs, H. Riddle rection of the Parent-Teacher asso- Chateau ipl«U v«rl«" Roosovolt avenue, Onklmrnt (main hftd ever pnitaken of. Rotn. National fie, ldo and SI Store. nt Room 3,'Klaner building, til Bniud ty of vitUmllncii; all lilmls ttnU pr!pgf». of Jliitliioti avenue, Bertha Madansky ciation and tho card games will start school, Brooklyn, Now York).—Ad- ri«i»e Help! Free delivery. -Advertisement. at half-pant two o'clock. A dreos It's a quaint, old-fashioned custom After breakfast Friday morning street, Red Bnnk.—Adveitlmslnont. Tim llnont ol itvorytlilnK. AltoyUW; of Hcrgen place, Mi'8. Ella Youmnns verUsement. worth keeping up—for in any ono tlno table oovfi:«,'ri(i|ikiiia, plate« of Wllllnni street, Mrs. Madgo Fary from tho fihelton Dress Shop and a over too young or too old to fenl flut- tho piiplln .started leaving for home, Notice. Aimomiromont. fiivoid. Adviii'llei'iui'tit. of Clioslimt Orovc, ICatontown; Mrs cake will bo awarded ng door prizes Typewriter Specialist. tered by a Val Hltio? Conin to Tot- but It waa not until late in the after- T ahull mil. Iw veBjionnlble for nny Dr. O. Thatcher l'nrkei* han ro- A. Plltig of Oakland Btreet, Minn Pot- and $2.«0 will be disposed or on tho Any mako cleaned, oiled and ad- ley's at once. Never before linve we noon that all of them ^vero bnck nt debts conlrarted In my name unluua iiunicil tho practice of veterinary Totley'n Pot 'VspewtUm*. co-operative plan. justed, now rollor Included, $3.70. their domiciles. Mr. Thompson by my written authorization. meullclnn following an illness. Ad"- ornnn of Spring etreot, Mrs. Laura Adding mnchlnen repaired. Superior nhown HUCII a collection of Vnlon- . Guni'iiiitiiocl miiBliliim at b»J'i J. Twlford of Spring strcot, Mrn, H tlnen. Tntley'H, Broad street— Adver- preyed into Rotvlro a big wood aled C'harloH Wugnw. vcrllnomont. Pilccn. Kxiiort repairing, Typewriter Hurvlco, Koyport, N. J., tifloment. and a sturdy team of horses with Dated .Innu.iry 2H, 1935. liroHil otioul, Ueil Iiiiiik, C. Itnnard of Waverly place, Mm. Al- •*., Wor Bale. phono 484.—Advertisement. — Atlvevtltimneiit. '> Trubln'n Typewriter Unudijtmrtsrs. iiiont, fred narrow of Lexington avenuo Soda water, all (Uvors. Canada Tetlcy'n for Valentine*. merry, jingling bollH attached to TypowrlteiH routed, bought, sold nnd.Gruco C. Boltli of living pliico Dry, Whlto flock Kruoger's beer, ITuel Oil Is your wffo ntlll your uweotburnt? transport mimp of I ho children home. nlnbi'1 CIIIOIIIUII Seliuol. find repaired. Trubln's, 39 Burnt! and other brands. Aljo distilled vvu- In other Inntunee,-) Ihe parent:! culled I'uif., flenii, wlllioul w«sj», Ti Hhiewnbury. tor. Benjamin H. Crate, 14 North to milt your burner; host jrradoo anil Send ii valontlmi. Old fniihluiicil limy CliiHsca now forming tor children stiect. Red Hnnk,—Advertlaemant. price*pce*.. trnexoe!l*trnexoe!l d serviceice. . Fred DD. one—dashing modern Ideas--nr » lit- for the young.MpiM ixn Kilon n:i Hi" hi tinllet, Inc. tup, urrolinlic, cluuac- oil th«t MniiKia ncnriomy, *•• Bridge avanuo. rted Bank, phono ygo WJkWJkon Co.Co , RRedd BU h BJ Rnyti cam m«lUH tlvlvev tor dnnolng. 15 Rector plnoc, phono Allen Cv., •Last, Red Bank.-AUv»iU»om Freehold with lii» v«- Ked Ua.aU. SHI.—AUvorUuemeut. lll Tt KltAlU EntonUjwa VWUMffiMti Pace Two RED B#NK REGISTER. JANUARY 81.198B.

as proof that snow has curative prop- recent guest oi Mrs. Joseph Phillips spent th« week-end with her parent*. publlo htarlnu at t!i« Tovrmhlp CommlttH 1 Lincroft New«. Keyport News. rooma at Mludlatawn on Thurtdny after- * Steamer Mohawk erties and rids the air of dl»e»«e of HolmdeL Mr. and Mr* Albert M. Halfh. I hanky »t»« tt.t tht Oommla. noon at 8:30 o'clock IV M. on th« thrltr- ; germs. At one tUne.45 pupils were Otto Hauseman and family have Mr**., an.~a* -u*link. loHr. r*C wtut««4AiWla' t *nA » o( QltlMtta of th« ToWDfthlp of Mid-flnt day ol January. A. D., 103r,. (Till Rid Back Baglittr can b« bought out of school because of sickness. (Th« Bid B»nk KurUttr ran t» booth! daughter Melva are spending the b»I-dlttdwn kppointtd it tht Towmhlp'Com- at LJneroft from Gecmi Toop. ifha bma ID Ktjport It th« itore. of C01U Broth«t«, moved to Cllffwood. mltui of th« Town.Mp o( Middletown *• JAMES G. TIMOUVT, Sinks OfrSea Girt « delivery route.) Most of the roads In this locality Met. Florence M«!t«. Gut S«ntou uvd Mti. John W. Foster, Jr., haa a position aiice of. the winter at Anna Mwla, • Zoning CommW«!ori hov. tn»d« • pftf- Ch&lrman at Konln^ Commlation. were re-opened for traffic by Satur- Clara Sunmaa). Florida, llmlnurr rtr-ort »ni) before anbrnlttlnir lt> Frank Natale of Bed Bank, an em- with the laboratory of the DuPont flnaj raport to tlie Townahlp Commltua of -, DaUd January pih. 1095. Ward Liner in Collision With day. Clearing the highways of snow Mr. and Mrs. Victor- Ansorge of company «.t Parlln, N. J. Mr. end Mrs. Jamea L. Anibro are di« TowntklD of Itltttllttovrn, vlU hold • ployee on the Greerf Troen farai, re- provided work for many men. spending; the winter at Mlnrril JJench, It pays to advertloo In Ths Register. Freighter Talisman Thursday turned .home from the Rlvervlew 1 Jackson Heights, N. T., were) the Edgar Walling has returned from The Ladles' Aid society of tho week-end guests of theiformer's;par- Florida. - '. .' Nighl—Over Thirty Laves Loit hospital last Saturday alter tiding Methodist church will meet at the a. business trip to Philadelphia, treated for a broken left shoulder ents, Mr, and Mrs, Ira Ansorge/ Cornelius Ackcrson has resumed Including Mohawk's Captain. home of Mrs. Sarah Scott Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Strang of BrUttil, Pa.., DR. L. W. CARLBON blade. He received the injury when February 7. his studies at Lchlgh university al- The second, disaster to occur to a he fell from a horse and was admitted have rented Mr. and Mrs, -Thomas ter a visit with his parents, Judge 8UBOEON CHIBOFODlaX Edward Porter, who Is employed at Morrison's house on Maple place. SVard lice steamer off the Monmouth the hospital on January ~ He New York, started home from the and Mrs. Henry E. Ackerson. FOOT AILMENTS Shop in comfort ami county coast in the past few months has resumed his duties at the stable. Mr. Strung is connocteS with the En- Mrs. Jerome Slaladell Is visiting O(R« Haunt Dally 10'«. m. to • p. m. Red Bnnk railroad station In his au-gineering department of the local air- occurred Thursday night when the Mrs. I. \V. Hall of Newark-, a sum- tomobile Wednesday night of last relatives at Mt. Verhbn, N. Y, Evenlgfti Tuni*r wid Thursday. Mohawk sank after bcinjr in a «!• mer resident of the villas*, spent plane factory. For appotntmant pfaoD* ty43. week, but he was obliged to leave the Edward Farry, Jr., local attorney, Mrs. J. H. Hendrlckson spent the with conf idenee . .. . Ililon with the freighter Talisnua, the week-end at her home nnd vis- M-S8 BROAD ST. BED BANK, N. J I car near Mrs, Sarah Scott's store be- has been appointepp d byy the Monmoutnmuth week-end with her parents, Mr. and four miles off the cos.n frcx S«; r.ed a-number of friends while in j cause of tho heavy snowfall. Mr. Por- Mrs. Alex Cadoo, Jr., of Summit. Girt. Over thirty 1:VM were lost. < •^t BBa r associatioiti n tto a commit- h ! tor lives about.a mile and a half from tee of five attorneys to work out a Miss Dorothy Armstrong has been Chiropractic Health Service 'among them Cav.i;= Jo«r E-_Wooi j The lincnof: trrammar school the store. He attempted to walk 111 for several days with grip, of the Slofciwk. w!:o'r.:? Ki";.k;r. KM ;••»;: »::.-. ;i,ooo. SOUBSl dition. He was assisted to tho home Mr. and Mrs. Danlel Barnett of and Mrs, Charles S. Calvert. SI. Vr::-i':i5S rr.5 Hiordan, road over- Englewood, N. J., were recent guests 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to B «nJ 7 to 8 PM. . resting awhile he was able to walk of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.ployed at the Long Branch hospital, . T.L MS-J. the Ale.'-.;~:r- ".".-ey r.v'si .vrer of courvt>" roads, had all hon'e. Oliver Porter and Charles Harvey Bronner. r^x^d? '.hr\^,iK;h the v;'iUVs:e open by Green accompanied him. Us: Saturday r. vr.. Mails during the Dr. J. Brown, who Is employed as L Because of the snow storm the chemist at the local National lead stjr-i were he'-i up tinti". four o'clock Methodius had no prayer meeting; plant, Is stopping at the New Man- la*'. Saturday afternoon. last Thursday night. They will meet ! slon house. DRUG STORES JV?lr£a5ti?r William Gaflney spent tiw'-:r So~-\; ;'• •.*."•• »erc; (or yr:\yoi- tonight at the home of Mrs. Edgar Walling will entertain SsT£.-:. t-'.-: ~-<: ,•; :-;:-•: s.vr-. ?-.:.-• S'-.r.isy visitir? reisllves st Irving- Mr?. William England. the Keyport Literary club at the Ma- 60 Broad St., Phone 1444 Red Bank oir>.< :•• ••?--: ••:>• «w^ *' :::i :.--. Now York. sonic temple tomorrow afternoon, DOREMUS BROS. Cap'.. Frank MoCarror. of the Lin- when "Tho Life and Works of John 50c Phillips'Milk ol -r-oft £re corr.psr.y was :r* charge cf Colt's Neck News. Galsworthy" will he the, topic dis- COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 1 E t FREE DELIVERY and all atomach ail- 75cBaumaBenguo s Friday. . ! Deacon Slips' at the schoolhouse at Medford, N. J., were the week-end •ments. 41{ oj, One of the victims was W. Dwtgh'. \ Kenneth and Don? I^ayton.' chil- this place Friday night, February 8. guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. D. Sll- ,60c Bromo Saltier 4 Synimes, Eon of Mr. and Mrs. W. B j dren -of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lay-, Dancing will follow the entertain-1 cox. , ,65c BIsodol . . Syuvmes, surruner residents of Rum- iton, and Marjorie and Barbara Stew- meat. | Mrs. Irving Smock has returned 4 Bon. Their home is on Ward avenue. Iart, children of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie The Sowing club of the Reformed 1 from a several days' visit at Wood- 85c Kruschen Salts 5 According the reports given out, | Stewart, are confined to their home j church will hold its annual banquet bridge, N. J. with chicken pox. • •Wcdncs(i3 v February Chopped Beef the.collision was due to the breaking " " 13. George Jaffe Is spending ten weeks of the steering gear on the Mohawk. Mr. and Mrs. Harold * Potter and; ThTl.e_ pon „„..:y, owned by the Boy Scouts at the British Colonial, hotel at Nas- 3So 'ick's Vapo Rub 24c Both ships were proceeding south- daughter Barbara of Red Bank and was a busy animal pulling a. sleigh sau, Bahama Islands, where he Is em- Ward. PracUcaJly_._no. damage was Miss Harriet Roae.h of Everett road i last week. The pony was given to ployed In Sperklng's orchestra. PORK SHOULDERS Bayer Aspirin, IM's 50c /VR done to the Talisman. The Mohawk were Sunday visitors at the home i the scouts last summer by a resident Freedom council, Sons and Daugh- Grove's LB.Q. Tabs. 24c PEETUSSIM sank about one and a half hours af- of Melvin S, Reid of the Middletown [ of Middletown township. It is stabled ters of Liberty, are holding a card LAMB SHOULDERS COUGH SYRUP road. 65o Ptnex . . . 44c ter the collision and lies In 72 ieet : at John Graveleski's barn and most party tonight at Red Men's hall on Re&ular 50c Sito ol water in the main shipping lane. The Ladies' society will meet ' of tlie sleigh riding was done by Mr.Main street. VEAL SHOULDERS 35c Plso Remedy . 27c Thursday, February 7, a* the home of j Graveleski's son John. A red light at night marks the spot B Albert Anderson has returned from Hill's Cascara Qulnlnr 19C This was the second time the Mo-Mrs. Anna Bernell of Phalanx; road. I The new oJIicers of the Juvenile stgy In Trenton, where he attended hawk had met with distress off the Willgerodt brothers averaged a pro-j grange were installed* at the school- the Industrial show. 40c MusterolB . 27c New Jersey coast. In 1928, when the duction of 218.9 of each bird over the house one night last week by Rusael The local borough council passed RUMPS VEAL five-year period at the Passale county D. KeuUtt. A social hour'and rc- Mohawk was In the Clyde-Mallory contest arid were recently honored at the annual budget on first reading llrie service, she went aground off freshmenta followed the ceremonies. Monday night and set February 8 as Koto, box of 12 2/33c the annuSl banquet of the New Jer- LEGS VEAL l£c H> Sea Bright, after being In a collision Mrs. Arthur Semindinger is the newthe time for the public hearing and 50c Hind's Creams 37c with the Old Dominion liner Jeffer- sey State Poultry association at matron of the grange. second and final readings. The bud- Trenton given by the New Jersey Motlsss, boxof 12. 15c son. Tho Mohawk's surving passen- George Dechcr returned home Sun- get will total $115,402.82 which will be VFAL CHOPS *y gers were transferred by the coast Agricultural Experiment station of day from the Long Branch hospital, applied $14,807.85 estimated revenue. Lady Esther Cream 59c Rutgers university. Dr. \V. H. Mar- This will be an increase of over guard to a cutter and taken to New where he was a patient for concus- 50c Conti Shampoo 33c York without the loss of a single life. tin, acting director of the station, sion of t^ie brain caused by a fall ?25,000 over last year. The pay of PORK BUTTS The Morro Castle of tho Ward line presented each of the group, which from a shed roof while ho was play- John Stout, Frank Walling and the 75c Pert Bou«B . 69c •was beached at Asbury Park last included only those whose birds had ing. Ho-is well on tho re- borough clerk, Mrs. Adelaide B. produced an average of 200 eggs per' C g h PORK LOINS Xlclb Chamona talcum,!!). 19c September after catching fire several covery. It had been planned to bring Crammer, agaig n held up byy tho miles at sea with, a loss of 135 lives. year over the five-year period, with him home last Thursday, but this mayor, who claimi s to havh efid fired ththe a rosette, . . had to bo postponed because the first two on January 1 and reduced roads were, impassable with snow FRESH HAMS "** Mrs. Crammer's pay. The council . aior 23C "THE SHOW MUST GO ON." drifts. "'• voted to pay U10 bills, Bdwne not vot- Everett News. ing and VanPelt was absent. Attor- FANCY DUCKS Colgate's Soap 6(or29c 1IFEBU0Y I*ocal Movlo Manager Adheres to Old ney Roberts advised the mayor that HertthSoap. . . Tradition of the Theater. Miss Harriet Hawxhurst returned East Keansburg News. 4c SOAP the bills were legal. The mayor re- YOUNG FOWL Lux Soap. . 5for For a time. It appeared as if the home Sunday afternoon with Mr. and quested an opinion In writing from 29c storm wuuld Interfere with the open- Mru. George Qentilo of Brooklyn, The First Aid squad held their the borough attorney as to whether SMALL CHICKENS PalmollraSoap 2 lor 9c 2fot lie New York, after spending the week first annual minstrel show Friday John Stout was Btlll In the borough's ing of a new show at the Strand the- SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 23c |Wpodbury'sSoap3lor 22 ater last-Thursday afternoon.* But there visiting relatives and friends. night and it was very successful In employ. Frank Sensen was voted tho the perseverance of the manager, The Blessed Sacrament guild of St.every respect. The squad is very job of borongh electrician In place of POST TOASTIES pkg. 7c 'Sayman'sSosp . . 7rB Herbert Shualerman, la obtaining tho Catherine's church will hold their grateful to the residents of this and Myron VanPelt at a salary of $100 necessary films, which were la a regular meeting Saturday night at other places who assisted them. Des- less than paid VanPelt. VanPelt had BAB-0 can 10c truck burled in snowdrlfs north of the home of Mrs. Robert Martin of pite the stormy weather tho school- offered to reduce the figure he re- RITZ CRACKERS pkg. 19c PebocoToothpaste 35c Colt's Keck instead of tomorrow house, where the show was given, Keyport, prevailed, and the old tra- ceived, but Sensen, received the Job. , KOlYHOsNI Dr.lyon'sToQthPow. 35c dition of the. theater, "The show night as previously arranged. Cards was filled to overflowing. Edmund Tho report of Chief of Pollco Aabury PURITAN PANCAKE FLOUR 3»/2-*"- bag 29c must goon," once more was carried will bo played and refreshments Kueho waa the coach. William Till Mount was received, but It was laid STANDARD PEAS '. „ 3 can. 29c | TOOTH PASTE \ Phillips' Dental served, was the interlocutor and the end-over on motion of Mr. Currle to be Magnosla . -, 3 Cruso, Harry Investigated. A note In excess of DRIED LIMAS 2 ft.. 15c Tho feature dial and complemen- Everett residents were stranded In men wero Harold Uaeh* homes lrom the beginning of Lccklc, Robert McManuo and 'Wal-52,400 will be discounted for three, RINSO 2 pkgs. 39c Colgate's Tooth Paste i tary short suhjBf-t-i failed to arrive as ter Van Nortwick. The. other mem- months in the Peoples National bank . usual on tho night before the sched- the snow storm up until late Sunday Fasteeth, medium. 40c afternoon. Gang workers from bers of tho cast were James Red- to take care of water bond Interest CALIFORNIA PEAS ...: 2 Its. 25c uled opening and Manager Shuster- duo February. 1. ^Copies of tho min- Ipana Tooth Pasto. 34,. nian beenmo worried. When the aim Holmdcl township and Mlddletnwn Held, William Hanson, Francis FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT ;...... 3 fot 10c township had been working steadily Rauch, Robert Redfleld, Louis Eg- utes of each meeting will be sent the • delivery truck failed to put in an ap- members of the council after each FLORIDA BEETS „„...•..;..:; 2 banchea 15c pearance on tho following morning" since the Btorm and Sunday com- natovich, Frank Van Nortwick, Tor- pleted their task in shoveling out theranco Cruse, John Lane, John Nic- meeettng. 1 Jordan Almonds, Mr. Shusterman telephoned the head- Miss Louise Hollander was the Importer - and Domestic Wines and Liquors. quarters of the delivery service at Everett residents. olini, Mrs. Walter Van Nortwick, pound ... HORTON'S Newark and was informed that tho Mall deliveries through the Key-Mra. John NlcolinV ifro. Harold CHOCOLATE COVRREM truck, loaded with films for ten the-port office ceased on account of theCruse, Miss Evelyn Piney, Earl Wfa- Peanuts, pound . aters In Monmouth county, had left storm until four o'clock Saturday af- hart and Homer Rhinesmlth. John Joan Manning as usual the night before. The truck ternoon, 'the first mail delivery since Leary was tho stage manager and Po n d had become snowbound near Key- Wednesday morning. The first-mall John Rohrback was the pianist. Chocolates, pound soc port, tho manager was informed, and ito go out was at fixe o'clock Satur- The Geraldlne Thompson Repub- Homemald Assorted B"o x 29c the driver had secured lodging for day afternoon. lican unit will hold a card party this Chocolates, 2Mlb. 50c the night at a farmhouse, Iran which Schools reopened Monday morning afternoon inf tho fire house. he had telephoned his office. The at Crawford'3 corner. Because pi the snow storm no mail film delivery office gave Mr. Shuster- Monday afternoon the Middletown waa received hero Thursday, Friday Fletcher's Caslorla man tho telephone number of the township school had not opened due First and Saturday. School re-opened J. & J. Baby Talc . farmhouse to which the driver had to the distance on the back roads Tuesday/after having been closed gone and the former through "infor- the pupils had to travel. since last Thursday. Many men of OVALTINE Dexlri Maltrose . mation" obtained the address of the this place, found employment as snow Squlbb'sVlosttrol. larmer. Rftulir 1.00 Slit shovelprn, Robinson's Barley, Ibi 45c Taking Danlei Calandriello of'Lin- Tinton Falls News. The firemen of this place and the den place with him, Mr. Shusterman firemen of Port Monmouth will play MercK'sSugarofMinc40c Because of the snow storm last set out for the farmhouse. They en- the second of a aeries of pinochle Mollen's, large. . 63c countered heavy snowdrifts nearly al week tho public school waa closed gamc3 tomorrow evening in the flro Annual Dance the way but mannged to keep on un-half a day Wednesday and all of house. The East Kea^sburgcra won til they were a few miles this side of Thursday and Friday. When tho the, first match and they sny they KoyporU There they found tho road school re-opened Monday morning It arc confident that they will repeat Electric Flat Iron completely blocked. The drivers o was found that, nearly ail of the chil- this tomorrow night. 0 Pound SUB . . . \ 29 several cars ahead of his said they dren who had been sick with grip SANDWICH and colds had recovered. Some folks Electric Vibrator wera waiting for a snow plow to Boys can make extra pocket money TOASTER clear tho road. The plow, they said, hereabouts are inclined to view thl selling Tho Register.—Advertisement. and Bridge had started out frccn Perth Amhny, Double Blectrta After a wait of two hours, the plow arrived and cleared the road. Comfort Heating Pad 98c Altev continuing on a few miles, Sponsored by Mr. Shusterman saw tho top of a truck, sticking out from a snowbank on the Bide of the road. The word NATIONAL William's Aqua Velva34 c "Film," of the legend, "Film Delivery Service," waa partly discernable. The Red Bank Lodge Elks 233 tROBAK JR. William's Shaving farmhouse where the driver hnd gone and Cream . . for the night was coon found and af- BLADES Usterlne Shaving ter considerable digging access to the truck was attained and the neces- 47 Broad St., Red Bank Cream . . sary films were transferred to Mr. BENEFIT OF THE Segal Blades , Shusterman's car. 10 for 25c Gem Blades |. Tho manager cnade all haste In getting back to tho local playhouse Barbasol . . and arrived just live minutes before FIBRE-TEX the scheduled start of the matinee. Riverview Hospital CAN *LWAVS SHOP ro'«ov*Nr«ae A r ucct rr's. The road to better and bigger busi- WINDOW A dollar saved is a dollar earned 1 ness lends through The Register's ad- vertising columns.—Advertisement. SHADES EARL SAVINGS BANK Age Saturday Eve. Feb. 2d Liquor Specials! Guaranteed Graves Gin pt. 89c Roxbury 4iQc c ea. Canada Dry Gin .... 79c Water Bottle W Entire Proceeds to Hospital London Royal Good quality fibre paiver for .ixG-ft, wlndoiva. SPECIAL ! Can IMI rut f 1—Confederate dollar quoted LUNCH fly today at 20c, 1803. various Auxiliaries of Eiverview Hospital. Scotch 5th 3.49 Pilgrim Rum ... pt. 1.29 At Our Fountain 2~"Arctics" are patented by Mako chccki payabla to Executive Committee of Rlvervlew Hospital. Thomas Waltl, 1858. Vanderveer Apple Hot Plate Lunch Jack 1.25 3~ Kamai luffersln thirty de- cree below zero cold wave, AMPLE PARKING SPACE Antique Rye Served Daily— 1856. Whi»key pt. 1.55 A- ;}tart ol the Philippine- Yd. Apicrkan war, 1990, Burke's Irish Whiskey pt. 2.05 25c •%• RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 31, 1935.

AMUSEMENTS. 'as Bweetot You," "Rock and Roll" Mra. Wyckoff w«» formerly Mica Hat- Mrs. Flank Burns of Flushing, L. i were served by the hostess. The club ill "Oh, Leo-" Matawan Newt. tie Bolte. Lisk WyckoK and nurse Louii Mazzle has returned to hiswill meet again Saturday evening, '•Kid Millions," Eddie Cantor's Ut- will atay with Mr. and Mrs. O. IJ.home after spending ft week at Wash- February 2, at the home of Mr. and JOHN E. DAY* Strand Theater.. (Tha Bad Bank 4tMtai« (in ba bouahl Mra. Samuel II. Walling on Tele- St picture will be ahown at thala HaUwan from M. J. O'ConotU, 114 oubller during hla parent's ab»enee. ington, D. C, as the guest of his sis- "Kentucky Keraeli," an-B. K. O.-larlton tot three day» beginning, on Main atr..l. Jacob A. Lawla sad J. ft J. At a furprlse birthday party ten- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.graph Hill'road. Funeral Home Raillo picture, with the fun-making Raymond Witter. unday. Frodijced by Samuol Gold- TalllJ.) dered to Mra; Paul Royer Saturday Hazlet Boy Scout troop met in the PHONE 332. team ol Bert Wheeler aui Robert en and releajed through United 7. H, Lloyd upoke at the Ardent week It was discovered that it was Hazlet fire house Friday evening. FURNACE WooUey, will be thir Jonture attrac- rtists, the picture has In 1U cutBaptl»t church lajt week. Blao tho 36th wedding anniversary ot Scout Master Charles L. Johnson 13!) Broad Street, K«d Bank. tion today, tomorrow and Saturday inn Bothern, Ethel Merman. Black Harold S. Close of Mlddletown, N. fir. and Mrs. B. H. Munon, Those Hazlet News. was present, also Patrol deader Mal- INSPECTION at the Strand theater. Supporting nd Sully, Burton Churchill, Warren Y,, «pent several day« the early part ho arranged the party were Mr. and colm W. Peacu*. Thostj present Wheeler and Woolacy fa a caet made Jymer, and George ooft ' th{„"e» week with hla father,,C. E. Mrs. W. O. Dlggin, Mr, >ahd Mrs. Cards have been received by rela- studying for the tenderfoot examina- A Make sure your heating system up of Mary Carlisle, "Spanky" Mc- iurphy. A large chorus lo also to Clo»e. Elmoro Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. Myron tives from Mr. and Mr>. Charles I. tions were Thomas (J. Oowles, Wil- lone. Dlggin, Mrs. William Bedle, Jr., Mr. ia Bafc. If it smokes, leaks pas, Every Woman f FarlantJ, juvenile star of "" > seen. Dr. and Mra. 8. M. Lazow attended Young and Miss Elizabeth V. Young liam Peak. George Smeraldo, Henry wastes fuel, overheats, causes chim- comedies; Noah Beery mid Lucille The song number*, with ths «x- and Mrs. Qarrett McKean and Mr.from West Palm Beach, Orlando, Warnock, Ira Rathbone, Kalph Dean, the Wednesday matinee perform- and Mrs. Chartes Hunt. ney fires, or doesn't heat properly, LaVerne. :eptlon of "Mandy," the muslo for ance of "The Petrified Forest" it Cocougut Grovo and St. Petersburg, Fred Dean, Walter Dean and Ed- have a Holland factory-trained Wants The picture Is sheer nonsense, vhloh waa composed by Irving Ber- Mew York. Mrs. W. Oliver Dlggln, Mrs. WilFlorldii- . They vlaited Mr. and Mrs.ward Hlckman. Hudson Carhart expert inspect it immediately with- to look hfr bent nt all tlmefl... were written by Walter Donald lam G. Bcdle, Jr., Mrs. Elmoro Katt- John H. VanMater of Hazlel, who and Carl G!os3 have passed their out cost or obligation. Holland's though quite different from any of Superintendent John B. McCurdy icr and Mrs. Conrad Johannuen of to di\ nt rana nnd perfectly the preceding Wheeler and Woolflcy on and Gus Kahn. They Includeattended a conference called by the are ependlng tho winter at thcir; tenderfoot tests. The next meeting safety check-up service — con- poised, •feansburg, motored to New York home in Orlando, At Cocoanut Grovtl of tho troop will be held Friday tluctcil in cooperation with fire films. Endeavoring to salve aa good Okay Tooto," "Your Head on M1 ycommlaitoner ot education In Tren- MTS-SIMI'MGITY*' )houlder," "An Ear Full of Mmlo Wednesday to attend the evening they visited Captain and Mra, Rich- evening of next week. prevention authorities — is "nation- Samaritans, Elmer and Wllllo have ton Tuesdayy. . on their hands a foundling, Spanky, nd "When My Ship Cornea In," performance of "The Great Waltz." ard Curney. Miss Young, who Is em- wide. Don't Ramble with your life Created by Mrs. W. A. Close entertained with Mrs. George Barblnell of Hempstead, ployed at tho People's National bank Father Burke of St. Joseph's Cath- nnd property. Telephone for a with an uncontrollable penchant- for a dinner Tuesday evening In honor tho olic church gave a turkey dinner to Gossard I., joined them at tho theater. Be- K ia enjoyinji g a tthreh e Holland man now. We in- .MB* glaso breaking. Trying to roturn FASCINATING ODATEMAM. of Miss Edith Eggleston of New Ha- fore tho theater they had dinner at at Keyypport, , jy the members erf his choir at the Olil Gpect all types and makes of ^T la tho answer. him to tho orphan home, they learn ven, Conn. Delmonicu's. Because of the storm weeks' vacation. Tlrey madde ththe Dutch tavern on the state highway furnaces— absolutely free. &ZC The pull of the that ho Is the solo heir lo a,Ken- ; Offers » Historical Background Mrs. Frank Gastlger and daughter they did not arrive in Matawan un- trip by automobile and expect to on Saturday evening. NATIONAL SAFETY CHECK-UP back - straps tucky estate. Aboard train they Centuries Old. Muriel of Glendale, L. I., spent Sun- start for home this week. A dinner and social time was en- SERVICE malto friends with Gloria Wakefleld ,11 8:30 o'clock. flattens theHb- Guatemala) down In the .Quiche- day as guests of Mrs, Richard Erd- Hazlet tire company will hold a joyed by oflicials and workers of thi dompn, uplifts and In her home town they find the mann, 8r. Mrs. William Haup, third district roast beef supper in the fire house Aeromarlno at the OkJ Dutch tavern Wakeflold-Mllford foud going on inMayan country of mountainous Cen- chairman of the American Home De- the bust, and ral America, whero a sub-tropical Miss Louise Clark entertained with 'Thursday evening, February 7, from on the state highway Friday evening, controls the full blast. Aa Spanky Milford nhat- partment was the guest speaker at six to night o'clock. Due to the snow January 25. Louis T. Re'ichers, who tere all.tho glass within range, W1I- ;un and the trade wlnda combine to tea Wednesday for Miss Annie John- the Woman's club meeting Monday hlpa. >roduce tha perfect climate, la a fas- eon, Mra. George P. Lehritter and storm they were unable to hold It on was pilot of the new plane that Let otur expert llo ana Elmor arrange a lovo feast 1 .fternoon In tho -American, legion Thursday ot last week. crashed, gave an interesting talk. that will rounlto the warring clana. Inatlng, mysteriously remote land Mies Edith Eggleston. hall. fitters show Here is featured tho lilting "Teeny ifferlng tho opltoaio of travel—new- Mrs. Georgge Clark entertained Charles A. Poole, road overseer at Louis Orcggio of New York spent you what less, strangeness. A historical back- t di T Mrs. Milton F. Stevenson conduct- Holmdel township, is busy with the laat week with his grandmother on Mis-Simplicity Little Kls8", the only one in a turkey dinner Tuesday evening for ed a meeting of tho executive com- the Bhow. But something goes awry ;round that dates back through the her Tuesday Evening Bridge club. new snow plow, which ,the( township the Matawan road. can do. and hostilities flare, onturlca, a romance that whispers Mrs. Edmund Allen entertained the mittee ot the Parent-Teacher aasocl- purchased the past year. Men are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Wclgand 'rom every window of Its narrow Teachere' Bridge club Tuesday even- tion at her homo Tuesday afternoon. busy opening up the roads through- and friends of Little Silver visited $4.50 to $10 Tha battle on, with the Wakeflelds .wlotlng streets and a mighty gran- Ing of last week. Mrg. Gerard Dev- Tha" committee discussed the forth out the township. Some of the drifts Hszlet relatives Sunday. storming the Milford manBlon, hilar- coming production of "Crazy Politics" are four feet high. cur that rolls through the back- lin held high score with Miss Esther Furnace- Company ity reaches Its height as the horse :ountry land of the Cordllloras, that Blau low- with the director, Miss Marguerite The Karttan and Holmdel town- One of the quickest ways to find a which Is dragging the boys' wagon i Quatomala. Charles A. Carman received the Smith. 'hlp schools reopened Monday after ob is to advertise in The Regie- 36 Mechanic Si . Red Bank. N J. Imbibes a pailful of Kentucky corn Prom Puerto Barrios, the only At- congratulations of his friends Mon- The Matawan high school debating being closed during the storm. er'a Want Department.—Advertise- lied Rank Jl!>2 17 Broud Street, lied Bank, N. i. whiskey. Tho ensuing runaway lantic port of the Republic, back 200 day, the occasion being the eighty- ;eam will meet the Perth Amboy Misa Mildred Walling of Red Bank lent. HOlLflHD FURNBCCS M)IKE WARM FRIENDS scene all over tho mountain country- miles over the mighty cordllleraa to second anniversary of hla birth. team February 1 at Perth Amboy. spent the week-end with Mr. and eldo la comedy thrill action plus. ho capital, Guatemala City, la a trip Mrs. Charles Ann Neldllnger, Mrs. The question, will bo "Resolved, The Mra. 'Lester V. Walling of Bethany While this Is going on, Spanky, .hat itself marks this ancient Cen- P. J. Devlin and Mrs. B. B. Eggles- Government Should Grant Aid rond. back in the house, is putting every ral American country aa one that ton were guests of Mrs. Allca Upde- through the States for Elementary Tho Junior League of St. John's . glass object up for the Wakefleld must bo included, and included early, gralf of New York Wednesday and and Secondary Education." The Mat-church met at the home of Miss An- - to' shoot at Tho boys have a torrid n the Itinerary of every traveler. Thursday. awan team will uphold the afflrma-- etta Aclierson on Tuesday evening, timo ducking tho bullets. Wllll tive. , Early In the morning, with the anlst Mrs. Margaret Koch, who has been January 22. The sum realized by-the tossoa raspberries into a shotgun t still shrouding the port at Barrloa, food sale held at Keyport was $5.12. be propelled by Buckshot's blow- spending the past month at Nutlcy, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and a modern but a picturesque train has returned to spend the rest of theMrs. George Halleran attended the Following the business session re- torch, while SpanUy runs an endless clrcICB into tho valley of the Motagua li'tshmenta wore Borvcd. Games were chain of light bulbs through a wring- •winter with her daughter and son installation exercises of new officers River through the banana planta- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jor- of Monmouth Star Lodge of Shop- plnyod and tile flrat prize awarded er to produce a rnuchlne-guri effect. tions that Joavo A never-forgotten to Katheiine Barrett. Miss Ruth Eventually tho Mllforda are roundei dan. herds of Bethlehem at Red Bank last mpression. As the tropic -warmth Mrs, R. C. Devlin returned home Thursday. Harris won the consolation prize. up by Gloria and Hannti and th spreads over the countryside the train The next meeting of the league will whole thing wlnda up in a burst oi arrives at Quirlgua,- an old world Friday after having been In Trenton Kenneth Oglivle attended tho poul- bo held at tho homo of Edith Hyor romantlo glco as It la discovered thai city forsaken In the dawn of thosince Wednesday, Mm. Pevl In at- try ohow ut Trenton Thursday of last or. Beers street, Thursday afternoon, Spanky is not a Milford after al Christian era. Then there are thetended her cousin's funeral, the for-week. The poultry show was ono ofFebruary 7. Those present were Isa- The boys start back to New York t( 'ast, interior plains, Zacapa and onmer Dr. Donald Ruport of West the special attractions which took bel Heath, Anetta Ackerson. Eleanor leave tho warring families to coninto tho foothills. There la then that State street, Trenton. , place during State Farm Week. Shown, Edith Hyer, Virginia Milea, tlnuo their shooting In peace. breathless experience, the climb in- James Kearns of Mountalnvlev Miss Mary was tho guest of Barbara Kite, Kathcrine Rorrett, Starting Tomorrow at 9 A.M.!! to the mountains, precipitous bluffs, was arrested Monday on a charge oi Mrs. Remsen Beera of South Orange Gencvleve Johnson and Ruth Harris. up, up, shuttling back and forth, passing a worthless check. The de over the week-end. Carlton Theater. higher and higher, a magnificent en- fendant was arraigned before Re Mrs. Theodore H. Sickels Is enter- The quarterly conference of St. Two Icatures, "It's a Gift," a Par- gineering feat and an Incomparable xorder Harry Bolte and held for th< taining her cousin, Miss Fanny John's church will be held tonight nrnount picture, with. W., C. Fleldi scenic panorama. action of the grand Jury. Strong of New Brunswick. at tho church. Tho Young People'^ DAYTIME and .Baby Leroy, and "The Whit Mrs. Price Warrlck, who has beo Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Blood were choir will sing prepared selections, Though Quetzaloatl, that gay plum- visiting at the home of the late Mrs. with the assistance of Rev, Ccdrlc Cockatoo," a Warner Brothers' Him, Bged bird worshipped alike by May- guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sny- \»HU Jean Mull- and lUciudo Corte W. Jay Stewart, left this week lot dcr of 'NewavK Thursday. Iliekman and Mies Eleanor Winter- nns, Toltocs and Aztecs, has been GWborough where she will make ton, pianist, will bo shown for tho last times to discarded, the. ancient lore of the William Brown of Fort Monmouth day at the Carlton theator; short stay prior to returning to lie was the week-end guest of hia par- Mr. "and Mrs. Leon Hardy enter- flayans still lives. More than half home in Indianapolis. "Trans -Atlnnt In Mf>rry-go-Round of tho population are descendants of ents, Mr. nmi Mrs. r,c'onard Brown. tained the Good Tlmo Card and SSES United Artists release, with a cas that ancient raco and their adopted Mr, and Mrs. Edward L. «Wycko Mr. and Mrs. Fountain Builew re- Domino club Saturday evening at headed by Jack Benny, Nancy Ca Roman Catholicism Is colored with of Keyport left for Miami Wednes- turned licnno Ii'ri nbove 38-44 of ceremonies, broadcasting from Hi to nee - -excursions into tho country flu- house dremt high seas, whllo Miss Carroll pi of the coffee benellcloa and the age- Extra SIM* Sally Marsh, tho star of his troupi old volcanic lakes whore civilizations 4O-53 and Raymond is seen as a youn havo lived and died—the market Raffles who falls in love with he places—and tho Indolent fascination Besides affording an opportunl that is the city ltaolf. for. dispensing light entortalnmer the film deals with a mystery c T. D. Pearcc, ploncor rosldent of board a trans-Atlantic stoamshi Durant, Okla,, celebrated his eight- Among tho predominant sons . hi ieth blrthfiay by attending hta first are "If 1 Had a Million Dollars," " motion picture show.

Something New... SYL-O-FROCKS tep into

The QjOffifort T A Spectacular purchase! Yonil instantly recognize }} theac us dressca rarely sold for less tJiuii S 1.00 ! !1 J » Z QtT bade b tbe tear *t*t of the 1935 almost luxurious: Large, soft-pressure tires O Rjrf V-8—«nd dunce TOOT idea of wbat are standard. Safety glass all around comes GIBEiS' ABQR&BI.E t •aotnoWh tide b flkel ' at no extra cost A-watjr ha been (band to give rear seat pas- And, in addition to low purchase price, MHlttBft dktt comfort of "» front seat tide!" the new Ford V-8 gives you traditional Ford ftmhasdoaa* this with a new engineei- economy. It uses no more gas than a fagdeidopBHMji—Pn04otttng Springbase 4-cyIinder car—has low oil consumption— seldom needs valve grinding or carbon Yea aright hwo been& satisfied with removed; whliig mm th*n Comfort Zone Riding See this 1935 Ford V-8 today. It's a «*w ted the prated Sord V-8 engine together automobile value! la one oti Bat th« 1933 Ford V-8 offers ywPm^iryiH*T»

JSSD OP P. Oi B: Dttnit BarttnatbnagbUnkerul One Two Three!:-You're in a Qnd'ti Ca., th. Authorised A new dress 'f it fades! Well cut! Well Hewed! '4.9 S Ford Pmmtt Plan. horns! Plenty ot charming stylo (Ictailsl Jtv-autiM Vrvsscs 7 to 12! SYL-O-FROCK IMoorocr .Dresses 2 to 6.' Her*'* Comfort Hurry! "*>a ..i. ....^ Sensation! «»d Smart }Une*~ each •I Verg JUHfe f »»<•' 1.50 WOMEN'S Ileauttful colon In Tercnles, Stripes, Fluid! KNIT BAYON PURE SILK »nfl Checkf. Hay be nurd over n drm or SKINNEES STOCKINGS M B houfte dretf*. € Slip* 14 to 44. c

Mount-English Co. Sizca 8'a to 10>2 y want Trim Picot TopsI 3 or inwro! (Join rittinj, r 1904 STOCK UP ami SAVE! Ford Dealers for Thirty-One Years 1935 top pinliMt SmiR vrata! Tea- r««« in ini-ill, mrdiiinl aoi) (VIRY DAYIS\ AoinAim-ilfniinni Jacob St^inbach SAVINGS DAY AT N. Wanted nen > ^ LaauJr SCHUlrt-UNtnOI >> Unity pair ptrftctl BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH ! Cor. Maple Ave. and Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J.

A D«p«rlm«i>« STORE HOURSl rM Parking Yard 0 A. M. to 9 1'. M. In Rial* of 32-30 Broad Street, Slora In the S»mo SaturtUyi Phone 176 Location SlncatRTS 0 A. M. la 0 P. M. Slora Red iBank, N. J. M Paste Four RED BANK REGISTER. JANUARY 31,1935, woman suffrage fame will be represented by * bust In tho Hall of Fame at New York. Any American cltlcen The Good Old Days RED BANK REGISTER may nominate far the Hall of Fame any parson who has ESTABLISHED 1818 BY JOUN H. COOK. been desd more than 25 years, and some newspapers and Editorial Views Of The Phalanx Business and Qovernment Ea$erlyAwait their Ruling other Institutions which wers loudest In criticising and C. UANCE, Editor. ridiculing Susan B. Anthony In the equal rights struggle A Rambling and Veracioui Ac- FttEDEBIG 6. HAYES. Managing Editor, ars now among tho strongest supporters of the move- ,„„ m,ue3t of ono of Ita readers, re- zens. Susan C Anthony was not alivo when the amend- assessment Js not _an_exact | prln(, an art|c)e wrltt(,n jn jggs by is a member of science and there have been and un- ment bearing her nnme was passed to give women the " * ~~ ' ""' Charles A. Dana, editor of the New Illli ASSOCIATKI) I'RESS doubtedly are many grSss Inequali- York Sun. Mr. Dana wus one of the 1 light to vote, but it was due to her more than to any The A^ociatod Press is exclusively entitled to th ties as between individual property greatest, If not tho greatest, editor use lor republication of all news dispatches to it or not ; other single individual that this was brought about. owners in every municipality, as be- of hla period. Ho way very much otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news Not only did she change the mind of the notion on tween municipalities ln a county en Interested lu tha co-operative corii- far as county taxes are concerned, monwculth experiment and a fre- t»uljlished therein. this score but she also ended discrimination against! women along other lines. Poople who are not yet old innd between the several counties as quent visitor nt the home of the Pha- to state (axes. A corps of tax ex- lanx association. Member National MIRfftal Association enough to be accounted aged remember when a man perts, working the year around, had a legal right to give away his wife's children, even could do a better and more equitable Tho article follows: Member New Jrrspy Press Association an unborn child; when no married woman had & legal job without doubt, but thero Is no Farming was at first the only right to any money she earned; when no married woman certainty that they would. If their j means of livelihood of tho Phalanx Telephone Red Bank 13. could own anything; when no married woman could col- appointment could bo freed from ; people, and those who engaged in lt lect damages to her person or reputation and when only politics we would like the Idea much ! knew so little about It that John THURSDAY, JANUARY 31,1935. ono obscure college admitted women. The struggle for better, but Is thero a governmental I BiK-klln, who was then and hns over equal rights haa not yet been fully won, for discrimlna- J function which'ia free of politics'.' since been a farmer there, says that Suppose the lato Republican boss of when two of the cattle got their horns tion against women Is still true In the economic Held, but! Asbury Park appointed tax assessor's looked in tho woods tho men sent to the evila which Susan B. Anthony helped to conquer are for Monmouth county, which is what tlio house for saws with which to cut Practical Philanthropy That | ended a, surely as chattel slavery is ended. he would have done under such n »»' tliolr horns, und when thoy nt- Deserves a Community Vote or 1 liankS. i Jt (s well occasionally to take a glance backward system! }Vd think we would rather temptod to drive a farm wagon ' Evervono who has the Interest of this section at and this lo'especially true on the anniversary of the take our chances with a local asses- through an open gateway they man- heart will wi«h success for Riverview hospital at the birthday of this remarkable woman. New Jersey was sor, elected by tho people every tlntv aged to break dqwn tho.gate-poatfl on bridge party and ilance to be held Saturday evening at one of the last states to ratify the equal suffrage amend- either side of tho opening. They years "'and answerable to them as bought .poison marl, too, and thus . At least oha phase, of the long Wtiged "fold battlo" has reached the United States mipromn court the Elks Home The hospital has been of large service j ment. The Register espoused this cause when it was well as to tho county tax board made good ground sterile. John That-group l« expected to rule early In February wllether contract* with, a gold -payment etliiulittlim imtv to Red Bank and neighboring communities and by its very unpopular to do so. Again and again tho voters charged with equalizing assessments. Kucklln was head of the- farming be pnhl In thB current dollar or must be pttld lit Sold or Its equivalent. Left to right, standing, Justices record it has proved worthy of public support. I marched to the polls and decisively decked not to give Tho oollection of taxes has always group tuurNnthuu French, now head Roberts, Butler, Stone and Cordoco. Seated, left to right, Justices BruiidelH, Van Da'vnrilcr, Chief Justice Hughes, Justices Mcftcvnclds ond Sutherland. (Photograph Copyright Harris und Ewing.) One line thing about the coming event Is that every- jtn <» riSht i° vot« to women, but after every reversal tHe been done by the several munlclpall- of the ilrm of French & Co., produce it received will go to the hospital. The Elks have not j proposal gained new support and eventually It triumphed. lcs and Tins been a local matter. If commission merchants of New York, cent rec tho whole collecting job should bo waa the only other ini>.n who know only contributed the use of their home for tne party ' Today It Is taken as a matter of course that women and there was not a crank In tho HONOR TO BSD BANK DENTIST. Man Caught Between but they have also arranged to pay all expenses. Their should have the right of franchise; and regardless of country who could personally, or In writing, present hla views but was 'Scroll of Honor" Presented to Dr. only return will be- the satisfaction of having performed whether Susan B. Anthony wine recognition In the Hall of Fame or not her place, is secure as a maker of history. heard firai. Tho Phnlanxcra held to Eugene F. Newman, Truck and Automobile a public-spirited act what was wholesome, honest and At tho. mid winter meeting of the The coming party is in. strong contrast with some lectlve salaries of tho several muni-• j other InduBtWfcB clpal collectors. Such staff would j practical nil throughout tholr oo-op- New Jersey State Dental Sooloty held Andrew Mazzacco of Long Branch events which have taken place tho past year—events werc added Biack flUk atock3 werQ eratlon and there never blew for an have to be greatly enlarged at <*-lthcn hl vogue, and these were man'- at Newark Athletic Club ln Newark escaped With slight Injuries last Fri- which although ostensibly given for charity resulted In Instant during their 11 years of exist- •ocontly, Di'. Eugono F. Newman of day afternoon whou he- Was pinned Be Thankful Such tain imes a year when new bills, ufactU[.od thei,c_. There waa alfl0 a out-of-town promotes getting most of the receipts. No were being prepared and mailed out. i , w ences tho faintest breath of scandal Red Bank was olllclally awarded the between a truck und an automobile ma( hine sh a ncksmlth 8hop and there. That this could only havo beon one need have any distrust that the coming affair will be Tyranny Cant Happen Here. It would be a swell thing for the a iloMrl mni Tho ,aUor w to 'Scroll of Honor' iu recognition of n Brond oticet. of that sort. When the Elks set out to perform a phil- county political bosa from a patron-, be ^ Bourco fl£ _ the result ot tho most earnest and special achievement. Mnzzacco, n driver for Swift & The following Is an editorial from tho New York anthropic act. they do it right, with no opportunity for age standpoint, but we doubt if the , watchful endeavors must be appar- Tho "Scroll" waa presented as a ra- Jompany, wnu standing In tho ronr World-Telegram: Fro(n grlndln thcIr OWI1 mhl they ent to whoever considers what sort chlselers to muscle in. ' . . •> taxpayers would be any bettor off. L;unc l(J grin[lil^ ihal of the neigh- ward of merit for tho beat plan of of hla truck when an automobile, 1 Tho little hard-up town of Everson, Penn- Home rule Is being discredited dipping it to of material composed tho army that caring for the Dental requirements driven by Fred Kolmnn of Leonard The party Saturday night should bo largely patron- borhcodi aml thcu t0 knocked at tho gates for admittance. sylvania, gets Its water from a private company. these days, but it "still has much ;N-CW York and sending it back In of school children, In tho public Btreet, awerved ln order to avoid ized. Even those who do not care for bridgo games and And yot the Jersey people thought school clinics.' hitting a car coming in I lie opposite Because some ninety per cent of the families merit. Thero is no available proof; lho shap0 flf /lgm. of a a quallty< dancing have good reason to buy tickets If they can then, and think now, that lt waa a direction, arid crashed intolho truck. are on relief the town is two years behind on an- that tho state under our prcseht^o-; At (he highest int of aUccesa in Dr. Newman perfected and presoht- spare the wherewithal to do BO. The cause Is a good free-love community. They could not a comprchenslvD definite plan Mazzacco was pinned between the nual water payments. According to a United litical set-up can do any better than the-Phalanx the piace pregented a one; and a vote of thanks is In order from the commun- n he 3 CV C 1 t leS| 1Sft understand tho colony at all. The standardizing the school children den- two vohlcles. Press dispatch, the company lost patience and J ^ _ ^iT"L !l!!, i . ,vcry .interesting study. There were almplo fact' that tho Phalanx glrlB ity to the Elks. alone—Freehold Transcript.»,. „ . numly *oo people there, and their ial problems. HorGtofofc, tho va- Policeman Albert Ncwinnir" took sent out a crew armed with sledge hammers. and women • wore, the Bloorper cos- rious schools havo employed Various hume was tho big building now atand- tume settled thla point In the juieX Mawacco to Itivcrvlew lioapllal wlmrc- They wrecked the lire hydrants, Bay borough offi- means ot handling the problem, while ho was treated for bruised about his cials, leaving water to gush forth and freeze. Blizzards and Blessings. ing that has been likened to a hotel. mind. Tho Phalanx girls found the Dr. Newman'a plan amply fills a long Us dining room was also ita ball short olttrt anu long trousers the needed solution of a longer sought logs nnd body. Ho waa then per- Feed the Birds in Tho town's 1,900 inhabitants were left with- Winter's white horses again have mitted to return .to his home. galloped across the upper tier of the room', and aa it is today, thero aro best costume when at work, wash- perfected system. Their Time of Stress. out protection from a disastrous fire. not many halla in New Jeraey aa ing, scrubbing, waiting on table, The water company has hardly helped the United States, kicking up a., whltv Known 60 tho "Newman Plan," Dr. The hungriest period of tho year for birds Is at dust which gubcidos into tumbled Urge, as handsome or aa well-built moving about near machinery, toll- I'OOB MAN'S FKKTII1Z1CB. cause of private utility ownership. Newman's successful effort Is doo- hand. Thei last half of tho winter is always the hardest drifts of snow. Time was when such as it is. At the further end la a ing In thc fields and elsewhere. They ined to boeomo adopted by many Such an Incident could not occur at Ked Bank or ^.euL uil pj luting of some sanguine time for them to find food because It Is then that the a visitation would have been received 1 loved tho dross soL that they shaped other states In their Dental Clinic Amount of J'lant Komi FrDm Snow any other community with a publicly-owned water plant. piiiloVoi.i^r'a dream of a model Four supply of weed seeds and other things provided by Old with grumbles and dread. The con- silk and aatin into it and danced ln activities. Is Very Mttlo. In such communities all water used for fighting fires, ifT'jip rity, looking a littln like a it on Fouricr'o birthday and other Mother Nature as provender for her winged friends runa sequent slowing down ot busings Dr. Newman waa recently elected sprinkling streets, flushing sewers and other public pur- world'.) fairground and somewhat re- grand occasions, Tho oldi naylng that "nriow 13 tho lowest. Tho heavy snow fall last week locked most of activity by the snows of before-the- president of the Monmouth County poor man's fortlllier" noods somo poses 1H provided without expense to the taxpayers and slump days was looked upon as sembling a Western railroad center, The home life and the rearing of Dental socloty. tho diminishing food supply beyond reach, and It 1B re- mainly composed of passenger and analysis to be fully iindc-rHtood, ac- no matter how desperate financial conditions may be- something approaching a cataclysn children were exemplary. All the Othor Rod Bank dentists and as- ported that many birds havo died from starvation. A „ , , . . ., i,, L,,, nc^lu depots. Here'the service at intellectual pastimes of the city folk, cording W M. A. Clink, asslatnnt come there Is no possibility of homes being destroyed sistants attending the Mid-Winter county agricultural nirent. Tho largo number of fatalities of this lilnd occurred lnst win- So heavy was the foot of indues ^ -^J ^ porformcd by waUor IceUires, concerts, readings, plays and because of hydrants being turned off. ' pressed down- on the pedal of profits mooting woro Dr. Fred L. Wowman, amount of plant fond which Is tor becaunn of unusually severe weather, and everyone >, the wiveii, daughters and sisters the posseaaion of tho dally papers, Dr. William M. Pearce,.ana Dr. Her- that any other sound seemed dis- Lf the Phalanx men. Here, also they brought to an acre of land by a cov- who knows how Important It Is that bird life be con- This Incident ut Everson Is only -another illustration cordant even, the wind ln the oaves the.magazines, a fine library, and an bert Ely Williams of Red Bank, Dr, ering of dhow if! not autllclenl to lm of the fact that under private ownership utilities are I did thuir cooking and heating by exceedingly Well-equlppiMl nchool Thomas el :McVey of Atlantic High* Borved will bo Interested In taking every pnsslhle means Kilt live yours nlvos loom for rtcam. In all New Jersey there wan "Worth conoldei'lng. However, this to prevent more such losses. conducted with an, eye single to profits. It causes little ! thought, adjustment, realigning of wore enjoyed there; Tho stylo of llv* ands and Dr. Henry Rlttcrman of fact should not minimize the value not another such kitchen or restau- Ing at first Indulged ln proved not Hlfrhlande. Mrs. Edith Worth of All except those in destitute circumstances can aid or no concern to corporations to enforce a hard-boiled i values. A mid-winter blizzard still rant. Tho food waa excellent and'tho of sno\v> to tho fanner. rulo which Increases poaalblllty of fire losses when they j interferes with business, but less to have been warranted by the In- Rod Sank served an chairwoman -of Jn this work, It requires little expense and effort. grumbling is heard. Rather, the con- cooking elaborate. coiho of tho colony; and an old ex- ho registration committee and Miss The amount of mtcnv on Ihu nioun- Cracked corn, wheat and sunflower seeds scattered about deem It wise to do this from a purely selfish viewpoint! t talns is ii mattftr of greatest ciincera ; sensua taken from the lips of numer- ' Work was thua furnished for worn- chief, who put everything aa tersely Josephine Nestler of Shrewsbury as- en to farnmrs und stockmen, as well iis bare places and pieces of suet fastened to trees or poles of dollars and cents. One would hardly believe In this oug Now England business men whoso time was not wholrtt taken aa poaslblo, said yesterday that "thoy sisted In tho clinic given by the Mon- U th to munlelpalllliis In the iliouhtalnoils are very acceptable fare for birds. Those who enjoy supposedly enlightened ago that anything could happen seems to be summed up in tho re- P '" <=ir own families, and who, never prospered until they camo mouth County Dental Assistants as- 1 m tho wo ld at Iar e would llav0 regions of our country. It la tho .•watching tho activities of their feathered frlenda will I "•"> that which Is reported to have occurred at Everson. mark: "Quite a storm, eh? Well, l' S ' down to the bed-rock of grlddlc-cakes sociation. _ n0 hicnmiro of tho water supjily fui- tho almost invariably be more than rewarded by viewing the All municipalities with publicl^wned water plant3 have thls'll mew work for a lot of poor j^ ouch opportunities for malt- and sorghum." They were, lu tho coming seaKon. In Nevada and'TJtah, large usage made of the dining plaee3 which they pro- good reason to feel gratified that no corporation can ty- folk." Ing themselves useful and comfort- main, ehrowd and practical- people, TA1K ON JiSKIM'OS. for cxainiile, tlio experiment stations vlde. rannlze over them ln this fashion. able. Here, also, and In various oth- whoso extravagances, such as tha havo perfected snow survey methods Thus comes the conclusion that in er ways, children, who, If they had Too much emphasis cannot be placed on the need for iunoral of Chief Martin, were due to Rev. F. B. Prnngo to Address Chil- by which they can predict the avail- business recessions as well as mld- been anywhere- else, would havo exl^me earnestness rather than mere dren At Cailton Theater Feb. 9. bird preservation. Our winged frlend3 hold Insect and v.inter blizzards, it's an ill wind that able water supply In tlio arid regions found no way to add to the family sentiment; and the very men. who at the foot of the mountains for the rodent hordea In check and they are great devourera of Moweth no man good. Most especial- income, worked at odd jobs. Tho Perhaps no one la better able to led In that quaint parade all attained give a true picture of the Alaskan growing soafjon. soedB which would otherwise become obnoxious weeds. Small Vote at an ly is this true in regard to numerous restaurant workers formed several at least moderate distinction and In addition to their utilitnrian service they have large mountainous resorts ln the North, groups in what was called the house- Eskimo than tho Rev. Francis B. After all, in the last analysis, snow prosperity. In the -world afterward. Prango, S. J., a Jesuit Missionary, ornamental worth as part, of the poetry of outdoor life. Important Election. American snow belt, where a good hold or aomesl[e Berlcg, Tnla scrie3 Charles Chapin invented the Sewing ia merely solidillcd water and, there- fall of snow Is welcome because « . included thc kitchen, laundry, wait-1 who has lived among,them for many fore, Ita function ln plnnt -growth It behooves everyone who is able to do so to help the That only 616 Red Bank citizens voted at the recent machine hemmer; Nathan French lo years. Father Frange will apoalt on draws more customers. A distinct ing (at tables,) sewing and several] conspicuous In mercantile circles In and ln practical agriculture is essen- birds in their time of stress. The value of the service election on the question of enlarging the school facilities trend—stimulated, perhaps, by the : ther groups. "Alaska, Xiand of tho Mid-day Moon," at a cost of 5228,000 is not creditable. From the stand- o New York; Benjamin Urrier'a Is a tially tho nanio us that of rainfall. which they perform for mankind Is much greater than sense of leisure discovered amidst j on Saturday morning, February 9, It Is well known that water dissolves Afa idca may be had of how the familiar name. The Angells, the at ten o'clock at the Carllon theater, tho small amount Of money and labor needed to tide point of finances alono the election was much more im- the ramifications of readjustment— I tilvitled up by the the plant food already in the soli, lt portant than many regular fall elections at which "party whole work waa Bucklins, tho Cole-tnanB and a score and will show fascinating motion pic- them over their hungry period. They need help during is today observable in the North reports in the New York papers of acts aa a carrier ol' this dissolved names and emblems are used to conjure. The school of others have prosporod beyond tures taksn In Eskimo villages. only a short time, hut they are on the Job evory day for Amerlcan snow regions—a trend to- th0 nrgt Iunoral at th0 pj,aianx. most people, deorge B. Arnold's plant food ulready ln tlio noil. It acts Successor to Father Jetty who wasafl a carrier of this dissolved plant thc benefit of hum;in beings. election lacked partisan appeal, and It la a sad commen- ward wholesale enjoyment of winter Sevcn ycara passed before a death maglo rufile revolutionized ono In- nmca the first missionary to establish a tary that the vote was small on this account. 8 - occurred, and James H. Martin's waa dustry; and Oeorgo Arnold, the poet food from the soil to tho plants. It The majority In favor of the proposal was decisive Following the lead of Switzerland, ' the first funeral. In tho procession successful mission ln Alaska, Father furnishes tho elements hydrogen and of Bohemia, did not die so young but Prango has come Into possession- of oxygon, which arc uwed ln largo on the basis of the number of ballots cast and the board the climate and facilities of which to the tomb President Sears led the that ho left hla namo In people's Father Jetty's wealth ot manuscripts, amounts by plants. It keepB tho cells Shrewsbury Township, of education Is now under orders to provide the enlarged have their parallels in America, ; way. Tho body followed, attended by mindg. which aro probably tho most exten- of the plants in a nwollen condition school facilities as soon as possible. Thc Email vote, scores of localities favored by the six members of the Kitchen Garden After eleven years the colony broke Blvo and the only authentic writings which U essential for normal plant Our Hat Is Off to You! while allowing u deplorable lack of interest In civic af- snows are adopting with zest the Group, of which tho deceased man up, and BO etimo thn end, when out- on those Eskimos. Fathor Jetty, who growth, It maintains a Inoro uni- most zestful business of catering to had been the head The cnembors of side creditors received ono hundred For the fifth consecutive year Shrewsbury township fairs, seems to prove that the verdict Is generally popu- was the son of tho Lieutenant Gov- form tompenlUiro In tho plants dur- the winter vacationist, since comll- i this group all bore, ln rest, t|elr hoes cents on tho dollar, and Insiders six- ernor of Canada, lived among tho ing the growing season by evaporat- will not have to raisu municipal taxes, It lo a unique lar. Most people are much quicker to vote against some- tions unfavorable to travel abroad ns emblems of their profession, thing they do not want than to vote for something they ty-five cents. But not a man of them Eskimos for 30 yearn. Ho was a ing water from the leaven. accomplishment :md one which would probably be a have kept thousands of Americans These were draped. A hoo end spado, not a woman would or will admit great linguist and mathematician, an physical impossibility to duplicate in the average com- do want. Reasoned on this basis, a great majority of! at home, draped and crossed, rested on the that tho scheme thua tested ia not astronomer, and a keen scholar of Snowfall HOB some- advantages over munity, for theie are special conditions in Shrewsbury people are In favor of the school enlargements. Ap- ! cofun. Then followed tho family, ethnology. Realizing that ho was en- rainfall, In that an lho enow molU, There may be a lesson In the fact lhc practicable, or that their venture can townr-hip which do not !>xit;t in many other places. All parently they were so sure the appropriations would be that lt has taken several loan years ! " tho Agricultural Series, headed fairly be called a. failure They lovo tering upon virgin territory, due to tin' water is distributed more gradu- carried that many of them did not vote. Whether this is ! to call America's attention to the by its chief, John Buclslln and thus tho memory of th« Phalanx; and tho fact that hostile Indiana had de ally than during n heavy rain and the same, too much iicdit cannot be given to the town- composed: ship committee and to the otiicr" township officials for true or not, the board haa a mandate from the people fatness of her winters. It even seems Bomo of them, among the most sub- stroyed tho white missionaries who thus tho soil lias un opportunity to 1, tho Market Gordon Group, with went before him, Father Jetty eager- absorb tho water without fo much, 1he wonderful record of eronnmy mann. Tho citizens of and no time should be Inst ln getting the work started. conceivable that a little more gratl-gratl-1 , ' , , , , n ., ,v u stantial and prosperous people ln tude for tho thing nt hand might. drai1°l1 hoc,3 '" ,rcst; 2' t,he, M"Ul;g rich old Monmouth county, lovo the ly sot to work to record every IOBH from run-off. This In an import- that municipality have Bhuwn the intelligence to put It would decrease unemployment and produce other ben- Gr0UI wlt1 1 teach nations .as well as Individuals V . I>icl«xea and shovels In Fhalanstory itself, and still live and fact he could unearth about this ab- ant factor not only In tlio nniount of efu'ial 'reiiult3. rest, draped; 3, tho Farming Group; hone.-t public i-en^o:-; int. i oIHcu who have cut expenses to weather many kind3 of blizzards. carry on their callings thcro ln the solutely unaccounted for race of water which In taken up by the soil in every po;;.siblr wnr without impiming public service! Those who did not vole have no logical right, to 11ml and 4, tho Orchard Group, all with 'poopIe'lrtHatiltlng thc.coust of Alaska but In the matter of will erosion. —Christian Sclcnco Monitor, their implements draped. happy expectation of rMtlflg at lafd and they have fully ounce! the t\x relief which thoy fault with the verdict of the polls. They failed to per- ln that favored place, from Point Barrow to tho mouth of Furthermore, a good snowfuli la have enjoyed. form a civic duty and no sympathy should bo wasted on G. B. Arnold headed tho various tho Kuskowlm River, Including,the winter acts as a prolnctlvo covering groups In thc Domostlo Series, ap- Taxes will IK- levied in ihc township for state, county them. If they do not like the result they havo no one BANKRUPTCY MEETING. APOLOGY DEMANDED. King Island Eskimo, tho only pure for overwintering plunts, such aa to biamo but themselves. A lending tenet of our country pointed with thc proper Implomentu Eskimo typo which has never Inter- wheat or 2-yc. When covered by a rind school inn]lltc :>.-. well f?d, clothed nnd I morning, February 5, at sent to Walter G. ReadB of New o'clock, In tho bankruptoy court- Series, was followed by tho groups Modlcal Attention. ly to occur at this time of year. It othcrwi.-x* look'-ti ;::t< i- -0-0-0-0-0-0- ,York: would aoeni, therefore, that Ibero Is u- .'> the 'i-('31 Broadway, cases ln December totaled 087 as com- Tho following offers have been re- with their horns In mourning. Tho snow, oven though tlio liolontlstn Middletown Township. New York, N. Y. pared with 88 In November. Jn De- might bo able to dltjllluplon stmio ot In connTicnlmi; ihi.-. jilui.e t UJJ :•<> nnnii (.f his or her In-to bo endured by thc winners. May tho lotiera receive distribution In the colony. Everybody his ndvlco thut presenco of a so-called worked at what ho or »ho could do you, tho Important Mr. Ueade, bo The eavliiK of tlie life of Ted Vi- tho verdict In thlfi or somo other philosophical way, S25 for all of the said trust. [••„ rlrht grlppy cold Immediately should bo come. beat, and the pay waa regulated part mun enough to admit that you havo brerh, 'Hi, of Hi-n it|-|j;|it, may bo It would lie rupiM'liiiou.'! tn mnmlir.i> at length on tho without rancor or blttornesn, nnd may tho winners ac- title and interest In and to a piece , py p erred and be man enough to write a tho ulgnal for the prudent to summon credited to an alert must j;ti:ml;ininn of real estate known as 1S1 Fair ly by tho rates of wages elsewhere. letter of apology to thotio you have a physician or take such precaution- from tlio Momnoutli lltach otallon, 1', hapjjy condition o[ Iht; };ovoi nmniit of .Shrewsbury town- cept It without denlre for uclf glorllication or for tho ad- Haven road, Fair Ilavon, New Jer- • and i>ai'lly by tho nature of tho work ship. II mililcc! to niiy that we nnluto the achievement 00 unnoccnaarlly Insulted? ary rooaiiurQa to Ward off tho cold as h, Hulao, who dinged tlio exhausted vancement of any faction or group. The memherfl any, appraised hereh^ at $0,000, upon ftiui tho number employed at It. It are expedient. Dr. Muliaffsy odvlaod nnd ho|»' tho OKIII1II «ill incrinno both publlo and olll- which'thero Is a Unit mortgage linn Respectfully yours, man from a nrcow drift "last week. elected will face a serious roHponaiblllty not only to thoHe waa part of tho theory that disagree- William O'. Hlrelns. Jr., that during January's quickly change- Ulbrccli nnld ho had worked for olal (Icnlre for tnx i-cllK nut only In other inunlclpnlltlcs who vote but also to thc children who attend the (schools. of Sn.flOO with four years' Interest, able wo/lt, tiuch as had to be per- three years' taxes, together with un 00 South Slrcet, Hcd Hank, N. J. able weather the body nhould he kept morn tlinn an hour trying to get hl» hut In the IJOVCI ninnrit of thc county nnd state. assessment amounting to S10.'J and a formed nnd yet could not bo with i^ , », —.—. warm and'aufflclont rest obtained to car out of » unow drift about n hul.f- blanket niortgnRo of $4,000. plcusuro undertaken by anybody, To Ming In Miami. build up a proper health resistance mllo from tho cousit nunrd otullon'at -O-lJ-fl-O-O-O- should command tho highest pay. Ah ngalnnt Infection. The only peoplo wo Itnow of who nro as foolinh na Tho trustee has also received an M^ss Virginia' Upporcu, daughter Moninoiith Bench and finally gavo up offer from Mra, Kdlth Ctmlor of $r>() applicant for membership nerved a and utnrlecl to (ho utatliiu for niislat- tho«B who rldlculo nil now IdenH bocnune thoy aro new yeai-'n probation, and In that lime, of Mr. and Mrs; Injillfi M. Upporcu Pnoumbnla reports for December are those who rldlculo all old !de,as because they aro old, for hla tight, title- and Intercut In llkowlgo show a marked rlae from ahco. The efforts of his work and Susan B. Anthony \ and to a pleeo of real estate known having been put at all the sorts of of Ilumaon, loft Hunday for Miami —Thief Hlver Falla TInvoiJ. SOS cusoa In Hovamber to OBI. Tho tho widk In tho blinding nmiw ntorm as 170 Fair Haven road, h'nlr Haven labor, was certain to rfcinonatiato Florida, to (111 a dinging enKiifJomen took hln iitronjsth nnd Just befo'ro li» and the Hall of Fame. at tho KmbdHHy club.. Slio will not latter number wns 71 cases abovo Now Jeraey, upon which them in a | what' work "ho wun beat. (Htcd for, machail tho station ho collapicd, The whiilli'li; of time imrcly brincjH grcut oliunxcn, bo ono of thii attendants nt tho wed-that far December, 1033. Dlphtherln, »a 11 ft.moti'i plillii:wi|iht'i- ontt rcmuilicd, and uinuiiK tho ding of Minn fSylvlfi Lawrence VVhlto scarlet fever and whooping cough re- lluliio found Mr, Ullu'eeli, almost, One (rnliiro In favor of Iho old »tylo phonoijrnph nmiuinneml by amorl|i;,R« of ?i •:<«,,] »»'l-numlnl !:u:ll:;rU,m were- n.H flected Increased and typhoid rover mnny licwt in I'mmlr, nMurp|ib|^iif(U which illiwtrate thin Ul(> i1f Hln-cwubury to Alfred N»«h um-.onflcluiin, lyln?i 1" the r (lie radio In that It clocan't'taiio tlmo out to toll us upon which there la now duo nppn.x- cilonictn v/i.tilil c: re In l:itr.Klu::o IHtdleiton ot Kurooon on February nnd moaslei dBore»»et In.-Docamber, droggtil him out und Into tuo station i>l)ni'j\alloii la the llkeliluiud Huit'Btionn 13. Anthony of about tooth panto, auto tires and stomach medicine. Imately $4,000 nnd untmlct tnxna for >'• their uoclfly. Kvcrybody with one 1931 last ball ol 1033 and all of 1031. Idea came there to air his notion* 10. whore lie was revived. RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 31,1935. 4 "/ Germany, is a satisfied empire and Naah and LaFayette owners and pur- Mrs. Thomas Greenley, Mra. Ernest Point Comfort fire company will hold English Woman tberefore since the war a mainly chasers. It provides a clean, attruc- Holmdel News. Llmpcr. Mrs. Robert W. Nelson, Mrs. a social on February 14. paclflet one, and until comparatively \ Uv» sales and service headquarters, Horace W. Kirby, Mrs. Jerome Dy- Mrs, Jule Beatty was hostess at a DRIVE IN FOR A To Give Lecture recently was not actively engaged in centrally located «t 8 Maple avenue, Th» funeral of Mrs. Julia Hance nan, Mrs. Loul.l West, Mrs. Gertrude cai'd paz'ty Tuesday afternoon. preparations for the next war. Nor with attractive show space and ample of Asbury Pork, formerly of this DaviB, Mrs. Charles Jensen, Mrs. A card party tsponBored. by tho par- Complete *ii wa* It visibly eng«gnd In any Vast servlcs facilities. placo, was held Wednesday of last Charlca Guillaudeau and Mrs, E; O. ents of the eighth grade of St. Ann's Labor Repretentative to Speak schtmoa of reconstruction. "I havs felt for a long time that week at the home of her son, Taylor Nylandor. school will be held Monday night. at St. Luke'i Church, Long "Therefore w» »et this position; the Nash organization Is the most W. Hance. The Interment was in Mrs; Shannon of Wolf Hill avenue Mrs. James Papa has the affair in Scientific Motor Tune-Up "•% Branch, February 5« on World that a country engaged In vast desirable connection in the industry," Hofcndel cemetery. The bearers were suffered Beveie Injuries to her hand charge. schemes of economic reconstruction Mr. Howard sold in announcing the Daniel S. Ely, Joseph and John and arm on Monday. Tho Eatontown Carburetor - Starting - Ignition tm War Preparation!. must give 1U women freedom; that Holmes, Robert R. Voorhees, Edward Mr. and Mra. Edward Schoelcr new distributorship. "Thig conviction Heyer and John Mount. first aid squad responded and gave have been visiting at Astoria, L. I. > Ellen Wilkinson of London, na- a country organizing for war cannot, was made a certainty when I saw the treatment, The Guild of Bt"Mark's church has Authorized Service for XJi tional organizer lor th» Distributive will not and dare not; that a sta- progress that Nash and LaFayette Among those snow staid at this A luncheon, which was scheduled elected the following Officers: bilised country, which Britain Is for had made this year, and when I got plAce last week were two school girla, for Monday at the Oceanport church Genuine Parts ... --"Hi and Allied Worker! Union, will •peaK tht moment, can afford itself the lux- Adelo Johnson and Tessic Scott. Prr«l,|piil—Mr«. Violet Anlbue. . i'uesduy evening, February 0, on my first sight of the 1035 Nash and hall, was postponed because of the Vieo prcnlilrnl Mm. Evn Whllrlirnr], "Preparations for Woria War" at the ury of giving ita Woman freedom and LaFayette models with their brand Adele stayed with Benaie Ely and weather. Tim date, for the luncheon TrenniiiFi'--Mr>. Mnrni.ict l'nt(.:ucm. Trico Windshield Wipers Repaired Q Will do so If Its economic interests Tessie stayed with Caroline Craw- Farcrt't:ii y- -M rs. (iPrirudo Kuini. St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal new styling and wonderful perform- will bo announced' later, CO church, Broadway and Washington take precedence over Its military In- ance. Qualities. The moment I saw ford until the roads were broken Mr. and Mm. J>ouls West of Pera- The LndiC3' Hoilnllly of Bt. Ann's terests, which Is the presont situ- enough for them to return to their church will hold a snow frolic on atreot, Long Branch, at 8:3() o'clock. ation in Britain. these new NaBh axodelB, it was Nash homes at Crawford's Corner. berton avenue had as their guest re- Charles T. Stone, superintendent of for me and nothing else. And when, cently Mra. West's mother, Mra. Ella February 11. Exide — Delco , schoola In Lung Branch, will bo chair- "But if feminism is the luxury of In addition to my delight over the Last fall tho township committee Herbert of West Orange. Reotmler William A. Haag'H auto- man of the meeting and will intro- the comfortable state as In Britain new lino, I saw.the progress LaFay- bought a new type of rnad grader. "Tho Child's Wcek-p;nd Interests" mobile wo3 stalled in a unow bank Automobile Keys Made duce tho speaker. < and not the definite necessity, as In ette hart roude during Its flrBt year After the snow atorm last week a was the subject diiscussod by Mrs.near WMiuin VanMater's farm in Russia, of a changing' economic or- plow was attached to It nnd it did Rat-Han . township last Wednesday Minn wilklnaon anil tho B»rl of In the low price Held, I realized that very efficient work In clearing the Marlon McDowell, extension special- , Weed Skid Chains Car Heaters •""J Uxlowel of England Meelitly w»nt to der, that luxury can be dispensed the Nash contract was the big prise ist In child training, at the weekly night. After spending fsevoi'al hours with and Will b* is Soon aa an eco-of the automobile Industry, roads of snow. The county ynow radio at"udy KnJup meeting of Uif:' in the automobile he madei h):i way Hpnin to conduct im Inquiry Into the homlo «rlals drives again to the war plow on the Keyport road broke to Mr, VanMatcr'a home, when: hn activities oi the Bpanlah government, "It la my Intention to share my down and the Holmdel machine waB Oceanport Parent-Toacher lasaocia- following tho revolt ot the worker*, end military necessity." tinn held recently at the home of Hpcnt ther night. Hiss Wilkinson Is the author of good fortune with my many friends Used to rid this road of snow. The < to lay plans for sending a. food ship and patrons by offering the finest residents of this township aro very Mra. Erneat Llmper of Pemberton Phone R. B. 360 to tho victims. Press releases. from many books on the English Labor avenue. - TboHe present were Mrs. Movement, as wall as labor novelB sales and service facilities at my well pleased over .the performance of w Spain carried tho story that they had command." the machine and they believe' the ltobert W. NolHon, Mrs, C. Waters, Middletown Village. Pearl and Monmouth Streets, buon conducted to the frontier by a and books on the international and Mrs. K. O. Nylander, Mrs. Charlfc* socialist movements. Her latest township ccrarunittee sot a bargain in captain of the civil guards. They buying it. Jensen, Mra. Horace W. Klrby ami (The Itfl Punk llrirlijtrr cnn-ltn liniight Red Bank, N. J. Were consequently unable to fulfill book, "Why B^selsm," was written AGAINST IBVING BOO1-. Mrs. IJOUIS West. At the next moot- i Middletown at tht atprea of J. C. their mission. But this Incident 1« vrtth B. Conz«, a German Socialist. Several years ago the county board ing at the homo of Mrs, Limper, [n\stht and Willinra U. Waters.) Miss Wilkinson is coming to the Thomas Pike Says He Should Hot boof freeholders had a number of "School Age Clubs und Friendships" Tho congregations of tho Baptist only ono of many in Miss Wllhln- fences erected in this locality to pre- aon'a exciting career in the English United States under tho auspices of IU3-€lectcd on School Board. will be discussed by Misa Mildred' and Reformed churches united in and International labor movement . the League for Industrial rjemooracy vent anowfrom drifting in the roads. Murphy, assistant state leader. holding a KGrvlee In the Editor of The Register: It so happened that there were very church Sunday, It was wcM attend- After aho was graduated from the and will speak before various uni- A penny social, which was to be • Premium quality Jeddo-Highland coal is the versity groups and in many cities. Dear Sir:— few snow storms during those years. ed despite the bad traveling caused University of Manchester, Mlas Wil- Now there are only two snow fences given by the Oceanport Epworth by tho snow storm. most outstanding value in its class. The colder Previous spoakerB in this series It was no surprise to read in last League society at the church hall, kinson WBB elected to the City coun- have been Norman Thomas, Prof. week's Bed Bank Register that Irv- hereabouts. LaBt week there were no The Younp Pcnple'a league of the the weather, the better its marvelous burning cil. Following thnt Bhe waa eont by ing Roop haa consented to run "ondrifts on the roads where they were was postponed because of, weather Reformed church held their annual her Lubor Party constituency to Par- Luther Evans, Bishop Francis J. Mc- 1 located, but at other unprotected conditions. The date wlli be an- qualities stand out. Cpnnell, and, Joseph Schlossbei-K. The hly record ' for the Middletown town- nounced later. meeting nnd supper Mondny night. liament whoro sho Berved from 1024 final speaker will be Dr. Harry W. ship bonrd of education. The Citi- places the roads were blocked. The FifLy mon and boy.s wore employed to 1931. Sho Is the Labor Party can- Laldler. zens and Taxpayers association, or- opinion is general hereabouts that a fiov|r;il days na snow shovf;lpra in the didate for Parliament and will un- gan of Mr. Mandevllle and Mr. L.a-great deal of snow removal work "peep Cut." on 'Jl\e Red Hill road. doubtedly bo re-elected at the next brocque, has for several weeks been would have been obviated if all the general election. advertising Mr. Roop's virtues to the Keansburg News. They worked"-fll! day Sunday. .Some NEW AUTO AGENCt. public and obviously grooming him fences had been up as In the past. of the tlriftjS were nflcon foot high. In 1032 Mlsa Wilkinson was chosen as their strong candidate. Tho amaz-i Last week the William C. Ely es- (Tho Ked flurik Register can be boufthl Mr. and'Mrs. Cnrl Howard nf Eliz- by tho English labor women to pre-C, L. Howard and J. T. Beckmnn to in KciinsburB a* the Btorea of E. L. Miller, ing thing 1B that of all the "oldtate sold a horse to Fiorello Bros, of H. Simla Lucia, l'hlllp Keller anil Charles abeth have rented the Riiigeway sent a red flag of co-operation and Handle Nash and Lafayette Cats, board" members who have served the Matawah. Vot'd.) apartmenta on King's Highway. Mrs. unity to tho Social Democratic wom- township during past years, only Mr. Because of the snow storm last The Nash Motora company an- Koup hub measured Up to. the Mari- Howard Js a daughter of the late on of Germany. Sho was In Berlin nounces the appointment of Howard week mail was not dispatched nor Thrco members of the bounl of ed- Mrs. William Winter of Red Hank. Just three days after the burning of deville-Ijabrecquo' standards, and received from Wednesday morning ucation whose terms expire have tho RelchBtag and witnessed a con- Motors, Inc., as the new Nash dealer been encouraged to run again. Illed petitions for re-election. They The Needlework guild will hold Its and sales and service headquartci-H Mr. Roop'H record la well known In until Friday noon. regular monthly" luncheon meeting sldotablo amount of tho worst of tho The public school re-opened Mon- arc Jacob Frenchman, Edward Nazi torror. for Nash and LoFayetto cars In RedMiddletown townflhlp. With no chil- Compton and Fred Trenery. next Tuesday at the home of Mrs, Feed - Fuel Oil- Hay Bank, and as distributor for the Reddren of hla own, and no InterBBt In day after having been closed since Irving L. Hjince. In IL recont Issue of tho New York Bank territory. New Nash and La-or understanding of educational mat- Thursday. Rabcrt Paul of Beacon Beach'has Tho bunco party which was to have Times an address that Miss Wilkin- Fayetto motor cars are now on dis-ters, Mr. Roop has Bhown more eag- A -navy piano alighted on Morton a broken leg, the result of a fall. Ho been hold by the American Mechan- CAN N EL CO*A-L son gave at tho Fabian society In play in tho salesroom. firnefia to get jobs lor his friends Allen's place a lew days ago because ia a student ftl Columbia university, than to consider tho safety and wel- New York. ics has been postponed until Friday London waB printed. Miss Wilkin- The new Nash organisation, headed fare of the, children. of engine trouble. Three men were evening, February 8. It will take (For fire-place) son was discussing woman's status by C. L. Howard, Is recognized BB Sponsoring his neighbor, Dr. Marc on the craft. They spent the night An automobile owned by Mrs. John place at Eilcrt's hall. in England, Germany and Russia. one of the bout known and most Krohrhnn of EolfordBlfd , fasltt sprlnei r for at Mr. Allen's home and flew away Holobinko, stolen last August from She said: Bchool physician, of the two Mlddlec - tha next day after tho trouble with in front of her home on the Beach- highly regarded motolor cacor firmurniHs imn I town township doctors who had made "I am going to put on the labora- Red Bank, because <' ' * the engine was remedied. way, was recovered, by the state, po- ABM BROKEN IN FALL. LEHIGH COAL of the excellent Application for the position, Mr. Joseph Pallocek is employed at en- lice at Farmingdale last week. tory table thrco countries that we can record In automobilea sales anda ser-|Rser-jRoopoop,i upon tho electionelection" (byy _ a vote of look at, whero tho woman's question vice enjoyed by Ita president and by . five to three) of Dr. Walter Gosling" gine room work at New York. Tho local auxiliary of the county Ilarry G. I«icb Laid Up as the Ro- Nut size $11.00 per ton. haa really boon fought over, and tho firm "members. Tho members of Who wflfl approved hy the Public aociaj service will hold a ball In the sult of an Accident. fought over hotly. Howard Motors, Inc., tiow greet their Health Committee of the Monmouth auditorium of St. Ann's school on Harry G. Leach of River Piaza is County Medical society, announced February 22. Mrs. William Turner, Stove size $11.25 per ton. "It 1B, cxtraordinarly Interesting, 1 many old friends^, and the motoring Gceanport News. confined to his home with a broken (CO. I). Only) - think, to taku Buesla &nd Germany publlo generally with a sparkling dla- that he would retaliate by voting Jr., heads the general committee. arm as the result of a fall last Thurs- against everythinv g tho chairman of Mrs. AgneB Palmer has returned day, lie haa two pet racoona which A very lino quality mill at an raenllonnllv low price. What as examples for comparison. They play of the Nash and LaFayette | t£e board trlJd tptccompltah the reat (The Red Bank UeslBt«r bought from the Fitldn hospital at Neptune. have got a common factor—dictator- models Which have been so ehlhus- Of the year. m Oceanport ftt lh« *to.« of Carlo Mazxa.J ho keeps in a pen near Shadow Lake a H'haln ot a job it is (Kiintf f"i- hnnrtriHls of consumers. Try It. ship—and their attitude to woman 1» Russel Johnson and family have and he experienced Ihe fnll while he and you will bo ticUlrd tu dentil. lastlcaliy welcomed by experienced [ And no ho did! And has recently Mrs. Ferdinand H. Krornn of Fort moved from Belford to Keansburpr. exactly opposite in every particular car owners tho country ovel'. Tho boon rewarded for hla "fine work" on Monmouth Is now a "i>atlenL al the was walking to their home to see except one, and that Is that both po- now distributers report that this car the board by a resolution passed by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klepp have how it fared with them after the nw dst p Fort Jay hospital. recovered from grip. litical theories regard women, and ri L ththee MandevilleLabrMandeville-Labrecqu e aumdd a The regular monthly bualnesa BRQ- snow storm. Mr. Leach is a candi- mnn tun for that matter, not as per-buying treiid toward Nosh arid La- tioti, of which two other candidates, Mra. Nicholas Santa Lucia ia able date for membership on the Middle- Mr. Parker and Mr. Oliver, aro mom- slon of Ihe official board of the sons who aro ends In themselves but Oceanport church was held Monday to be shout again aftPr a Bicknena. town township board of education. n» unlta in the service of the state. In tha industry for tho year Just past. | for. Hoop runs, then, it would serai, evening at the parsonage. Mra. Frank Johnson was liosteas The election is to be held Wednes- Carlisle Howard of Middletown, as the leader of the Labrecquc-Man- at a card party last week. day, February 13, and in talking with "If you take the declaration of Miss Katherlnfl Eckert, who was Mrs. Louis Costa hag returned a Register reporter Mr, Leach said DAVIS presldent, and J. T. Beekman of Red devillc ticket, along with Mr. Parker, their lenders, It would bo true to Bay for some time a patient at tho Mon- from,'tho Monmouth Memorial hos- ho was hopeful that he would recover that Ruasla is a work state, where Bank, treasurer, havo enjoyed many Mr. Oliver, nnd il la believed, Mr. mouth Memorial hospital, Is now at TEL. 103. years Of clo»e contact witll automo- j woddoll and Mr. Onrton. Tho ap- pital, and Is at tho homo of Imr siifllclpntly. to prove a one-armed tho whole emphasis Is placed on 011 home. Where Quality Rules. work, and that Germany Is a war bilo buyers and owners In this «•• {^* 'S'A "?' daughter nt Orange. ° campaigner before tho votes were state; that the main dim of fine Is trlot and l.ave made a l^otwan, SM^HM*"* 'ix^d" A mcotlnff of the executive board An entertainment will be given in counted. economic reconstruction along com- frtonda. -They have efltabliflhed a from tholr other candidtttea if the of the Oceanport Parent-Tcacher as- the Methodist tomorrow munal linea, and of the other the or-splendid reputation for fair dealing Citizens and Taxpayers ticket wins. soulallon was held Monday afternoon niKhl. Boys can make extra pocket money and excellent automobile Bcrvlee. I Middletown township needs honeat- In the assembly room of the school. The Ladles' Auxiliary of the'New selling The Register.—Advertisement. ganization of tiie community for war -Tho now organization of Howard f.V independent school tvuutecti nndPlans were completed for the Found- purposes. lo well equipped to aervo trustees who do not regard the school ers' day program to be held at UIB "Britain like Russia and unlike Motors, Inc., lo • board as a feeding trough at which school February 20 at eight o'clock. I their friends may fatten. Named to servo on tho refreshment committee by Mrs. Jerome Dynan. THE SURPRISE STORE Very truly yours, hospitality chairman, were lira. Hor- THE FAMILY STORE OF 1001 BARGAINS Thomas Pike. ace W. Klrby, Mrs. Fordlnand II. SCH U LTE -UNITED Krome, Mrs. E. O. Nylander, Mrs. Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or Honey Itefuiiileih To a man's heart A bonafldo newspaper circulation Louis West, Mrs. Thomas Greenley, —tho kind The Register has—is the Mrs... Charles Guillaudeau, Mrs. 50 BROAD ST. Tel. R. B. 963 RED BANK only kind that counts with the ad- James E. Hennessey and Mrs. Ger- btf Sidney Snow vertiser. No premiums or other In- trude Davis. Those present at the ducements have over been offered to secure circulation.—Advertisement meeting were Mrs, Ernest Laverty, OUR FIRST SALE! at ROCK BOTTOM Prices! Disposing of our Regular Stock at Amazingly 32 BROAD ST., RED BANK Low Prices. Below is only a Partial List of Attractive Values We Are Offering. Men's Broadcloth Shirts HIRAM WALKER All colors nnd sizes, full cut—fast color ptiaranteed. 1EADOWBROOK "I am firmly convinced that all details Men's Union Suits Incident to a funeral and the expense no- Winter wclclit—Slzi-s 31! to •!(!. 59' oessnrlly Involved, should be discussed when one's mind is clear, as this Is one exper- Men's Flannel Pajamas ience through which no must all pass at Middy or coat stvlo 69< some time or other. Too often this subject Is deliberately avoided only to cause need- Men's Work Pants .00 less anxiety nt a later date." Exceptional Values' We Furnish National Caskets Men's Pigtex and Suede Gloves 79' Men's 100% Wool Slip-Over Sweaters .... -fl .69 FUNERAL DfRECTORS With noii-i'iist Tnlon Zipper JL When Man Can Cook He Is Generally Master at Art Frederic K. Adams, Mgr. Ladies' Flam el Sleeping Gowns TELEPHONE 226 America is returning to the good STEAK,BURCKHARDT Old Seville 39' old chafing dish. It is no long- Select a prime porterhouse steak 135 Front St. Red Bank, N. J. er the ill-smelling, «lcohol-burniiiR -WINES: Ladies' "Woolies"—Vests or Panties device. On the contrary, ic is an elec- ,ind a piece of suet sire of an egg. trical gadget of beauty and utility. Afince suet fine and place it in 14' As a gentle persuader to keep the a chafing dish with equal finK.unt of Recognized as man home evenings, it has tile roll-' butter, cling this to imokinj; heat. Unusually Fine Ladies' Rayon Taffeta Slips ing pin (icd co the provcrbijl mast. While dish is heating, ruK both Was cut, 1ftr© (op. Tra Hose mul l'hilc. SI/.I-H .11 to 11. 39' sides of steak with olive oil and Cal. Vintage let a man with an undemanding pepper *nd «»lr. Place In hot dinting Ladies' Wash Dresses » heart get his hands on « chafing dish »nd brawn rapidly on both sides, dish, make available a little of this. Attrartlvo MyW'f*, fiu>t colovs. Sir.pfl 10 to f>-. *•* 64' nnd that, end, lo, and behold—just In the meantime,prepare this toucei watcli. Here are some extra flood rlisli- One 3jn.ll! /jrcea pepper, one onion, cs to serve after 11 in ihe evening: heart of celery, parsley, half a dozen Ladies' Full Fashioned Silk Hose stuffed olives and halt a dozen mush- Slioer or wrvicn \ti'!i;lit. 29' PIG IN A POKE rooms from the can. A nubbin of lly lrn>Kiil:ir. Si/is K'i to KMi. Choose large, cre«n stuffed olivM kulle, If you like. Mince all tliis very (llicsc are called olives wuli tail fine and moisten with enoui-Ji beer Corsets, Girdles and Corselettes lights). Wi«p a thin slice of bacon to nuke smooth mixture. Add table- ipoon Worcestershire When steak is All NI.VICH mul sizes. around each olive, fastening it in partly cooked, cut slits in Ihc stitface. Inconspicuous place with it toothpiclc. I.ay these in Cobbs die lieatec! tifa/cr of the chafing dish Spread sauce over the sreA- m it Ono thing you will notice about a funeral Boys' Tweed Knickers nnd cook until bacon is crisp, Seme cooks in pan, and then baste with Creek Lined f tiroilr.)>'> should uotia, Wo are tho director*; w» make euro Boys' All Wool Melton Lumber Jackets .. S.ime m nbovo, only uso oyit«» suffice. Cook slowly, nt low beat, for instead of olivet. some twenty minutes more, depending that ovorythlng moves along smoothly with- A. good corlttnll upon whether you wuht the steak rare, out, at tho flame time, obtruding ourselves. bniio ut a. Boys' Slip-Over Sweaters INDOOR BARBECUE OF HAM medium or well dont. Serve on ihin popular prloo. Have boiled ham cut in alicci slices of fresh, buttered toast. Thin Is tho Itlnd of service which Is par niuricr inrh thick anil fry in chafing With any of these dishes, celery, tlculnrly upproclntcd by "particular" peraoim Misses' All Wool Ski-PanU dish in small itmount of fat. olives and pickles oo well, while the Irtjllcal hevetftg* with these dishes is to whom only tho bust Is good enough. Hitea Vi ID 2(1. In )ai/;e cup, make paste consisting beer—Just gend, cold beer. iir Did Thin bread ntul butter ond lettuce you arc not familiar with brands, in- lMI'OUTKI) Ovmholl. Double Blankets . sandwiches and beet go well with thii, sist upon one of the well advertised WINKS nnil ltyo I"nrt wool, mil li-ni limn fi'V' — fiill «J» l-'nr the man who would reach nut brands of real standing. The world ijquons into higher realms of cooking, there will always be full pf infciior grades Heavy Bath Towels 99c each; S for i a month's vacation, children survive. They are Mrs. Our Deposits Are Insured gages, thus prog cation, lack of which now makes mortgage John Brasile, Jr.,' son of Mr. andEthel Manning of Union Beach, Mrs. 75 Guernseys, Holsteins and J»r- investments so hazardous. _ Mrs. John Braaile, underwent an op- Gladys Mahler of , Keansburg, Mrs. ley Fresh Cows and Close Springers, By the That's the complete plan, ana el- eration for appendicitis Saturday Josephine Bruno of Hartford, Conn., guaranteed tuberculin retest. Real id t hould not only Mrs. Alfreda Scnnucke of Matawan, I milkers and good high testers. festively carried out, should not only . night at the MtMonmouthh MMemorial George Austin of Mllltown and Ed- rejuvenate andr-re-establish real es-; hospital at Long Branch ward Austin, who lives at home. 30 Iowa Horses, Mated Teams and tat« values In the entire mortgage | Mrs. John M. Plllabury and her in- Single Horses. Just arrived. stmcture, but should actually bring fant daughter, Mary Lou, have re- The borough of Union Beach suf- For a goad cow or horse attend Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation »bout recovery- ' turned home from the Monmouth fered a big loss in assessed valua- Zlotkln's Sale, Freehold, every Thurs- - Memorial hospital. tioqs over last year and a slight loss day. Private sales daily. Highlands News. Harvey Bowtell of this borough the year previous. The pew valu- JACOB ZLOTKIN & SON, . Under the Provisions of the Banking Act of 1933. and Miss J. G. Bowtell and,Miss L. ation Is given as $486,639 on land and Fhonea: Res. 330: Stables 956. Williams of Leonia left last week by $975,715 on buildings, a total of $1,- (Tha Red Bank Register can ba bousbi 462,354, ai compared with $1,020,000 Freehold, N. J. Highlands at BedVa drue atore. &t JOB* motor for St. Petersburg, Florida. KpIn bBlghlan Stamen'' a atore and Mulliean't store.) Mr. Bowtell expects to return next last year. : The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is an agency of week butt Miss Bowtell and MisMiss Wll- George P. Fitzslntnons Is a patient The annual roll call of tho Metho- In Monmouth. Memorial hospital at the United States Government created under the banking act of dlat church will be held this after- liams will remain until April. Mr, and Mrs. James Kite of Buf- Long Branch, where he is under treatment for a heart ailment. $11-25 COAL 1933. Under the provisions of this law deposits of each customer Grant Campbell has returned from a stay at New York. I FIRST GRADE ANTHBAC1TE up to $5,000 are insured, which gives to each depositor the strength Several card parties scheduled for the latter part of last week were "Satis Faction Guaranteed" ln"the spring. At this afternoon's postponed, due to the snow storm. and control of this Government agency, as provided in this law, session the speaker will be Rev. 0tcst'CACandlen'as dayp February A number of Democratic women STOVE ..$11.50 X*eon Chamberlain, district superin- in addition to our own resources. iiionias Jennings, Jr., returned plan to attend the meeting of the j NUT 11.25 tendent. Fellowship hour and supper county women's Democratic club at hour will take place at half-past five homo Friday from Fitkin hospital, where he underwent an operation for Headden's Corner, Mlddletown town- ] PEA 9.75 o'clock. Visiting clergymen will give ililp, on Saturday afternoon. appendicitis. Mrs. William Oakes is None Better, Compares With lh« ehort talks at the evening service. Miss Lillian Trembly Is recovering Mayor George W. Hardy and Wil-home from Hazard hospital at Long Bost. SPECIAL INTEREST DEPARTMENT Branch, where she was a medical from an operation. Haliam Fahrer, whonwhosoe terms as memmem-- . • -••">• ™ ~s a metucai Every Ton Weighed by Public l nt Miss Gloria LaGiglia la a surgical bers of the board of education ex-' '!"° ;. Terrcnce Moylan Is home WclBht Moster. m patient in the Monmouth Memorial Deposits made in our Interest Department any time after the plre this year, have filed petitions ° "V| Monmouth Memorial hos- hospital at Long Branch. Mrs. Eliz- Deliver Anywhere. um also Wtt8 a medlcal abeth Link is a patient in a Jersey first of the month will earn interest at the rate ot-2^% per annum, ir™v -"NS-Tr" City hospital. John A supper will be held in the Flor- 1The firemen were called out at six .. . "• Mulligan, formerly of beginning the first of the month following date of deposit. Inter- o,'clock Saturday morning by a chlm-1 J'8 "orougli, who has been seriously ence avenue fire house tomorrow Independent ney wuh , ctinues to im night, sponsored by the congregation ley fire In the homNavcsino ot Mrsk . Eavenue. A. G.. "prov' e an Pneumoniad has bee, ncontinue removes d tofro lmm- est earned is credited April first and October first. ' Intemann tllc of Grace Methodist church. Mayor George W. Hardy, who lives : P'alnlleld hospital to her home nearby, ran to the fire house and jat w"ttleld. A contest will take place for mem- A bers of the board, of education at the turned in tho alarm. The bluzc was ' ™iur Nuylor's new automobile Coal Co. school election on February 13. Three put out before much damage had showroom on the corner of First ave- nu0 anci members seek re-election. They are been done. Sunday night the firemen Highland avenue will bo 13 Main Street SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES ( on Mrs. Mary A. Roslne, president; Har- OCEANPOBT, N. J. were called out lo a chimney fire in . 'P «i within a few days. Alvln ry A. Doyle and Harry J. McCandlexs. the homo of Robert Foster at Hilion . "'iropshlre has taken a position ai Telephone—Eatontown 441 sal R! William F. Schober, a former mem- Park. This blaze was also extin-1 f ™n for Mr. Naylor. in our fire and burglar proof vault at $5 per year and upwards, fa ber of the board, and Mrs. Lcola B. gulshed with little damage. | andy Hook bay for a considerable Schaoffer have filed petitions. Forty-nine men were put lo work , "'.''ance from the shore line wan provide the best protection available for valuable papers. clearing the streets after laat week's 'rozlm over during tho zero weather, Work of clearing the streets was •now'storm. Bay avenue was opened ,' '"° cnd of the railroad pier the not undertaken until Friday owing ! ice was several inches thick. Boys to tlio delay In the delivery of a snow flrst and then the side streets. Some plow. The plow was attached to a deep drifts in the Water Witch sec- have been skating on tho bay at the SOYOM foot of First avenue. borough truck, and work was Etarted FIDUCIARY CAPACITIES tion were cleared away Monday. Friday morning. Tho Every Ready Gnrment com- pany has reopened its factory in the Chief of PoUco George R. Boss was MEDICATED CONES old Bchoolhouae after a shutdown of among the victims whoso car got such as Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Guardian of Securities, •everal months. Navesink News. stalled in a snow drift, and It was ^or Feminine * not until late Friday when tho car Mrs. Alice Norrlc, Mrs. Elizabeth (The Red Bank Rrelater c*n ba bought was dug out etc. Fischer, Mrs. May E. Dempaey, Mra. to Navttink fr™ William Swan at tha Hygiene Anna Ahem, Mrs. Mnrjorle McCon- H-jtofflca bulldinit.) Mrs. Marlon Gross, while returning from Keyport Wednesday night, be jiell and Mrs. Mary Kress were in This village was Isolated by the Boyom Cones i&e very Import- charge of tho card party given Mon- came exhausted from walking in th snowstorm until Friday afternoon snow. With tho aid of her com pan ant for tho welfare of married day night by the Roaary society for | when the main road was. opened ion, Mrs. Peter Branlgon, fiha wa the benefit of the Church of Our j with a plow and a gong of men. The women. Although a powerful taken to tho home of Ehrhnrdt Yin initlscptlc, they nro soothing, XiAdy of Perpetual Help. buses dctoured by the way of Valley ker, where sho was revived witli n Tho Highlands Bachelor club held drive. Monday morning a Red Bank sure In results and itafo, and THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK III effectn. Miss Florence Flarlty wa lta first danco of the season Bnlurday bua was put out of commission a will not hurt tiro most dcltcntf night at John R. Ahcrn'H hotel. Tho Stono Church when the front axli also another victim of cxhau.qtlo xnUHlc was furnished by the Night broke. nnd waa assisted to her ho:ne by nifinhmne. Owls. August Steugcr. Mcmbors of the Epworth League A pnekaffe of twelva will . The Lady Foresters and the Sona are rehefirntng for tho annual mins- It pays to advertise In The Register ba sent po'ttuald on ti- arid Daughters of Liberty held n trel show, whicli will bo hclil tho and TRUST COMPANY celpt ot $1.00 or your joint card party Saturday night. Tho middle of February. The exact'date C. O. D. order. prize winners were Mrs. Margie has not yet been act. cnecKi Newton, Mr«. Ccllna Lctta, Mra. Miss E!enn6r Mpunt of Plalnfleli OF RED BANK, N. J. Lorotta Duffy, MrB. J. Wakeflcld, J. la visiting her grandmother, Mn Soyom Medicine Co. B. Hoffman, Henry Qunst, C. Mickey, Thomno Dumont. COLD»nd S Harry Letts, Lnura Rublcy, Miss • Plans nro progressing for the an Solo Owner* Margaret Wnkcllnkl, John Ncwtnn, nuul card party for the benefit ol FEVER Mm. Valeria Smith, 'Minn Julia the Nnvcalnlc library. The affair wll. 666 firat day East Orange, N. J. •Jkitetn, M. A. Parker, 11K, Etta po held Tueeday nlghl, February 5, 3AI.VK. NOSE DJtOI'i HEADACHES •»•-. UqUlO TABLETS in 30 minute. REP BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 81,1985. EATONTOWN BUDGET. New Vaccine For FEEDING THE BIBDS. EXPERT FURRIER! TttM Adoption Held Up by Bt*t4 Our WUd Feathered Friends Are In Uteit Model Coats. Jackets and CapeleU. AodlMnj - Infantile Paralysis Need of Help Now. RcMjIe Your Old Fun t Moderate Coat Tbe Inclusion of an lUm which Progress In the experiments with When the ebunty agent's office as authorized as mandatory by th* new polio-«y*Utis vaccine, which speaks of feeding the birds, the he >tiU auditing department mi may afford Immunity to infantile reader assumes immediately that Cooperman Fur Shop, Inc. ho came of the dtlay in the final par&lysli will be related at the Con- there some more information H Monmouth St.. Phono 1830. Bed Bonk, N. J- idoptlon of the 1935 Eatontown tax ference of State and Local Health. forthcoming on ration* for the peul- rdlnance and budget last Thursday OfflcUla at the State House, Friday, t'rymen. This time, however, we light when tho eommlsolonerg met February 15. want to offer a suggestion for tbe In their regular BiMlon with all Dr. J. t/ynn Mahaffey, director of help of some of our permanent resi- membsra of the council present. dents who have a little difficulty In COLO ROOMS ENDED FOR GOOD she State Department of Health, will taking care of themselvea when the A sum of |l,370 to ba applied ntroduoe to the convention Dr. ground is blanketed with snow. We SPECIAL OFFER agalnat 1933 taxes owing the county Maurice Brodle, assistant professor OUR HOME WAS COLD was authorized paid In county scrip. of bacteriology, New York univers- refer to the birds who stay with us hlle J2.5OO wai borowtd from the ity, who I* MJoclatert with, Dr. Wil- during the winter months and who / AS AN ICE HOUSE First National bank on a tax revenue are ready to go to work as soon as for ""\y' liam H. Park of New York city, in springs opens up helping the farm- UNTIL WE SHIFTED ote In the aame amount, held by preparation of the new vaccine. He ers to cut down the Insect pests. . 8. Rippel and company of Newark, will explain what the material Is and To'bluecoaL'Now wae paid. Bills amounting to J25O.6O the hopes entertained for its success- The moat common foods for our IT'S WARM AS were ordered paid. ful application. •wild blrda ore boef suet, small, mixed- seeds and bread crumbs. Betfjnrii TOAST AIL WINTER With representative present Irom 'New Jersey has been relatively FEBRUARY and MARCH the three Eatontown oil companies a free from th« dreaded Infantile par- attracts a great variety of Mrds, in- dlscuMlon wag held ai to the night alysis In the past two years," said cluding chlckadeos, woodpeckers, watchmen. The rtpreoontatlves as- Dr. Mahaffey, "Scientific) research is flickers and kinglets. MlxVd seeds sured tho council there waa no unceasingly devoting Itself to such will attract the sparrows, juncos and gold finches, while bread crumbs, Quality Sanitone Dry Cleaning at Prices So danger of fire at their plants, aa ex- experiment* as may ilkely prove the 1 traordinary prevention precautions proper arrestlve measures. and incidentally, greasy crumbs are had been taken. The matter was left "In the State Department of Health best, will .attract practically all in the hands of the tire committee. .t the State House, there Is readily species. Low That Every One Should Take Advantage Joseph Fauler, proprietor of the available a quantity of serum, pre- The simplest way of offering suet WsyBlde Inn on Neptunt highway, pared by nationally known labor- to the winter birds In to tie a piece waa granted a retail consumer's li- atories, composed of blood donation! the size of the fist to a branch of a cense, Police Commissioner Frank lupplled by former Infantile paraly- tree with many windings of soft, VanDorn was authorised to erect a sis patients. This serum is available white string. The small, mixed seeds Tel. police booth at the corner of Broad to physician* of New Jersey In the can he scattered out on an old pie MEN'S PRICE LIST WOMEN'S PRICE LIST and Main etreota at the traffic •Igiml event of a case of infantile paralysis tin or some such container in order New'blue coal'Heating Plan post, the cost not to exceed $200. being reported. to keep the seeds from becoming lout R. B. Plain ':!oth Dresses ...... $1.00 "Health officials of Nftw Jersey and, In the snow. }f the bird? are likely Suits pressed $ .50 nearby states are vitally Interested to be disturbed by cats 'It! is better to Plain Cloth Coats 1.00 assures more heat—better heat Civil Service Examinations. In tho forthcoming address of 13 suspend the container-in some way Suits, 3-pc. Sanitone 2800 Fur-Trimmed Coats .. 1.25 up The United States Civil Service Brodle, who Is devoting the resources from a tree or pole, so that the cats tell you if il needs any repairs. v/lll not be able to reach the bird. at lowest fuel cost Commission has announced opin of the organization with which he Is 2-pc. Knitted Suits,, And he'll tell you what size competitive examinations as follows: connected in the attempt to conquer Broad crumbs can be fed in the dry-cleaned 1.00 Bame way as seeds. HIS new plan was mado for 'blue coal' to burn. Engineering draftsman (highway,) Infantile paralysis. We cleaned and blocked 1.00 up Overcoats ..t 1.00 Tharel-to.lient homes, [t jjives 'blue coal' is a qnicK-sturting, $1,800 a year, Bureau of Public roads. 'Dr. Wade H. Frost, Professor of Hats „ SO you 'blue coal', America's finest Junior medical officer (Interne,) St. Bacteriology at the Johns Hopkins .75 anthracite, pliiB Free lleuting long"buniiiigPciHi»ylvaniahard Elizabeths hospital, Washington, D, School of Public Health, Baltimore Hats 50 & Call Skirts 50 up Service — a combination that coal that gives steady* even, dc- is scheduled to address the conven- Silk Dresses 1.2S up pcndablelieatot lowest fuel cost. Associate supervisor of elementary tion on the progress made in com- Neckties .". 10 for 1.00 &- assures you cozy warmth in education, J3.200 a year, Indian Held bating baclllary dysentery, a. disease Silk Blouses SO up room al no extra cost. Play safe this winter— get service. which caused some alarm in New Sweaters .50 up your 'blue coal' dealer to 'blue coal' and 'blue coal' Heat* The closing date for receipt of ap- Jersey a fow months ago. Deliver Sweaters 50 up a trained Healing Expert. ins Service. Order from'* plications for these examinations "William H. MacDonnld, Chief of STAII February 18, 1035. the Local Health Administration He'll inspect your furnace and dealers listed below. Tho salaries named are subject to Bureau of the St&to Department, of By Qulnton J^mes . a deduction of not to exceed rive per Health will explain progress in New Orphans of Spain benoflt directly cent during the fiscal year ending Jersey in tho use of diphtheria tox- from a semi-postal issue of bi-colored Juno 30, 1935, as a measure 6t ecoh old and smallpox vaccine in their ap- .stamps just In appearance from that In order to keep our employees working during this o:nyAand also to a deduction of 3>,4 plication to children of pre-school country. per'''cent toward a retirement an- age. This work is being undertaken The stamps &re inscribed,, as nuity. In conjunction -with the State Med- MINED BY GLEN ALDEN COAL CO. roughly translated, "School home tor slow period, we are offering these Special Prices. All states except Vermont, Vir- ical Society and some 7,000 children orphans." Part of tho "money reseived ginia, Maryland, and the District of have been Immunized against diph- from the sale of the stamps Is to go Columbia have received less than theria and given the smallpox vac- to aid of the orphans. g l l ph th : their quota of appointments In th cine since July l.^.l when the For the basic illustration ft couple apportioned departmental service in campaign was -Inaugurated by the curley-headed youngsters are •blue coal' VTlia Shadow", Columbia Network, Mbn. & Wed. 6:3D p.m. Washington, "D." C." Of the "positions State Department's of Health. "Peggy's Doctor", N.B.C. NBtwort, Mon..WaJ. t Frl. 1:15 p.m. named, only engineering draftsman Pointers to all "'health oflicials to 2 BIG RADIO SHOWS in affected by tho state apportion- crystallize support for promotion of Wc^offer Complete Laundry Service ment law. public heaitli programs will bo given Full information may be obtained by C. K. ninnchard, Assistant Epi Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class from F. J. GlBleson, secretary of the donlologlst of the State Department ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller wh United States Civil SWrvlen Board of of Health. at Minimum Prices Examiners at the Red Bank postof- Bolter sanitary supervision of tho want* tit sell and the buyer who wants to buy. flce. jhclhlsh Industry In New will bo di.scus.ied by Or, -Irvin- E. Dlbul 4 of C'aiuden, chairman uf ;hc l-'MUMi coni.iilltco uf Iho Eitiub Dcp-irtmint New Damp Wash Service 10 pounds for 49c of Health. Dr. Dclb'cri ir.lliated i.'ir- revised regulations rrci-utly pujmul ADDITIONAL POUNDS ONLY 3c EACH gated by the State DepudmcMt o i <• niccsed in play One has a Health under which shelliish prtciur i !l n:-il ihc other a small sallin have the certification of .the f-t:itc o ('] luliig is flanked on Mew Jersey na to their..s:inj:utlon v ill rintho horrid- of The sessions, afternoon aini'-'-t i i I" the ccntial part Ing of February 15, will be hold i i the Assembly Chamber ol the SUJU on denominations, br-t Announcing H0U8B. itn^ \u n ti i i entavus and Ii ndinj, lo ll\r ppselis. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORK'V •rlrlllplnes To Appear U. S. Civil Service Commission Warns LEON'S A complete scries of fourteen Agalnnl Misleading Inf'iiiintlon. I Philippine stamps has been- made ready ;o ropl-ice the current Istitie. The United SUitcs . Civil service r CLEANERS DYERS LAUNDERERS commi.sriion says th;it numerous let- All o. Ihc deflgna "are of Philippine HOWARD MOTORS, me. ters rci-c-ivcd nl.itfi ollice from, ilif- sublets except tho 5*peso which will fercnt paiL* of I ho country indicn 1 <.' bear a portrait of George Washing- that misleading information is bcin;,' ton scutud on a white charger. 70-76 WHITE STREET Telephone 2800 RED BANK. N. J. given to ibe piibiic by agents ol" sonic The other values will consist of: of the eorre.-pomlcnce schools whicll Twoccntavo, Jose Rizal; 4-ccntava, give instruction in preparation for i-'ilipino woman symbolic of agricul- civil fceivice i:-N>iniiiritions. * ' * ture; 6-centavo, Filipino girl; 8-cent- 1 .••vii, pearl fishing; 10-ccnta.vo, Ft. To guard ajv'i' ^ the- loss of Santiago at Manila; 12-centavo, salt to Maple Avenue tnonpy pciid for tuition of this kind spring; 16-contavo, landing of Magel- the Civil :".or\ ice commission informs lan; 20-ccntavo, Filipino In native the pujili a:; follows: co.;tumo; 26-centovo, rice terraces; No OT-: -v.;i pru.niM' appointments p 30-ccntavo, Philippine revolution to |l.l..,l . „ as lor which the- United scc;ic; 1-peso, Barasoin church: 2- States (.'.•. II t-civ^ce commission holds peso, battle of Manila boy, and 4- examiiit'.or.s. The claim that'such (jouA peso, Mont^|ban gorge. assui.uii-- i-,in be given' brands the person n.aking it^s a fraud. Infon.i ;ion regarding examina- New Meter Stamp New Dealer for tions for l:v I'nijcd States Civil Ser- A new design for U. S. meter vice may n-: i,b'..iiiK.l the boards >1anins his hern noted making its oi Unitc-i su.'.cs C'lvi 1 Service exnm- way into the mails. One of Ihc first incr.i. T; • 'iii i.- such a board in each to come to hand originated from comir.ui ...- which has a postoilicc of f-r'-.i ncc.iidy, N. V, , A meter stamp the iir L i.r the second i-iuss. In -,.; i:.Tpre?sed on an envelope by a NASH & LAFAYETTE naaily :,'.l ,i,;tir.i the civil .service .pc.:.!l machine, each of "which has boaru is ii.i..ilr.l at the postcflicc. li . u'.-.ii number, and serves not only as the indication that the regular Bc;M : ;>, >'inc: nioncy fur tuitirn. or i^tc has hecn paid but aa the can- algnli..-; j con'.rac;, it is advi:;iblc la'.lon mark as well. make .,-,j-.;iry i-oncci-nii:;,' 1lu: pros- pects uf c-ninln'.tii ns. There is rea- The new die bears an eagle in Howard MotorsMOTORCAR, Inc. takes pleasure in announcinS g its son to hr.-lii.M1 ;li-.t ,-t^rnis of some Ili.'-.'.VL in the center, above which is schools deer A i' -J.^ public ;IM to the ••I', s. I'oi'tage." and below, the town appointment: as Nash and LaFayette dealer for Red probability . .' t.'.l1 e-.n;-.ii!il ions. c; or!-, 'i. To the left is the meter -No school :-.-..: , ., nn: information ;-.;- ••'..• ;;ii 1 date, while to the right Rank and vicinity—with sales and service headquarters regarding t' • M-.-.I ; .; employees or \i '.' • ';;i( paid" and, in large n£- the probhbii.i - .r.iinatlons. ure.-- '»•>:.,w. tho value. AH of tliis is al 8 Maple Avenue. New models, arc on display in the' enc.ii v-.l in a border resembling the r showroom now. ]ici t o;-uic-i.s on an adhesive. OLD AGE 1'iiNSIONS. In tin1 eld dfvipns, the amount paid etc., v.-a:-. in addition to a cancellation The high popularity of, the 1.9.35, Nash and LaFayette Senator Barlwur (>1VCH llln Vlcivh tin maiU simihir lo th:it employed on willi motorists in every section of the country, and the Adequate Amount. j mall bearing regular stamps. Dout that a $30 monthly old age excellent reputation of Nash Motors, guided us in our | pension is adequate to enable tho re- Greece And Ilenlih selection of the- best automobiles to Bell and service in cipients to maintain a decent living The three spoclil atamps ol (i: standard was expressed by United deigned ai a Christmas health this territory. ' fllatpft Rcnntnr W. Wnrren Barhoiir :ulo wfrc piinted at a testimonial dinner given by the in two colors j ! Pafiflftlc Chamber of Commerce- to They were or If you arc H iNash or u LaFaycttc owner you will find that : Representative Georgo N. Scger there rnlc the two last Saturday night. woe-ks nexivcsi Howard Motors, Inc. has taken every step to serve your Chrlstnws, par "The fundamental thought behind of tho prtM-.nnd.i to bcHl intercut, for this new organization is just as in- tha payment of old nge pensions," Ko to aid of oon TALE! Senator Rftrbour said, "is to/permit sumptivc clerks terested in keeping old customers as it is in getting new the recipient to live out his or her re- nnd oiTlcials c WITH THEM maining years free of the spectro of the state., ones. Nash Motors builds its cars to stay built and here poverty nnd confident that tho basic * YOU CAN CALL needs will be taken care of and a Tho nt-a mp every Nash and LaFayette owner will get the sort of condition of living maintained on a bear a drawing ol 30 roll** iot 25 cwK self-respecting basis, compatible with a woman seated at a table and shar anywher* in N. !.-• treatment that will add to his enjoyment of the car. that which 1B generally accepted an InK her food with a largo snnkc. I We are holding "Open House" every day now, and i American standard. Thn pro- lias been deacrlbed as an allegories and 500 rallei \oi po.scd rain of $30 a month would not llsure, of health. $1.15 after 8:30 P. M. everybody""s welcome. Come in—see and drive the cars accomplish this. Tho fldhcfllvts were obligatory "I foel that the minimum should nil Inland mall for two -weeks, com (Slatton-to-Stattan ROIM) that are the 1935 pace setters in Ride—in Style—and in ft Increased as rapidly as possible- In ing In 10, 20 and BO leptas. *|0PV lESlIT IEU TEUTBOM 00) order that tho goal that Is sought— Performance. namely, tho preservation of a decent A Noto or Tm> living standard—could In fact bo pie Tin; Union of South Africa ha.i de- cided to issue a speolal commemot STATE OF NEW JERSEY. SfiOt". iirellminhry to the Isiulre of thin NOTICE or sin TIXMKNT OF ACCOUNT served. X cannot say now Just what ntu uf N. Ma Muiby, ,lo, «i«(|. tho pension should be, for that must atlvn stamp In connoctlon with Kin D«partm«nt oi Mate- S Oeorgo'ii silver Jubllco in May. Tlv NOW. THEUBFOnE. I. T1IOMAH A. lotlre In lit-icliy ulvan l)i«l till •(• be worked out vary cnrnftilly, but It tfATIIIS. MocmUiy nf State -uf -tho Smto 1,1, ,,[ tho . •nil..,-rlln;.t nxgiintut' al 111* should certainly be nearer $50 than c(;ntral fenturR wilt be the- head c To ALL TO WHOM 'I'HKKB l'UBSKM'l'M if N'o\v Ju-.->rti\ Oft lUriiliy Carttfy Ihrtt thn >l» of BIH.I ,1.-..•*',«,1. will l,» amlltwl anil I1OW AH I? MOTORS, Inc. tho king surrounded by emblema' MAY COMK. GREETINUi -nl»i:0« o( well Ian a permanent program." uliiiK" n{oief,alil nra now on fll* in mnhi»lr>n* nml roiinnel /flei. Telephone Red Bank 1450 T10N. » ciirin.mllon «< ihl. binu-. »!>• hi niliro AI provltled by litw. mt^l January ID, A. D. IWHi Sovli>t MnmorUiI principal »IHt« I" •H"»t'" ».!• """ ,''",•,,, In tpMlmony wlier«of, 1 h«vo lioratu I1J5NMMIN J. PAIIK|B., Newspaper circulation that cnunta Th« Rovlet 1B pmrwirlng a 20-kopc 1 Itainl IIIHI Mlitxfiil my nlllolMl aeal. fit with the advertiser Is tho bonaflde stamp In memory of S. M.J Klrofl ,11, I lil' IHIh 'Iny uf Jnnuary, A. I), one—the kind The Register him. No member of Ihn political bureau of th luii.-iiml niliu iilnulrnil mi'l th lily- II vo. K,],Mtid W. Wk KM, premiums or other InaucmiicntH huve lirinl Seal) THOMAS A. MATUIS, IU»1 IUuk. ti. .1,, ever been offtrad to iscure cliculn- central rnmmltt«a of the comnuinU ttAdtlt party, who woa dain wwmtly, PagqEigKf Rfel) BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 81,1935.

i brother, Webster Swan, at Nave- home and there was an evening of at the Keanaburg Methodist church at Oceanic for the repairing of that unfortunate war zone, and J. F. from a Sea Bright fisherman, who church of Red Bank to iuco«44 ) Years Ago in and sink.' , general sociability. with Joseph Tilton as president, watches, clocks, sewing machines and Maran received a lengthy letter trom caught the fish with hook and lino. thew J. Hollywood,' who accap phonographs. the Belgian commission thanking Mr. Whlta brought the fish to Redaimllar position at Newark. ' A son was Mra. E. E. Gage Chester Mulllson vice president, Ray. i Thirty Years Ago; of Belmar.i Mr. and Mrs. Gage were mond truax secretary and Harry Dr. o, VanVoris Warner resigned the people of Marlboro for their kind- Bank, where It was exhibited before Frank Lawcs, Edward Kelly, Around Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wubber of I former residents of Fair Haven. Smith treasurer. as a member of the Fair Haven ness. he took it home for consumption. ence Wiederholrt and Harold ',' Colt's Neck gave a dance, which was \ Clarence K. Bedle of Keyport sus- A group of women at Everett Or- board of health. . ' Ensley; White ol White atreH se- . Misa Marjorle Mullen of Oceanic mtck ~ comprised a convmHtea Incidentr Culled From The Reg-looked after by Henry Francis and j tained a badly injured ankle when ganized a sewing club at a meeting Mrs. Minerva Vander Oudermeulen, cured a codfish weighing SI pounds was engaged as organist of St. James charge of the Alumni assoclitloj ister of the Last Week in Arthur Soffel. Music was furnished jh o waa thrown a distance of fifteen held at Mrs. Harold Stout's residence. daughter of Mrs. Georgia and the dance In the Shrewsbury schoolhousi by Mr. and Mrs. George Gramann of | feet ttom a scaffold on which he was The members were Mrs. Stout, Mra. late Henry Oudermeulen of Red January Twenty, Thirty and Jted Bank. Guests were present from j working at the Keyport flrehouse. ohn B. Stiiwagon, Mrs. John Bank,.died of pneumonia. The fun- Forty Yeats Ago. Eatontown, Tlttton Falls, Colt's Neck I Rev-.w- w- Wedderspoon, a former Schanck, Mrs. Burt Schanck and eral was held from the home of her THIS NEW MAGIC and Freehold I Red Bank pastor, who was in charge Misa Rachel Stiiwagon. uncle, Captain Charles P. Irwln of Forty Years Ago. , Charles Sheriff, a member of the i0',1^ Asb^ _1ark Methodist church, Jere Beldo was laid off as a mem- Union street, with Rev. Johnson L. The claim for alimony made by ier of tht Red Bank street clean- Minor officiating. Fannie Wood Theatrical, troupe, died asked each member of the banishes drudgery Mrs. Charles J. M. Smith of Bedat the Central hotel of pneumonia. ! 8lve one day'a waBea toward the pay- ing department and It was thought The birthdays of LouUa Simpson Bank when she and her husband sep- The man was without relatives, and Imen t of the' church debt. It was ex- nllkely that anyone would be ap-and her cousin, Mary Gandy, wero arated, was decided and she wasDavid Bray of Bed Bank, acting- for : pectcd that an amount in excess of pointed- to fill his place until mld- celebrated with a party at Heriry C. Simpson's residence on Hudson ave- granted ?400 per year. Mrs. Smith the Independent Order of Foresters J3.O00 would be raised In this manner, iummer. was the daughter of James Hubbard Harry F. Davis of Oakhurst an- nue. The guests at the double cole- Mikci .11 white Uh- and Odd Fellows lodges, of which St James clubhouse on Monmouth bratlon were Janet and Catherine ilowhiter.bfiihter, of Mlddlctown township and she and the deceased was a member, took nounced himself as a candidate for itreet waa to be made the social cen- cleaner. Mr. Smith had been married about the Democratic nomination for collec- Cooper, Margaret Sutton, Virginia charge of his funeral. er for the activities of St. James Grattin, Marlon. Simmons, Mary Van- six years. Joseph Lufburrow's store at Atlan- tor of Ocean township. •arlsh. The rear of the building was Tho newly elected oilicers of the Scholk, Dorothy Wolcott, Catherine tic Highlands, which was occupied by he former St. James church, which Child, Ruth Compton, lone VanBus- Monmouth Debating club of Red Mrs. Winifred Reilly's laundry, was Twenty Years Ago 'or many years had been .located at WILBERT'S .mb/ulanc kirk, Mary Weeks, Gertrude Van- fffie WONDER HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER Bank Were installed by Rev. Robert badly damaged by fire, A barn on r The newly organized he corner of Pearl and Wall street, Sandt, Vera Plcot,- Florence Sterns, MacKellar. During the evening there ut which was moved around to be- the property was destroyed by fire a | company of Red Bank had 43 enlist- Helen Young, Lucy Valentine, Vir- Wilbert's Javrx ii an improved liquid chlorine bleach' was a debate on the most important few months previously. ed men on its roster. Twelve ambu- ome part of the' modern bulldlryj ginia Sandt, Elizabeth Strong, Esther standardized for purily, ^concentration and effective*' events in 1894. It was a four-cor- L,ya!l Stewart, son of John Stewart lances, three transport wagons, uni- rected by St. James club. Howard and Elsie Tetley. ness. It is * sworn enemy of dirt, filth, grease, auim George O. Dennis of Eatontown nered affair, with Joseph Blaisdell of Naveslnk, died from the effects of forms and other equipment were ex- JAYEX Foliihei »nd bright- —it deodorizes, kills germs. declaring in favor of the Hawaiian ! an operation for appemlicitlsVHe-was pected daily as the company had lurst a blood vessel In his right leg Several boys of the Red Hnnk Bap- eni all porcelain, ! been mustered into service as part of rtillo playing Indoor baseball, with tist church formed an athletic and tile. etc. revolution, Lester Pach the discov- thirty years old • LIQUID CHIOIIIMI aiatcH I ery of anti-toxin, Joseph Denton I Mr and Mrs, Danie, Asay o( Cath. the field hospital unit. he postofflce team against the cav-social club, which met weekly In tho UM«tt MUM-HWNKU I WHAT IT DOES — Japanese and Chinese war and erine siTect received a surprise visit Charles H. Campbell was elected lry troop at the new armory. A blood church Sunday-school assembly room. George Cooper the overthrow of po-.| i bration of their seventh wed- president, II. Witney Conrow treas- ;Iot formed under the knee cap andMembers of the club were Harry Javex is magical in whitening clothe) — mnkcj them ln ce e snowy bright by simply snaking in a diluted solution lice.clubs in New York. The judges, dlng nnnivcreury. Their guests were urer and J. B. Cook .secretary of the Ar. Dennis was barely able to walk Dowen, Charles Davis, W. Turner Mr. MacKellar^John Dey and John| . Joseph Tcrrinc, Mr. Eatontown township board of health. or several days. Brown, Walter Kinsman, Walton Cul- before or after rinsing. (It cannot be used with silk Mr- nnd Mrn ot wool). It CUIJ grease, cleans drains and (oilets, and Robert Korsythe, decided in and jnrs._Albert Warden. Sr., Mr. ami Postmaster Frank PiUenger issued Mr. and Mrs. George Hanco Pat- lington, Paul Sandt, Harold Webb DISINFECTANT and Franklin Slater. brightens tile and porcelain. Is wonderful in removing favor, of Mr. Blaisdell. Mrs, Oliver F.take, Edith Sehroeder", a statement that the amount of busl- erson of Monmouth street gave a stains, mildew and scorch. Highly gcrmiddal, it dlsin-. George Morris, principal of the Pearl Worden, James Woodward, J ness done at the Red Bank postofflce .arty in honor of their niece, Miss Mrs. A. Twadoll of Port Monmouth fects as it whitens, brightens and cleans. Oceanic school, was giving a Series j Albert Worden and Herbert and during the past year would exceed Virginia Parker of Shrewsbury. was planning to move West and a group of her friends paid her a fare- Removes itiinaof of lectures on chemistry, which was {Chester Frake. I S3G.000. Despite the unfavorable con- ?ards and dancing formed tho prin- all Idodi and sorts. Tttre'i only one JA PEX — insist upen ope-,.-_n t.o. anyon-..,-. e intereste. - -- d in this Benjamin Ayes of Little Silver died ditions resulting from the war the pal features of the evening's en- well visit.' Those present wero Mr. GERMICIDE tbt original. Comti in pint arid quart branch-of science. They were con-! of pneumonia after an illness of only record equalled that of the prevl- ertainment and Mrs. John Runynn, Mr. and Mrs. boltlts. Ash for it by tiamt at all ductcd nt the Oceanic public school. jfim days. He was 66 years old. ous year. Mrs. Henry S. White of Prospect Charles Brown, Mr. and Mra. Doug- good grottrstveryubert. las Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulr, George SUlwell sold twelve shares Harry A. Kettel was leading in n Dr. William D. Sayre of Red Bank venue entertained the Monmouth billiard tournament at the Oceanic was selected official physician for this hapter of the Daughters of the Rev- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hyera,,Mr. and of stock of tho First'National bank i Mrs. Rufus, Eastmond and Mr. and of Red Bank at auction. William club at Oceanic. Horace T. Long- !section of Monmonth county by the ution on its thirteenth anniversary. •0\it Public Service Electric company. :rs. White was re-elected regent of Mrs. Herman Turner. Applegate bought four shares at $200 ',street , C. H. Walling, Walter S. Whit- We guarantee that Wilbctt's Javex is scientifi- per share and four shares at $292.; more, Nicholas Buttcrbach, John Yeo- William Cannon, who was em- e chapter, with Miss Elizabeth Miss Sarah Matilda Longstreet and John, S. Holmes, both ot Holmdel, cally standardized as to purity and concen- Michael Rowland bought four shares , mans and Harry Stryker were the ployed several scars by Fred Luther, looper of Red Bank, secretary and CLEANS TILE tration. It is quick and safe as a whitener and at $295.50 per sharo. "• other contestants. j died in the Long Branch hospital of rs. G.eorge O. Hendrlckosn of Red weer married at the bride's home by I AND PORCELAIN A bleach for all white fabrics —and for the re- Mrs. Minnie L. Cummings, well ' team of horses owned by Benja- (blood poisoning:, resulting from pick- lank treasurer. Rev. W; P. Chase, pastor of tre Holm- moval of grease, stains and dirt —making known actress, was suing the New min H. Crate, a Red Bank bottler, j ing a fester with a pin. del Baptist church. where. Fine for poti Joseph Lenney, who was a prac- CGNTINTS ONI PINT and pans. bright and clean every surface it touches.' York & Long Branch Steamboat com-; and driven by .Thomas Haley, ran Rev. J. F. Heilenmann, pastor of ical jack of all trades, but principal- Tho people In the Marlboro district pany for the loss of a trunk, which Uway when one of the sleigh runners the Oceanport Methodist church, cel- y a watch and clock maker, opened shipped several barrels of material J A V EX TAKES THE V EX shn sHlrt contained goods valued at |bro'ie. The ^horses bolted, throwinpr chrated his 51st year In tho ministry. repair shop in the Jeffrey cottage to Belgium for thooo In distress In H 0 U S Ew O II K $6,000. Haley out. Several crates of bottles He was a former preacher at Grace were jolted out of the sleigh and church, Red Bank. The Ladies' Aid society of the First smashed. Methodist church held a sociable in Fifty men were- at work erecting the parsonage. Over 100 persons were A. C. Curtis of Scobcyville enlisted a new building oh Bridge avenue as present. A short program of musical in the United States army and extra quarters for the Sigmund Eis- and literary numbers was rendered planned to leave for the Philippines ner Manufacturing company. The by Florence. Bishop, Emma Sickles, within a few days with the Sixteenth company had large contracts to sup- Florence and Lillian Chadwick, Liz- infantry. He had previously served ply uniforms for a European nation. zie Merchant, Mamie Hubbard, Frank six years with the 55th Coast artil- Mrs, Catherine Pope, mother of Conklin and Joseph Blaisdell. lery at Fort Hancock; William H. Pope of Red Bank, died Miss Elizabeth E. Schanck of Ever- Miss Deborah Palmer of Keans- J suddenly of heart trouble. She was ett entertained a group of friends in tha widow of William Pope, a well- liurg,"while riding her bicycle, un- celebration of her birthday. During dertook to turn out for a load of hay. known Lincroft farmer, Mrs. Pope, the evening Miss Ella VanCleaf and who was 72 years old, was born in WITH iihe was riding on the side of a Miss Schanck rendered piano solos. creek and in turning fell into the County Limerick, Ireland, and came HECKER'S crepk. Rho was pulled out by tho Nearly all the crew of the steam- ';(rt tills country when a young -worn, driver of tho hay wagon. boat Fulton Market was overcome by Br), The Atlantic Highlands Press is- coal gas. The crew was made up • The Keyslune club was the title sued a Pixtecn-page illustrated sec- entirely of persona living at Belford pivCn a new organization formed by tion showing the views of the town and immediate vicinity. The nicm- j ninc RCCI Bank lads. The members and bay. Six thousand copies of the bers were John Morrcll, Rufus East- jwcr e William Frank, Jr., Fred Gus- paper were distributed. mond, Frank Grant, Fred Runyan, tin, Eugene Newman, Harold Webb, Burt Maxaon of Navcsink fell Norman Johnson. Fred Atwater, Wil- Trving Predmore, Roy Frank, Ames through the ice while skating at Lo- fred Smith and Elmer Compton. Oleson, Harry Olcson and Richard cust Point and would have drowned L, M. VanAnglen, an Oceanport Frank. The boys built a two-room but for the timely assistance of a grocer, was struck by a trolley car r.hack on the river bank on Sigmund friend. while delivering groceries. His wag- Eisner's property on Shrewsbury ave- on was wrecked and Mr. VanAnglcn wherc they held their club meetings. The North Shrewsbury Ice Yacht was cut and bruised. club conducted skating races, during Holmes Crawford, manager of the Among the class of 55 graduating Robert Hartshornc Portland farm, which many records were lowered. from the state normal school were The cllicers or Ihe events were Wil- near Locust Point, received 28 cases l residents of this vicinity. Thry of dynamite and one case of exclusive liam II. Cmlhi referee, Dr. Edwin were Misa Mary Hankinson VanDorn, Field and Commodore Samuel W. caps by express at the Highlands of- daughter of Vanderveer VanDorn of fice. The man in charge of the office Morford judges, Charles K Throck- Red Brink; MIBS Ethel Mary Wilson morton, Charles Kurd and Edmund lost no time In. notifying. Mr. Craw- of Port Monmouth, Miss Mary A. ford of the shipment and urged him W. ThrocUniorton clerks of the course, Johnson of Holmdel nnd Miss Cath- Mortimer V. Pac:li announcer, Wil- erine Taylor Ncafte. of Freehold. to take the stuff away as quickly as llnm H. Ttnhrrtsnn sfarter, Joseph T. possible. Tho matcri/il was to be Field, Lemuel Kdrhnm and Samuel Frank H. Hodges or lied Bank UI-IMI to blast trccr stumps. X Montgomery timers and J. Dun- leased his poultry farm on Branch Mrs. Samuel Phillips of Valley bar Throckmorton, Haddon Ivins, avenue to W. V. Lusk, proprietor of drive was cleaning a lamp chimney Robert D. Chandler and James C. the Excelsior Fancy Poultry & Sup- whcn it broke and cut her hand se- Doughty scorers. Among the profes- ply'company of New York. The firm vercly. The following day her hand was the largest exporters and g y sionals who exhibited were Tom Eck was thn im-msr pvnorf.r. nnrt 'm-' began swelling and nftcr a consultacnlt - and his Trio of Skating Wonders, porters of choice poultry in the world. Dr. William M. Thompson was ad- tion of physicians she was sent to the Johnson, Rudd and Davidson; How- Long Branch hospital for treatment. ard Mohser and J. C. Hennuent. vertising his Aroma tooth powder. The powder was marie from a form- A Brotherhood society was formed William W. Conover of Red Bank ula perfected by Dr. Thompson. Held to William I". Havemeyer a tract Mrs. Ella Cadoo and John T. Tet- of ia.nd on Rumson Neck containing ley were married at the home of the about 26 acres. bride's daughter, Mrs." George San- --•• Tho go-as-you-please race ended born, at Nutswamp by -Rev. B. C. with Ed Flood the winner, with 130 Lippincott of Red Bank. miles to his credit. Pat Floyd was . Mrs. Cora Edwards of Virginia and second and Dan Hatfleld third. Sam Peter Brown of Chapel Hill were Hardenbrook, who withdrew early in marriei d at the of the th» race, got a dollar for going oiiiodM cmircn at Hillside, near Atlan- the track Saturday night. |tic HipniandSi by Rev. L. Sterges. . Mrs. Frances F. Coleman enter- | James P. Hopping, a farmer at Way tainedat her home on Rector place jHopping'a . Station, in Hiddletown 1038 CASH PRIZES! •\vith an ~ entertainment and hop. j township, wag conisldere, d the most Those who took part in the entertain-! up-to-date farm er in Northern Mon- to TO INTEREST YOU IN THE ECONOMY OF HECKERS'"NEVER-FAIL" FLOUR ment were Mrs. Coleman and her;mouth. He >vaws amon-..^ , th*..o ~firs ....,t * sons Emlle and Philip, the Misses ' farmers to plant his potatoes by ma- Harvey, Hattie Ecrre, Josephine Hal- ; chinery, to dig them by machinery vey and Esther' Colemnn. ,-uul tu use self-binders in harvesting SAFE MONEY Mioa Minnie B. Morford, daughter his grain. because Heckers' is always uniform; thcaame exact qual- 1 FIRST PRIZE ...... $2Q0 of Albert Morford of New Monmouih, j The regular shoot of the Holmdel ity is carefully maintained, through scientifically accu- CONTEST RULES became the bride of John T. Hen- l Gun club resulted in badges being SECOND PRIZE ...... $100 rate milling processes and baking testa in our kitchen. drickson of Middletown. The wed- ; won by R. R. Sutphin, R. Schanck Would you risk giving your family tasteless food to 1. List all the errors you can find in ding took place at the bride's home and Edward C. Tilton. THIRD PRIZE $50 tho above picture. save a fraction of a penny? Heckera' gives a rich flavor and was performed by Rev. William ! Mis3 Clara Smith of Marlboro, who 2. Writo a simple letter on "How I V. Wilson. J j,ad been organist many years at the 4th through 13th prizes, each . $25 to everything you bake because it ia made from care- save by usinj; Hcckors' 'Never-Fail' Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunbar Throck- village Baptist church, received a fully selected varieties of choicest wheats. Then, too, Flour." Literary ability not neces- morton celebrated the tenth anniver- gold ring In appreciation of her serv- 14th through 38th prizes, each . $10 your bread, cake, rolls, made with Heckera' slay fresh ! sary. Print your namo and full sary of their marriage at their home. ices before she left to take up studies 39th through 288th prizes, each $5 longer. No Wasteful throwing out of things that have address. The old Baptist church building on at tho Btate normal school at Trcn- "gone stale." . 3. Awards will be made on the baaisof West Front street was bought by (lie ton. 289th through 1038th prizes, each $2 tho most accurate and complete list Second Baptist church congregation ! George Mount, son of Alvln Mount You save again because Heckers' is a real ALL- and was being moved to the cornet of Atlantic Highlands, went to North of erroro and tho interest of. your PURPOSE flour. As Mrs. T. C. M. of Brooklyn letter. of Bridge avenue and River street. Carolina to take charge of an en- Forman Matthews was awarded the ^inrpring job. lie hud recently grad- What fun your whole family will have enteriiiK joyfully writes to ua: 4. Get a sales elip or receipt from your , Serve Vogt's Scrapple! grocer when you buy Hecltere' contract U> muvc the building for uated from Rutgers college. ^ Heckera' great Cash Contest! And what a wonderful "I never bother any more with expensive cake or $900. Mr, and Mrs. James C. Hendrick- prepared flours, I've found out that when I have "Never-Fail" Flour.* Send this in o t Costs very little, yet chance you have to win! More than 1000 cash prizes! with your letter. No letter will bo A new life saving station was to be «•" MitMlctown village celebrated Heckers' In the houso I don't need them. I think the tcntl Why do we offer housewives all these prizes? For accepted without it. , built at Monmouih Beach. It was to > anniversary, of their wed- it is one of the best- it is fine that you havo found the way to make be the llncst on tho Atlantic coast. lIinS v>y entertaining 75 Riicsts.- A this one reason only: to call attention to the real econ- 5. Address your letter to Heckera' Oacnr Ifc.«p, Hi;., started en a two fui'por was one of the features of the tasting, most nour- omy in using Heckera' "Never-Fail" Flour—the flour flour that is just right for all my baking purposes Flour, Dept, 3, 88 Lexington months' business trip to Europe. : celebration. that will give you tho finest, most nuccessiul baking —It certainly gives me perfect results In nil kinds Avenue, New York, Now York. While in Kurope he was to visit Ilia ' A «roun of young people at Eaton- of baking." Letters muat bo postmarked on or town ishing foods you can results you ever had ... and at the same time cut your brothor William, who was lioad for-: organized a missionary society Millions of women, like Mrs. T. C. M., know Heckers' before midnight, March 6,1935. for llle baking cost surprisingly! ester for Empeior Wilhelm of Ger- purpose of raisingg moneyy for buy! Surprise the fam- all purpose economy ... its richer flavor, and its as- 6. Winners will bo notified by mail as muny> foreign activities. The otllccrs were Boon after tho cloao of tho contest HOW HECKERS' CUTS BAKING COST sured results. You also can be assured perfect bakings i Mis. Harry Dennis president, Charles ily with this wonder- as the judges arrive at their deci- vice with Heckers' "Never-Fail" Flour. ful, savory taste-thrill, AB millions of women know, you really safe money sions. In tho event of tics, duplicate mond of Atlantic Highlands. MrMr,, ^^^^ y T g SIMPLEST CONTEST EVER , prizes will bo awarded. Sd i re :u y Ile 0 Bu ))uny n building which could Vogt's pofilponcd affair, due tu GET HECKERS'-ENTER CONTEST-TOD AY I lio converted Into a flrelunmp and to j Hloi-tiV Nevertheless the lease them the lot on which the build- rcauUg wcle over ?1Oo RICH • MEATY ing Htnod for a term of twenty yearn ' Helen Mario Granderatli, Infant without rent. daughter of Henry Grundcratli of Charles W. P. Uunliti, principal of Belford, wan christened r\t the New tho Kutonlown public nelioul, issued Monmouth Catholic, church by Itcv. bin monthly report, showing there J. It. O'Connor. Miss Klla Finnan Scrapple worn KIT piipllrt i-egliitercd, B4 In the anil Jiimi'M ftedillnjUoti wore spon- gianiniMi (irpartment and 53 In Uiesors. After the christening Mr. find In the 2 Ib. crystal-clear wrapper primary. - Mis. Griindeinth entertained a largo HECKERS FLOUR Swan tiled at the homo of group of-friends at dinner at their RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 31,1935. Paw Nine

CARD AND BUNCO PARI'Y. jlrthday Saturday night with a •lew hospital at Red Bank a few Spread with butter and: roll until Vh A bonaflde newspaper circulation jarty at which about twenty guests lays ago. Both aro In arod health. Inches In diameter. Cut off Vi inch -the kind The lte«l«t«r has- l.i th» Because of tho snow Btfkrn no mail only kind that counts with tlu> nil. Successful Event for Altar Boy« of wero present. Cards and other games slices and arrange, flat side up next vortlser' No premiums or nthci In- tit, James'* Church. rero enjoyed and refreshments* were •as delivered or sent out two days CELCH other, In shallow pan, B&ke ten PUBLIC SALE High School Notes tat week. ducements have ever been nlTniot lo erved. minutes in moderate oven. secure circulation.—Aiivertlm-mor.t. A card and bunco party wan held — OF — Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jensen of Jer- Friday night at Bt. James's auditor- cy City wero visitors hero over the Child Baptized. ium for tr/e benefit of tho Altar Boys' Th6 newly elected officers of the 'eek-end. Rev. G. H. Mlkseh, pastbr of the Boclety of St. James's church. Mrs. boys' Hl-Y presided at tha recent Moat of tho roads hereabouts wore Jacob Bloom was In charge, unstated •resbyterliin •church, Shrewsbury, re- meeting of the Club, at which tlmo impaoaable after the snow storm last ently baptized Lois! Sophia Lcuck, by n £6rmn]ttce. Prizes wero award- tho boys decided to hold an election eek and many automobiles got Farm Machinery, Live Stock ed to tho* high-scorers .and refresh- of new members at thalr next meet- laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Leuck (truck In drifts. Some of tho auto- ments wero served. • .t their homo at River Plaza. Agnes Insf. William Weeks, the advlaor, ,8t» lived at distant places and they ""hlllipa of Bedford Hills, New York, SPECIAL CLEARANCE Thosa attending wero Mrs. Gerard and the offlceri met last Monday to spent tho night at various homed lster of Mrs. I/euck, was the god- Corn and Hay Sloyan, Mrs. William Lake, Mrs, decide on a program for the coming ere. nother and Walter I_,euck, brother Mary Mussey, Mrs. George Grauso, school semester. The new officers aro The ladles1 auxiliary of the- fire if Mr. I/Mick, the godfather. Both of Suede and Suede Trimmed Mrs. Theodore Moss, Mr. and MrsKennet. h Curchln president, Tony :ompany held a luncheon at the lire ilr. nnd Mrs. Otto Lcuck are mem- By Harold Bienriett, on the Farm Known as the Senator Edward O'Kahc, Mra. Anna Thorpe, Trufolo vice president, Jack Mc- louse Tuesday. The profits were ap- icra of tho Presbyterian congregation Mrs. Joseph Fix. Mra. Susie Johnson, Hugh secretary and Robert Gorsuch plied to iha good time fund. ,t Shrewsbury. More than a dozen Hendrickson Farm, on Road Leading From Middletown Mra. Frank Wise, Mrs. Riddle, Mrs.treasurer. The Sunshine club will feet at the icrsons attended the ceremony. William Turnlor, Mrs. Irving Rink, The next nbhool dance will be held home of Mrs. Albert. Courier next FOOTWEAR Mrs. Kttd Douglas, Mra. Gortrudo Wednesday, February 6, In the high Wednesday, with.Mrs. Oourter and to Crawford's Corner, Holmdel Towmhip, N. J., pwyer, Mra. John 15. Day, Mrsschoo. l gymnasium at 7:80 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Quackenbush as hos- Thomas Little, Mrs. Julia, Cotter, The dance will not bo held If less tesses. Mra. "Arnold Soden, Mrs. H. Ray.than fifty tickets are sold before the mond Phillips, Mrs, Arthur Blattery, Tho Girl Scouts will have their Bee close of school on Tuesday. Tickets ond annual card party at tho ilro rMENUSi TUESDAY, FEB. 12th, 1935, Mra. Clinton Wilber, Mrs. William may be purchased from any student Cogan, Mra. Theodora Koch, Mrs. house tomorrow night. Card games council representative. will be played, prizes will bo award- $3-95 at 11:00 o'clock sharp. Ann Sulphln, Mra. C. J. Guiney, MrB. John Bolln, Mm. William Wichmann, In place of a final examination ed and refreshments will be served. DAY Mr. and Mrs. Flernmlng, Mrs. LawGeorge W, Btrauun made his econ The monthly business meeting of Exceptional Bargains. Articles tu t>o sold to the highest bidder and iUted In pavt BB follows: ronce Rnclui, Mrs. James Larkin omlc clasnes write a summary of tho the trustees of Community, church Regular $6.50 & $7.50 Values. •1 oxlm Kooil farm .hoists, 9 cowe, 100 head poultry, 400 bu. corn, several Mrs. Ernest Woolsey, Mrs. Matthew entire book ln,outllne form. The re- will be held at the church Tuesday Ulnncr For Six tons baled hay, 3 riding cultivators, 2 walking cultivators, 1 Dcorlng Power, Mrs. C.enrge Conrad, Mrs port was due last Wednesday. night. Tho Menu No Exchanges ... All Sales Final. binder, 1 mowing machine, 1 liay tedder, hay rake, Bpringwogo^, farm Williiim Rouwcli, Mrs. Harry Qulnn Betty Good Is confined to her home The Boy Scouts are arranging to Celery Soup Wafers Mrs. Vincent Finnn, Mrs. John Fln- with chicken pox. Uroiled Creamed Mushrooms wagon, gmvol bodica, model AFord truck, P. & O, tractor plow, Inter- hold a covered dish supper some en Biik.-d Horn Also All Discontinued Styles of nefiun, Mrfl, Cyril Butler, Mrs. Mack, Austin Fohl has returned to school time during February. Stuffed Atipli'S national sod cutter, plow packer, fertilizer broadcuetor, thrco-horao cuttor Mra. flarry Jackson, Mrs. Edward after an absence of two weeks, duo Mr. and Mrs. William Homan; of Buttered Spinach harrow,1 Dcorlnfr reaper, corn harvester, hay shelvlngs, grain drill, apple Healy, Mrn. Thomas Hackett, Mrs. to grip. liificuit Whirls - Hum Jelly Enna Jettick Shoes for Women Jersey City, Fred and Walter Ho- "rune lielatiri Dessert Cr grader, woedciB, Jano Fleming, Ann Miss Ella Healy's class has com-worked In various parts of Middle- eted tho work on light Tho pos-town township. rooms and add flour mixture and 1,1(1*0, Radio Power, Helen Burns, to mushrooms, add seasonings Mao Donahue, Dorothy Grause, Mary rs have been completed as well at A Inrpp part of Raritan bay wa All Rubber Arctics he board panols. All the drawing; frozen over Monday. Thia happene< and cook two minutes. Serve poured Timmln.% Harold Hounlhan, Harry over thin slices cooked ham which Jackson, Helen Power, Eleanor Koch, vere done by the members of thi once last winter but prior to that jfa JJoIan, Bertha Power, Anna lass. ' time- it had had occurred In a num- have been placed on serving plates. Women's Cloth and Rubber Malone, Eleanor Garvey, Marie Cas- A large Robinson Crusoe panel hai ber of years. arniah with parsley and servo im- Mario Hnmm, Margaret Murphy !en completed by Miss Doroth, George K. Matthews, who was well mediately. Arctics with Snaps known here, died very suddenly a If canned mushrooms are used, two and Mary Boyle and Justlo Spence, 'auor's class. There are eight sec- cups will bo required and they will John Mulvlhlll, Goorgo Grob, Gerard Ions to It, with each section showlnt few days ago at his lato home at (Small Sizes) •« .00 Sloyan, Jerry Grause, CharleB John- different scono In tho llfo of Bob Fair View, In Bergen county. H< take five minutes to cook. Bon, Edward Bloom, Fred Johnson, nson Cruaoe on the Island. had been employed as a locomotive Stuffed Apples James Quinn, Joseph Grause, Michael engineer by tho Central raiiroa G apples ' rl|p wfitfr Tho panels on the community help- I cup Mlgar 1 tulilesjiuun Berlin, Edward Cogan, John Gaul, rs have been finished by Mlsa Bern company the past 24 years. Hia wifi 1 teaspoon cinnamon butter IiMward'Healy, Hlchard Attrldge, Jos- dlno. Stewart's class. These panel: is a sister of Mrs^ Charles F. Wlnke ',i • teaspoon M; eup boiled We have a cortiplete stock of men's, women's eph Fix, Lawrence Slebert, John Ho- iro about two feet wide and live fee' mann of Port Monmouth. Mr. an cloves rico and children's gan, Henry J. Rciss, Thoaiaa Bly, ong. The stories written on thi Mrs. Matthews recently celebrate Wash apples, core but do not peel •Edward Rnlsa, Porter Toomey, Jns- mnels was done by tho teacher, wh< their twentieth wedding anniversary them* Mix sugar and apices. Stuff 4-Buckle Cloth Arctics oph Maloney, Vincent Flnan and Ed- isei the vocabulary of tho ohlldre: at the homo of Mr. and MrB. Wlnko apples, arid water and butter. Bake ward Althau.1. connection with tho work tl manh. thirty minutes in moderate oven. hlldren have drawn pictures c The second of a series of plnochli Baste frequently. Remove from oven . ^ i ^ > 'Oata with tho best drawings having games between teams representinj and stuff centers with rice. Return $2-25 to .75 Scout Leaders' Officer*. •ven placed on tha bulletin board. Ing the firemen of this place and th to oven and bake ten minutes, bast- Miss Helen Strudwlck of Neptune A large wall panel of attractive firemen of East Keansburg will Ing three times. Serve warm. has been named as president of the ndlan designs decorates tho board p'oyed tomorrow night at Kas Biscuit Whirls Girl Scout Loaders' anBoclatlon- Mrs. if Mrs. Winifred Bolra's CIHSS. The i^cansburg. Tho East Keansburf 3 cup* pastry flour E tnblespoons G tennponnn hnk- lard Besslo Cogan of Red Bank Is vice >anel was drawn by tho students and players won tho flrat match and thi inu powder 1 1 •> ml" milk president, Miss Catherine Btillwagon fas colored In crayon; firemen of Port Monmouth vow the; 2/3 tcaspton < tnbY=n"'-ns Albert S. MMer of Cllffwood secretary, Miss Theresa Mlso Anne Garrlgan's class has II-will have revenge tomorrow night. nn|t loft butter Ardla of Long Branch treasurer, ustrated on the Eskimo project a Mix flour, baking piu.uir ::nd salt. SHOES FITTED US' X-KAY. Mra. Olga B. Mu3tan of Elberon 'ear hunt scone. This scene is only Cut in lard with knife, slowly add scribe*! Mrs. Marjorio Martin of Long one of the many to bo put on the New Monmouth News. Ilk. mixing with knife. When sof 18 BROAD ST. RED BANK N. J. Branch publicity. The exeoutive sand tables. Tho figures are cut out ough forms, pat out on floured board consists of Mrs. Gortrudo of cardboard and colored In original ioard until dough i-i 1 • u inch thick. Wngncr of Red Bank, Mrs. Edna colors. A dog team composed of Jamoa E. Grigga, who claims to be , Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class Eir.ely of ISntontown, Wlaa Theresa cardboard dogs has boon attached to the leading weather prophet of this ified, Advertisements, Here you find the seller who Arrlifl. of Long Brunch and Mr a native sledge mado by tho pupil. section ond. who Is guided in ainklng Viola Harrison of Onkhtirst. All their material for tho subject la his predictions by thn. markings on wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. taken from a story book called "The caterpillars, calls attention to the Eskimo Twins." fact that the recent cold and snowy weather was exactly whflt. he hncl Yes! Every day more John Ebncr, special classroom prophesied last fall. He had noticed, teacher, has ben confined for a week ho says, that tho front -parts of all ~.t his homo with grip. the caterpillars he saw were brown women are changing Illustrations'to show the complete in color and. the rest of their bodies life of Robinson Crusoe have been were black. Tho black parts denote started by Mrs. Myrtlo Clapp'a class. old and' snow, Mr. Griggs claims. to Flag Brand Flour Tho story of hia life will be In pic-Howard W. Roberts, who is Mr. tures without words. In connection riggs's leading rival as a weather with the work MTS. Clapp brought prophet, scoffs at tho caterpillar way a cocoanut and shells which she had of telling what the weather is going Remember, in spite of the moderate gathered on the beach at Florida and bo. He goes by the groundhog prices at which we offer Flag Flour exhibited them to the dais. She also and he says it will not be possible 7 ELECTRIC HAND showed photographs of palm trees this week, it is an exceptionally to mako any sclentlflo prediction aa and banana trees taken by herself to tho second half of tho winter un- fine, all round flour, worthy of ths during Jier vlalt there, she used til the groundhog emerges from his these to give the children a clearer subterranean home Saturday. most particular housewife's atten- picture of the various foods and ar- lcles Robinson Crusoe had to use on Georgo and Joyce Ponterman, chil- tion. You can be absolutely sure of ho lslend. dren of Mr. and Mrs. George Pen- terman, have had, more than their good is always uniformly sharo of sickness. They have been high in quality Try some today. Meohonlo Street New«. laid up most of tho winter. First While, on their Imaginary trip to they had whooping cough and when Switzerland the pupils of 4-B visited they had recovored from this aliment MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Bern, the capital city. An oral dis- they wero .taken sick with grip. Now cussion was held In the classroom they have mumps. and later tha children wrote stories Mrs. Fitzroy Walling, who has been Blue Rose Rice BULK about what they saw on tholr visit. on tho sick list, IB Improving. Cut-outs of Negro men, women All of tha roada hereabouts wero and children picking cotton have Impassable for a time after the big Campbell's TOMATO JUI« bean mado by the pupils of the 8-Bsnow storm last week, but no where class. These figures were then past- else did the drifts attain such depth Kellogg's Corn Flakes ed on a large plantation poster that as on the road between the Baptist 40 01 •was constructed by tho class;' and Catholio churches. Thursday Paxall Waxed Paper ^ *• 3/ morning a score or so of automobiles wero stuck between these two points Port Monmouth News. and other cars had been hauled into Presto Cake Flour to.Ph-27* tho Baptist church sheds and Into (Tha R«d Dank Rcglnttr cm be bought Michael Kelly's yard. This part of Hurffs Pork &• Beans 2^19^ n Fort Monmouth at tin •tores of Chirfoi Meyari and Salvador* SeatrHone and from tho village looked like a Western Chanel Lltbbauiar.) town of mushroom growth that had Uneeda Biscuits Zo 3^-13/ John Gross of Newark spent Sun- sprung up overnight. Most of thi Special! day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.owners of the automobiles live in this Ritter's TOMATO CATSUP 2soz.bots.i9/ Charles Gross. neighborhood and they walked homo. Spaghetti, Macaroni Henry Goldsmith of New York Harold Stephen Jonos is the nunii spent part of last week with rela- chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jonc Flagstaff Peaches Sr 1 or Noodles Hudson-Built tives here. for their now born son. Tho mother No,2rt«j e, Mrs. Roy Cobb celebrated her and babe arrived, home from Rlver- Flagstaff Sauerkraut 3 cam AmJf FLAGSTAFF BRAND. Mndo Iron) ths hiflhoit quality ingrodienti. TERRAPLANE LITHE GEM Special and DoLuxe Flagstaff Peas Buy and JOVO. at this low price, EASIER, SAFER DRIVING.... YOU SHIFT GEARS 88 or 100 Horsepower GO LOW Flagstaff Corn BANTAM ^29/ AT. THE WHEEL . . . floor all clear in front Flagstaff Asparagus Alt "A great idea!" any thousands 585 GREEN small amount extra, on all and up at factory for clottd motbh Singing lb Tomato Paste • 13c who nro enjoying this brand other 193S Iludsons and Green Circle Lentils new driving experience — Terraplancs. And these cars HUDSOTTSIX the Song f hPrun this vastly bettor method of offer many other things that Mountvale Prunes In"' Rich Syrup "con Special Series Pure-Umon IK ox. SUNSH!NE gear control —111 1935 are now. 03 or 100 Horsepower U.S.C. Extracts w Vanilla bot. Hudson-built cars. With the of NoETfity Aisortmont lb Electric Hand, you eliift as 'tlio first nlce\ roof. Steel oil Flagstaff Crab Meat Rippled Wheat . lOt around you, a steel floor 695 Frigid- you nhvnys have, yet never MILO im) SMOOTH ( BAKING SODA take yovir bauds from tho beneath, steel overhead. and up at factory for cloud modtlt Leader Coffee Frcih Ground lo Older wheel. You can select in ad- Bendix Rotary-Equalized nirc.... Creen Circle RICH .nd DCtlGHTfUL , Cow Brand «lk.pkii.4t lbpko.8« vnnco tho gear you want to Brakes that stop you more HUDSONIIGHT frcih Ground lo Order STRONG mxl VIGOROUS OCTACON SOAP imo next; tho Elciclrlo Hand quickly, moi-o smoothly, in Special, DoLuxc, Custom a short, straight line. Great 113 or 121 Horsepower use can A Good Soap 3t»rl13c does the shifting. Ono 5c Can Gold Duit CI»am«r Ig.. performance ninclo greater. Cold Dust FREE With Each Ptcfcaga pkjj. (TII\V<1H are flocking to flco But you will want to check THIS llttlo fallow ti expressing tha hoppl- OCTAGON POWDL. 760 nan of tho houiohold that can now Iiavo tins "mrprieo feature." It's for yourself. Come and nee ami up at factory for tio**dm6d*t* Palmolive Soap Save tho Coupon! slumlord on lIuiIsouOiHtom the no earn. Look at tho a Frlgldalro Installod for tha asking, and Mights and optional, for a othern, too. Compare. ui« It for 25 cant* par day, placed In the OCTACON CLEANSER 1W1» iMUcn Motor Cir o quarter-mater with which Frlgidalro is now •quipped.Whon accumulated quarters jnr Flagstaff Pure Jelly Save tho Coupons I «•"* •• equal tha purchase price the machine Is 8 ouncos - XT' Value 19 HUDSON and.. TERB APLANE yours and the coin box Is removed. SUPER SUDS These are eaty farms. "Pin money", 25 pkg Premium Flakes io.v»ii» FOR For Oiilwt t» Clolti.i 3 »kw 27* BOTH WILKINS MOTOR SALES cents a day, gives you this luxury, and Unooda Dnkors - Saltud Cracker* most dayt saves from spoiling more than BAB-O UPPER BROAD STREET, RED BAN|, N. J. 39 cent* worth of food. Fo» eoom«l or percvbln rilONE 3371 OPEN EVENINO3. 1 IN ON HUDSON NKW HTAB IIKVUI! featuring Kitfci Wmldi—Jiv Jersey CcntralPcwer &la^hftCo. 8,30 K.8.T, 7:80 lio Cluluinliln R 1381.4 Frigidtiim Ownvrt SUM mi Fond Cmt» Page Ten REO HAllrfc REGISTER. JANUARY 81,1988., .Hi, _ ,'. '.J8B88 CHRISTMAS SEALS. last Saturday, but t was postponed ney had dropped out and a spark Allan Shoemaker, Lynwood Shoe- Fire Destroys Headden's Corner on account of the ln:lement weather. lglnlted the second floor beams. A maker, Edwin O. Hot*., Jr., Fred TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN County Committee Make* Flea For All the roads in tils neighborhood hole in the second floor bad to beC. England and Rev. O. H. Mlksch. Further Returns. Among those snow hound as a re-are now opened to traffic; but it re-chopped Jn order to extinguish the Contractor and Builder Bay shore Home sult of last week's snow stonn was quired several days of hard work to flre. ' DTSTAIXS OFFICEBS. "Send me now" Is the plea of theWeaver Brook, who lives at Chapel make this possible. Drifts on same Dave Laingr of Broad street Is con- SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Christmas seal envelope drawn in SCBKEN AND 8TOBM ENCLO8ITBES Residence of Matthew Weiler on Hill. The road between this place of the, roads were ts high as twelve valescing following an operation for MiM Ud» Emmons Officiate* at Two Telephono StO-M ISO Bridge Avenue, Bed Bull, N. j. amusing fashion on the communica- and Mr. Brook's homo was nofeett . Sidney McLci n had charge of the removal of his tonsils. He !« em- Lodge Meeting*. Boulevard at Atlantic High- tion sent by the Monmouth County opened until four daya after the snow the work In this loc lity. Agreement ployed at Foales' stable. Miss LJda Emmona of Wallace land* Reduced to Ashes— Christmas Seal committee to approx- fall. Mr. BroOk ran out of provisions is general among th > residents here- The Shrewsbury Beading club met street, deputy great Foeahontas for Snow Drift* Halt Firemen. imately 2,000 from whom no answers the third day after the storm and abouts tha-t he filled the position very Monday afternoon at tho homo of the Degree of Pocahontas In this have come In reply to the appeal for he walked three miles through snow efficiently. Mrs. Ada B. Nafew of Broad street, district, on Monday night installed PREMIUM LEHIGH Fire early Friday morning leveled funds to fight tuberpulosls during drifts to Headden's Corner to buy the home of Matthew Weiler located this difficult winter. The committee School re-opened Tuesday after Eatontown, and will meet next Tues- officers of Naramatt* council of ©a tho B&y Shore boulevard between eatables at jSdward O'Flaherty's having been closed Ince Thursday. day witli Mrs. Charles Breese of Rumaon. She was accompanied' by needs $1,200 in order to provide for store. Mr. Brook planned to cele- John Corcoran of New York spent South street, Eatontown. Mrs. Lucy Murphy, Mrs. Anna Hill Atlantic Highlands and Highlands. the minimum amount of necessary brate his birthday last week but he The loss Is estimated at $30,000 and work. In times like these, the fact the week-end wit!I hla brothers, The Young People's Home Mission- id Mrs. Eunice Kmmons. After the COAL had to postpone the narty because Charles and Edward Corcoran. ary society of the Presbyterian letting cards were played and re- la partly covered by insurance. The that the death rate from tuberculosis of the storni. boulevard was blocked with drifts among the colored population of tho church will meet tomorrow night at •eshmenU were served. and'firemen were unable to reach the county is 227 per 100,000 as against Hoy Cole returned home Saturday 7:30 o'clock In the Presbyterian Sun- On Tuesday of last week Ml»» Em- scene until It was too late to save 43.8 per 100,000 for the white popu- after havinff been snow bound two Shrewsbury News. day-school room. Mrs. William A, nons attended a county meeting, at FRANK B. LAWES tfaa. dwelling. days at Everett, where he was visit- Shoemaker la In charge of the pro- freehold and Installed officers of the lation becomes a fact of extraordin- letting Sun lodge of that borough. Mr. Weiler awoke and found the ary Importance, for while 'tubercu- ing. (Tb» Red Bank R« st«r.ean b* bought gram. 47 Shrewsbury Ave. losis is preventable and curable, It in Shrewiburr from R chard Beak« at tbf Mrs. Alice Harfung of Hance ave- house filled with smoke. Ho immed- Two busses owned by Edward wftbunr Market.) . Boys can make extra pocket money iately aroused his wife, and with can altso be spread rapidly through Brasch and one owned by Sidney pqttof&c* tnd it Sbr nue returned home from. Jhe.Rlyer- illing The Register.—Advertisement TEL. RED BANK 2875. their two small children, Robert and unknowing contact with those who McLean got stuck In snow drifts near Mrs. H. G. Dorr and Miss Alice vlew hospital, Red Bank, last Satur- Matthew, they fled from the house have it. Nutswamp last -week. Tho owners Dorr of Broad str«< have left for day where she had been U. surgical through the bitter cold to the home The Christmas Seal -committee were not able to g-et the vehicles out Florida, where they} expect to spend patient since January 2. of Otto Koenig nearby. Mrs. Weiler urges everyone who can to make of the snow banks until Sunday. the rest of the winter. A liver and bacon supper will be WM forced to flee in her nightclothes. some contribution, large or small, to The Women's Democratic club of A flre last Saturday afternoon did held Tuesday evening, February 5, None of the. family, however, sul- this necessary work. Middletown townslilp will entertain slight damage to trf'e home of Coun- at 6,:30 o'clock by the men of the f fered any 111 effects. the Women's Democratic club of cilman Frederick riobinson on Syca- Presbyterian church for the benefit Mr. Weiler phoned for the Atlantic Monmouth county Saturday after- more avenue. The j Shrewsbury flre- of that institution. Tickets are-lim- Now In Progress Highlands fire department, but the ADOPT YEAR'S BUDGET. noon at the schoolhouse at this place. men responded to the alarm and ited to one hundred. Those In charge firemen had proceeded only a short This event was to have taken place found that a brick from the chim-lof the affair include Whitney Burst, distance along the boulevard when Long Branch Budget Calls For An they were stopped by snow drifts. Appropriation of 5023,808.78. The firemen had to shovel their way At an adjourned meeting of the through drift after drift and it took Long Branch mayor 'and council the them an hour and three quarters to city budget was adopted on its first Sunday, Sunday, get the apparatus to tie scene. In reading for 1935 and called for a Monday, Monday, Half-Yearly the meantime William Gaffey, on total appropriation of $923,808.76. horseback, went ahead of the flro The appropriations show ah in- Tuesday truck.. He carried 160 feet of hose to crease of $170,510.99 over 1D34, with Tuesday the flre, while a number of firemen a reserve fund of $160,000 for tax walked there. When they arrived title 'liens which Is to be credited Eddie Cantor Eddie Cantor the house was a mass of flames andagainst this year's raise so that the could not oe saved. actual Increase over last year will be in In The flre, according to Mr. Weiler, $19,511.09. The amount to be raised "Kid Millions" "Kid Millioru" Furniture Sale started ta the basement" and spread by taxation has been lift at $584,- with such rapidity that the family 958.76, $11,988 less than %3t year. was unable to save any of the con- Departmental budgets *thls year tents of the house except the clothing amount to $732164, an increase of ley wore. $JZ,JVI;2,S01 over jaslast year,, whewnen tthn e de- LAST TIMES TODAY IDAY•SATURDAY Mr. Weiler Is in the wholesale moat partments required $689,663. JiAll of businesMlness a_t. Newar_ k and his borne ] departmentpartmentss showeshowedd lncfIncreasei s was one of the show places on the twitleh the exception of the depart- boulevard. It was located at a point ment of parks and beaches, which affording a fins view of the bay andremained, tho same as 1934. W. C. FIELDS ocean. The spot is a popular place for sightseers. _ It pays to advertise in The Register. BIRTHDAY SOCIAL. "ITS A GIFT" Sons and Daughters of IJberty Honor Mrs. Neva Dennis. ALSO Pride of Monmouth council, Sons -and Daughters of Liberty honored Ricardo Cortez Mrs. Neva Dennis of Worthley street last Friday night at' the monthly IN birthday social in the lodge hall in the Clayton & Magee building on Broad street. A short business meet- "THE WHITE ing was followed by a- covered dish COCKATOO" supper and the birthday social. Those present included Mis. Laura B. Lamb, Mrs. Harry Dower, Mrs. Kmlly Croyden, Mrs. Myra Fox, Mrs. PREVUE Alice McAdams, Mrs. Barbara Heyer, .Miss Janet Bebschcr, Miss Helen. Dower, Miss Ruth A. Pnnnington, Miss Anella lamb, Misa Ruth Mc- TONIGHT Adams, Miss Hazel L-. Brown, Miss, Broadcasting Elaine Brower, Samuel Hembling, William McAdams, Charles Dower, news by Harry Dower, Charles Croyden, and u Come at 9:00 Gus, Carl, Herbert find J*OU1H .Cole- VleManWinter' K See 3 Features .The council will hold a bunco par- ty in the council rooms imnorrow a The birds are 8:30 o'clock. Prizes will be awarded not yet singing, ' • • • --I-' -' and refreshments served. so you'll still FREE CHINA Eatontown News. need war m wearables, es- to LADIES . (Tha Red Bank Register can be bought In Eatontown at tlio stores of William O, pecially if you Davis. G. Edward Smock and y/ellen'u). Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Beer left Sun- are going coast- Buy Furniture On OUT day morning for Florida where they ing, skating or -< Nights! Also Oiir Gang Comedy, "Washee-Ironee" expect to spend the remainder of the Deferred Payment Plan winter. skiing. Yoa Fay No More Thin low Cwfc Mrs. Ada B. Nafew of Broad street Frfees Plus A Small Canyhif attended a meeting and luncheon of AH wool "Mon- AY-TUESDAY Charge the Ex-presidenta' club Tuesday at SUNDAY - Perth Amboy. arch" Lumber- The Ladles' Aid society will hold a j jacks and silver tea this afternoon at 2:301 Mackinaws in o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. B., Whltfleld. | Blue, Maroon, Mrs. Anne Reynolds has been con- • Green and Fan- 10% to 50% fined to her home on South street by •illness. cy Plaids. MisB Irma Bennett of Irving place entertained the Girls' Friendly socier 9.95 to Q.45 ty Tuesday night at her home. Carl Whltehurst of Broad street conducted the Sunday morning serv- Reductions ices at the Presbyterian church in Horse hi d e the absence of Rev. William Mac- donald, who was unable to reach Eat- Leather Coats, But A Few of the Many Sensational ontown from his residence at Avon with warm wool due to the condition of the roads. Mrs. Arthur Chascy hna been con- lining. Values In This Creat Event! fined to her home on White street by j illness. '•' i .50 to -f g.50 18.50 Mahogany Drop Leaf Table -..„...10% lesa Mr. and Mrs. William Jones of j 39.50 Twin Studio Couch ...10% less South street spent Sunday visiting I friends at New Egypt. I 22.50 Mahogany Coffee Table 20% less A board of health meellng will be Girls' Ski Suits 29.50 Walnut Cellarette 20% Ies3 held tomorrow night at the munici- 45 15.00 Walnut Occasional Table 20% lesa pal building on Broad street. 3.95 Walnut Drum Table 20% less Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Sceley of ft Soutll street returned home Siituidny 3.95 Walnut End Table .20% lesa night after spending four days at Girls' Ski Pants 46.50 Maple Console Table 20% lesa Washington, D. C, where Mr. Seeley 12.50 Walnut End Table ..„.. 50% less i. attended a convention. While there 4 5 they visited friends. j 15.00 Buffet Mirror 33 1-3% less The card party, which was to have 3 ' 14.50 Mahogany Smoker 50% less been held by the Eatontown Order of 12.50 Maple End Table : 33 1-3% less Eastern Star Inst Monday at Koos j Boys' "Mon- 24.50 Maple Occasional Chair 20% less Furniture company's store at Rah- j way, has been postponed indefinitely. arch" Lumber- 125.00 Three-Piece Living Room Set 50% less Steven .Rose of Maple avenue an I j a c k 8 and 6.95 Metal Bed, 4 ft. 6 in .....33 1-3% lesa aged resident of Eatontown, \w.n bt;en I i 7.50 Down Pillows 33 1-3% lesa confined to his home by iUness. j Mackinaws. 1 6.95 Four-Postcr Maple Bed 20% less Tomorrow night Mr.'!. Many Den- 14.95 Innerspring Mattress, 4 ft. 6 in 20% less nis of Corlies avenue will act as hos- O.15 to Q.75 tess at the third of a series of calen- i lift?. 29.50 Porcelain Top Breakfast Set, 5 Pc 20 % lesa dar parties being .'•.pnnsorfd by tho ! I'M TELLING YOU TOOTS, THIS 22.50 Oak Buffet 50% less Methodist church. Assisting Mrs. I PICTURE 15 POSITIVELY THE NUTS! All wool knit- 19.50 Chaise Lounge 10% less Dennis will be Mrs. William Davis IT'S JUST fULl OF GRAND LAUGHS 4.95 Boudoir Chair 20% lesa and Mrs. Frank Kenna. ted Hockey AHD THE MUSIC'S TERRIFIC A number of residents of Eaton- Free to 29.50 Mahogany Desk 50% lesa town have made plans to attend Uie Caps. 3.95 Walnut Clover Leaf Table 20% less meeting of the Long Branch District C to 00 Every Chile! 19.50 Mahogany Frame Mirror 33 1-3% less Council of Religious Education to be Attending 24.50 Mahogany Drop Leaf Table 50% less held tomorrow nlRht at Simpson 65 I- church, Long Branch. the Run of 14.50 Mahogany Smoking Stand .....50% less 5.95 Walnut Magazine Rack 20% lesa Warm wool This Picture a Coupon 29.75 Walnut Book Case 33 1.3% iCR3 FOOD FACTS Sweaters 14.50 Mahogany Frame Mirror 50% lesa for a 259.00 Wamut Bedroom Set, 4 Pc 50% less Did You Know Thut: -i .95 to "9.50 Mel-O-Rol Rum and butter nre the in- Third moor gredients of a now com- Ice Cream bination spread. Cone Adding pectin makert it pos- Men's, Ladies', Thru the Courtesy of Borden's, Reid sible to market strained Boys' Wool honey in loavea. and Hoi-ton's, at any Mel-O-Rol Ice —A now stptit, to wuich milk Gloves. STEINBACH-KRESGE CO. sugar Jmn been added, is Cream Store. sold a« "milk stout." C to 00 A trial shipment of nwoot 55 I- ASBURY PARK potatoes lias been nintlo Extra Added Attractions, from Maryland to Oreat Bri- tain. It 1B nald that but one MICKEY MOUSE Cartoon In ten Britons IB ncqualntod Monmouth County Sarrofat**guO0fc*> January. 1035, on the application tA Wz-•ver l,«rr.,l ot uUo>« Ullnf With thin vogotsblo. "ORPHAN'S BENEFIT" In tho mutter of tho tstst* of Daniel C. nbeth Wood, unto executrix of the *aUtc •u>init. lli« mid >ubaetlbir. 1 of JJnnifjl 0, Woofl, ite«en*»y Stata cxcfiitrk as sfoii -wlil, tlioii ifui>U and Red Bank TRAVELTA fltfdlnit estate. SI Linden 1'IKI, J1« held Wednesday evening, February n a stormy spa as they pass over lor police service aa tho Increase of cupancy. The council also planB to for the Catholic High School last? year's amount was $7,500. .$90 In salary would be absorbed. Thla lay sidewalks and curbing on the Another reason why the amount to 13, at school No. 1 on. Lafayette ice and hard packed snow full of statement Is borne out by the fact street. Tho health appropriation was Athletic Association. The budget was passed unanimously, be raised by taxation is larger than street. The polls w be open from holes and ruts. It pays to drive slow that the police appropriation In the increased from1 $450 to $750 to pro- but no date was set for a public hear- last year is because it is planned to six to eight o'clock and as much lung- because the penalty fo» doing other- budget of expenses la the name as vide for the payment of $300 for the A card party will be held by the ing. Mayor Van R. Halsey announced re-open the West Bergen place er as may be necessary. wise is very likely to result In broken last year, $48,500. sertdcos ot the visiting nurse. Red Bank Catholic High Athletic as- that an extension of thirty days has schoolhouse. This will require the The terms of Bertram H. Borden, prlngs or other autoinobilo damage. been granted to municipalities, for employment of a new janitor and ad- The council Is considering the pur- sociation next Tuesday , evening at Harry A. Kettel and Louis Ncu- The average country road Is snore the school auditorium. Bridge and passage of the budget as many pjaees ditional expenditures for fuel and hauser expire this year. Mr. Borden passable than the business streets of chase of snow fences for sections ot bunco will be tho main attraction are awaiting the state legislature's othor things. fcSUversldo avenue, Little Silver Point and Mr. Kettcl will be candidates for Red Bank. One of the chief reason* and a large attendance is expected. action on the question of relief. Leg- Last year the board used $45,000 o£ re-election', hut Mr. Neuhauser, who for this, is that on country roods Ten Middletown road and White road, and the road Mrs. William Wichmann heads the islation may be enacted whereby IRA E. WOLCOTT committee will report at thB next surplus revenue towards meeting the resigned a short time ago, will not there are no sidewalks. Folks th»re party committees and assisting her Rumson will be able to receive aid expenses of running the schools. This dont shovel snow off their aldownlki meotlne on the advisability of pur aro a number of the mothers of the from the atate, Mr. Halsey stated. run again. Thos6 who filed besides Several guest speakers were pres- Hats In The Ring year only $25,000 is available for this Mr. Rorden and Mr. Knttr.l were Mr?,' ent and delivered shnrt addresses. into -the road nor do they clear BflQW .-- chasing a neyr snow plow. During pupils ot tho school. Since last spring . the borough has purpose. The reduction is said to be out of gutters utul-.put it In the road. the recent stqrm over $200 was paid been cut off from state aid because D. Harold Karp, Louis VaiiBrunl Among the state officials present Two More Candidates Enter the The members of the committee almost entirely clue to tho lessoned and Will Ward. were State Senator Frank Duranu Bad as conditions are at Red Baokt~~ for labor for snow removal. of Its fine financial standing. revenue from tuition fees. List* for the Battle to be Counellmen Frank Dean and Vic- addition to Mrs. Wichmann are Mrs Mr. Borden has been president of who delivered an Interesting and an impartial survey shows that they tor Batter were appointed to confer Charles Scott, Mra. Lawrenco Roche, Permission was granted to the This year's budget does not Include the school board tho past six years. amusing address, Judge Harry Tru- are not worse than in any other town Fought at the Polls to Elect Mrs. Harry Qulnn, Mrs. John Mul- American Legion auxiliary to sell provision for financing the project re- Ho has been active In school affairs ax, Assemblyman J. Edward Knight, in Monmouth county and much 1>et» •with George K. Allen, borough en- popples in the borough May IB. Four School Board Members. glnoer, on the preparation of relief vlhlll, Mrs. Frank McKenna, Mrs, cently approved by the voters to en- a long time. To build a high school Freeholder Raymond L. Wyckoff, tor than thoy are in many commun- ' Timothy -Hnunlhan, Mrs.. Francis Councilman Lewln T. Wilson, chair- large, the Mechanic Htrncl. and River for Runigon was one of his greatest Mry. ISnmiu VnnSchuIek, vice chair- Itica. Many folks are cUsalng .out Ton hats have boon flung Into tho projects In conjunction with state man of the road committee, reported man of tho county executive com- f and federal aid. Klldufr, Mrs. Antonio Soviero, Mrs. street schoolhouses. ambitions and he worked unceasing- Robert Fierce, the superintendent ot ring for tho election of four mom- that the streets were opened within ly toward thia end. At i.hc cere- mittee; teilgiu- 1. Vumleivecr, Rich- hers of the Mldtllotown township Fred Tcttl mado Informal appllca. Lena, Plccolle, Mrs. George Grause, Three members of thn board nf ed- strreis. Tliuy think that beuauBB hB • Mrs. Frank Bauer, Mrs. William a short time after the enow storm ucation will be elected at the same mony marking the beginning of the ard DeWitt and Mrs. Ada B. Nafew. holds this position he U responsible board 'of education. The time for tlon for a retail liquor consumption and thnt the borough .plow also construction of the new liigh school Mayor Ira E. Wolcott and members illlng nominating potltlons expired license. The matter was referred to Sponco, Mro. Francis Donnelly, Mm. lime the appropriations are voted on, for the removal of anow.- That via .- Benjamin Woolley, Mrs. James Mur- cleared River road, a county thor- Harold A. Hendrickson, the presi- building last fall Mr. Borden had of the council also addressed tho more or less true In tho past, but it last weolt. It la possible that there the police committee. oughfare. the honor of digging the first spade- assembly. will be added starters, but such can- phy, Mrs. Stanley Danowitz, Mro, dent of the board, Japhia Clayton, is not so now. Mr. Pierce has »i< An American flag, 6x9 feet, was The bond of Recorder Jero J. the secretary, and William' E. Rus- ful of earth. most nothing to do with this work. didates would not have their names donated by Councllmen Frederick E. •William Turnier, Mrs. John More, Oouncilmen James S. Parkcs and printed on the ballots, They would Mrs. Edward Bloom, Mrs. Richard Carcw for $1,000 was filed. noll will bo candidates for re-election. When H-Tomrsto length of service Joseph C. Irwlti (if Red Bank, Coun- •Urmovini; the snow la being dMt ", Hasler-' and Edward C. Fiedler and Taxes paid wore iflSt state school They will probably bo unopposed, «« Jiave to run pontor oainpalgnn. will bo ralticd'on the polo over tho AttrMgp, Mra. Walter VnnBrunt an Mr. Kettel leads by a big margin. cilman riu'oiKe White of Little Sil- almost uiitlruly by Kmurgeiiey Kqjlei , 1 Miss Jfargtret 'Murnhy. -. ijpsiamounting to-$10,000 and 1934 nu one has filed a petition lo run He is now completing his 36th year ver and Seely B. Tuthill of Fair workers, udtr the direction of ]$(* Four members of the board are to soldiers' monument In the center of soldle'rs* bonus taxes- of ?l,10& Cur- against them. The balloting will be be elected, throo lor lull terms of tho village. The'.'ielrtsnmBnt commlttM. con- as a schnol trustee, • having served llnven were amoiiR those, present. linno Trsaiim,- un REA foretruvn. sists oi i Marlon Coian, ^Marion rent bills of $3,448.91 were also paid. done at the senior high school, the on the board of education of Shrews- Miss Ruth Cunningham of Keans- Several yeara .ago, when three years and one i for an unex- Allst of .drivers and fire polica of Oakland street school and the River pirod term ^^1l Spence, Dorothy' iM^sBuse, ; Helen bury, tc.,wnBh)pB.when Rumson wan a burg tendered two vocal solos R- ^WM'^fff nwybr, the _^ .Oceanic' hook and ladder company street school. The POIIB will be op/SB, extra entertainment. The first soln abbunoiuOCf to .have anow rem< , ber to b, iUi Burns, MaejWahta^ Tn'""OiR rift or iiboh' tiecnme. n hurniiRh in 1(107.'-Mr. Kel- WHS ennip"i-od for tho occasion in from the ylreets for one tsnu\ fill tho unexptred' tonffNii Charles proval and was referred to thn fin honor of tho council. Dancing fol- At thai time there was no ERA *n4 Vriedlander of Leonardo, who wan Aim Iilttle, Hlnry.atMl I31i™bottt Cot- until iijinq o'clock at nipht. tol has been clerk rver sinc^ AtWomanVClub ten'-Jean Sloyan, Marie Kilzen, Joan committee. Tho drivers are William the borough was incorporated and lowed lim dinner. Iho only money spent to help th« vice president of the board and who Zerr, Seth Johnson, Matthew Lough- needy was a nominal sum ontrusted resigned hl« membership late last Carton, Veronica O'Neill, Pauline he was clerk in the township three Assisting Mrs. Miller on the. com- Grob, Rita Conroy, Catherine Wolfe lln, Paul Pazlcky, Thomas Oakes and years. mittee were Mrs. James Gibbons to Ihe care of tho overseer of tbtf summer. Julian M. Parker of the "Lady Fingers" to be Presented Patrick Sheehan. The flro police are Middletown House poor, RiverBide Heights section was re- and Ann Fleming. Mr. VanBrunt, one of the new Mis. Robert Ilisprilison, Mrs. Milton at Regular Meeting February PriJOS will bu' awarded to the high Matthew Eoman, William E. Murphy, Smith, Mrs."" Krcd Hill, Mrs. Carl cently^ appointed n member of the Andrew F. Zerr, George Hallanan. candidates, Is a graduate of Rum- Last year the taxpayers of Hed board ,to succeed Mr. Friedlander. 8 Under Direction of Mrs. scorers. Games wilt start at elgh Burned To Ground son and Red Bank high schools. Mr. Whitnhurst and Mrs. Harry Kirk- Thomas Dolley and Carl Woolley. gnrd. Bank had to .spend more than $12,000 He has announced that ho will be a Robert C. Brown. o'clock. The- flro committee approved the VanBrunt states lie has no axe tn fur relief. This year they have ap* candidate for the two-year term. drivers for Rumson flro company, Firemen Unable to Fight Blaze grind with tile present board. He prupriuted more than $27,000 for the Last week two Leonardo residents The drama department 'of the Red submitted at the previous meeting, at George Haimick's Resi- declares they have been conducting fanio purpose and it was virtually filed nominating: potitions for this Bank Woman's' club will present a Road Opened To and also approved the granting of the school affairs in an efficient and Senior Exercises mandatory for them to do this be- term. They are Harry Stevenson one-act' play at' the' regular meeting an exempt firemen's certificate to , dence Because the Road Was business-like manner and he corn- cause they were ordered to do so by and Frank Wadsworth, This marka Friday afternoon. February 8. It is Reach Sick Child Joseph Miller. Impassable With Snow Drifts. mends the board for engaging tho Emergency Relief Administration tho second time Mr. Wadsworth has entltlod "Lady Fingers" and la being Charles A. Wolbach as principal. Mr. Held Last Night of New Jersey. The town officials' been a candldato lor tho school produced under the direction of Mrs'. To permit physicians to reach the George Haimick's house about two VanBrunt says further, "1 wisli to Robert C. Brown. Tho guest speak- mado an unsuccessful effort to ha,vB, New York City Tomorrow by Bus, that he had successfully passed tho school will present its class ]ilay Armstraul Booker, Louis Long and' Chnrlos Sohneldor Provides Food For was held Tuesday night. Victory Park. He is loader of tho The entertainment program in- Miss Emma Jane Lafetra and MIBS semi-annual examinations held Janu- Friday night, March 1, in thn school Rumson YMCA group and for a James DIPontl. ary 8 and B at Jersey City and New- Birds on Snow Covered Ground. auditorium, under the [Ureetion of cluded a violin HOIO by Monte. Ger- Madge Gloeton, faculty members ol SEA BRiaUT ELECTION. number of years lias been superin- \', a piano solo hy Francis Kodama These, men Icopt tho plows going the local schools, will take a group ark, and that ho had been licensed Charles Schneider, proprietor ol Miss Margaret Hayrc, English teach- tendent of tho Presbyterian Sunday- until nlno o'clock tho noxt morning, as an embalmer and funeral director. er. Tho cast Is as follows: nnd orchestra selections by the Red of students from the River stroet Schneider's Moat Market on From Fowler, Cline, and NelmarU Candi- school. When lie was caddymustrr Hank high school orchestra under when their places were taken by Cfrt- ftohool to Radio City tomorrow morn- Mr. Wordon was born nt Red Bank street, has mado donations of suel dates for School Board. Olinillati Stump .- Ci'iirRfl. at tho Rumson Country club one thn direction of A. Leroy Baker. ploycoi) of thii sarbngo department* ing for tho broadcast of tho Walter 21 years »go last October and has al- to pontons on largo estates who de- Ktitherlllfi Hcmlorrtun....Dorothy SuthcrlFim Tho plows coursed over the utreet* Mayor William R. Fowler, Sr., and Frederick Hcmk'raon ltirli«nl Wnn season he was complimented hy cluh PamroBCh symphony concert at tho ways lived here. Ho graduated from sire to save tho birds from tho rlgort Mrs. WIIUITIB Ann Smitl members on tho way the cuddles nil day Wcilnesilay and nil the fol- Ni B. C. studios for which Miss La- tho Red Bank high school In June, of winter, Councilman Edmund W. Cllno have Jran Crnlinin Lilly Turk; HoNpHjil Mocking Tomorrow. lowing nlpht, tho night work being tiled for re-election as members of conducted themselves. Mr. Ward be- fetra has obtained free tickots. 1931. and later graduated from tho Mr. Schneider hue distributed suoi Mr. Robert V. (llnilitul) lieves that through his experiences Tho Ked IJank uuxllitiry of the done by Mr. Lurkin nnd hla esslgt- Renouard Training school for Em- over the ground of several privat tho Sea Bright board of education, liociuo llillmiar TUvevvlew hospital will meet at the ants, Ono plow |jot mlretl In mutt Tho children havo boon listening to and Solomon J. Nolmork lms filed to Mnrslon Hobus UnrtMm; l'«l Im-Oiful) ... with young folks hi' Is well qvmllllctl the Damrosch broadcanta over tho balmera In New York. Ho sorvdd eBtato. Also Mr. Hchnoldor nnd hli Juliiu Yi-Uer to understand their needs and wishes. Molly Pitcher hotel tomorrow, Febru- on uvpnuo and it waa out (ft tho required apprenticeship with his succeed Waltor Storor, who will not nry i, Luncheon will be served at co:iuniiislim a day or so l>nfor« It Wa# radio on Friday mornings and aro employees in thu past few days hav be a candldato for ro-olectlon. Tho CcloaU Vimlrrpoul Vnnnlcii Murphy vory much interested In them. It wll father, who has boon conducting tho tulcon mict nnd other meat scrap; Julie I.tmi.i- HiHIinmner one. o'clock nnd the reg-ulur meeting pulled out. Not, n. bit uf frost w»« Worden Punoral Homo since the board last night adopted tho school llosnlle Otln Ktlir-1 IIMIstrnrn will take place- at. two o'clock. The be a real treat for tho chlldron to and distributed It along tho rlvei budget of $14,400, a decrease of $000 Franceii WhlttakiT ... (ivilnulc III-IKKII1 M11) 1)1. KTO W N'S 111! I)( 110T. In tho ground when the »now fell and both BOO and hear Dr. Domroaeh con- death of Harry's grandfather, tho fronts i\nd oil the Oceanic bridge. Mist annual bridge and danco for tho nonu Is thero now except In expoltd late Harry C. Fay, about twenty years from last yar. Tho appropriations benefit of the hotipltnl will tako place duct his symphony orchestra. Tho this year are $13,600 for current cx- Ilenllh-Coolii'd Luncheon. Amount to ])(> Raised liy Tuxes Is places. Tho jorp and aub-zero t«M" trip will bo made by bun. ego. About $1,(1011 llnilor I.nst Year. Saturday night, February 'J, nt tho pornturca that followed the Minstrel Jubilee. ponses and.$800 for manual training. A health-cooked luncheon will be Later In tho year Miss Lafotra wll' Harry Wordon wag one of tho or- served at the Shrewsbury Presby- Rod Bunk Klka home on Broad dhl nor. penetnito thn snow RUf" A minstrel Jubilee will bo present The township committee of Mid- slrcct. llc.ienlly to fronze the aol), and th* make arrangements to take pupils ganliore and tho first president of terian church by Inn women of that dletown township last week passed from Oakland street and Junior high tho Younjr Pooplo's council ot Re- od by tho Men's Christian BIblo clasi AFTKB 37 YKAK8. church on. Wednesday, February O combination of nninv mid mud marts the reading of an ordinance fur dllilcult Ruing for overy motor Vl> schonls to hear tho broadcast of tho HgloUB Education of this section of of the FlrBt Methodist Kplscopa at 12:30 o'clock. Mra. Mmi;nn Knapii Jlo; pork Supper at Kutonlmvn. church Thuredfty ovonlng, February Albert L. Ivliu Will Move Ills Iliisl- the budget of expenses for the en- hide. N. B. C. MUBIO Appreciation Hour. Monmouth county, and on Monday Is: chairman of Iho commltteo in suing year. Thn amount to bo ruined night of this week, together with his 28, In tho Rod Hank Catholic hlg lif«« to Monmouth Street. charge. A rottttt pork HUppor will bo hold by taxation Is $1)7,11)2.12, as against Thursday night, February 7, by th' Thru! «re forty inllen of NtrcttB lit brother, James A. Worden, was In- school auditorium on Urnnd atrne Albert L. Ivlna linn rented an of- Her) Hunk, but In order la ««V*F Purchases Now Truck. itiated Into NaveBlnk Lodgo, No. 30, Tho Twenty l'«r Cunt IUKOOIIIII Solo $1)8,30(1.78. or a decreiisn of more tluin Lndlnti' auxiliary of tho Hlatontown A largo attendanco la expected t fice on tho second floor of' the Odd 1 every ntrc0, nn against $50.- fimn eifciit. to nine o'clock, Mr» to inivet 'I'll) miliHi or mom aa on th* . street and ho expectu to move IIIH cent; aft on evety Item In tlie store. EWQ ltuit yenr, nr a (! of palo blue re- sent this subject because it was. Credit for repayment la given to him office. at the rate ol forty cents an hour. versible satin, with brown fiecto, an* felt that it waa one of practical ur- Folks who are familiar with the sys- Tho fact that the post has a drum she also wore a. brown hat and slip- gency, a subject that was tho con- tem say that it is a good deal like and bugle corps and that this organ- pers. She had a corsage ot white cern of every good cltlien in this paying for a "dead horse," ization is used for advertising Red orchids. Her sister's gown was of period of change and transltlpn. Bank and business places here Is one gold-trimmed, blue, crepa and she At last Sunday's mooting it waa A married couple with no children reason for the award of the certifi- wore a corsage of Bardonlas. Forty decided that all future meetings of woo are on relief receive ?3 per cate. Other reasons why the post elatives and 'inUmate frlende at- tha Forum would be open mootlngs, week. A married couple with one received the certificate is because it that Is from now on ladles as well child receive $3.25 per week. Some tended the ceremony. assists welfare organizations, offers The couple ore spending their as men. are "Invitod. marrled___couples with eight children awards to pupils for scholarship and Last Sunday tile Forum dlscuosed are on relief. They receive $8.40 per honeymoon at the Seigniory olub In patriotism, assists needy veterans Quebec, Canada, and upon their re- tho bill now before Congiesa pro- w«ek. This is at the rate of four and their families, helps the jobless viding for unemployment insurance, conta per meal for each person. Crit- turn will live at 2 Beotanan place, to find employment, gives clothing New York. nnd old-age penalons. K. C. Wor- .iclsm was made by various persons and food to the destitute, assists vet- wan, secretary ot tho Industrial De- who watched the relief men remov- Among the guests were Mr. and erans and young men in enlisting in MrB. Frederick J. Burghard of Fair partment of National Council of ing snow that some of them did not the Civilians Conservation Corps, the Young Men's Christian associa- labor hard. helps young men to gain admittance Havan, Mrs. William T. Plum of Lo- ! cust Point, Mr. and Mrs. William C. tion, gave a talk on tho main pro- 'I guess you wouldn't work hard to the summer military training Krueger of Llewellyn Park, Mrs. vision of tho bill now being dla- either if you got only four, five or camps with the co-operation of the Uppereu Paul of South Orange and oussed. Mr. Worman had Bpent last • six cents for a meal," said one person commanders of Fort Monmouth and Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund Bergniann of Thursday, Friday .'and Saturday at In replying to such a criticism. Fort Hancock, and in various other Germany, all uncles and aunts of Washington attending tho public The largest number of relief work- ways promotes welfare work. VAh- lioarlngd on tho bill. Ho pointed out ers on any single day was 52. On other factor for the award i3 that at he bride. that the bill provides that all em- Sunday the twenty men who turned the recent legion state convention at The bride Is a granddaughter of ployers of four and moro pcruons out on the first day after the storm Belmar Cecil MncCloud, adjutant of the late Judge and Mrs. Gottfried must pay a threa per cont lavy cu were employed for eight hours on the post, received a badge for effici- Krueger of New York, Sho Is a grad- their payrolls, this fund to bo hold snow removal .work, but they were ency In fllling his duties and In in- uate of tho Sponce school and was by the fodoral government on be- paid on this occasion in actual cash creasing the membership o£ the le- presented at the court of St. James half of the several states, Eacli by the town at the rate of forty gion. hree seasons ago. Mr. Dlnklns Is a state Is to draw up Its own law cents per hour or $3.20 for the day. Benjamin Franklin Summers of fraduato 6f Massachusetts Institute which may provldo that In addition It was noted by many observers that Little Silver was received as a new of Technology and Is vice president to tho three per cont paid by the they worked much harder and were member of the post. of the American Cyanamld company. employer, employees also may bo re- la more cheerful spirits than when A membership committee was ap- quired to pny a certain percentage they were under the "dead horse" pointed to direct a campaign which Shropshire—Rirn of their HivluiloB into this fund. system of payment used by the ERA. will conclude Thursday, February 28. Mr. Wol'mari discussed tho vari- The ERA men will finish their The marriage of Miss Tholma The members of the committee are Shropshire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ous provisions of tho old age pen-- work today. Mr. Tesauro, in direct- Morgan Ellert, Moe Gordon, Thomas slon section of tho bill, the essen- ing them, was guided by counsel "^harlea V. Shropahlre of Hudson Brockhurst, Cecil MacCIoud and Wil- avenue, Red Bank, to Hugo Raa- tial provision bolng that tho federal from Ensley M. White, who repre- liam Chandler. government Is to provide $15 a sented the town. Mr. Whtta states mussen of WoBt Palm Beach, Flor- Tho certificate which the post re- ida, was performed Saturday, Janu- month for onch porson now over 05 that Mr. Tesauro carried out every ceived is worded aB follows: yonra of ago to which the state Is suggestion that he offered and that ary 19, at Weat Palm Beach. The couple will reside at that place. to add a minimum of $15 per month. he was genuinely anxious to do a THE AMERICAN LEGION Tho pill further provides that thoso good job. First attention was given Certificate of Distinguished Service under 65 shall contribute towards nn to keeping the streets open to River- For faithfulness In the perform- ROADS QUICKLY CLEARED. old. ogo pcnBlon fund BB long as view hospital. The next Important ance of duties, and meriting special David T. Wilentz, New Jersey attorney general (center), and his gave the $10 ransom note that precipitated the arrest; Arruindua they are employed, this contribution matter, it was deemed, was that of confidence and esteem because of staff drew on science, fact and circumstance- io uniitss the mountain Hochmiith, who Said he saw Huuptmann near Ilopewell; Dr. John F. Eatontown Streets Put Into Fine beginning at one-half por cont oC making traffic possible on streets manifested co-operation and loyalty, their wago and to riao to a maxi- where doctors and. nurses bid to recognition is hereby accorded for of evidence which was the state's cnsii against Bruno Klchard Hnupt- ",Jufslo" Condon, one of tho state's star witnesses; Mrs. Oecllo Bair, Shape Following Storm, distinguished service rendered' as niann. "IdchUficnfions In the early pint of tho prosecution's case gave movio theater cashier, who said she received one of the $5 notes from mum of 2',i per eont. The employer make calls and where deliveries of The Eatontown street department is to he required to. pay an equal coal had to be made. hereinafter Bet forth. way to a welter of scientific tlnta including tho handwriting of the Hauptmann; Hildegarde Olga Alexander, who claimed she saw Haupt- Shrewsbury Post, No. 168, Depart- ransom notes, one (if which WIlHitz is shown holding in his hnnd, and mann shadowing Goniluii; Joseph Terronc, the taxi driver, who d«- Is being thanked for Its efficient wprk amount. This applies only to thouo On this account and for various ment of New Jersey, The American the construction of the kidnap ladder. Heading clockwise from the llvnretl a ransom note to Condon; and Arthur Koohler, tho govern- during tho storm^when Ely Miller, receiving $3,000 a year or less. Tho other reasons the Broad street bus- Legion, obtained the highest rating top center aro witnesses who contributed important testimony: Wal- ment wood expert, shown holding the ladder in his right hand and, head of the gang workers, under tho discuBslon which • followed tho prc- iness section and other streets where In tho Department as the result of ter Isle, filling station attendant, to whom, ho testified, Hauptmann in Uio left, a portion of flooring of tho Haujtmnnn attic. direction of Koad Commissioner Bontallon of tho subject by Mr. Wor- maintaining a well balanced efficient Adolf Braun got out the first thing man was a lively one, moat of thoso stores are located were somewhat community service and post activities neglected during and immediately af- Thursday morning and made a clean program as specified by the National sweep of tho borough streets. present havlnp. Borne pavt ter the- storm. The merchants seem Americanism Commission In their utomobile accident at Monmouth non at Wlntor Park and Interment Lester lions presided nnd to be unanknons in agreeing that thla annual community service and post Obituary Jo.acli in 1023. Also ourviving are '111 take place later In tho North. Give Out Figures Although tho streets throughout Wlshard Introduced the guest speak- was unavoidable and they are not activity report for the year shown by Eatontown woro In fine shape, pas- tirce grandchildren, James, Irene besides those mentioned Mrs. Owen er. registering protests. the attached gold seal. ml John H. Thorecn. survived by a daughter, Mrs. C. On Farm Loans sers-by found Main street and Broad Mrs. Gertrude It. Br.'iili,- street, Eatontown, left in poor shapo For a number of years past snow In wllneeo whereof, this Certificate The funeral will be held at half- Bartlett of Providence, "Rhode Ill at Home. s given under tha hand and seal of age 55 years, wife of Franklin R. Farmers of Monmouth county re- by the state road department. removed from the streets has been tho National Commander, duly ul- lst nine o'clock tomorrow morning .sland. dumped on an uninhabited part of Brink, died Monday, January 21, at t Holy Cross church, where a re- :eived $356,600 in loans through the Mayor Ira E, Wolcott ordered men Miss Emma Palmqulat of Tlnton tested by the National Adjutant, at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs, working day and night on shifts avenue, ICatontown, has been con Tower Hill avenue and oh the for- National Headquarters, Indianapolis, uium mass will be chanted. Burial Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wagner. ederal Land Bank during 1934, ae- mer steamboat property at the foot George S. Parry at IJuttzville, Is'ow ordlng to William C. Patterson, eeo- throughout tho storm to clean streets fined to her homo for tho past two U. S. A, this 12th day of October, Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Brink had •ill be in Mt. Carmol cemetery at ol wharf avenue, which is owned by 1934, and countersigned by tho Com- rong Branch. Tho funeral of Mra. Elizabeth M. •etary-treaBiirap of the Monmouth an4 tt weeks by illness. tho town. Both of these- places were; mander and the Adjutant for the De- lived at Red Bank fourteen years. Wagnor, wlfo ol Chariot) Wagner of ounty .National Farm Loan associat- parUncut. They went to tha homo of Mrs. Parry West Sunset avenue, who died on •6 deep with drifts that the Bnow Albert C. Harrison ion, had to bo shoveled away before there E. A, Hayes, to spend the Chriatmas season, when Wednesday of last week, wan held National Commander. Mrs. Parry Became ill and waa un- Tho Monmouth county association •woe room for the staff taken oft the if Ninth Prospect avenue died list last Saturday afternoon at 2:30 fas chartered in 1017 and operates Attest: able to return home. "riday night at his home of compil- 'cloclc at her late home with Rev. . streets. The »iiow from the streets IPrank B. Samuel, " i unit of the Farm Credit Ad- •• deposited on the dock was later National Adjutant, Mrs. Parry was A daughter of Mr. ations. Ho wag 57 yeara old. N Carmen Trombath, pastor of the nlnistratlon. Although it has federa' shoved Into the river by a plow Iii iountcrslgned: and Mrs. Nelson DeWitt and she. was Mr. Harrison was born at Bed Fleforaied church, In charge. Tho supervision and auditing, It Is con- J^owler' burn at Rowlands, Pennsylvania. Blie order to mako spaco In COBO another C. Richard Allen, Bank and was the son of tho latu learers were John Polin, Victor irolled and operated by local farmers. , storm occurred. Department Commander, was married there in 1897. She joined Albert and Eliza Chadwlck Harrison. oodrldge, Charles LeMaistre, Georgo the Methodist church of that pluco in The demand for farm mortgage Kenneth ,M. Wyckoff, chairman of Roland F. Cowan, Besides his wife, Mra. Margaretta W. Havens, William Warren and inanclng is declining somewhat at the street committee of the council, Department Adjutant. her youth. Besides her husband she White Harrison, ho is survived by a Floyd King. Burial, in charge of tho 7 BROAD STREET is survived by two brothers, they be- his time, Mr. Patterson says, al- estimates that the cost of the snow ;on, Osborne* fe. Harrison of Fair Ha- Wqrden funeral homo, was • In Fair bough mure loatas were made In. 3334 removal work will be about $890. Of ing Harry J. DeWitt of Rowlands and ; four brothers, Lionel, ' Joseph View cemetery. Alonzo E. DeWitt of Bed Bank. She 034 than during any previous year. RED BANK PHONES this amount about $800 was spent to and Walter Harrison of Red Bank, He than ninety per cent of the 3335 hire trucks to haul snow-from the To Honor Memory also leaves two nephews, a niece and and Clinton W. Harrison of New a number of cousins. Mrs. Adele A. Sherman, undB disbursed were used for ra- streets to the dock and to Tower- York, and a sister, Mrs. James K. Inanclng previous mortgages and hill avenue. Of Susan Anthony The death of Mrs. Brink is Buncll of Red BanK, ife of Edward Sherman, died on ither debts. Specials ! Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 2 mourned by a host of friends and Monday at her home on Washington About thirty firemen were employed Mr. Harrison was a member of the Quoting a report from E. T. Thorri- neighbors, as well as by her relatives. nmuel T. Sleeper camp, Sons of Vet- venue, Rumson. Besides her hus- at the rate of forty cents an hour Memorial Program to be Broad- and, she is survived by her father, on, head of the Land Bank at Fancy Fresh to shovel, enow off sidewalks and She had many sterling traits of char- erans. Xtra Special ! cast at Station WBRB Friday acter and she was very attentive to Tho funeral was hold Monday af- William Rodney, Sr.; three sisters, ipringfleld, Massachusetts, Mr. Pat- around hydrants. Most of this work Mrs. •William Krleg, Mrs. Ahin Don- orson said: "During the post year will entail no expense to the taxpay- Night, February 15—Mrs. her household and church duties. Al- .ernoon at two o'clock at his late LEGS though she did not take part in pub- lomo. with Rev. George H. Mlksch, ldson, and Mrs. Basil Layton, and extraordinary effort waa made to ers, as tho cost of clearing the slde- Robert Griesenbeck to Speak. lix brothers, Joseph, Richard, Wll- ie over an emergency and to Bave lb •walka will be charged against the lic services, silo made an Intensive tor of the Shrewsbury Presbyter- Fowl 23« study of the Bible and had' deep re- an church, in charge. Mr. Mlskch iam, Edward, Leo and Frank Rod- Farm homes. We have been operat- property owners. If they do not pay Friday night, February 15, at half- ley. ' ' ing in a. time when, tha great rank (3 - 3ft lb..) the charge will stand as a lien past seven o'clock a broadcast will bo | liglous sentiment. J5ed the Presbyterian ritual. He The funeral was held this morning ffld file of farm people have been Lamb ,. against their properties the same as ggiven over station WBRB In honor I The funeral was held at Rowlands eacl "Lead, Kindly Light," a favorite itrivlng to save not only their busi- unpaid taxes, Tho firemen finished and the sswico was in charge of RGV. )f Mr. Harrison's, and two poems, at 9:30 o'clock at Holy Cross church of tho 115th anniversary of the birth at Rumson. nesses but to provide themselves Roasting their work yesterday and the hired of Susan B. Anthony. Women S. N. Thomas of Buttzville. The in- 'A Little Way" and "Beyond." •vith the necessities of life. . trucks will cease discharging snow throughout the country have planned terment waa.:Jn Rowlands cemetery. The bearers were Richard Apple- Shoulders on the dock and on Towerhlll .avenue Relatives and'friends were present "Loans through the Federal Land clb to honor, the memory, of this pioneer gate," Terren F. Blalsdell, George John S. Henry Bank and other units of the Farm "this afternoon. Such snow removal of the "rights of women" by meet- from tied Bank, Staten Island, New Chandler, Thomas P. Dormus, John if Sea Bright died Saturday after a Chickens 31 •work as has not yet been done will York, Dover, Buttzvllle, Pompton Hndrickson and Kenneth H. Mc- Credit Administration have not only ings and tributes at various places, short illness, at tho age of 63 years rovlded funds for the Immediate de- be performed by the street depart- Including one at the Metropolitan Plain3, Rowlands, Hawley, Mount Queen. Burial in charge of R. R. (6-0 lbs.) Lamb 18'«> ment. On Tuesday night a snow Rose and Milwaukee. The floral tri- He was employed hy the Central mands of hard-pressed creditors, but Mu3eum at New York, where the Mount & Son was in Fair View railroad for many years. Mr. Henry plow was run over the business butes were numerous and beautiful. cemetery. iy using this form of credit, farmers beautiful marble portrait bust of was born in Virginia. He leaves a havo been, able to readjust their Cross Rib streets. It did not improve con- MIES Anthony by the famous sculptor Gibbs Brand dltionB. A coating of Dovoral I son, John Henry, Jr., of Aahland businesses to present conditions. Tomato Soup Adelaide Johnyon will be Hi" rallying Mrs, Winifred Strylter, Mrs. Alice M. Grillon, Virginia, and a brother, Samuel Bottom Round of ice is on these streets, on top of point oans are granted for periods rang- Vegetable Soup which is snow crushed into powdery widow o! James Stryker, died Sun- Henry of Florence, New Jersey. ing from 10 to 33 years, enabling ROAST Fork & Beans Miss Anthony carried the burden day at St. Luke's hospital at New wife of Joseph Grillon of Riverside 5' form by automobiles. The plow of the early work for woman suf- drive, Middletown township, died tanners to plan a definite repayment a proved of no avail in dislodging the York after a short, illness. Death was schedule with small semi-annual pay- Chuck Roast 19c frage more than fifty years, and due to coronary thrombosis. Mrs. Monday afternoon In the Monmouth MAY BACE CLASS B BOATS. ice. many women feel that they owe to ttemorlal hospital at Long Branch, ments. Crosse & Blackwell Stryker, who was a. former resident Xorgo Jack. her grateful recognition for her life- of Atlantic Highlands, had conducted ollowing an operation. Sho was 44 "By being able to obtain cash to Tomato Juice 3 cans Z7o A thaw and flooded conditions an years old. Long Branch Ice, Boat Club Invites polr time of arduous labor and untiring a tea room at New York for several Bed Bank Club to Compete. settle their debts, many farmers wera RABBITS tf & Marmalade ___—__. jar 24o feared. Mr. Tesauro and Mr. White Mrs. Grillon was born In Swltzer- 95° Plum Pudding 1-lh. tin 20o are making plans to cope -with sue} devotion to the cause ol equal rights. years. She was 51 years old. able to reduco their obligations, since 10c extra for cleaning. These women say that votes for nri. Besides her parents and hus- The Long Branch Ico Boat and an eventuality by using the men on Mrs. Stryker took an active inter- some creditors were willing to ac- Fig Pudding _ 2-1b. tin IS80 women was but the first step In the band she Is survived by four daugh- Yacht club has sent a very courteous copt substantial discounts for settle- Dato and Nut Bread 2 tins 20o relief. They are hoping that the sno- est in various civic organization:- ers, Mrs. Bertha Manuel of Red will melt gradually under the gentle whole program, which is not yet, in Invitation to the North Shrewsbury ment of their claims in full. Loin Lamb Chops 39c » fact fully accomplished, especially in when she lived at Atlantic Highlands Bank, anil the Misses Fermande Ice Boat and Yacht club of Red influence €f the sun or of a fog. What She way one o[ the founders of the "With their total debt consolidated Shoul. L'b Chops 29c » the economic field where eiual pay lise and Marie, who lived with Bank to sail a match race for i in one obligation and with a long- Chase & Sanborn Sale! they fear most Is a warm drenching Parent-Teacher association, chairman her. four sons, Armand, Paul, Mau- m rain. for equal work is said to be often ass B pennant, the boats to carr time repayment schedule, those farm- Rib Lamb Chops 32c Tondor Leaf denied to women. of the Ilcil Cross organization dur rice and Adrien, who lived with her; the World war and she wan a not over 200 square foot of Bail. ers who havo been refinanced havo Mrs. Robert Griesenbeck of the two sisters, Mrs. Mario Burley of The Invitation will bo officially con a greater sense of security and more TEA promin'Uit worker in' 1lu>. baby clinic Atlantic Highlands and Mrs. Mary Tender Fr*sh Torkl BUNCO TARTY. Reil Bank Woman's club will apeak Before* she moved to New York, Mrs sldored at the meeting of tho Red confldnco for the future," tho report and tell why In her opinion Susan Kocgler of New York city, and threo Bank club next Thursday night, and declared.• SmLplig. ICo Stryker had a tea room on Kin[;'£ brothers, Frank and Joseph Glrar- Fresh Hams Trojan Association Will Hold Affair B. Anthony should bo elected this highway at Middletown. A number t Is quite likely that Class B yachts Monday Night. year to the- Kail of Fame. She will :!ln of Long Island and Louis Glra-r- Whole Lge. pkg. Olo of years ago -Mrs. Stryker and her din of Middletown. from the North Shrewsbury fleet will recount many picturesque incidents bo sent to Long Branch In friendly Bus and Auto Collide. Pork Loins TEA BAI1S A bunco party will be held Mon- husband operated an upon nlr motion A Rollo transit company bus, on day night, February 4, by the Tro- of tho history of the long fight for picture theater at Atlantic Highlands The funeral was held this morn- competition. Half—Whols 1 Ao dor. equal right3 for women. route to Now York, skidded on the jan athletic association in tho Mrs. .Stryker is survived by a sis ng at 8:30 o'clock at tho funora Tha Long Branch club, due to the Shrewsbury avenue Echoolhouso. Jo- icy pavement on Branch avenue, near r, Mkis Helen Frerninn of Montour parlors of K. U. Mount & Son on' (act that their Class A boats are no tho Intersection of Towerhlll avonue, Boneless Bump X-K seph Sharabba is general chairman Falls, New York, and a brother, West Front street nnd at nine used as much on tho South Slirows- ol the affair. Patsy Vaccarellt in OCTAGKNAEIAN CELEBRATES. last nlglit and collided wllh an auto- Corned Beef ...... 31c «» Charles Freeman of Cleveland, Ohio. o'clock at St. James' church, where bury river as tho Class A boats ar mnbllo owned and drlvon by Edwin Yeast head of the decorating committee, The funeral was held yesterday af the assistant rector. Rev. Joseph on the North Shrewsbury' rive Frankfurters 23c » Oo cake assisted by Clement Mazza, I.eo La-' Mm. Chsulcfl Emmons ol Mcljircn Donnelly, celebrated a high mass o McDermott of Branch avenue, who Street was SI Yenrs Old .Sunday. ternoon at the home of Mrs. Tor- course, has of recent seasons given wns proceeding in th» opposite direc- Bologna 23c » Bfonda, Lloyd Vnccarellt and Pat«y renco Mi.jinn ftt Atlantic. IllKhliimls • Ullcm. Uurlal wns In Mount OHvo greater attention to tho developmen Barasso. Albert Fazzone is chair- Mrs. Charles Emmons of McLaren cemetery. of the Bmailer typo boat and thai tion, No one waa Injured. The bus Row Charles V. Johnson, rf-t'to. was being oporated by Bort Harrison Sauer Kraut 5c » man of the entertainment, committee street celebrated her 81st birthday All Saints church at Nave*ink, of respective Bkippors. 16 Hersh Best ! with Patsy Vaccarclli assisting. Jo- anniversary lost Sunday. There was of Monmouth street. Sergeant Gcorga Spare Rib« :. 17c Ilclatcd, and buriul hy A. M. Postei Mrs, Mary I.. Howard. Tho Red Bunk club has a numbo Clayton Invoatlgated tho accident m Iloyal Anno Cherries _ 23ocan seph Paoluccl is in charge of the no formul gathering, but Mrs. Km- and Sons was in Bay View cemetery Fresh Calas 19c Fruit Cocktail _ „_ 25c can refreshments. There will be a var- inons entertained a number of cal- Tile funoinl of Mrs. Mary I,. How- of tlio Class B hoats In its fleet, an but no complaints were made. ard of South Enston, Massachusetts It is quite llkoly that a Borled o Nci.2Haljo iety of entertainment. Prizes will lers and received many curds. She • m • «» Xtm Sifted I'eas _ 21c can he awarded and dancing will follow John II. Theirs™, who died on Weilnosday of lost week races between tho Clans B boats wll Smoked Hams ah;o received presents of money and n member of the Sea )lr)(,rht boron;:) the games by Albert Fazzone'a or- at the immn of lior daughter, Mrs. 1)0 conducted among themselves be Married 08 Years. Whole large turkey. council, died suddenly Tuesday afl J. S. Yost of l^lm place, a teacher I. foro they enter tho proposed match 22 chestra. Mrs. Kmmons la n sister of Bur- Mr. and Mrs. William Mason of Fair Armour's—l'urltan—Wilton's Country Roll Largn White noon at hit! homn at 7 Beach street • Pail Hunk high neliool, wna held raco with their jfriendo xit L Haven will celebrate their B5th wed- rowes Aeay of Worthley street, who lie had been in poor health Bcvem last Sunday afternoon at South Ens- Branch. Butter Jorsoy will be 85 yearn old next month. Hhe ding annivorsary tomorrow with Chopped Fresh JTABEWKLI. SUUF1U8E months, but van able, to attend •, ton. Burial, In charge of tho Wordon family gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Ma- Fowler's Forfii EGGS also has a ulster at I.nkewood. who meeting of the borough council tw< funeral IKKIIU of Red Bank, was at l.i 83 years old. All enjoy very good son, who wore prominent on the Sausage BEEF MUm Mary McGulro to Study Nurs- weeks IIKO. that place. BACK TO SCHOOL. stage for many years, aro the par- 40fh 45° doz. ing at St. I'ctcr's Hospital. health. 1 Mr. Thorfien wafj born Hcvenl A short service was held at th ents of Mrs. Tony Hunting of Fair Ib 14*lb , More than thirty friends attended years aco In 'Denmark nnd liad ben Yost resilience last Friday marnln Middletown Townnhlp I'lipHs An Haven, Mrs. Harry Welah of Red 23* Juloy a resident of Hea Bright fifty year: at 8:30 o'clock with, Rev. Edward W. Again nt Their Htmllrs. Bank and Jack W. Mason of Little Grape Fruit 6 nurprlae farewell party lnnt week Two Hurt In Car, Train Cranli. Ho was engaged In I lip painting nt the homo of MIKII Frances Con- Howard Broy nnd Frank Carey ol Miller, pastor of tho Haptlat church, Ths puWlo schools of Mlddletow Silver. Sea Food ! Oranges ness aiul retired last. yenr. Mr. T! oillelntlng. n ; nolly of Laurel avenue, Keansburg, Ilighlanda are recovering from in- sen was a member of tile round township re-opened Tuesday nfto: for Mlas Mary, McGulro of Mlddle- juries received Monday-when n Codfish 17c 8'25" eighteen yenru and niter nn intciva having been cloned slnco tno B Card and Bunco. 18 25° ' town, who will leave Monday morn- In which they were riding skidded Mm. I,et!tlii Owens, atoritt liutt week. All tho bunnes i.f a few yearn w»s clecleil nipiln li A card and bunco pHrty will bo Mackerel 12c "> ing to nntor tho Ht. Peter's hospital on Bay nvemui nt IlighlandH nixl 193.1. He wan president1 ot Oci>nn 1111 wlto of Rev. Jnmca H. Owonii ow running. Somo ptlvnto Btreot; crashed Into a locnmntlvo stopping at I'ranch avenue, died Friday at Win- held by tho Eatontown council of the Peas 2 - 29c ' at New Brunswick, whore ahe will coilipany No. 1. tn real nntato developments aro etl Scallops Shrimp !w l

MIACTICE TEACHER HERE. er we cannot look, farther we can- STRUCK BY TRAIN. Personals SeaBrigWiTax not go," at< the.Trenton Sunday morning'by the pastor, Rev. Keyport and is employed by the New William Welsh of White street la State Teachers'' college, has -placed W. .Carmen, Trembath,' will be "Hap-York and Long Branch railroad, was confined to the house with sickness. titm ii $40,178, the;Sime a* M'lsa Margaret'- Mages < as a practice piness and Discipline!" Two anthems, struck by a tsaln near the plant of - Frank Solo is Improving'at United Lut Year—Public Hewing oil teacher with Minn Emma.'JaneiLefe- "God'ls Love'"an'd "Galilee," will be the National-Lead company Tuesday Btqtes base hospital 81 at Mew York, February 8. , . _ - \ . ;•,'•. ,-. tra, supervisor, of music .In the Redeung',by the girls" chorus and thanight at about 6:30. Mr.• Furey WSB Continuing Till Saturday Night—Our Big whore he:,underwent an .operation Ban'k-'school!. • : senjor choir,' respectively. . A candle- walking down the track, to-his home for • hernia, A . committee .of the The Sea-Bright "mayor and'coun- light' Communion service will be lield members iof the , American., legion Mteg.Mag»e Appropria- William Wilson, will present "Christ right arm being torn away from the Louella, Winner of niore than five hundred prizes for Quality, specially priced. place- Is kept;indoors with sickness. ers': college.. , •' . of Cavalry." tions for tho coining year total $55,- , • . •*»'» ' elbow to his fingers and two fingers It takes the sweet cream from ten quarts of milk to make one pound. !t'$ Mrs. Harry Chamberlain of Walr 500.S3, as compared" i*lth WflM-SB. > The church school will convene it had to be amputated. Hla scalp was daily user friends proclaim it—The Finest Butter in America. lace.street IK confined,to her.home The main, cause, for the increase • - Burbank the l'hllouophor. . 8:30 o'clock In the morning, with the laid open to the skull. Tho train by Illness. ' ' ' ' in the appropriations la due to the "Folks wonder how I'Ve' kept so superintendent, Grover . Carter, In crew took him to the Keyport rail- Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest Edward Barth ol New York spent Item of {0,000 for the retirement of young'," Luther. Burbank. said one charge. At the same hour the Men's road station, where the first aid am- Sunday visiting friends In town. notes, This is part payment of theday. "I'm almost 77 and 1 can still Bible class, with the pastor in bulance removed him to th.e hospital. Sweet Cream While here he called upon Randolph notes which the borough had In.tha go over a' gate or run a foot-race or charge, will meet to Btudy "The He has a good chance of recovery. Cook of Bast Bergen place, who has old Sea Bright bank and which were kick the .chandelier. That's because Career and Significance of Jesus." been confined to his home for thobought by the State Sinking Fund my body Is no older than my mind— At six o'clock In tho evening a youth past week by Illness. commission. Last year the borough and my mind Is adolescent. It has fellowship meeting will be held. The Anthony's Moving. Edward W. Wise, Jr., of Red Bank, appropriated $5,000 for this purpose. never grown up." topic for'discussion will be "Rever- BUTTER 43 Anthony Fla?cnnaro, proprietor of who is finishing his senior year at Police, fire and health appropria- Ai I collaborated with him on "The ence." Anthony's cleaning, pressing and Brown university, has been elected tions were reduced and the adminis- Harvest of the Years" r came to know dyeing establishment, will move his The Finest Butter in America, mai)e from the awcet cream of accredited tuberculin tested cow« president of the Psi UpBlloh fratern- trative and executive, assessment the real mtnd and soul of the man. Undergoes Operation. business from tlio former clothing ity at that university. and collection of taxes and poor I had thought of him as a "wizard Reginald H. Parsons of Leaven- store of P. T. Jlaiinine on Broad Miss Theresa Skoda of River Plaza Items are the same. The appropria- of plant life"—as what Hugo de Vrles, worth, Washington, formerly of street to 41 Monmouth street, va- ROLL BUTTER •• 39<= spent tho week-end with friends at tion for streets was Increased from the Dutch botanist, called him: "A Shrewsbury, recently underwent, an cated by Yetman's jewelry store, Brooklyn. $3,500 to $4,500 and for lights from gardener touched with genius." I be- appendicitis operation. Her condition which is now located in another gfitd SJea£ Fresh Mis. Edwin Hubbard of Hubbard $3,850 to $4,000. gan to see him as a cosmopolite and Is reported to be good. building on tlio same street. Mr. Selected Park and her daughter Barbara Ann A public hearing on the budget will a philosopher, as a naturalist in love Flsacanaro, who haa been In busi- r* tv ft B Cnr>" dozen havo returned home from the Mon-bo held Friday night, February 8. with nature and life, as a humanist Middletown Bridge Party. ness In Red Bank the past eight 37 at once keenly interested In man and 43' mouth Memorial hospital at Long The council last night pased a res- A benefit brldgo party, under the years, will open In his new location Eggs Branch. penetrating and exact In his judg- on Saturday. olution remitting Interest on de- ments of men. And his enthusiasm direction of the Minute Men of tho Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Koa- linquent taxes up to January 1, 1934, Middletown village Baptist church, Our schau and Mrs. Joseph Hexter, all of and curiosity were unfailing. regular if such taxes are paid by April 1. will be held at the parsonage Friday Chlcltenbone In Throat. Red Bank, were the honored guests Notices will bo sent to delinquents "I'm as inquisitive as I was at evening, February 8, at eight o'clock. Raisin Bread 8c loaf Mias Emily StillwaRon of Madison of Vincent Kaeschau at tho annual by tho collector. * eight," he said. ball of tho Ward Baking company It was true. He could not pass a avenue had a very painful experience he)d last week at the Hotel St. new house, a shop window, a patent Reports Petty Robbery. when a clilckcnbone caught in her Victor Bread Bread Supreme "£58c George, Brooklyn. washing machine, a ditch-digger, a Gustav Maus of Oakland street re- throat Sunday at dinner. She wag Robert Hartshorne of Rod Bank Church strange plant, or a carpenter at work, ported to the police yesterday that taken to the Monmouth Memorial •was registered ad a guest at the Co- without stopping to look or watch. his house had been entered some- hospital at Long: Branch, where the boho was removed by Dr. William lumbus hotel at Miami, Florida, last Members of the Improvement so- He was always asking,- "What is time during tho night previous and FLOUR SALE week. ciety were In charge of the weekly this?"—and then, "How does it that $3 In change had been taken. Matthews of Ked Bank. Miss Still- Miss Agnea Parker of Red Bank, fellowship suppen/ and service last work?" wagon' has completely recovered and Hecker's or Gold Medal or Gold Seal or who is in training at the Long Branch Wednesday night in the social hall His laughter was* ready and con- Fishermen Fight Shark. has resumed her position at the Mer- hospital, is spending part of her va-of tho Presbyterian church. Vocal tagious, his sympathies universal. A chants Trust company. Pillsbury Ceresota Happy Baker dog, a child, a tratnp, an ailing wom- Boston, (AP)—A 15-foot, 700-pound cation with Mrs. Clifford Kehs of selections were given by tho Country shark played havoc with the work of ^-m. bag -| 10 24W-1D. bag 24-!I>. bag Freehold. club trio and the pastor, Rev. John an, a crippled bird—even a broken Removed to Hospital. blossom on one of his own plants!— four fishermen near here. The huge Mrs. Gladys H, West, who wnaA. Hayes, gave the devullunal talk. flali was pulled aboard their small Mro. Fred Burgess of Rumsun, who 1.14 formerly In charge of tho Red Cross could movo him to great lengths of Last Sunday marked the first day pity and generosity. Children loved boat In a" net and fell Into the cock- ig seriously 111, was" removed to the olllco at Red Bank, Is making a stay of annual Christian Endeavor week pit. Tho men fought it with fish Monmouth Memorial hospital at 10c Large at Jacksonville, Florida, On a pos- and understood him; ho was the In tho Presbyterian church and wasfriend of all the countryside. Every- knives for more than an hour before Long Branch yesterday )n the Rum- • Sweet tal mailed to a friend she states that known as "Denominational Sunday.' killing it. All were injured. son ambulnnre. Santa Clara 3 »s 25' it snowed In Jacksonville Thursday George Balno led a mooting of thewhere people recognized him as Prunes but tho flurry lasted only a few min- "Somebody." ,, His personality flowed young peoples' group In the evening. bl can 20-oz pltg 7c utes. It wai tho first time many per- Alberta Yeoumans and Philip Bailey from him almost visibly. Porcupines, previously unknown In (tSCD California Cherries s 25c Gold Seal Rolled Oats sons In that city had ever seen snow. HIB hands were supple and very northwestern Kansas, have recently 2 K 20-oz pkg 8c told of the origin of the Presbyter- made their appearance in the region. Sunsweet Prunes -'» P s 20c Mother's Oats Mr. and Mrs. Georgo D. Stino of Ian church and Florence Averre told strong; ho had that deftness that Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour P1[s 10c 3-Minute Oat Flake* pkg 9c Trenton, formerly of Red Bank, of the missionary work carried on mark^ all experts. When he was were visitors In town Saturday, stop- by tho church. Robert Worden spoke grafting orbuddlng or pollonizlng his IN MEMORIAM. ping with Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. on "Great Men of the Proshyterlan hands were like dragonSics above a In loving niemory of Arthur Chnnnlng Rc . 12c 4SC0 Finest No. 2 C Worden of East Front street Church." pool. Clapp, who passed away I-'ebruary 4, 10X1). Tomatoes ? can 1Q Mr. and Mrs. George Graman, Jr., A genius, a philosopher, a human- Rev. J. D. Blair, pastor of Little No. 2 and daughter Joan and Mr. Gram- Silver Methodist church and dlrectpi itarian, and a temperamental artist, iSc i^SOO Crushed man's father, George Gramman, of of otudont actlvltioa at Tompio uni- ha had In him a little of all the most WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. Corn or Golden Bantam 2 Cans Brown placo loft Saturday on OL mo-versity, will address mombors of thelovable and attractive and desirable tor trip to Miami, They cxpoct'to bo traits of humankind—he was an Too Late For Classification. Ib can Young Men's Bible class Sunday ASCO Sauer Kraut 2 big cans igc Genuine Criico 20c: Mb can B7C away nearly a month." cqitomo of the best of tho race. 1828 CHEVROLET, three new tires, new cans morning on the subject, ".The Bible 1 Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 20c Fleischmann'a XR Yeast cake 3c Miss Jean Dleckman of Now York in Modern Times." battery; motoi In good condition. C'af Eatontown 332-J after 6:30.• dSCO Tomato Puree $ can 7c 4SC0 Cut Red BeeU 3 No. 2 cans 25c city and Willis Hess of HackenBack At the morning service Mr. Hayes "What a fine-looking boy you were recent guoota of Mr, and Mrs.will preach on tho themo, "The Ora-have," was tho comment made to a FURNITURE for stile, -Including refrigera- 12c Glen Cove 25c Del Monte Mary Washington Thomas Irving Brown of Broad youny couple with HII attractive tor- roll top desk find office) chnir. Phone tory of Christ." In tho evonlng tho 1SEV 64 IIudHun avenue, Red Bank. 2 street. subject of his sermon will be "God's baby. "Of course," replied the hus- Clam Chowder can \j)c^ Asparagus 2 ?" 45° William Taff of Rod Bank sailed Measure of Value." band proudly, "that's a library baby!" a na today on tho "Nerlssa" for a 25-day When a now hahy is registered In Rich, Flavorful Coffee is the Life of your Meal—Try Ours for Satisfaction cruise to tho Virgin, Leeward and Concordla Parish, La., the health offi- .. RADIO'- , Windward Islands and Domerara, Holy communion will bo adminis- cer sends the name and address of •REPAIRS British Guiana. tered at tho morning service this RADIO Victor Coffee «,. 19c Mother's Joy 2 27c the parents to the nearest library .- CM.C-" 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. White and chil- Sunday at the Methodist church. The branch, which every month for a year SERVICE -us -• Excellent blend of Brazilian Coffees. A blend with "snap —ground to order. dren Kvclyn and Jack of Hudson singing of old fashioned hymns will malls to tho mother pamphlets on the foaturo tho evonlng service and tho PHONE 1154. J. avonuo left early Tuesday morning care of Infants. By this tlmo tho 79 NEWMAN SP65RD. Acme Coffee 2 29c by automobile for Miami,. Florida, pastor. Rev. Albert L. Bancr, will mother has acquired the habit of se- OSCO Coffee «,. 23c preach on the theme, "Loyalty to Some Stew atLO BiNKN.J Our experts have combined Mocha, Java whoro thoy oxpoot to stay until curln^expert advice on child health Full, rich, flavorful—a quality blend. and South American Coffee*, March. Jesus as Saviour." The choir under through the library and callB volun- P you have peoplo with big ap- Lester Kennedy of Rldgo road has the direction of Mrs. Theresa Wllley tarily for books on diet, health hab- petites to cook for—and not taken a position as head gardener will furnish the music. lta, clothing and discipline) for the I much time to prepare things, $ DEMONSTRATION WEEK 6 cans 25C | S O U P 25c vn tho Strauss place on the Seven Other meetings on Sunday Include, pre-school ago child. don't get in a stew. Stay out of Beans Bridge road at Llttlo Silver. Ho will the class session at nine o'clock Jn it You can do better on thp out- $ MRS. ALMA COLBERT 4SO fJSCO Tomato or Phillips' side, Just stirring it occasionally, ••< OF PHILADELPHIA live on tho property. the morning, a session of the church V I* now In my shop doing: marcelling Standard Quality Stringiest Word has been received at Red school at 9:45 o'clock and an Ep- for It is a simple matter if- you V and fiii|er wavlnf. 10c Dried Bank of tho birth of a daughter to worth League meeting at Beven have the proper canned ingredi- V For • limited time only 1 will give Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of o'clock at night. Glenn Wlshart, sec- ents. Here are some excellent 2 ibS. 17c Beans 3 ^1°J 23° stews for cold daya: $ A Free Wave With Every ; Lima Beans Broomfleld, Colorado, last Thursday. rotary of tho Young Men's Chris- $ Shampoo at $1.00 ! Mr. and Mrs. Anderson wore former tian association, will speak to this With Dumplings Or With Rice R residents of Red Bank. Mrs. Andcr- group on tho subject, "Tho Prepar- ;t; ROSE B. ALLEYNE'S j Bon was formerly Mlsa Anne Glgler ation for Peace" Beef Btew with Dumplings: Bartlett Pears " 2 -•'• 29 and is a sister of Mrs. Charles Dwyer Tho official board of the church Saute gently twelve small onions i BEAUTY PARLOR, j and Mrs. Louis Elce, both of Red In two tablespoons of drippings A 124 W. Bergen PI., Red Bank, N. J. , k will hold its regular monthly busi- for a few minutes. Add two [*, Phone 1597 i Swans Down Cake Flour pkg 27c N.B.C. Premium Flake Crackers P s 9c Bank. ness meeting tonight at eight o'clock. >•< OPEN EVENINGS j lb Mrs. Charles W. MacLarcn of Balti- large potatoes cut in chunks and Baker's Premium Chocolate Pkg 9c, 21c N.B.C. Macaroon Chips 15e A mid-week service will bo held at eaute a few minutes longer. Add r>K4>I«>>>>>;O'>>>>I<< more is visiting her mother, Mrs. the church next Wednesday night at two cups boiling water, two tea- Royal Baking Powder ™n 14C, 18c, 35c Glenwood Apple Sauce 2 No. 2 cans I9tf Edith R. Smith of Pearl street. Mr. eight o'clock. spoons salt, one-eighth teaspoon Avoid Embarrassment of and Mrs. MacLaren motored up from pepper and two teaspoons kitchen 15c Large Calif. Light Meat 21c Hom-de-LJte Maryland last week, but duo to the The first of a series of sormons on bouquet. Cook until tho potatoes C { C bad condition of tho roads Mrs. Mac- and onions aro almost tender. Laren did not return.with her hus-"Tho Outlook of the Gospel" will be FALSE TEETH Tuna Fish 2 ™* 25 Mayonnaise p J" 19 given Sunday morning In tho Bap- Add two cups of canned tomatoes Dropping or Slipping band on his homeward trip. tist church by the pastor, Rev. Ed- and tho contents of a 12-ounco Hindu Belle Salad Dressing Pt fcr 19 can of roast beet in large pieces. Don't be embarrassed again by having 15c Sunrise Ketchup 2 Pt bots25c C ward W. Miller. Rev. Flnley Keech your false teeth slip or drop when yoi of Rahway will occupy the pulpit at Mix two tablespoons flour -with cat, talk, laugh or sneeze. Just sprinkle j(For molting Home-like Muffins) GOOD SAMARITANS. the evening service. Members of the two tablespoons cold water and a little FASTEETH on your platen. This pli?. add, a llttlo at a time, to thicken new, extremely fine powder glve3 a won- MUFFLITE 17' Men's club of the church will be derful sense of comfort and security. No Tort Monmouth Couple Befriend » gjiesta. the stow. Cook for about live' Kummy, gooey taste or feelinpr. Get FAS- or bi k 3 each 2Sc Marooned Family. minutes. Then drop on top of tho TEETH today at Whclan'a or any other Chipso (flak" granules) 2 8 P S 3$c Mazda Umps Tho choir of the church on Friday stew, soft baking-powder biscuit dniff store. Ivory Soap 2 blgcakes 19c, 2 medcakes He Mazda Lamps (25,40,50,60,78 W) each 20c Among tho automobiles which got night will again present the novelty dough which hns been made with G. E. Lamps (15,30,60 W) each 10c stuck in snow drifts at Port Mon- entertainment which thoy gavo Bomo "shortening. Cover tightly and Lifebuoy Soap 3 cakes 19C mouth Wednesday night of last week time ago. It will be held In the steam for twelve minutes. This was one containing a man and wlfo church auditorium and will take vn Toes And serves six persons. and their Infant son. Tho baby hadtho aspect of a birthday party. Those Expert Repairing Quality Meats—Reasonably Priced been born ten daya previous and thowho will take part are Mrs. J. Wil- Chicken and Mushroom Btew OF SmaI1 Lcan mother and child woro on their way liam Helm, Miss Graoo Bolth, Mrs. Tomatoes with Rice: Sauto mushrooms from homo from tho hospital where tho Cecil Lediard, Mrs. Olive Teller, Mrs. two 8-ounco cans (reserving tho WATCHES, CLOCKS HUB iimni BAA ^flfe irrcsU EoastUlR birth occurred, when tho automobilo Alden Mason, Mrs. Fred Conover, HE serving of food requires liquor) In four tablespoons of but- and JEWELRY got emncshed In the snow. Tho manMrs. William Sayro, Mrs. Stewart diplomacy. It's so easy to ter for flvo minutes. Molt two made unavailing efforts to got tho car Cook, Mlsa Ruth Scattergood, Miss T tread on someone's toes, if tablespoons of butter, add two nnfl i^k • 11 ^^fe out and then ho went to the home of Alma Thompson, Eugene Magoe, Sr., one isn't careful. Thore's Uncle tablespoons chopped onion and Accuracy, skill and experi- Skinned Mr. and Mrs. Otis Boyd to ask that Charles Meeker, Eugene Magee, Jr., John you should have known sauto for throe minutes. Then ence enable- us to do the his wlfo and child bo allowed to Btay add one tablespoon curry powder Whole or Shank Halt—Take Your Choice. Braxton Rountrcc, Roger Smith and doesn't eat cooked traits — yet and four tablespoons flour. Stir most delicate repairing. We there -overnight. Tho man said, he Jack Rohrey. Larry Laroa will be you served baked apple for dea- guarantee satisfaction. Our would sleep outside In the automobilo. at tho piano. eert -Thoro's the Jones family until smooth. Add the mushroom Mr. and Mrs. Boyd not only granted who doesn't eat meat on Friday— liquor Tilowly, then add two cups prices will please vou. Small Lean Fresh tho request, but also Insisted that tho Tho Women's missionary society and you served that delicious big m'ilk, stirring constantly until man spond tho night at tholr home. will meet on Thursday, February V, steak. Woll, what can you be safe) creamy and thick. Add ono tea- Silverware Repaired picnlo After broakfuat tho noxt ."nornlng at 2:30 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. in serving -when thero • aro so spoon lemon Juice and season to stylo ft. the marooned family resumed their George Norman of Peters placo. Mrs. many toes about, waiting to bs taste with salt. Add to the mush- and Replated Like New 16 rooms, and then add tho chicken Pork Shoulders Edward W. Miller will be tho speak- homeward Journey. Thoy said they trod on? from a 12-ounco can. Stew tho lived in tho northern part of the er and Mrs. Frank House will load tho dovotlonal service. Try toma-toea. Keep on hand a mixture very gently for five to ton REUSSILLES ib C list ot dollclous dishes made with minutes. Pour out onto a plattor state. Tho Mary Mount chapter of the tomatoes, for almost everyone and Burronnd with a border of 36 Broad Si., Red Bank Pure Pork Sausage 27 . m i ^ World Wldo guild will moot Friday likes them. Here aro some sug- fluffy boiled rlco. This serves six I'el 183L Colored Farmers' Mooting. night, February 8, at the home of gestions for tomatoes In various persons liberally,* A conference to study tho various Mrs. Charles Hammoll of Spring coursos ot the meal: programs for agricultural recovery stroct. A play by Mrs. Harry Cham- In 1835, will be hold by the colored borlaln will bo given and tho devo- A Puree and An Omelet Fancy Fresh Killed Fowl »22 farmers of Now Jornoy Thursday, tional service will bo led by Mrs. Tomato and Cauliflower Puree:] goHsnnHiuuuuvuuvwuuuLruuuuuuuuuiniuiaAflnnnnra February 7, at tho New Jeraoy man- Arthur Ryerson. Cook one medium head of cauli- (3-lb. average) ual training school at Bordontown, flower until tender. Press through Colored farmers throughout the a sieve. Press the contents of one SPECIAL Fresh Florida Mackerel lb. 9c state are ovldonclng much Interest In First Church of Christ, Scientist, No. 2 can of tomatoes through a 209 Broad street, Red Bank, Sunday sieve also, and add with tho con- In the conference) as a possible 11). 17c moans of clearing up some of tho BOrvlcoa nro hold at 11:00 A. M. and tents ot one can of consomme and THURSDAY Sliced Fresh Codfish difficulties of production and market- 8:00 P. M., Sunday-school at 11:00 ono cup of water to the cauli- A. M. and Wednesday evening testi- flower. Bring to boiling. Bauts i Reg. 24c doz. Cup Cakes 19c doz. ? Food Fancy Porgies r Ib. 9c ing which havo puzzled them so mony meetings at 8:00 P. M. greatly during tho past few years. one Ublonpoon of minced onion in e 'Lovo" will bo tho HUbjoet of the two tablespoons butter for a few Fresh Stewing Oysters <°P ™<» dot 12c Leaaon-Sermon In nil Churchos of minutes. Add three tablespoons FRIDAY Specials Medium Size Chowder Clams do 18c nilllnrd Tournament. . Chrlut, Scientist, on Sunday, Feb- flour, stir until smooth, thin with Reg. 30c doz. Cream Filled Doughnuts 20c doz. "Dink" Allon dofoated "Como On" ruary 3. a little of tho hot soup, and then Kldd, 100 to 8T, last night In ttio Tho Golden Toift l5: "Bolovcd, If add the remainder of the soup and Outstanding Values in Flesh Fruits and Vegetables pocket billiard tournament being God so loved us, we ought also to cook until creamy. Season to SATURDAY conducted at tho Urond street bil- lovo ono anothor" (I John -4:11.) Uste with salt and pepper. Thl» FANCV 15XTIIA FANCV FULL JUIOY FI,OBU)A llunl acadomy. On Tuosday Allon Among the citations which com- serves six persona. ] Reg. 5c each Chocolate Eclairs 7 for 25c CARROTS or trounced an old rival, Harry Lyons, prlno tho LeBnon-Sormon Is the fol- Omelet with Macaroni and To- ORANGES 100 to M. "Smlloa" Hunter won over lowing from tho Blblo: "Beloved, let mato tfauce: Make * French- Reg. 5c each Danish Riiigs 6 for 25c BEETS PODDED PEAS William navlson, 100 to 85,' on Mon-UB lovo oho nnothor: for love It of omelet with four eggs, one-half i Down A AC day. Tonight Hunter will oppose God; and every one that lovoth 1B Uispoon salt, o, few grains of pep- William Jcffroy. • born of God, and knowoth God. And per and four tabloupoons milk. 15 2 - 25° we havo known and believed the lovo M«»nwhllo make a tomato rmuco. i that God. hath to u». God Is love; of one tablespoon butler, one i CIMSF WIUTK STALKS fiTAYMAN WINISSAl" enmv ICEBKHO nonunion Ills Fnictlcc. and ho that tlwelleth In love cJwolleth tablespoon flour, salt and pepper I Dr. G. Thatcher Parker, who liven In Ootl, nnd Ojod In him," (I John to" taste, one-halt teaspoon sugar, in tho Rlvm^ldo Heights section o( 4:7, 10.) ,M three-fourtbfl cup stralnod toma- jttl * I iLlVl^lHkil | CELERY APPLES LETTUCE Mlddlotown township, lino resumed The Lesson-Sermon also Includes tooi and a few drops of onion PASTRY DEFT. C Head his practice us a veterinarian after tho following passage from the Chris- juice. Add tlireo-fourtliB cup of having undergone Vn operation two Hun Hclonca textbook. "SclBnoo and cooked macaroni, cut In one-inch 31 BROAD ST., RED BANK 3 - 17 10' weeks ago nt Monmouth Memorial IFmlth with Key to tho Scriptures" pieces, and spread over half the _ _ hospital at Long Branch. He hag omelet last before folding. Thli You are assured Complete Satisfaction When you Shop and Save tha ASCO W»y ( by Mary Baker Eddy: '"God la Love.' | TEL. RED BANK 3959. » ^fully recovered. More than this we cannot «»k, hlgh- four persons llberiillr. Sfr«« *ni M»»l M«rli.U !• H.rf !|VlIiaiUUUIAIUWUBUUWtfWWtl^^ fourteen REO BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 81,1988. Tho bMH ot tdttftktlStt Wilt tt&Va Issue, $2,78l.H| redemption of two proceeds will lie devoted to welfare Explains Science • hope eultlelent interest will be ihown Into all 5,000 ofilces and homes to Little Silvsr New» tirtt biw ninHn uttr tha election bondu on new nohooli, 92,000, and **• Elks Are Against work. A tneetlna Of the committee in the subject of nutrition in dogs beein with. And when In they won't j'tUruiry «• th* urai «t Pti*t 3.nlnim of eight gt&t* elms trip to was, held Tuesday night at the home Of Making Flour some day to develop gOtaS will or- have the appeal tiat *,' loft-voiced OUIe«on, who It prjlldent ot theWUhlngton, »800. The two bonds on of Miss Helen O'ROurke. Mrs. Lewis gantzed projects that may result In young woman, a plaintive rew. Ovelf bokrd, fcn* Rulietl OM, expire thla th* new school will bo due ilnrch 15, Force And Violence T. Wilson Is In general chargo of the more e&tiBf&ctory leading practice* th« phone has. .waa y»uy but ncl«h«r will run Mr n> arrangements. A few short years ago wheat was fof r ddoga, • "In tbs third place, no man would sontnl JfoM.1 They Will Petition National just wheat and flour was simply Fundamental nutritional require- dare say things In a man's offiso tlMUM. FttltlOftl h»V* bWtt Alod With the river frozen over In theflour—and that Was all there was to q Th» n&rd party Which Bt John's by V. Ptrtttt Wllhlruon *nd frtok clraulatlpn Government to Prevent the vicinity of the Octonio drawbridge ments are quite similar Among alll which we eay over the telephone. We guild h&S pl»an«4 to hoia tomorrow , I Register hi«—[s"t6Is thee many men have been gathering it, But times have changed. Miss domesticated animals. Therefore, wa can be almOBt insulting and make at th* home of Mrs. J«s»te BP»««« Gregory. Approprlitlon* In th» bud- hat counts with tb* Spread of Organisations Hav- clams through the ice on the flats Laura Kennedy, lecturer at The Reg- can* make & few deduotlona from men like it over the phone, but wehas been postpohed until. Friday, get are as follows: current exp«h*e», Mr. No pMmlums or olh'c'r "ln- ister's cooking school last week- don't dire do It In person at his 118,670s repairs knd twpltotmtnti, !Utem«nu have ever been offered to ing These Aims in View. east of tho bridge. what we know about the nutrition February 8( On account « th» *6n- The missionary committee of thepointed out that the selection and ot other animals and safely supply place of business. dltlon of the roads. *6O0; inUreit en new 6cho81 bona iecUre clfculiitlon.—Advertlaement, Tho Benevolent and Protective blending of wheat and the manufac- "It's a game and I know the game. Otder of Ellis in the United States Presbyterian Indies' Aid society will them to the feeding ot our dogs. Mitt Irtls Wilkinson, daughter f hold a silver tea tomorrow afternoon ture of flour has become a scienceHere are a few general rules that A good telephone solicitor can make Mr. and Mrs. V P. WMtlnsoti ot his started a movement to petition today, scarcely less complex than a man do just as she wants him to. t 1 tho United States Benato and theat half-past two o'clock at the home that used In the development of the may be of help in providing the heat tie Silver, sailed Saturday On the Prices Listed for Stock Clearance! of Mra. Charles A. Wolbach on La- possible feeding program for your We usually use women. Men have "Monarch of Bermuda" tor & month's House of Representatives to take fayette street. most delicate perfumes. dog: some chivalry left In them. Just an- Fuf eoftbi Mid Jacket* M co«t attps toward preventing tue spread "Just as tho pefumer goes out into other ruse. visit with her ulster, Mrs, fcesll*Ban - dt organizations which are aimed at Mrs. John G. Foller Is kept Indoors Feed a balanced ration to your yard, In Bermuda. Beduoea p»te*» 6n all fu» repair* Mid remodels. with a severe cold. Mrs. Edwin tho flower gardens of the world to dog. Thla should contain the right "After all we got to do tho business the destruction of the government make his selections of the delicate and get the money, you know." Glenn P. Wlahard, general secre- by force and violence. Each Elks Pomphrey Is also on the sick list. kind and amount of proteins, min- tary of tht Red Bank Toung Man's Tho luncheon and card party essences that give character and dis-erals and carbohydrates. Feed a uni- Tho real objections to telephone Cooper man Fur Shop, inc. lodge in the contry will have a sup- tinction to his scented output, so solicitation Is that the pewon solic- ChrlBtian aesoolatloni gave an Hd- ply of these petitions and the various scheduled for Tuesday of this week form ration from the standpoint of dress at Monday'* meeting of the >(4 Mottmoutn St., FhoiM 1«8». -Ho d. .Bonk, H. J, at the home of Mis. August Dom- does the modern flour miller go toprotein 'mineral and vitamin con- ited really does not have any chance. lodges will seek to enlist other or- tho wheat fields of the country to It is high pressure Belling. Little Silver Woman'* club on "India gsnizationsc, such as service clubs, brovskl for the benefit of the Itlver- tent. Feed a known amount of feed and Its Idea ot Maintaining Pa&oe." view hospital was postponed. Ick and chooao his raw products In to your dog. Do not guess on Tho committee bcllevca that tho Women's clubs and lodges in this order that his scientists may mako amounts fed on different days, Pala- enly way to overcome thla Is to form Mra. John D. Blair was elected a Movement. '• In Red Bunk these pe- their blends of wheat that will pro- tablllty Is Important in a dog food, .. coulltlon among Red Hank busi- now nwmhsr. Forty-five persons at- titions at present can be secured at Fair Haven News. duce flour containing exactly the jut do not bo misled Into thinking ness men and residents and ask each tended the meeting, and s ohloksn toe ElkB homo and at the Red Bank right percentages of protein and salad luncheon was served. Kennedy's Flowers Chamber of Commerce. that palatabillty in a foafl moans It ] uno to hang Up tho telephone flatly Frank OlUa fractured ft small (Tho Red Bank Regletvr «an be bounbl starch. That flour must produce a li the best food for the dog. If your on every solicitor. The text of the petition le as fol-tn Fair Hnven In tho 6tore of Harry Kur- bread that has exactly tho right dog goes off feed, consult your vet- Do not wait until you have been bone In ht» Us Monday when hs Harding Road, :-: lows. tla. at Ye Gold Cedars and from Mr. Rlppe.) color, taste, texture and volume, or erinarian to discern the reason. It sold on tho Idea. Hang up suddenly slipped on the ice while walking to Red Bank The undersigned citizens nf the Petitions for the ofllcee of school t will never reach tho public," says may he a disease problem or a feed- na soon as you know tho motive of the Little Silver railroad mallou tfnltei d StateStts off America respect- trustees liavo been filed by Raymond Miss Kennedy. ing problem, the person at the other end of the William D. Pontln, who has bean fully submit that Individuals, alien a medical patient at the iiuii..uuii Phone 685, And otherwise, have been permitted Doughty, who Is seeking re-election, 'In tho Heckers' Flour organiza- -—— »••'> Trip government by force or violence, or in the great Northwest, largely dark tention whatsoever to any telephone less ho • pastea these rules on hisRivervlew ftvenue are spending the V%Mkp (llijMjlimil) The ladles' auxiliary of the fire and hard, rich In gluten and Ideal LoWMt AUTO Rita* Bv«r Offered I Other unlawful means and to employ company will meet tonight at the solicitation; hang up the receiver. desk and uses them. That Is where rest of tho winter with Rev. and the usual Invcatlgatlohal' methods for bread making; the winter wheat What Is tho roaoon for a rule like they will work, when they are used Mrs. Carroll Burok of Shrewsbury, rtuntkii nfilatr mltU i/ur INCLUDING therefor. The Department of Justice flrehouse. of the Eastern, Central statea and this? and Insist on Chamber of Commerce To JA.CKSONVIUI—MMO Ml w«y. »J7.50 r*un« trl», rflEALS mi BERTH should also be charged with the dis- The Sons and Daughters of Liberty the Southwest". They know the Mrs. John Kemp and sons, Clark t. MIAMI—(57 40.n.w.r. %iTM rtimd lrl». Ttiuo Answered by a solicitor who hascredentials. and John P. Kemp, will leave to- rolu with > llcktll. AU M Melt woy IM llckat. LMnrttmUtlciitiMi cretionary authority of publication lodge will hold a bunco party Febru- wheat geography of the country in been In the business fifteen years and M0W/fr l> rsM Of the truth about organizations and ary 12 in Mechanics' hall. minute detail. They closely study the morrow on a, motor trip to Florida. Individuals engaged in subversive never puts men or women out on the Robert Laurie King, son ot Mr, A cake'sale will be held Saturday effect varying weather conditions street—all work by telephone: At St. Thomas's Chapel. CLYDE.MALLORY LINES activities and supplied with sufficient between ten o'clock in the morning will have on the next crop, and they and Mra. Raymond King, was oper- funds and personnel to carry on the "We will reach 5,000 Rod Bank At St. Thomas's chapel at Rod Bank ated upon for mastoldltls Friday at J45 MrTH AVI. Til. VA 31200 «t fli» 34 N. »., N. V, Tal. WA S-3000 or lo^lilog foregoing. and four in the afternoon at 783 Riv- auge their operations accordingly. er road by the Intermediate Chris- business men and women and nearby Sunday morning services will be held the Monmoutlt Memorial hospttal. SECONP — Declare organizations tian Endeavor society of the Metho- "While In the main, wheat from residents by telephone In ten days. at half-past sevon o'clock and eleven Mrs. Susla Parker and family, who Which advocate the overthrow by . given locality remains the same Wo will sell a certain number of o'clock, with a sermon at the last were in Arizona for aevoral w«eka, force and violence ot our govern- dist church. mentioned time. A sorvlco for even- ment to be Illegal organizations and Jack and William Martin will pro- ear in and year out, Heckers' chem- them, one In ten; five hundred alto- are now at Los AngeleB, California, prohibit their existence in any ter-vide a roast beef dinner for the mem- ists have found there Is always gether; that Is tho law of averages song and candlo mass will bo held In and will start for home the latter ritory under the jurisdiction of thebers of the flre company following enough difference, due to weather working for us; wo know what wo the evening at half-past seven o'clock. part of February. United States. and other factors, to affect the fin-can do. the business meeting next Monday ished product. Consequently, the de- Charles MaoKay la confined to hU THIRD—Declare It a felony for an night. "Solicitations on' the pavement Boys can maKo extra pooket money home with Ulneaa. r. Globe Hotel velopmont in their laboratories of wouldn't do as well. They won't get selling The Register Advertisement Individual to publicly or secretly ad- James Rankln rias put his Iceboat the delicate art of blending—the vocate, promote or encourage the on the river, A homemado craf t was overthrow or change of our form of proper association of the best grades government by force and violence, built by Donald Snyder, Paul Smith of wheat from various Jarts of the Eaat Front Street, Red Bank er to knowingly belong to any BO-and William Daviaon. Skates were country to meet the rigid standard Ciety, association, group or organi- used for runners and a plcco of can-set for Heokers' products. sation which has for its objeot or vas for the eall. IS NOW PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE one of Its objects tho advocacy or Arthur Sickles and eight employees "The life of a grain of wheat from PLEASE FEED THE BIRDS! furtherance of the overthrow of thegot stuck In their truck in the snow the timo it leaves Its birthplace un- DINNER PARTiES FOR WEDDINGS, LODGES Kcvornmont of the United States by Qtornl in Mlddlctown township and til Its identity 1B lost In flour Is one force and violence or any unlawful were compelled to -walk several miles of Inspections. Licensed experts ex- AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. tneans. to Edward O'Flaherty's store. o.t amine and grade every carload of FOURTH—Effectively close the. Keadden'a Corner, where they ob- wheat. Samples from each car are United States malls to newspapers classified according to variety, «r other publications advocating, en- tained a ride. The next day they dug couraging or affiliated with any or-th« truck out of the drift. weight, moisture content, strength flCHNEIDERfl Try our wonderful evening dinner ganization advocating or encourag- Gray Lewis of Fair Haven road (prd'teln or gluten content), and ing the overthrow of government by othe"r milling qualities. On arrival wanted to get the thrill of a sleigh at. the mill for storage, the wheat la force and violence. ride so he bought a sleigh from For- 3ubmittod to oxhauativo testa. Hero |\ MARKET at 75 cents. FIFTH —Prohibit tho intorBtttto man Smith and borrowed a horoc, again the miller and laboratory ex- transportation of newspapers or and had an enjoyaljte time riding Other publications advocating, en- around the ccmntryBid(i*whll»autolstB perts put it through its paces. If It eournginK or affiliated with miy dug their cars out of. drifts. la accepted, it. resumes Its journey •P 21 W. Front St., Red Barak, N. J. Lunch 50 cents. ganlzatlon advocating or encnurag- to the storage elevators. Heckers*' tha overthrow of government by exports tell me that by tho timo Ilia SPECIALS THURSDAY NOON 'TIL* SATURDAY N1TE ! foroe and violence. wheat has hecome flour up tn the SIXTH—Make clear the laws for River Plaza News. accepted Hecker standard it has Phone 2653 Phone 2654 Special Business Men's Lunch, 35c. the deportation ol all aliens advocat- successfully passed a dozen or more ing the overthrow or change of our Tho Woman's club will hold a par- exhaustive teats. It 1B at tho flour system of government by force and ty for tho members and their hus- mill Itself the delicate blending oper- violence and make certain the" Im-bands BatUrday. night at the home of ations take place. Each bin Is care- Fancy Northwestern Hen Turkeys n,. 33c pounding without bail of any such Mra. Louis Depreaux of. Riverside fully labeled to show the exact iliens pending deportation. Heights. - s> character of tho wheat In It. They SEVENTH—Prohibit the entry in- 3—3%-ft. Quality Rib to the United States of any Individ- Tho all-day meeting and covered tell me at Heckers' that actually ual who is known to advocate the dish luncheon that was to have been only a fraction of\ the contents of VAPOR STEAM WAVE Overthrow or change of government held yesterday afternoon by the each grain of wheat goes into Heck- "by force or violence and clarify tho Woman's club, will be held next ers' Nevor-Fall, tho finest grade. Of •NOW FEATURED AT Jaw so that there can be no conflict Wednesday at the home of Mrsal; l the particles Into which the wheat of authority between departments of Frank S. Curtis. Is broken only tho choicest find their Our g<:overnment in the execution of Harry Mecklcm, who recently re- way into this. That part of the wheat Leg Spring this lijaw or regulations made under turned from Calcutta, India, sailed berry which docs not become flour is Smoked Beef It Monday morning for the Hawaiian sold for feed. John's Beauty Shop EIGHTH—Provide for the revoca- Islands. tion of the naturalization of any LAMB Tongues naturalized citizen who advocates Tho regular business meeting of "Another thing impressed me at 10 BROAD ST., .ED BANK the overthrow of our government by tho Woman's club will be held at the the Hecker mills. Actual bakings force or violence. home of Mis. William Gaughan of take placo many times a day in a Given by the latest and most up-to-date Towerhill avenue, Red Bank, Thurs- real kitchen there. That strikes me Armour's Star or Puritan Hams lb. 21c Permanent Waving Machine. COASTAL EKOSION. day night, February 7. as about as good a test as could be Due to the severe snow storm devised to make sure that the fin- Senators Harbour and Moore Seek Thomas Paul and Rusael Craft have ished product Is up to lta right stand- Federal Aid. been so busy trying to catch up with ard."' Shoulder Lamb lb. 14c Chopped Beef ib. 17c repairs from hero to Atlantic City MURLE A bill providing for the participa- have b^en unable to return home tion by the federal government In homo nights. They both work lor FEEDING YOUR DOG. Loin Lamb Chops lb. 27c Beef Liver H,. 12C Works for the prevention of coastal the telephone company. ftI>an Greater Comfort—Time Saving. erosion was introduced jointly yes- Mrs. James McPlirn spent part of By E. D. Grlflln, Formerly Poultry- Rib Lamb Chops lb. 22c Phila. Scrapple 2 19c Only two operations required. terday by Senator Barbour (R—New last week at New York. man jfurduc University. No overhead weight. Jersey) and Senator Moore (D—New Jersey.) It is a companion measure Do you feed your dog properly? Stewing Lamb lb. lie Chuck Roast . ib. 19c Hewavlng Features—The moat to one introduced in (he House by Postmaster Nominations. Perhaps you are unable to answer nucoeasful method tor rcwav- Among tho eleven nominations for this question because of a lack of Representative Bacharach (R—New Veal Cutlet lb. 39c Pot Cheese 2 ib*. 25c lng any typa of hair. Jersey.) poatmastcrshlps in New Jersey Bent Information as to what the "proper The bill declares it to bo the pol-to the senate for confirmation by feed" for a dog should be. Snfe—NO CHEMICALS to cre- icy of tho United States to assist in President Roosevelt were John R. Very littlo experimental work ha.s! ate oteanii No olcctrlo heaters the construction, but not the main-Snedeker of Atlantic Highlands and been done along nutritional lines j Meadow Gold Brookfield Roll Butter .., 39c on tho head. tenance, of works for the improvc-August F. Schwcers of Little Silver. with doga. This is probably due to ' Xnent and protection of (he beachea The senate is expected to act on the the fact that in the minds of the! Safe—No possible Injury to the along: tho shores of the United nominations within a few days. These taxpayers who support state institu- j Flagstaff Libby's Evap. hair. Btates, and to prevent erosion duo men arc now serving- as acting- post- lona of research and learning, such to the action of waves, tides nnd masters. as experimental stations, the dog la Come in and see for yourself. currents In the promotion of health- not classed as an economic necessity. Shrimp MILK ful recreation of the people. The rond to better and bigger busl- Through such institutlqns wo havo TELEPHONE RED BANK ISIS n™ leads through The Register's ad- learned much about proper nutrition I wmmsmmmmm vertiBlnj; columns.-AdverflsomenL In poultry, hogs and dairy cows. We 2 cans Libby's « cam Rum son News. i^s^, Libby's String Grapefruit (The Red Dank I'enistei can he !jiiRbt in Uumson nt tho utom. i,t Ilnrrj Bnr- Mn. Fred Finnorly mid Waitor T Hearts *nd from Mr. Geyei.) Beans Capt. Henry S. Krusc of the police department Is having a two weeks' CHNEIOERC Vacation. Ho and Mra. Kruse left Strictly Fresh Large Jersey Eggs doz* 39c by bus yesterday on a trip to Flor- ida. During hia absence Policeman M AEICET SP William Zorr will be acting optaln. Economy Soap Flakes 5 ™ 33c Highland Sap Syrup g oune© 23c Sea Food Market The Ladles' auxiliary of Rumson 21 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. p fire company will hold a bunco par- Wayne County Cider pint 10c Puritan ancalce Flour 4 ins 29c 21 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. ty Friday night, February 8, at. tho Phone 2653 Phone 2654 Granulated Sugar 5 »« 23c Armour's Pork & Beam 3 cans 25c fire houae. Phone 2654 Fred Conover, who has been a pa- ffi> NEXT WEEK ^ Heinz Cucumber Pickles bottle 23c Beechnut Coffee n Phone 26S3 i tlont at the Presbyterian huupltnl at 31c New York, was removed to hh home Heinz's Ketchup Itottlo 19c Armour's C'd B'f Hash 11-02. can lOt hero luat Saturday In the Rumnon Monday.. Tuesday, Wednesday Specials ! ft Thursday, Friday, Saturday Specials I Mlubulanrd. American Loaf Cheese n> 25c Armour's Star Lard 2 « 33c Mrs. Hurry C'ollls nnil her infant ion have returned home from tho large BMwlng Ptteh K«nneMwk large Frying tllvorview hospital nt Ited Bunk. Mrs, Wilbur Smith, Mrn. llnnrgc Quality Sirloin Steak 33c Salmon Harvey, Hr., Mra. Wllllnm Cuiiock Oysters KiWt«Hl Oysters and MIBS Kdlth Ilnrvey nrp. on their Florida •#ay homo from a May In Florltlu and Green Halibut iipect to anlvo horn Rimduy. | Sirloin, Round or Porterhouse -A light Ktnndnrd fit Ilm corner of Tangerines -«,, 23° XtuniBDn road and Nuvesink nvenuo Mountain *23° Was knocked down Monday by a car •16 for 27-lb; of truck. Who hit tho poln la n north'* large targe Hard mystery HO (HI na there wan no cur or Iiewtef Catfibda fit truck on tho ticene wheh tho JJO- Jlee arrived. STEAKS Potatoes Clams Pollcotnan Thomns Ileyntildo luin Oranges Meat Smelts lieen confined to Ills homo with III- 10c Eating Apples 4 1B* 23c {''" Tho ciurt jmrly which the Ladles' <*" 05 ,,,,.23° Wixlltitiy of Kmnniin Urn I'ompimy c Jisd plnnned to hold last nUiht al (lie life ilnilHB hHfl been pimtimiii'il until "•29 Ask Your Butcher for Some Fat for the Birdta FULL LINE FRESH FISH DAJLY night, February 21. The RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 81.1985.

ult of appeals recently sent out "Hunger Fighters," De Krulf; "Ad- NOTICE. Left Estate to | County Mad Snow through newspapers. The appeal was tool Builnt of ti« Borojutl BI V0t . School Masquers venturca of Science," Ginzburg; Raven, county of MaitMOutb, lot ttt* ftMM' Intended for citizens for used books "Man and His Universe," Langdon- SAIL AWAY year Hit, >n Onllriltic. ttlltlBt to t«*M Her Brother Emergency Squad to meet tho emergency of low tax Davies; "When the Stars Come Out," REAL fur tha yc»r 103B, lultuducul JltiuurT 1«, Hold Initiation funds. Tho Boston flrtn has offered It. H. Bokcr; "Exploring the Earch to the Lands of I9SB. • Mill Ada L- Havens of Mlddletown l'nstid and ftppfovld ^kt Realising the nerloug effects of the to donate ona of the books It pub-and Its Life In d Natural History Warmth and Sunshine MILEAGE Final M.oUnglwd Friday Night eutia her will in 1923. She left bll«jjard with Its attendant Hie haz- lehes to as many libraries as need Museum," McCreery; "Story of Earth M.y'of, 11 of htt estate to nsr brother, Ar- ards, choking of emergency am- it. Tho books will be distrllAited by nnd Sky," 0. and H. Washburne, In Cruises fioiii (! - 5(t (lays ' Tho few Uriel Iliat I.wrlln hori! *lll AtU»t:~- Under Direction of Mr*. Rob- ihur Wt Havens, and she named him bulance routes, and the complete cof,t me ah'jut nn 1n--!ik llml In m\|c^* M. PLUY1I 8M1TH. CUfll. tho New Jersey Public Library com- collaboration with Reed; "Exploring duration. I ran chisel Illu Olil liny dmvn a lilt. ert C. Brown—47 New Mem* i exefiutor of the will. stagnation of transportation, county ajlsslon. tho Upper Atmouphere," Flsk; "Tho You know. I v.-on't in'! tft fii^i base NOTICE. bers Initiated. Henry I* Joites ot Freehold left his director Frederick P. nelohey Im- Among other books still needed to New World ol Science," Collins. HELEN LEE GETTY ljut there In ii'J ii:itr,j In tijidr:. Notlrs In hereby ulvon to thi lt(M Vo mtlre Mtat* to bl» daughter, Kath- mediately established an- emergency r ; c « nf tin Hchoul Ulitrlel at th« *orou« fill the "on reserve" Huts, especially Travel Service Jfuti't net tlie imiir?- ! irm HIMt 'filn llhrawpbury, In th« County ef At the last meeting to t>« held yn 8. Idlt. In a will which he exe-snow removal headquarters In the for unemployed who make frequent ThoHe and other books, scientific, Call at 1H Mechanic Kt., Keel column i« B'llmr tn lie ml inlvertisc- thait t thhe miniml! meltinm|ll|ng ffor tM under the guidance of MM. Theodor* :uted January 8 of this year. He ap- county courthouso at Freehold. use of llbrarleu In winter months, are historical, fiction, etc., may be deliv- nuitli, for elreruliirM, rates nnd menl Jii'l liniiMno I hi.t'1'cii '•' I'" I'lniiiiii of three Member! of the Beard el lolnted hla son>ln-law, John O, Utt,'or .if "Hi..- (ini'iit Immdry In Education will be held at thi 8(hoolhoU» Brown, 47 now members were Initiat- Director lUlchey, upcalting for tho tho following: "Minerals and Rocks," ered at your nearest library." In reservations, or telephono lied MoiimmiHi (•.illllf.-. "I ,..111.-,.,,1 ed Into the MaaqUefa club last Fri- I exeouter of the will, emergency snow removal staff, stated Bayley; "Physiography," Salisbury; case youi- local library Is already Until) 1831 - 171(1. in u- f i ji>iiil-i lull ill.nut l;i'U-'l.v I j'l-t T. Walter Steon of Freehold left WBHNE8DAY. FEllRUABY It, day night In the high school SVta- that the main trallla arteries) were "Two Thousand YcaM of Science," .supplied with a copy, your book will II.IVI. ID ,,!>• 1J()NAM''S 1IKI.II.XK. flora lieven ti'rlocft I1. M, to tltrti IP. K*t naelum. The Initiation for the mem- ila property on Bowns avenue at opened late Thuraday night, while Harvey; "Mysterious Universe," Sir then bo exchanged and sent to oth- Tint. IJ inifji-nl. - !• t-.-.n Mill I.- liti- wero forced to perform at tn» »*» that the four members oC his group i.-in-.l (in- nnc ,,f in,- ',li-y -II!IIIIIIIK IMIH. Tiirci Mfmbcrs will be ilected t&te* penae of their dignity. Home Mtn|. avenue was bequeathed to his grand- had been working day and night al- I'iriipvi by :.."" ,.VI,„•!.." I KIIIII, At mill tneatlnil will ha lubmlUed the others ohose to dance. The. initial- children, Joseph, William and Nora lowing only six hours for sleep since Any Slyle iino-il'iii of voting a tax (or the following ing committee, composed of old tetn, He bequeathed a burial plot last Tuesday. Hi!-.' n.. j'"i '>M i> |i'»i j nil! !inv-f- on,', It the Bordentown cemetery to his SPANISH Prepared ond Ctiolieii to a Dpliclo ii.iuly," "S-iMy, ll'ui,' Lilt I !"'f t'J l-'ir Current Expenaea .. .9 10,011.0$ members of the jlub, IneludW Coolness with nil tlie Tang - )]|.,v,; In.Ill nf tin m. M". rilnlunur U PhylllB MIlcn, P&tty Hammond, J»oH irotlier, Hugh Stcen of Trenton, and "Our efforts were directed in tho of (he Sea 1,'nvini' tiinlKht f-ir » lil[i in,i 1 tile r'ur iteimlrB ontl ltopiaeeminti.. 1.09O.69 Himmell and atotg* Worthier. a burial plot In the Catholic ceme- matter of opening tho main county The total amount thought to be systems, co-operating at the same Rich Oyster Stew, 30c h»' rnui!). wi'l. nil*, it I-/1 ''I milf-• tu !i tery at Freehold to his ion,,Walter. BEAUTY SALON hiit.. Itni-, I tiii-iini '.vhet- ivo nccon.m-y la „..., 1 ll.JU.O* Entertainment war furnlBhos by tlmo with the utato highway deport- Diitcil thla 30th day o( January, HIS, old mtmberi, Jack Clark and Ath«- All 6f his furniture was bequeathed fii.i h il rlilrt vi,II Kuri- r'it tl|c mllo- to bt> grandchildren, William and ment by loaning them threes of our 86 BROAD ST., K. A. QUAOKBNBUBH, , lone Alleyne, who eang, »nd »ore> motorized uritnv plows In their task District Clerk. thus. Perry, Helen Ide», Arthur May- (fora Btoen. Bequest* ot personal be- So IOIIK until : 1 longings were mads to his sons, Jos- of clearing away routs No. 83. RED BANK NOTIv—The term "current experteM * in- how, Jr.. who gave Interpretive mon- Simultaneously, wo sent out special •l»s prlneliiaie', teacheni', janitor*' and . ologues, Jack White, Atheline Al- eph and Walter. He appointed his rHONE B. B. 8843 "DON" illral InRiiectorn' Balariefl, fuel, t«itl- •on, Walter, and bis daughter, Mrs. details of workers opening connect- 808 Main St., Asbury Park ik*, Ht-tiool nuiiplles, flan. transportation lcyne and Mrs. Brown played for ing routes to all hospitals, checking r. Hill i, tuition of IIUIIIII attending dancing, Louisa D. Reed, as exeoutora of the I.M.I ir. othur illetrleta with the conaint state and he left the residue of the over tho work Immediately we Permanent Waving tho Itonrd of Education, lohool llbrarfai, Helen fianborn and loulj* Parker utate to his daughter, Louisa. learned of tho sea dluantcr no as to n,.on«all..]i of tha District Clerk, of thi odlclated at the refreshment oounter, clear the way for the first aid Specialists for the Past ^tijillan of Hchool moneya md of traiht Mr). Elizabeth Brown of Long liers, truant flrhoflla, Inautance And thi where cako, Ice cream anej apploa squads." 19 Years. licntnl expenaes of the achooll. were served, The refreshment com- Branch In a will which the made in A member of thi Hoard of Sdueatlon. 023 left 1200 to her eon, Hutchlns Both Kelchey and Pryor were loud all to «t !ca>t SI rean of aa«, a citlien mute conalstect of LOUIBO Parker, In their praise concerning tho work Patty Hammond, Phyllli Mllei, Brown. All he rest of her estate was ul ranlilcnt of the achool district, end bequeathed to her eon, Alexander of County Engineer Hpgan and Road 3PEGIALS! LATEST 1935 nil have been such a dtlien ina mi- Dorla Johnion, Adele Heppner, Jane Supervisor Conover. The director nt for at le&at three >ean Immedlittlr Powere. Ireno Bennett, Jane Parker, Brown, and he was named as execu- COIFFURES ! ncdlng hla or her beeomlnf a, mirnbir e( or ot the will, advised that these men kept In. touch 4—35c Items iL-h Itourd, and shall be abfi to read and Helen MoKee, ffilva Rose, Mona with all points of operation through- 2-^-350 Items i-kc.;, Anne Gasklll, Jean Pops and out the county, making it possible Frederic Permanent PetUlons, legally nominating efcndldabii Ella Dey. and a Marcel HELD OVER ANOTHER DAY ! i >o voted on at said meeting, mukt Bi Modern Ash Chute to roach. headquarters by telophono $«-50 to $C.OO Icil with the District Ctlrk it leaet twin- The now members Initiated were at any hour day ox; night. At a lato or a Facial days before the date of the meeting- In Cecelia Hufflnl, Lol« Dslatuih, Fred hour Friday night Reklicy stated, LAST KATHERINE HEPBURN iler to have the nnraee of such eandloiii Ends Fire Hazard Manicure rhited on tho ofllclo.1 ballots to b* used 111 WlkolT, William Oannavo, Preston tho whole situation was well under The Little «. In calculating thi abova-mm- Mnrlord, ffiithor Lovlne, Burah Cloth In homes and on farms whore coal control. Real Castile oned twenty daya either the Allns diy Oir Jane Hnmmoll, Join Dunnell, Eve- Mint Shampoo Duart Velzor TODAY " Minister" 0 election day,v but not botb. May hi _r wood-burning kitchen ranges are Arthur Pryor, during a brief Inter mntuil. Blank forma for this purpoie tttiy lyn Wodehouse, Jane Parker, Stan- used, many steps oan be saved by mission, advised that the enow re Water Wave Crocquignole or 1 obtained from the Olitrlct Olirk. ley Parker, Peter Qalatro, Mary Installing an ash chute direct from moval headquarters would ho In op Finger Wave 1'ersona who may vote In addltlQii ti' Burdgo, May Orimtht, Frank Can' the range to the basement so that eratlon for several days to come. Eyebrows Combination Wave ioee registered for the laat preceding iten- navo, Doris Johnson. Marjorle Nor- Haircut TOMORROW & RI election are those who ngliter it Uti. he ashes can be dropped directly In- $Q.5O to $*9.50 illlnx pinco on the flaturdar eveninf |>ri- oomb, Myrtle Balph, Tony Stoble, o an ash oan located In a specially SATURDAY 'ding the election between the houra of Alice Kennedy, Lillian Savage, Net- oonatruoted oonorete or maaonry FOB THE UNEMPLOYED. Dry Shampoo—Pedicure, 76c :00 o'clock and 0:00 o'clock P. M. Any tle Znger. Thomas Jardtne, Fred erson may reglnUr who 11 quiiifled to^ chamber built to prevent fire hazard, Red Henna $1.00 In that dletrlot fof a member ot the Williamson, Chadwlck Hendrlokiott, Books That Are' Noodi'd for the "On All above Waves Include Slium- 5" 7- -r igUUture. Carl Hannon, Gone Worthley, K16h- An ash chute eliminates frequent Hescrve" Lists. White Henna $1.25 |iun, Haircut, Finger .Wave and They wore oul to removal! of ashes at Inconvenient ard Winning, Jack MoHugh, Adele Including Shampoo and Finger Wavi Kinglet Ends. ^ill (he foke NOTICE. Welntraub, Adele Heppner, Randall GB from the range, and the ne- From a Boston publishing ho Notice la' hereby given to thi legal Vit« Dodges, Madeline Hendrlokeon, Jans nesslty ot oteanlng up the dust and has come an offer of books to pub- FREE PARKING SPACE IN REAR "colonels" from ra of the School District ol the Borough ashes which usually fall on tho floor lio libraries In New Jersey, us a if Little Silver* In the Gountr of Mon- Poworfl, Michael Carotenuto, Mama Up Nawth who louth, New Jeraey. thit the emnaal rrttit* Bueokhaus, Edith Bunln, Tony Tru- when removing them from the range. it! for the election of two membirl oC fjli fulo and Frank Gnrruto. A large ash can oan be emptied at -- done wrong by oar.l of Education will b« held it the convenient tlmos. The ash chute •heir tHelli )i»trht echoolhoUee, la the Borough of Old members attending were Ella should be made of noncombustible .Ittlo Silver, on ' Dey, Blva Koto, Beatrloe Pettlt, WEDNESDAY. rEBBUASr 11, Utl, material Insulated from any com- roni 7:90 P. 11. to tlOO P. M, iad iJ Jean Pope, Evolyn White, Helen bustible portions of the house.. -uch lontrer aa mar be nesiaiary ti) sn* Idea, Helen Matza, Harry Lake, Ash chutes may be Installed with ible all tho legal voters preiint to eMI Charles Allaire, Jr.. William Bloom, Insured modernization loans under .heir ballots. liton VanBrUnt, jr., Arthur May- Two Membera of Ihs DoarJ at SJaaatloa the National Housing Act, adminis- '111 be elected for three yelrf. hew, Jr., William Holmes, Jack tered by the Federal Housing Ad- At aaid m.etlne will bo submltt«el tJw Schooley, Jaok White, Jack Clark, ministration, lueatlon of voting a tax for the following Dorothea Perry, Phyllis Mlleo, Helen lurpoeost 'or Current Expinen ...... I . Sanborn, Mona Franz. Anne Gasliill, 'or Itepalra and Replacements.,.,, Patty Hammond, Jack Hammcll an BED BANKER LOSES 1AW8UIT. 'or deficit to meet ae- Wllda VanWagoner, eruad lntereat. on *MONEY^SAV1NG FOOD VALUES* 170,000 New School Judgment of $470.88 Bohdered Bond laaue from Agalnit Solomon Oonopolsky. March 15, 1914. to July I. 1035, not Mallen May Be Judgment of $476,03 wa» rendered heretofore otherwlii aftainat Solomon Qonopolsky of Bed •m' |I,»1I.7(| Bank and In favor of the Odessa FLOUR SALE! M Lesa accrued Interest Called As Witness Ma ry Carllil* from data of laauei Progressive Young Men's association Replenish you flour "Sponky" McFarland of bonds to data of Among the many persons p of New York In a suit In the Long supply from tbl qual- delivery, paid br Branoh dlstrlot court Friday. Mr. ity floor* Hitcd below. Federal Government IS),II to be called to testify In the Investi- l.Tll.U gation being oonduoted by thi Unit Oonopolsky I* part owner of a cloth- 'or deficit, redemption two ed States steamboat inspection ser ing factory business at Bed Bank and School Butian parable Mutch he recently moved here from New PREVIEW TONITE!! 15, 1005. not heretofore) eth* vice Into the causo for the alnklng WHEAT erwlee frovldid for .„.»...*»• 1,009.01 of the steamship Moh&wlt of th York, where ha had been ongaged In Ward liner off Sea Girt last week business. It wu contended by the ...SEE... The total amount thought to be New York association that the necessary la I 18,S»1.U la Howard A. Mallen of Leonardo. The following proposition will ilafl Dl Mr. Mallon, superintendent o amount Mentioned above was due to "KENTUCKY itevedorlng for many large shipping It for tickets which Mr. dohopolsky "LITTLE .ror cxiieinien of Eighth Grade companies, was In charge of three had bought for a theater party. The Clnsa to Washington t tOMt defendant claimed that thle'was not KERNELS" Dated thin Doth dar of January, 1911. gangs of stevedores, oaoh oonslstlni MINISTER" GEORGE H. IIPPINCOTT, of twenty mon, which loaded thi to. Tho association was represented by Bdmund J. Oantona. ot the firm of Dlltxlet Olirfc Talisman, the Craft with which th NOTE—The term "Current BxpiBeia** Mohawk collided. The freighter was Qulnn, Parsons & Dorcmus. PILLSBURY'S IDEAL COFFEE Indudea prlncipala*. teachers, janitori irtf SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY medical Inauactarit' ealarlss, fuel, text- loaded at Pier * at the foot of Twen Thii delightful, full-bodied coflee it books, er.hool auppllia. flags, trihaportatloft ty-eeoond street at Bayonno. HECKER'S .f iiii'll". tuition ot punlU attending .Stop Thut Dangerous ' or routed and blended by Mutual. At thii ?i:hoolfl In other distrlotl with thi ednsent The board is seeking to ascertain -if tho Board of Kducatlon. lehaot ltbfelnil, the significance of the faot that the price It will pay you to buy several can*. 25c ...d ehild disowns his 24%-lb. bag :otnreniatloti of the District Clerk, of tM Talisman carried a large cargo ci 1 ' lustotllan of achool money* and ol tniinft gasoline, keroslne, oil, pitch am BRONCHITIS mother in a wor/d of tllirerB, truant schools. Insurance irfcd thi ni-ldcntnl exitensen of thi schools. chlorine. SHREDDED WHEAT BRUITS A member of the Board of BduoitlotW GOLD &V8EDAL broken homes/ See hull bo nt least 21 years ol ape. * oltlien Cough—Tonight mil resident of tho erhool dlatrlat« ini 1 HEINZ CHILI SAUCE . 12.01. bot. ,. world ihnll have bcon such a cltiisn and realdenfc KAIUTAN'S Broom . 0, CERESOTA or nt three yearn immediately pre- Sleep Sound All Night Long HHEIN Z TOMATOMATOO KETCHUKEUP 14-oz. bot. •e'linir his or her becoralnt a raimbir 0} An Increase ol $5,100 Over lasi NEWINEWI NN 5 ures through this iiii-h Uoard, and shall be adle to read an! Year's Appropriation. 24%-lb, bag$1.14 vrlte. All eeraghughl look alike td Duckley'i Mil- MINUTEE TAPIOCATAPIOCA ?S?So ^ Xll hoy's TctltlonR, legally nominating eandtdatei toriI f *tripl ipie anting)-—on' e U' p of thi' i grand o be voted on at said meeting, muit hi The Rarltan' township budget foi Heine usually etopi an ordinary couth 1035 totals $18,022.20, an lnoreaae ol I u|_ GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY ' 19c iloil with the Dlntrlct Clark at Tealt twin« —the touch old deep aeated oough'and SHEFFORD'S CREAM CHEESE . . , . i. 9c y ilnya before the date of the melting It $6,100.81 over lost yoar. The antic- the pirslstent bronchial eough iri uBually P g irder to hnvo tho namea of luch eindl- ipated revenue la $4,400, while th InteJ printed on tho olliclal ballota to hi oheeked end under control after Just a SHEFFORD'S SNAPPY CHEESE . ; . pk,.llc jscd In voting. In calculating the itjbpvi amount to be raised by taxation tew do»(»—no more tocrninilng. ileonleii tneiitioneil twenty days either tnfc flllng totals $10,000. The largest Increas niuhtaBuckler. i la dlttertntIti «upr«m»—It HERB-OX BEEF ot CHICKEN CUBES . . . uJOc [iny or the election day, but not both, mar Is an appropriation, to the state noti llko a flash"—Juila dlffe«ntr-ltt nrov' « it with one BAKER'S COOKING CHOCOLATE Tm" ?.ib,22c lie counted. Ulnnk forms for thla purpose $3,500, which represents ten per can 4B cent bottle at Kattln't Drug Elor« or may ho ohtntneil from the Metric* Clerk. anr Ini« IU>re- It Is guaranteed. BAKER'S SOUTHERN STYLE COCONUT "SiS* t£13c Pcrfionn who may vote In addition ti for road projects. Over expenditure hone reKinteiod for the last preceding and bills outstanding for last year QUAKER BRAND YELLOW CORN MEAL ^ 1Oc ?i>nernl election nre thoso who register it aro $l,4T0. Remitted taxes for mor PILLSBURY'S lii! iiolllng ulnce on thi Saturday ivafilflg CHESTERFIELD CIGARETTES iNtruTisni- . 2,kg.2Se ire'-edintr* the election between the houre than three years In arrears total f 7:1)11 o'clock and »:il(l o'clock P. M. Anf $168.29. Tho polloo appropriatio T nucE* BrracnvB moil JAHUAST »I« i. nDnvAnr **>., met. igraoo insy u-Kl»t«r uhu III qualln*d ti flhcywn gnilnorease of $160. PRODUCING MEf^STMBX otn In that district for a member of tM iMeat "Department Specials OIL ROYALTIES NOTICE. RECOVERED FROM INJURIES. Notlcs la hereby Riven to the lUal Tub i' .it. tlte School IilHtrlct ot thi Borcual Pay Monthly Return f Jleil Hiuik, In the County of MonmoUth, The Misses Henoskl Were Hurt LONG ISLAND DUCKS FANCY 1b.21c hnt tho annual meeting- for tho tlifitldi Accident at New Monmouth. .r thrco (HI Mcmbora of tha SoirO of Booklet "rtB-1" on request O.Utnition will bo held at Senior High WHOLE OR )aklitinl Street and lllver Street ScnooU MIOHCB Anna and Amelia Menoak! EITHER HALF lb. who live la tho Holland district Open la Public JERSEY PORK LOINS 21c vvi'ji' t-1-.utiu^ivx i«, I«I>, Mlddletown township, have fully re- Commodity Enhlblllon el unusual JERSEY FRESH HAMS .w»oi«o»m™,.AiF ib.22c rum 4:110 o'clock P. M. to 9sOt) oelaek. ft covored from tho Injuries thoy ro Intarast t» lha investor from PRIME RIB ROAST BEST am . . •T., mui nn much longer as mny be meet* colved several weeks ago while rid' 10 A. M. to S P. M. dally ib.27e my. to onahle all thu legal voteri present PURE PORK SAUSAGE Man* LINKS o cMt their hnllotn. Ing In nn automobile owned by the n,.29c '['liter Members will hi illcUd UlUl neighbor, Potor Leplck. The car wai LONG ISLAND SAUERKRAUT r»m ib.4e fcalti. run Into at New Monmouth by LEIGH J. SESSIONS At said moetintl vrlll be submitted the "automobile owned and driven nicfitiou of voting a tax for the following Patsy Leoncttl of that place. M CORPORATION Mir ('iliront Expense* tl«4.769,S| For Keimlrn nud Ueplacaminta.. 10.000,09 Loplck was not In any way at fau! Establlihsd Itas for tho accident one! he was not a For Manual Training 8.600.00 IT Bail 43t St. New York rested. Mr. Lconottl was ftrrtBtei Tho lutnl ninount thouiht to be VAndsrbllt 3-3407-8 FANCY BOSTON MACKEREL . ib.9e and a oharge was mado against htt OOID MEDAL SOFTASILK imcoeaai-y Is I lB7,S6i.S» but ho has not yet had a hearing. FRESH CODFISH STEAKS . . .b.l5e l, 2, B, I, will vote at thi ir Senior High Hrhuolhouse. FRESH FILLET cma nt ««e, i tIMM in.I itnlilellt nf the school lllatrUfe til, RIPE YELLOW BANANAS .• . . ,19c The greatest romantic comedy of all time! nhnll Inwa li«eu aucli M rltltan and reeldftnt for lit Idnat thieo yeurs Immetllatelf Pt$t TENDER PRE5H TENDER PEAS . ,.i .. '~V 2n, 25c CC.IIIIR- M» or her fiecnmlni • IDlBMr H ' A B. N E R. MYR N A niii-li Duurd, anil almlt ba ftbte to read ini Drink Your Quart 0/ Milk a Day NEW TEXAS BROCCOLI , % .-, 2t.unch.s25e write. , LEAF TEA 1'iilltloiia, Inuallv tinmlntllnt «an litUlT S VKOKTABU HIICM KfrECTIVI THURJP., FBI. AND SAT. OMLT u ilnyn h,-r,,i« the date ul the ni«tl»» 1» like. £>&" BAXTEK:LOY ni.|»r tn have tlm ii«li»« of lueh ««««* |tlrli)..«^W*.i. Serving You 14 Year. With Mlllt Produced IVORY SOAP Mmn*«n«s . . u. rfuUUf »li1 Ut. in that tiitiM <« • legislature* 95 BROAD STREET NEXT TO Sixteen BED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 81,1385. to tht.prteM put up by the dub of- 'eacocksDrop No Change In Rumson Boys Club. Ice Boat Race floers and members mat merchan- Connie's Catching Choice —By Pap dise premlump should be forth corn- ing from the townspeople to snake Three Straight Bowling Loop Captures Openers Won By Pirate H the events more interesting to the crews as well as -to the boat owners. L»«J«ri Set Back by Hawk* in Schneider^ Market Still Has One Hyatt Cunningham's Young Ath- Detford M., Fisher and Duitan They have therefore expressed a de- " Three Straight Games— and a Half Game Lead Over Jetei Turn B«ck' Ke^r'. All Allaire Pilot Chambioiuhip sire to donate to the skipper of the winner of the Commodore's race this Cards, Jaybirds : and Eagle Clothiers, Who Are Slightly Stars in Two Garaw—Win •Boat to Victory in Unofficial afternoon a haircut, shave and mas- ins. vAJiead of fUtUity Pinnjen. '• » • First 10-8 and Second 1746. Race Yesterday Aften oon. •An upBet came In th,« opening The Schneider' market team con- Operilng their • aeuon ' under the Ioe' yachting began In e rnest on oes -at the" evening when the tinued'to hold a safe lead over the leadership of • Hyatt *> Cunningham, the river here yesterday foi the pres, Local Quintet gjrics,' formerly nestling In third Clothiers and Insurance plnmen'as the Rumaon' Boys' club' scored two ent'season. With Ice frotr seven to place In'the Bed Bank Quadrangle another week In the history of the close victories over Kerr'g 'alMtar twelve inches In thickness and with At Long Branch Bowling league, Jumped into second Red Bank bowling league passed by. team' last Saturday night' «t Red a moderate north to northe at breeze place last Friday night when they The. marketmen still had their game FEU Men's hall, Rum«6n. In,the-prelim- Commodore AugUetUB M. J^lnton of the North' Shrewsbury .Ice ?oat and After suffering a drubbing from ciptured three straight games from and a'half advantage, with the Cloth- inary game the scrubs scored'10 to>B tbe Bound Brook quintet last Tues- tbe .leading Peacocks. The Condors iers .continuing! to lead the Utility IOO &ANIES A -SEASON over their opponent seconds', whlla yacht'dub sent four Class A racers over the olub'a triangular course for day night, Coach BUI Sherwood and dropping two games to the Cardinals, bowlers by a single match, i in the feature game of' the' evening his high school baakcteers will travel dipped back into third position, ex- The ' Schneider maple-crashers the first squad eased out a IT to IS the fli'st • unofficial race os the •B«a- s6n. It was more of a trj-out than to Long Branch tomorrow night to cbanges places with the Hawks. The should have an easy time tonight victory. i battle the shore team, Jaybirds pulled one point ahead of when they oppose the Jersey Cen- The scoring of "Bud" Bauer and anything else, yet It gave the spec- tators a rsal thrill to see he larger Although suffering several defeats the Buzzards when they knocked off tral "power and light company pin Yttte Murphy of the Boys' dub accounted so far this season the Ideal Red and the Cuckoos for two games while the representatives. The powermen, who Cf= THIS SEASOJ for the victory of the aorubs In the boats out again after a lay-j If of sev- eral months. Gray cagerB are expected to provide Buzzards dropped three games to occupy cellar position, forfeited their opening game when Bauer dropped much opposition for the Long - the-Bagles. In capturing the three laat three matches. On Monday of two goals while Murphy dropped The course was four Mm a around Branchers, after their weok of rest. games the Eagles pulled into next to next week the market team will roll three. Their strong defense clogged the regular olub journey, i distance g g p against tho Naveslnk bowlers. Coach Sherwood has suffered the li th Ck t up the offense of their opponents of ten miles, and despite the fact that Ios3 of Georgo Worthley and Bernle last place, leaving the Cuckoos STANDING OF THE LEAGUE. and hold them Bcorless In the final the officials thought the raco would bring up the rear. Helium, a pair of forwards, due to W L PA HS period. Leon led Kerr'a all atari In be a slow one according t 3 pkgs. 25c tho maples for 206. The ucoroa: nnmonts In these oporta as woll as Six-day bicycle racing la growing nue. Sovonty-flve persons were pres- ] AH1IIONED Muken Alterations. UTILITY. idleness last Friday night wlion tho ping pong will be conducted at tho Neptune township called tho game In leaps and bounds in popularity. ent. Cakes, disposed of on the co- MOLASSE .. No. iy can 18c Angelo Scott!, proprietor of Bcottl's J. Acerra 17a 104 post gymnasium. It will bo romem- During the period between 1026 and operative plan, were won by Miss J. 2 bar and grill on Shrewsbury uvenue Crlspell 191 177 off due to the snow fall which mnilr- DICED CARRO I'\ Jones 167 200 traveling uncomfortable through tin bered that Fort Monmouth produced 1829, the six-day races outdrew all Imloy and Mrs. Leon Reuckhaus. Re- No. 2 can 9c htfl made alterations to tho ladies Hhlnn 165 170 a world-chnniplon middleweight ts In the Garden and now that freshments were served after the WAX BEANS jHtrlar of the grill. Dancing may L. Acerra 154 191 "hore soctlon. Tho gamo will hi 2 No. 2 cans 23c played March 1 when the local net wrestler some years ago. when Pettt times are returning the six-day games. The hostesses were Mrs. CHIPSO Flake. now be enjoyed to radio music. ID0 911 ten will visit the Neptune cagera. .Inrvls. an vnl'alad member of the race Is once more taking Its place Reuckhaus, Mrs. Jack Goldln and or Granules ...... large pkg. J8c poet, sported tho championship beltt as the foreauntjportjtt the Garden. Mrs. L HoskowiU. ONSIDER THESE THINGS—before you mail your orders out of town. The dollar that you cspend out of town is practically gone forever. V v

The dollar that you spend in Red Bank—stays here and works. Whether it goes into more merchandise for your next needs—it circulates right here at home..

Remember your neighbor will take better care of you than a stranger, It is to his interest to do so. His future depends on his winning and holding your confidence and friendship—-and he ts right here at home to make good any misunderstandings.

When you patronize the home merchant, the home industry—they in turn help build up your town—thus making greater dnd better opportunities for you and your children.

nding money at home is putting a claim on it to come back to you—spending it away from home is bidding it goodbye forever.

And your home purchase is better, for you can lee and measure its value-^before you part With your money. 1 ' utitil fully considered these things^=and probably youwon't mail ft.&i jjjL NK REGISTER BBP BANK KEgBTBK. sTASTOATtTSl *' Elwood Johnson, to Harry Barclay, NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTtCS. Katies Is hereby given to the Isfel vot- SHE-RIFTS SAUL Is> litnby -riven Chat the f.Howlwr Budnt swi T« Orttasnw mm -riven tiat U» followtra Here and There both of Freehold. ers of the School District of the Borough ana Tw O By vlrta« of * writ of ft*J* , t* mm 4 the Ms/or and Council of the Bonush ot girawsiuw. Cainty of Moa- 0t * of Fair Haven, in the County of Mon- Ud Jwued out ot tbt> Coort of Ch»n e ISth clay of January. 18JI. •' TowMl1 " Announce Engagement mouth, that the annual meeting; for thec«ry of th6 8.&W of N«w Jvnwr, wlU b tf on tk* Bud««t and Tax Ordinance -srtil D« bald mtvih« Tsrfsjfa Hail., «a ? *• "' ' in the County Announcement has been made of election of three members of'tbe Board to talk at publlo vindim. on the Ith day of February. 1MI, at T.JO oVImk P. M- »t whUh tim« ana pise* of Education will be held at the Willow MONDAY, THE !Ith DAT OF FEBRU- tiohs to ssld Budffst and Tax Ordinance o( tha BorouaTh 'oi Bkrsrwsbiiryi for taa -rear tioni to said Birfj-et and Tax Ordinance ef the Township off Hol-nde! fof r tfctfce VurV Vli Vtli the engagement of Miss . .Sarah Street school, on ARY. 1815, • 18 *H, may be presented by any taipaysr of the said Berouirl-.. may bs preienUd b» «n» taxpaytr ot the said Township. * " Penonal Notes, Sales of Prop- Shafto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WEDNESDAY. FEBBUAHY II. 198S, between tits hours of 12(00 o'clock and iiO LOCAL BUDGET OT THE BOBOUfiH OP BHRIWSBUBY. COUVTT OF Ml ">«•• BUDosr or. -mi^^^^i^^^ OOOIRK or Clarence Shafto, to Corporal Edward from seven o'clock P. M. to nine o'clock o'clock (at 3:00 o'clock) In the eftemooi MOUTH, FOR THE FISCAL TEAR ISJJ. J erly, Building Operations, P. M., and as much longer as may be nec- Tils Budfal Sh.ll CaasUtuls tae Tan Onltews*. O'Hare, ,both of Farmlngdale. essary, to enable all the legal voters pres- of ssld day at the Court Bouse. In Us Tills Budjst Shall Also Constitute Us Tan OrolaaflW. Lodge Doings, Births. Mar- Borough of Freehold, County of Mon-AN ORDINANCE KELAT1VE TO THE TAIBS FOR THK YEAR Ultl ' AM ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THS TAXES FOR THE TEAR Kill ' Now at Washington. ent to cast their ballots. mouthi New Jsrsey, to satisfy a decree of riages and Deaths. Three members will be elected three said court amounting to approximate!, BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough Council ot tils Borough of Shrs-wsburT. County BS IT OKDA1NEC br tha Committee o( th. To-mslilp oj Holmdel, Oountr ef Counsellor John R. Phillips, .form Honmouth. that there ph.JI be assessul, rslswl by Uxsllen and eoltsitad for the >,» erly of Freehold, is now connected >s,:?4.oo. of Monmauth. that there shall be assessed, rslsed by taxation and •slleete4 for ths r At said meeting; will be submitted the All that certain lot, traet or -parcel of year J«»5 the sum ef Six Thousand. Eight Rundnd (U.800.O0) Dollsrf, for the pur- 1BII, the sura oj Five Thousand Hollers. (H.OOO.OO) for the parposs et tasaunsr tSs Bushed to Hospital with the Home Owners Loan "as&fc, .question of 'voting n tax for the following land and premises, hereinafter particularly pose of meetltig the appropriations sat fdrth in the) followln*r statamsnt of Rs-sources sD[>roprl«llons set forth In the followlnit stattmant of Easoorcss and AppreDriaUaiis Katherlne Simpson, f our-anonths-old tmrlibses: and Appropriations for taa flseal year 19851 lor tha «seal year 1BS6. » . -v • elation at Washington, D. C. at t>-> described, situate, lying and being in th* Amount of Surplus Revenue (estimated) .—...... daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John salary of $8,000 per annum. For current expenses ..$ 81,608.00 Borough of Bed Bank, in the County of .Amount of Surplus Ravsnus (astlmated) Simpson of West Long Branch, was Repairs and replacements...... 1,000.00 Monmouth and State of New Jersey, being- RESOURCES. RE30URCBS. Fl-ve Me Suite. lot No. 24 as shown on Hap of Property taken seriously ill last Wednesday The total amount thought to of Monmouth Construction and Develop- Sai-pla* Havana.* Approprlatad ... , i i i f 1,500.00. ( 1.H0.00 Surplus Revenue Appropriated ...—..... night and was rushed to the Long Five more Long Branch and As- be necessary Is „ f 82,808.00 'ng Co., Elm Place, Red Bank. N. J. £HsecUanaou*l Ravanuei Antlclpat«di MlsMllarieoui HeTanuss Antlclpsted Branch hospital through the worst bury Park shareholders have filed Dated this 2btil day of January, 10S5. Beginning at a point la the southerly Lte«nMn , ...... ,..• • I0.S0' Interest and Costs ...... —... suits in chancery to recover $21,600 H. EDGAR SMITH, Ine of Elm Place, said point being the Flnaa and PanaltUl —, iS.OO ft-anchl-e Tax .—...... -.. ot the snow storm by the members District Clerk. northeast comer of lot No, 28 and distant Intaralt and Colt fOO.OO Gross IWcelpta Tax ....—...... of the West Long Branch firstai din investments in the Jersey CentraJ one hundred eighty-one and 64/100 feet Franctt* Tax 1,000.00 NOTE—The term iurrent expenses Poll Ta» , squad. ' Power and Light company. includes principals', teachers', janitors' and easterly from the Intersection of the east- Gros* BacalpU Tax •g»:so Aleohollo Bevsraffa ueensss . medical Inspectors' salaries, fuel, U&V erly line of Horace Place with the south Poll Tax . -«rly line of Klin Place: thence (1) south. Gros* lUealpta—Bu* ToUl Miscellaneous lUvenun Antlelpsl*4..~~~.,l Elect Directors. Sketches Tonight books, school supplies, flags, transporta- erly along the easterly line o( iot No. 23 Tour directors were elected for a The "Jig Town Sketches" of Free- tion >f pupils, tuition of pupils attending* Amount .to b« ralsa-d by Taxation . ...-...... *.»_. Is In other districts with the consent one hundred and fifty feet to a point Total HUotllaneoua Ravtnuaa . , period of three years at the recent hold will present a program tonlgrt of the Board of Education, school Hbrar- thence (2) easterly «t right angles srle*' Amount to bs rstsed by Taxation ... . Total Resources . . ..» I J.»?0.i» 11,101.11 meeting of the North Shore Growers' and tomorrow night in the Freehold compenaation ot the District Clerk, of Horace Place thirty-four and U/100 feet AFPHOPWATIONS.., custodian of school moneys and ofto a polrv>j thence <3) northerly and along Total Rasourcta . • 11,071.00 1 association when they met at Nep-high school with Paul Robinson sup- the westerly Una of lot'No. 25 one nun. APrBOPRlATIONS. *»•«. .; Dili nt schools, Insurance dred and fifty feet to the northwest cor- .. ion ;- tune. B. Hcidenreich of Adelphia, porting the musical- cast. and the incidental expenses.of the schools. Administrative and Exscutlys- ...... I 1,100.00 Oensral Oovsmrasnti' l,i«»,e« ner thereof in tha -southerly line of Kim nitfirvvl on Xssp&ciB ,.,.*,.*.>„,». ••-»•• • **eq Eussell Hulitt of Colt's Neck, Ellas A member of the Board of Education Place * thence (<) westerly along, the MI4 Admlnistratlva snd ex.cruUva «.„».—..» 1.H0.00 Stng Tart}'. ahull bo at k'KBt 21 years of as*, a eltl- Assessment and Collection 'Taxes . 1,100.00 Asssssment snd Collection Taxss ...... -....-.. Kess'.er of Allaire and Edwin P. Wil- ze:: ar.ti resident ol t!:tt school district, ard southerly line of Elm Place thirty-four rintlne .- 100.00 .so Dr. z::d Mrs. W!!!!a=i C. Erficksos mi 18/100 Jeet to the polr.t or place o! 2,626.00 nspartment of Flt-anca ...-., so= of TU!er.-nood are the new direc- !! have bear, such a citiier. ar.d resi- Bes! BulldinK and Equipment »—. Md.BO >f Freehold recently entertained at dent for at least three years immediately J. 100.00 Flr» •-- tors. Subject to ingress and egress at all 100.00 ' "IBO.tlO a stag party in honor of Df. Errick- tiecedins his or her becoming a member Saalth ..„ 'HMO Foet—Pearce. son's birthday anniversary. if such Hoard, and shall bo able to read tlmss over the southerly ten feet of above Board of Haelth too.oo nd write. described * premises which said ten feet 400.00 >.000.0» Miss AJmtra May Post, formerly shall constitute a part of a ten-foot right too.oo J.JOO.OO pf Asbury Park, now of Belmar, the Mans Park. Petitions, legally nominating- candidates •tt.oo o be voted on at Bald meeting, must be of way extending easterly from Horace Lllhta ... l.Uo.oo Contlnffant , daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. According to plans. Freehold is to Place a distance of two hundred fifty feet. ConUnffent »— IQ0.00 100.0(1 1 fill*! with tha Dlntrict Clerk at least twen- Overexpendltures, year 1D9« ...... Joseph L. Post, and Peter Bowdlsh iave a park at Lake Topaneniua. The y days before, the date of the meeting in to be used In common by ownsrs and oc- 11194 Accounts Payable .. !>rder to have the names ot such candi- cupants of properties situate on the south- Total Appropriation! „. ...I 11,80(1.00 I 11,075.00 Uncollectible Tases . _..„_..._. " io.|| Pearce, son of Ralph Pearce of lans have been drawn by Engineer dates printed on the olliclat ballots to b«erly side of Elm Piece and extending two NOTE:— Brielle, were married last Saturday Walter J. Schiverea. ;ed In voting. In cnlcultttlng the above- hundred and fifty feet easterly from Hor- Anticipated Ravenua from Taxes on dofff, 136.00- to ba used for payment of ace Place. Total Appropriations •• 16,070.10 I 11,101.81 mentioned twenty days either the filing lalms for damatre by dogs tn sheep, domestic animals or property pursuant to Anticipated Eavenue from Dog Tax, 1160.001 to ba used for payment of deltas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George & C. Reorganize. ay or the election day. but not both, may Soiled as the property of Honmouth tlilons of Chnpter U». P. L. 1022. Xi. Eoot of Newark. for damages by doss to sheep, domestic animals or poultry, pursuant to the provisions The Fourth Degree of the Freehold o counted. Blank forma for this pur- Construction and Developing Company, et This Ordlnanca shall taka effect aa provided by Law. of Chapter H9. P. L. 1022. Chapter III, r. L. 1025. pose may be obtained from the District als., taken in execution at the suit of Jo- GEORGE SILVER, Approved January 17th, 1035. Factory Ielp. Knights of Columbus have reorgan- Dlerk. sephine Wledenmayer. and to b« sold by _ , Mayor. This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by law. A farm id canning venture that zed and have elected Jeremiah ila- Persona who may vote In addition to HOWARD HEIGHT, Sherlfl. to give tremendous oney as faithful navigator. :hose registered for the last preceding gen- Dated January 10th, 1935. OBTRUDE'0. VANVJUBT, JOSEPH A. THVTON, !B expect^ ral election are those who reglsUr at theAlston Beekman, Sol'r. Clerk. S. V. BRAY. Cleric. stimulus t tarminE is getting under Chosen Director. olling place on the Saturday evening pre- (57 lines) Approved January 16, 1985. •ct Monmouth, that there shall be assesied. rals«d by taxatlori and eolieeUd for the $I0,«46.0O. . -ear 1936. the sum of Two Hundred Steven Thousand, Four Hundred Nine and SI/loo IQ35. the sum of (None) for the purpose of meeting th» appropriations lit fortn' In ruary'13, the voters will be asked to I s:oo o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock) in the after- All the following- tract or parcel ot land (3211.409.61) Dollars, ior the purposes of meeting tha approprUttona set forth in the [following statement of resources and appropriations for the fiscal year 1985. ]£ii]arged Quarters, loon of sflitl (lay at the Court House, In Amoitnt of Surplus Koventie («Atlmat. . 1 renovated to give ample accommo- The Asbury Park Civic..QxibiSffjc so- Westerly line of Edgemero Drive and the Interest and Costs ...~....-....-...._....»,.....«...™m.«...™-.w^ ' 1,600.00 506.0(1 Ilscellaneous Revenues Anticipated: Franbhlse Tax ~ „ ; '.,..., ..„„.._, dation for tho detective division of ciety presented a free concert last Intercut on Assessments ...... 100.00 8,000,00 1,100.00 1,500.00 Gross Receipts Tax „ :, ,.«™.^.. 1,000.00 1,100,00 the Asbury Park police department. Tuesday evening in the Convention Licenses -• Poll Tax •-..., ;...„„, , ,_.., 1 Fines 860.00 JO.Od Hall, presenting "King Nutcracker.' Water , Alcoholic Beverage Licenses -. »—.—...„.._..! 1,500.00 1,4(0.00 JTrrynam—.Neaves, . 9,000.00 Interest and CoaU ..—.._.-,„...... „.- ._ 'otal Miscellaneous Revenues Anticipated .... —.—....I 11,888.45 f 10,995 99 Miss Edith Twynam,. daughter of Franchise .• ii.2ao.oo Mrs. Sara J. Twynam, and Angus (Jroas Receipts ..„ -..., ., APPROPRIATIONS. . . : . JOHN L. MINUGH, ET 30 minutes west €2,60 feet to th. 7,000.00 General Government! Heaves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Freder- Real Estate Broker, along Bald, northerly line of Elm 100.00 I'lnce from n marble monument on thamost northwesterly corner of Lot No. 117 Poll m ..I...., •- Administrative and Executive -..,.-....._...... I 1,900.00 1,000.09 ick E, Neaves, both of Long Branch, JKY DRIVE. RUMt on said map; thence alotift the northeaater- Assessment and Collection of Taxes ...... „«....». ..,.._.,. 1,400.00 Poston.ce, Sea Bright, N. J. easterly side of Hudson Ave'nCie, (formerly ' l.JOO.OO 1 itti 1,400.00 Fifth Avenue).- tlience (1) • south eighty ly line of Lot No. 117 south 63 decrees SO Tax, Searches , , •«..— 250.00 G. A. R ; .,- 10,00 •were"married' last Saturday in St. minutes east 157.W) feet to the'said west- James church, Long Branch, , Fix degrees east ns the needle points In Sewer Refund ..,„_.. . '...-., ._.._„-.._..._ 60.00 lot QUINN, L'AltSOMS & DOKKftlUS, 1B22, along eaid northerly line of Elmerly line of Edgemere Drive; thence along Garbage ...^ .-.- 1,100.00 'rservatlon of Life and Property I ' cm.oo MnrFarlnne and Anna MacFarlane taken ! n & Son, Civil Engineers, dated May 23, Assessment and Collection of Taaea . ...,-.~™~._.. 6,000,00 (.000.00 Approved January 12th, 1935. * •week establishment of a post-grad- i execution at the nult o•f Cititon- • B Duild 1929. Borough Hall ..._ '...... 8,200.00 8,200.00 This Ordinance shall taka effect as provided by law. h\S and Loun ABsociatlon of ileti Bank, a Being the same premises conveyed to KENNETH FIELDS, uate course for nurses and plans for j corporation of the State of New Jersey Nlcollno Mafitrogulstp'-e, dingle, by deed Printline and Advertising ...... •..——... 800.00 o Interest on Current Loans. -.- ...... _«_..—.-..-. 1.60U.00 v a laboratory for nursos in tho train- I nnd t, bo »nKI by from I^vili nllonard,., rerorded February MARORBTTA U RB8D, Clerk. „ ing school were discussed. ' 2S. 1929, In Heed Book 1471, on page 281. rcborvatiois of Life and Propertyt HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. Being* all and the same premises as de- Police - -, - 40*500.00 4«,StlO.OO Dated January 11th. 1935. ncrlbed -In Mortgage Book Old for Mon- Poffe-e Pcr_«'on, . . -....- 1,704.00 1,787.00 NOTICE. > Woodward—Havilanfl. Appiegate, Ktevcnn, _l-*oijtor & JtoiiiiBllle, jmnitli Cuiinly, rsge 875. 10,SOO.OO 10,500.00 Solicitors. 17,000.00 t Miss Hdlth Woodward, daughter of j The property is located at the southwest Fti* Apparatus . (5S 1.) $23.10 :«alth and Charities: pssfeil Mr. sad Mrs. Howard R. Woodwiird ] corner of Edgemere Drive and Woodland i.doo.oo ; Eoad. Allenhurst Park Estates, Township HesUh _ 8,000.00 ,119V J«(»w*,>It ^" ,U> *>Uk U1ruinuncU v ana IBB name was laia over vt *b mssunf of the of Tennont, and Bobert E. Haviland j Chancery 6/199 Nurse _ «,500»O& Townshi.wn,, .p^ wwM.u,,bwCommittee« uof th,nae TownshiT< p of Middletown to ba held on Thursday suterftMtn, o! Ocean, N. J. (rOOO.OO vu t ot Freehold, were married January ! • SHERIFF'S SALE. Sulte'l a-, the propeity of tier-let Emily Poor and Materials and Supplies for Reifef Work FebruerF«brusrr 7th7tb,, 1835,1Q86. at the Committee EoomaRooms iIn Middletown at 8i8D'&O0 o'cloeit,o'elbek, «t which Projects ,_....„...- 2t,0B2.Ol) Urn* a publi* ••c hearlnf* * f -wil"'l - b!.e_ hell-_tdJ on th,Le. HO.. me . anId -a.t ^.(.,.1 wMch. ItimI e _IalIl Ataxpayrr e aH(__i it 19 by the Rev. Charles H. Neff in By virtue of a writ of fi.fa . to me dl-Cook,, fiiiiBle.B .e t als.,,ake -takenn In executioexecutionn at 12,000.00 .«iu. « t-«B,.v uDBrinir -will oe aem on tne same and at fvnlcn tune all taxpayers srift the suit of Fidelity, Union TiUe and Mort- treetB, Highways, Sewers: ^YthAt*itlier . narinPpersonIs InteresteITlfrja-rsBsltfhfdl wil*nytlll bT%&e giveAlriASni aHnH opportunitnnpinvfunllwy AtMo b1«eA heardLAAVJI , anM>K dJ aAStV A1^*tist* At^.^tim.e At. th&s OM Tennent manse. , i reeled, issued out of the Court of Chan- Street.- 23.500.00' I eery at the State of New Jersey, will be sage (htaranty Company, a New Jersey 23,000.00 laid Budlfet will be considered for adoption as the Budget for the yeer loss and will corporation, et als., and to be sold by Sprinkling 800,00 pass on final reading as a Tax Ordinance. - '. Escaped Colnjured. exposed to sale at public vendue on Garb ago _.., 10,000.00 000.00 The following Is a true copy of the said Dudset as approved at themsatlnchsvl MONDAY, THE 4th DAY OF FEBRUARY, HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. 20,000.00 J. Ashloy Woolley of Wanamassa Dated January 21, 198S. Lights 18,500.00 on January 25th, 1BS6. 1935. t Service: 18,000.00 AL8EBT BITNTOK fend Floyd Jeffrey of Asbury Park Simon P. Northrup, Sol'r. between the hours of 12:00 o'clock and (78 1.) $30.86 Payment of Bonds '...... JI.700.00 81,700.00 •narrowly escaped injury last Wednes- 6:'O0 o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock! in the after- Payment Interest on Bonds ... 20,908.60 22.844.60 HOWARD W. ROBERTS, Townihlp Clerk. day Bight when a train crashed their noon of Buid day. at the Court House in the Sweeper Note ..,_ SOO.OO 1,500.00 Borough of Freehold, in the County of NOTICE. West Front Street Pavlnjr Nota 1,619.61 lOCAt, BUDGET OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MIDDLETpWN, OOtJNTY flF 1I0N- car at the Sunset avenue crossing, I Monmouth, New Jersey, to satisfy a decree Notice U hereby given to tb« legal vat. brary ... 6,000.00 (.000.00 MOUTH. STATE OF NEW JEBSBV. FOR THE VlSOAL YEAB H«5. •Aebury Park. of said court amounting to approximately era of tho School District of tha Borough flection ..,„„.._. 1,600X0 2,000.00 .647.00. of RumBon, In the County of Mosmouth, lontlnfiont 1,500.00 1.EO0.00 This Bud,.t Shall Conatltuts tha Tax OnUaanc*. Meet Officers. All that traet or parcel of land and New Jersey, that the annual meeting* for lemorlal Day ., 125.00 12B.O0 AN OttDINANCB BEIATING TO TAXES FOB TBIl YBAB 1BJ5I The Marlboro Four-Leaf group ppremises, , hereinafter particularly decrlbed. the election of three members of the Board locks and Parks 1,700.00 l.TOO.OO SB IT ORDAINED by tho Township Committee of tha Township otWUSiMom, hi of Education wflt be held at District School 60.O* 60.00 elected new officers at their recent Bituateitt . lyinlyig g andd beinbini g g In thh eB BorougBor h of Eucon trict School •adjustment Board „ h* Countr ot Jlonmouth snd State of New Jersey that tbsm ihall b* assauadVraTsad of Red BnBankk, in tthhe CCountyt of MonraM i tn HousH e No .11, att ththe comer off LafayettLf e [tent Parking Space 1,881.00 1.860.00 ij taJtatlon and collected for the year 163E the sum ot Nlnety-Seyea' Thousand One meeting under the leadership of Mrs. and State of New" Jersey. and Church streets, on Uncollectible Taxes _ 6,000.00 5,000.00 Hundred and Ninety-Two Dollars and Twelve Cents .(187,102.1!) for, the) purpose of Charles Buck and Miss Lillian Strick- tegiruling at a point In the northerly WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1985, .eferred Assets: meeting the appropriations set forth In the following statement of mounts) wMap. 1,811.49 proprlstlons for the fiscal year 193S. land. Mary Hallk was elected pres- line of Mechanic Street, distant eighty feet from 6:00 o'clock P. M. to 8:00 o'clock P. Unexpended Balance Account. 1982 ...... from the westerly line of Sprlns Street, M., and us much lonirer as may be neces- Unexpended Balance Account, 1088 . ,..._..__™..™.— 1,676.22 2,54«.50 Surplus Revenue (estimated) . ident. . paid point being the aouthweat corner oOfI i sary, to enablo all the legal voters present Overexpenditurei, Tear 2083 ,,.. .', . . 685.68' RESOURCES. the James P. Cameron (formerly) lot Open Tennis Courts. 1 * to cast their ballpts. 1*14 thence northerly along the westerly lines Totsl Appropriations . ..fW8.071.41 5387,564,49 Surplus Revenue Appropriated . f the said Cameron lot and the lot of Three Members of the Board of Educa- The Deal commissioners have vot- tion will be elected for three years. Anticipated Revenue from Dos License, $50.00; to be utwd for payment ol claims Miscellaneous Revenues Anticipated) None uyuatua Lay ton, eighty feet; thente dog damage to sheep, do moo tic animals or poultry, pursuant to th«-provisions of ed to operate the tennis courts at westerly parallel with Mechanic Street At said meetin-: will be submitted the X, Licenses . l.OOO.Ct tha Deal Casino as a municipal pro- forty-two feet; thence southerly alonu question of voting a tax for the following hauler lid, P. L. 1922, Chapter 236, P. L. 1S26. 2..Fines and Penalties »JO.0» the line of the Buch (formerly) lot eighty purposes: Approved January 8th, 10S.5. >. Fees and Permits _.._.-_.... It .00 ject next Bummer after rejecting the This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by law. 4. Interest and Costs T.500.00 foet to the northerly line of Mechanic For- current expenses ..:% 45.OfrC.00 "5. Franchise Tax .:-._ bid of Julius Lowenstein to lease Street; thence easterly forty-two feet to For library .— _ „... 1,500.00 CHABLBS R. BNQUSH, ai.soo.oo the place of Beginning Mayor. 6. Gross Receipts Tax .... . '. ... 7.B00.00 them. For manual training 4 600 00 ,tte«ti— 7. Poll Taxes .... Being the same premises described in aFor deficit 19S1-1935 School • 00.00 1 Year 6,000,00 A. B. SHrNN. Clerk. 5. Alcoholic Beverage licenses J.000.00 Fire Damages Store. deed from Mary AHen, widow, to Bald 9. Interest »Tt.O»TtOO Damage amounting to several There is such a RoaRo.xalicc Kind, dated October 17. 1913. and NOTICE. recordeorded in the MmtMonmouth h CCountty Clerk'Clks ' The total amounant t thought to 10. Costs, on Tax Liens ... 1(0.00 thousand dollars was caused when a OiJire in Hook 961 of Deeds, pages S91, Notice Is hereby given that the following Local Budsret and Tax Ordinance was difference in wash- be necesBary Is (I...... J approved by the Borough Council of the Borough of IittU Silver. County of Mon- Total Miscellaneous Revenues Anticipated ...... _.-...I 54,150,00 t Ol,o01>.0» fire broke out at 1:35 o'clock last etc., from which deed the above descrip- The following proportions - "' tion in taken. mouth, on January 28, 1935. ' '. . • Amount raised by Taxes ST,102.13 «S,M«.tl Sunday morning in thu basement of ing the Maytag submitted: -••-*» A hearing: on the Budget and Tax Ordinance will be held at'to* Borough Council Martel's department store at Asbury Seized »B tho property of ItoBalU H. For transportation of pupils % 4,000.00 Total Resources MBl-lil.ti llo4,«M.TI Kind (widow), et al., taken in execution Chamber.* In lh« Borough Fire House on Wednssdty, February 12th, 1986. *t (MOO Park. For furniture and equipment of o'clock F. M-, at which time and place objections to aald Budget snd-Tti Ordinance APPR01-BIATION8. •way — different at the suit of Elizabeth Kridel, and to be Schools % 10,000.00 sold by of the Borough of Little Sliver for the year 1985 may b« prevented by any Uxpay«r.of General Government! 1086 iggi Dated this tenth day of January, 1935. said Borough. . Administrative and Sxecutlve % 12,680.00 ' | ]*>,91B.OO Fifteenth Anniversary. than any other IIOWAKD HEIGHT, Sheriff. HARRY A. KETTEL, LOCAL BUDGET OF THE BOROUGH OF UTTLB SILVER HONMOOTH COUNTY, Assessment and Collection of Taxes 6,580.00 6S80.00- The American Legion auxiliary o£ Dated January 3d, 1036. District Clerk. Tax Sale and Recording Liens 1,(00.00 None ' Alston Beokman, Sol'r. NEW JERSEY. FOE THE FISCAL YEAR 1038. Post No. H observed its fifteenthan - method — any NOTE—Tho term "current expenses" Enforcing Tax Title Iisns . 7S0.0O ' 760.00 (•17 lines) , *10.74 Includes prlnclpaln', teacheru', janitors' and This Bud fit Shall Also Constitute th. Tax Ordinance. Department of Finance ,,... 1,000.00 None. niversary at the legion home at Long other washer. Own medical Inspectors' salaries, fuel, text AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TAXES FOR THE YEAR 19851 Interest on Current.Loans ...... 14,000.00 14UI00.00 Branch last Monday week. Mrs. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. books, school supplies, flags, transporta- BE IT ORDAINED by tho Mayor and Council of the Borough of tittle Silver. ~t R85,<«0.OSK l«ft nA-_ Charles Catitin presided at the ses- tion of pupils, tuition of pupils attending the finest Maytag To STEniEN MOKICI and FI1EDA MOR- schools in other districts with the consent County of Monmouth, New Jersey, that there ah all be assessed, r*l«d by taxation and Fressrvatlon of "Ufa and Property! sion. ICI. his wife, nnd HEATING & PLUMB- of the Board of Education, echool librar- collected for the year 1985 tha sum of Twenty Thousand Three Hundred and Ten ever built — the ING FINANCE CORPORATION: ies, compensation of the District Clerk, of Dollars ($20,310.00), for the purpose of meeting the appropriation* let forth In tht New Car "for Police ...-...."....I Sprains Ankle. By vlrluo of an Order of the Court of the cuntodlan of school moneys and offoil owing: statement of resources and appropriations for the yeaf 1988. Chancery of New Jersey, made on tho RESOURCES. Insurance for firemen (compensation John Miller of Asbury Park was truant officers, truant schools. Insurance and liability) square, cast-alu- ilny .of the (Into hereof hi a CIHIBO wherein and the Incidental expenses of the schools. Surplu* Revenue (e«Uniat«d) —~ L- 2994 De/lcJc Firemen treated by members of the Asbury Anme LeiKou-itz la complninnnt, and Ste- A member of the Doard of Education RevenueB: 1934 ' Public Health Service Park ilrst aid squad and later at Fit- phen Morici nnd Freda Model, his wife, Surplus Kevenue Appropriated ...-.-. 62.57 niinum tub, Model Monmouth Lumber Company. Hoatlnn 4 shall be at least 21 years of age, & citi- Health ...... kin hospital last Saturday night for zen and resident of the school district, and Anticipated Revenues! Fire Hydrants ,...., ,_. "&• 30, now at a llnn-bint* "'i-innce Corporation, a body shall have been auch a citizen and resi- Licenses _..»..„....«...... 100.00 Township Library a sprained right ankle received in a corfoi.ito, nnd tho Suto of New Jersey, dent for at least three years Immediately Interest and Costs .....-..„.»—... 260.00 Poor fall. are (Jefcii-Jnnts; you are rer-ufred to appear preceding his or her becoming a member Franchise Tax . ... 6,900.00 Foor—JSmerffency Relief 1QS8 deficit anil niiswcr the hill of said complainant on 1,000.00 licf 1 of such Board, and shall be able to read Gross Receipts Tax ...... Emergency Relief m< Deficit Church Election. \ SENSATIONALLY 'V ?™,'. ° •:'•• day of March next, or and write. Poll Tax 260.00 Emergency Relief 1035 I lie .mild lull will bo taken as confcused Petitions, legally nominating candidates BUB Receipts 100.00 47.IS7.08 Mrs. Victoria S. Gieon was elected * LOW PRICE to be voted on at said meeting, must be Streett. Highways, Sawersi 4Mtl~.«S cuperintendent of (he Wayside I The said bill IK filed to foreclose n mort- filed with the Dlutrlct Clerk at least tmn- Total Revenues ... • 12,800.60 8 7,1(2.57 Koads—Maintenance ...... 17.SOO.00 20,000.00 cliurch at their recent meeting of |B"iKi! made by Stephen Morici and Freda ty days before the dnte of the meeting In Amount to be raised by Taxation -. 20,810.00 20,810.00 New Roads. 20S6 ..... 7,600.00 20,000.00 Motici, hi, wife, to Sam Ulkowltx and ordor to have the nartes of such candi- teachers and ol'lcera. Awards were Annie l^fkowiu ; nnd you, Stephen Morici, New Roads, 10J< (,760.00 None , Yoor dealer has dates printed on the official ballots to be I tt.tlO.DO I 27,472.57 Ughtlng of Streets 12,000.00 10.000.M made for the year ending December " ' lefcmlsnt because you aTo one used in voting. In calculating tho abovq. APPROPRIATIONS. P.flclt 1654 Street Lighting ..... ' (94.(0 None !"f Hn |f the inortBauo being 1916 1984 ' 30. an easy deferred mentioned twenty daya either the filing . 48.00S.OS forti-lntcil in tho bill of, complaint men- day or the electioion dyday,, buutt nno t bohboth,, mamayy Administrative end Executive -..„ 2,100.00 [ 2,200.00 Debt 8ervlcei tl'incd, nnd by reason thereof may claim *•* *-•» Dlank forms fo thi Assessment and Oollsfltlon of Taxes ,—— 1,100.00 1,000.00 Injured In Crash. payment plan. ""•• mtorest in tho said mortgaged urem- bo counted, Dlank forms for this pur- Payment of Temporary Notes ..._,„.. 8.000.00 < lLMt.Ot poso -may i obtained from the District Interest on Current Loans . , _—. SOO.OO ' 600.00 Overexpendltures, 1912-11)90 . .... None Abram Lott of West Freehold Is I-IUH: nnd you. I-reda Morlci, are made a Cterk. Roada - 8,500.00 9,000.00 Overenpendltures, 1193 932.18 confined to tho Freehold hospital fol- ile'i-mlimt because you nro one of the Pernon* who may vote In addition to Police - 2.500.00 2.100.00 Deficit Miscellaneous Bevenuss An- mortitajiors of the mortgage being foro- thoae regiaUred for tha last precedini^en- Water 1,200.00 1,160.00 ticipated _ 1.7J1.47 lowing a crash when Lott avoided n In h">» hi I of ,-omj.lalnt mentioned, 800.00 600.00 T,404.« ul by reiiBon eral election are those who register al the Fire Btmltted Taxes More Then 9 Years collision with another car and crashed thereof may clnlm >ome In- polHnff place on the Saturday evening pre- Health .... 780.00 460.00 rcst in l inortRago premljea: and In Arrears None 1.H7.U. into a tologrnph pole. Tusting's rtRago premlaeiij ceding the elDctlon, betwean th« hours of Lights .... 8.600.00 8,800.00 Unpaid bills 108S and. 1034 4,770.14 yen, A Plumhliiffhl . Flnnnro Co 4.O00.C0 rpor- 7100 o'clock attd ?.;00 o'clock V. M. AnyPoor .. l.OOO.OO 1,000.00 Interelt Deficit 6,141.88 ntion, Ki dfdefendnndt h cnuHo you tenon may resistor who Is qualified to Election 200.00 200.00 I.7H.8T Storm Drain. hoMer «f n judgment against St t y sr wh qed o Interest Overexpetidlturea, 1082 ..... Hone lOO.OH c St tht ditit t h f th Contingent 500.00 600.00 ftoed Emergency Note. 1934 10,000.00 Walter J. Sohivci-ca, Freehold en- 16 Monmouth Street, ami I'J-ri.lft Muikl, -and the voto in that district tor memhar of the 2.0SO.OO 8,080.00 Nene are legislatu Bonds and Interest -*.-—>.«~... Soldiers' Bonus, 1994 Note due In gineer, with relief employees, l.i con- r, of nn Asalginnent of Conditional Improvement Land ...- 600.00 800.00 1038 : - 4S0.B8 tftmoUnp* n iitorm drain from r*mi-gt> Red Bank Affreeiiient jnado by Steve and Insurance - —, - _„...—. 700.00 800.00 gone Monmouth County Surrogate*! Office, Bevsn-nrldge Road Bond* and Interest , 8,010.00 «.6on.oo State Itosd Tax Note due In 1996.... 1,799.04 Nona ti MorlH, ami by rnc.on thereof nmy etreet to Bowno avenue, a distance I lfl lnt0resL lt! thc anI(i n Ihi matter of th« estate of Ella May RemltUd Tax 140.00 02.57 — !7,429.«4 , Tel. 39. t"" "iTtaaaed Til Ion, deceased. 20.00 of abnut 000 feel. Assessment Interest . 80.00 Total Appropriations . . 1111,842.12 ci) Jflnuary 1 J, 1&35. Notice to creditor! to present claims Zoning — 100,00 100,00 QU1NN. PAHKONS A DOHEMUS. Rffalnst statiite. 1,600.01) Nona LU-ICH Suit. ! Pursuant to iha order of Joaaph IA Don- Emeraehey Itosd Note — Sollrltars for Cnmitlalnant, Monmouth County Surrogste's Office. Monmouth County Sum-jet.1. Write. Wheels, Inc., of Newark has been Acme Furniture Co., .hay, Burrogate of tho County of Mon- I 82,610.00 • 17,472.57 [n the metier of the estate of Sarah E. awarded a Jud^nient of $98.52 against rr^outli, made on th« thirty-first day of Anticipated Revenues from Tax on I)oga, 1110.00; to be used far the payment ot '•>'•!• matte} ol the estate of Velsniy W. 1.17 Itlonniouth Street IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Oflccmber, 1034, on the application of Ger- . Lloyd, deceased. Peter Barend of Mor(*iinvllle. Bnif.nii To,.SAIM MET/.: talms for damages by doss to sheep, domestic animals or poultry* pursuant to*-the Notice to creditors to present claims Wlllguss. dscsssed. trude M. Kelley, administratrix with will provisions of Chapter 149, P. L. 1022. Notice to creditors to oreunt claims waa nlso obliged to ptiy court cost;} of Hy vl.tue tit an Onlcr of tho Court of annexed of the uUU of Ella May Til Ion, This Ordinance shall take eltect as provided br law. against estate. against estate. 113.70. uvf'ifl mny lie, Ch nf Jersey, made on the duy do censed, notice' Is hertby given to the Dated January 21th. 1996. Pursuant to the order of JOSEPH L. Pursuant to the order of Josiph L. Don- had r iiiftjird Hilh of thu hereof, |n a certain credltora of iaM deceaflfld to exhibit to EUZAPETH D. H0BBS. Clerk. ^ DONAHAY. Surrogate of tha County of ahay, Surrogate o( the County o( Mon- BiH-elvrN Blidtor. wherei * Ril J. DUU |B tl.o petitioner on4l the »ubflcriber. ftdmlnlntratrlx with will an- Mor-tnouth, made on the fourteenth day of mouth, msde on the t»,nty-oljnth day ef gasolia Mutti-Malnr. nexed aa foi'esald, their debt* and demands January, (086, on the application of How- 1 . Describing hirnsolf nn Chief Kerf the dcfcmliint, 'you me required Mayor. December, 1034, on the a^pllcaUon of ff tho iictlUoncr's petition on oragainst the atid estate, under oath, within ird 8. Higglnson, sole executor of the es- Ilal->h o. WIDguss, tola executor ol the et. Cloud, a iil)-ycar-olil full-blooded In- »! .i"t .lay of March next, or Intlx months from tho data of the aforetald :ata of Sarah I*. Lloyd, dsceased. notice Is tate of Delaney W. Wlllauss, dseeassd, ordar, or Oi«y will ba forever barred ot Menmouth County Surrovate's Office. Upii of **1A dc«*>u*d to -Exhibit to M llt b (iiun, applleil for ami received Hht'I- Micrcof, Htirli (Irrrqo will be taken th* itibicHbtrf. «t«euton AM •farcialil, \eraby given to this creditors of said de- "°IJ I '* '* V «is«n to tie creditor, of r K yo'i «'i the Chancellor uliutl think their actions therefor asalmt the aald aub- In the mil tier of the e«Ll of William lessen to exhibit to the subscriber, sole ss d decaassd to eitlblt to the subscriber. ter from thfi storm at the. Lon ( Hcriher, , Curchin, Sr.. deceased. thotr d«bU ind dtmandi ma$,imt tb« aald ixseutor. as aforesaid, their debts ami l t'l'litlili] to nrodltora to present claims c*t»i«, under oath, within tm month* .from sole executor aa aforesaid, their debta Bmrich cily hall J».it ThuraiJi-y. Jfiaytaij Th.' - the c euld petitioner for Catherine Avenue, Ked Hank, N. J DONAH AY. Surrogate of the County of therefor •.silnat th« skid «ub*erlb«ri. D«t«d Freehold. K. J-, Jan. J". 1985.iver barred of their actions therefor ever bsrred ot their actions therefor AntKHinreiuPMl IIHH hern mfidn of COMCAN/ JO'!KI'[| V, MATTICE Administratrix with Will Annexed. Monmouth. made on the Until day of Jan- igslnst the said subscriber. against the said subscriber. the engagement of MIHH Katbi-yn •Api-UgaU. tilevena, Foiter & Heuasllle, uary. 1086. on the Biii>llf»tlon of William WILLIAM CURCHIN, JR., 1 Cpunseltora at Law, - Curchin, Jr., and George W, Curehln, mx- 89 Ptnettney Ron-d, lUd Dunk, N. J. Dated Freehold. N. J., January 14, 1035. Dated Freehold. N. J, Dec. lllh. I'll. CottrcHj daughter ul Mr. and Mi *. II'.CJ .""' l!ljl!']i"»f- A .bury J'ark, W. i. Red Bank, N. J., eoutors of the es(st« of William Curchtn, OEOR0S W, GURCH1N, HOWARD 8. HKJGINSOK, RALPH O. WILLGt/BS. •troctori. tf-t-decVHBtdt notlct li htraby a;lv«n is Uia til Filr Btvw Boad* Valr U Bed Bank, N, /. 101 Broadway, New Xorlt Cltf, M. I* 4tififi

returned to hU petition at New Totk Improvements To Saturday*; . Fair Haven Home Mr. and Mr«. John. Bohllchtlng ot Scotch Plal»» «-p»nt Sunday with Mr. ONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT MARKET PLACE and Mr». Louli Utw. jDxtenalvg ' alterations MB " under Anthony PeU l» confined to the s. it way la thejtoroe of Howard B. Mot* bed with grip. Where the Buyer Meets the Seller" Thirty Words for Twenty-Five Cents; ii« at the corner of River, ar 1 Hanu John V. <31aa«, Jr., baa b««n enjoy- roads, Fair HaVen. Th» ehiJigeE ln- ing rides On a tied pulled by his Aire- elud iOD, top soil and privet: acre! of top .Kill I —= • USED CAHS—Now 1B tha time to buy a. HOUSE for rent, *Ix room* and bull.; R)| fatlguo and he «e«ma to get u much avenua, child's patent Uathtr pump, «U« borough council, 1« having tho tai- 8%, tha flay of mow stonn. If found 'hltt. Phone MUldletown 4B9-J. and four to nix-foot privet; very cheap. I'OUI/ntY 1'EEfJS—I'erSIark & TollardI, none UBetl car As the market price la at 1U iniprovemcntHi central loitttlan i cun* fun out of thla «nowy sport a» tho Th«rna»_S.J'ield,_IU!dJluiili, phone 861. butter; surprising low cash. prlceit. . . lowest ebb; In ona more month the, price iiltase rtturn to 81 East Wentsld* ftvtnus, SLEIGH, built by Thaodorei Aumaclc, for venlent to town and hlfih ichool, t«o pcovementa made at this time to help i"0R SALE, HtlminjorTcomriutlnV us (IUULO you our special low prices on will advnnco with tho demand for cart. Wt» K. McKoe, 16 Meljiren straet. Raj Bunk. boy. ' llid Bank, sale. Also two vary nm strain ol belli our ...rOllove the unemployment altuation. 'pound capacity Tin cxc'nllcnt" co!i(lTti)ii. >' mufh. Haiio it IJovU, phone lied hnvo a liirne aSKortmcnt to choose from: Theresa Cook, the elght-yeartld and harness; all In fln« •htn«. For lurth- llodKca. Plymouth!, Fordn. Chevroltti, Al- •All the rooms aro being redecor- • particular* phone Ittl or call 192 Ma- barKaln for anyonq In the butcher, del- """k_103. _^^_^___ liUN(;AU>W7se™n 7SSmiiSi daughter ol Mr, «nd Mrs. Stanley BO a. complete lino of used trucks. Special la avenne, Red Bank.* < n ? l r U I)A ia nathj jtiat redecorated throuuhoutt n««r ated. The rear porch has been con- ARTICLES FOR SALE ?.d D. Vv lkJ«' Co°.' ll)""w°»t'Kro nt «'tre"t, l ' I'EED—QuilUr balanced ratfona. terms for tha month of February only. heater] all imiirovcmcnte; one-car garag*, COOK, IS an observation patient at 'ed Bank. I ^ui Youv 'ee(l cost*. Gel our special Frank VanSyekle, HI West Front utreat. verted Into a aunparlor. The »ldcn of SJUC COMPLETE b«d«. »S tachi kltchun ! 1ow It. H. Vanil»rv««r. ID Urancb »»«nu«, Momnouth Memorial hospital at Long Tnn o A i~ri ;—7;—n ciinn price on a good 20*/, feed. Hance lle-1 Jlnnk. Iihone Hed Uank 1(85. thli room are enclosed with convert- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS — Saxa- ' and dining room chalra, 60 ctnti e»ch i 0B SAU, ono used trlijldalre and ono 4 DrtvU. phono K«il Bank 103. ible casement windows for summer Branch. phoncB, $25 and up. Can furnish . alx full «ls« cotft. 91 «aoh; four ttbltt, ilx used KclvlriHtor, both In KOCJII ccmtji- | . - , . -. 1932'Vf)Rb dump truck, hydraulic hoist, OK lti2NT, stores, offices. n»u, nou«««t Charles D. Brown Is Buffering from any mnka instruments ixpert rtpalr- bunaiu, Hi pla;er piano. 129 Honmouth Ion and buruiilrni. Iiiciuiro Fred I). Wl- dual wheels; 1029 Ford truck with cab, apartmentsi ImprImprovedo ! allll location* and winter use. The sun porch leads Btreet, Ked Dank. HAY, STRAW, enr corn, Groon Moun- orftn rnck body; 1020 R«o truck, with cab, Jusustt offf BroaBrd streettt , fd A f d a (trained buck caused by trying to Ina done on promlaas. Work guaran- olt Co.. 10 W. L'-fout Ktrcet, Heil Hank. A f^>an dew Into a breakfast nook and adjoining o—STKIIUNG oil burn«r, for «hort tlm« r tain potatoes] moderate prices. utake body, dual whetln; I02H Chevrolet, ^2_MiichBnlo_«rect^Mhl . HRed Hank. raise his car out of deep snow. teed, At Price's Muilc Store, 91 West IIlBW001), SO.00 ueTloacirs f6 pcr*>f fmc-ton.plck-uii truck, t^ob with opsn body. FOR SENT" at "Fa(r~lfavert,"«ix~room tiuiit this room la a, tile lavatory. The only at this low J>rlc«. Fully euaran- ftreplaca wood. Sll per coid. Locutt Matthew Mullln, Ilrooktlaie Farm, Thoso trucks aro all In running condition BBIOW, all modern improvemetitBi ideal breakfast nook, pantry, kltohon and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cully and Front street, Red Bank, teed. Alwayi r«ldy. Even, corutant heat postfl, onk Itimht'r, Iilanln^ and aawltn:, and plinty ot It, Charlli Allalr«, 12,Clin- Llncroft, N. J., phone 82S2-W, Red nrd ready to K*mk. AnU,jut»s -..„>. N. V w.i, HALE, Becond cuttlnir nlfulfu,' mixed SIX-Itd6Ms7ail JnTpi-ovffiiiantvi «ood rj*? Joseph Thorpe has returned to Heaiition'a Corner, on Mlddletowu high* car appearancppnce; n K«oK«orl car aatt a attractiveness of the dining room. way, F. Ewuld. •jought and sold. -unue, Hew UMJIIB- hay, heuvy clover mixed hity, titnoth/ Identlal neighborhood; large yard and price that wililll «uiit your pocketbook. 1933 tiarA»«; also four-room a,JIJU truant for 116, The front porch has been onclosea. Fordham college after spending the KKROSENE and ranKe oil for salet prompt inft Farm HPlione Mitjfllctown cheap. 12J Monmouth Btreet. Red Bank. jstlfjateJ. \Monmouth EmiVloyment Aweiu JllotlierB, 10-21 Mechanic »tre«t, lltd SMALL "}i6UBB~ for'-Tent at'Kane Unv, (lbs U«d Bank BmUttr cm b« »°u«h« proving. residential purposes. Fhone Sea Briffht T 6. 12.* WESTINGHOU8E Special, t% cubic fooo t Hank, phone 3065. Ensy (',. M. A. C. Mlddletown; ofinvenlent to bun; vea-year euarantee. Investi- for sale. E. IJ, LcntUhon, Hiddletown, iletown, N. J. msn'a waiting room.) selcctlnn of tropical fish, plants, aquar- gatte now. TustlnB'iTtl' , 16 MMonmouth street, ST. J. - _ _ I flitlon ln^hiall family, AH Mnhomct, 38 Mr, and Mrs. William Walling and iums and BunpllQM.. St. Peter place, Key- | EAHt Front atrcct. Hed Bunk.* • ROOMS FOR RENT. Preparations aro being made for son Dorman of Keyport spent Sun- jioi-t, N. J-, ono block off Shore Hlffhway, phone Red Bank 80. _ 'IRE-WOOD for "iaie, kin(llinK,~8i^bn«H, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EEFHIOEHATOR burgaln, alx cubic feet, $1,00; furnacu. $1.00 lots to go.00; fire- j I'E WOMAN wlBheu dny'a work FUKNISHEUUKNEU, , ny,, heiieheiited bedroom for the third annual mlnstrol show or day with Mrs. Mary Dor. porcelain Inside; extra thick insulation, ilaco, ono-rjumtcr cord Sil.T.", half cord'; wouloudd Jdu laundrylauy, In oLt. lent, near Broad street. 24 PPeters .t 27C Mechanic atreet. after C:00 P. M., CiltOGEUY, delicatessen ii-.d candy »tort the Methodist church. It will prob- Mr. and Mrs. David Schnoor and OPPOitTlJNlTY^WarUiobV hermetically sealed, oil encaued; sold for 6.50. Special nutrition to phono, .orders, i place, Red llnnk. for sale; no reasonable olfcr refused, {22, china ten let $2.60, W. Johnson, phono 1M-J, Eatuntown. | Phone Ked_Uank 127 4/ ably bo produced tho latter part Of Mrs. A. E. Longford spent Sunday 12011. It's perfect. 166. Eaiy terms, FUItNISHElJ rooms for rent on the river Write Box 201 Monmouth Denrh, N. J. bede s $1$,, tg $1,$, throw rugga 91.609; re< Tustlng's, It Monraouthitreet WANIKI), position as housekeeper. "inN~-LESrKiiEiSA—Norilierii~~grown : ' bank. GO Rector place, Red Bank, MORTGAGE money to loan—If you nrj March. \ evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry flt h it h A g. 1 Ad- filiferutor mid cash register cheup. Auc- .. jd. l>e»t known pdKtnrn lo^nmo, re- \ . phone 237-R. fieoitinff firit bond and mortK»Ko money Holy Communion will be celebrat- TIIOI'ICAL FI8H and beautiful new plants Warnock of Keyport. tion Uallery, 27 Eu«t Front street, phono iceda Itself, diovu:ht resistant. I havo a ' COMPETENT MAN with itKht car TWO larKo well-heated roorriB, ilngte or on your home In amounts up to $G,0()0 to dress up your aquarium. Flan sup- Imitod qntin tity to. RPII for one-tenth of j , tifervice work amonj our cuatomcrs in ed at nine o'clock Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Key- 11 * plies, aquariums for Bale. At BetHy Hoss connecting. In private home; reasonable nsult W. A. Hoppln'K A[;eni.'y, H Linden OUR STOCK changes dally I Used lurnl- he price I raid for Heed lust year. Write : this vicinity. Permanent work, Hteady foinr- , _ „. ,„„„,., , _ , , C 3 ) at St. -Clement's- - church- by_ Rev- port- spent-- Saturday -wltlu Mr. -and Fl.h Hatchery, 1 Allen place (just oil Itiv. ttttirent It. iiHp. VanDerveerl v 1, 49 Branch ave- flcje^Jlfld J|ank, 1»IL°H _ J T-'' ~ "ture, hocldt UKH, antiques, linoleum. Albert NeUuii, Ailentown, tome. No investment required. We nue phonh e Re[ld HnriHkk 14G54G5. Henry R. Fell., who was ordained Mrs. Thomas Dlnnen. books, etc., can )>e bought or sold at the erslde avenue), phone 368-W, Bed Bank. I train. Apply 2 :Q0 to G:00 p.1 RED BANK vicJnit^—IIimdredr^Mtarmi Auction (Jallery, 27 EaBt Front street. Bed OAK WOOD for lAle; stove, furnace and •ite The Fuller Brush Company, to suit any pockothook. (llustnited last Friday by Bishop Knight at Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stewart en- ilAPiOS, § 5.0 r>—All Alwsiter M., _. ..._ . . ROOMS AND BOARD—Accommoda- ooklet free. Kuy II. Stlllmnn, Stat» 1)ank, phono 1603.* fireplace leneth; IC.OO per load, $10.00 ill3 Ilolmrt huildlnf, Perth Ainboy. Holy Trinity cathedral at Trenton. tertained relatives and friends from per cord. Schlptnl Bros., 114 West KontH, Eevernl Btyles: «ood l»edioom or tions available at Globe hotel for liahway, Eatontown, N. J, Phone Eaton- DKY oak wood \n utove anil fireplace Front Btreet, phono Red Dank 1846. len aetn. Tustinn's, 16 Monmouth street, POSITION wanted nH chambermaid or n_17 a. Tho church school will meet Sunday Jersey City Sunday. iengths; well rotted manure, top soil; targe or small rooms, either with or phone Hcd Bunk 39. ' waitress; experienced In hotel, restaurant FOR SALE or exchnn«e. Southern" CaUfopi mprning at ten o'clock. Mrs. Wilbur MacConnell was ten- drlvewttya graveled, tractor plowing and TAKE DVANTAdE of Ja or private home; honest, references. Fhone without board; first class meal aervi 1 CASH for your ''old 'typewriter, adding mii- nla bungalow, modern Improvemontii truck for hUe. J. E. Carney, phone Eat- prices on our large collection of antiques. Misu Verona Schnoor of Leonardo dered a. surprise birthday party at chlne, check writer or other ofllce euuip- Atlantic HiKhlands 561 or write Jtox 71, ico; reasonable rates. Telephone Red (raraafl; larse yard; ornnee, lemon.'ffrape- ontown 440-J-U. Bralated's Gallery, 15 Mechanic street. Red Hlh!nndsNJ* vialted Mr. and Mrs. David Schnoor her homo Friday evening. Tho guests ment; will cull. JOHGIIII It, Serplco, Key- Bank 11 for further Information. fruit and deciduous trees; small town. RACTOR, rebuilt Plnnet Jr., alio Bol BaBankk . .. mrt, N, J., phone 4H4. were Mrs. William Sutherland, Miss ('.ItOlIP of ymimr lnd'ips wonld Tike Inntrup- oransfl belt, San Barnndlnn viillcyi Ideal on Sunday. ens and repairs. CcJrtover Bros., sales MERCHANTS TRUST CO.—Ten Bhares for tlon in conversational Spanish. Address all year climate; fifty miles r^P Anuelas. Marjqrlo Sutherland, MIBB Mabol and BBtvlco. Wlckatunk, N. J,. 'phone 9 sale at Icaa than book value. Phono Sea Spurdah, box 611. Hcd Bank.' . COMFORTABLY furnished large sunny Phone Red Bank 1107. William Jonaon (s confined to his room, six windows; also smaller cheer- Irtiker, Miss Alma Tarnow, MISB Mae Holmdel. Brluht 12.' BUSINESS NOTICES home with illness. lilJILDER nnd trene-nil tonlractor; rennlr- ful room, two windows; Ideal locntion nnd Mlgglns, Agnea Crocker, Buddy WONDERFUL opportunity; competent convenient to Btatfon nnd town. 120 Ma- FIVE-ROOM house for sale, Rood location" Mra. .Clarence Marvin is spending re mod cling nnd new confi (ruction ; lot 100x126; price J9C0. with a ten jicr Crocker, Charles MacCormaok, Miss renaoiiahlf' lirlcen; esitimntes promptly i;!v- man or woman wanted, full or part ple nvenue, Red Bank.* a few days with her parents, Mr. MIDDI.ETOWN ACCIDENT. :ent reduction for cash. Owner nacrlfirlnff Marie MacConnell andt Wilbur Mac- n. Willliim Schloeder, WyckolE road, time. For interview wrlto Lear Sales ROOMS for rent; reanonnble; near business In order to obtain cn«h. (J. liownrd Lip* and Mrs. Harry Sooley of Brooklyn. Connell of Bolford and John Dough- Patients At The hone Eatontowi. AHA. "Company, 210 George street, South soction. 19 Hudson avenue, Red Bank, plncott, 31 Monmouth street, phono Hoi Mr. and Mrs. William Stain and Two Slightly Injured as Shell Gas PAINTING ftntl~dVcoVnTi7i^cTl>Hc^^nBoiw phono 1463-W. Bank 321, erty of Philadelphia. Amboy, N. J.* JOOD HOME for sate cheap; six room»t children of . Lyndhurst spent tho Riverview Hospital Truck Skids on Icy Favement, able. Wlillum 1*. Woodward, ltivurside COMFORTABLE room for rent, private all improvements; near center of town. Mr. and Mra. Charles Brenneau of Height a, l^hone _Eed liank 4-.:,-Wr-2, family; good location; very reasonable. week-end with Mrs. Stain's father, MALE HELP wanted; butchers. Apply lood residential section. Price 88.500i New York and Mr. and MrB. Louis Roland Smith and Peter Kurtka N O T A It Y "p u'blic R eVy Ice "in t jrht anif~day\ Fowler's Market, 7 Broad street, Ked 21 Harrison avenue. Call Red Bank 3505. Henry F. Hylln, realtor. Resistor buiidtnif, Mr. Jenson. Spankowlta and two daughters of Frank B. Marlanl of West Bergen both of Newark, were treated Tues- anywhere In Monmouth county. Kolston Bunk. • VKRV nleasnnt furnished rooma flnt Red Dank, phone 743, William Neft spent Sunday with place has been roleased from tho Wntcrbury, day phone Itet tha iturei of Motrli wall* Riverview hoapltal with her Infant following their treatment. Mrs. Ernest Rutt of Port Mon- man and H. Le-'kovlti.) son. ' , BE COMFORTABLE—Beautify your home TWO ROOMS, furnished, desirable loca- SIX-HOOM hnviBe"for~Bnle; electricity. 279 Smith was driving a truck owned 1th custom tailored, re-upholstering. REGISTERED phiirmndst wanted; part or South Pearl street, Red Bank. Joseph mouth spent Friday with Mrs. John full time. Apply In own handwriting, tion ; very reasonable to right party; MrB. Qeorgo Krauas will- leave Mrs. Jerry Murphy of Riverside by Meyer Satsky of Newark when a Prices reasonable. Estimntos cheerfully furnished for litfht houaokccplnff. 201 Romeo. ' V. Glass. vinn referencoH, age, inevlous employera Drive, Mlddlctown, and her son re- large Shell gas truck with a trailer, sn, Churl GH Fa hie, 22 Francis place, Bergen place. Red Bank. Saturday on a ten-day crulBS to nftburir, phono 170-J. nnd irnKth of time reuhtered. AddreBB KNOLLWOOD, modern flveTroom honiifj Mlss.Euretta Foster, wno has bean built 1931, for sale; hut water- heat* South America. turned homo Sunday from the River- driven by Thomas Sonnus of Port PoatofiicG Box 83, Ked liank." visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fred Cook at fireiilnco. screened porch, tilo bath, ahow- view hospital. Mrs. Murphy give Reading, Pennsylvania, skidded and ecre tii rial posltiona. l)ny and nlpht llh wishea position as BtenoKrupher and _REAL ESTATE FOR RENT t Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hi. Pannacl cr, extra lavatory; two-car garage. Lot Point Pleasant tho past week, was birth to the child on January 18. crashed into him. achool. Florence O'Shea, 128 Uroad street, typist in politician's, oflice, five day. a a BEAUTIFUL six-room home, at 76 River. 75xlG0. Sacrifice. Address M, B., box and eon Carl have gona to California hone GSIj, llec) Bank, •_ , ily for ox- | • eldo avormcj for rent, furnished or un- unable, to return home owing to the Mrs. Elizabeth Dahlgrcn of Madi- ick from one until four; fill. Red Bank._ ._ ^ __ . for the rest of the winter. There pcrience. Call 9 5 Fort Monmouth after r furnished; all Improvements; hot water TWO LOTS on South side of (larfltld ave~ severe snow storm. son avenue returned homo Saturday 'mnl, electric refilutti'iitliJii; new futnlih- they will join Mlns Mary Pannacl KOH UKAIJ KSTA'l'K, tnaurnnca of all nue, Atlantic Hl«hUntlB. N. J.; third and Many men, of. this vlclrtlty -who after being a surgical patient at the itlnda or firut moi'ttjaua lourm, con- _ _ . i; one-cur garage. Fiviea minutes frorom fourth lots from Central avenue. 50x13(1. and her sleter, Mra. Edward T. Oliv- Leonardo News. BOOKKEEPER wMmrt puBlUon; handle ailroad station. .Telephone 1945-W or are employed by the Jersey Central Riverview hospital since January 1*. sult Hawkins Brothers, 10 Monmouth Will sell single or toother, to colored or er, whoae husband la a member of complete Bet books, controls and trial write C. O,. box 511, Red Bank. •white. I27S each to quick buyer. Mri, railroad company and who ordinarily Mrs. Samuel Famulary of Mon- Ben Bornio's band. street, lied Bank. bnlancu; A-l references. LOIIB experience; SIX-ROOM house for tent, J15 monthly A. R. Saunders, 349 South Monroe street, (The lied Hank Register can be bough can handle all office dctaila, typliiK. etc.; get homo at ton o'clock each mom- mouth street was roleasod from the in Leonardb at the stores of William Mey witth Uichicht mid waterater. 10 WaWaii ! Btroet BaltImore.__Mnryland._ ^ ^ ^ PAINTKU ' nml "p»pl'F~hnnVcr "uirtPdeW- caimble of asbumint: ie3iK)»Bib.«s. Adilreua Ing, did not return last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Zobel are Riverview hoBpltal last Saturday af- ers, William Sher-son and Albert Jere- J .HankHk . InquirIi e J . CColey. Wa MOriEUN htmgniow, «x'«>T|«nt n^liihtio^ alor: ri>R!,oniil)lo prices. Will pa»«c fl Jlookkecpor, bos Ell, Red Hank. / a treat. Red Dank." until six o'clock in tha ovonlng lio- Bojournjngr In Florida. ter being & surgical patient alnoo oilaB.). room for $3.iiu and up; ali work simnin- hood, living room, dtntns ropn* atiit i'OUE-ROOM bungalow for rent. gas. wa kitchen, two bedrooms, hardwood flours- cauae of tho enow storm and an «c- Eugeno Qardella. vailed last week January 1. Tuesday evening, February 19, the teed. Joseph HofTman, 22 llrummond MISCELLANEOUS. i*(i. Rod Bank, phone S343-W. ter and .electricity. Eft Cnrtoa (.treat, tile bath; garnffe. Price JR.OOO. W. A, , oldent. for Italy on the liner Roma/ tor a. Baptist church Will hold its annual uniBon, N. J. Mrs, Nicholas LoForo of Shrews- I UUY and sell oacotiil-hand clothes, must Horiplng ^ Agency, B Linden place. Hof visit with hie parenU. Mr. and Mrs. lAa^BTated.canQorr^drjT.JrR.!!; Dank» phona 867.* . Misses Jane and Lois Compton and bury avenue has returned home from roll call. The service will begin ai rush. $2.00. Called for and delivered; bu In good condition. L. Kerber, 20Q VEUX SELECTIVE list of flrtt i^8i Auguatlno Gardella, who are now Shrewsbury avenue, Hcd Bank. Phon& homea .In Hed Bank and vicinity, man; McLAREN STREET property In excellent Marie Schiomann have been on the the hospital. ihalf-post seven, o'clock. repair incc and raflnlshlnsr. Leonard. 14 1 staying In thai country. They went North MtXn street, Farm Ingd ale. SQnd 468!;^^ . exclusive listing* . Your Inquiries will bi condition; six rooms, with all modern slcltlist, • Mrs. William Hill of Bank street Eleanor Belalor is slowly Improv- ffivon personal attention. G. Howard Up to Italy last year. postal or phono FnrmintfdnlQ 298- WANTED, will buy Boiioncl-hnnd bicycles Improvements; two-car Kitrnge. Owner ing from a severe Illness. plncott, Si Monnrouth street, phone R leaving this section. Priced reasonable, Mr, and: MrB. William Helmuth returned home from the hospital last WILLIAM V. DIETRICIL pFumhinff, hent- and second-hand iramcu. (irover Par- William Douglas underwent William Keofer of New York was Bank 321. $8,000. W. A. Hopping Ajrency. 8 Lin- celebrated their 46th wedding an- Saturday after being a patlont the In g annd tinningg . Fumppa aiul windmills ker, 8 Mechanic street. Red Bank, phone other operation laBt week at New den place. Red Bank, phono 307.* niversary Sunday by having a fam- past two weeks. a Sunday visitor at Leonardo.'" repaired. AgenA t fof r MasteM r carburetob r FOUR-ROOM bouse, bath, water, electri- ATTRACTIVE HOME, living room, dlnintf York., He Is under the care of a Miss Mazle Grey, who has been cocoall ingg devicedeice.. Fits any furnace. 42 MONEY to luiln on first bond and mort- city ; all conveniences; Main road. Fall ily gathering of children and grand- Mrs. Joseph Hoffman of Drum- kitchen, four bedrooms, hot water heat, specialist and has been operated up- LelghtoLlh n avenue, ReRdd BBankk , phonh e 36H7-J37J. Kaije. Hendrlckson St Stout. 2 Linden OHaven 1; rent 12Iil0 a monthh . Ingulr2 e9 at 1 children . at their homo. mond place and her daughter re- spending several weeks with friendB rlace, Red Bnnk. '^ fireplace, lot 80x300; Bhnde trees anil on several times within the past lew ARTHUR E. DOYCE, plain and decorative K I' l iL Those present were Mr. and Mrs. turned homo Monday. Mrs. Hoffman at New York, has xcturned to her Iiuinting ; 'expert panerhanting. 19 35 AUTO LUANS— Confidential, prompt, SEVEN-ROOM house arid~bath~al! lm shrubbery. Two-car garage. Price f 0,000* months^ W, A. Hopping AKency, 8 Linden p!ac.t» Clarence WKIckman and Bon Robert was admitted on January 18 when bungalow here. (washable)) Imperiap l wnil _ papepp r Humi-lfiR. courteous service: ro endorpoments: provements; two-rar Bfftrflire. 14 Matl Eit lii and Nntlonal Ison avenue, Red Hank- J. V. Carver, 16 Red Bank, phone tll)7.* The offlolal board of the MethodlBt Estimates on sprlncpainliiiR and payments reduced. Federal Acceptance of Leonardo, Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin sh'o gave birth to a daughter. The regular monthly meeting of Houaing contracts supplied.- Fine work; Co.. 610 Electric building. Asbury Park, Leonard Btreet, Red Bank. FARM for sale, 84 acres, all tillable, po- tato or gene ml farming; two houses, Dennle and' daughter Helen, Mr. and church will meet "next Wednesday ftichard Deffonderer of Chestnut the Baptist ministers of Monmouth low priccB. Phone 666 ItuniBon. phono 3^30. Open evenings 7:00 to n:00. $25 PER MONTH will rent 88ven-roon main houae has all Improvements: general Mrs: William Mallott and son Ray- night. Ai meeting of the supper com- county will be held on Monday a. OLD GOLD—We. pay ca»h ror your old house In down town,. Red Bank; thre street was admitted as a medical pa- outbuildings. Situated on main hitchwhlixhwajri * mond ot Port Monmouth and Mr. mlttoo will be held Thursday night, the home of Rev. Ellwood Wolfe. BEDBUGS, roaches, flcae, moths, etc., gold jewelry, watches, teeth, etc. fteus- doors from Broad streat: thoroughly ron^ tient last Saturday. sllles'. 30_Broad_strcot _Red_Bank^ ovateJ and painted Inside and out tn< Owner, Garret Cottiell, Englishto'wn, N. £, and Mrs. Earl Eastmond of'Belford, February'' 7, In the parsonage to permanently exterminated (guaran- ! R. D. 1. Mr. and Mrs. John Sague of Co- Edward Durando, Is confined to HIGHEST prices pnld foV raw furs. I. ready for inttnedlato occupancy, Inqulri make final arrangements for the teed). Rats caught with tor re to (not John Bade celebrated his birthday lumbia avenue, Long Branch, are the the house with grip. Vogel & Son, 2 5 Broad street, Red Dank. Red Bnnk 1100. WATER FRONT bargain at 00 Shrowi- supper which -will be held Thursday poisoned). Phone 2843 Aabary. Jack bury avenue; ton-roam house, modem* at his flonie Friday. He recolved parents of a aon born at the local A "surprise birthday party was NOTICE TO TRAPPERS—I buy all kinds SIX-ROOM modern home in Little Silver, night, February 14.- A radio'party Kendrlck, estGrtnlnator, established newly docorated, tile bath and nhower, Ized; lot 60x450, three-car garage; out* mapy gi&is'-ind calls.' He also re- Institution. given for John Shean Saturday of raw furs. L. S. Becker, 273 Shrews- buildings, boat houst water front bulk* was held last night in the church S§ yeara. bury avenue, Ked Bank, phone 3G27-W._ sun parlor, steam heat, oil burner; garage; celyod ,1(3.0 cigars from. Florida, sont Herman Domingo of Drummond evening by his friends. Thoso pres- (45. See Milton Berk. 88 Broad street, headed, rlght-of way to another street. TRAPPERS—Wo pay moro for raw furs. lecturef room. ent were Kathleen Guttormsen, Jer- IF IT'S MUSICAL wo can supply It.' In- phone Red Bank 3616. Placed in our hands for immediate" sals. to him by his son Ernest Bade, who avenue was treated at the hospital Miller Bros., Eatontown, N. J., phone Owner leaving for coast. Tho price ll ry Petzolo, Anna Meyer, Dorothy struction on any wind or string Instru- has beon spending some time there, The So and Sew club will meet last Saturday for a dislocated right ment including accordion. Arrangements 232. LESSEE transferring out of town wlshe • 3,000. Wo suggest that you consider tills shoulder. He received, the injury Sharkey, Dorothy Krug, Virginia con bo made to purchase Instruments. Al- to sublet at sacrifice for Immediate ren property before you buy. Owner will b« Mrs. Gussle Dennis spent Tuesday Tuesday night, February 12, at the HEF.K CATTI.K and fat hops wanted. tal iiU pluturesq.ue residence among R*t! Kind to show you through, or aoe Milton home of Mrs. Theodore Goode on while picking Up a bag1 ot coal. Fol- Peters, Mae Waldman, John Shean so repairing. Anneae, 47 Washington Prices are very good. Write or phone B. with Mra. William Carman of Port itrcet, phone Red Bunk. 1751, Bank's finest; Spanleh architecture, eigh Berk, 88 JBroad street. Red Bank, phon* Riihard Campbell, Joy Smith, Roj Zlotkln, 28 Mechanic Btreet, phono 26 rooms, two baths, walls of foyer and hull 1615 Monmouth. Church street. lowing his treatment he was released. Freehold, N. J. • Batters, Alex McPhee, Theodore METAL'WEATHERSTRIPS for doora and simulated stone, step-down dining hall with .. E. Walt Havens of Sea Girt, form- William C. Hobblns of North Long Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lorenzo of windows! eave 25% of fuel couta. H. WANTED, child boarder, $6.00 per week. black composition floor; artistic and con- TWO model homea In Foxwood Park, tha orly of Belford. la seriously 111 In Branch hag resumed his duties at Bridge avonuo are tho proud par- Bryant, Joseph Banks and Mr. and A. Hendrlckson & Co., phono Red Bank Mrs. J. Lartnud, 10 William street. Red venient, throughout ;.three.-cax-sarage.- Will last word in modern construction, with HOP.: 11« MonmouthHtreet. Red- Bnnlc; - every type" of trnproverilerit' IJm&b'dlatrTnf *" Florida, where he" has beon spending tho postofnee after a week's vaca- ents of a daughter born yesterday Mrs. "Wallace Macintosh. Games E.nt, pkon. ISM-J. let go at $70 per month for time remain- TRAPPERS, ATTENTION'! I will pny the ing until leaae explroa. Telephone lied them. The Be houses are heated for your the'winter. tion. Mr. Robblns observed hlB six- afternoon. and dancing were enjoyed until ROOM and board wanted for aa tlilrteen- highest market price for your raw furs. yciir-old boy. Addresdd s RooR m . and Dank 1100 Extennlon 11. comfort while making Inspection, and are tieth birthday last week. Ho Is now late hour, when refreshments were open every day Including Sunday. You Capt. Edward Lee, who has been Al>o Goldman, 32 Mnplo avenue, Fnir ,Ha- Board,_hox_BHlh5n , Rod Bank." served. Mr. Shean received man; en, N. J., phone Red Uank UOfifl-M' HALF of double houso for rent at 10_ are invited to make un inspection whothar convalescing from Illness at tho serving his 37th year as clerk In tho Boys can make extra pocket money Shrewabury avenue, corner Oakland useful gifts. LADY would like to ride daily with party or not you are Interested In buying ut th* homo of hla brother, Garrott A. Lee selling The Register.—Advertisement. driving to ABhury Park from vicinity of atreet; all improvements :. in good condi- present time.. C. Howard .Lfpplncott. II FUEL OIL tanks for ealo and in- tion; rent $18 per month. Apply Mrrf. J, Keaiiflburff or Red Bnnk. Write particu- Monmouth street, phone Red Hank 321. (tailed; grading nnd landscape lars to Fostofiice Box 122, Konnaburg, N. J. Qufffley, 69 Neptune avenue. Deal, phone rin" ' 5177-W. EiOHf~RbOM~if~~b~T;rOHfbMrih n" '"d ^TaTrnTJ^TTTdT NOTICE. work; mason work, trucking; sand, J." . ern iimprovements. IIncluding: steam host, Notice Is hereby given that the following* Local Budflret and Tax Ordinance vra cinders and gravel. Old buildings torn BUSINESS WOMAN would like well fur- EXCEPTIONALLY flno homo containing one-car Karugo; about one-'iunrter acre of Leafy Vegetables Important elffht rooms, two tile hatha t ovsrlook land; S6.700, on liberal terms.' This ll niUH'QYfi'l by tha Mayor and Council of tho Borough of Sea Bright, County of Mon down and rotnoved. A. Jones, phono in? hod warm room, centrally located. mouth, on the 80th day of January, 1936. Addrcu, \V. W,, box fill. Rod Bunk. Inpr tho North Shrewsbury river; J75 p« one of those forcclnnure hnrKilinn you h!*?9 Eatontown 47 7. month. Also a complete llit of homes fo been waiting: for, don't fall to tnke atl- A hearing on tho Budget andTax Ordinance will be held «t Borough Hall on tho WANTED."cheaED, cheup bediiinybediilny; younng bo&boar pifpgf As One of Protective Foods 8th day Ot Fobruary, 1985, at 8;00 o'clock, at which time and place, objections to rent. Rolston Wadtorbury, phone Re< vantnfre of It. G. Howard Ltpplncott, It bale. Johnson Farm, Tlnton. Falls, Bank 3500." Monmouth street, phone Red Bank 321. Raid Budget and Tax Ordinance of tho Borough of Sea Bright, for thfi year 1935 may GROOVED metal weatheratrlps Installed. N. J.1 be presented by any taxpayer of said municipality. Prices reasonable. Write or phone for Wide Variety and Reasonable Pric*s Permit Liberal U»o ofi OBtimate. M. D. Stokes, It. F. I). No. 1, WA'NTED, two broodor Btoves "(coal) 500- LOCAL BUDGET OF TlIB BOROUGH OF SEA BRIGHT, COUNTY OT MONMOUTH, Keyport, phone 774-J. (•liick ctiintc-ity; must bo In good condi- These Foods During Winter Season tion; rciiFonnble. Phono Rnmson 1481 or FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 19J6. TlfPEWRITEH headquarters. Typawrlters BddiTKs I*. O. Hux 382, Hed Bank." rented, boiiRht, sold and repaired. Tru- By FRED. W JACKSON • This Budget Shall Also Constitute the Tax Ordinance bln'u. 39 Broad Btreet, Rad Bank. \VANTKI), Viitclctf table and four chnirs at .bio price; nlso interested bed. AN OUDIKANCE RELATING TO TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1986. HANNA MARIE . 1! ] Director, Division af Consumer Information I {or s" chilTarohc. run; descrlbo by letter atntln Department of Agriculture, Tronton, N. J. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borouerh of Sea Bright, Coun place, Red Bnnk ; 1 ty of Monmonth, that thero shall he assessed, raUed by taxation, snd collected fo nnd up j alterations: hemstitching, S cents a pvifL ,* iiisu where and when can bo eeen. the year 1035, the..aum of Forty Thousand, One Hundred Seventy-Eight and 3S/1OI ^d. Telephone 10X-J,_ IledJIank. Address Furniture, bcx_r>U, Red Unnk." COHNI-:iiUPr:vVCOClC"B'i:lmol'\vm bctfln Ite recent years Americans hare lne bods of undeveloped blossoms. (540,178.35) Dollars for tho purpose of meeting tho appropriations set forth In th< CHECK UP on ynur heating [ilnnt now ToilowliiK statement of resources and appropriations for the fiscal year 19 S6. Bctoml hnlf-j'onr on February 1st! chil- exhibited a definite tendency Thoy hare a sort of radish flavor We will be glad to calcal and givgie ee*ti Amount of Surplus Rovenuo (estlmatod) % 18,354.71 mato on cnncleaningg and any otheh r iep«ffyy H. dren entering tho primary dopnrtmcht at rtoward the nso of more leafy vege- •which appeals to many. When tills time will have an cxtru umount of FFrank k CrotchreltCthrlt, Chestnut Furnnco lo, tables or "greens." Both raw and buying, be mire to see that the RESOURCES, imiivliiual tittetition nlnoo somo of Uie pu- Anticipated Revenues: phone 67 C, Hod Hank, B cooked, the greons have become fix- stalks are not wilted and that no 1035 1031 pil M hii ve Kuto!> dnifta. Each year ftnda an Increasing de- lioverngo Lleondcs ..— ; _ 8,600.00 1,600.0 tili'ltyll , gas runtfo, Arcola heatlnu nya- loss can be prevented by Belling: tho produce direct cause large broccoli heads often Estlniutes froo. Amovlntn Metal Weather- tcm ; ntiwly painted throughout. '11 West mand for tnrnip dops, kale, Brna- rlumhor Licenses —..— . 100.00 strip Co., Chnrles C. t'onovcr, P. O. Hot prove coarse and toueh oren nft«r I Uus Gross Hecaipts „ 100.00 Front Hlrcet. telelihor.o 410 Rumaon. N. J. to the thounnnda of readers of Tho Resistor. BOIS sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower. ir.jiiitl itii,niil (17 V. 3,n• - hounewffo now finds that seasons fresh outer leave*. Boar In mind 'Miifi.cliuil Dill I til mis noil Equliiment ., „,. ,. 800.00 400.0 I'd iiNl"5'll I'flU liTillVtliiei"!tT three. mmii, A thirty-word advertisement In Tha lloelulor'a porn for BBU. H. Etitcllo, niiuui>;.!i'. oil scarcely limit her cholco of green that absence ot the outer ring of 4,500.00 3,5011.0 linth. Filnldftim. heat, eludi lclty. hot 4,000.00 D.Hflll.fl mid ohnp, ^0 Mount atrrel. Uc>\ Hun!.. VFlilor supplied; KnriiK". Ti-liMdinnn 14II'.I-.I. Clnsalflnd Columns will coat you (mly*25 conta nnd It vopbtnhlea. Fresh prodnco is now leaven nnimlly means that the loaves VKHKTIAN IiLINP.'i mmln td lit miy w S,800.Ill) e.nuu.ii Dliri.KX. npnrtmont. Itlveislile avenue, HI< avalhvblo all year round and sea- have been removed after having dOW. WWU HM.H.'ll.lh Of Coloirt ^>l A wouldn't he at all Burprlslng If It brought you 28 2.H0O.OO 3.000.0 1 K,i>ni« mid hnth; InrK.i private lunch: sonii oven have but little effect upon wilted and yellowed, Indicating Honlth - - - „ 2,OHO.00 3,000.0 nnd tnpoa. Kfltlinalc^ f rev. < ^hurli * hent fvirnlhhiMl; veiy ntlriu'tivn. iniiuiit! prlrcn. ntalenesa. Outer leaves should bo [i _ 1,100.00 1,100.0 Cnmivor. V. O. Box 4f.-I, Rod Unnk, pin. Clmilea R. itniK, 1 Allen place, phono ltd! profitable customers. (inr 1386. clean, bright green, fresh, and VisitIntf Nuno - „ , 60.00 no .o Unlit ;ifi{r:-\v. ___-._. 7.BOO.00 7.500-0 How to Buy closely trimmed. Head should be UnmlH •rWDKOOll iiimitTTiVnt, HIIIIVI!^ kitfhen- 3,2 60.(10 8,525.0 jKEAL ESTATE WANTED ctte. lioal 3U[>idl>u»uUe|iip tho plant at tho axes of tho lenvoa. OvoiffXpeiKlllmoH, Yonr 103a ., „„,. 2,718.8:1 ,300.0 WO."lti)*6T does not affect quality hut tho pletely furnlthed : huslness Thoy havo an intense and warm OveroxiKiucllturiii, Year 1034 C....~ 3.E0O.OU fi.r rent; smaller should be ten expenslvo. Flro Emarnoiipy _...._,.... ™..« . ; hlQ. lu hmiiunuiul place. c&btMW flavor. When buying them, us.a FARM PRODUCE Rnd llnnk." _ _ Two or three pounds will serve six N. (I, Chock - »..„ 187.10 clicmio those of «mali«r nlie and fc'OH RALE, tiny, bnle'd.^lr^t «tid niu!on«T FOK UI'^NT lipiiitiii^iil. at Gl) Moniniiuth person*, avoid thoso having wlltod or yol- Total Expenditures - _ $ BB.806.JB.B05.0H cuttlnic; ulfalfu, u\m inKed. i'lione f>HL Dtreot; In Illiniry bullilliiE; furnished! Ml.ldlotown. E. 1>. UntUhon. lowod lenvoa. Hy all moans, kcop Htonm liealod : Ihien ltui:n IUOIUM nml l.iitli. Increased use ot laafy vegetables Anticipated Hevenuo frnm Tux on Dogs, |25.00( to be used for the payment ol finKEN" MOUNTAIN" i.«t»"((in«" tuul M«- Apply Mm. Arthur I''. Swift. 121 llgrgen tndm cool and fresh until used. Is an indication at the popular i:lnlms for damage by dd|[t to sheep, domeitlc anlmnls or poultry, pursuant to the pro Intoah and Sin y in tin appltMi for miln; tilniie, pliiiuo Itnd Hunk nnn-J. recognition accorded to the reconv vl«lon« i>t Chapter 141). 1', I,, H22, and Chapter 211, P, h, 19»«. wholaaBlo and retail. \V« ilollvur. Wil- Turnip topa or mustarjd. tops nro This Ordinance shall tnlie effect as provided by Law, , rtuwdatlont of nutrition authorities liam Knno, Knna litno, Mlddlutown, iiluniQ also minted to labbnise and are sold Approved jAmtnry SO, 1086. m MJddktowH. AUTOMOBILES that tho protective foods — milk, in tlin form of biinchon of nlondor, MA1IRICK "KCHWAUT/." " tihrynlor," ~Ply- «KKn, fruits and TcgeUble»—be uaed. WILUAM % FOWLKI1, i'AHMERa and tiucii itiowcia will Iwul >t tondnr now-rcrowth stall'tl cut from raatly market (or their prudnrn Uy nt\- tniutth, and Intornatlonul ituck KnlO" onil liti top of the pl«nU, usually b«»r- mow 'VH>«r*ll)r. Att«»tl-a W. FABi", Clerk. • . . Mayo vartUlns In Xh« Keylottr'i cliiaalllcU col- Mervie* lleaiti.uaitBii. i'hona K«tl Hunk DUOlfU. Page Twenty RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 31,1935. Incinerators Aid Red Bank's Budget FIBST SIEB ACCIDENT To Health of Home Local Colored Lad Injured While Higher Than 1934 Biding. Hennessey's Fish Market In modernizing or building: a home COUGH The first accident to be reported at DON'T LET THIS 20 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK. N. J. •where the owner doea not have th> Amount to be Railed by Taxa- iho Rlvervlew hospital resulting advantage of having garbage and f lom sleigh riding occurred Tuesday COMPARE OtJK QUALITY WITH OTHERS. rubbish collected currently, It has tion is $32,423.01 More Than All Our Sea Food Guaranteed Fresh. No CoJd Storage. night when Charles Blake, colored, been found that an incinerator Is an Last Year—New Fire Appar- of Harrison avenue, collided with HAPPEN TO YOU BUY YOUR FISH IN A FISH MARKET. excellent Investment. It eliminates atus One Cause. another sled on Tower Hill. NIGHT the necessity of making many trips, often during Inclement weather, out- The mayor and council of Re. He was rushed to the Rlvervlew Phone 1377. We Deliver. side of the house in order to dispose Bank, at a special meeting Monday hospital, where he-.was treated for a FRESH NATIVE PORGIES 16c ft. of or burn rubbish and garbage night, passed the first reading of ai cut on the forehead over tho right which often becomes Insanitary if ordinance for the budget of ex- eye and was released following: his USE, FRESH FLOUNDERS f Q« not disposed of promptly. penses substantially as forecast by treatment Several minor accidents re The Register last week. The amount have occurred, but no serious in- Modern incinerators, some of juries resulted. FRESH SMELTS . *" which require no fuel, are now being to be raised by taxation Is $211,400.51, FRESH SPANISH MACKEREL 22c ft.. used for the disposal of combustible as against $178,980.50 last year, or an Increase of $32,423.01. The total CARQMAR FRESH NATIVE SEA BASS 25c IT). trash. They also eliminate the fire All-Day Meeting. FRESH SCALLOPS -'. - 85° "'• hazard which occurs when trash is amount of the appropriation Is FOB burned piles outside of and $206,071.41, whereas last year It was The all-day February meeting of NICE FRESH OYSTERS 18c doz.—35c pt. near the house or other buildings. $237,564.49. (he Red, Bank auxiliary of the Fit- The two chief reasons why taxes kin Memorial hospital will bo held FAST RELIEF SOFT CLAMS ...... 28c qt. "Insured modernization "loans for at tho home of Mr«. Thomas Cook AND installing incinerators /ind other will bo higher this year than last All Kinds of Fresh Sea Food nt Retisonablo Trices at All Times. i J year arc because the people voted of 115 Broad atreeB' Monday morn- GET A GOOD SLEEP types of built-in equipment are hg, February 4, at ten o'clock. available under .the Modernization to spend $17,000 for new flre appara- Buy a Bottle Today Credit Plan of the Federal -Housing tus and because the Emergency Re- From Your Druggist Administration. icf Administration of New Jersey or Send Ue 60 Cents and New Jersey Depot New York Depot has ordered that the appropriation Vlilfting at Kldgowood. We Will Mall It to Your Homo for relief be increased from $12,000 Mr«. George Morris and son Ar PREVENT FREEZING PIPES 125 BROAD STREET, 376 CANAL STREET STREETS WEIX CLEANED. to $27,052. thur of Clinton Btreet, Eatontown, Caromar Laboratories WAlker 5-8940-1 Last year the jwater department are spending Beveral days visiting m> ELIZABETH, Jf. J. AND BURST PLUMBING RED BANK, N. J. Road Commissioner Hides on Plow contributed $8,000 of its profits to- 'rienda and relatives at Eidgewood. Tel. 894 in Cleaning of Slirewsbry .Roads, wards running the government of Here's How— ' ..• r ' Due to the' efforts of Street Super- he town. This year's budget omits intendent John Parker and hia help- eference to any such Income, but it ers all roads in the borough of estimates license fees for the sale — TONY HUNTING'S — On bitlcr nights when your honso be- Shrewsbury have been put into good of alcoholic beverages at $18,000, shape. On the job immediately as whereas last year the amount so re- comes cold and fires are low, turn on a Sons i the snow began to fall, the street ceived was $12,000. A new Item Is a ATLANTIC THEATRE Burdge superintendent, with his old-fash- note of $3,619.51 for paving .West faucet lending from each pipe which is Icnetl snow plow 'and with his ganj£ Front street. Moat of the items are ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS of men, worked steadily until the he same as last year or less. MAT.—SAT, SUN, 3:30. EVENINGS. 7:00. 9:16. most susceptible to low temperatures. A New York & New Jersey roads were made passable within a THURSDAY and FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 and FEBRUARY I few hours. "BING CROSBY In "HEBE IS MY HEABT" flow at the rate of a quart a minute will do* Ife was noticed while the streets Local Tenor In SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 This will cost bnt a few cents a night and wore being cleared of snow that ' Richard Holt, the male Shirley Temple of the screen, and Ru:id Commissioner Fred Burst was New York Concert may save dollars in damages and repair EXPRESS trailing on the old-fashioned snow Spencer Tracy and Helen Mack In "YOU BELONG TO ME" plow. In a concert presented by the Spon- SUNDAY and MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 and 4 bills. John Parker is given much credit sored Artist Group of the New York Miriam Hopkins In "THE HIGHEST GIBL In the WORLD" New York - Jersey City • Newark for the good work he performed in Madrigal Society, including Lois Ban- ADDED ATTRACTION: plowing out the anow-boun'd resi- nerman, harpist; Floyd Worthingrton, In "LIVE GHOST" dents of his borough. Praise must MONMOUTH CONSOLIDATED & Points South baritone, and Dorothy Dell Potter, VEDNE3DAY, FEBRUARY B and a also be given the unemployed and soprano, A. LeRoy Baker, a talented iircmen who assisted in clearing the tenor of Red Bank, presented a "" I In "THE PAINTED VEIL" WATER COMPANY Daily Trips borough program of six selections at the . COMINB_-SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 10 Great Northern Hotel at 57th stroet, KATHARINE HEPBURN In "THE LITTLE MINISTER" Now York city, last Sunday at four I rwrrf BUDGET MEETING. o'clock Middletown School Board to Con- Mr. Baker, who has many times vene Tomorrow Night. been heard in several operettas in this and other nearby towns, is the 14th A special meeting of the board of holder of a scholarship in the New education or Middletown township York Madrigal society educational was scheduled to have been held last department, studying with Marguer- Thursday night to prepare the an- ite Potter, a noted contralto nnd DAVIDSON BROS. riuai budget of expense, but it was teacher, founder of. the organization Annivewary Sale postponod until Monduy night be- ilfteen years ago. He has also stud- cause the roads were impassable ied with John Warren Erb of New with snow drifts. On Monday night York and Olive Wyckoff of Red 45 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. less than a quorum of tho members Bank. were present and Mrs. Adeline Mof- FURNITURE * RUGS lat, the president of the board, an- As a result of the splendid recital QUALITY PLUS SERVICE nounced that the meeting would take Mr. Baker presented ho was added place Friday night. In addition to to the sponsored artist group ab a Mrs. Moffat the members present permanent member. More than 300 2 PHONES—NO WAITING. were Rev. Ernest W. Mandevllle, uesta attended the concert in which BEDDING & ODD PIECES Curtis J. Walling and Julian M. Par- they Heard the well known tenor PHONES: 3262 or 3263. FREE DELIVERY. ker. sing, "Serenade" by Haydri, 'In the Country" by Haydn, "IUtreat" by La- $140 Highest Quality, 9x12 ft. Forge, "El Gaucho" by Schlpa. In Domestic Oriental ?Q'7.50 Secretary To Auditor. response to applause he presented Bugs _ Ol Miss Anne Gisleson of Branch ave- his encore number, "The Flying Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials nue, a graduato of tho Rod Bank loud" by John Barnen Wella. $120 Tlno Quality, 8x13 It. high BChool in the June class of '34, Domestic Oriental S'yQ.SO has accepted a position as secretary Rugs : . • •* to tho auditor- of the largest Bears- Truck On Fir©. Wilton Hugs, Oolonlwl Roebuck otoro in Chicago. Miss Qis- The Red Bank firemen were called CORN LIMA BEANS PEAS Stylo „ _ J29.E0 lC3on for three months has bnen a out Tuesday afternoon to extinguish Just Right Brand ?49.50 Seamless Wilton typist and just recently received- her a flro In a truck from Perth Amboy FANCY QUALITY GREEN GIANT RIVE over snow-cleiiml promotion. At the tinje of her grad- on Central avenue. The truck had White Crosby D roads to Freehold to Mc- Bugs ?39.50 uation she was rated among the first been stuck in the snow and tho flre Kelvey's 14th Anniversary $125 2-pc. Living Boom cans C Sale. Famous for years for nineteen highest in scholastic thought to have started from an eans c its outstanding values and Suite $87.50 achievement. She received her typ- overheated engine. The gas under gcamgge. savings. The greatest sale in $116.50 G-pc. Mnple Bedroom ing and shorthand through the teach- the driver's seat had ignited and 3 29 3 35 tho county continues to thrill Suite ..... _ $79.50 ings of -Mrs. Robert C. Brown. practically destroyed the interior of lovers of quality home- fur- And Hundred** of Other the cab, nishings. Dramatic Values! O'Hagan for Prosecutor. HEINZ SWANSDOWN APRICOTS, PEARS At a special meeting of the How- NOTICE. ard A. Mallen association of Leon- Notice is hereby given to the lesal vot- BISCUIT MI?C or PEACHES ardo, a resolution was passed to en- s of the School District of Shrewsbury BABY FOOD dorse William J. O'Hagan of As- Township, in the County of Monmouth, hnt the animal meeting for the election 0 Large Pkgs. Tall Cans bury Park for prosecutor of Mon- if three membors of the Board of Educa- S. Me KELVEY mouth county. ion will be held at tho Tin ton Falls achool O cans O^ can8 c iOII3Q on Wednesday. February 13, 1936, FACTORY DISTEIBUTOR TOR HARAGHEUSIAN'S FINE RUGS rom 7:00 o'clock P. M. to 9:00 o'clock 2 pkgs. gQc AND BROADLOOM CABFKT MADE AT FREEHOLD. A bonafide newspaper circulation P. M. and as much longer as may bo nee- 3 35 —the kind Tho Register has—Is the ee.Hiiry to enablB all the legal voters pres- PER DOZ.—$1.00 only kintl that counts with the ad- ent to cast their ballots. vertiser. No premiums or other In- Th ree members will b» , elected for m 21 WEST MAIN ST. FREEHOLD erm of three years. ducements have ever been offered to At said meetins will bo submitted the secure circulation.—Advertisement, ucstlon ol voting a tax for tho following uriiooeu: COFFEE SPECIALS! 'or current expense ..._ _...$ 16,900.00 For repairs and replacements.. 1,326.00 Total amount thought to be All Star Brand . 21*lb Maxwell House . necoasary Is $ 18,225.00 Dated this 29th day of January, 1935. OETA CILHULY, Dandy Cup Brand 25*lb Chase & Sanborn 31flb WAGNER MARKET CO. District Clerk. Mocha & Monmouth County Surrogato'i Oftica. Bonita Brand 25*lb Old Dutch 33*lb PRICES THAT ARE LOW FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY. i the matter of the estate of -Earnest Chapman, deceased. <• Davidson's Delicious Notice to creditors to present claim* Rita Brand . 27*lb 3Plb iiKuIiiftt estate. Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don- Round or hny. Surrogate of the County of Mon- Astor Brand . *lb Holland House . 33*111 SIRLOIN STEAK 34* mouth, made on the twenty-eighth day of December, 1934, on the application of Porterhouse Steal Mnry L. Chapman, Administratrix of tho estato of Earnest Chapman, deceased, otice is hereby siven to the creditors of 1 CORNED BEEF TEA Tomato Cocktail Table Raisins aid deceased to exhibit to the subscriber, BEECH-NCT administratrix as aforesaid, their debts ANGI-O Brand OID DUTCH Brand SUN-MAID 34'\h nnd demands against the said estate, un- lG-oz. bottles ORANGE PEKOE MB. pkgr. 35f der onth, within aix months from the date c A Bottles AQO of the aforeantd order, or they will be ior- cons c l-lt>. Cans yjQ kg ever barred of their nctlona therefor ninst tho stild subscriber, 2 29 2 * °- 25° Duted Freehold, N. J., Dec. 28th, 1984. Chopped Frying V MARY L. CHAPMAN, * 17 Bench Street, Sea Bright, N, J. FRESH Hairy Klatsky, SARDINES ASPARAGUS Chicken Broth APPLE SAUCE BEEF Red Bank. N. J. CHICKENS Proctor. California—In Tomato Sauce All Green—ITanoy Quality WESTCHESTEB Brand FANCY QUALITY lib. oval cons ALL GOLD Brand Monmouth County Surregate'i Ofite*. Cans CIU19 A Cans A AC PORK In the innttoL- o( the estate of Robert A. Cooper, deceased. 2 49° 2 23° lb 251 Notice ta creditors to preflent cUlmi 3^25° 6 £d I'iirs(unit to the order of Joseph L. tiiihay, Surrogate of tho County of LOINS j.ujnirniuih. made on the fifteenth day of Uneeda Bakers' Jiihiip.i-y. 1935, on the application of Em- ROYAL DATES — ", II. Cooiier, KOIO executrix of the estate MAPLE SYRUP Legs °f WHOLE SAUER ... Robert A. Cooper, deceaood, notice is BAKING POWDER UNEEDA BISCUIT DBQMEDABY LOG CABIN hereby given to the creditors of naiil de- OR ceiiBed to exhibit to the subacrlber, iole Plain or Salted executrix *• nforesald, their dohta and de- 1 8 C ttm9 LAMB HALF KRAUT mHinla ognlnst the said estnte, under oath, within six months from the dat« of the 17° 33° 2 '" '"2S 2 45° nforesaltl ordor, or they will b«* forever «-l>llcatlon o( A). FRESH FANCY WINE8Ar 17* belt W. Woidon, suhntitutlonary admlnlB- FRESH GREEN MOUNTAIN Smelts Fillet U"'°r,>wifh wl" ?nntl""l 0' the estate of May O. Bonner. deceased, nollco is hereby 1 t c ul orl of APPLES Large JL I ft " nti. *. \", » ' , "M deceased to LIMA BEANS RADISHES POTATOES Fresh Opened i i\, . " ruv.b"M1"' •»b«titutlon«nr *>*- c oz administrator with will annexed as afor«- A bunches tt AO AHO a Biukel aalil, thtlr debt! and demands a«aln>t th« C Chowder Qams Mild ojtnte, under o«th, within KIX monthl Oysters 17 " from the dato of the aforesaid Older, ol 2**29 Of « ">«• they »lll he forever liarr.d of action! therefor BKiiln.t the a.1,1 .uh.crlher. 36 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK 71 FIRST AVE., AT. HIGHLANDS Diltcil Freehold. N, J., January 2H, 19JS, 204 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH NEW MONMOUTH, Monmouth Co. 6" hint I' ronl Street. IL.,1 Dunk. N. J 149 BAY AVE., HIGHLANDS 30 CHURCH ST., KEANSBURG' Hulislltullnnary Administrator Aluiliiiinte, Ktwns. foster & Ileussllle We Also Carry a Full Line of Wines and Liquors SUi flunk, N. J., Jroetorf,