I f i ■ K *k.;.

•i;!‘ him ferocious.”— ■’4 ' :,v*: ,',53K ■ f M :

D T O P I C S . v:.- ,k 'f MW, 1 T 1V--

|out Rationing and B«g{V, M^SS PIB B tecE MCUJRE. and GLEN TTEWh. down, and down, our^ are- G aiety T T O tR E .(» _ ^ iS. TH e '^ LADIES ORCHESTRA, cdudnetreaa: MISS IVYIg OAd ON. SCHOOL i*OR GIRLS ' a n d KINDERGARTEN.! AVING.'. b^aj-iortunite ^ou^K to secure, from/ the There it is. In the| very MieUBi: &lr. H. W. «QWI&Nt). Tela. Hactlati IH.. ■ FOR DAILY PHOGRAMME SEE PAGE 5, dpLlIrMNa'6 ind t." , MOUNT ROAD, . * Ithondda’s Departmerit set A Jizuited number of Boarders taken. Boddhnt dacor: Ur. O. Z. t h o r o u g h l y s o u n d EDUCATION, with Pre- Exexiutors pjE the late A. j i '&ooh. Esq., the le ^ of jhandsoine quantity of meat, . THREE DAYS, cbromAncing MONOAI^ lOllJ ttaratliion foict vii^^ Ijoeals. Oollego of Preceptors, Vmariv stood already at what Public Notice! P ju^lr t Nonces. Boyal Dratnpji-Soei^^ London Inatitute Instate* lor - Nwt. eo^ ,. Church Farin, Bexhill, so well kiiown, for its rich graziog f i ; work> and A «^iated...... Boeyd Examinatii_„__aifiati4M. |s “ clanger jH>int.’’ anc th e he agged w nger ProsFpebfas - on appIiwHoe. ' reduced by one fifth—^froin T R M E . Summer term lefiint; Tuesday, May. Tib., n endows and.4ipvto-date Model Bidldiiigs (in addition, to his Glyne 8 oz. a clay. • Remeifiber, By W. B. MAXWEEL. fmintin* ussex oldiers 4 PiiholiMaTMlSS £- WALM8LEY. ^ST S ussex C ounty S S CicARETTk Manor and Penland,'Wood Farms), anid having stocked it with a ermans are almost wiljliout ' raO A T (SATUltD.'kY). M NE 8th, at J.30 aai 7.15, VIOIilT HOPSON. BASIE G E^, and C ouncil. AND C omforts F und. ^ thing ( necessary wi!|i a Lut'Foifdnaaitci^ of GERALD AMES. Herd of Young fresh calved cows, is i ^ow able 16 execute in full ■h make it suiiport Ijie— In stitu te October, 1914. HOUSTSIDE-HIGH SCHOOL. M tt- OHARLKS W INDBB2UERE &nd OomDanjy in (Reg. War Oharitiea Act, 1916). . IL LATON ROAD, HASTINGS. |xch comforts as tea s and AGKICUI/TtrBAL EDUCATION his customers*, orders for milk. that, being very Charm ing CasfusAjt' A dm iiatiy Offloiai Fil]% SMOKES, SOCKS suid oth « Comforts sent weekly)- Frfneip'al .. .. «. UBS. F. C. COOPER. . ." ' '■* ■ ' ■'< ■ ■■ M COMMITTEaS. to tlie rariouA Batta’.iona of the Royal Sus*ex Regiment, THOROUGH E d u c a t i o n on Modem Linea Jt leather and having; no Royal En^fineoiH, and Sussex, Men. serring in other moderate lees. Preparation lor Publio BxamlPalloae .il P atient ' H eroes | )F T'^E Regiment*. Osls: those, on active service supplied. dedred; HmUe Oomfonu fpy B oards Kindergarten. ire been making ciothes of , SpeOial aUantioDintioD civen givM to mdiuc. modern la n n a fe s, 2i; KING’i^ ght goes from bad to wdrse ; INSTBUiCTION IN CHEESE MAEIIJG dnwiDC, painticiTklicir, 'and physieal onltnye; house with as* R O A iD !^ “T he M uddler,” ■ . S ea." : M ore than 2 i M u-lion eellent sanitation.tion, etanding in }ta own grouhda. 1; I CIG^ARETTES ALREADY SENT. Bummer Term bein^lH sy 7ih (Tuesday), The Great Serial. HGET COURSES OF INSTRUCTION •Donations, Cigareltoe, and' other’ Gifts for the Sussex ST. ilstry . s IN CHEESE MARING will We givei at LEONARDS. Or “ A p a ir )F TROUSERS." *• JIMMY DALE.-l Solders and Sailors most gratefully received by;— h ab it to grum ble. Li}i in various Centrea in'the County of East Sussex MISS G E R TR U liE ADAMS- Hon. Sec., ,(EBi8ode 8, etc., etc. entlemen stablishments b a d one. One actually ijears HONBAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, I MISS HAItnY”-, Hon. Treas., G ‘s j E , m ~ - 1 . ■ , 1 15, EVERSFIELD/PLACE. ST. LEONARDS. ]>ple growling over i the U an d 12, 7.U, WEDNESDAY, at 2.30:- MISS P. WILKINSON, N.D.D., arid at THREE DAYS, eommencine THURSDA'Y. JU N E 13th, . Interviews daily,. 9.30 A to 11 a.m. only, of by ST. LEON ABBS (llbiLEGIATE SOHOOL. |ns. They say “ 'What, _ 1 .MISS W. E. LOVE, N.D.D. 1, appo»i^tmen.t. EL L E N SL E A : ROAD. th^ pleat allowance! fVhy j E’S Companr in a Faroe, Best' i-aundry- iQ thq DistricL BOBBBT COURT entucky n erella The type oi Cheese to be made "will viry THOROUGH PREPARATION FOR ALL PUBLIC ‘‘ A K 0 * 4 " E K A H II^ T IO N S . '^OId-ectabli«bed. Very • saooeaeful, peoplib at the Ministi|y of in Three slots, entitled . 1 1 '' acdording to the quantity of milk available Featuring RUTH CLIFFORD iand^RUPEpT JULIAN, anil.,the Ibcal demands. The instri :ciion i vill Higheei ReferencoB. ^wge Covered Gymnasium. Recreiu Best V^ork at moderate Prices. ueir minds what the rption Educational, tion. Ground, five aoieab f^ecial attention to delicate Tliey blame' the virtiie aa ^ Supported by ' | i be [free and all apparatus will be provided.’ and backward boys. Entjuu- Charge of Indian erwt Studeni^s ;may arrange -with tb s instiuc- Colony Children. < and resent good luck. What EMORY JOHNSON and Little ZOE RATJ trelssqs tri have milk made into cheese; the Family & School Work a Spedalko hat, L adies’ Establishments. Principal-HENRT KINQ, A.C.P. should see at cure is “•M o n e y f o r N ^ o t h i n g . | ’ ch^se inlsuch. oase 'will bo returned to thOSu Headmaifer-'WALLACE H. KINGr-BaBo. (Lond.), L.C.P. bf a perishable fn. .J m ist Pathe Serial, “ T ltt FATAL BIt|lG." wlll^, who supply the milk. / , ' Attdcrt^ed by db'Ehlcd^iiV.StafE.of.B^dent-and Visiting Outdoor Drying facing the Sea. success of onr seamijn in ■' ‘ PEARL- wHi'ra:. 'll’, j ■ The .in^uctxessea whrin in, tK? distiict ilTOS SatSE SCHOQL. ‘ ' '‘Mastara,-■ ■'■’-V-■ . . BimiLii Hdao, l a t o n ROiSiic^ffiriNasr / -Oadeb Corps attaohed: to ..the 3nd Home Counties to port, the Ministry is to ■wijl be pleased to visit’farms sad give advice ’ i, FOR yOtrl>IG iADlUS. .. Vanslcollect and deliver daily. Epieode 7, eto.,'et*. I j ■' j orhsaislSioe.,' ■ ' Brigade,. Royal Field ArtiUery, adaptability. 1 believe i t to M pobv Owfe* IneludU^^ ju r. JULIAN BOYCE. PHIMCIFALS: MIMES •■EIM and DEW. " Hifheet Further, particulars may be obta ned frDm Testimoniali and Reiet^o^ The School^will ie?open. 9th May. S li. L'EOMABDS-OM-SEA the whole elaborate'^ystern Suce^ior Educatio'u^on Modern Principlet, .i, elephonc No. 325, • , - ■ r j M USIC BY I' R. H. B. JESSE, Piipil’a ’ preijaied 'If't^Pub’iic Examlnatioue. are distributed and eyery- .KINDERGARTEN- SEPARATE DEI^RTMENtl told what he may do-afeout . , 1 Igricultural Orgalniser, FOR' BOYS^wedisb Drill. in forty-eight hours, ^nio .t !. -T he L adies O rchestra. Count J- Hall, Lewes Owing to incT^se of ,k*upi)^, a I^rge Sehoolroom, ~ THE im S : SCHOOL. .2(?th M at, 1918. meeting the'TeQuirementa-Of the Educational Bye-LawB, hanges in price have to be tVUllBDAY, FRIDAY’^aad feATURDAY, Jtme 13, 11 hae been opened. -f- CA^pBrnGE. ’Phone 387. I for simiiar reasons, rjon’t Next Terin. Tuesday, May '71h. s-time every market-a.ry? M d 15, At 7.1S, s3datiiie6 ^4T U B D A Y t 3.30 Severfil ScholnrshiSA «nd ExhibUions, je75-£15. offered | B t . P aul’s C hurch, I ' JU N E 23th. Enfries close June lltb , Paiticular* from Ibe thing in a nutshell i^ 'his A PARENT'S NATION!^* EDUCATIONAL UNloW 6 6 , Mono! Read, lio American Press : “ T^er* ' j / ' N J ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA.; | T he U rban D istrict SON I j ANGI SCHOOL. th e B u rw . 1 be little fi-vky o f policy in M r- M athe C ouncil o f ' " B attle. that is dejiendent on jathe T he A nnu. l S ale oF| W ^ ork 5, Tire TJPLANjPS. maze MIDI. CBve Vale. G I ’^ e I NOTICE THAT ARTHUR and shipping. AVe rjiust and Ga r d e n p a r t y wi>I' bo belij. of BoardinjjSchocl for; Gills 8 40,18, 'A«J hi, CtnHWBr, in ith.| enormdiu^ snoeeas, . ELLIS, Esquire, the District .Audit, HASTINGS GBAHHAB SCHOOL. trom day'to day to nieet| the ST. PAUL'S RECTORY,'CHURCH ;ROAD, oin caudren receive no Day Scbolors .tor Short Periods. H eadm «f«: P.. S.Ib ARLOW, M.A., B-Sc. on lpRID.AY, the .'ith day rif JUT. Outdoor -work in Summer," Nature Ramblea, Cookin? Itu atio h ." W EDNESDAY, JU N E I20i, from 3.30 t i 9 p.n^. 191$, at lUo'cIock in the Foi'enoon, attend (Captain, 5th 'BattaliQh Royal ;5um$x Raiment). '' 'i '1. . Opeuino Ceremony by Mm. EBD EN , ClBii 0., a t 13.45. 'COUNCIL at the CEOKCJi 1 Ciase. FtolOectns on, anitUc'atioa to M i* Pennetheme OI Miss I Aetins Headmaater; HEtif. T. J. THOBBDUN. D.D., he urple ask HOTEI/, j BATTLE, for the purpose of LL.D., Clirisi'si .O^UiEge, Combridga. 'Is the time of year \yhen "T P M .” A1 Freaco Concerts. Royal Air Powe Orchestta. Auditing j the'.Accounts of tho‘ said Urhin Wii^eman, .^-Stud^ints, Himso of-Education. Ambleeide. ly Ckapside, Patiribtio Tableaux. * The - Magpie# Coke •fc ^ Party. Joducesi food in this country District Conneil for the .year enped T'st THOROUGH Mok)E.2RN EDUCATION. some of it—a reasonable Children’s Sports. Ladies String Baud. I Si Sho r s . . Marcli last, and that a copy of such \ocoun :s, together Vrith all Bate Books, Bills arid Preparntion for Ihe .Univ^nritie*ivinriti and all ^taminations., -against the winter. DTie to ita Ittoljjo tn tiQhdoa. A dm iuion 6d.' W ar Tea (»d. ' j HOHB SOHOOL. V&*,uable DEAVING- EXHIBITIONS tu all. Univeiritief. Vo-^c'her.s j referred to. therein will sj CHUnCH KOAD, |journa;l,” the organ of|the If weather. is unfavfmmh^e postpea^ed till Qie follow- deilosited i at , the Clerk's Office, ir Mount ST.: LEONARDS-ON-SEA. 'Army, Mbdical. e f t , C o lle i^ of tpbil annual v&ln«. £210. Machinery of aH kinds-suppUed and ' n ie r e seems to be a deijubt street. Battle, aforesaidl, for the inspection of. BOARDERS TAKEN BY HEADMASTER. ing, ^y. fl • PriEcipar _ _ „ .. MISS HUDSON. minds whether rationed all partieik in^terested, for keven d a js befojrc Froapeotui, eto., from Headmaster; or from F., W. fixed and repaired, Shafting Bearing,' . HIGH CLASS BOARDING SCHOOL for tb« imait C-olea, Eau., 1, Bank Boil^nge, Hastinga. eked in the larder witliout such'audit. BOiiH and daughters [of gcntlemeiu lentioTi for hoartiing. One M .B^A FriR TMB PBRFOIRMANdeS ON 3ATUR. PREUMINABY NOTICE. Dated this 'ilh day of June. 1918. Beiting, Puilles, Stean^, Gas__■ DR. r Ai INACWOIS^ H D M ftb Proapectus on appHoalion. had a present of sairpon ■A'Y: JUNE ». THE THEATU •WILL EE.SLOEEO, ' F. C; SHEPPABD, t HOLiMWOOB SCHOOE.v on, Eiectric' lolher is living on fish ^hnd 1 . . HASTINGS HABtXATIONJ BEXHuirON-SEA. BU RINQ t h e t w o WESK0.I e'oKMKNOINQ JUNE Clerk Ihcy be ill danger from ;the Headma#ter: MR. A . F . BR YAN , B.A., Inter. Lend., power HOT W ATER T he H astings , P as;^ora1l s. MICHAjELS PREPABATOBT AND STEAM HEATING; Irder if C'mp.ms are Use<^ to tl AND 24, FOR THE MHNVAI. VACATION. HE- Aeeisted by A Strong Staff of Re^stered . HOT AND COI.D WATER SUPPLY,, |WiU'b«'iiraaao«d in the - B A R K ,| . Mdisters. • BOILERS. PIPES, AND RADIATORS, I meat “ against a rainy OFBNINQ OH MONDAir. SUliY 1. ' j SCHOOL. PREPARATION ior tibo VniverBities, ProfeMloae, WEDNESDAY. JULY 24th, i Pubhe SchooU.'etc. .Special Attentioir ji^en-to Modem BATHS------AND AIRING ------CUPBOARDS, ler is dear : Anyone ablq to Hen. Producer aud Author, 3tr» C. A .>f A r m e r . HASTINGS UNIOJi. 20,'jCHARLE.S ROAD, I>,nguHgce. Chemical .e-nd PhysieaJ Leboratorr, Gym- k i t c h e n e r s . LARGE STOCK PIPES .nd FITTT T»(. _867. : . - „ j' E,U nj»tc»t I lof the foodstuffs he receives Over 3(Kt Performem fg^jiitke part. •1 ® PrER ST. LEONARDS-ON^SEA. naaium, ete. The school stahda-in Ito-tOwn 'croundt bf gilte'. ' -SUSSEX. . seven-aoree. Is free to do .so. At the s.-jme j I’ riiicipal;; M lSS AM Y TAYLO R. Oedet Corps attached to the let Sn^ex Royal Enfiaeers. Impelled lo use the couiijbns Illnatrated Proepecjfcue on application. 14- BOYS and GIRLSitboToiistity jrounded iji all Branchea Td under a raiiotiing system c o x t r .\ c t s TuiE suppiirES. B e e n ooen «.tf. OcBUUDtjs Y.IS. P tloH ic. to 6d. M en and ,‘W^OMEN ns pF Ible and needless that lajrge . o( a focsl education: and- prepared 'for tie Tublic and su. m . oilier Scliople. ; j . '*t , RYE .GRAMMAR SCHOOL, oiild be kept. Many per|ple \' astingsand stards ^DTICE IS' HEB-feBY GIVEN hat tin •PHONE 902. lof unrationod f.K'ds \vill|b« ] Board of Gua'rdi.tns of this Unlion wilp. (SECOND.aRY SOHOOt io R ROYS AND, GIRLS) If coupons unused, as if they DO NOT FORGET TO^'bOME AND ■IIEAR-'i' a t th eir Meeting on Thurs^a.v, ,lhp MUh ,d F.t.W iM irPYl ^ f \ . j I Ay .TnYiO -lOllS o4- ^PVvt-0£% 1 vv -+ bacon, p o u ltry , g.'ime.j or ■ -• • -i-l - ' of Jane,-1918, at Three o’clock in tue After- SOMEB.TJLLE HOUSE, Founded IK8. . Retonrtrnct^ 1208. rs liver trachey ndoriL proceed to Contract for thle 11 siial CUMBERLAND G A ftD ^i - ' ELEGTRSOAL |f c urse, all who, produce M . O ^ ^ I supply of . Provisions uml other .\r iclos - tl A SOUND EDUCATION^ At 'A MODERATE COST. bacon themsedves. |ire 1- a.^;! . , ■ ilPPER,' ST;. LEONARDS-ON-3EA. ' ' . ' Speak eo them several Institutions, and te t|ho Out- leserve them in the ordin.|iry PRINCIPAL: MISS JOHNSTONE, Sacevuor to Iri'V O T E : WOSttM-t MHW. neSFONBlrilUTIfS. Itelieif-.Districts, in the following Ti'iv"f cs. Vi/..] . MISS. .CUPyEK'. ‘ llhcy romemb'-r that tl|ey Uana««r: ME. CHABLSS'SAYn^.<'!l TEA DLAtiEB. BUTTKB.Al.VN andind (0 ROCK HIGH. CLA.S3 BOARDING-A?,'D DAY SCHOOL FOR M aintenance of Industrial M aehinefy. |o d '.arg e wlml they plehse thd bniLL 'BJo a , pAsTH^cm, fob- Th rce,Month.s, vi,'’,...lfom (hele IfIs day. Ci|f ‘ ‘ GIRLS. • Minia'tnre RiSe-Range. NEXT FRIDAY, I4th JUNE, at' 7.30. I .Inly, 19]S;i to the .Wth day of Sep*tern be Recent sucAeiftos: 3'C^i8^e Hoepiiarl Scho’.arehips (15 les for marketing. 1 on Modern LinA«. Pre> in ail), 8 London Matiicula(tlons. EWItlB. BAILT at S add 7.4^. jllr.-HARRY SEKET lA th* Obalr—The .Oonnteu RRAS3EY, iiupported 1by 1918, inclusive; BUTGHEB. and MIL'LER fni when deBirrd. Lnrge an4 I : R E P A IR S ' ^ t . I. ■ 1 • • M* Wi aea HMETFrhEitFfie . TTTjrtT^M rirtT . mrrBYke Cchrenient Traiaa~ Yxom and to all AtatfoiiM on the |:pons. [ . MAYORESS, Mm. EBDEN, U k . COl,. TUBBS, the Month lof .Tulv, 1918; for the Hi RK 0,1 Visiting Staff of T«acb«TB. Heatings-AaMcrd Bwdeh “B.K and C.R. Seh^ute ceaMm ite IthOM FAM OUS ' EH T E R T A IR E R S , Min RUTH KENYON, end otbei*. A iHKAR.'sE and al MOTOR C.41!. for TVelv ticbeta at much: reduced ra’tee. Tuition (Feea: Under 13- ells us. how to obtain butter ■ Month.*, from the said 1st day'of July, 1018 *3 13s. 4d.: Over W, £3 fa. Ed’, per f^ m , iccludinc •' ] books,. etati^jneFy, etc. .i - . . i 'We must keep goats. ] A "T h e A®*^TOCi^tSi to ithe'30th day of .Tune. 1919. j ; haven kid will give mdk lebe4.ekets loiloT a . few reservedre Mats (b.) to i be For proepectua apply:—Jfe M OLYNEUX JENKINS, i . -MHwfc" Ptpira ttjd i Woodier, 27, tVbJ e . Printed Forms of 'J’euder, iVdtTCHt ONL\ DAY I SCHOOL f o b ' Gi r l s «nd KIN DEEGAKTEN , Head (hlaeter. each year for two yeara, ■ b METH, . MBtODY' —d’ MDBIC. “ , j I'e-retd, Heettose, liS/1 K i 3 STsl 4, WElJilNGTON SQUARE. 'Ldonvd.: Bnrton'e' |Tiib CAN BL-RECEIVEp, containing fu(l Parti let us hope the lie^ for VeBBlat Fneea m anal. 1 | and S, EreraaelAplace, St. Leon cutars and iConditions of Contract, maj- hi' Head Miftre*v.^aUS3 HELEN BATHGATH, ■ Hou«i M irtreV-aiisi EMlLY L. BATHGATBi wio be at an end. ■mOe e«n be boobed dM lr. H om lU to h XM to 7 s j a . ohtpined from me. and m ust lie du] fillet'; .. .. UNIVERSITY S ^ b U ,, HASTINGS. *5 , sealed, and^sent to' me, addressed yTo the ^ few . Resident BnplU. • ' I latien Cards. Alt—M rr«a and RebeeboUiila at . Bogiilar PrMe.. Cleric to the Guardians,”- and marker Djnisg'^Ec^mAfor Dajr Boarden. PrliicipMi HR.. ALEXANDER MILNE, B.A. ■tliiidtiaiy Kotics. PermkneKi.SUa df Se^ri Fully Qualified .Teacbei*. : ' ' ‘ _terthfed bx -•-- i'- ' O L D M E T i ^ SCRAR IRON, RAGS, BONES, FAT^ in the Northern Mid- B—'R dl Alley.. EzaelleDt Ipitldsc.'. . "Tender for the supply of— ------.T -befort -AwkiHcan WAR T9MC tKA ani: Ope o'olocki on 'Wedriesday, the lOth rday oi • :,.c' .L — RESIDF.NT UNIVERSITY GRAD0.4;TES. u d heard of one or i INDIVIRUAU Prtteretipg for tbA.PmVERSl'iSaSi June, 1918. ’ ■'[ .'o.f „.E. C « t. A rt ■« wero chuckling becau fC Q lC <5# . . ,r. ‘fe.-ry.", '■ <- •; - ■ O L D r u b b e r C T ^ , t y r e s , H O R $ E The-Guardians do riot.bin^.4Iven::&cU’e3^t« fMtur« . ta «x« Irf>Bdo6 getting rations on KW, FIANOFOHTE AND; CLASS' SINGlNG^-Mits TOtce Matiioulatloa SiatallseBs4(^-l^r f S ~ bori--. Hw IpEeNESUAY. J.UTO 19th, from 5 t# A3p P4U., accept-thd loivest.-or -any T«rider,. - (. ' floitoE„,A.R.C.M.,‘,LE.A.SI., ps who had gon* olsewhe SOI,Oi SINGING "AnD:-P1ANOFORTE — Mi*. Tfa)*er. IW»»«d tB4» direct froiJa tVitSdlidW. .ObeuiCiU iJdiarstter. In Aid of St; Monica’s !tfbme for Girls.' By Grder of tho Boftrd, i,- of.iKuI'ftk'a • v > Mxtsmai, Garpedfer's AVoi1t«ibpp, Grmnariitm. Os«a - »ad rds <>btain^ accidentaiy, Covered Ptamonad, etc.,-Ash :«11 rh» wsoh:tote«t» of OLD"*CARPETS, OLD RO PE & TGANVAS,’ etc., ctL Delightful Grounds. Special Attract)on|B. ■ . • ...S. BU.MSTEAD. KLOOU'XION-;Ajt»f jfyiL«eon (nee B. Sterenaon), » rre!l-eaainoed eChodl., Tfc*-plajias Se!& sr* "beautifoTlr because they were jd^le taO A Y . (SATURDAY).} LAST DAY I ok at^mlMion 6d. W ar Tea., 6d. . ~ L.R^A.M. (Gol>rr^^O;ref :— HASTINGS. heir own walls. I adri—j 'A t 3.45,'5;3k ahdi7.4S. . ’ NOT-F.—Persons desirous'of supplying, the tion, w?.th piepamtion for Artiatio. CoramerdaJ/ Cadet Cojpe- nttnebed to tb© RoraLEnsineera. ■ • f ! liiteriuy im^. TH AMERICAN MISSIONARY ! ^OSIET) for laTHiliw ahd Scholarship holder*) oh appli­ • RBCBiVRS a Limited Number of PUPIL9, Boardera fined pretty smartly 11, 'Wellington-square, Ha.stings, cation at th<* Co.leffB. ! y. • and Day Boya. .... • •\ . \ I i - . ' Head Office ..t-^Chapel Street,. BlilpH TO N . and the kter to dodge tile Rstish- "I n ' G od’s G ^ u : T ime.’’ i 6th Junej 1918. V ' Mii^nnimer.:Term b^ihs Mar 2rid.‘ * Prepaiaition * for t-h«., t?Bir«r#itiM» -LoiaU and other LONDON JEWS' SOCIETY, Lutrance Examir^Uo^ \X0-12, TuesdaV,-April 30(h. Public • Examinatfoc^k , • . ways, but it is meah. Feetoxinc the etqiinent MYRTLE GONZALEZ. Wil, (D.V.) be held la' ADDISON'S EOCJm S, IVY BANK, ^6, SPRINGFIELD i ROAD, olsy tlse game in thal— T T H K O F F IC E . BOY'S D IC rajO N A R Y " (No- 2), =T= . , , ST. LEONARDS, , Dering, th a t eoeugh is |p» . "SEASIDE feOMEOS(Ham ank Bndd). " PERILS MARINA, ST. LEONARDS, KATK PARKER, formerly Kate Prbapectiia and lift of tueceasea on s^pUeatioa. Hotels, &c. Money. ad that if some— EfF THE BAKERY,” ‘"WITS AND FITS, and I EXMOWTH HOUSE SCHOOL. SPORTS AND SPASMS ” (all eoiedming oemodiee), and 0,N J une , 1 2 AND"'J • Schwable, of the 'Alexandra Hotel,FOB rilRLS'-AND KINDERGARTEN. PwBaiatorv I in some-others not ge—i ^ Eversfield'- place, St. Lebnards - on - SeS?, ior iio.vrt. * ■ 1 PATHE GAZETTE. COUNTY BOROUGH OF* HASTINGS i EDUCATION HOTEl.a UNDEP. t h e niREOTION OF [helps evesybody—de y o v tOie Sale will be opened on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th in the Coriutr of Sussex', . widon, do EXMOUTH tPl.ACE. HASTINGS. COMMITTEE. ' ! - SIR HENP.Y LUNN (Chairman) SBC NOTICE h e r e b y . Souna (iea*ral Education at moderate iMa. Coarw of rationing system woik EMCTRSDAT:- i at 12 noon by jGlVE; NOTICE that I Inirtnicticn oftnipri«.*i EnB^ali Subject*. Freaeh-(conr ■ FJUdHARD THE BRAZEN ” (Vitagnqdi Drama), and MRS. ANSON, have aseumedi and intend henceforth up an all (wtlopnJ!, Phyjfcar Drill. Claes Hinging, Dri-iteg SCHOOL OF ■ ^ ■ ' Epieode 1-bf tlii occasions and at all times to sign and use and Poiiilius, eto. Rrenaratione for Orford and Oanibrldgs BRASSEY INSTITUTE. h LaSTINGS -AND 8T. LEONARDS. The Beaiufort Finance Co., Ltd« A ^ on THURSDAY, JUNE pth. ^it 13: i^on by Losa.s, CollBgo .o f PreccDtors, Neodlevroik, and Auocl- LATEST AND GREATER SERIAL, be oalled 'and known by the snrnhine of -at.ed Hoard Biama. .. ■ : -Acting H-ad: H. TrckNEH..'1 I . The EnsUsh Biarritz. MRS. W. J. PINCKNEY. | Painting Maater. etc.: E. L . BADHAMi R.B.A. PaVker only iin lieu of 'and substitutio n for , , Principal— SIIH.S HAViIDB.ST. ‘ Mi*>t Perfect C:ini.ri-9 in Great, BriUip. . H as removed its Office to prtvious t»lumn.) T he M ystery S h ip .** my present surname of Schwabe, and that Muaio Mistres^-MR.3. EV E LYN MASON. i^ouis of Sale each day will Be 12-1.30, 0-7.30. such intended change or assumption of name L.R.A.M., L.T.O.L. in cold; weather fsom North nnd -Last.- TRINITY STREET, HASTINQS. ^ssh the kidney. Cut it ^ere .wi!l be a Plant and Vegetablie Slall. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, ■ Ik warm weather open fO ceteris" and Southern is formally dtelarod and evidenced by a Deed ^ Breezes. And is under entirely Nqw^ManagemOlfl. s, leaving in' the fst, but OeBSnnons 2.30 to 10. Beata booked in edvenee. No TlU above Saile, which ia" usually held a t KUehrenau, ■ BRASSEY fNST. AND GEORGE 8TR’L'RKET INST. Poll under.mj.v hand and seal dated tlio 2.5th Headmaster: O. R. FUH NEAUX. M;A.l F.O.S. Rainfail ci-rAulaily iov.-. Ground" tlrie-’? quickly. ■ pieces. Put a layer of foe. 'Phone 903. Albflcy-rood, could not be held there this feax oiT account'; day of Alay,'1918, and which has been cntelled 8lm«hl^^>'.record ab.noniially ,high. • the icasserole, add the of tie illness of Mias .Whytehead. ’l l WINCHESTER HOUSE SCHOOL. Rroepectua from" Braeae. Institnte or 'Trompfi Attention in the.C entral Office of the Supreme Copi't of R H tLIP O. BUSWELIi,, Suifeorb Climate, Scenery, and Historical- Aggoei^ioiie applications ft loans, whetlier he spice and bayleaf, tied Judicature. HIGHllANDS LANE, 'ST. , LEONARDS-ON-SEA. ■ / - - ■ IB, AVellingtonlSQnare. Imu'slm. Pour in stock ho :— igr HABTINGB. ALBA>ijV HOTEL, frorib 10s, 6cU per. day LA.----- than a pint and a-baU. C entral; ' P icture T heatre CENTRAL WESLEYAN CHURCH . In testimony whereof I do hereby .sign and PRINCIPALS: Miss ^GNES BOOTH AND MISS subscribe mytelf of tech my intended future :lCBOMwkLL H O T E ^J rom 7a.—td. 'pei' da|'.: simmer steadily for ahopt (THE HOUSE OF QUi| . LUJAN STRATTON. Apply in epriS ience to the Manaffer. CAMBRIDGE ROAD name. ' ! PRIVATE TUTOR. ATHOLL PAI.ACE HOTEL, PlTl.OCHRY, the'Fin-lte he meat is tender. While HASTINQSd Mo;-1 in; ferotiand. Rato* irom Si. per day; Bmumer, STREET, HAST1NG3.! . DatedI this 7th day of June, 1918. Boardlnis Sehool for pen+lemen’i, Dan^hfera. *, MR. ff. H. BLOMFIELD (rexiaterad uxdei tbe-Order G, T R I X I T Y I a small pudding er sorais C hurch A nniversai^y. in Council, Maruh'Stlx, or facMTea Pupila ttom 12% iwr day. tens over it. Wheu the .to preow^t for tho Unlyowitloi; London Mdtriculatfon, VOKDAY, 10th JUNE, for ihre day*: — KATE PARKER. ALI.AN w Xt KR HOTEL, BRlDGE-QE-ALL.\N, tie ler, lay the sliced potatoes l i . p JU N E 9Ui aiJd 10th. Oxford and Cambridge Localo, Armri N*tV, M e^eal ana Scottirli'^Rivie;,'-.. From Sa./'per day. 0LADY8: HULETTE in a megnij Lceht 5-purb GoM Witness to the Signature other Kxaminntiohs. ClMofle [takoh i n S c l^ la oithor ■AND Itinue the cooking till they THE TOWERS, BATTLE. temp05>ri!y or pcnoanently. Eepecinlly oucceiaful with REV. J. E. HARLOW. U and &36, of Kate p,arker (for- PA LA C E h o t e l , MONTANA-SUP,-StEREE. Nc w la green vegetable of som* : ' \ Rooeter Pho^Ph Principal-^MRS: JUTSON. baekwnNl and delicate* pupfle. Hiehoet < r^reneej. mei'ly Kate Schwabe). ■ BexhiU and noigbbouring town4 vfaitod. Apply: — — open for j Frentui^ .Uon'tS^fScefiler ■ ■■' J , . ■ - _ ' 'I PAW I^BROICEIIS iss b )DY. F. W. c o l e 's , Solicitor, 34. UPPER RARK RDAXL ST. LEONARDS- PM .A C E a n d G R A SD . I'h OTEL . ilE S o .a i j j k s , |ie used; if you like, and M N 4 ' ' MO''NDAY, Social Tea in Cornwallie Gardens, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR: THF. DAUGHTERS-OF . . o n -b e a T 1 m isode of the Trana-Aw Trump Serial, ■ m u r R e n . / - I 4e, Ziondou KoAd, St butter'beans substituted', Pnbl 0 Meotins, 7.30, Ohairman: A . NEWh ]v R, Eaa. Hastings. GENTLEMEN. tton or^ rabbit, are nice ’•T H E RED A Fn’l partidular*. from . the ,MSb3;i£9 T f ^aeb‘ 'Hctql. Speaker: Rev. J. E. HARLOW. Ilhutratod ».-v>blc1.^ fr » oi alU; tb--.,Jii>iel-, .fruui—The ASH .APVAXCES .mad© 'on Uiainoitd ! PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION. P^ofessic^nal. Seo-retary,, 5,.f.l:’,ndeleish .Gardener Loudott, N.W.; and other Jewellery, -Watclies i and IdikntSI—2 large whiting I VKUR8DAY, 13th JUNE and nder of'week;— Be Laura Maria Waters, dflceai Chains, Aiutiqule anti Mcdern Silver Platod 1 pint custnrfi ; 1 lettuce j 8TUD|0 ANP SKETCHING CLASSES. . LO.NDON. ■ Goods, ('/urios, ^tc.. on the following rate»» “T he K ing’s D aughter. NjATIONAL ((jjHUReH L eAGUE Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nc J13 lent jfor oUa shilling per month. < pegetables; 1 tea.spoonful The Hastings and St. Leonards I TVILTON< HOTEL. - te |S. nuaryarine or baermij AdbOtnl from the tamons Novel; ”| THE REGENT'S TWO ADDRESSES will be given by t i i 23rd- Victoria, Chapter 35, intituled m i s s ’ L. MijCMUNJ!? i Ji2(l lent! for ^ive shillings per month.-; ■AUGHTER.'' by ALEXANDRE DUMAS, ftatnrifis RIftV. A. C. DOWNER, D.Q. Ladies' College, . hold* ClaBfleft in Drawing and P ainti^ from the Life. bnpoaite Stalioc, Viitovi.a, and ore nihiute from tarragon vinegar. i I Act to further, amend the Law of Pro()crty UnaoTgionndFKiPCtiic Rxiilw^, giring neuesrs in, a few iSlOO lent forjjjCl per mouth. (Rector of Selham), SANE ROAD end OIIMBEBLAND GARDENS, ST. Prepirea, Siudeata and Toachiri for thol ROYAL fillet the fisb and bakd OEBALD AMES, EDWARO O'NEILL and > I and to relieve Trustees.” LEONARDS-ONdJEA. minutee to al'. vf Lofvefon end .SubiiybV r. MATTHEW'S Church, SilverhiD, 8T; LEON- d r a w i n g SOCIETY'S Examinations, and! condutta 'limn I-nbtce. - Wv**rtjninsrer Or.thcdral, Houses ofTParlia;- till tender. The oven: . JiANET ROSS. Skotchinu ^Classoa in .the nf^ift'hbopxhood toy all gradea cf EVERY ^RTIin.ElDXTRUSTEt) TO OUB J, 'on TUESDAY, JUNE 4tu; and TUH3DAY, iTtr OTIGB ,lij HEREBY GIVEX thalt i^ll :?atron: THE LORD -BISHOP OF CHiCHESTEB. msnt, St: Jame;*’ Ornen nud-Hj-d^^ vPajk; BuMidii;:.* anf land stniall plece.s of fati •■THE NEQLECTCO t^FE ,” JUNE 11, a t'3 p.m.. the Subjects being, jjl3( creditors .and other i>ersous having' Cfiairiuai: ot Council: ■ ' Students. Siiocial Claaeok for Children. Charing Cio». PwC^nt Street, aud Prin<;ipal, Shcyn, one CARE IS INSURED AGAINST AIR RAIDS > Doctrine of the OhuTch legmding th> Holy IB Wr MACKWURTK YOUNG. K.U.3.I.. M.A . J.p ' A pply:— -■ J' penav ‘bus ride. CJlri- 23 imuuteii by. Klv^tric: RaUwayw- - -■ .ANd Ib O-MBARDMKNT. pe slices of fisb. Make ai 1 Epind. of|Pathe'. Great Heart-Iirtereat SeriaL Lundon. 2—A^eratione of our Communion iService— claims or iclemands agaiust the estate of R IN C IPA L : MISS O. E. B ATTV E iFinal Honour 36. CHURCH-ROAD, ST. tEONARDS-ON-SEA. This Hotel h ■ well-apuc-ihrtcd aiid \k«xk'2kaive-tiiadrsed, :ifiS FLEMING, B.A., London iwith London Teachera* Victoria. En Peurion eiay. ^ Tariff on ,MON®Y LENT. Vies, chop boiled carrots' who died on the 12th day of FeiJluary, 1?18, Diploma). Teacher j SUNDAY, JU N E 3tb. - lIISeM. G. MARSHALL; B.A., London. Final Honoar DANCING AND - GRACE*CUI,TUEE. I £10 to £5,090. season these with; and whose Will was proved in the Prin cipal 1 ___ • ' i ■ ADMISSION FREE. [Registry 'of the Probate Division of Hla School History. Oliiesleal, Opeiatie, Fancy and National DanoM. |ial quantities of sliced,! he ublic all inema 6—Oii'Jiestral Selcctiona. m ss WILLIS, Modern Langitaeo Trio*. Girton Oojege, , All the Latest Ball-room Dan Me. ADVANCES mr.d4 at :» low houra*tnpti''fl T ^ n StHElC T P H C 6.30—Musical and Evaiuralioal Service. - Majesty’s High Court of Justice on tht 3th •CambridKe. ^ SchoolA Tiiited. PriTate J,.eeeona erransed at any time. Prpmitfsoiy Nctpes.t-G( all r r ' j ' p c -- oad heains. I.ay the fish i SoUllst: MADaVM SMITH. ;188 A. M. WEATHERUP, Higher CerlifleaU, N.F.U. Chsldreb’e 0’.«ecer.son dr persons ot whose claim; or aiidvie -nuder the entire Anperrisioii .of fha -Priueipal. Afterncon.. Soecisl Class for Babies. A Oanea |practice m s s ALICE NORT-QITV I - h AM. ^fROlil flIOto « 1, 00fl. *1 T he C halice pp R emorse.”^ Tho GoViege ie willing to Taake provi<>no«n for ihe rfe>*p- CJaia lor AduUa every MONDAY- at 8.30. demands lieslia 11 not then have had notice. tlm, loi'-abort periods, of Pupr.a (Day or Boarden^), “ Allandale.'f Cooiiibe Read, Cijoydon. Anyor.e loqaiiiBe T'.fftenirt l-cutia o«n have i____ 'AY, JUNE H th-'* Man, the Master | o|f his nnttblftl owing to the War, to return to their SchocU on a t fair rate cf jiurerut-; aleo BiSa oi Bala I A Brilliant Drama, i in four parts. •^TINY.” I Dated this 3Ist day of May, 1918. the* Coaticenfc. Viaits and armssed. Apply-Xendar’a Local lAcaata-.— i lU A Y , JU L Y 5th—“ Hare wa lived on-earlh ^lore? rho .PrirHpai cp-h «ec. visitors h.r nppointjnent on PIANOFORTE. SINGING, VOICE PROI UCTION, ; MI9SRS. |OOHRN A DAVENPORT dONES AND GLEXISTPGR. ' HARM ONY, EtP, A Y , JU L Y 13th—"T h e Life aft^r Death.i’ Sitnrday,' •Mond«r’ and Tiiwdav, 27tb, JWh and 30th « , -WESTESira ROAD lURSDAY, JUNE 13th;—; MISSION FREE, SILVER COLLECTION. I , " 8, Bink-huiltlings, HastiiVg.s. k .iril, betwoec 2-’ 0 and 4.30 p.ra.: Shipping Npfice Special Coaching for L.'R.A.M.','«AvR*C«M.*.~ wad Aaeo- The Coi'.^ero re-opeha WednofViRy, May 1»L ciirted Boards Fiauia. InTaiiabJy- Succettful.' 1 Solieitdk's for the said Executor. fc.ll p8^iculaT«'can be obtoiued . from;— • H E N R Y G. BAUr.Y, SiercfaTy, 39,' MAGDALEN TER R A C E, ** F ollow the IL. i ■ i ' o' . 1 ’ ST. LTX)NA.RDS-ON-3E.\. F ishermen’s C hurch;. 13. Wairrio:;. Square. 5r^ Iteonard*. v A powerful; dram*, in dvo feaprinc BIBBYLINE, Insariftn^ SERVICES for: SUNDAY. JUNE 0th. ‘ Fixat'CTaaii Tirin Screw M ail S team tra i ME- l^EGIjNAXD E.' GBOTES. 1 RUTH STONEjHOUSl U ,m.—Mattina vrith- Addreea, . - . “ 'rims wtith ,tlic; Lord.” 3.46 .m.—Interucasione for all those engaged in warfare. |Ke Chai*les John Hughes, deceas^ FEBMATN, H01LING(T0N PARK. Fortnightly SMripe.. . ■. j A.ft.C.M , A\E.CiO ^ ^ AND. F U L L PROO r ] /. Tv__ ^'cnef Established l821,-i--?i 6.30 I*.ix3.—Evenaong, Addreas, " Dry B( Eiursuant lo theuA ctbf Parliam ent 22nd and , s t ; l e o n a R d s ^o n -s e a . 'ofgunwt- and Dl3«(^dr.of*liho\Gboi:r cd‘A^^ &aittt«*.CJWi.roh, foilO'rtcd by a shert Mjiwion Service, subject, “ 'Wa yside CEYLON, BURMAR, and SodTHER^ INDIA. . [23rd Victoria,j Chapter 3.5, intituled An- . . Prlnoipol .. MISS PEAT. , HastihE*: C^duetor cf the HortiBSt MadfiSsl Scoirty. Tbier ■«.”< ‘ . I Apply to Bibby BROS, and Coi- 26. Chapel jatweti PROPEtBOR OF MUSIC. • ate Addresses will lie ^^ven by the 'l4»y Reater.' [Act to further amend the Law of Property iRDING and DAY SCHOOL loi Giilx ftom.l to f r» of n«e- Livarpool; or 10 and 11. Mincing Lana, Lendfar,; EiO.8. Bpooifilifit in .Sdostific Vodee Production. * By® meana of GUAROIAN I . Ce n t r a l p a v i l i o n , ;o u C e OS RiSAD Tfie Church and itc Servicea 'are open- to ‘ landjito relieve .Tru.stees.” ai>ecaal ai>paratu%-fmpila »r«i-enabted to hear theixbvclTes (.At E n traac to Roc^eeJios alOUl^). OTICE Is , HEREBY GIVEN thrit“ a ll ■ aiiij?, and oonsi^uently tMt'■ tbetr own ASSUKANCSiiCOsiPANy LrMona are alao 9 iTen'' iu;m1 Pianoforto W allis A rthur’s IeAson. N creditors land other j)eraoiis having WA8TEPAPER, RAa8,| AND SACKS Playing. Harmony C«i^en>pw Elocution, Theory and f ‘ - . ■ T i. N ew T hought C entre a by claims or demands against the estate of re dbarge o l «litldiui vliose lunvnti ar* abroad, Practice of Teaching." >4,0. Mnny - euoees««« gained by SxUBtea;t-> I—,• WAVIiRI.EY HOTEL, HAVELOCK BOA^ CHARLES JOIlH HUGHES, late of 19. East ■ WANTED.' ' ! pupils in tlie BXamimrtipu for tho Ptofossional DiplomaDlpk Paid up fajiM .Lv £ 1 ,000,flioo elsg ClaaMs open to oatatde puslla Friday aftai- of• A.R.C.M., etK.etK.- MARION PUTF (Coiitra’bio). MiAii ETHEId A^ent, and Mercatoria, St. J,eonards->n- BEST PRlcte GIVEN. ' DAli.Y COLLECTIONS. SU'I^DAY.—S^rvioes 11.30, 6.30.- Speeker: H'oPe , : ’■■■ i ' ' BOSEBANK, PlklOJiy^AVENUB^ HASTINGS.^} iroini Assets (injer)... £7.38B,oOo X a!??®** (^mi^>nne). Miw MAujj)E MAYE of Higher Thought Centre, Londew. - MONDAYK.-—L>r. Dr. Sea. in the County of Sussex, biiildler. 'hlldrenCORNWALLIS”HIGH reociTod-for Short Ptilods. SCHOOL. 1 ALLIANCE DISTHCBUTmi} AGENCY,! W’’i-?AROLD HUMPHRIES Boriionej, Mr. o ti.o<-k, rj aORGE GR.OGIE [Cemediain], and Ir. GEORGE MpLiIiIl^'S Clns^ee and Ixx!tnian__'TUE8DA_Y, 3 tleceased, who died on the 27th day of June, FOR GIRLS AND KINDERGARTEN, 49. MIDDLE STREET, HASTINGS. I ThVcOMPANY-tntoBRdts sU the prtiiel. fl ACKMORE (Come^'lai)). and Healing C?a». THURSDAY, 0 o'clock,____, 1917, and whose AV’t’l was provecl m llhe CORNWALLIS GARDENS! HASTINGS. jpialH-'Glasses 1 c£ Itusurancej | ^»«ry Evening at 8. .Afternoon .Oon^eri Leotujre. on ModAra PoetH and Poetr.v. Daily MedlltA'tion HEAD OFFICE: 72,‘ HIG« ST„ SOUTHAMPTON. MISS H. P. ^ ^ i l , F B-e.O. • in Bandstand, 12 i’cm . Healing treatment by appointmvn-t. -i :P^lncipaI Registry of the Probate I)ivis;on| of Pri))e)pali: MISS LK COCQ ond linSS BATES, L.I.A., BRANCHES t’.' Boumeffjouith., Portcnionth, Farehrum, A . fxandm Park, at 3il5. Popi^ar Prioes lu* usual. Hon. AnditiWt! 'Women's 13ic)«r Oembiidfs Orgeoist of d ir e Vale Oe«igie®atioi».--.-r UNDISTBritJTED r WOffiJjg} C astle H otel, of thfi Pafishes therein; and of the accounts the debts, claims and demands nt winch thfy Hcadi MlitTftuf UlSB « . CJIaARK. shall then have had notice: jiand they will WELLINGTONLLINOTON •QUAlnfl. M A r iNOB, fo rjtee .veai' fended the-Slet M arch. 1918,[of AlSDUND QrNrRAi. BOOOATiON ferr Girls from ioi thei ijftrish C-ouncil.s or Parish Meetings, for .noli he liable for. the aaseta of the said 10 tp IS yedra of agCi .with provuion of text M esdames ( J reenawav,! t L i . •t&tiraeiy, and (tokens, nr a lonr .indualve ter, under F a m i l y AND thei Parishee in stich’R'uraL District, and lof dec|sased,.or any part thereof, so distributed BouiH * of Bducatioa’s '-aavif . R e^ uiWPia'dWr tssio n a. >• Bokooi MUNMU4 healthilyUQBKAIiij . coRszrriEHjB.'TXEHJB.' Ij ; . . •- CE ROOMK WmmtQjJB^I any Joint Coiptnittees appointed„iB whole lor to-anv. person or hersons of whose claims or Aituatad, on tramm rout«»route, Ligfit, ■ larte, airy. hi&M-roomi, 403. ROBERTSONreoN. 8Ti^Ea5;ri... SH^EET _ BilLlASp At"^ iraSG-|NG ROOMS. ,demands they shall not th « i have had noticlc. two targe halU. eiaale e Scieuee^Xetborafery. cookery „ LENT STAHUNf AB'AGEi in part 'by such Oonricjii ot Meetings. Ftill rrMOis. three .MphHitpiMit tenme eomte. hockey,liockey. bttkketbaikket ball, iioTOOilr of- Wolluatop PU m ). HOES A N D wOJCT]___ ------A L L commence at the Df)AB/D-BOOM of i ® e r Dinted this 31st: day of May, 1918. | hidflUnton, -«tc. Hot■" lUBi** ' at ;a-*m*ll *ll fh4rg«..;8(,fl auail GOLRINQ wul OVCtilNG “TRAINS. lOOTT POSTER I 0U1AR.DIANS at BATTLE, o p 'W B D N !^ - aradoktM' heldipx ^ Tvieiul# — ...... ■ SmTS, saOULDEE ' DAT,[tbe3rd DATlof JU LY .1918, at U DAVENPORT JONES AND OLENISTFIt., ItJOTHtNO. BTUE ao tm , ASSEMBLY --r 8, BanVbuildings, Hastings.! a g ’- r S - « « S 1 4ETHHR E. BU.I5.1 . SoUeitoxt the said EjAoutore.. Frteseetas. I ^ w waited on ag tbali

I . a : ..





BATTLE AND r d lik e to be w here J coitUL see For all kinds of work I 7 ^ cows both white dnd brown, im p o r t a n t ! And lOiank '^rh for the rhitk they send t.—Prirst. A.. Tieldinif. Koval Tnniskillit|g Puplners: raported missing on August for everlasting wear 16th. ISjl 7; now reportetl killefl. For five vi rs hp was chair attendanf for the For Bi/rd’s Blanc-Maiige, in town. Out R^preeontBtih'? for Batti Hastings Corporafion.1 2.—Ghmner .S. G. MMerccr. R.G.A.; died of wounds in .. #. H. friaaChS, who Wltl ■^R Prance on May 15th. tm ly son of Mr. E. iohd Mr . IVfercer, la te 'o f 82, Beaconsfield- natioa for pnhiirntio:i r.f -tigti*.| The nourishment in milk e multi I on c e in every font road, Hnatings. 3.4-Privato O. Hn.ke. K li.yal.. F' isiliers; .tilled -J>v enemy gas on for ease and comfort lag». et-'.. AD'i pji'pi wi!I peiFoiJ times when used to mt^c: a Bird’s B May 14th, 1918. . Husband of Mr.«. Diikp a5. Sflchester-road, St. te.onards. ■ 7ngaffenD=nTs in ASHHUPNHAx BRIGHTLING, , PUPWASH, 1 “ Niceness and nounshihent,*' says'<^e enthusiastic HURST. DALLINGTON, EWHl Best value and best fitting NETHERFIELD, NTN’FIElI Mother,“just sums up Bird’s BlanC'Maing^ With us |t makes STAPLECROSS, -WK?TFIET.D.| happy misaltimes, and happy children tlmye* • All communif-anane rih';ni/t be All the six deUdouf flaypw of FAMILY ROLL OF HON($UR. db^^s eve^ produced O&e, 1<, F'lareJnoliT, Our rerui-iis sionld not* Tl«it| equally good, and each sete with jusf t w creamylftnnness . I ROBERTSBRIDGE and. SALF POTTER. Robert^bridfre: fori which simply melts away in the moutbi sn f •; HURST GREEN. Nfr. SMTTHI To>-day is the day for LOOK FOR THIS TRADE MARK \ Iwro, to whom Dcti.’'es A SH BU Ri EMPIRE G ------:0 A FATAL ACCIDENT, te record the death of AlfJ tian, a lad of .l.i, -wlioae f8| Pale Farm, Asbbnmb'am, inside ' the Corset because •n 31st May. He died.os ahot wound frusta inerl ou i t g u aran te es you the particulars of the occ'ide [ 1 = Into by tlie Coroner of-the original make and quality (Mr. C. hheppnrd) on SatoJ T ilr. John Bnfge.ss being'jtl wjrr Jury, The evidence shoiye yiiiiiiiiiiB company -with- fits brotherl Will improve your 'vitality a boy named ’Reginald Sind| Ing on Ma.y 13th, and. Alb and help you through the double-barrelled' pin. TJk) to the farm, and When rlosl day’s work. to get over a.' ba.r ’waj-,' t | I which leant toward.s then 1 fnlly loaded and at full coc^ OEPOT FOR the fence Albert laid the Food va lue rels along the bar way.fj JVIAS({:0T ...... [5/11 ehaky. As Albert wa.s get EMPIlRELLA ... ! 6/11 way the gun 'was disc’haij ceased, who was walking FLEXIFORM 7/11 td 33/9 fire, received the charge ij .•BETA” '•DELTA” I-1' While milk is scarce, ta sLe Cocoa •ALPHA” FLE^CURVE 13/11 to37/6 close range, and snstained | Fine *vztia strong fine EMPIRELLA STEELS^ ,,th« boot and clothing belt which is both food ar id d rin k Contil webbing. webbia^ with silk finished SOFLEXI ... 11/9 to 121/9 fltoh. The unfortunate laj half topped, silk finished Egyptian yapi, FLEXISPORT ... ^0/11 fi'rte-yards away at the timi coutil, •videiitly spread but little. 1 -^a fragrant and r d resh in g . 1 ^ gofiered elastic. '■'Si strapping FLEXIOSO...... 8/11 called in. Dr. Burfield anI 4/11 6 /1 1 8/11 Eastbourne, were soon - ini beverage, rich in streng d i-g iv ii^ I MATERNITY & NURSiNO everything possible was do ' 10 /11 , I of the patient, but tetsirns s Portraits sent to thp Editor for this.Fsmily lioll of Honour will be published ALL are RUSTFR03F and of EXCEPTIONAL STRENGTH deceased died as mentioned properties for nerve arid body. in the order in which they ore received. Full particulars must be sent with eiach AND CAN BE WASHED IN THE HqME. FUled f'EN IPIRELLA " STEELS May. The jury, after a fil portrait, 'incliuding the name and address of the 1 sender, the name, ranik, apd , returned a verdict of "accid i ■ . . : • regiment |of each man serving with the Fqrces, ahd the nature of any war work result of a gun shot wound done by any other miejmber of the famil.v. , The ghove group is the 17th in this pathy has been expressed atj Buy the bestJ seriee. The portraits j ,re of the faanilv of Mr, and Mrs. McCarthy, 1. Trafalgar- cottages.' i Tackleway, Hastings. The following is a description, the numbers Mr. Christian has sustaine ’ corresponding with those under the pdrtraits -( 1) and - (2), ■ --Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy]; (3), Pr vate Norman McCarthy, son B.H.Q. Snij^rs’ ’ Section, THE Cadbury,’s Gocoa 7th Bedford Begiimen : B.E.F., Franca-, (4 Leading Stoker Demis McCarthy, son. H.M.S. " Dido' ; ' (5), Neville Me Carthy, son, H.M.S. " Dreadnought BATT] <6>, S.M. Cyril S. Cleverly, ephew, R.F.A. 'AGENTS -'FOR THIS Pj , MAJPJS n r BOUKlfVIZJ.B ^ H o u s e Dodd, T3j High-street; THE TRIBUNAL. Perrins, 1 Colonel P. R. Papillon, J.P., the- Abbey Library. ’ inniiiffiilm D S.Q., Mr. J. Adams. J.P ., Mr. D. M. B rkett,, J.P., and Lieutenant-Colonel REMANDED.—On Tuesdal M0R1| ELDER MEN CALLED. A, S. Sr.tberlahd Harris, J.P., with Mr. 10 Lbndon Rd. Hng of the Kittle Bench. Tl Nuthaniel Lloyd, National ’Service Repro­ leased from Maidstone PrisoJ A '&l|B6TITUTE'i^ CAPACITY se atative. icr a week, bn a. charge ■whi Jj^rles Har^ Crutobelev Hawker, gone -into next Tuesday. The Hasjtings Tribuulal met on -fiMeaday itings Pier Manager, 43, Grade Ij waa HOIiIE A(^AIN.—W e are morningaornine and disposeddisi of ia short list of cases, applirption for medical re-examination, Lieutenant Percy ’Woodban >9 Ltd. including t(everal. in th » u e w a ^ group. ellent being dis^tiaSed with his to Battle for leave, having ' B 8 a , H i O H , Cotmcillolr Dr. G. G. (]lray,'JJ*.. preeided, IJig'-'Certiflcatas were 'produced and cent. It was a v.ei-y fortunat irtAstiMesB and there were also present Bev. T. W. Cook, Lancelot Jowers, in support, said he that the bullet wound he reoe O V E R 4 5 yte.4fis;. Alderman E. A. Hocking, Mr. A. Blackman,! 1 of o]>inion th a t Hawfey was unfit for inch or two higher or the cohd J.P., Mr. jl. Miller, with the Deputy-Clerk, ™flif^T work ip Grade 1. He could not have been much more seriousi I Mr. T. WW)d, and the National Service do laborious work.—-Mr. Hawker said he $ 0 Represeritafjive, Mr. Nathaniel Lloyd, dill not t^ e an.y certificates to the medical R. DODD, 73;- High-stree| gical Instruments and Appliances. exjmination, . but ’after he was passed Newsagent, Stationer. i BEFORE TIME, 1 ■ A record was created hy the Tribunal sit­ Giade 1 he saw a doctor because he knew SPECI.AL MENTION.- iviaktn by Apii^intniin^ th« Royal ting two mjnutes before;time and awaiting fhi^state of his healtli. He told the doctor MOST DISTINCTIVE STOCK IN THE DISTRICT of CORSETS, BLOUSES, iJiNQERlE & HOSIERY. M .C., has been specially meni i Sursical Aid Soclaiy. ' the arrival i-Df Mr. Lloyd, who came on the at Brighton what he suffered from, but the patches for services in Italy. ^ stroke of th!e clock. o^cer told him that it was hie place to tell serving. The Captain, it will 1 him (Hawker) what was the matter with y o u r ! p u r c h a s e EARLY, AS SjTOCK c|NfiOY “ THE CASES. MAKE was for some dime with Mr. him.-—In reply to the Chairman, Hawker before his depar|trtre for Aud OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS, , James Cr^sey, 41, C 3, ip the employ of Mr. REPLACED AT PRESENT BARGAIN PRICES. iVright, contractor, applied for extension of said he hid not consulted a doctor to any BE latter country he was engaged ext^t during the last rtx years, because tice, but at the outbreak of tl AND BELT SPECIALISTS, three mouths’ eiemptioni whic.h, .expired on lie I had bMu very careful ana taken things June 5th.—^Three months’ conditional and to- returned to England and joi^ Xnisi igs of oTory descri^ RUdikiwad fitted. ■fliMctly. ■ He could do useful work, but not Sussex Regiment. iiontinue Ren Cross work. la^rious jwork. Ho was examined at 20 James Hill, 43, Grade L plumber and gas mibutes mst five and not more than two , FRUIT -PRESERVING.- ABDOMINM i litter'to Mr. Charles Kent, builder, was minutes iras spent on him. There was a tion and lecture on the/ . BELTS ipplied for ;b.y the employer, -wao suggested crowd I of some 300 men to be examined fruit and vegetables, whichl I- that the whole of.the plumbers of the new th^n^Ap^llant was represented by Mr. with the closest interest in great ftssenibly, was given by ' III riilitary agej should be tkken together with IRj^D^enport Jones.—The application was TtrESDAT.—Before Mr. J. Macer Wright] (in It ~ variety far a view to adequate co-operation. Instead of the Church Hall on lYedne three plumbers before the war he now had Arthur I Hope Wood, 40, Grade 1, HASTINGS POLICE COURT. the ohalr), Captam CJolvile, Mr. J. J . Bout- After a brief introduction byl every, qne, and instead of employing 16 men he had pli^ber, tepresented by Mr, H. Davenport --- —;Ot...... wood, Councillor J. N. Collins, and Coun­ Currie, Mrs. Dibden explain^ cillor H. Samson. the methods recommended requireman^ four. He oould not carry on his business Joiji^, . fo]' ^ r. W. P. Morgan, was an SATUEDAY.-^Before baptaia Colvile (in the ithiOnt a plumber and bs did not think it apphcatior for permission to be medically chair). Dr. E. R. Mansell, Dr. Kaye Smith, IN CAMERA. Sussex Agricultuial Execiitil p^i'ble to find a substitute because so many re-examined. He was not satisfied with and Dr. Christophereon. The Mn^strates sat in camera in their for bottlii^ fruits and lumbers bad been taken. Mr. E. W. lusl gradintej but if he w«b really Grade 1 room hearing a lunacy case. lecture being particularly "MISLED BY THE PRESS." A ! 'LONG CASE. ahe pointed out' the princiJ ALL ELASTIC; irgan repijesented the parties.—Mr. Lloyd heJwas willing to go.—Grunted. William Bennett, pork butcher, of Gecrge- \yM®°Bi®d the si^estion ias to co-operation Hertwt Apps. 86, Grade 1, plumber, was Florence Ripley wag charged (on remand , failure and lioW they could| a medical lappeal, which was refused. street, was summoned for charging an exMs- on bail) with ah offence against the Defence In view of-the shortage nf d. welcomed Mir. Alorgan to the ranks of sive price for sausage meat and plcadesrt lt“Lehoves everyone to makd opibpferation.j—Mr. Morgan said he was in A rthur Stale.y, 42,, Grade 1, Assurance of ^ e Realm Regulations.—The Town Clerk ARTlipiCIAL. LI S, Company si •Inspector, wpe a National guilty, Mr. H. Davenport Jones appearing (Mr. Percy Jdle) appeared for the proseimtion th e ir produce, dnd tlje easfi favour of o e ^ ^ ra tio n whenever posBible.— on hifl behalf .-.The Town <3lerk\n describ­ H i ^ D 8,| ARMS, LEQS^ ^rWice appeal, which had been adjournec and prisoner was defended by Mr. F. W. tt could be done, ani the Mr. Lloyd |said he did not see how the for an expression of opinion from the ing the facte) explained that when,_ a police Morgan.—O^savoury evidence, was given at Incurred came as a surpri plumjbers could all be brought before the constable’s boy asked for half a pound of present. The ready answq Of latost approvod pattoi^s. Tribunal together because the men were Insurance Commlsstioners. \i,r. Lloyd said oonsiderable length, the cose occupying the he had been asked to make a report and sausage moat defendant said "It js Is. M. Mr Qnlrt throughout the whole day. Eventu­ •nquiries showed that the balled up iniclasse.s. He should be only too he had dofie eo.—l-The Ministry of National pound, the price charged to your mother by ossentially 1 practical, and delighted to have them up in a body if it was ally the case was adjourned till 25th June at ARTIf ICIAL^EYfes. Sertvico w r to th a t the m atter wa* being Mr. King;, and over which she took him to 4 p.m.—In connection with the same case certaiul.v givea ■ -a. stimuli! at all possible. It Was meet important, in .con|3ide'red and the man’ls calling ijp notice Gburt."—Mr. Jones urged that defendant Qeorgo Cleghorn was summoned for suimly- preservation of vegetables and view of the seriousness of things, to get the had been tem porarily adjourned.—'iTie ease waa a highly reepefi^ble tradesfiian who had ing certain medicine to a- jr rtiher of H.M. ■will add materially Jp the I SPECTACLES, PINCE-NI4 E i &c. nien of highjgrajle.—One iionth -for arrange- was adjouined until next sitting, pending been in business foJ(, many yeirts. Hewas Forces-—The To4vn Clerk reviewed the cir- cupboards later on. Mrs. ipents to be piade. a rfeply. misled by the announcement of a new Order cumstaheeg and explained that the object ■was local Secretary of the IN GREAT VARIETY. • John Cruttpnden, 43,-Grade 2, plumber and F^dericlt George Bridger, 42, Grade 2, which appeared in a local evening paper by any information on th e . t M - 1 to make it clear that onl,y qualified m edial sanitary engineer to Messrs. Eldridge and drain layoij, wae a- N ational Service a p p ^ l which it was represented that a maximum men oould act in such cases. He waa will­ readily accorded bv her. Oculists’ Prescriptions accurately livorked. Crutenden,- who only had two plumbers as against esefemption to August 21*t. The of Is. lOd. could 'be charged for sausages con­ ing, in view of all the oiroumstances, to with­ — DENTAL SURGERY.—Mnl against eigh|t before the war and 30 men man was in the employ of Mr. W. Goodwin, taining 67 per cent, of pork. It appeared draw the case.-Mr. Morgan intimated that tonds every aftornortii' at 80I against J40.; There was an abundance of builjder.—Ordered to report on August let. that the newspaper had only inserted a part his client did not admit an offenoe.---Tho In the Military Hospkals where Battle, Or any tinie by appoinl EXPERT FITTERS AND COMWII^ABLE wprli. Cruttbnden was al^ a fireman.—^The Richard Dengate, 39. Grade 2, and W. of a new Order and had om itt^ the impor­ Magistrates agreed to lie withdrawal. eipployers siipported thelclaim and were Da-yies, 4Lj drade 2, fruit salesmen, were TAILS UT> aTRAIGHT.-f PRiyATE fittin g ROOMS. tant proviso at the end. His client had been Mazda Lamps are installed, the ffhe bovs in the treno.he.s are ,! repTfsented p.v Mr. F. W. M°rguJ^-—Mr. badly punished by the war and had lost three T hursday.—^Before the Mayor (Councillor i P. G. Nash, jusf home, from I Crutienden, father of appellant, said it was parts of his former trade.—The Town Clerk W. Perrins), Councillor Dr. Gray, Alder- i patients find their chderful light­ ©hat on IVednesday. /The Si the f rst timb lie had applied but be could ^ _ given Dengati pointed out that the Order quoted applied man H. T. Dighton, Ald,erman B. H. W. | has lieen eight ,vears in flip not lelp thinking that thel Tribunal did not three months as head, of the busines*,—The only to sdusages and not sausage meat. In ing '3. splendid pick-iitte-up. appeal vmb dismissed in the case of Tree. and. Councillor H. Samson. th e .-A.S.r. and ivear.s the fl nndei stand tfie difficulties in carrying on the view of the explanation that defendant was NIGHT. BEIXJRE JOINING UP. ) Inotal I far service, the red of thq busin Bss.—Thi© Chairman said the.v had to Dengate, and Davies was ordered to report misled he would agree to the withdrawal of temptibles ’’ and three 'olu’e. consider the; position noy only here but on July I51;h. Dengate waa reminded that Samuel John Hayward, a young iiiian of ' he murt cai’iy out his volunteer obligations the summons on payment of reasonable respectable appearance, was charged with ' covered with stripes, f.np ahovd abroad.—AppMlant said he had two children costs. ' Before tradesmen increased prices in .badge of hi.= non-com. rank..| th at Trn»ia.|bougbt caanJly and not propariy and'ene son Who had beer unless 7spe(ifically relieved by the local being drunk and disorderly in Saxon-road at ' inoraaawl the tnptnre ;whioh it w u in tm d ^ to in . • He Tribunal. ' the future it would be well for them to apply 9.20 b n the previous evening.—According to ! wound badge is on the lefH had liben in the trenches and back home a t the Food Office.—The Bench decided under addition be is decorated 'uifl wonmled before he was 19 Frederick Banfield. 40, Grade 1, horse Sergeant Ford prisoner'^ was drunk and using | years of age. If feeder and boat winder, in the employ of the circumstances to fine defendant Mis. very bad language in the presence of a num­ ribbon. He says that v.hvn a mo; 11 man with, 50 custd'mers wanted one body was cheerful and o-.nfid| plumber it wAs obvious thz t a, firm with 500 Mr. Garter, was a National Service appeal EXPENSIVE CHEEK. ber pf ladies who were waiting for the tram. ! against exemption until August 21M.—A George Arscott, publican, was summoned 'When told to modify his eloquence prisoner ' Juds, who were bearing 1.he custoipers ami a working radius of 20 miles lettet in ^upiport of Banfield’s services was abusive. Bvpntually he was obliged to example which ’’ the long fac| wantei two.-JThe Chairman: On a propor- for obtaining a second set of meat and food this side, in comparafive eas tionati basis he, would wan'; more than be4ag retained ivUs eent by the Pikher- cards for himself and family. There were take prisoner into custody; his language was follow, .ill the bq.vs have thel that. menls Socigby.—^Adjourned for two months altogether 12 informations.—Defendant most vile. A specimen of the language was S H A W N W IR E Mr. Lloyd; After the war you may have as for al substituteitiiut for the boat winding.—The nnd straight' up." 'When he v| ma,ny plumbers as you can det.—Two months' pleaded guilty.—The Town Clerk explained put in w riting and h-anded up to the Bench. he ivorked for Mr. .1. Hidlarid. i Inspector of Fisheries for the District said the Qirder. under which defendant committed —Prisoner said all he' could ea,y he was ^ECTRIC UM PS coiidiiionaJ, tb continue Fire -Brigade work ho i^gardedl it as essential to liave a very is| .the son ■ of George Xa.shg and eiicused service with thU Volunteers. offences both by obtaining the tickets and by sorry. He was supposed to go into the .Army W< • A n m /l do wHn thoir frtther and sou arp vell-knov good] man for the boat winding.—The retaining them. They were not used but that, morning. He had been to Eastbourne atimulaalnK brlcli'tna**. Stef hen Septimus .Smith, 40, Grade 3, employer said thati if Banfiold went ho respected. 'U'e tru st that information was given the Food Authorities to see his brother, for the last time and ho Sold ty « « BUetriciom, jTonm^ngtn * Stora. Bergeant ''ill be; as suci'cs^ hosier and outfitter, Robcjrtson-street, was shouM give [up the boat winding. It had m et some friends.—The MaS'or administered repres anted by Mr. E. 17. Morgan, and cost him already appearing eight times that defendant exhibited the tickets in his The Brituh Thomsoo-Hetu^ Co., Ltd;, .married'life as he Inis been in. bar and bragged as to the ease with which good adrioe to the prisoner and fined him 5s. toe understand th a t he hope.s to appliel for extension of exemption granted before the Tribunal. A MOTORIST FINED. j 'Works: Rugby.j «o-**- last hiarch.—Three months’ conditional, to Fralhk Lionel Hubbard, 33, Grade 2, they could be obtained. 'When written to dll ring his m onth’s leave. he was cel. families’ homes| stored ajid t was entirely B.B.CJ evidence as to missing ,her boots.—D.S. month. I Mrs. F. Dhnn’s bo.v (.dnta| A.B.C. ■was. "on business i to see a friend, an officer ad., and another hn,\ 12s, 7d, under his management.—Refvscd. Marshall, iHett, Forre.st, Metcalf, Philpot said he saw prisoner at 1 o'clock on in the Flying Corps.” Defendant afterwards ?09ilj itlf* Hoi aee R. 'Walter, 4-3, Grade 2, hoot and Godwin, Bray ■Ravier, Gosling SniMiay at S ^brook Police Station, Hytha, told him he went to the Theatre to boot sea^ts, RECTOR’S SON ' HtlME.- Oil shoe manufucturer’s manager to Messrs., (skip)^ .’...... 4..... 18 , (skip) ...... 13 where she was detained. He, told her the and also admitted he had no Bcence as it had ■’avening the Reetor‘aml Mrs, M ;irf| Froeilian, Hardy and 'Willis, Robertson- W a lk'er, >tum- Turner, Markwiok, charge and she replied "Yea, I took them run out. When told he would be reported H ton had a happy .surpn.se. ss tliell street, was applied for by tlie firm, repre- nieiyl; Cole, L ar­ Werton, Atkins iterause I wanted to go and see my chap. I defeni|lant said: ’’Don’tdo that, Bobby; don’t FIRE ! OFFICE tatn A. jl.. MnrtyipT.fimiugton.l sentet by Mr, H. Davenport Jones and sup­ kin (Skip) 1...... 17 (skip) ...... 21 sold the 'boots for 3s. to my friend but she make; it ton t.hick.’’—Mr. Morgan said that wou.uded in Paleslfiiej and sin.-e hi porter bv Mr. R|. W. Smitb.- D istrict Super­ Norman. Brdme. Ridgway. , Atkin- did not know where I got them from." previous to the war defendant drove his own lias been Iserving in France, rain| intend eiit.—Ordered to join up in six Weeks. R arratt, Ate.ssent son, Smith, Prisoner was wearing the shoes and the motor. , After being abroad two years he wa-s FOUNDED l|li. I' leave. An I employe df thg Hasti igs Tramways (skirt) 13 ^Vbrnham (skip) 24 boots were handed witness by the police.— invslildPd. A few days ago defendant was at The 01d« Insurance O^ffiep ih the W orld. MKMORl.ir, . SERVICE. -On Company, nameep Morris, Grade 3. woe given Prisoner pleaded guilt.y to both charges and his hrtme at Rye. and he came over to Has­ •veninv. tl|ie .“(lith iust., a m.eni.dr| three I nonths’'exemption. 48 58 nad nothing to say.—Inspector Kenward said tings to see an officer. The defendant hired was held-fdr all tlio'm en from tl'i’e.i Isabi Rais, 3-5, Grade ‘2. tibaccohist 'and that On Octolier 8th last prisoner was th* oar ill Bye. and brought a friend with have fallen in tlie iVaij and es,{ cigargite merchant, was renresented by Mr. charged with stealing 12s. 6d., the money of him. ; Defendant liad been out of the country P riv a te J. T. Corke. whi'l diecl in 'll. Davenport JOnes. who deputised for Mr. her mother, and was bound over on proba­ so long that he was quite out of touch -with, Ma.v 2nd from 'voHnds;received’nn F. 'V’l Morgan. The ca«e w as referred to tion for 12 months. Her conduct since had the regulations. Defendant had a good re-’ Be 'vas previously in] the emplovL Hastings by-the Russian Trihii rial in London. When a meal IxBen far frdm satisfactory. She was a single cord, and both his father and mother had for Stranger, fnrmprlv of the I'r.aiiehl leotrioal Eikglqeerlhg Wofpfcs and —Ordered to join in six weekn sterns a lonS wonian and had been living with a Canadian a long time been engaged in war 'work. He The service was cordiicted by (he K ■ Matthew J. Head, 29, Giade 3, house Boldier.---Capt*in Cunnington, Police Cotyl produced the licence defendant held prioir to •nd Airs. J. Corkp journeyed Irora 6 deoorgjxir. etc., was a Naiional Service wa'Y Missionary, said prisoner had been obtained the whr.—The Mayor said the Bench felt that i/y attend the servi ’c. M O TO R ARAGK reviewl He had, been 'made ivailable as a Maddnto an excellent situation but she seemed to have after being away from the<;onntrv so long de­ Cm Bonght and Sold on Cdmxniuion Mechanical Repair* and Complata suHatitkite but there had been difficulties on no desire to live an honest life. She had fendant might have made a mista!ke. He was Ovarhaola o£ Privatdi ind ConUtaerdill Kahiclea- the question of yapabilitV anc it waa asked Toffee been given every chance. She had said that fined 3s. in all. ' she had no intention of going to a home even For. HOME.MAHE Bread.] -TYRES, OIL, GRfeASE,' ELECTRICAL SO NDRIES, that hjs exemption he withdriwn so that he de Luxe mightihe available for service.--The Tribunal if the Magistrates ordered her.—Inspector H AY PE'YER sufferers get prompt relief EconOmicid aad Reliably PETROL, DYNAMO AND M€>TO0^ REPAIRS, considered their deerision privately and said Kenward said that since'the charge had been by uriM " N ostRounb ” Naaal Specific. •iHwn miw Oil* m i j they would withdraw the «xem jtion they had made by Mise Forster she toJLd him that she It allays irritation, stops discharge, and sub­ prteviogsly given arid the man must join .up. handed piisoner 16s. to pay a laundry dues inflammation. A o j oatarrhto ecoiditioi Insuoatoridleoted -tm 'lhe tijnuG Holm. APFEAL C.ASES. bill and she broqght a receipt back but bad of nose or ^throat i^elds to its soothing - in- BORWIGK h i LEONARDS. The, East Sussex Appeal Tribunal met at since admitted that she did not pay th* bill- flnsBoe> . JSrigh'toa Branoh;j-i- BAKINC FOWDEI the Town Hall. [Hastinge, on Wednesday. -i-Tlie Chairman said , prisoner would hare to G il . .. CLINCHER ----- r telephony 9fH2> Mo.jgJ R. Lp Thornton, D.L., J.P ., get her peonliar state of mind altered. She 8. PEIlWFiLcPDfiCE, NOr W STI The Best in the WorlA pr««i444, oupportfid by Oiuocillor W. mnat go to priton for a month road, 8tl:lie«aarda-on-Sta. j[g |d. ££NAXOK, HASTi-NGS AND ST, tEONABDS OBSERVER. SATURDAY, JUNE. 8. 1918. PPEAL TRIBUNAL. F o r I! SKIN TROUB CA SES FEOSI BATTLE AREA. Thf iasl, Sussex .Appeal Tribunal sal at noslind.s on AVecIne&day'. Majoi R. L. Thornton. B.L.. J.Tl., pfe- d IRRITATION siderl, supported by Councillor iV. rkrrtns. Colonel P. P. Papiilon, .T.P., D.P.O., and Mr. i t : USE J. AdaiQp, .T.P., ivith Ata.ior W. \V Oran- I tham , iMational Service Pepresentatitei. I N SHOp2[IME Antiseptic Olntn en t. O FT ..OF O.ATE F A M I N E FUMN URE Alfred James riltveam, IW, Cl. farm hand, *■!< So!(d in Tin,'?,: li/3 each. Post Free, 1/6. Rattle ural. was an employor's application for renr w al.—Major Grantham raist^d an ob- I I 9 jection ha.t tbe application -was out-of date,— The eid rk r>aid that ■whatever hapnentd the man would be decertified next Tuesday —The Owing to the continued depletion in the Stocks of ALL THE SHUBZIMiE PHARMiiiBY (■•hairman said if the man was out of the T ri­ i ; (PrpirietJor, l^EOLD E. SKYEME'), bunal’s hands now he rather doubted w iether materials in connection with the Manufacture of Fiiiiniture, FHONC be won d come info the War .'VgricrItural 12. V^ellingiton 'Place, H astings ho. il3x Committee’s hands.—The. Tribunal dheided that tnev bad no .inrisdiction.—-.Appellant and t h e growing scai:city of skilled labour which vitally said hel approached the IVar Agricultural (,'ommitree, but, had not rpceivpi|l an apswer. necessary for the production of high-class v^ork, rices \of CONFIRM ATION.—On Kimday the d UIiop This wak the onl.v man employe BATTLE AND DISTRICT. of Le-«'e.s visited the Parish C tuich. He of work preached at the morning servict. and held a. COLLECTING MIL new goods are daily increasing Confirmation instead of tlie iisua evening.ser- Eoberl .Barnes, 33, Grade Ij van driver. IMPORTANT NOTICE. vice at 6.30. Evensong wa.s.a . 2.30. ' The Rattl“, vl.'as a National Service appeal against members iff the-ilocal ('bnreh Lad-’ Brigade mption to August 1st.—Mir. Foster, ig wear and Ti'aining Corps, about ,iu in all. and now I farmer. ('hurch Farm, Westfield, th O__b iR-eproGentatiTe for Battle and Diatnnt la M t. styled tbe King's Eo.v.al Rifle. said be bought the pusiuedi t . H. GlBSO.M, Tvho' Hill bft glad to ' racpi.T. i.nfoi- guard of honour at the morning j ago, a.nd he took Barmts -with matioa for puhlicatioa of ndtloes of fOrthoomipg nioet ■service. The lads, who vere atitired .Mr. H ' a'venport Jone.s, for Mr IV. F comfort ISga, I eto., and ho will - lierBonally at r.iid ami ripoit, gan. olii ited that the man li^d don TOgsgstSenfs in ASHBURNHAM, BATTLE, BODBAM, for the fir.st time in kha li uniform. N BRIGHTLING, BURWASH, CATSITELD, CROW- -\fter the. service tli^ kads driving or six .vear.s,' and collepted 3fl! gal­ HURST, DALLINGTON, EWHURST. MOUNTFIELD, lons of inilk a. day from a, nnmlier of farmers. NETHERFTIELD, NINEIELD, 9EDLESCOMBE, were inspected by Lieut.-Colou( 1 A. Suthev jbest fitting 8TARLECROSS, WESTFIELD, and WHATLINGTON. land-H arris, who congralulattd tlieUi op and took it to Ha.stings twice adky. In some AB communit'aTions ahonld be sent to the “ ObseiteT”' their smart appearance, ' apd gave rhem coses he went„4o..■pnt„iio. TUPthe Tannerstanners anaand in ctnersthers reduced Office, 14, Claremont, Hastings, some verv good advice. The church, was picked up at'various points.—,A petition Our readers should note that our Cwnrsrc'udent] f'^r practicall.v full in the evening before; tbe was pre i|er! from Westfield farmers in PLUMME ROBERTSBRIDGE and SALEHURST is Mr. ; W. (Confirmation service commenced. There favour ft the man being retained, a.s they POTTER. Roberts bridge; for ETCmNGHAM and considered lie was dcfug work of national im- HURST GREEN, Mr. SMITH, „NeweE^t, Etollinf- were about fitly eandidates,, including Tour -V. bapo- to whom similar notices for these nllagee shmld from Bunvasli Weald. | poTtanep By the man’s work the farmers ) lADE MARK b* MB*. i I were able to use Ikbour in other Hiiecticlns.— The Largest Complete House Furnishers the district, The Trib.unal alt'erefl the date JuN 1st, and it would be no use pntting| in anpther ASHBXJRNHAM. CROWHIJRS r. applioatiin unless there were mijch stronger FACTORIES, WORKSHOPS & SHOWROOWSS— circumstunces. . | j D SCHOOL GARDENING.-I ast A BATTLE BUTCHER. ! 'A EATAL ACCIDENT.—We rtep-et to ba.ve Education Committee were inforned on Tne;-- James M inchester. 35, Grade j 2, buthber. to record the death of Alfred Titomas Chris­ day that Lieut.-Colonel Papillrn, Catsfield Battle I'rban, was a. National Service review tian, a lad of 15, whois© father Occupies |Red Place. Battle, had offered about 30 rodt of of e.xomp -ion to .Augu,«t 17th.—Alb. H. Daven­ Pale Farm, Ashbumham, which took filace land oppo.site Crowhurst School, at a yearly port Jones represented Air. AVinchester, and 62, Cam bridge |Rd. & S, Roliert^on S t et because on 31st May. Ho died the result of a -gtin rent of Is., for a gardening cbiss. If The sa.id he d d not understand how the man was shot wotind sustainedion 12th Alay, and the land was thoroughly cleared and dug it wdnld called up, because he was a ma|ter, man 'in #1 1 y o u t h e particulars of the accident were enquired be very convenient. The e.stimate for pre- a. one map busine«.s and was not b shoptnan. Into by tlie Coroner of the Rape of Hasting.s paring the ground amounted to .bfi 1 0 s. The It wi'.s admitted that there had been Some -Y id quality (Mr. C. Sheppard) on Sat-Urday at the Farm, offer of Lient.-ColWnel Papillon was aceepted m-isapprenensinn bei'anse the man had or Air. John Burgess being the foreman of the with thanks. It was agreed that the gropnd ally registered as a shopman, hut eventi Jury. The evidence showed that deceased, in should be cleared at a cost not (xceeding d;8 bought his present hiisiness.—Tbe case was HASTI eompany w ith his brother Albert John, a.nd 1 0 s., and that tools, seeds, and munure should remitted to the Battle Local Tribimal for fur- ir vitality a boy named Eeginald .Sinden, were out shoot­ be provided. i ther consideration. ' 1 ing on Alay 12th, and Albert was carrying a (rough the double-barrelled gun. They were returning ' DECERTIFIED. 1 Are offering at prices considerably below the present London Market figi re the Largest Stock they to the farm, and when close to the house haid e t c h i n g h a : Albert Hoad, 21. Grade 1, carter, Glotten- have ever held of to get over a bar way, the upper part (if ham Farnl, Alountfield, was an appeal b.y| HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which includes High-class Be<'room, Diniipg and Drawing which leant towards jthem. The gun w4s emplo,ver.|the father, upon his son heind de­ Room Furniture in all designs, including Sheraton style, “ Jacobean,” “ Queen Anne, liam and Mary fully loaded and at full cock, and to surmount nNI(3UE GATHERING.—T}io nnic)ue certified.—fAppellant said he had three sons gathering reported in onr last issue took a t home, 'and in repl.v to Ma.’or Grantham period,” ‘‘ Elizabethan,*’ &c., among which' will be found the flpllowing |»EPOT FOR the fence Albert laid the gun with the bar- place at the Isle of Thanel, not at Etching- lels along the bar way, which was rathelr I said ; A on, know the -old sa.ving, “ Ijf you Ijave ... 5/11 shaky. As Albert was getting oyer in some ham . a. good man stick to him .”—Alajor ~Jra n th a m : way the gun, was discharged, and the de­ CLEANING CONTRIBETION —The Bast I t would be rather hard on Englafid if et'er.v .A ... 6/11 ceased, who was walking across the line of Sussex Education Committee have decided father kept all his sons at home ■Appellant; *■!< REPRODUCTION JACOBEAN SUITE, PER lELUSTRATfON. IM 7/ri to 33/9 4re, received the chaise in his left foot at that their cleaning contribution for Etching- 1 agree.. Thi.s bully of Europe ha 3 got tb he close range, and sustained a terrible woundj, ham Church of England School.,s rail be jC14 killed.—Two months for substitution. IVE 13/11 to 37/6 the boot and clothing being forced into the per annum from May 1st. i 11/9 to 21/9 flesh. The unfortunate lad was only about AILSSING.—Mrs. Russell, of Bugsell Mills, five yards away at the time, and the charge ha.s not heard from her husband, dorporal; S. HURSir GREEN SESSION >RT ... 10/11 evidently spread but little. Prompt aid was Russell, of the Royal Sus.sex Regiment, since called in. Dr. Burfielered, Womersley Kemp, of The Bungalow, his son, was for some time 'with. Mr. AV. ^ A, .Raper ■is one of the executors. ■before his departure for Australia. In the Mr. Kemp was the managing director if BOYS AT CHURCH. M ATTRESSES are made in purj pwh Local latter country he wa-s dngaged in legal prac­ the Gypsum Alines., Ltd. The will is dated Yh have the largest Slock of BEDSTEADS in tice, hut at the outbreak of the w'ar at once 2 0 th April, 1913, wherein testator hfft; To EM IRE DAY SERVICE. Factory, ensuring absolutely Hygi^nlic stuffing. returned to England aid joined the Royal his wife, .£100, use of furniture, motor car the Southern Counties, Sussex Regiment. ' . i a and effects, etc., at residence for li'e, and We recorpmend the following ; — i [ I PRHIT PRE.SERlvijNa.^A .demonstra­ the income from the residue of his property; SCOUT INS RECTION AVEDN SDAY, Comprising Brass, Black & Brass, Wood Bedsteads 4tt. 6 r 6ft. 3 IV!, ttresses; 42/>. 3ft. x 6fi. 3 Mattrefsses frloin 30/-. tion and lecture on ihe. 'preservation of bis freehold house, 49, Wear Bay, Foil estoiie, fru it and vegetables, w^hich was -followed ak a permanent residence for bis sou, Wil­ Aoung England ” attended a sej-vice iili of all kinds. Speciality: Hospital Beds in Iron with the closest interest by a large liam Cayzer Kemp, with £10, and £1’20 peV connection rvilh the Empire Day, which was Bedsteads and Bedding purchased can be | assembly, was given by Mrs. Dibden at ahnum on death of wife; tile residue of his he?l at the (I'hurch of the Holy Trini-ity. or , also a great variety of Twin Bedsteads. the Church Hall on 'Wednesday afternoon. piroperty he left to his children equally ex­ 'There was a splendid rally, one of whicb iDELIVERED THE SAME DAY. After a brief introductipn by the Hon. Mrs. cept his-son, AVilliam Cayzer. Bastings migjht be justly proud, for tjie boysl Currie, Mrs. Dibdenj explained very clearly future men qt the Empire, yvho iires|onted a As makers our BEDDING is a Special Feature. Bedding Re-made Reasonable! Pricips. the methods recommended by the Ea.st smart and soldierl.v appearance, werb drawn bussex Agricultuj'al I Ekecutive Committee NETHERFIELD from the Stj. Leonards Collegiate' bch-ool for bottlii^ fruits 1 aid vegetables, her t'adet Coiqrs (affiliated to the Jn-d Honm Count lecturp being partibulajrly useful because ties Brigade, pR.F.A.), Church Lads’ Brigade, she ijointed out tl^e principal causes of POSTPONED.—Owing to fencing anl other Cadet.s of Hr. Barnabas’, Bexhill, ! Chri failure and how they feould be remedied. difficulties the Alanagers have postponed the Church, Blacjklands. and ,St. C.ement’s Pla,- In view of the shortage! ef the fruit crop. formation of a gardening class in oon iectiou toons (affiliated t-o King’s Royal RifleyC-yi-ps) It behoves everyone | to I make the most of with Netherfielil Church of England School. 1st Hastings 1 Company E-oys’ Brigade (St their produce, and The- ease with which Alar.v-in-the-C'astle), 2 nd Hasting.s Corapan,y E X T E N D E D PAYM It could be done, and tbe .small expenses Bo.vs’ Brigade (St. Andre-iv’s), and Bo.v .Scents’ Incurred came as a surprise to many .Association, incitiding Ore, Emmanu-'-l, Cen­ present. The ready answers given to ROBERTSBRIDGE. tral. St. Ala itheyy’s, and Calvert Tiviops, enquiries showed that ' the lecturer was Traces of stri-it discipline ,v.-erc Visihio at.all t t h e p u h g h s e r eesentially practical, aid her visit has AIR. POTTER’S APPOINTJIENT.—Mr.! times, and the siglit of these .young l4ds pre­ oun SYSTEM m m m m 'n E F&mEit ® A , certainly given a stimulus to home Wt W. Potter, headmaster of the Salehurst paring to ctefon-d Englaud as their bjrothers - i 'i : V 'Hf preservation Of .vegetables and fruit,, which School, has been appointed a member of the and father.s : re doing was very inslpiring. will add materially to Itbe1 i stores in the District School Attendance Sub-Conlmittee, Officers of the various units were in 'attend­ 1. All Goods are Marked in Plain Figures. I cnpbiwds later dn. Alps. Osborne is the pn the nomination of the East Sussex County: ance w ith Alajpr Alaggs at the head. local Secretary of the '.organisation, and Association of Teachers. | The service was simple .and impressive, be­ 2. We guarantee the Best Value for Pr ce. ivpy information on lie subject will be ing conducted Iby the R-ev. Canon ’F. \\f. Cook leadilv accorded by her. AtEAIORIAL SERVICE.-A memorial ,ser- and the Rev. E.'AV. .A. Topley (Curate/ 'Ihe 3. Goods selected from our Immense Stock saves enormous railway charges for carriage vice for the late Sapper James Juppj R.E .,1 DENTAL SURGERY.4Mr. ■ Holliday ab tine, and appibpriato hymns' "Holy father. whp died of wounds in. France on 16tlji Alay.l 111 Thy. mercy and delivery in addition to probab e damage. tends every afternoon alt 80, High-etreet, ■w-as held in St. Alary’s Church, Saldhurst,; '‘Fight the Good Figlit,” and Battle, Or any time by appointment. "’rbrough the Night of Doubt and Sojrro-vV,” (ilitary where on iSunday. Besides the immediate relatives were sung wit 1 considerable fervour. ‘ 4. Our local reputation (we have completed hundreds of these transactions) must be re>« TAIL.S LFP STRAIGHT.—That is how there were also present the Robertsbridge Girl .An admirab e address was -gT-en b.v Can,on talned, numerous testimonials can be seen testifying to the comp-ete satisiaction giv^n. ..amps are ia^i^Uedt the the boys in the trenches jare, says Sergeant Guides, under Captain Aliss Robinsou, and T. AV. Cook, w ho said'that 'in days before the F. G. Nash, just home from France, in a the. Boy Scouts, niider Patrol Leade ' Alee war they held-- .. their Empird Day services in Snd their cheebul light* chat on Wednesday. The Sergeant, who Dirch. The service commenced yviih the singing of the National Anthem, while P.salm the Alo.vandra^ F ark; some of the bo.vs pre­ |lendid pick-me-up. | has been eight years inithe service,, is in sent that afternoon -were no doubt in. attend- LOOff THESE TERMS: the A.S'.C. and wears tjlie. four chevrons 39, “ I said, I will take heed to my wavs,” anee. but it was pot po.ssible to have it there • inRtal for service, the red of the “ old cons was used instead of the I-*salms for the day. this year, but • b temptibles ’’’ and three blpe. Ip fact he is In .place of the second lesson for th 3 day, he was very.pleased to see so EXAWSPLES Ol^ CUR EXTEUSDED PAYmENTS. covered with .stripes, for above these is the pa.i-t of the 4th chapter, 1 st Epistle toi Tlies- many in the church that, afterunon, and badge of bis non-com. rank, and a gold salonians. w-as read by’ Air. H. Carter, and he wished to congratulate all tliose in.stru- wound badge is on the left sleeve. In instead of the usual prayers for Alatilis the mental in bri iging logeUicr. .such a goodly additi-on he is decorated with the Alons part of the Burial Service commenciu I company to kc)eu aliv--’ the'sp-irit. Continu­ £50—One Y e ar. £100^^—Two Years. £200—Three; Years. ribbon. He says that w len he, left ever.v- heard a A'oice from heaven ” was said ’The ing he said tha|t he and Major Alaggs bad de­ £ s. d. body was cheerful and ejonfl'dent, and the special hymns -were " Jesu, Lover ij)f m.v cided that there was onl.y one lesson for that j.- ^ £ s. Jads, who were bearing the brunt, set an Soul,” ‘‘ O God of Love, O King of P eace,” da.v'ami that; was Knhesiaiis iv,. the one -I-* Goods Selected at CSSh Pr.C6S Goods Selected at Crslt Prices .. 100 0 0 Goods Selcjcted at Gash PricBS .. 2C0 0 ' example which the long faced crowd on and For all the .saints who from their wliich had becA so adm irably -read b.y- Major Deposit of one-tenth .. .. 10 0 0 Deposit of pnertenth ..^ .. 20 0 this side, in comparafivejease. might well labours rest,” Aliss G. Wenban being ht the Alaggs. ,ond I he wished to speak on Deposit of one-tenth DBAWNWIBE follow. All the boys havk their tails up— organ. The Rev. C. E. Ward Ct'icar) one or two little passages fr.'iui that chapter, and sttaight up.” W’^hen |he was in Battle preacorealdied a capital discourse from the 42nd which was a mlan’s message t-o men, orltho- Balance Balance 90 0 0 Balance 180 0 he worked for Mr. .1. Holland, butcher, and Psal'pn, 2nd verse. "Al.y son] thirsteth foil- God, who were to be men. The parts he wished to ►1“ 0 / :TR1C iAM PS is .the eon of George Nash, and . both for the living God.’’ point ont were "Walk worthy of the voca­ Add Interest at Add Interest at 2|% for 2 years 4 10 0 Add Interest at 2i% for 3 years ,13 10 ttU do wHh Moir f-ather and son are welKllnown and much tion wherewith ye are e.-illud,’’ "U nto a per- fei't maii,’’ anil “Memlwrs one of another.’’ respected. We trust that Hie gallant 36 Monthlif Payments o f . ■i.drwM StorM. Sergeant will be as siiccessful in his Rearing all three in mind they would re­ 12 Monthly Payments of 24 Monthly Payments of SALEHURST. >1 ^ -£ 5 7 6 each I Thoauen-Hoiuten Co.. Ltd., married life, as he has been in the field, for verse their ordf r. Being a. ’’'uieniher’’ njeant £3 16 10 each £46 2 0 £3 18 9 each — £94 10 0 £193 10 0 W o rk * : Rugby. «».•*. we understand that he luip^a to get married jh-’ing a "luirt df.” and they were al! happy du ring his month’s leave. ,| OPITUAKA'. — Another of Ihe familiar ;that atternoon because all the different i GU-ARDIANb.—At the -meeting of the face.sl has. passed away in the death of'Mr -■parts’’ hml mpt. and they could get along —LARGER OR SMALLER AMOUNTS PAYABLE IN PROPORTION TO THE ABOVE.— Ilf P Ba ttlc Guardians on FMclov a ver.v sympa-, •lospph I'lan.soii, who was buried in the same [SO much better as ."hole, iho.v were "ipem- 'Wietdc reference wa.s made to the loss the i grave ,us his wife on Thursday. The doce.or-od h ers’0110 of amjith Ijovs grow in f up This is absolutely the fairest system ever announced for the purchase of furniture on extended terms. All goot)s ire mdfked -Board bad sustained b.v thb-death of Mr. .1.1 worked on the Park Farm for the Udy Air. ■‘untM a peiiert itnan.” d'hey juiprht say it) wa.s ' I I I n Thomas., Air. ( ’. J. Honise-tt (Chairmaui snid j R. Hi. Bur,ge-M foi' iiian.v ye.yr^, but s u e hi.-' (liarrl to he pert'ccl. true, and that was why in plain figures at cash prices. You only pay 2^% on the balance after the deposit is paid. i ! ', 1 th a t the intim ation of Air. ’.Ifhomas’ death did! yvifp’t death has re.si-Ied with hi^ dai-ghter they were do it. '.riiey'wyro inemhei's .iiBlot reiach him in time lo commnuii-Hle.- al Sti. L'-onards, where hi.- derai-e u'curred ;of a whole, and they must, help pach at I he age of 81. Hither aitrl-d‘> ti»eir best to “ walk worthjy of inquiries Welcomed for any amount from £10 to £1,000, expert advice given on financial matters free! of charge. 1 tiS-II . fc with the members of the Board, who he fcU. (lie vf)cati<»n wnevewitl; ye,arc <-atled.’' ^.I'hcy isiired would have wislicdl to be present io WEDIlING. A )H‘Gtt,v wedding wero called as ihembcrs of a great Kinpiro to ia.y their last tribute of respect to a. member solemnised at St. Mary’s Church on ffatui day between Henr.v, second son of Air.Air and do Micir best, .(nst/ovor the water men, who dio h,itd been so closely ass(*ialed with them h little while a-if) were hoys like, thorn, were ►S' I,' F o o d Ifor more than 2fl yea.rs. He was a, very Airs. iPantr.v. of Garretts’ Cottage, Saleliurst, fining what pcrljaps only B ritishers cn'nhl do. PLUMMER RODDIS Ltd. will be pleased to give every! assistance or inforniation with regard to •alu'ed cofllleague. a keen, fighter, hut always and Elizabeth...... -Amy, eldest.... daughter ■ 0 : Air. i»ud tho boys gjt home ninst Iw worthy of rupu-ldusl.v fair. In his | tim e hei , had and Airs. F. Daniels, of Post Office-ter ra ce.‘ '■'iv I n f a n t s .! 'Phe bride, wlvp was given away by her f Ihoso men out (there wh-o were doing and ught many battles in th,alt' room, but the tber. t m w i.eli tbe men were fighting, 'J *od afiiing chSdren, ftod In the cohoil in the house, 'riiey’were r ery s,-)rrv Ivimnied with Ha.xc blue libiyon and flouer and that was tl e Army of Christ, and l:h-ey ideecl to lose Al!-. Thomas, whq had endeared She ,'iirricd a pretty bonruiet of flievers an f’onld not he p«V:rfect men unle.'S fliey also A n t i q u e o r S e c o n d -H a n d F imself to them all, and hei pmverl a vole wore a gold broocli.,lhe gift of the 1 i id tonght for 1.1 ill) rUev rauid all trv to he > ty Chemitt, ete-,mrti»h*n. condolence with the family. Air. W. I’, groom.. She was alfenderl b.r four bi h»Tie t. for thi e was no''failure only the I e TD. . Otttr Wodn.KuekwttfJbg. iller. who wa.s absent on jsu'hpiena, wrote mauls, Miss Fmily Daniels (sister of failure to try. f tlif»y rejifemhered the pa.-.- express his sympathy, and the Rev. Leale brideV, Alis.- .Alice Pantry (sister of the hi' sages they had learnt Ui’tf afternoon and The Largest Removal Contractors & Furniture Warehousemen in the South of i^ngls^d. Iso desired to be a.'^socitated wft-it the groom', Aliss I’thcl Daniels (si.-ter of tiried to du Ihuiif' tilings iben hbii[5ire Da.r, airman’s remarks. He ! had. noticed brideV, and Aliss Mdith Rovis (-’ousii jOlS, would nr>l ba.ve ujeant notbin-g t(» them. e great care th at Mr. 'Thotfia.s always t.iok bride'. The two first-named wore altind in ' The BU’SMng; and the siiming of the ^he ail |Suptrfluoai Hair. avoid -any Injustice licirig done, to amy j pale giey skirt ind wliito voile bloin^es ^National .Nnih/uu rorKlud»^d th» serviee, and Purchasers for Cash of Good Sound Second-|hand Furnitur we hav0 alw^s pne, a.ud in the n;any yearslho had know n hats tci match, • li-ile tile l\vo last-named the h’v s inari luyl awav Irom tlie ehuri’li to Kim he never him litter an unkind. younger ones wore attired in, white kho mu'-ii' of tlio’r vannns hands_ a Choice an.d Extensive Selection of i all Classes of >ME ^EBATMENT- ' Bam* ^ord. The vote was pa.s.sed j vvilh the mcm- brnidered miislin dresses Avitli ])alo All. .ins. All four A\ore {?old hroorhes. the IfctJ-'n was tak u| I' r ll'*' S». Jo h n ’s and T^Cil Furniture at reasonable prices. |NT, llONDON. 92, NEW nB’ tlip l>rirlo}:,'rooin. ATr. Albert H <: ross Hosiuials. : , W. ! (Oiford.«treat End), yoiisin iif tbe bridepi'onm. noted as best r rd S782. Eemova Snpor. BURWASU. "rile f'oli'emony wax performed by the itev the Department will repay customers who are ptendin^ to Furnish p-tablyj in yonj otth home. Wnlrd ic:n ). A reception was hold at. 1 XSPE< TU hSi nv Til B COi: NTY the res|iden<’e <.i tlm bride's parent; COMkllSSItfNBK. ft VISIT T9 INSPECT or add to thrir present homes. — ------r t ' I iSOLDIEPS’ TOBA(X'0 FUr-'ID. -In aid of iric<|l Notice tpe above fund exact l.v £ 5 waLs'erdlected last Tin AN’edne.sila.'- eveningjDhp < o.iint.v Coui- 1 1 1 ^ fflonth. Mrs. F. Dann’s box contained £4 7s. nlissiouer of tim Boy Scouts’ .-1 sboiuition SECOND - HAND FURNITURE can also be purchased on our '■.M., and another box 12s. 7d. : WESTFIELD.’ (-Ijlti.ioi-General H. B. ,reffrey?,'(“'.B.l, met the ■* li’ ’tj ill' ^e^v*0f ilj» IRECTriR-S So n TIoM E,:-bn 'I’liesdav Sco'itmastei'.--, ATi|stresses, anil Sc-rmt.s of the «tfening t!ip Reefor and Mrs. Allattyii-Linmng- local .’issociaHon In the Coruuallis Garden. EXTENDED PAYMENT SY^EM. I ' i I ton had a happy surprise, as their .son, Ca])- WES'h- ILl.D HUl.mEH'H RECORD i-ri- .Aboul'PI) bin.s draivii from Ore, t mitral, Ht. ale If. Hovwiird, of the h’nval Si: Ti FIRE OFFICE tain A. jg x\ on was j rnoht. w AflaUhmv’.s, iKillington, (’alvei-l., and Battle i W^unded'in Pa]o>Unf'. and hi hose home is at Moor View. ^\’estfi TtcKips were, present, under the control of id s'b ee n serving m Fraiice, i-duip i,onu,recovery ■ ^^^d wh-i is an o'd bov of the parochial sch till© .'(.ssi.stant D istrict t'omniissioner (Rpjv. 'J. jNDEi mo. leijive. (ot whic iM r. r;. W .T i -iraa.' IS bead masff BJ Dr.abl'le) and the recpntlv apj-iointed' Dis­ has iia a , lonv I'ocor.! of wa,.* e.xporienf trict (’oininissioiipi' (Mr. R. .1. E-bden, .I.P.i, trance Office in tiie World. ■MEAIORIAE SLRVICE. -On 'I'hiir.wlav u h c- \\ jifieiudc iliet lie .fuHiiw^ing.full'.iw^ing ;;--Lamlocl - -Lamlod lin and the <'liairma-n of the .■Issociation (Mr. Bvpning. the .30th iinst.. a inebtorial servic.-i I ’lonrp bn the l'?ili .^ugn?t. 1014. 'I- In .A., D. Thcupei, wore nl.so amongst those •J' wi)s held for all the men ffroni the pjan.sh wlio sorv-'* tod.ho Mat;*,*, of M’lUs. <2) <')n t he gri^al have fallen in the IVar. and T.-jsperially for present. r''tr('Ot.: lO, r.night m tlie Battle (.1 Ma.iie, The oonipan.i- presente<| a very sm art Pnivatf J.. T. Corke. -.vho diedjiij hospital on lOHi ScptinihfF, 101*. /f Fought iJi tb Atd.V 2nd from wound.s receivcdion .April 29th. ’ I .npjie.T’ani'o and tile <'oininIs.scner inspected Battle |dy \isrr’. .. .1/. . JHlh -• I M SeptSopIemii'-r. eiij t) 1011. ' ■ encii troop, examining tho varion's h.ydges PLUMMER RODDIS Hi| was jirevioipslv in the emiilbv of Air J Voimht in.the Iholtie of Vpjes. Fought ■ Bt| anger, fonueri.v of the Vi'anchise f’ann. thn ibihl|le riek.-t acks. Quin,-by, 2Bt Jan ' : .and a.skin.g qin'etions. and then gavo ,a general Tfje .service TravS conducted by Kecfoi*. Mr. ary. Ihby. <7) l-r>ught m the Bntdo of l»,ic talk f-o the (>ovs; telling them ti, keep up the 9nd Mrs. J. Corke journeyed litota rdnthm rit ■ i spiiril of the Association and work hard for hour-.?e, ftfh May. 10i:>. (k) Tn r-'serve \ > ti: thejir badges. It wa.s pointed out to the-boys The nestings. Si. Leonards and District Furnishers, tolattend the perrire.'-r i ' Hattie rd’ Nsua-p (■hap})pl!. (0 ) Bought in t he .Battle of ,1/ios. I'ot]) Sen.tembi'i’, lOhh Mnd . i that in tlm alvscnce of thoir .Scoutnia.sfer.s ceivod ga.s. MOj I'nngh; m t h ‘^ Tbitt.:o they must, pull together until the war was Dnublo (. rr-sseriE-.. (1 1 ) Went all tlirougii 1 (Be over, when they hoped tlioiv Scontmastors For HOME-MABE ^reiicl, Somme including il2) Battle of Ki^gh WooFl^illlll»F:lll||^li^;ll|i4llllllll>i^lllll>^KII^Ii^l^llllllll►Fl^ll^iil>&lll^ll>^ SEEL B5’ h e whole of the FURNITURE AND ' I ■! ojllCULTURAL WORK OF ALLljKINDS ing-lijiuse.; I.ct on repairing lease to Messr.s rotting earcass->*s of men and animals; I F h XBIS oy THB Mootr. A I ( 'TIGN at ail early! diate nu (he piemisi llVFErTS on the above Premises, and in a good many instances are not very pro­ three quarters -of Belgium- will be SPECIALISED IN. I Compton and Son. drapers. as above. T nounced at first. Y’oii may think that ,vou Jupe 8th, 10.3 p.m.-j-Nsw MOon. .5S,',YOftll\IAN RO.A.D. Shop and House, lei al., (ia, a^d 7. ISIERCATORIA, Workshopf H EFFECTS, remojved foi-’convc Rooni:^. lUid E.xcellenl Office.s, over half an tion of fulness after only a moderate repast— old men, a few helpless ciiildren, a few I'lHE ATTK.\CT1VE FREEHOL PRO- Sale. I acre of < arden. well-meaning nowH'aper editors, a deso-iato Ju ly 1st, 8.43 a.m.-TuAST Quarteb. aud T. H o j Hwcllinjj^-lioubGs, lot ou "wookly an occasional sick headache—an niiacoount- July 8th. 8.22 a.m.—NfW Moon. ' PERTY known as tenancies. ' !■ ull particulars in future [lapers. .\ m ( lo icer'.s .' Offices, 11, Havelock-ioad, able feeling of depre.ssion and an unusual womanhood! F. W. PET HICK EAYY'- .-Aiictioii ami Estal,. Offices ; 38, Havelock- Ha,still" RENC.B, 11, Old Square, Lincoln’s .Lnn, July 16th, 6.2,’) a.m.--!PrRST Qitarteh “ SEMPSTU.VD,” I in, CHApKT, PARK ROAD, eapilal Resi- readiness to be Ixired or to brcoine'.irritated. J uly 23rd, 8.A) p.m.^fluM , Moon. deiioe. at ipreseiit in tlie occupation of the marl, Hjaating.-^, ami Cli ve Vale You know that you are not quite well—not W.C. 2, June ilh[ 1918. wilaiate at Kwhurst -on ilie voy,| f7-oinl Crip]is War Department, and suitable for conversion up to your normal standard of vigorous In th.is lelter the Pacifist, eaudidate makes July 30th, 1,14 p.m.;-]li/AST Quartbb. Cfir^er to Ewhurst Grocn ;\nd Northiiji n, and into Flats.! FRANK SNOESMITH & CO. health—but you do not trouble much about another appeal to sentiment, lioping to catch elose to the latter village, ronipritl' ng an votes hy the use of .such phrases as ’‘helpless .Also a Pair of I.easehold Semi-detached i Y'a rd a t rear of it. N-ow this is not at all prudent. Nature yVo MEN’S P.S.a -[-To-morrow (SundarY Ittractiv.? Old ^Knrmhou.se, live C ttages, Houses, .H? and .57, KENILWORTH ROAD, (BRANK SHOESMITH)/ is sending out her first “signals of distress.” children” and “desolate womanhood.” He ftliple Farm Buildings, and 2t>fi acres ' roods SELSEY MOUSE, No. 212, BATTLE omits to state that German.y will not agree uft[*rnoon Miss Tui|-i[qr, .an officer from tn« let on ((Uarlerly tenancies (one arranged in UCTpIONEER, HOUSE AND ESTATE She is giving you warning. She is bringing 'Quarters, will give an S9 poles of . Arable, Pasture and Wo dland, H ats). I ROAD, HUJ UNGTON. AGENTS. to your notice the fact that from some reason to any peace by negotiation which does not IWAicli > leavif her in imdisputcfl control of thederri- adcLcss. M r. YY’atsop will preside. Yliss B. Ala.v he viewed with the permission of the MR. F. TANTON 17, h Av ELOCK r o a d , HASTINGS, the stomach is feeling, the strain of life. Do E. Eagles was the $ akcr last Sunda.y, and lenants. j and not therefore neglect these early indicafiious tones she has ororrun and the people she lias Misls 3 yler sang ” R^s gnation. MR. WALTER PARKs| Darticul'ars of Alessrs. Chaliuder, Hering- Has bebn favoured wit instructions b.v Mr. of digestive trouble. If you do, the symptoms enslaved ip Europe, particularly in Kiissia. received instructions from Ibe Owner to toD ami Peai'fh, Srdiritors, 84, Cambridge- VV’. Ashdown, who has joined the R.A.V., to 2, BOLT-ON CHAMBERS, EASTBOURNE, will probably become worse until the point of and that if she -;s permitted to retain this 8'!’. YIARY Yl.i ADALEN SCHOOL.— BY .UK'TION at the GEIORGE road, Ha.stiing.s; mid of the Auctioneers and SEIJ. BY AUC’VIO.N, on WEDNESDAY and and Agencies. positive and perhaps serious illness is control she. will be in a position to prejiare Jock YY’hite. a p-u of this school, has 1)TEL, ROBERTSBRIDGE. on MOi>DAY, Estate •Agents, 18, Alarina, SI. Leonards-on- 'I'HURHD.AY. JU N E l:!th and 13tli, a t One reached. A simple, yet sound, common Sense lor anotlier and more hellish war wilhiii a received not ificaliou that he lia.- parsed TY 1st, 10IS. a t 3 in the afternoon.] Sea. o clock each day, the FRANK SHOESMITH AND Co. possess precaution in such circumstances is to invest short period, a war in which she will make tji.e' Bo.y .Artificer.si Examinafion. 'Six j’artioulars and Condition.s of Sale ran be special facilities for disposing of all kinds in a box of Beecham’s Pills and take them in quite certain of .securing the world dominion hundred niark.s seenhed a Pass and White TOck-IN-TRADE a Builder and Con- of proper^. obtained 770. There! were 1.170 candidates. febfained of Messrs. Phillips and Chessman. SALE TUESDAY' NEXT. •Irbclor. I’lant i M aterials compri.s- accordance with the directions. Beecham’s at which she now aims, it is wlien tccrman.v Havelock-rnad, Hasting and Pills are a sovereign remedy for ailments due gains this power, and not lietore, that Mr. TTIE Yl A l(R I A tii; jajrauged between Cap­ IlSILVERHIEL. ST. LEONARDS^ Sing; Biiass fonndry, l-)ck.s, 11 tons nails, FOR jiALE BY PRIYCYTE TREATY. tionoer’s tjffices, 51, Havcloc|lj,-road, Nettlefqld crews, sleo-iu jiipe, lead pipe. to derangement of the digestive system. .l,aw rence's picture of desolation and suffering tain Bryan O’Donnelj iiud Miss Jo.vce Irvin* T(V FURNITURE IVAREHOUSEMEN P. H. I'llis, deceased. ■When the stomach sends out " signals of dis- will he realised. In other words it Is not Gower Crawford wfUi not take jdaoe on I ■ AND OTHERS. sheet lead, glass paper, door board, matcli- ing, (jiiartering, batten, moulding, scaffold WING to the exigencies of Ylilitarv Ser­ tress.” when you feel the least bit “below through military defeat of tho Germans that account of religioiii? iliifrerences. poles, boards, cords, ladders,) tre.stle.s, tim ber par,” take this gloomy prophecy is to be fulfilled, but HOLLINGTO.N P, S;A. - Mr. Semple was I DAWSON & HARDEN O vice. the Capital FREEHOLD BUSI­ by adopting .Mr. Pethick Lawrence’s own idea 5RCT WOODH.A.MS, F.S.I., F.A .I., Are n.structed to SELL BY AUCTION, at trolley, [hand truck, rainwater goods, drain NESS PREMISES knowti as 325a. BATTLE file speaker aud sol list at the Hollihgtoa pipes, glazed'.sink and channelling, carpen- ROAD. IIOLLINGTON, together with the ot negotiat'.ng Wiith the enemy before its mili- YVesIeyan P.8..A. on Sunday. He renrlered the CASTLE HOTEL, HASTINGS, on tery power is dcstro.vi»d. Ylr. Lawrence and JU N E 11th. at 4 p.m., iter’s benches, portable shed With span roof, genuine Coal and Corn Business carried on in “ The, Olor.v Song,” Ih ■ audience heartily join- ^M ES WOODHAMS & $0N, oiigh timber, grindstoi!C tools, dr.v colours, the .same premises, are for Sale, a bargain. his supporters pose as the friends of pea<’«. iiig in the chorus. Ur. Marehant presided. Established 1860. ' S riEUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY oloni's jin oils, varnish, boiled oil, ziuc, Splendid opportuiiite for an energetic man The.v are' really the advocates of a cnirse' To-morrow (Sunday) the Chairman will he jin Y'ORK ROAD.- close to Tramway- BEECHAM’S which, if followed, must lead lo a. greater I laint, kasbos, doors, quantity plain sheet or a discharged soldier. Mr. H. Riggs, til leaker Mrs. Hoad, and UCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, Depot. comprising Workshops, Stores, lass, Hartley’s patent and plate glass, For full particulars apply Frank Shoesmith war, ill whioh Germany will have a far bet­ the reciter Yliss Hoar. LAND AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Stablilng, and Yard. Vacant possession on uttev. z-ed and white lead, incandescent and Co.. Auctioneers and E state Agents, 17, ter chance ot winning'tlian she has at pre­ UNIQUE INCIDENT.— An exceedingly compljetion. antics,; old iron, rough timber, and other Havelockiroad, Hastings, sent. .-Ys to what will happen then, have not rare occurrence is related. Yliss Ellen Pears* 27, HIGH STREET, BATTLE Pariicnlars of Sale from I. E. Mannington, ifseful items, mahogan.| chests of drawers, Hie Germans themselves already explained? No. 37 Battle. ‘ i PILLS (a cousin of ihe wife! of our townsman. Mr. Ivsq., 'Chartered Accountant, Hastingrs; and iron French bedstead, deal and mahogany They have made it quite clear that if I hey Prepared only by Herbert Blackman hr daiighter of Mr. Edward of thb Auctioneers, St. Leonards'. embroke table.s, new “Duck” gas cooker, ROMNEY MARSH AND EAST KENT. are allowed to reta'u their military power Turner Pearse, farmer, of East Cornwall, b a t t l e O.A.TTLE AUCTION MARI :e t . itc. I such econ-omic difficulties as pictured by Mr. By Direction of the Right ' Hon. Lord THOMAS BEECHAYI, St. Helens. Lane. has just been raarrieil ion her^■r tatfather’s 103rd (MONDAY JU N E 10th, 1918.' JIO:|THCOMING FURNITURE SALES Gn View Day Prior to and Morning of Sale. Uethick Eaw-rencp will not prevent thorn pre­ birthday. On ihe oecji lion of his lOOtli birth- Catalogues of the Auctioneers, 16, Grand- Irahour ne Sold everywhere paring for anolher war which they, i.h brutal j MESSRS. JAMES da.v Ylr. Pear.se reeeiv i a. letter of eongratu- DAWSON & HARDEN lilarade, St. Leonards. Tel. 709. UPWARDS OF in boxes, labelled Is. 3d. and 3s. Od. language, declare they intond to do..with the lation from Ihe. King .[ hoping th at the riw I WOODHAMS & SON ACRES. BEING OU'TLYING defeat of Great Britain as the ultimate aim. mainder of his life ,51■jight] be blessed with THU r Is DAY, j Wn E 13th.—42a, MARINA, Bjj- Ordet of the Owner. PORTIONS OF THE And they add that once (his aims -;s ga,'ned peace and happiness. i t by jorder of Executors. 2138 they will deal with the population of this "ITS TILL HOLD THEIR NEXT |tflURT- HE MODERN WELL-BUILT HOUSE, MERSHAM HATCH ESTATE, including .Y YI.YRRI.AGE has luen arranged, and will y y i n i g h t l y MARKET nu 'Lo i^bnvo MONDAY, JUNE 17th.--'-ELLESMERE,” with STABLES and COACH-HOUSE, RICH FA TTING MARSH LAND. We have been Business Building country in a manner which will move than TEA SEDEESCOMBE ROAD SOUTH, by justify Ylr. Petliick Lawrence's gloomy pic- take place in .August [between Mr. Georg* whio.h -will include (lie u'-ual .supply oi: kfiown as 19, PERTH ROAD, STEVERHIEL. A. E. P. Hammond Ltherton, solicitor, the Town ordler of Executors, having let the house. . LEONARDS-ON-SEA, will be SOLD BY’ In the Parishes of BEOOK- for man.y years; building on a solid foun­ tinre of “rotting carcases, bankrupt civilisa­ DAISR-Y COAVS AND HEIFERS, THURSDADAY, ,i Un E 20th. 15, BRITTANY dation of value, court-esy, and goodwill.- tion. helpless children ,ond desolate woman ( lerk of Portsmouth, win of Mr. ,1. Hura- A DUTCH C055' AND CAl^F. AUCTION by LAND. IVYCHURCH. and ROADlD, liavinK sold the residence. MIDLEY' ...... 1074 2 1 We try (and usually succeed) ta ■win a hood.” Tlio quesFon for Hastings electors phi ey Etherton, RowlaMs Castle. Hants, and TATI AND STORE BEASTS, TUESI- .\Y, JULY 2nd.—Second Sale aat 42a, MR. F. t |a NT0N Bridge Falrm, Bilsington ...... 227 21 1 customer's good word rernmmrndation is | to answer Is the Pacifist candidate right \fona Gert rude, the onl.y child ot the late M r. WOMEN’S W ORF FOI FATI AND STORE SHEEP AiND EA MBS, MA HINA. i i lie, force that make 1— —BBS grow.' ' Rnliert liny, of the Infiler Temple, barristee- CALVES, POULTRY, Etc. -Yl the C.YSTLE HOTEL, HASTINGS, on Highstead Field, Bilsington ...... 24 3 35 'American war-time te.'t anI Auc-tijnm Offices I 4 48. Mariiia, St. Leonards. That’s why we hope you will come for ; de.stroy Germanv’s military power heejntie at-law, and Mrs. Roy, [ Pyde Park-mansion*. ing will be held in the rleJ| Ti: ESDAY. JU N E 18th, 1918, at 7 o'chick in School Field, Newchuveh ...... 33 3 89 \Y*.. also Lima. St. .kfiviour’s-road, St. L**- [Also a'quantitv of IVire Netting, a Bone Cut­ the Evening. Old School Room, Mersbam ...... your new Umbrella to ! she would in an.v case honoiirably observe the Old Hastings Hoiife nn t«r, hji Finch and Diem mg, a good Mq wing ■!ALE Tp.l•URSDAY NEXT. Summer Hill House and Land, I terms of a peace agreement or could i>e com- nards-on-Sea, and granjl-daughter of the Rerr. Particiijars (when ready! of Mr. Henry G. Dr. Robert Roy, YI.A. 1 19th. from .5 to 8.,36 p.ni.i il ! .Machine, etc. By O rd ^ of Ithe E.xors. of Miss S. J. Westall, Baily, Solicitor, 13, Warrior-square, and the Willesbdrongh ...... 17 2 21 KENDALLS, Umbrella Experts, ’ polled to do so by economic pre.-sure, oa’s Home for Cirte. whiclf I Fat St(H-k will be allotted strict defeated- 1 or are we right -when we 'say the only YY’EST HIM , ALT,OTMENTS.—On Ylonday Auctioneer, 16. Grand-p<.rade, St. Leonards- Long Hose, Morsham ...... 3 0 0 52, Roberlson-street. HASTINGS. of funds. .1 most, a ttra rtj ' aoc< ■dance, -with instructions of the 42b, MjARINA, ST LEONARDS. , on]Sea. Tel. 709. ' Double Dwelling Cottage and I way to secure permanent peace is by at th.e Lmraanuel Scho'cil an 'instructive lan­ being arranged, inclnding-l Stoc k romraisaioner. Ransley Field, Mersham ...1...... 4 3 3 deie-ating the German A rm y , and thu.s tern lecture was givefi hy Mr. Y'. Rain*. eontest.s for wounded solf SPE( ilAL NOTICE.- .As no furtbet ,Nor- DAWSONj & HARDEN ANNOI NC'E MENT. Appleb.y Land, Wye ...... 66 0 31 jilaciug it beyond the power of her Bsia.rd of -Agriculture,! d.fi. the disease of potfle dancing, and .tableaus, et| folk Sheep -will he comini? to the MarlLet; for Court Lodge Farm, Brook ...:...... 196 2 34 military rulers to build up the material, tops .111(1 its prevputiolii. Councillor YY’. J. {no entertainiaent iax'. the present, the .Auctioneers hope rheir E.jH. HARDEN; F.A.I.) MR. F. Ti^NTON Speldors Hill Farm, Brook ...... 17 2 2'7 EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL human and otherwise, for another war? .-\iid Larcombp pre.sided, .stitiportecl by (he Y'iifax, Cli^ts|will endeavour to maintain the usual Are instructed to SELL BY’ ALTCTION, ot ANNOUNF E that he has Sold Giddy Hoin Farm, Wye ...... 141 3 1 in answering the question the electors mn.st the Rev. Sholto Newmjin, Cotmcilloi's H. S(tm- TH E HOME Yl.AG.AZI »nd normal supply. i TRIlRSpAY’i. JU N E 13th, at 12 o’clock pre Private, Treaty the Leasehold Hampton Farm and Woodlands, HASTINGS. take note of all that has transpired. If they son. J.P., aud -1. YVhicuier, the Hon. Setr*- Magazine (YY'nman at H o| Auction-Offices; 27. High-street, Baltle cisely. the Sub.stantial Old-fashioned ‘P ark h u rst’’ anr “ M oorlands.'’ Nos. Brook ...... 167 1 33 do this we .submit that they will find it im­ tary (Mr. W. -A. (,!|irismks), Yfe.=srs_ A. Dijiw, full (>f bright stories. Telephone; Battle 37i URNITURE, single brass and iron bed­ ■lo iuid 6;(, Y’al&iroad, ard will not now be The Gibson Land, Wye ...... 21 3 31 ANNUAL MEETING OF GOVERNORS, possible ,to place any faith in Germany's .1. Ylorris, J. Down,! j\. Coates,’senr.,' H- Picard.v'’ and “ The D| It* steads and bedding, mahogany chests of offered yt]the Propert,y Saloon the 19th. Bower Farm, Mersham ...... 141 3 14 rulers, that the people of Germany will never Gra.v, T. Pilbeam, (4. [fSaxby, Mrs. Y\ . ,PL Apple Tree ’’ are, - in SATURDAY, 15fh JUNE, AT 3 n in. fash iofi, ijiiito out. of the! RWCKINGE AND BILSINGTON drawers,! wardrobes, washstands, dressing “ Borrowdale,” No. ’69, Vale-' has also ME8SRS. W. & B . H O B B S go against those rulers until it-is pro-t-cd by Harris. Mr. aud Yrrp.ji Johnson. YIv.s. Pil- R.OMNEY MARSH, KENT. table.s affd glasses,] Brussels and Axminster beep sold h.v him CHAIRMAN, RIGHT HON. EARL BRA8SEY. fhe defeat of the German .Vrmy th a t their lieam. Mr. R .'E . Gailtep, Ylrs. Gray. Mrs. I* als() .a long: instajnnsnt [ carpets, rugs,: overihantels and mirrors, rose- Will SELll BY AUCTION, the above Pro­ ■war and frighttulnoss policy does not.pay; YVestlake, Ylcssrs. L. iHL Hay, A. E. CViotier, latest novel, and. amonj [AVriit two miles from Ham .Street Statiioh, on ■wood chenonier and davenport, ebonized By Order lot the Owners. perties. at the SARACEN’S HEAD HOTEL, and thqt the economic, difficulties mentioiieil ,T. Turner, and alxiiil :4f)'others. The Chaift- fasoinating features, a !&e S.Ej and t^. Railway and ;rbout 7'i^iles centre, Siitherland and occasional tables, cot­ ASHFORD], on TUESDAY, JUNE 18th, 1918, by Ylr. Lawrence are not regarded by Ger­ man spoke on the importance of the cultiva­ • rtiele on “ Neglige?—as| from .Ashford and: Ry • f' 19. EAST ASCENT. at Three p.m. Screen.” Tlie Di-crs and tage pianoforte in r])sewbod case by Kirkman, ST. EEONARDS-ON-SEA, mans as insurmountable or even .serious in tion of the pola(o, as it wjas a staple food and h e ! VALUABLE FREEHOLD i IaJr AI, Canterbury music- rack and stool, whatnots, Solieitorsi: Messrs. HALLETT, CREERY The Hastings and St. Leonards view of the wonderful resources to Ho opened it -was needed all the year round. It h ^ Illustrated .article of +h| krjown as “ TURVES F.ARM,’’ com settee ai]d ocea.sionlal chairs in plush, |ma- MR. iNTON AND CO.,; Ashford. to them in ihe East. .As a matter of fact been said Liiglaml .(Quid mil grow her oita rap id ly , becoming famous. Auction and Estate Offices, 6, Middle-row, hogany iliritihg table, dining table, dining German supremacy in Ru,-=sia will make Ger­ {(Wid, but it was fouiid tojda.v that there wer* THE KING’S BIRTHDI chair.s, cehlch and easy chairs, pictures, orna­ Is favoured with instnifitioiis to SEEL BY Ashford, Kent. , 177a. Or. S9p. I AUCTION on TUESDAY. JUNE 18th, 1918, “ OBSERVER ” many 'independent of any obUgation to other more jiotatoes being grown than ever before- • —.Amongst thiyse whO' were ments and books, china, glass, and.culinary Y countries, for it will give her all the wealth, something like a million' acres, and that II* _ hononrs on the recent KiiiJ ILet utensils! | ‘ 1 . at 1^30. i It Ifhe low aggregate rental of ilisi 4s. Is the Leading Local and District trade and man power she needs to enable her believed would be sufficient to last at least Mr. James Hacking, a fr({ M r annum. ■ 1 On A'ie^ Daly Priojr to and Morning of Sale. h e WHOLE OF THE HOUSEHOJ.D VIDLER & GO. to renew the war with irresistible force. Mr. 40 weeks. He was anxious to make the asso­ St. ,I Leonards. Sii- - .Tail (lg>tc 1, S, 3, -1 and .5 ■b ill be first offeree! Catalogues of the]Auctioneers, 48, Marina, T FTIRNITURE AND EFFECT.^, com­ Weekly Newspaper, and has a Lawrence in contending that Germany can be ciation an .educational institution by ha.v|Tig Haoting are the sister an| 1 whole). St. Leona]-ds-on-Sea; prising;—Brussels, Wilton Pile and .Y.xmin- AUCTIONEERS. compelled by economic pressure to carry out lectures, exhibitions j of members’ produce, ®f the Rector of the ster Carpets, Linoleums, Iron, French. EYE- SUSSEX. guaranteed Circulation of more the terms of an.v agreement to which the etc. The association | had not long been in Wood ’’ I Rev. .1; B. HoImei| Lort 1.—*4 0 31 Of rich land in R< By Orderiof the Excirs. of the late Mrs. Lee. Mahogany I and other Bedsteads, capital Allies may consent, forgets this. Neverthe­ existence, but the mymbevship was now b» hood ha,s lieen bestowed Marsh. Bedd,ing, Yl.YHOGANY’ AND DECORATED TOCK SpLD in Rye on Market IDay. than Double that of any other less it is true that nnless Germany’s Eastern tween 4ff amJ 50, and he hopeci all tho.se wh» real good work for tbe !Lot ;h—48 Ditto, let to Me,sers j e l i 4 s y ie r e , CHEATS ;OF DRAWERS, Painted and S AH kpds sf Sa-Les and«rtak*B. aggression i.s chocked by m’ilitary defeat in had altotmeifts in the district would join tli* having taken an active dell bn a vearly tena .13, SEDLESCOj\I]bE ROAD SOUTH, Mahogany; Washstaiids, pouble and Single TELEPHONES:— the present war. she will, in Russia, have con­ societ.v.—The lex-turer vient, stage by stage, . patriotic efforts, sitting as| I«ot S.—^ Of Upland .Pasture ST. 4 e o n a b d s -o n -s e a . Sets Cif Toilet YY'are, Mahogany Toilet Glasses. EYE CATTLE YIARKET. trol of the richest undeveloped exjuntry in through the developmefit of the Z" po)-ato number of YVar Committee Arable, with supelnor ROSEWOOD CHEI'FONIBR, I ajo' and MESSRS. 181, Advertisement Dept. only. the world, with nutlets to the sea, and a disease, and then put on 'Hie screen illustra­ his native town of Bf : Farmhouse and Farm D/^W80N & HARDEN Occasional Tables and Chairs. Mahogany and back door to our Eastern Dominions. tions of the means of piieveiition. He als* Im portant borough he ha.s ’ Buildings. i - (E. H. HARDEN, F.A.I.) Wickjer Eqsy Chairs, Gilt Chimney Glasses, iVIBLER & CO., 132, Extensions to all departments. It is not necessary to deal at any length gave pictures of wfiaf .America was doing is The past fir© years in succ JM 4. 1 19 Of rich Grazing 1 and Having Let ihe HeuSe, are instructed to CAPllTAL; COTTAGE PIANOFORTE lYVill jliold their Weekly Sale of with other parts of Ylr. Pethick Lawrence's siipphying fond to this cejuntry. Mr. Llovd had The distinction of reu^ Arable Land, with - SELL BY AiUpTION, on MONDAY, JETNE Rosewood iCase, bv Col ard and Cnllard. T(j)RE ^ O C K , including Two Cows and letter. He still seem's to think that the Ger­ George was shown spt-ayilig his own potatoes. ' .by his own effort, well-knqv good Cottages. 17th, at l.SO o’clock, the remaining MAHOGANY COUCHES AND CHAIRS, s Calvei and other Stock, as above, on man liideiiendent Socialists can be depeiuleil The lecturer, in response 4p a vote of thanks, •s the " Bantam ” Battalio Ig»t f . - Two capital Semi-De­ Music Stand and Stool,_T lescope, Cane-Seat YVEDNESD.AY NEXT, 12th JU N E, 1918. OUR WAR SUPPLEMENT upon to overthrow the military leaders of ...said it gave liiih great pleaisurc to be present. 19)8 GLOVE P R irE S .—Gd tached Cottages and u r n i t u r e , including brass and iron Chairs, Tawel Aire'rs, Boi'tlered Cocoa Mats. Also about Germany (although all available evidence is He was glad to see such a terge audience, and Gardens known as and F bedsteads! and bedding, mahogany ward­ cloth and Muslin Curtains, Blankets, diroctl.v opposed to this view) and he builds would no doubt visit theju again later on. floming more ami more dil •t, Turves-oottages. | robes, chdsts of drawers, dressing tables,Counterpahes, a qiiantitv of LINEN AND 50 his case on this pathetic reliance on the word If written to dn any subject he would reply *nd almost all, whether ofj glasses aild waijihstands, dining and drawing­ KENT EWE TEGS. PRESENTED FREE TO EACH ferior quality, have incre L et 8.—1 2 17 Of Upland Pasture. ' PLATED GOODS, China! Glitfs, Mangle and PURCHASER OF THE PAPER. of the enemj-. For our part we have no faith and come down and give il demonstration on Lot 7.-1 6 z.j Of Upland Pasture. , | room appointments, chairs and couch in hair W rin^r, a]nd the usual Elfeots. E’urt-her entries solicited. in Germans, and do not believe it iiossiblq to spraying and pa,y a visit t(l) some of the plot* cent, in cost. This is-due cloth, dining iable, bureau, Sheraton-style Aui]tion 0|ffices, Eye. haring cijmmandeered the be| 1.'3, part 4, 6, and t are at presetet in On yiewlDay Prior to ai d Morning of Sale. negotiate wdth them with any hope of se­ under cultivation in the district. for purposes of national ppeu jatton of Mr. A. Paterson. Vt<na WOQDLAbiDS, s m a l l HOLDINGS, etc,, applied to the whole country for giviing the filched from them by tlve Gormans. He talk Sigh-I >et. Battle. Telephone; pattlo J THURSDAIVSDAY, JU N E D0th, at 1.30 o’clock, the Alio at Bexlpll. of Secret treaties as -it they were all still in Reformation, that he had been asked to ad­ SPECLALISTS FOR AR1 remainder of thi Comprising 826 Acres. public reliable information and gjuidanos existence, whereas'he knows they are not; dress the congregation. As a preliminary h* C0VT,R1NGS.—The Yfaisiih Si>«eial jfaiatB iof Partictt'arBTB of HOUSESOUSBS and FLATS. on war subjects. gave an account of the docitrine of the Yfasa u p e r -io Ir FUHNI TURE, brass and iron Best Map of the ^owni. pEBENHAM, TEWSpN & the onl.v treaties between the Allies being Grand Parade, is renowhed those drawn up for Che purpose of seciirin; as held and taught by Bomb prior to the R*- Workmanship land mod-j WpriNESD.AT. JUNE 12th, 191f, bedsteajd, spring and hair mattressea, INSURANCBi - Fire. Life.!e, Aoqident,. Glaas. G War and [ CHINNOCKS formation. 'This was shown to consist ot r bolstersS and pillSws, i valid's adjustable bed- Boexbatdmenlt, and Domestieestio SerrantB. freedom for all nationalities, a point whici Lergest Hairdressing Rooms U PPE R PARI’. 31. W H ITE ROC Will isEEL BY AUCTION, on WEDNES­ HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS Ylr. Rethick Lawrence always very oonven- three parts: the Real Objective Presence of HASTINGS.! stead, ash n.irrnt papdlled wardrobe, chest of Christ in the bread and , the doctrine of AN ! INTERESTING drawers, drussing tables and washstands, in s !a l i] ON MOND )Y’ NEXT. DAY,; JUNE 26th. at 'Three p.m ioptly forgets to mention. He says'we dislx- lieve in democracy. YY’e repl.y th at this also Transnbstantiation, and the Propitiatory very pretty and interwtinj MESSRS. T. R. HARDEN & Q pine, ash, e nd I’fotin walnut, comm‘oe, MahoganV Chests of Draw-era, Mar some carved oak bookcase, writing and hall body when the return of Peace niakes it pos­ ereipe-de-ehene, with* silver .tiop Wja^stnnde and Ware, Axmineter chairs, gilt mafitel c ocks, a few pictures, SELL BY AUCTION it the CASTLE Rent. .£260. sible to aboli.eh them, consistent with the the Communion Service of the Church of Eng­ h o t e Xj HHASTINGS,a at p.m., on YION- LO'L 3.—DEW FARM; 146 Acres; Rent, land. aii(l .that notwithstanding a conspiracy wore a wreath of orange . ^rp ets, iOvermantels, set of 6 Sheraton ornaments, and ‘book?, superior American satet.v and welfare of the country. He says curb brc(celel. the gift of t| -ihig o: di’s, ‘2 Arm Chairs, 2ft. lOin. Ebon: writing tabid in Walnut, manogan.v extending DAY, JUNE 10th, 1918, th t followin ,£163. . Wc received lihe a.pneuded letter on we wanted to conscript tire Irish. YY'e reply had been made to bring them back again, and LO’I MALL HOLDING, let to Mr. how needful it was for all loyal Churchme* The two’ older byidasmaids China .qn.'billet, , .pair 3ft. Ebonised Fre dining table! diding chairs, oak plate chest, REEHOLD RESIDEN TIAL HOU.SES;— YVednesday ;— that if it is right for the husbands, sons and ?wns of Wedgewood blue Card Tables, 2 Marble Timep;eces. China, several travelling trunks, small a.ssortment of Kdwa ds, 1) i(h Woodland; 27 Acres; Rent, Sir ,--A delightful method of conducting sweethearts ol the women of Hasting.? to and true Christians to resisi such endeavour*. JiI5. , N'o rommnnicant should allow wafers to b* ats to match, and the two 01nss,jPiate, Cutlery, etc. table china and klass, copper and enamelled 36,------EVERSFIELDi . ------PLj!-- CE. a controversy is to erect a dumm.v oiipoiient, fight for their country it is right for the men Sth e bride looked pretty in ! On Yi^w Day previ.ou.s and Morning culinary uteiisilsr and other u.sefiil effects. 48, EVERSFIELD PLAC LO'ltS 4. ! 6, and 7.--GOSCHEN and stuff him full of absurd and contradictory ol Ireiaiul. Mr. Rothick Lawrence seems to given to him in place of iiread. but should the opinions, pel' him with ridicule and retire hand (he wafer hack and ask for real bread.. *11 weaving gold , i in.2? andj Bale. Catalogues of the Auctioneers, On Y iow Da.y Prior to and Morning of 9, UNDERCLIFF. think otherwise. He says we are opiio.sed to Any attempt to hold the oiip to the commm gifts of. the bridegroom. CSarernoijt, Hastings. Sale. 25, \VEST HILL. flushed witlh triumph. d’or ultimate democratic control of foreign poHc.v. YVe re- -CQ' to siK-cess, how'ver, such a methorlj pre­ nicant’s liiis, instead of delivering it into hi* « v e n n.'way by lier motH Caalogue.s of tlie A ictioneers, 48, Marina, 29. WEST HILL. piy this is another astertion without founda­ hands, should equall.v he cpiietly but firmly brother of the briijegroom UjNESDAY, JUNE Iflth, 1918. St. Leona rds-on-Sea. 31. WEST HILL. Ylr. Butler, t[nd YVootlland, 16 -Yores. supposes eitlier th.at your leal opponent e; tion in fact. YVe arliiocate a foreign poliey. LOT 9.-Y^ITTERSH.YM YIEADOWS. let dumb or that Ithe judges are fools. I nave, resisted. The true spiritual, elevated, ana man. A unique feature ofj ON ROtlMS. 12. CLAREJIONT Partioulark and Conditions obtainable m to YIessrs. Ajshby and H. Baker; 14 Acres; which is most )>enoficiaI to our own country elevating doctrine of tlie CRurch as contained was the singing on the fhang IM PORI’AN’T b a l e o f PROPERTIES. therefore, no fear of I lie conscqii'?ncef. and mo.st likely to piejerye peace, and wo be­ well-known song. “ Because HASTINGS. AT IjOW^UPSBT PRICES. due course from Messrs. Metcalfe and Sharp, Rent,' .£26. | when I am faced wila surh a form -if in our .service, should be earnestly main* Solicitoks. 40, Chancer*-lane, London, P aiticularf]of YIessrs. G. and A. Ylarshall, lieve this is to he found in a more democrali.'i tained. Tbe next address Will be on ■Why mine.’’ by the bride’s ’ litt| attack, in laying my view.s before the control than ha,s been permitted in the past, Doris T'ndcT'vond. Mr. Rc T. R. HARDEN & C0 ST.'LEON A^DS-O N-SBA . YV.C. at the Place of Safi, and of the Auc- Solicitors. 10, New-square, Lincoln’s Inn, el-e.toi s of Hastings. Y'ou and .vour eorres- we should, oppose the proposed (ihanges in tb* (ARTHUR DUNK) ^ tioneer, at hSs Offices in St. Leonards-on-Sea Londoh, YV.C. 2. and of the Auctioneers, 29, alth-iugh wo realise that 'in diplomncv il is Communion Service," nexjt Tuesday nft*»> accompanied her at th» orgn| DAWSON & HARDEN pondentei "Y'ipnlant' and YJc. Rees .seem to sometimes nei'esaary to observe secrecy. He the Wedding March as the and Bexhi11-(iiu-Sea. St. .Taines’s-sduare, S.YV. 1, and 80, Cheapside, tihink you meet .and demolish my ca,se by noon, at three o’clock. ' W HllsELE BY ATTCTION as above ILLILE SELISELL BYlBY AUCTION at the L.C. 2i London. says we want to abandon the Lroe 'Trade CliUTCh. , The Rev. (' miseellaneous abuse of the German military policy of this Jounhw. This is the only ac­ SERVICE PBOTRACTofes for Militerr officiated, , at the ceremony.1 lAPlTAE HOUSEHOLD FUR.NITUE ■i. W CASTLE HOTEL, HASTINGS, on party. As a matter of fact you ido not Uae can be obtained at the " Obser'ver ’* lid d in g . Carpets, and other usejilil MONDAY, JULY 1st at Pour p.m. in 39 curate statement in the list of things he de­ Office, Hastings- Piioes frpm Is. each. and tel^rams were receivcd| Stems itemoved from storage and private n L o ts ;- NO|RTHIAM M.' REET. - toueh the fringe of it. You can say that clares we want to do, accurate that is in part, flanadn and at home, idienoesJ ; Upset TlfLSDAY. JLNlL 11th EEVE ¥ \ n : i they are out tor territoi'y aud indemnities, for even here Mr. Pethiok Lawrence conjures HASTINGS GUARDIANS. -A fort;-,ightly t possible! to be present, Catalogjaes in due course of the Auctioneier.s prices. I shall agree; that ttiey are umtemocratie, up 0. “narrow exclusive polic.v” (which we do meeting of the Board of Guardians w ^ held were numeroiia and useful. ME| ISR8. HOWSE & CO h i g h STREET, RYB, SUSSEX. *j it has not esseaped me; that they want to not advocate' and cool,lj’ proceeds to father it on 'Thursday, -when tbe members present ■bride to the bridegroom wa| M above.' X LYDD, KENT. bring about an e.xelusive “Ylittel Eiircpa, 2 to 11. ROYAL 'TERB ACE, each 7Lh GFfLR DAIRY CATTLL and all on us. Ho'wever. we confess Ihnt we are were Alderman C. H. Ball (Chairman), ring. ■ The happy coupli- left'r from ...... 37 w Lniries of STOR L and DKAD ESTABLISHED 1812. I know it. All these are things tihat I opposed to' a revival of the Free Trade Councillor J. N. Collins, J.P. (Y’iee-Chaiis where’ th(? lioneynioon is 2L WARRIOR SQUARE ...... TOO' 1 detest. All my life I have attacked them policy as it existed before the war, and we man), Mrs. 'Tuppeniiey, Ylisd Ijove. Ytiss R uth Wedding (take was rent bv 'LAUGHTfJN, SUSSEX. STOCK at 12; o’clock. Gipidling at 11 o’clock. CTIONBERS. LAND, HOUSE AND wherover 1 tc-und thent being p ut into 67, 71. 73, add b5. WAR­ STATE AGENTS, TENANT RIGHT are quite certain that the majority of the Kenyon, Councillors H. Groome, H. A, Toronto. About |5 miles from the well-known Marji^t practice. YVhat is the good of pretepding Tildesley, B. N. Collins. J. Harvey, and J. F, RIOR SQUARE, each 225 to 250 ^ I■i m b b :R VALUERS. electors of this country will not consent io a YV.ASTi : NEW SPAPERS.—Yl TcCowns of; Lewes and Tlailsham, which kte 65, 69, WARRIOR SQUARE Ir YE M ARKk'r. AND 'I either that I do not notice the eshipition continuation of that policy unaltered after Kelly, Messrs. YY'. Criittendan, H. Hunter, H, Property managed and of them in Germany, or that I am not dis­ Parsons, j Ltd., "Obseiner” near to the favourite Seaside Towns of Edqt- 68 and 69, CHURCH'ROAD, each 450 YVLD,NLSDAY. JLNM! 12th. Estates and Seate the experience'of the last four .vears. As to Burden. G., H. .Simmons, .1.1 Coleman, H. F. mont, ’Hastings, are prepan?d| bonrifc, Hastings, Brighton, and Seatoi'd WARRIOR s q u a r e MEWS, let Collected. j gusted and Ihorrifi^ by it? If I 'tvas a the Pacifist candidate’s argument that the Foord, TI. Rlaokman, A. W. IBeckelt. (), Kyi*, MESSRS. HOWSIIWSE & CO. German 1 should be with Liebnechtj and aud YY'. Brignall, together with the Clerk prices fo# u.iste newspapers; m p o r t a n t s a l e of a boot 2.50 a c r |I'■Is to Skinners, Ltd., f t X180 per Valuations for all purposes oalrafnli^ fact that. negotiation between Great Bri­ from .iSibk. upward,' is pj h annum ... ! ...... 1,500 LN'i'RIES of STOUL STOCK, the Indopo'ndent Spcialiets in deno-unqing tain and Germany for the exchange of prison­ (Ylr. S. Biimotead) and ofher official.'. - A I "oi’ |S i Jam es ’ Duke’s SUSSItlX made. iRegister of Estates. Farms, House* their Government; as I -im an English man letter from the Local Government Board noti­ tradesmen , it is iiitiinnt'?d tl EST.YTlES! comprising 12 Small Agricnltnriil FREEHOLD GRQUND RENTS, o llORSLiS, and DEAD STOCK as from (Uniurn isbed or FumLsbed) kept. ers proves that peace is possible by negotia­ speciaR.v desire to purchase’ Eoldinlinip, nearly all Grassland, and specinflv amounting ;o £246 per 10 a.mJ Gradin (.’rtmmeiK.'ds at 7 o'clock 1 ani' coneeraed, first, to do alj thpt is tion, it is surel.v hardly neceasary to point fied th at Mr. A. L. Ellis hadj beeen aiipointed annum ... 17 years’ liossible to assist the German lndiape|ndcnt to succeed Ylr. Orchard as pislwict Audilnr. ledgers, which ca'n b adapted for DAIRY FARMING iiijd RYE YI.YRKET. I Socialisti to overcome the militarist party out that the two things are entirely different. -iA letter from the OviMsecrs of the parish oustomer’.s jii-cv-ence if |desil J*OUJL'fRY KEEPING. ] pui’chase. YioWMNG (iRASS, I-et Us quote an example. France has suc­ Full particulai of Yf r. Henry Baker, YVEDNESjDAY’, 12th JU N E, 19J8- in GeiTuany; second, to see th a t Re do of Hastings announced the payment of a call "Observer’’ Works. Old magazl Also tBl!ijcks of Five and Four Cottages Th- TUIl SDAY', JGNL !8th. cessfully negotiated with Germany for the of £3.759 duo on 19tli Aprill The Clerk re­ lets, cori'esp.indericc, ami , II . apcotivel.v! Two Pairs and Two Deta<-hed Ooi Estate Agent. 1, Verulam-place, St. I^eouards, UESSRS. not imitate the GcLmau vices in this|coun- exchange of prisoners, but Prance, glorious and of the Auctid 48, Marina, St. Leo- tiw. Bu.t what is the logic of the position marked that nothing was slid in the letter are hongbt .s.lso. Lacli class of , tagesi :h Good Guldens, and bein; MES8f^S. HOWSR & CO. EEVE & FINN of yourwelf and those whose polic.yl you Prance, going through .sufferings which )ieo- about the second instalment which should kept >''par)itei.v, and sacks! BARGE ANTS FARM ; HAYfMONDS LANI nards-on-Sea pte who live in England, cannot imagine, pose are lipned at a fee of fidJ BAEDV7INS FARM; KOU.NDABOUTS A.,.,., IiLI, OFRe R in NORT.hlAYI YIARK.LT Will SjELL BY AtrC'lTON, in the above support? Are you not frankly out for would perish rather than n^otiate for peace have bean paid on 19th Yln.v. He, however, i the fojiowing Entrieii;-— MarkelJ these very t.hinge which you donouuw in anticipated th at Ylr. B uttefw orth's depart- l£ refunded- on return of sackl WILLC------YVl PLOT; PROSPECT llOUkE WGreail YY'allers at Ixtng Wood 31’ aores. Germany ? (1) Do you not want to add until th y ’ have lioaten Ithe Hun in the field: ment was very much pu.slieiii ju.st now in th* qf a postcard a va.n'■will calif FARM LAUGHTON COTTAGE AND CHICHESTER ND ARUNDEL, 1 0 0 because France knows, as Mr. Lawrence must m h’rantie Fielfi a l ’l.ong Wool ... 20 acres. fre.?h territories to this country and to the work of preparation of the itew Y'oters’ List. lots of not tes,s than ,561bs. and LAND -ELM VFEEA AND LAND; 10.1 BEASTS, know, that though it has the power to see BARROWS COTTAGES (two paira 7i miles and 64 m sspectively from these Spitel Field! at 1/Ong Wood ... acres. Allies? I qotice th a t Ytr. Rees is evidently that (jrermaiw does her bit in an exchange of - 'The resignation of Nurse Wickson was ac­ OLD WESLEY YtlSSION.I L IT T L 3 BRICKHURST FARM; KINGH well-known M arket Towns. Broijk Fieldl at T,ong YY'ood 91- acres. ncludii]g Yesrliugs, 2-year-old .Heifefs and 0 little a.shamed of the secret treaties and prisoners, it has no power to keep Germany cepted.- -.A tetter was read from the Bristol tion with the Bciurne Streep CLOSE TO b I r N lAM JUNCTION. Bartjletts I'i-eld at Becklej 1' acres. Steers, (ii-Calf Heifers and other Store Stock. arguee that they have been made “null and Board of G uaidians respcc :ing Rei'onstruo- ROW COTTAGES (4); 'I'HE BRIDGES to the terms of a peace agreement, and tion, and setting forth tliei i ideas as to th* series; of services. ..follo'wed F.YRM BRICKYARD; COTTAGE AND ALMOST ADifOIN ING BARNHAYI Annfield at Beckley ...... 1 acre. Furtlicr entries solicited. void by the collapea of Russia and tfio thaf Germany will treat such an agree- concert, were inaugurated at FARKET. Auction Offices, Rye and Lydd. declaration of war by the U jS.-Y.;’’ But future of the administratiou of the Poor I/aw» I,AND fROSE COTT.YGE; COOPERSCOOi-XiKn meiit as a .scrap of paper all the while .she re­ and the desirability of steps' heingtaken for de Luxe on Stmday evenin FABYI [HOLEY COTTAGE; CHURffH I NORTH 1AM, SUSSEX this is directly at variance with the state­ tains her militarism and. the strength to make auspices of Old YY'esley (''hii iLo t s . —JIT I A t Sate of a VALUABLE FREE- ments of Ijord Robert Cecil and other mem­ the education of public opirion^-The Chair­ COTTA IBS- (5) and FIELD AT REAR, pid- I YVLDNESDAY, JU N E 19th. it effective. man stated that the Commiutee appointed to Services and concerts .'n’ill la-ki during I gloss rental of about ,.£57(i 10.sJ, The Agricultural Poi tion of the rrr>LD FARYI of 43 Acres, House, H< and bers of the Government. It i.s true tliat YYe feel we owe our reader's an apology for Sunday evening during Jiine Me S8R$. HOWSEj & CO. Buildings ! at Iden, near Rve..'e. Also 29 modern facts have mad? these tieatie.f look consider (ht^ inatier had. after careful review, •which iillj be Offered by PUBLIC AUCTION YV ALBERTO RARK ESTATE, giving so much space to Ylr. Pefhick Law­ arrivi'd el the conclusion that, it was not d*- •a d 7.45 p.m. An efficient orcll by Ini all about IILE SEI.f. nn the Y-|UI,AGL GREEN Acr of "FREEHOLD PASTURE’ AND even more outrtigeotis than when they wen; rence and bis pence policy, tiiir excuse is two very enjoyable selections] AR BLE LAND at Iden. hrst signed, but they still oncumbey tbe siruble to launch a tecal iigitation ju.st at tbe service, which commenced MEgSRS. T. BANNISTER & GO. ACRES, Comprising the well- W n o r sii:HOLD l I RMTURE ami politiiaT ground and aro one of the fwoifold: First the subject is of immediate present. The Committee would hold * known, and Fertile Farms, OUTDOOR KFLECTS tor (dr.'J. P. Poile importance because Hastings elfct.irs may at watching brief till the.v thought the tim# •nd pra.ver and followed the % WHITE HART HOTEL. T.EWES, on r > 9 0 (TO FARYIERS. obstacles to peace as was flhomn iMt year the YVeslcyan Cliurch service- , 'At the PIGEON who is leaving tlio. district, and for other re­ wban the enem.v routitriejs were willing lo any moraeiit b“ cnlled upon to record Ibeir opportune probably a b o u O c to b e r -ami MOND YYT, -24th .TUNE. 1918. at. Three p.m.| TODHURST AND votes, and second we believe that given siiffi- on thq parable of “ Thei P: HOUSE FARR S 31.3 Acres. sident?- Fultev details nexf week. INC0M E TAX, SCH. B. concede a great deal in order to sooure it. (lien they would present thsir recommenda­ being 'Preached by th e iRey.l Parti!Cujar.s wHli Plan and Conditions bf cienit rope thi-- advocate of negotiation with tions to t le Board. It did not seem ailvis- Bale ma.T be obtained of Messr-. Cnxjel, Cnire CHOLLER FARYf .. 240 Acres. I M E S S R S . (2) Do you not in met disbeliev? in the enemy will destroy his own very slender Raymir, the resident minisi deniiiorae.v here? Y'oii support D.O.K.A able either to hold pilhlic rieetings or ir-sn* ■Wesley Church. Twij solos and Bail. 2, Southampton-street. Biooirisl- 'Toyethejr with REEVE & FINN chance of snccc.ss in. Hastings as he has done a manifesto at this period,--The Clerk men­ bury■y-scjuare; Messrs. Briekonridge and t - H. GODDARD, F.A.I., and its re<'p|it. extension the) i-ensorsbvp * t elsewhere when appealing for the supiairl of Ba.i' ' and .“ tY Divine -Rede 'I'HE DCOYY 5R HOUSE. H ,1, he Ipleas^ to assist Farmer* and opinion, 'i'oii wanted to eonseript - the tioned that the Government bail announced ring during the service in plj Edwivarcle, !lfi. Bartletts-hnildings. Holboiin, ^trCTtONljlKB, VAI,DF.R. HOtrSF AND free and independent eleetor.s. Mor-eover we that they'Would not ihtrodi^ce legislation on E.C. 1 or of Ytessrs. 'I'. Bannister and t'o., .A Picturesque Oid-fiishioned Residence w )th«rs I desiring to be assessed nnder Irish again.st the overwihelmim; wish ot By Miss Jessie Ytoiintioy.. A CAPITAL SMJ LL HOLDING. ^HIPPING AOBNT, Sch. D nstead) of Soh. B thoii people. Y ou are opposed, (are! you are encouraged to proceed with this matter tbe niaitei' during the present session. The Anctioiliep Surveyoi'.s, -fot< Hayw ard-s by leqiieets from readers. The following is a oncert, of which the main feat] H eath ('I'll. .No. 7). a c c o m m o d .At i o n m e a d o w s , 11, 8ILCHE8TER ROAD, Valuations made. uot?i to the ciemoe.rntic control of foreig.i tetter from Bristol was I’eferred to the Re- lev. p P; R-aynOr’s liwturJ ' Ahd ^bont I 9T. l.EONARDS-ON-SEA. Auctic in Offitjes: Rye and Lydd. policy. (31 Y’ou want to abandon th" free fair specimen of li large nuralier of letters we eonstrui'tion Committee. -In repl.v to a reso­ iAngels of Ytons," ivas both in ti 20 CO'TTAGES, AOENiT FOR THE ALLAN, AMEKICAN. OUNAHD, tnulc |M)lirv of this country whicii Ihas made have received. It I'ontaiiis a suggosfiou lution asking that certain provisions in tn* CANADIAN PACIFIC, ROYALJ WHITE STAR, whfch wa hope will lie adopted by many of •njoyable. The liwturer'fi lx All in the P ari dies iof W alherton and DOMINION. ORIENT. ONION CASTLE, ROYAL Us a great world state and siibstituie a ChildretPi .Act. 1908. should he made com- •ppearance of the airgete, land |88R8. BEACLEY8 Taptpn. mail STF.AM packet CO., Bjid OTHER SHIPPING Establi ihed l|878. Tele. 876, narrovs exclusive policy with '.arifl' Ivalls onr readers;—"Sir. —! am minch afraid that pulsoi'.v ill the interest of thel welfare of child brought forward .'u suppKirtJ LINEfl. GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFF. ASSURANCE of diBerpiit heighU for different foreign your able articles fail somewhat to learh the life, n repily was received fro ii the Council of ESTABLISHED 1850 For SALE BY AUCTION by Ob. WIEAN CORPORATION, AND PITT AND U8IN8 & DEBENHAM quarters where they will do the greatest good, fcrwnrd with an obvious sincerl SCOTT'S FOREIGN PARCELS EXPRESS, CERTI­ CO uoun‘.iri'?H. My poliey is oiuisintekit, and ,»o doubt a.» to the truth of the f UClTIpNEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE MESSRS. JOI^IN p. WOOD & CO. FICATED BAILIFF UNDER THE LAW OF DIS- UCTIONEEHS, VALUERS, based on fundamental principles; is not notwithstanding .vviur Inirge circulation. I that the proposed change couM not bo effected wonderful vision teen by our mm HOUSE wins -surprised to find « working man or ttvo A and ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYOfe. TpEOS FOR|RENT^^JTELEP^ONE^^0^2®^ AN D ESTATE AGENTS AND voucs to call black black in Germany 'and at the present! time.- To a request frqm th* time fraught with anxiety anc] BALES B t AUCTION of Every DescripHbh In conjunction with A ACCOUNTANTS. tijie saiiue colour white when it appears in of my,acquaintance had not seen your'Iasi Ylinistry of , Reconstruction asking for need of Divine assistance wa on Moderate Terms. ’ ; | MESSRS. J. R. ORNTON & CO. Bs.iliffs ruder the I.,«w of Distress, England? .Yml tteui. .vou hold me. up as a week’s reply lo Mr. Sellens. and of course I elaborate particulars (the quantities of The f«>lo ‘and chorus, “ Angels j i w . | N. OLDHAM lasurancis of every Descriptioi^. simpleton beeinioe 1 believe m negoriittiou let them have my paper. I do believe that bricks, niiils. and other materials) as to th* was well rendered by Ylaster FI Y»luations and Surveys for all Purpooes.' At. /tlie ANCHOR, HOTtEL. CHICHESTER, as a means of ending this war. ').)’i tell notliing but individual and continuous effort probable ilemands of the Guardians after th* Ii iventories made and ■ Checked. Suicessor toi Messrs Breeiis and SoB. •nd a quartette of children anJ on tVEDNESDAY’, JULY 3rd, 1918, at Three Eapert Yfaluers and Auctioneers to me that the German uiilitarist party can­ on the.part of other subsoribers will avail War for tnilding.s. etc., it wa^ decided to send •njoyable and delightfully . p^ o’clock. in stemming an iinmi.stakabte current of in­ a reply to the effect that no great works -wer* »E N T S j COLLECTED AND ESTATES 6,' h AVELC(CK ROAD, K.YSTINGS. the Printing'int; Newspaper, Stationery and not lie tm steil to keep its word in ; tb? •olos were given by Mtc Haydr f I MANAGED. Particulars, Plans an|d Conditions of Sale (Ektablisjied nearly a century|l. matter of treaties unless H suits them. .\s trigue going on to further the cause of the in contemplation.—Consequent lipon the, rtt- player of whom ive shall hoi Donaldson, Bookselling Trades ceipt of rew Food Orders, the Dietar.v Ciom- INS u R a NCEIS for Fire, Life, Accident] A tCTIONEER VALUER. SURVEYOR, if any ona with iiitelHgence didn’t kno)v it Pacifist Candidate. ’ more. ; The proceedings conclud? ace, W .C .; after tihe rape of Bt^jium! But if that mittee presented a report embodying altera­ [r, BurgtetS, Plate Glass, YVorkmen's Com-; ------, ..olicitors, 17, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, 40 Y ^ r ractical Experience as Trade tions in Hie dietary table. Ilhcidentally It ■izMinn’^ of the National .Auth i J -v pensaki ^ ♦he concert programme at ’RAo # 27, g r a n d PARADE. i Hill, Sussex ASS^ANCE i CORPORATION. FIRE 'lllie real fact is, th at negotiation is ni t [im­ (Governor of Bombay), ■ was awarded the no.-w in etook at F. J. Parsoa*, • »acred recital, “ David-'Shq M ■T. ^lilONARpS-ON-SEA. (Tele. S5I)J AuctiOBeers’.Offices: 6, Mount-street, W. 1- AND LIFB.T 24, B-V-raLOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. possible, because an.y agfee»snt reached Mo^t Exalted Order of t^e Star of India. Observe^ OffLc** H u tU f •] lelikr," girfen by Mr! Haiiry HASTl] GS AND ST* L^OI^ARDS OBSERVER. SATURDAY. JUNE 8. 1918. Xocal *Kcw0. CojviBATINa CONSUAtSTIOTk RIPOSO NATURE CURE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION. DIETETIC HYDRO. BY “ AIAGISTER.” ndencol or oth«r matter intendai AFTER-CARE COMAITTTBE i"’OE PAUCE PIER, ST. LEOpiARDS. ertioriiin this journal should b* HASTINGS] r WHAT A T/ONDON EDITOR THINKS *d to the “Editor," and advertisa- mntffioaafl ANOTHER EAIUIRE.BY THE LOCAL UftiiftHiBC Dir*otori ICR. R* GARl^NER. OF ITS SYSTEM. EDUCATION CO.AllMl'TTJlE. MaumwI: EDWARD TAB etc., tp th'8 Publisher. A iliO SUBSCRIPTION: Ms(ed in the problem. jTlie objects of e;m he free from l.h*e iahsc and costly tem pta­ attended that if was argued there was no FiNiElST IN TME les at which blinds should ha the ( ommittee are to co-ordinate the arrange­ tions of a fle.sh-e.iliug, drinking, smoking demand for fiirtlicr means of edocafioh. .At, In Hastings are set out below. i T O I ^ E S ment; for the relief and emploirmentl of per- and 'iriig-riddcii world. the same Hmo al Brighton, where there was b o r o u g h . Ire also Liehting-up Times for ,sons suffering from tuherculiisiis, and to so- Enter- a( onec upon the new and more a siieecssfnl Higher Grade School, those 0 land others tor week commencing .ciire the welfare of such patients generally. natural lile aw ait mg you. How littlo we classes were full, to ovci'Hoii ing with zealous 1918. ! The Committee is to a large extent dependent know about nui'seties. I'e:- the most part slndonls ranging from lEio (il) years of age; 9 41 1 Wednesday . 9 44 upon voluntary suIiscriptionsL i wo arc o\cr-gTown sehisil i>oys aivl girU ’I'he contrast with comtitioiis jit Hastings ; 9 42 Thursday 9 44 The Mayor (Coum-illor AA'. Perriifs') pre­ w:ho (lUghl to go to sehooi again, and l,’ipo.-o was striking, and e.xplained hy Hu* fact that, sided] and was supported by Mr. V.'iggles- i; 9 42 Friday , „ 9 4A is .111 llygionr- .Aeadcm.v f-ir persiiiiai en­ Hiongli I here were man.v discouraging years ^ T H E l a r g e s t ' 1 9 43 worth (Distviel Inspector under the N ational lightenment of the dpepe,st interest to your hpfore siiecc's was achieved, the great factor Register for Tea Health Insurance t'ominissionei's), D A. S. .welfare and liappmcss. of success was the Jiigher Grade Sehooi, lAND____ BEST ScarlTii AA’ilson (Aledical Officer of H ealtli), R.vposo will iiitirofluVe you to vnur.-clf. .A wiiieli hridged over'H ie gulf beiw'ceii the IP e ASIS o r THE M o o h . .Alderman R. AV. Mitchell. .J.T.. M Percy course of ticatme.iit| at the above Hea.It.li Elementary School and the Science and Art iROLLER SKATM5 10.3 p.m.^-Nsw Moon^. Idle I’own Clerk), and Mr: ’liilds (Clerk Classes, and provided fresh subjects of in­ _ Resort will helij you-to realise tlui need fpr RINK ,1,12 p.m.—F irst Qoaetbb. i to the local Insurance Compiittee). 'J'herei becoming better acquainted with the struction. well graduated, intotesling, attrac­ . 10.38 : a.m .—F ull MjoQN. If you have hitherto procured were also present: (Councillors 1 AA'. Morgan, mysteries of jo u r own nature. AA’e rel'c'.’ tive, and practical, w'ncrehy the young stu­ ONSOyTH COAStf .S.43 a.01.—I-.AST Quarter. T. Ried. E. J. Kelly. Dr. BailHngall, Bi Dr. now to avoidable’ difficulties of one’s own dent w.as tempted io continue his studies Is.22 a.ni.—N ew Moon. Bolton Tonison. Alessrs. J. J.^ Ford. AV. .1. creati iig. after leaving .school. The Higher Grade (i.i") a.ju. IhRST Qu .vrtb* your supplies of Groceries and Stone (1'oiestei-s), Patteiiden I|. O. Bannis- 'J'his T,Tlnablq Hygienic. School is School is now called the M unicipaf Scliool, THBEE tosiO N SK 8.:Vi jv.in,— Full Moon. ter. P O. Buswell, the Rev. E. Locketf, Mrs. speciallv nsOful l|or two kinds of scholars^ and we have still no counterpart of tlii.5 at F. Strickland, eti Hastings. •AILY 1.11 East Quarter. Provisions from the The Town Clerk first read t IP scheme, of those who need j curatirc treatment, those who need a .Astem of preventing treatment. Of course, all edneation, elernentary and iBBM e a sBg . the T/Ccal Government Board, arid raeritioned 'I'liis Natnre-Cn™ HydTii relies entirely secondary, slioiilcl he free. T hat people, |N’S I’.S.A, Tn-monow (Sunday') th at a locqil scheme for at Carevaie (tominittee'.icuimuLee for lui U|)on the system of applying N ature's hearing the expense of rearing children, who Mis'i Tinner, an ofSeer fjom the the borough had been preparen, andl with will form the future State, .should not be n- Iwn ■pointd.poi had inefUiods. to the exclusion of drugs, and, in taxed for educating them, seems an axiom, Army, H eadquarters, will give an the xeeption of one or nddilioni the only] form of diet a.ilowablo is |M r. Whis.ru will preside. aliss-.B. been Approved -by (be Local Goveiinment hot it is one not readily assented to hy the Q L A ^ lT V OF Board The minimum number to foijm tlio th at which is in parmoiiy evith tlie laws of rich and childless. At Brighton the fee for J was ilie speal,;er last Sunday, and I'ur being, to the exclusion of fle-'h, fish and |r sang " Kesignation.’’ Committee was 1.3, aud would reuresenl the Higher Grade School used to be ltd, a ■VroUNDEO leOLDlElIiS ABE AO W TTED TO THE PALACt RIKTi various bodies in the community. The term fowl. week, now the maximum fee is J:”> 9s. fid. a I a RY' iM.AOnibKN SCHOOL.— of office for members without tesappoiatment You cpnnot. undergo a cour.se of treot- .vp.si', wiili hooks and a liberal i-jUppl-V of free lite. a.jpiipil of this sohool. has would be two year:. ment without gaining practical knowlodgo and maintenance scholarsliips. But even |).i"t itiral tiuli he ha> p a sse d The Mayor said the sdierae Ifad bee n dis- ali'uit• voilrself, knowJecfge thiJJClL at will »»lll pmve (his compares favoiirabl.v with tho .*£12 9s. fee .Artificers’ Examination. Six cussed by the Town Council. Bofird of Gua r- iiivalii.ohle for the rest of yn-ur life, The of the Hastings Grammar School, its charge hiark.s .sevured a Pass a n d W h ite dians. and other pohlic bodies, and t had pat 1-1 ns of Riposo can easily learn one < of for books, and its total absence of open main­ "0. 'rheve wi-ve 1,170 candidates. met wi th their approval. IJe lifid lett ers of life’s mo.sl. iieocsiiarj- le.~son's- and Hiat is tenance scholarships. how to bccoinr. 1 ,vgie,ni"ally interested in |A H R I ( \ c 1', arrauged between C a p - apologri for absence from Mrs. 'I'iibbs. nilos- In an article restricted in space a.s this |n O ’Diiiimell and Miss .loyi-e I r v in e nominate ing -£.5 towards expenses, and Air. an d Mrs. t licuiselvcs. Therefore, the value received necessarily i.s, the problem is to present our Irawford w ill not. take I'lace.- OH Beckitlf with a cheque for -fi.50 ns Dieii • giih- for the fee paid jis not. oAliausiod hy tliu shoi'fcomings in the least possible compass, |f religHbus difi’erenee.s. scriptiqn. (Applanso.) The Mayor re- terniin.otion of thq time involved. and to do this it is proposed to compare the as marked that the work was very impo rtant, In Ripnso we find the Naturo-enrn position of Secondarv FMneaHon at Hastings Jy'GTO.N I'.S.A,. Jlr. Semple wee and thri necessity of dealing w ith the si ourgo s.vsiein of treatm-rnt to such a degree, of with that at Brighton, pleasure town IN |e r juuij soloist at th e HblVingtos .nd assure of oonaiimptioii "was very pr'essing. i inder perfect ion it almost temiits one to confess similarl.v situated. : l’.S..A'.i on Sunday. He rendered the wipg of a (lommittee as jlropospi I the tbero is after all ,ome pleasure in being iH. “ Evcr.yone realises the clemenfary fact Iv .Song.’’, the audience heartily join- opportunities for healing and restoration if it means a few week'.s stay at Riposo, for th at some children,: if ihe.v are only given chorus. Mr. Marehant presided. best ^ndeavours would be many. Much had been done in Has­ liliere we ar.s in t.ho hands of N ature and an opportunit,y. will profit most through (Sunda.T't the ( 'hairmatn will he tings Under the Medical'Officer of H ;alth, her .sj'inpatlietic, assistant.s. U nder tlio modern languages and titei'atiirc, others by a pguis. tlie speaker Mrs. Hoad, and 3U well. but much more remained to be accompi shed. ('halet s\-stem of contmual oontaet with the scientific and technical edneation. and others SIGHT-TESTING r Aliss |l|ii)ad. .Dr. Sriarlyn AA’^ilson said the Local Govern­ energising iiiHuence of pure air and sun- are again destined b.y their natural turn of - 1 Nti'InilNT. - An exceedingly ment Board had realised the difficulties which rJiinc you will find that your outlook on mind to profit most t’i'om an education based Fence isi related. - Aliss Flllen Pearse existed.)and was aware that (he Councif had life i.s gradually ((hanging nientiilly ami on the study of clas,sics and history. Under lof the. wife of our townsman, Mr. not t|he means to thoronghl.v crjmbat ph.v.-icaf ly ; th at j'ou are awakening to the ]\fr. F isher’s Bill a! duty is to be imposed th a t y o u r jaCkinah>. daughter of Mr. Edward tile disease. Thev had suggested (he calling delight of a new svorld; you are beginning upon the Councils of leverv county and county It is all - important fiarse, farmer, of Ea.st Cornwall, in of ioluntary workers, which, while it to reali-na there i.s a source of happiness borough to provide for the progressive de­ hen ni.irried on her father’s lOSra seemed rather a pity, on the other hand in­ within yourself that will give a new mean velopment and romprehensive organi.sation of a c c u ra te ly I On the occasion of his 100th birtl)- creased] pnhiie expense could hardly be ing to life. To ii'ave a sample week at oduration in their respective areas, and io sight should be tested "^ar.se received a letter of congr^i- looked ^or at the present time. Before-the Riposo is a duty you owe to yourself. Don’t make adeipiate provision, eilher by means of :i the. King, hoping that tl\^re^ AVar he had outlined a scheme foi’j the wait till you are actually ill. but arrange .special schools, or .special classes, for what scientiHcally, his life might be bless^^with borough, which the AVar had hung up, dther- :it niK-o for at least a week, and voii will may he termed Higher Edneation. He de­ and ! appintss. wise (hey would have had their own build­ find the cost will prove to be a good invest­ sires to meet the objection which is com- lAOrE has been arranged, and will ings. anA would have been able to deal with ment by reason of what jou have learnt nionl.v. and not wiljhont justice, advanced in .August,- between Mr. Georg* their own ca.ses. Even under the scheme he .about your.e?lf. In your tlioiiglit.s, feelings against so much of i the work done in one You cannot afford to risk ill- Eiherton, solicitor, the Town did not suppose they would 'be .able to deal and impressions you will cairy away a part Elementary Scliools during tlie last two years, thoroughly with tile matter, because they of Riiviso wlieu you leave-—the invisible that the children aVe marking time, that I'ortsmmil li, son of Mr. .1. Hnni- would not have the institutions where they rtoh.jRowlands Castle, Hants, and siwds of brighter and happier days tlm t their edneation is not bringing them on. and informed “advice.” | could send patients for institutional treat- will .soon spring up in the garden of j-our that it does not fit th^m for their future call­ rude, tlie only child of the late Mr. WOMEN’S WQRK FOR. WOMEN. — An 'ment. '“he buildings for which the Borough , of the Inner Temple, barrister- EIRH KRMK.N'f? CHURCH.-The services life, i.u the development of a miniature ing.” 'American war-tittio tea and patriotic gather­ on the Second Sunday Trinity, .lime Enginee • had long ago made plans would Kiposo of your own. All Ibis should haVe been evident to our 'M rs.'K ot, Hyde I'ark-mansion*, ing will he held in tile delightful gardens! ot 9( h , have tn vait, aud tn put up*tempprar.v build­ A^e are fully qualified sight- lima. St. .sa,viour’s-road, St.^.Eii'^ ill be: 11 H.ni. mattii \ivifli iddress on ’riirouglli w ant of space wo cannot do Authority at Hastings, and tackled long ago Old Hastings House on Wednesday, .liane ■■’I’ll II saith the Lord'’: 3. ii p.mJ iiilerces- ings would mepn the provision of a-great deal justice (o the iiinumcrablo details involved without legal compitlsiou. At Brighton 640 a. and grand-daughttr of the R«y. l9th. from 5 to 81.39 p.m.. in aid of St. Arni­ sions of mate iiil and the ineurring of cons der- ii Roy, M.A. nn behalf of all those eiigagdrl in war- in the perfect equipment of suc’u a delight­ boys atlemi the Municijia! Sshool. The cur- testing specialists, and you may ca's H-nme for Gfrls, which is badly in mied tn re. If you have a relative—and who has able expense. The difficult.y at present to be ful wasorl; for all who are wearv in body rtcnlnm includes English, mathematic?;, 11,1. AiJl,OTMENT.S.-On Monday fif funds. A most altractiv.e pmgrammel is rioti’—come to til's short service ().30 p.in. combated was that of seeing that the good and mind. There are Chalets for 'each sex science and art, French, Latin, Russian, Ger­ :ianuel iSrhool iin instnietivo lail- being arranged, including concert^, c-m'pal evensr ng with .iddress oii “ Dry Brnes,” fol- that haq been accomplished in an inslitiition or for a famil.v, air-haths, sun-batlis, aud man, Spanish, commenhal subjects, physics, consult us with absolute confidence. e was ; given by Mr. V. Rainc, Contests for wounded soldiers, putiirpsqaie lowed by short mission service, subject was maintained. Be was afraid th a t man.v woocl.and metal handicraft, design, etc. The people went bncE io their old surroundings raried forms of treatment for each (•as». gricultnre. on Hie disease of potae dancing, and tableaus, etc. Admis.smn M. "AA'ay id'e Thieves.” AI r.'’('Inibh, the Lay- ...... ’ ' ’ ■ ’ and all under the personal care of Dr. J. E. external examinations taken are .Tnnior and preyention. Councillpr AV. J. (no entertainmerit tax.'. and did ot get that nourishment which Senior Cainbriiflge, interm ediate Science and readei , will give the addresses. -\ cordial Under the circumstances it was Khunc, and Air. and Airs. Pitcairn Knowles iresideo. supported by the A'icar, invita ion to all who wonirl like to attend. needed aud th*?ir well trained staff of nurses and Art. (he B.A. land B.Sc. degree of I.ondon ilt'j Newman, Councillor.-, H. Sam- TH E HOME AIAG.AZINE.—The Hnrjie very gooi that thev had the ooluntary ri-nrk University, anti they have a cadet school, Magazine (AA’oma.n at Hohie) for .Tiiiie is ■ ‘ mid ittendants. AA’e may add than outdoor nd .1. ;Whi<-ker. the Hon. Seire- TH f JUNE .'sTR.-AND.’’—Btofies of. a of local i?ocieties, and the Committee w game.s, sucK a.s golf, tennis, Badm'nton 'there is no such school at Hastings. At f. A. .Chrismas), Messrs. A. Hriy, full of bright stories. “ Mrs. Smith '*1 humor character figure large!r in the be able to sec that individual cases were c Brighton there are 40 junior scholarships, F. A. BATEMAN im Picardy’’ and “ The Diamonds in tthc fully considered and looked after. and hockej'. are siiecially provided for. pl. Diiivn, ,A. Coates,, senr., H. .tune I iher of the Strand.” wli icli opens Every dotail for the comfort and xileasure books are provided, and a maintenance allow­ ilbeam,

tioBAlly Btibna. Ejpeode 6 of " Th* Fatal 5 ^TMATI0 ;8 8 HASTINQS AMUSEMENTS, Ring'* and j>tEeT films will be dhown. CORRESPONDENCE. -:o:- The prinoipal film tor the- first three ------:o:---- ^ ■ w*ihT»o. MAM or BtBl. » r “ TH Q MIDDiDLER ” AT THE G.UETYl days of next week is a grajod Broadwest pro­ TENNIS AND CTUCKEt ! ON SUNDAYS THEATRE. duction "Tho Ragged Messenger," featur­ Sir,—I feel very reluctaiit yet oonstrained ' / e s The many local friends of Mr. _____Iharle^_ ing those great artistes Violet Hopson,. to write and nak you to flind,room, in your Wind jrmere, have been glad, to welcome■w«. ^tm' him Basil e m 7 i€ M play in which Mr. Windermere irat, ^gged Messehgar" the story jrf^.a poor girl You ivill knosv, Mr. Editor, that I am the WAl^H dOBBCR waotto to clean n* »nd correo* Mary Ainslie, who accepts tbs oner of a fi«iv aiMk vetebB, ftod • • I•b ihop; 9erBMn^c:^toBBimaiieacy 'to ar immei^ly successful. As in "The ] Head, last man to deprive my fallow townsmen guitrtil.-man; vage., aboot 60.,.-*-i&itan. Ltd..' Ert- masiejr” there is the same elderly, livable home from tho rich but selfish Henry of the nleasure of these games, bpt God, j7r oljrgyman, all kindness and geniality but Vavasour; it irill deligOit everyone r^ho sees 'who asks ua to keep Holy the Sabhat'i- PART TIMC.-Wanted. H w or ctniot-I^dTHr thrj» C iJ o r i< 3 ,1 it. An Admiralty Official film “ Patient boors «8«b srseadsr, ton in a^oralng, eteodo^ to tvlth an unfortunate habit of mislaying with the promise-, of btossing to those that oleaa windows and do odd jdb»i wage, l»s. week.—Ko» everything he touches. ,So he. muddles his Heross of the Sea,’’ which will be shown, do so, and also the sure punishment of and &tee, Pawnhiotan, it, Lopdoa-rd., Bt, ^usehold affairs and his,church aftair-s, and will prove very interesting and there will tho.so men or nations that break God's ■ , —J» but for hie niece, who keeps house far him be the usual fino comedies and the next divine laws, should be obeyed. Surely at episode. No. 8, of tho exciting serial such a time as this we ou^t to listen to ^hol lhavc for 8 o THIS WIEEk: and is! his good fairy in general, it is ’difficult “ .Timmie Dale ’’ also the Pathe Gaseltc. the plain commands of God. We 'wonder eiTUATlONO VACANT—farm HANqO. to knqw wnat would become of the dejar old The latter half of dhe week also holds a , _____ ;______• _____ ,______— ' gentlehian. Sir AVilliam Vernon seelts his- that God allows this terrible war to go on, BOV -wonted fat farm ■work.—OwlObniy Park. Hm**. undoing because the Rector’s niece wants to treat for picture lovors for “ A Kentucky or why H© does not give us vioioiy. Can Bdld, SuMX. ' ity and distinc- Cinderella,’’ that cUarmting Bluebird photo we tnily expect it, or do we really deserve STOCKMAN.—Stoftkmui aod General J«rm lAboiuw tJCCT marry his son,.'but with a shrewd and tactful play featuring Ruth Cliffotti and Rupert. it? 1 love my home, my nation, and people wijuei.—Apijly Coppcir^ High-efc., .tc» champion in Lady Darlinghiirst love troubles Julian sirppomd by Emory Johnson and WANTED, reliable MAN to help wibb oow»; m i»t ba are am[aothed away and the mnddling Rotor's passionately, but 1 fear that our sins are good clenn milker; rood tugeo; oorttage; and gnrd^— In all kinds d{ Little Zee Ray, is to bo shown. The story bringing 'as great eorro'v and ruin. Apply Bailie, Olyno Manor Faun. BertuU-on-Boa—JlSb MACARONI path made smooth as it is possible for loving is sweet, a mixture of pathos and humour I am told that fee Cricket Ground has j WANTED, a naeful MARRIED MAM en r ^ bin, friends to make it. The entertainment is with an exciting opening which cannot fail been commandeered by the Axiaj, if bo and one ttee4 te pija and eattl^ ©ood oottete, culk a»a 30t, • Ihe taste and one continual laugh and altogether [quite to appeal. It will be supported by the gam eg ore the result oS the transfer, weekly.—Glydwrieli Farm, BuiWflh/ delightful. ■^isoefe ■7 of “The Fatal Ring,’’ featuring may God ha's© marcy upon those otherwise | B ^ S T Mr. Oharles iTindermere has a part "(Thicb .Pearl 'White, and ctlhcr films. heroic men nflio are putting such obstacles SITUATIONS VACANT—FEMALE. suits him admirably and one he knowi well The enterprising management liave in the way to final victory. But thank >man, extend a VERMICELLI bPW to ifet ^he-most out of. Miss Pauline psenred at enoimous expense the greut film God for tho men who are true to Hie claims | ~A GOOD .GENERAL SERVANT -nmted, after 36tta.— Hagem as Bsme, the Rector’s niece, is a "Aly four y.90rs in G.ermany ” from Ex- and commands and who I know dsprocate ' I-«»• (14 OZ. PACKET). graqdtul, delightful girl, who acts with much A-mwussador' J. VV. Geritanl’s grtat -book such ways of spending the Sabbath. dsitdrs to lo6k ea>8e and reflnement, and Miss Mabel Rees which is rehlly wonderful. Tne unique W. H. ATKINS. Lcouaidi flier. ■' ife very charming as Lady Darlinghurst. As and greatest pf oil historical film drama.s 118, Bra3-brook&-road. ' A CAPlfeLE YOUNG WDMAN raquired daily for. - f- Stott, the sexton and gardener and handy­ is to be presented at tHio Kinema Palace bonaoliold ^utiee.—A. V., 17, St, Heleni,'e.ld.. Hbrtingl, SPAGHEHI man at ■ the Hdclory, Mr. Harry Phydora very shortlj'. ' .SUNSHINE AT HASTINGS. AtoERATIOM WORKROOM, Maotlo birt OortoXi^ collection of causes a lot of laughter in a real inedy AT wanted, ■ Junior A jn eto it; nlao AppieoMoe; Sir.—Prom an elSbofate report recently from coi encament.—Aprty to Maotiit 'Broa.. B ro « » IN TOMATO SAOpt. , ■ part. The other characters are good ‘ ARISTOCRATS' ” AT issued by the Meteorological Office, I-ondon, hands. - THE THE pi. and itle->t., Baotingi. loof the desig (WITH CHEESE). HfSTINKJB PIER. of the climatic, conditions which prevailed oooka.A e oooktgeneiirin, o ^ old-eatablirtied bounemAida, REGISTRY generals. torbonae'JNrlcmp Sernntoi There will be two performances i tb-day Twice daily, at 3 and 7.45 o’clock, over the British f«le during,the past year, maidiS. bebweenmai^. kitebenmaida wanted. —- Ernrn • (Saturday) at 2.'30 and 7.15. Residents of afid visitors to Hastings, have we learn that as many as 17'J supshine | FerieUy, W, Boberteon-it. (oppooita Plunuaei»), «*• e y tinn, . c tort cn opportunity of enjoying an exhfloraliiig recorders were employed ((ind all their BOOT TRAOE -Yming' Lady, lS-16, i« l<*rn»: ■»•««• >ressmakers PILCHARDS MONEY FOR NOTHING.” A NEW intertainmeh'tf’' in the .Shore Pavilion at values given) to obtain the precise distribu­ to commence.—Freeman. Hardy and Willir, yeoyge-^, PRODUCTION, NEXT MONDAY] he Hastings Pier, where the well-tried tion of bright sunshine experienced. Exclu­ Haeiinge. 1 . „ . nd. firml.v . eetahlished “ Aristocrats ”, ding the t-wo Southern lalan'ds of Guernsey BOOT TRADE. — Smart expenenoed SalerwoiSisn or IN TOMATO SAUCE, The fir.sf half of next week Mr. Robert Saloeraan wonted at once; food wanes..-Hilton, 6, York., individually aire EXTRA LARGE TIN. Courtneidge is sending to the Gaiety Theatre erform to large and delighted audiences. ■and .leraeyi the recorder at Hastings takes buildings, illeetinyi. -"Jl , a very fine Company with a farcical coiied.y, ! ,4 feature of the entertainments are the second place, its record being an extremely Blouse Shop BODICE [ROOM.—Good Bodice Hands, AtsmtanU aM concertos and choruses which are all very also Aiteralfon Hands wanted; workiooms eloee da. clock I entitled “Money for Nothing," by Gsorge small fraction of an hour per day below cooi wa'rea: . permarienciee.—Apply Piiilpot'a Ltd., ,3e, Etid Houses. Rollit. When one remembers such huge suc­ tharmi'ng and effective, hut it must albo I-'elixatow on the East Coast of England. White Voile Blouse of remarkable cesses as “The Arcadians,” “The Pearl Olirl," |je said that individually the cOmi>any is I might add that during ^he nearly 40 Marina. St.[ Leonards...... y-i*- li GOOD COI IKING “The Mousme," “The Cinema Star,” “ My very strong. Mr. Herbert Williams, the .years of bur uninterrupted apushine .tables' value, effectively embroidered, Lady Frayle,” “The Light Blues.’’ etk., a baritone, is in splendid form, ..and was we have been at times (excluding Jersey and siipcr quality, particularly successful on Monday, when, sailor collar- with two tucks, feronco; nepr aliops and stabien: houeemaid and m em in. RICE per Ib. farce which can, for the .time being, ivean Guernsey) absolutely first onj the list, and trimmed with embroidery, girl kept.—Northdown, HeatbSeld. Bussex. I31e ' 1 Mr. Courtneidge away from musical comedy in a-esponfe to an, encore, he gave an c o o k wanted for good class prirate boted; Bead tcagtoi H ^xqiiisite rendering of “ I hear you calling always amongst the highest seven or eight free Sundews after mid-day; kitoben and ocnUerT-mslw must be sometliing out of the ordinary. Yet- places. finished small pearl button, kept.—Wittbn Hotel, Grosyenor-rdns., St. Leonards.—;j* ■ exhausted, and ,if it is true that there is music in laughter, me.” In Mr. Lister Reekie, tho Company HENRY COLBORNE. f various designs of embroidery. COOK, flood plain, wanted for eznall private fanulTt this excruciatingly funny farce is the has a comedian who is really original and Borough of Hastings.Meteorological Depart­ three maidt.—Mrs. Joseph, 10, Cantelupe-rd., Bexhill-oto highest type of musical comedy. funny. He is an entertainment in himself, ment. Sizes I3 i to 14j, Sea I BEST OATMEAL or ROLLED OATS pel* lb Mr. Courtneidge has engaged an extraordi­ ^.nd he keeps the audience in a happy, cook-general aid HOUSE-PARLOURMAID r«- loderate prices mood with hia songs, patter and drolF 7th June, 1918. Special Price 6/11* fluired.—Apply Mrs. Hoisheld, St. Julian’s, SL AJbane. narily brilliant Conmany-, so leaving iwlhing I J^o ■ to chance in his efforts to make thjs new ‘(asides.” There are also two comedien'nes, Useful Sports Coat, mercerised, COOK-GENERAL: help given; one Bon-Ueman; gooB' piece as big a success a* that which he Miss Paula Desborough and Miss Oliv® THE SMGKE FROM THE WORKHOUSE wah'es; Uotwe-parlourmaid to one lady, eiiudl honee. c3 s: [quite sure you Maitland, the former being specially SHAFT. newest full fitting shape, Kltchenmald, £34-E26. two in family; serrante^tookM achieved with his mahv musical plays. ■ The Sir,—Cannot ' tho local Board of free.—Brooke' Uigb Chue Agency, Tonbiidge Well*. i i M ^ cast *( "Money for Nothing” will indlude siuccessfiil in rag-time pieces, and' the colours Niger, Cham, Pink, Julian Boyce. Alan Nicholas, Clive Cujrrie, letter in coon songs with melodious Guardians be iiersuaded to conoume their SOOK.GENERAL--wanted, for flat; capable, gooi re­ im cjliormses. own smoke, instead of allowing it to be j and Rose. These are special ferences; tOiree in family; iholp given; tS2IS to £3S.— [ou feel in the John McNally, Benedict Butler, Dorjothe poured forth in dense black volumes from Apply by letter. Mm. Leeber. 44b, Chapel Park, Bt. Brett, Edie Casson, Hilda Charteris, I Mr. George Lennard also gives coon value at 23/6 Leonards, i jrt Beckman, and Ethel Callanan. sbngs and monologues and is remarkably tho shaft of the Workhouse ? It Is COOK-GENERAL, also Nurse Honsomsid reanireB ^services are a,t There will be a matinee on Wednesday, at clever, whilst Miss Effie Joyce, a splendid nuisanco to the neighbourhood, and in Smart Moirette Underskirt, very taat 'week i'h June, sdAerior arfd“ " oapoble; piod^ serestooer.f soprano, has an excellent selection of south-west wind d'wbUers in the Old London- good weees and ostings: oomemasistanoe; dom Alseondm m d ] 2.30.' road have to close their windows or be | durable, full size, deep flounce "ark.—P., 11, St. Hei«i'e Paik-rd., Hastings. —jl spngB, and Mise Haydee Eoyston, an old CHILDREN’S NURSE MATRON reanlred about Jnna favourite, gains further honours for her smothlered with most evil smelling thick with pleated frill. Colours 15th to take chargs ot about 15 childien, tmd«r IS, ia 111 be honoured ME. MATHESON LANG TN A NEW PlAY charming dancing. smoke,—a condition of things which would their ouboftsiSHool hour*; salary «;>ooriling to (juaUJo*- _ I NEXT TIIURSD.4Y. i At the piA'no Mr. Haydn Pearsall not be tolerated in the Town. ' Bottle, Black, Navy, Saxe,' tion» and experieaoeL--Addr«B The Principal, Winc}:.rt«r Patrons of the Gaiety Theatre ivill be *8 ^®*- performs a difficult task with marked The fine healthy breexes of this locality House School, St. tA&uaxAA , —-j® i o ; ably surprised to see Mr. Matheson Langl the Grey,. Purple, Niger,. Cham, COMPANION HELP (refined, yotmg) vaptied daily latter part of fee week in the.class of play ability and success. are quite neutrailazed by thid daily deluge | Sky, Mauve, Pink, j&c. (18.30-6) or pibenrWB by young' married lady in apaii- in which he made his original great suc­ (Sundays included) of polluted almo^here, ments; baby tKo years.—Apply by. letter flr^. with (rage LO^aIl BRANCHES; aoid garden work is rendered a misery. We , Special Price 6 / 1 1 . and paiticcuiars, to Mis. Best, 9. Deronshire-ter.,- cesses, namely, romantic costume dfe:ma. [la u g h t e r a n d song by WALLIS tings. , . ’. —a the would suggest that the Guardians use smoke­ COOK-GENERAL, sleep in or out; no eooldne for E O R G t STREET, HASTINGS. Lately we have seen so much of him in ARTHUR’S CXIMPANV. less ooal. Artificial Silk Scarves,! length 57 the hflsiiiese’; wo-nan in erery day; good hernae, famous American crook play, “Under Coys^r, and ontinS!.---Apply Golden Croea, HaTelook-nJ.r Hoe- UEEN’S Ro a d , Ha s t in g s , and his wonderful character study of Mr. The general feeling is that th© more one We have lately experienced a spell .of hot inches. A large selection of tinge. ■ t '49 "704 Hasting*.'*,’ Wu,” with its fascinating pictures '^f*bf the summei’ weather, and hope for more to come, OOOK-QENERAL and young HOUSE-PAALOUII. visits Wallis Arthur's Concert Party the when gardens should be sought for pleamire colours in / various stripesl MAID w aA t^j Ohu7^wQiafiai;.;.6mfrll ^ b w East and modern Chinese life, that many more one wants to, for fresh enjoyment is ment.*—Apj)lf 5.80 to 7, Mta. Gmf, 13m ^19!* 17. U NDON ROAD, ST. LEONARDS. have almost forgotten his great successes in found every time one goes to till© Central 'iis well as labour, but if this smoke nuisance Special Value, 6 / 1 1 . Mwiehifil, 8t4 TofTMird», . “ The Proud Prince,” “The Devil’s Disciple, laviliion, Queon’s-road, or th® Alexandra is allowed' to continue the pleasure ■will be DAILY QBNBRAL wanted; no •ookin? or. Established 1836. WORIiD Si sjTOB STORES, LTD. “Prisoner of the Bastile,” and so on. an impossibility. j . 40, Lower Perk-rd., Hastings. Pwk. DRESSMAKINO. — Wanted, ffood Mr. Lsing was born in Montreal, where his -4s far as humour is conbarned the Hoping, that by attention bUhg called to- P€rman«nQy.-4Morlie, 24, KingVrd., St. Leoanrof. —jl - , ’Phone 3By. father at the tkne was minister at St. An­ this matter, something may[ be done to In many eases our priees are DRAPERY.>^Yonn? Ladr waat^ for f&noy deyri drew’s Church. Four years after the son s illimitable Mr. Geooge Blaokmore is just mitigate the abominable nuisance. meiift, also ifot baby llxtesi and und«Tolo41iiDgr.*’«<7. Hattga M at Tunbridge WeUs, birth Mb. Lang, sen., returned to Inverness, as good as ever,, he being espacially funnv SMOKE [DRIED. aetUally less than To-day's Whole­ and _9on,_ O^terbary.. and liere; the embryo actor was brought up, ir his ohai'acter songs. In,this respect sale Priees- and from here he joined the Company of also Mr. Georg.a Grogie is excruciating, this BEE KBBPINGi ^bnAPERY^'-AsuitaDt for tuaaerciotnui* ana--- - portrayal of the rustic character being his S i r ,—An article has appeared in one of —B^r, 33; Deronshi^xd., Bexbill. — Thespis. Once on the stage, Mr. Lang went chief -cj « feature. A higlh-olass oomedi©nne' is DRAPSRY;-Yo w JUkdj ARPR1NT4CR ahead. His early experiences were strenubus , S l j tho London papers advocating bso-keeping to lisirtln Broi.* BfeeDspl, and Oai41 and_J varied, and included aA r*wesWngrounding1 *1 gy 1in'n Tnalf’l.melo­ I 'IvUlLvk;, in Miss Ethel Welford, who amuses in tb© national interest. As| an old bee­ S E R IE S B . iVo.l drama and farce, and a long and invaluable and delights with eviary song, and in duets keeper for 30 j'Aars I can fully endorse tlie DRAPDRV;—Experif^aoed Yoanc Lady wanted a l cmM wlthi Mr. Qrogj© she is partionlanly fine-. idea, but I am afraid the extonse off start­ THEGREY BLOUSE for baberdaabery aM'triminin«B.--AppVy A.''D6nrar, training under Sir Frank Benson (then F.JE. On© would lhaye to go a long way bo liiaar a Hiplhst., .Dov^r« « , . . ’ Benson), the great Shakespearean actor. more charming contralto voice than Miss. ing as mentioned would be prohibitive to DRGBSMAKtNG. -r^Good. . Drill Hall 8 p.m. 'When only twenty-two years of age he was many, the cost -of a hive being put at £5, Bodi^ Hands and Aaastanta.—FaoltbaiDy i0« i. Mid- chosen by Mrs. Langtry to play as her leid- Marion Ruth possesses, and anothear popu-' and that of a swarm at £2. 1 «t.,-Hestinf*.'; - ■ fill Hah ® pm. Bayonet fitting lalPri ariaiste to Mr. Harold Humphries, .q May I state that in the oarie o f anyone DAILY WDMAN wanted from 7 a-m. nnta ^ . Hotchkiss Giin TeamrTo'wer if y o u p ass a i[riend ing man on her niost succes.sful American ssa- . leiifed ' baritone- whk> is always 'loudly to otean staff bwlrooms. ete. — BonMloaeper,' WanM lall 7.30 p.ni. Sunday, .Tuna son, and immediately .on his return to I^g- with a taste for oarpentering, the oo.st of a Ht>u» Hotel. iDL Leonardo ^ ^ land he joined Miss Ellen Terry at the Im- apjplaiiided. Miss Maifd Maya is an ex- honie-made hiws need not oxceeid 5s., hut it BR£S8MAKINC.»APPRINTICBS^ ^n,v parade at Toyer Bead Drill Eerial Theatre, London, to play Benedick to cofient pianist and-accotnpanist. imiKirtant that one of a standard size [47, ROBERTSON STREET 'tram oommsabsais^.'*'Apply to lla atfn Braa.s JWeaft*. j. Field Day -with inachine gun- er Beatrice. In the course of the same im- “ he troupe perforin at the Central only should be made or a beginner ■will *DRAPERyt^’ at omi*. AesioUmta loT ID* Field:day orders,'with ratiottfl. in the s^eet! lagemhnt he also appeared as Cardinal Paivilion ©v©ry evening at 8 and in the sow seeds of , trouhl© wihich will soon HASTINGS. hbb'ou. and ttimminir d«lvaJtnient.--'Apply, stntinf Altoandra Park at 3 in the afternoons. tj-oulars, Ix>n*ky BexbiliL . , . , , "“J*® _ Wolsey, Bassanio, and Greet in “The Good quench all enthusiasm!. I would suggest DRAPERY.: — Young lad y -nanted Hotif often do you fail to see a friend across the Hope.” On leaving Miss Terry Mr. Lang -was lat in the place of fret work braekete a underclothing :d;^arto0Ten ; iw leriod ipf the first Consulate, in which hfr. DOMcaTJC HELP or nxpw«»oad locking, Mrs. Ehden and many, dimness of distant objects you should have your . After this performance the Theatre closps sUo[vi-n, featuring' Gerald Ames, Edward each season, and after satisfyiiig family re- . a eye» examined at oi)ce. for a fdrtntoht. ' o f Mons,” in O^eilh and Janet Ross-.'also. Episode 3 of qtoreipanls .I have made a.pi'ofit of 20s. per rk-road. The It progi-amme -was presented and Forj[^SHORT SIGHJT, most dangerous of all The Neglected Wife,” a fine domestic hive eacih year. I should be 1 pleased to i! xeceiv?d enthusiastic applause. NEW SEhIia L, “ THE MYSTERY SHIP drajma- Other pictures will include “ John ive any assistance to a beginner quite, Rev. A. N. Walton conducted th© opening 8oflBex fuid Soutiiern Gouatie* R^cl^try* JU. YoombUjt * •. ordthary eye defects, is a trouble that always AT Th e CINEMA DE LUXE. and in introducing Mrs. Ebd©n, C.B.El-, (who C o r a ^ BrightOB; Belak. IBM. T^l* N# pMs Fy the Misses Hainceather Brqwster’s Wife,” an excellent two-reel ree except any out of pocket ©xpen'ess. «onn2Ctioo No. 7* .r-r J w —, grows worse if neglected. Let all Cinema goers who har© not wit­ Thanhouser play; “ A Kitchen Romance” om ega: presided) gave her a hearty welcome, con- I in. thieir usual artistic and nessed that magnificent production, “The ratulating her upon the hnnour H.M. The inerj l while Mrs. A. Wicken* While disregard of tl(»e,early symptoms of Short- tolls Comedy), etc. you want?" “ O il d Trent to Mx. gly arid was heartily applauded, Birth of a Nation,” hasten to the Cinema 4® The programmes for the week will be full WOMEN’S VOTES AND THU Ting had conferred upon: her. • Mrs. Ebden iMt fend 4 Sight may do irrepa|ra|ble harm to your eyes, yet Luxe to-da{v, for the last three exhibitions expres^ her great pleamito in being present don’t yon b.v Miss Madge Parry wer* staf ones, and will be extremely interesting. .FURNISHED HOUSE. to encourage the work which had been so •tin oineii iorablo and songs were given by the immediate adopltion of the proper Glasses are announced, at 2.4.5, 6.15, and 7.45. This They will be accompanied by well selected Sin,—I am informed that in tha Hasting?: Doter. ! .__,** pucas.: IA pleasing variation to is truly a marvellous picture, the like of orc)lestral music, and will no doubt he and St. Leonards area difficulty has besa faithfully and successfully [carried on in that GENERAL Mfeuizfed; plain oooBiaff; •bomU | the trouble can be arrested and sound', comfort­ ■which is se flbni seen; it rivets the attentiojn laised by registration officers te women Sunday school for so' many yearto irishnw it Wlueler. 15, CAiurcdt-i!.* CfeTfeM^njOs t e d t e . Jl^fe > wa;fj provided by Aldermaa thoroughly enjoyed by all who patronise the reater success in the future. The fteve GIRL, feboat |4, wantfed. how evork.-linL S m it^ beking, who_gave a number of able (vision secured. [ ! to Theatre. (lualifying for th© Parliamentary vote as f .IcxaQorttp St. !litary’»^r., Hastisga. , — . . . • hearing upon the great subject, and has beep occupants of furnished housee. 'rank C, Raynor then gavai his lecture, -which QIRU It. iw iim x>06t M ShOTtSuubd'Xyput.—Ap m solos. Mise Gladys Paulson Many years experience in the Science jof Sight, : the delight of crowded houses all this week. was listened to' with rapt; attention by the' Office, jfi ally well, her beautiful voico ^ED CROSS CONCERTS AT S^. ' Will you allow me to point out that a GENERAL SERVANT lOfe wafUff togetper with the highest scientific Optical know­ On ilonday, Tuesday and Wednesday ak registration offiper holding such 1 a ■view is very larae and appreciative audience. -Mr. i»e ii fatkifectorr.—Aalitoad. Home, EansTratUL, ^ 'admiration and evoking heartj [ LEONARDS PIER. W. F. Balding tendered the thanks of the [other-jfeature was recitations ledge, guarantee the, safety of your eyes if you entire chanjie. The star four-part drama will cximpletely in error? The Representation GENERAL, lt-20 7fe»r«; Email t e l l y ; no o h j l a r ^ be [a great story of the Frosen North, takfin of th'S Peoj)!© Act, 1918, gives the Fariia- school’ to Mrs. Ebden and'Mr. Raynor for good rcterejioe*; jt30,’-^PaitJouJfej® Bowfarmaa, fig Paujll, which were given in conslntt , . 'When Mr. Gardner steps on to tftie plat­ the splendid services they had rendered, and pUrenidos-rd., Soutlisea. ^ ’s ujaual delightful manner, amid the snows of .Vlaska, entitled "In Godls form at his monthly Red Cross Ckmefirts, mentary franchise to occupiers “as owners GENERAL, you&sr, Trent^; od^ l a ^ r (Si; i Good Time.” The scones are laid in the early or tenants,” and “tenants’’ has hevair b»?n asked Mrs. Ebden to accept-a' copy of -“‘The and outiifga: Ijelp ^r^n.-f-Applj hly amusing and entertaining.- days of the. Klondykc rush, and the action he ife always sure [of a hearty reception and Angels of Mons” with the author’s auto- a sympathetic hoai’ing. interpreted to mean—and is not comoctly GENERAL Trento for Si. so ve^ well rendered by Mist takes place [r-ound a girl, who took the law inteipi-eited so now—occupiers’ of nn- raph in remembrance of that evening. Mrsi JM U dsi iS M^ilks, who received cbn> Liist Sunday (he! drew a vivid piotare of ribden and .Mr. Raynor having isuitably res­ food TPae«8.—Apply R,B.* -87, “ Obterrer . Office, .• !se. j into her onjn hands when she went to the the latest Hun atrocities—the bombing of furnished Oioussb, Any woman cyor 30 who XiSjU. i ,t —ft CO. Klpndyke to avenge the death of her young hhs since last Ootober 15th rented and ponded, thelmeeting closed ivith ithe National I GOOD COOK-QENERAL: . good, eborastar, tbies \ .Ohasemore and Mr. Hiram.' WAliMAN, Proprietor, Eed[ Cross hospitals—and in making an Anthem and “God Save bur Spfendid Men” family.—Apply totei S p.m.. 8, Groe»Snoi-o»ee., BL brother, and the theme alternates between apptol for funds for local Red Cross work oocupi'sd a furnished house is entitled to , , . . . t. acted as accompanists, rugged strii© and a delightful love story. vote at the next Electitwi. It is m the, ease The collection, which was in ai^ of the Sun raO D D GENERAL, etrong, oapa5I*, »t>la to eobk> As s the 'donoert an extremely Comedy is, Very strong in this programme, pointed out that it was possible teat many of the lodger vote only that furnishing | day school, realised £4 Is, j middle July: liio W: totee in fimilyi good ooHafet “inmeiht, but it has given very "■"" OPTICIANS consisting of Ham and Bndd in "Seaside of bis audience had fi'iends or relations in wasea £ 20-£ 22.-rAppIy by l«Mor or after 8 p.tn., Mje. to thd D.S. and S. Club • mov^ fib© fighting line. I Unfortunately many of comes into th© questtoiUv) tell, 22, Priorylrd., Heitonse. _ . ~JL, Romeos,” .“perils of th«i Bakery” (Billikinl tiiese men would be wounded, and they INEZ M. TERGUSON. [GENERAL SERVANT wmiited; was«s £18_to AS2r ■ooeed,ii| amount to i'12 7s., anahted.beginning July.-Apply Oenttaf eb will be greatly assisted in 18 Episodes, j Thi.s picture features the greai; lace on TVedhes- Manor,manor, iranw-ra,,Dawyid., ox.St. Loomitds. . __ Jt . le recdjpt of further subscri^ of 1,596 articles; 2,595 oigarettesj have also tile fact that Mr. Gardner has boon instru- day in Wellington Square aptist Church. 1 2 WORDS (1 inautfoa) .. 1/- IHOUSEMAIDS leatilMd.-AprtT to M atr^- 'erly arid comfortably establisli CAPTAIN S. M. GLENISTER. been sent, besides various othef gifts. [ actress, Neva Gerber, and is built up of stars inentol in oollectmg sufficient moneiy to Mr. H. R. Soott, the President.1 took the 1 2 WORDS (3 insMtum) ' St/6 CionTaleocent Home, Osborne, lele o* Wiffht. jle. Captain S. M. Glenister (third surviving son i 1 wish to thank most sincerely all the ladieb fine direction, huge sets, tremendous scenes giv©j£l to every bed in local hospitals, and chair, and the prizes and certificates were Minimmn. 12 wonb l/« , 'HQUSEMAtp luMmu.; ' ’ 'leakily ot ■' two; state woffMt' ■ premises now under consider* toho have so gendronsly assisted Jme in this and thrilling action, and presents the maxi- Christi^ ^gTilcT ii-^130, Briiton HilL S.W.2. J2U , ^300 will probably be required, ■«f Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Glefliister, of Priory- cue hospital alone has 80 beds. handed to the. successful competitors by Mrs. ta. FOR EVERY ADOITIO)4>t'w o r d : Special H OUSEKtEP ' and awiet in borreet it ieami«e|,| can be sent to. Mrs. E. A. . avenue) who is in a Trench Mortar Battery, knitting socks, also other friends nium in surprise, .‘power, romance, adventurt Off the Concert .itoelf one cannot speak Scott. Amorigj others present were: OTie , tenna tac . erioda. Rato. Card on. application to state -wasce.—Ch: sra, Sdnook, U«k. - ^ 121a' has just .been commendedi for conspicuous ■who have helped in other ways. The balance^ and love scenes. too highly. The orchestra, under Miss Ivy Rev. B. Barlow, Rev. K. C. Chambers, Mr. I Hie PuhliehlB* LOO. ‘ ■ ■ - ...... ' rHDUSEMAIO ,rt«d (or hiea-alaae oportmant hojas, Secretary), 40; Q.iieen’s-road, Kneet {tuows a small balance in [band, The first Episode, entitled “The Crescehl -ihUto Carter,- _jeM eena Cemberley, Sarrey. jre llr. G.: R. Butterwortli tHa* bravery, for the second time in a despatch by Qordjon, gives a varied and well rendered R. F. Compton, ©x-PresideBts of th© Union ' Pn e"hn«hi»ebUchine Offloe:o 14, CLAREMONT, HASTINGS. HOUSEMAID 2BNERAL wanted by July lot; 1 Wellington-square, Hastipgtt General Haig. The gallant officer has been[ smee the end of last year wool, which is nov[ Star,” will bo presented next Thursday, Fri piogramme, and is in itself a very popular Rev. A. T. Schqfield, of Rye, Bev. A: Goodall, Telepho.-M 132 Haetina!. £22 J two inoide »pt; prirato bouoe.-rApply 6, A}hm^ serving from the oommenceinent of the 'war,i rtry dear, has been pui-cbased, osting over day and Saturda.y, and th© latter half of eiach attraction. Tli© vocalists, who inoludo4 Mr. Arthur Mills, General Seojwtary, Mr. T. id , ’Bexbill, afterio p-m. ' ___ i*t and has been in France for 3i years. 4 7 , so that we are now in debt, and contribin succeeding week will see another Episode, of iHOUSE.CHAMkEBMAID wa.nted: asd ebont 9 ^ eto tions towards clearing this off aid- helping Mias'Lily Clare, came in for generous, but Durley^ Eixaminatldn Secretary, Mr. George, p^rimeed.—.Vpply jWarerley Hotel, Harelock-rd., Haetias a . [FL.-iG ■'DAY.—In -connection two parts. This is a Serial of great effect, desorv'sd applause, and the whole of the visitor to the schools, Mr. Pickett, Musical MILITARY MEDAL. tfiis useful work will be thankfully receive^ and: will set the town talking, bringing airajigements reflected' great credit upon SITUATIONS HOUSEMAID Umo needlework or w rttiu a t t^ k # lay op behalf of the Railway Visitor, Mr. -Tanner, Wellington Square ■waatod; about .*18; sood ontireB.—Ap»ly to Mra. Private Donald Stuart Watson has been supreme entertainment to old and .young Mr. ’Tan Biene, the popular manager of the School, Mr. Peel, CTiapel Park Itoad S^ool, e r r a n d b o y wonted, czele.'—Brora ajiff 'Wooaiji’a Jitutinh a concert is to be hela abke. l^w ee, Gnmznar I Sahool, TJckfleld- tee ill. Middle-street, next Tiies- awarded the M.M. for carrying messages un­ ■ I Bella„ -.r-Vista, . goodfbllow . Pier, who appeared in a Red Cross officer’s and friends from various churches. Library, Ha. . ■ I -tW HOUSEMAID KITCHENMAIO wantto tor 7.30. I Air. Bert Wall's’ Co^ der heavy fire in Palestine and, rescuing an uniform, ho having recently been given a The Rev. D. H. Rees, w e of tho examiners,, LAd wanted o -injuix to otoiit: deliyerr_____ •with,- wn ; rood Waseo.— ndss I’.euee.—ApplF Houaekeepfir, 4L Wluto Rook, I t e I 21 and 22, Cornwallis-gai-dans, “ THE Cfl-4LICB OF REMORSE ” AT THE Wmon. 3,iK ins'»-rd, St. LeoaMds- ______18 tiocs. * "1 I’art.y have hindly given their officer. He joined as a sohoollKjy. He is a Hastings. comn|^ia6ion in th© 'local detadhment. sent a written report. He had examined 58 | ^ aIit llEtFEoyABLB IHHamd BUYS' wanted.— HOUSE-PARLOURMAID wanted for a load oomfoit- ' 1 nephew of Mrs. Greenwood, 5, Priory-avenue, PUBLIC HALL. aiiers and .reported only two failures. The •Bartoa's IiifcniT. N«™*a-id., m. Lawiaids. --jl ahlo homo in Vfetnor;_ three _fani^.y; t a m Alrfimls Hastings. 1 [Pinancial statement, January, 1916, to De-[ It is no wonder that , people attend in ex­ kept: wMse 'zulAti. B.,' K rte b fi LUiralry, Ventnor. 17# tTROROFH HADE. -- Three cember, 1917:—Receipts: Proceeds of whist ceedingly large numbers this popular picture inASTINGS* MILITARY BAND. examin^ 7<) papers and , JS^a5S*‘i^g^,_?FairnIl. 9’. 'Wbito- HOUSB-PARLOJRMAID want-ad; four to tam llrt anged' to be given at the Mtriv: drives, .£29 7s.; donations, £ 8 2s. Id.; Bella stated that both questions and answers were I ixiar'»-id.,______Ha«iliie«-... , —-18'—io- oopk-renerrt kept.--Apply Mte, Gideon, 6, St. Mottbeora ' ' C.4PTAIN R. H. HUTCHINGS. hall, for the long arid well-varie LAUNDRY.*—IroDprs ; l»esi prioM »nd-6«. — Milward-creuscont, lire . miieh gratified Christo,’' which is describecl qi’ the world’s WANTED. rt*eUi»«rt’ (ansrtBoy or Girl. 14, Or 15. in ittio A ti'juHs.—I Laundry. St. Helen's Park, bussex Socks Fund, and in my opinion concert was given, and there was a large Apps, Rye Baptist; Bvaj R. Monk, ditto; l-leanrbilrtiiiToal'dwtiB etod opertng.—13a, itoaflonl tinw . ** that their youngest eon, Fredei’ick uii0 above-mentioned financial Ktatement is most powerful romantic melodrama, from gathering in .spite of the cool breeze,' and Daphne E. Smith ditto; Mable C. Odel nl-, 8*- LeonanM . e - , n LAUNDRY. — v^aU'nder Hand, good fMder, ^antedt Arthur, has been a|war'dcd a commission, true and correct.—Henry P. Venessl Auditor, Alexandre Dumas' famous novel. “A Laun­ evervAne was high in their praise of the 4a. I day (incli^vn ponilBi; Lonre 8 to 6.30; felfefe QTtilk undor date May 15th. He is now attached dry Clean-up” (comedy), “The Man Hunt” piece-work IronArAj bonus 6ci. 8d. in ^ oo carpifegs.** ^o^ Ijinton-crcbcent, Hastings. j miisioj given. & 'el P^rL;^idf§ril W ly to n S t)oF8«t leaiuidry, HoadA Wood-rd* HaAtingfe to tho Middlosiex Rvriment, but originally (drama), “'ITki Munition AVorker’s Curse” Thi; company of musicians play daily at Wesleyan: .Alfred Bridger, Rye Baptist. w a n t e d , etroag LAD, about 16, or ducAaraed MAID wanted fot kitc^n.—Apply York jtiindd fee West Kent Yeom-anry and went ■^L’sisix SOLDIERS’ CIGARETTE AND (comedy), “Tlie Saddle Girth” (drama), and 11.15, 1 and 7.30 (Tuesday’s .excited), and on Gradedv-iT w Schools-Senior-©cnooih. • rten©Ireno iKimrKing. i Silver-.qilvor' •“Mtar, ^ to look etatingaUer horte uajee. aad to waK*oume, W. H. Houeei, and d«liT« Tbo •broad with thorn being s'ubsef(uently the Qaumont! Graphic (News from Every­ “^^^rtLINERY SHOWROOM.—Yonn* Ladr, Apprentiee 1 !’"COMFORTS I'UND. Sunday at 7,30 on the Farade Extension and hill Pr^byterian. totertnediate: [G^rgB |S,e.. pliiptoa. , ’ -ilto welited.—Apply to) ifittin B ioa.,. Breede-pl., Oeetle-to . h: ■tmnsferred 1o the VVest Ivent Regiment. Donatidns: Week ending June ( th.—Mrs. where.) i . on Suriday afternoons in tfio Alexandra Park. Henry Rulf, Mount P lea ^ t School; Dora Habtinra. . . ^ toSS Ho came homo jvoupded in! 191.5 and going Hdra, Mrs. Wiffen, and. Miss Wonh|am. Col­ Tho principal film for the first three days M. Taylor, Robertson Stredt. Junior: Emily MILLINERY WORKROOM.—Wonted, a OepebM out a second,Mime, contracted typhoid £ 4 of next week is “The Chalice of Remorse,” a., Third able to trim, eto.—Apidy to Metoin Blue., Bieede* lections; Master Jack Murrow 11s. 7ifl De Grudhy, Mount Pleasant; VioleJ; Catt, SbTUATIONS VACANT-.MALE. pi. ] and OaetlotA.. H i r t t w . . . . • •*?! ■fever. Recovering from iLhis, ho went Corporation Employes (per Mr. H Gasson) strong' drama that will give delight to all. ditto. Certificates were awarded, to Aye Bap­ NURSE, young, laquirrtt for July; flnt baby, from tha bark to Franc® 12 ' months ago. Last 4s. iSd.. Alay Gasson 3s. 6d. Gift ioO cigar- [It tells of .Tames (.'onsidino, a bank clerk, who AN APPEAL. tist, Wellington Square, S^ninrt-on, Calvert_ _ COAL CARMEN wanted.—Apply Thorp, 45, Bobartaou- -month; well-ttauie< 1'under-nuien would euit; eteto OEB Gotol>er he came hijime ags.in to undergo etto-s. Miss Beeching. 'js charged with an embezzlement. He pleads Memorial, Silverhill Congr^ational, " Central | imu.^.g«.eraiirL. and: -wagea.—bbe. [l)olei, Humtdale, Serenoahe. jlto training as an office!-, and leaves for tho 'Irhe magazine box has not been so [guilty and is sentenced to imprisonment, and NURSE reqrttot t*o ritla. 8 and 4; thcaoaBUy #■• jell’e SoW«ne Front again next webk iWell suii- TO Wesle-yan, Oiapel Park B^ad. and London perlenned; good refirenoee: A28 to 500.—Aprty by letter. npoeitiyecure plied this week. We hope all who Cau spare fhis.wife, Marjory, remains loyal to him all ally • HOTJSBV7lFBe Road,Schools. Schools. jj l 1LsundryjLsuadry, ____ _ isdoMMs.* '*74^ Mrt. Leeaer, Mb,'oaiapel Fatk, St. Leouanl*, M16 magazines and books, 'also cards and games, Through. “Jo,” a charming child of five The shi-eld was awarded, itar the ninth time COAOHSMI'rHS, WHEBLWIUOHTS and OOAiH- Nu r s e -Ho u s e m a id wonted end of J n n .; nurr., ll^euARtisxn, TWICE WOUNDED. |wilj assist us by leaving them in the hex. [summers, fetches Dr. Maclean (who is greatly O'Will g to the great dem and and necessity to Rye Baptist Sch-ool, and ’would now be re­ BUlLDBRS -wonted for Gorerameat work;, good iraye* two maida kept; fro yotuir .biidren; age 18-1S; aeoM iio*, D ^bsgo, Private Ambrose Bexhib id on leave from lultabie m en; Brithtou —Apply your ueorMt BSnployment eiperionce.—Apply rate. Kowe, 1, Biaeoey-Id., Bexfdll. ks are so eagerly welcomed bj- all the lloved by the poor) to attend her father, but of glyosrine it is ecleptio i.nd to the nation's tained by the school. The President an­ &«haBe*> mcntioniiiic N.A. S,U1. .J7» I . ’ J ^J8b noint^iSprais*, tho hospital at She reham. He has two mep. the doctor finds he is too late. He adopts interest feat • the 1 houisewife should not nounced that Mrs. Soott and himself [would DRIVER tor Biudeboker IS ow t lorry; loadmc Sit- n |j r s e ur.i |CH||LDREN'S MAID, on« idtl; ■, So^e Throat, wounded stripes, chevron!, and Mons Parcels of magazines arid books have been waste k )portion of Bpnes, Fat or Grease of present a new shield for future a-wards vrrai.—Fraakl Davis and Oo.j Asthford. looifes; good re>ler«ocfes And SA«d}«womao; irtatfe medal. any ^irid. iritli HaU Qnaiifloa> wsfet Witt shildM ^ wben ditAiKgfeg«4’ 1 mutcolax com* had two brothers killed in dispatched during the week to SergSergeant___ A n-ew fjetb^re th^n. ifii^duc^ hy 1 J6'dSW«> •Vm. ' —iSb Jfeme, Did iSWe sitTfeThili Park. 8t» Lfeowdfe I piei& U . Ho has rhijirpp, Corporal Fnweraker, Onnutrs West, If pejqple whose eyW_ - "thii should meet will singing of the pieces to -Which prizet were DRIVER for Ford T ail wemted; »ood watfee and F'rance and another is missi pg. " They are commiaeioa.—Batee, 3. St. George’e Gate, O o aterb ^ . parlourmaid wonted. June litti. — A; Bt berw *cat* f'aljt and Diplock, Private F. Bodl> and .1. ing Voice” (VitBgraph drama),. “Stoaways -snly ke notice, inform their friends and awarded at the late Musical Festlyal. iFostor the sons of Mr. and Mrs. R chard Bexhill, Wilson. Cigarettes to Sergeants Hammond ^nd Strategy” (comedy), "Gaumont Graphic” take ter© to save even the Smallest guantil Raymond sang “The Chorister.” Silverhul PbilUrep Toweti HoMfe .Upper Mazfe^bial, SL jP •U*» iSolven* 'wiH Middle-road, Ore, 4nd s all attended Ore )f sucLoh material reftkredi.. hereof,_____ , _ they_ DARRENER wanted; 'wsrtabl^ ftrtt, .alicve it, loosen th* incl Lelliott, Corporals Fold, Gassori, Mus- (News from Everywhere). i--_ iV .-_i U-i L - J . Sohool rendered the “Morning Prjayer.’' •to.; kenea; -wane expeoM ; sSed YefUeaeVe.—wiiie_p., PfiiRLOURMAIBj dTpeiiAxiceda vaoML—Ayply Jil** Rchool in ■ days gone by wi :Ji;Mr. W. F. 'roft, Collard, Phillips, Wood and 'Dicker______i On 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday the 'ie assisting th© interissts knd benefit Ethel Crouch gaye a "Hindoo Songf’ and I7A "OteMTer’ oaoa^beiliice. • -J» NsUtmiel Llo Wyttbm, Soimz. I re d u c e the r w e l U ^ . Whitfield. ' -Yation [in a way by providing an article tor aRDBERY md EElR DPF-LIOENCE. - M penetrates the dB; |jBnce-Corporals E. Funnell, Long, Tu Turleyrley lead will be taken by “Follow fee Girl,”, a SilverhiU scholars an anthem. Bloatser-end Wife; wadi depoolt Teenirad.—^Apply S.W., and Lucking, Bombardiers Velvick iind' Lee," ^lendid and' exciting drama, featuring Ruth :he extraction of glycertoe, which is a most Mr. Pickett gave his repofe, and the marks ObMcrer " Offloa Haetinee. .11 Hit do*ni to the spot AN— OLD SOLDIER. Giiriners Davis, Suters, Freeman, Gallop, feonehouse. [Hilda Swanson, a romantio mporttot constituent in I the manufacture awarded, were as I’oUows :-i-'vgarrior Sonars ELBDTRIC WIRBMAN wanted, WMd *o c«aKaI dec- Un is; I and learet the Sevgeant rhariee Soufherden. R.P.A., is if munitions. They ■will also he in a tdeal i^ o ire ; oleo Plunber wvntedt pennaoenoy; aood w eezre Lowe, Harainond, Holder, Hadlowl Luck, young Swede, joins a party of emigrants to ^ Robertson Street 7L Red Lake 79, wogee to sood mm.—Apply Adana..aad Janwtie, Ltd., hti sddthed & lo o s m e d at present on leave sfter some fifteen years’ liosition to obtain current! "Market Price’’ hrelli^ ■ ' wervice in India. fe 1915 n© [was sent to Offe|n, Wilkins, A. Michell, G. Noakes, H. America, and takes her brotheY Olaf with >y addfessing a postcard to Wesleyan 81, London Road 84, Clive Vkl« 85, slight^l Feeling of ease Noaikes, Newport, and Westrup, Rifleman her. On. board .Hilda’s remarkable check Bnl-yerhyth© 89, Calvert 91, Wellington ’^'b LEoFfRlC%nRBMAN wanted, need to fHMnd 01y jna* naypt from. India! and tfien went to dress attracts the attention of Donna, a Birro- I W. B. BLIZARD ~ mare 90, Park Road 93, Mount Fleassint 92, triaol wSauv! • » Ptainkw wonJeO:. Bti;paanenicy od freedom. Mesopotamia at the beginning of that Jsted, Driver Thomson. Sadler, ’ Walker,’ (Authjorised purchaser to [His Majesty's to foi^ i^m^^S^ly^aSroe' aod Joneli, 9KI B HOUB______CIEPER te • oampaimi. He has sjince fought in France, Pesfell, and -4. Pearce, Sappers P,i),dgham, pean agent, who is endeavouring to find means I Forces), | Iverhill Congregational 89, HoHirigten 98, r •ary, atattnc ece and I wrlte^ I y«urSe)twa« fe "^’isie, Nye, Freeman, Harris,,Hadaway, Giis- C|t' getting a written code, message into Halton Baptist 98. Chapel Park- Road 99, •xpsiiieNesiiEDMUsfc and K9TCHBNMAID wanted /* t s g s f . particnlarly at Vimy Ridge. ; America, and so he sticks the papers into the Winding Strsst, Silverhill Presbyterian 100. toty» mktllnnall BriflitoQBrirbton fiotel) lalarT £3 and 26b. iesp«otiT«iy; 6DV wmtod waitreee.—Royal His three broth.ers| are all serving. They feif land Fuller, Drummer KyTe, Bt ndsman [ Hastings, lone retennoea ImmretlTe: eieep out. — Box, P.K., I.. .BexhiU. -J18b >f BeU'sSolveoe to -d * j Are sons of Mr and Mrs. Frank Gim Hermitage and Spicer, Private Morris, hem of Hilda’s skirt and tells his confeder­ vho will he prepared to send to anf part of tof pri- f that everlasting pain Poutherden, Clifton-rond. Ore, and are old Woqllett, C. Price, Fellows, GirensteaS, ates to follow th© girl. Many exciting. in­ ruKfilBH^MO.— m^phoietorer. Kind didents follqiT in quick succession. Other Hastings, St. Leonards, oil BexhiU for any Caipet and Uao. Fitter; a serf senmal hairt; WOR] . Rtynetnber, only. .. j boys Oif Mr. W, F. Whitfield. Glazier. Hatch, Halfpenny, Poole, [laneom, duantiw. I FARM - WORKER’S DEATH. 4 The wacee.—By I m and Son, F n x aJ^ re. .AeSfonJ, OfDOid Cor rooffii laorke—Apply il's Snlveae stands Ricllardson, Sgxby, Colvin, W. Creef, Mead, pictures ■will he :-^"A Winning Loser” Outside this area carriage paid on 28lbs Borough Coroner (Mr. W. J. Glenister) held BRITISH RED [CROSS...... idCIETY. Th-opison, Tavlor, A. R. 'White, In’under, (Comedy), “The Thom and the Hose” (Vita- s nd upwards. an inquest at the West St. .Leonards Sohfel •llAM, sOod elnjwiter, woated aa etoiekeeM r; n o 'ltw t; ART votm a liiA iY‘5 S * to 4 far its silvering a»4 gVaph drama), "Strike Ghxe” (oomedjs), ’‘Gain- work.—Wri-ie in flmt instonoe to W ,8., 47. “ eirrer 9 net doed irbm mus- The following giftsj are acknlowleidged with VTinbhestcr, Wilson, and Williams. [ I Tel. No. 154 on Thursday ooncerntog the death of Neleon Orfier.s given: 6.(K)0 cigarettes—16th (Teo- niont Graphic” (News from Bveryw'hcre), Dawson, aged 34 yoors.-rDavid Dawson, of POfiTBR trtiited.—Apply Ycalc Pritnia Botol. Bexbilt. r complaints. warmest thanks:—Sent to tli© Depot—’Miss .TIDHI____ , lO yT ^P D|IH»BAL.-YrMto» Adams 4 treasure ba;![s. • Messrs. Bryant and manry) Battalion Royal Sussex 286 cifarettes. Filsham-cottages, St. Leonards, said deceased RDLLBR-MAN -wanted tor 24 eoek plant tor en^m I bottlu 1/3 posf 1 Sons cretonne for slippers. Workroom col­ Corporal Clarke, Lnjice-Cori^al Pilclier, and ‘•THE RAGflED MESSENGER” AT DR. BARNARDO’S HOMES.—In connec- was his son, a oowman in the employ of Mr. soa; oogatry mUl; rood w a^i eottace with gwndm.- lection £1 3s. ‘ L , , Privhte. .4. TT. Davis re.spectively. i THE KINEMA PALACE. rion ' wife the HastiDgs Habitation of fee Alfred Kite, and worked with ■witness on Mr. Apply Hookal, IfUler, OantwliiirT. Tteo MAIM . I, or thrs3 tim et/ Bannow Hospital, Filsham Park, and Old E.iOERTRTTDF, ADAMS. Hon. Secretary, ■S'oung Helpers’ Lea^e “The Hastings Pas- Kite's farm at Filsham. Hie was about bis BKATE MEOHANIO wanted for tepoixins — and ooUs**.—AW^ *laS2iAe**^-3r* 13/-,[pbsi 3/h^ Hastings House wish [to thank the Fishermen 15, 'Bversfield-place,. St. T,epnards. The manaMment of the comfqrtable tiiral'' ip to be iproauced in the Alexandra work as usual on Tuesday, and at 9 a.m. w u TWD D O O D ^ I mated tor opaitaneDt houae, ■FXB-SP BT of Hastings and Bye for splendid gifts of arid popular Kinsma Palace, Normsun-road, F ark. Mr. C. A. Farmer is the hon. producer going thistle mewing. About 11.30 ■witness book TO«al,—Britonrte A eniaaoe Oor- Saperlnteadent. one kram 7 ■to « n m IL9S tiU E » .-A p p te fish, which have been greatly apjpreciated. THE CIGARETTE AND COMFCRTS cotitinile to follow the policy of providing found him lying face dotenwards in the!field. 61. OtmbiiBta-id., TT-lti»Se . - 23. PSriMd.. aid aufeor, and over 300 performers will take TRACTDR DRIVER for diiffittr, and P « to r uMnii. H Bannow also acknowledges with grateful 1- i FUND. ' . tltoir patrons with the very beet said latest irt. '[ He had been subject to fits, and no doubt had Troetor; b m ri 6 e.m. to 6 pon,;.«d voceo. wai bonu 6; Armaa-iB.. films, much to ©verybodys satiafantion. UBEPUL « ’Ma cook); two Ib tandhri: thanks a d-onatioh of jB2 10s. 2id- from the iWe have received a letter from France a'fit and died where witnees found .him, as aad bee* oUowanoe.—Leney ead Oa., Fhoenlx Biwweir, rood r SMimoef. I {& C o., Baldslow Band of Hope service of song. Pil- si^n^ ‘Three Local Men,” asking tliat S-us- ’llhe Orchestra, under Miss Hilda Bor, MILI'TARY BOOKS of all description* there was no one to render assistance. ; Wit­ Letotoi^' 161 OUBtaB-om., SI* >w in[ otoek at F. J. . Parsons, Ltd., “ t h e h a e t in o b iNauRANDE eoM M im v •ham Park warmly .thanks..jC. R. Burkill, sex men not in the Sussex Regiment should giisatly enhanoes the - alnsady excellent list ness oonve;^ him home and telephoiMd tor WAH^B,.* ifA L } ' [THARLE, ofj pietunse' itor ■ presentation. The hall i« ' Obsertor ’* Office, Hsaidngs'. a doctor.—Dr. George Garrard said wEfe apgUeattoni fiom eapobto peneona (tisOKbls fOr ItiU tw r warn m . to Esq. (Shanghai) for jSiO, and’Miss E. J. be| favoured with gifts from the Sussex Sol­ Eerdee) wiib 40m neceeauT expsriebea, or aapehS of' WAntbb, 1 16s. for extra comforts for the Hlen, and St. diers!,’ Cigarette and ftomforts Fund. 'Tf tlie always cool and the attendance is all that SALE toF WOEK.-On the 12th and 13th arrived death had reoanUy occurred. A! post­ ■beln* trained, tor tbe posittoa of toiBip >r±son Sfb.t cah be desired. J^Tie a sale of -work for the South American •caeek to the Ooninittne. — Appflestisaa, bnelMse.— —Jl_ ' •• John’s Church, Maze-hill, for welcome (gift of thferi men will send their names and ad- mortem examinaition showed the cause of adminjttmttt’a- a»p«t4«toa^ and .wtlert. TW iirrd,, WAr“ - ITINGS. Bowers and eggs. E. B. Freeman, Esq., £5. dfestos we will see thefr request is abterided The pro^TUninve tor to-day Saturday is 3^[iB8ion4:« ry Society and fee London Jews' death to fe the bursting of a blood vesMl bn psnied by apt I< than three rscsetBt teetinirlaniak. to ba te.ihfit in fairness to the Committee nisponsit befeled by an Eclipse master piotuna. 'His S ic i^ Will be held at Addison’s Booms, 48, the brain, caused no doubt by . eonoiiaston by addfi^ -----Id d to to .tin. Obotenr^ EtaotoMto biaaraaas Com. ble| tor the fund it should be stated that it has Gulden'' Bonr,*’ starring S 'u aaa Oraiidaice Marina. Mrs. Anson will open the sale ai foWng suddenly to the grouad wh*n ssized irtea. On OneenfaeiD’a •ohetnbato, Hap-’'“ ‘^'' ...... : ROYAL SUSSEX SOCKS; FUTTO. ’ le , _ _ W...... a WT«».t EB. • «AR0ENER te. ■ Since the commencement of this work te always made it a practice to include Siiese.t in I obe of Iber greatest taiumpha It 1 ^ U'lon on W^nesdsy, and on the following with » fit. He ■was a- itoll nourished man.— Doaen.—Asply I*dr ..AsMoa, \J rl December, 1917, fee following articles have meb aot in the Sussex Regiment to its list for prqvCd a marvel to grandeur of photography ddy at fee (wm* lliinB Mr*. -W- J. PinoineF The jury returned » .VDidiot of -'BgRik ftum bfM auidf and focjrarded to e^disrs of the and prodoDlioo. wii'to Did ete^ U exoep- ;glU .paifenl DEnaw.'' WAIttl», fARWINBII. •■■[■.' V ' ■

■ X - • SP iz--''


HASTIK^Sj. AWP ST. LEONARDS OBSER'\JEB‘ SAT^RDAr, JUNE 8, 1918- iSsa APARTMENTS WANTED. t^0USE$ a n d b u s in e s s e s t o l e t - ■■H- MBS. FBBD SlilXTB.^ - FURNISHED a p a r t m e n t s igitaiied for oiBoai and I I a n d FDR SALE. ' w a r d r o b e d e a l e r , I CoBipkny of Wife;. iSittingrrooiui, lr*^room, Bath, and atteudaiioe; W^«t & ll; Sl LbKiarda.—Mts. A., c.o. Brown and 189. QDEEk’S ROAD/ftA 8;riNiG«. I Woodloy'ewa. ArwTI AW* •• Tlabxaxy, '.L...... — Tr. ... .i,. -a For Furnished tlnfuriiished - j8 HOUSES to be L et or. Sold, READY CASH.—Good l^prlcds given for Indite*, LADY wou^ !ilke haifilaige House with another;”no b e ;|i h i l i .. Gf'iit's. aod ChiidroD-’A L'OBb^fl sCLOTHlNG. Curtain^ atteodtooo^ 3660; referenBos.-B.H;,;"-Obseivei *’ Office Apply to the Principal Agents: and House Lizten- Faroels valued and money leluxnoi BcihiJU i i • ««•’'- * . -_j8b ■ STEVENS ANO SON! same day. ‘-V <\ ^ c l i M k e r s . LAO Y OFFERS £52 p.a. for three or four Unfam^ed Will can on reqeipt of Postcard. Rooms .. ^ ___ List, Map, and Guide Free. lele. 409. tn^lady^ private house in Bexhill; must be good BEA BOAb. position I (not the town}; no attendanc6 reouiredi oulet dewrabl^ tenant; lughest references. ^ Write A.Z., . teb Ubw»)©r" Offloei Bexhm. jSb WAR PRICES FU^NiTURE BOUGHT. 11 S ! p John F. L. ROLLESTON. 14.P« j ! . jiEA H iiaL.—of iDOdem freehold Bceidenoee, .xon- REQ I r e d f o r l a d y engaged in biudnese all tainiu^,2 Kecejttion rdomo, 3 Bedrooma, bath >h* a^ c.; and. jd., St. Leqnaxds. jl5 with house, for diipbfial'; ^xturea and etOok a t valuation; TWO NoUMk'T«mpl*i AraR«a, Londoa. E.Cii "I ROOMS; one lady; con- early poeeeasioii.-Apply 'F . Tanton, -16, Grand-paxade, r vemence,. Pafk.—£., 3,::Bxayhrooke'ter., St. Leanarda. —38 Uasungfii.. -j8 DAIRY, wealthy.town, eonth; net pioflte *20 weekly; UNFURNISHED ROOM: house, attractive shop; oomi>act house; valuable pleht; ell * ^ 0. of t))iiB C|UUd c-osires publloly to notify that W den; no attendanoe.—*^0," 9, “ ObeexTer** Office, Bex- —Agent, Fred SViokondan, 16, Chuioh-rd., Aahford. 38, EIGHT PER CENT. Investment. — Leasehold House, A TRIAL SOLICITED. A L O ( (' WANTED, two Bed andRooms for three young FoAe^ne; rent *39; ground rent *3 10s.; 'priae *370; Establiahed 23 yteie. M r . | . w A t S O N ' ladiea, Au^ti3-16: cocAi^ S i attendanoe. — State twckthirda can lemaiA a t per cenit.’^Cowan, AahfOTd. BBENEY,. terma, R. J. 8L St. Fiste;'a.id., Hdmoiiton. X-ondoa, [ • ♦ ■ • / . —j23 b.9. I j8b FURNISHED VILLA, to Let, whole dr in flata; WARDROBE Oe A l ER, GORDON VILLA. BATTIJS ^ 1 , 1 l i t , Ouosn’a Road Ha8tin|8j\^^ WANTED, THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS with reason^Ie tern a, on Ftram ront^. Old Londou-ioad.— ROAD,- ST. LEONARDS, will give best priooa for all - b » of totchea or part houa4.—B.F., 953, “ Obeanror" M .J., « i, “ ObB&ver” Office, Hastinga: 38 kieds of LaditoV Gbatlemen’s, and Children’s L ^T - > “ We Shall llaafni pastfed ^ a ..ppaioribedi examination in lOijtioB and aldht-testin^, has been: Offlee, Haitinga. i lT. ' )33- FORIs ALE, 26 and 28, 8idley-«t., Bexhill, Freehold.— OFF WEARING APPAREL of every deociiptioa. WANTED, FnrnW att Hittiilg.TOom, Bedroom. Kitoben, Apply. Aadirews u d Bennett, Soliedtota, Buiwaeh, Suseex.^ Every iBotsetef Cldjewd- rVE ONLY ONE ADDRESS. granted the EHiploma of effioienoy and the right to use the affix R*g Jl«6 ' Woderirto'teiina; g ^ locality.— ■'ll' ■ ■: ; . ji5b < lecy» OldGoId, Old &lver. PLEASE NOTE.—AH communioAtions should be seat B., 6, 'MOtiaeryer ” OQca Haatiags.. —jS FREEHOLD HOUSE on Maitna, St. Leonoida; eight Old Platinum* and: Old direot to Gordon 'Villa. Battle-road. St. Leonards. He ia therefore reoomtnended as oompetent to prescribe glaaees for oorreoting . WANTED. July 6tb f « IS ’daya, double Bed-Sitting- Rooag;| price *M0; vacant posoession,—1; OBuhridge-rd., Precious Metu of avety Ordoru by Poet promptly attended to. Distance room and probabLr small Bedroom.—Apply E. B. N.- H. desenpnon u tao^. valua­ ri objects' optioal defeota of thej bye. 13, H astln » id ., Maidatoiie. 38 ’^FU^ISHBb and UntnmlriMd H04I8B8. — L o ^ f ble now titan it ever was h e N a v j WANTpsD, by lady and !her oompaiiieil, by Juno 2(>tb, lud' Boardisc Beulitf* in 81 Leonards and Haetings, at before oe‘ will, be a Sltcmgroom, a large Bedroeoi trith a email Bedroom all xeirtaBs and prioee.—Apply to Daweeia/aad Harden. ogatn.i Turn'k" into Cash E a v i e s , ] near; no; far from eaa otidl'Cbnrob; good attendanee; AnetlOKeMB, 48, Marina, 8t. Lecmarda-oi^aa (catbblished and buy new nods or Wat MISCELLANEDUS ARTICLES FOR SALE. T moderate tennm — '‘.Lentod," " WoeiinT,'’ London-rd., 18^, who will W happy to fo rin t iUnstrated list-free Bonds with the-Money we v i c t o r y . ] Bognor. Sussex.!- i — jl5b by port: e m y Mdetanoe gyatie. 1 —tc41 SUMMER MILLINERY. — dpeciul Bunimey Dlspi^ FURIIISHEDlTfOUSC to Let, June 25th. for eix will gtva for tt. Do hot of flowera, lace, pretty neok-wear, blouresa muiet'* Perhaps -it w| weelu; US© of-tWo Sitting-rooms, ttro Bedrooms* trust­ delay,: Prices may ;dsop skirts; at lowest possible prices and up-to-date styles.— worthy maid left; Tiew; moderate 1 term© to two] any day* Hunter Brothtfrs, 9, 10, Trinity-«t„ H art^gs. ]hit we c.,n vi :^PARTMENTS TO LET. couaidertte poome; highest ref^ences required.—F., 8; TO CADETS.—Several items of Offlecr’e Equipment CMc-Td, Si L^nards. ' ’ j8 for disposal; can lie seen by appointment.—Acldie» decisive. Zeer SITUATIONS VACANT—FEMALE, MUSICAL, ETC. APARThAi^NTS, luniiahW; g o ^ c o o k ^ ; close to F o r s a l e ; TFieehold, CUvo Vale; ' icloro to Golf ROSE 8 BATES, Kit, “ Observer” Office,: Hastings. —j22 CContimted from Page oea.—Appy .2, Hohnesdale-kdni., Haatinga. —jl 6 Idnks;. eemi-detkeh^ reoidence. containing two Berep- jnirt of i t ; but A-**.-® lo cal EepiBBaatatiTft A LARGE NICELY FURNfSHEO Bed-Sitting Room tion Boinns' € h r^ Bedxooms. Batli,I Garden: *535.—For 46, London Rd. TEA SWEETENERS.—Rerified prices, post free; &8 Waitwis.—Apply order to view apply to Dyer and Gallaway!. 38, Havelock- 1r. 3d.; 100, 2a. 4d.; 200, 4^: 4d.; 300, is. 4d.; 508. was fought it ANTED, Bonaeeiinai,d to Let.—207, LqndDa-rd., iSt.’ Leoaarda. —j 8 ‘ S i Leonards. A BEDROOM and SITTINQROOM, well-furnished; Td„- H a r t i ^ . • T , ' • j ' —tc4 10s. 3d.; 1,000, 19e. 9d.; one tablet equal to large Tea* Channel, the' WAhTEO, BtKuw ■wilBjw.OIRt, ege 16rlT. i— .15, with or Without attendusod:. teohDoxary or permanent.— HOUGE and SHOP to Let, Haotings; 12 rooms, with spoonful of -sugar. — Murray* and McConaohie, Ltd«» Satoaon-ld., St, Leonard.. Apply D.j 8, Strood-xd., S il^hU iv Bt. Leoiiarde. —J8 or without workiihop ; eloso to Cricket Ground.-^Apply Cheiniets, Wiachecter, th e ' M c d ite ir r n WANTEb, txparienoed GENERAL, 30-40j fejly “ eiohange iorlueo of piano lor practo^W rite'cIe 7.”‘97E .BfiO-8ITTINQ*ROOM8, Fumlfhed, clooe to Fark and 25, Mertiok-oq., iTrintty-et., S.E.l.,, Lon^n* ' —jl5b ttrt in-—3, Cl^tba-cros.,-St, lAoiiardt. -j - i . j8 , Obserrel, lOfflce, Hastings. ■ jg ” see; tenna moderate.—4, Quorry^es., Haatlnas. -38 HASTINGS.—l|o. L©L Fitfniebed Hou», containing evcj'y sea of til w a n t e d ,'MIU.INER, also Apprjmtioa lot Bhowroom. BED4ITT1NOROOM andl KITCHEN to Let; entrance six rooms and bath: three_ffuin(ea© or 21 fbr six sson^a. —Dyer aad Galb^way, 38, &,velock-rd., Hertlnes. j'eadei's niay btj —WlBOman, 31, lUng’s-rd., St.' Leonards. t i j8 floor; slight attendance.—22, Warilor-gdas„ St.. Leon­ miscellaneous a r t i c l e s ^ w a n t e o . W AN'T». YOUNG WOMAN da^y lionae«pik,| come ^STIC. PAOFE8SIONAL, ETC. ards. . n . . -4 r —j 8 I,s5.—3, £lmstead-i^, BeiiiM. COMFORTABLE Troa* OITTING-ROOM. vfth out M O R A N T a n d CD have never ]ieai| . R a n t e d , a h o u s e .parlourmaid . —i Apply 33, FRENCH.-Mis8 M. A. PurtoJ, « Boxe btoopms; good oeoking a&d sstdioMiae.—MIh AHYTttiNU OF VALUE:—H oute^ Kuinitur^oc £«cluU. ■ ' L u.£.J..p., leqehera Dipiloma, Oestiftoated. Private LN • F wley, SLLiad«B-gd7, Bfarhill. tab 4. S^A ROAD. BEXHIt p art; aay surplus ffobdsl purciuiaed for cash; best p ^ e a was it i'ouglif? , iWANTED, YOUNG GIRL general workj laiilily two, eona. Is.; Iclaa^ arranged. Soheraie visited. 'Examina^ ] COMFORTABLE SITTING-ROOM oaa two Bedroems Anri a t CROYOOIT. given for anything of ^ r k e t value.—Beeves and 'P6u, 4o Let;: bath (h. and a.); oioo sKaaU f r a t SltOfiggoon 43, Hign-et., tbe oid©4t eetublished firm, are in U\e posi­ it begart . on 'Etl I >—13, Wonxian-id.,: St. Leonards. 1 j , ~i5 tiOM. Trahslktions.—12, Cdmbridge-(dna., Hastings. to60 FOR Mi ika bwi ATariabla FanUhad aa4 UafnniitkaA ' WANTED, good GENERAL HELP. — Apply Mib. A LAD.Y I wishes to recommeiid a brighti youhe- and Bedso^ over; onit oca kd|r or cwtlemaik—Anfiy tion te five tho best prides in the diotrict. - Call or write, §• Asihoisb-id., BezhilL ' ' . fieb HOU8B8. Trial ram*: Mnost, Baxhill. Tala. ~ 33L Heevet and tion. 43. High-et., Haatiogt. tc29 that it has laistj iBellclier, 31, westeni-rd., St. Leonatita. jl5 Governess, ^ 24, for one child only;" three ywun’ L y e l J ^ DtewatatiTes. HoxuaitdM.. tab - w a n t e d , a LADY GARDENER to do Betelal duya' Church lof England; seaaido preferred.-W rite B..8, NtCELYi FURNISHED Bedroom and Sitting-ioom, .BOjOTS and SHOES.—All sorts wanted, for cash; tim e. If wii. \i 1 3 , ObBeifei " Office-. HostmgB. . . -jS without atitendance; suitable one lady or tWo yo'ung .misllU bought or exchanged.—At Goodsell's. 133, Queen'^ itoKk.—Apply 33, Dcrset-rd., BexUll. I j —jl5b Cadies; xnihiite frame all parts; very quiet house.— STAINES AND CO., rd., llaiatiiigs., ) i „ tca6 WANTED, a good GENERAL HELP; wtolM^OTer LADY rooulrw Goyeraeas ICr B®y,.aged 8, in Eases.-- BAXTER PRINTS and-Le Blond Orals wanted 1^. might Call it M fixefdTred; good wages*— AltoanyVrd., B€Miil.-4j8b Mrs. PellyJ Meiaiuka Biotel. Haatinga. .-^ia Leroer^ only, U. Saxohrrd., CUve .Val^’ Hastinfs. —j 8 7, ST. tEONA RDS ROAD. , WANTED, COOK-GENERAL: also Hohsemaid — 5IMnn*r»igiABin ■ eecnage TtgEAeat _l _C..__T_i FURNISHED Sitting aUd..'two Bedroome; terms Cohe^tor.—State • prtbiouJars, • prace, ilr. Jaqueo»- Belly.” It dei 'riamiao. si, Kl^e-rd., St. Leonard —j8 indderate; ^ -.l floor.-r7, O ly^rd., St.; Loonarda. jS BEXHILI.-DN-SEA. Humpton-in**Arden, -iVaiwlckshire. J15 WANTED, good Cook and Honse-I'4rloiiraia|a.--App.Y PACING iSBA, Sittii^ R' | —il5 of groxmd lfor S ^e;iat *70; subject ^ *4QC mortgage to IKESSRS:. DYER AND GALI:a W a Y'S FARMS TD LET, FOR SALE AND FURNITURE wanted, from *1 to *LOOO wtucth; aof wJtNTED, a raliable SERVANT llorlaAajlio^ Leonards. ' js aeailist ■ tile (I( BXPERtElNCED GOVERNESS if^uires engagemeat FURNISI^ED FRONT BEDROOM, twe of kitchen Friendly aooicty.—1, Cambridge-id., Hast in ;s. jyl3 WANTED. quantity; good prides given; eaatu—Writa or apply ’Apply Mrs. F. W. WbitiJi*, Pyee-FaniL Ciowbnirt. j 8 ' in sehooi; Bin|all salary; some free time. —• W.. 60k TWO CQTTAQEfe to Let, 7a. 6d. weekly; four rooins. STOCK AND SHARE UST. Wraight’a Furuitora i Stores, 31, Alblon-rd., FolkoatonoB WANTED. NURSE 22; £2(l.^]^rg^, Oteerv.M' I Office, Hastinss. —j8 and aUtmg-i;oom;_^._ . - . __ a a_we^; week; for for duration of war.—M., inai'jiies. abpnt one bab{y; 16, “ ObeerTbr " Office, ^ stih g o . —18 ■Apply Iraoton.i Grandr^paiade, St. Leonards, or Dyer WANTED, a good Didtr or Miiod Farm, trom 100 or 18.^ New Rente. XahfbiA - . jyl3 reauired in Girla' School, near and Galia'roy, 66,jMoimt-rd., OUv© Yale. -438 to 209 Bez&*0 Hotel Shanes, vastedl^ . ijnmediate or. MtoharioiM poaswsion. — Apply D.F., from .one dozen to , ton lots.—W ri^ stating quaor ■ood outings. Devonsliiro i£ou5ef H6pe'rd.;i ISlianktin, room for onp lady; or aznaTi Bumiahed House.—F., 993, « i2W »iOTy reQUBxed, to Pnnoipaia, " Observer'‘ 1 Office, Haetinga.1 ^ ' js oil, coal; fame haiids Eleven years; leaving through ill- I 31 per cesL Ocmvwtcd Sboek cb 55, 5 5 * 'yHuisser gkpwgs," Leww._____ ,______jto titles^ Ito G. H. Jack on,' Ltd., Recognis^ Collectors to t w j 1 r ' —j3i« health.—84,1 ChUTci^t.,. Ore, Hastings.' —3*8 - ___t. AadlSwnol ditto «t » per the ' “ _ j22 “ E ” staudil WANTED^ WOMAN to do li .FURNISHED APARTMENTS.—Bed and Sittdng V-ILLAOB STORES.—B^oeilent business many years ood Gas 7 per ceoL max. bids. 105 *13Sdtoowgh Hot^ . waiting; top -priesa lourj a t 'lier owji 'L ^ e .—Brown, 89, C ^tlo Hillrid., date auestid^,] with 3a.—13, K>oyai-paxade,* Bastbburne. Booms, alsoi'Combined Room'; every convenienoe; good (recently closed}; spacious memises; nominal rent o^ Share* at 190. 10 Xoadoa Ooonfcy and W ^tm i^ter to ik bom; wanted, OM«er*a . “ m uler-sea.'’ ' i ■ I 1 • ' ' ■ . —j29 cookingj—Jo^dan, 116, Mllward-rd., Hastings . J8 LAND TO LET. FOR SALE AND freehold ch»ap; no stocli^ fittings a barguini; rare chance. at i5|. 100 Foiitn Porter aft 20a. sA, Boots, oddments, underwear: al*a . w l i i c h i s E a t i ll i ■WANTED', young HOUSEMAID; *<|ar maids kept;/ MASSAGE. -— Pupita receiTcd by Iionddn trained . LARGE BW-Sitting Room or and SJtffng Boom, —Wiokenden and Sbns, Tunbridge Well*. 38 buyens of- ^ ste tg B -P ic n oad Poiaa Hu8«BS.-^01Boes:;,S8, . W A N T E D . Boci wages. — Mis. Nicliqll,. Petersianl Vitaiage, n ^ MaaseuseB; Special terms lor nnraeB; highest medical furnished, tb quiet i^ple; close sea; 15e., 25a.—Z., 92, --20.------SOUTH TERRACE* leooed to Gerpsration at A50; ^«™reierencee nMs.-0. q„ 2, Markfleld Cottages. St. Helen's, “ Observer ” i Office, ^^stings. —18 Havelock-Td., HoMtoea______i , AN ACRE of land on tho Ridge; can be divided, and ze'e,” which is BioMnond, Sturej-J _ _ . . _ L : LADY ha^ three large Booms and one small .to Let, price *508, ■1 .. . Cax__ ,ibridg^rd., Hastings. ^ j39 .ayment made by inatalinents.—^1, Cambridger-id., Hoa­ WANTED, SMART YOUNG LADY an o ^ er;— j 22 35 and 2 ', PERC Y ROAD, Ore, for Sele,. Freehold, Vrtuexe; dtetance no object. way. It is md LAPPw achool for Giris ; inlnuteB from sea, station, and shops; referenoe; select pair.—Applr 17, Bedl«ficombe-rd. -North,. St. liconards.! j 8 FINANCIAL, ETC. GOOD SECONDHAND FURNITURE, Piano©, etOii;, nefiiltoy situetion; • home cane; outdoor games; pre­ locality; tenias moderate.—J.A.. 17, “ Observer’* Office, w hat-a difficult! WANTED, RESPECTASLsE PERSON lew liours Hastlngfl. ‘ • ;: —js ' ete.. ' bought for cish.—Hedgecock Warner, ffigh-sL* Eaiiyj to 33o1s with.' houeework.—20, Cambhdgo-gdBS., H«»* paration for I ekaxns., moderate fees.- •—a9e “ FOR SALE, at a reasonable ofler^ 49 Be^lU Waier GARDEN, ^C . I Dover* Prompt attedtiom j l Briti.sh X avy at tingB;... ■ ■ _ •■_] RE.QUIRED \at .once in St. Leonards, a LADY as p a r t OF FURNISHED BUNGALOW, with or vitb- and Gas Company 44 per cent. Preference Shores; would GENT’S, LAOiES’l Cast-Off Clothing; best prises.^ WANTED, Jnly! 1st, HOUSE-PARLOUHMAIDl garl wanted; highsol would have pu 2 ...... WANTED,— “* .. DAILY...... HELP------fcff^hOT, ^ — ‘‘W- ori^J^eTOTmg <^lai|sw.—207lTx---—.u.Jiondon-Td.,---- ^ St. lAonar - ^-;.—^123 ’ attendance* best position; fluent eea vieirs obtainable.— Soeiety are ptejared to leociTe MONEY on « » o rit a t 4 (^rgo*rt.,-Haetings. jft price given bw the oldest established firm; prompt cook ’’Wa n t e d , ; Tamplecomoej Wort ffiU, St. Leonards. j8 menta (or. <»ther); eftablieJicd, good tuiiiOTer.—Full par­ I ALLOTMENT HOLDEiRS and Gardenaxe can wonder- toent; gbod wag«j; leferenoes.—53, P^k-id., ' ieibili.lill. -a^ m o r n in g g o v e r n e s s for two ticulars W.l G., 61, William-st., Herne Bay. j22 ^er cent per annum. - Income tax paid. Interest paid settlement.-Reeves dnd Bon, 43. High-rt., Eaetinga. Jakeh, a good d| ^jSi children: St iteonarde.—L.M., 62, " Observer" OlBee, J ST. LEONARDS^—4 well-furnifliod Booms to Let; no iaif-yearly.--Apply Frank Shoesmith, Manageii 17, Bftve- fttlly increa^ their crops by top-drce«ing with Hdrtical- Haatinga; attendance; {near sea, trams.^A.C.,’' 957, “ Obicrr^' c o t t a g e or SCHOOL HOUSE wanted for Aught#; ttiral H lto.-^old by W. Drepor and Go., Corn Merchants, HOUSES of good ^ o n d h a n d FURNITURE wanted, ■ of a ship in the WANTED, DOMESTIC HELP; two family duriiSis I • - —J8 8 countij pTeicrred; ouo liTing*,'two-bedroom© or rooin©; lock-rri., Haetinss. , r . ****' sedtescoTObe'Td., 8t.-Leonarils. j23 iiehoal tennisj^help given during holiday^—*»-Mrs^ao. Staph , Office, Hastings: ‘ - v J - £3 ■upward. lent: rwaonaible per»on»: low intoreK.— or sihgle articles purcheted. We are brnyera of anythii^ TWO or THREE'Bed knd Sitting-reioma, bath’(h. luid no attcudoico.—>7, liuckhursttrd., B^xhill. : —j8b‘ Bra*ier, 5, Best-iaiade, Harilags. ] ]FOR SALE.-rDawn Mower, 9 inches, 27s. 6d. — 52, «aleal[)le. — Bryant sad Bona, F unutuie Dealers. 44-4l^ he classes \\ith| H ill {iView, i FramndTd, Sussex. > j7e!LT’ LADY with liKlelgirl requires cottage or small house Wiiton-rd.v'-'.Bexhill- —jftb WANTED, SMART WAITRESSES, Itoxn 3.90 till 10 b.).—16, Milward-rd.. HastingHL. —J8 IJ ■LENT for lia per month on all kinds of JewKlerf, Quee^a-id.,. Haetingd. tcl4 WANTED, TUNBRIDGe WELLS. — FumiAhed Apaitinant or with gardcu; furnisied or unfurnished; mod6rate.4 E., ...tohe* surer and stated Goods, and eveir description COOSEBBRRIES, STRAWBERRIES. RASP* L E jn’.OFP CLOTHING, Boote, ete., of Ladies. GeniiL through the air, Sl.ia- a Ooolc-^Ganeral, Kitoheot Woman.—Blaok Cat, Cl^b* Board Residcboe; central; near Grov© and Common; 3; ** Observ'^ ” Office, Hastings; 38 P e RR-IES wanted: also 6&er selected F ruit for bottling, and Children's rtq^ed; oiso Gramophonea: gOM leioati HBstings. I _L iS be gtoS m w y kind of N ^E d L e - of TSlnaWe propertr.—Bose and Bates, Tawnbrokers, 46, upon a rock, an - WA8HINQTON TEMPERANCE HOTIsL, Devonshire. terms moderate.—Mr& Fleming,' West Croft, Gfove HHl- r e q u i r e d , for about Three months, near end of London-Id., 8t. Leonards. tsU ili largd or small quantitles.-^Apply The Mid-Sns^iex ricet given; distanoe. no object.—Mx. and .MXa. MlUeft WORK, rithar ^ ^ r i n g or Ifaktog, at hoot* or ladiaa' id. . , —j 8 June, • finished Cottage, Flat or Maisonette, 01 F ruit FraserTiag Co., Ltd., Newtek. Jl4e ^ ^ingwoid-id., Brighton._____ i-a36tca »oad,]Hastm»s.—-Housemaid Waitress; ci untry girl pr^ own rteideneA—K.T.8.. " Obeerv^V OBkm, Haatinga. TWO LAGIE8 wish to share iimajl detached honee, with near Hastijin or St. LeonAids; two or thfee Bedrooios; IRHUBARB wanted for jum making, in Irtse or email RElAOY MONEY given foff Old Gold, JewaUery, i s with a maid as! ierred:, liTO; in. " • ^ JOJ ■ ■'•'!' ' ' J '' teb on© or two others ; three unfurnished rooms and other i^nis must ^ modern ^.--Particulara to D.. 85, Foidwyoh* quantities: rtute lowest prioe on rail, your nearest sqyf Condition; large or omnll quantities: also for p ^ ls » WANTSD, good Oook-Geneial and Hbuie-ParlourrmiKl;; (. MRS. F. SMITH,'Mailer Cottage, Hostings-rd., Bex- aoeommodatio^.—212, Battle-rd,,' Hollington, St. Leom' rA,’ liondon, N.W.2. it MOTOR CARS, BICYCLES, ETC.- stetion.—Write The Mid-Sussex F ruit Preserving ‘ Co., diamonds, and othe? precioufi atones.—Rose and Bateau for him. Our bj «BoaU 1 famil^; h o 'basem.ent.—Writs dr fijpply 2-1,, hul.4--Comp^]it Upholstress, perfeot fitting loose oovera; aids Afterno(ms. ’ ' , —^js, }5MALL , 50TTAG E or four ‘ Unfurniehed Booms LM., Newick^ ■ ..'_____. ______jl4e_ 46.. lliohdou-rd.,______St. .. l^onarda. ‘ tc8 •mdr-tar.,______.St^ Dsonards.. . , »r^ciutainS( oArpffta. etc.; exoe^ent leferesocs; wanted in 6] near Hustings by officer's ■wife.—Write Mrs. Mere. C. WRAIGMT, 31. Albion-rA, Folkeat j22 for cash, Ladiea’ aid G-ente’ Wardrobes. 3yl3 ' li lAppU by letter, stating.sxperienee, to MeaetR. Hall SMALL H ly; au-y make o r.siie .-F .-J- Parsons, Ltd., ObserTcr MR6. RUSSELL,'WARDROBE DEALER, removed;/ r-hoat.s‘fa.ster til UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with or without attend­ OUSE v^anted in Hastings or St. Lebnai'dF, Office, Haatings, ■ . w jVIEGETABLB PLANTS, all kinda> Is. 100: Marrows W\ Co-.^royddfti, Ltd.!, Bridge Hous^,y8^-rd *, B.eihiU'.—J8ti' ance; also Finished Booms; ; tenna ' mo^rate:—Apply SIX to eight -room®; Imodoratc rent. — Apply W.H.^ 6, and Cucumbers, Is. dozen; Runner Beane, 4d. dozen; from 144, Bohemia-xd. .to 233, London-id^ St*. Leonard^ M| . w a n t e d , daily y o u n g GIEHE^RAL, n ii^ 'U n d ip g : A.tl.S. 21 H.P. two-speed, in excellent condition; just them, and buil| E.8.. 192, Boh«ma-Td., 8t. Le©nard«. ' jfi “ Observer ’’ Office, Hastings. ^ j22 orerhauied; price *K .—\V., 62, St. James’-id.. HasUt^. Obraclums 4a 6d. dozen.—W. Dennis and Sons, 1, Duk^ I i' IglBin booking; hot Sundays; interview f' >ur to I sik.—Ei., WELL-FURNISHED APARTMENTS.—H^ l floor, WANTED; COUNTRY SMITH BUSINESS, with good sC Cnob^St.'MattheW^s Nuresry), Silverhill, St. Ltenarda. MRS. CAVE, W ^drobe Dealer. 30,- SBUgatetetraflB fastei' than the j \ t “ Observer -Offloe* Haating»._V aittihg, on© oi{ two bedfoom©; centx© of towji; close’to trade, house andigarien.-Write...... ______N,B„. ....765, “ Obeerrer"_____... DoverJ; highest piiote; ladies and, gentlemen waited oni I WA>TED^ YOUNG SERVANt, slee:> in bes wanted: highest value; prompt settlomeiita. i llv WARTEDV CHILDREN’S MAID; -goo 1 Tefenencce. r<5- engineering expemence; used all makes petrol.engines.— Wells;—Ooin|r 51,' Biulalh-vd., Tunbridge Wells. j8 Cycles: iiiepeotion invited; Lodieft’, *10, 10 guineas, *11, DOMESTIC PETS AND CAGE BIRDS. r a24 ] ] tJnu of tliose ?-'V i -iliuliedl: a little housework and nee^evork.—Apply ty Belhiine, 7,' Wai^cw^nB., 8t. ‘Leonards. 38 *11 1&„ *12, 12 guineas, 14 guineas; Geuce, *10, 10 PJTl PROPS wanted, all eizea; highest prioea given.** . WANTED,! an; Unfurhighed Gottif^^e * or. BiBnngaJpT guinea^, *11, 12 gruiueas a&d *14.—George, Cycle and ! aetter^'Woodside, ^ The rent — y/AI{TED, KIND HOMES for beautlfd kitten!.-4S, Geering' and Colyer,! Bank--Chambers, Ashford* jI5 spouters, wi'om i 1 \ -WANTED^ TWO| GIRLS for,.kitchen., jwa^hg-up and —btanion, -84,J -Hhxl©y-rd,,r Leyton, E.IO. i?© Apply .SstetJ Tenisoi-rd-., Cambridge. —i2le Motor A fent,'Snargateet., Dover. i j22 Tbw-----cird. St. ..Leouaida.,, jb S T ^ f O T T d e a l in g .—Mrs. Medhuist, 35. Lonnort, j inaitt fi—tlrinr — i A. Rusconi, .The Creamerv, Royal THOROUGHLY CAPABLE CLERK «©elcB responsibl© BOARD RESIDENCE; flv© minutes sen and station; WANTED,! small FURNISHED HOUSE, non-base- FOR SALE.—Motor Bike, *15: owner jouung up.— Canter tiUry, buys Ladies’, Gent’© and ChildTon’i ward* iK'en talking rec I I wifitorti^-buildingB, fit. Leonards. ^ position; 22 .jeax^-'local vxpericnoe; over military ;?ge. sea views; 35b.—23, I*mton-cres., Hastings. —j8 'TTwnt^ bathrw m ;‘goM position; -Jub* 8th, St.monthi.— F. Deeproflf, Fruiterer. .Heathfleid.t —3~j8 ■i.-l'i- E TC .^ . [tation and sea.—A.B.. 816, “ Observer **‘ Office, Has-^ £5 PREMIUM.—Wanted* to rent from Michaelmas, lolls, 65 noted; all in good condition; popular dance, scrap Irwi.'metaU' and rubb».—G., R. Jackeon, L t^ land’s' backbone^] I !< WANTED. WORKING HOUSCKEEPElt for iho^tding clngs, • 1 : * • • • - 38 • small HOUSE in .B e ^ U ; two SIttiDg-robme, flv© Bcd- igh-at., Battle.' . i “"-?2 ogoratic. olasaical,;pretty aita and eacred; with o«e 6 ft. B ecogn^d Collector , fox the Government,'* GautMbuiy, j G.HjD-, -9^ “ O^rTWl' LADY is wiUing id undertake work ©n Poultry Farm.— CERTIFICAtED Maternity NURSE reaeiv«s patient* rnoms, gTonmd: floor, kitchen; smKir Rurden *. *5 premium GENT'S BICYCLE: splendid condition; easy running. X i2 ft. 6 for marie; all to be aold together, not in parta. 1 % - -_r ^ j ^ and vain words !i ii>o C.B., 7^;’ V.Oheeiver" Office, Hastings, • 3I6 in hrt own house, situate in a quiet and pleasant will be paid akyone aubplying particulars of such a hon*^ F. HoiHe, 1', Stonefield-p:., Hastings. —j8 —Write S.K., 768, ■.“ Obeartot" Office. Haitinge. jl5 WANTED,.SCRAP IRON and METALS; any^uoa. ^YfAIBTED^JnnaL IU«b, good :h 6 u $E.I>ARLQUR. locality; medioel reference' if d^ite^—Apply Nufise, provided teoaiiuy of same is taken by advertieer.—BanJies GENT'S TRICYCLE; . good' condition; 8 guineari.— ORAMOPHONE wanted: maet be good ■tone—Apply tity puxohosed; oomliaission to any third party fiecurins civWs whicli- H SiAlOb:^ three in: iainiiy; moniii^ igiipkept^ ..-l. . Mount Fleosant-sres., Hsstinga. to" A.X., -2,U7, 1“ Observer’* Office, Bexhill. j8o Westou, 143, High-st., Uckfield.* ..1. , yiTjtlr partioularo to-G.W ., 100, ‘*, Obaerver ' Offluo. I th a tra^isactiona.—G. R. Jeekspn, Ltd.. Iron and; Metal « g e ^ ^ ^ w ^ ^ , _fo Mrs.: Roberf MOTOR CYCLE, 31 h.p.: 3 speed g ^ r; Dougl^ or Merchante, Canterbmy. Tele. 114. i te61 greater nundtej- nt YlmblebnrBt-id., H(lortham- SfTUA^ICW? WANTED-r-FEMALE. ! icme rellabte m a^e; ‘ model than 1914.—F.B., ^''jtaMAMOPHONES,-PhonogrnPba, all ^ e » , lapau....— i 0 to pujjehaae, any q u an ti^ of WASTE WAITED, COOrk -GeENERAL n i foe gen lemanVi i|2,. “: 0 ^ e r ^ r ’’ Office, —38 Hartinrf,Gramophone, Oo., Facing G.P.O., HaatiuiM. PA PBr “ sunk without til 9. twoo \m taxfamily; ooxhfortable plade*rowa AS COMPANION HELP; doinesticabed, experienced; SET O P .D e ‘Dion'-Whe^s (without tyres) and Axles,; ■ toi6magaslr,.^,------i ; I luraaa-parl^^umaid kept;.—Mia. Edye, - Holton, moderate salaijv-HL.,! 17, Nekon-rd., Hostings. . j 8 jood cbidition; 50s.—HilliTy, lo. Mount Ephraiffi, Ttin- GRAMOPHONE . ’■wanted; Bie Maater’a Voioa, —F . J.lFaieons, Idniited, 14,. Olaremont; Hastings. rctfiiyutiejii. for it | jridge \Vell^ ■ > . Columbia or any good make.—Erendon, 51. Sonthwatei. WANTED, PIT PpOPS.; various rtzeajkany class oS AS OOMPANION brXady Housekeeper; domesticaW: have triq^Tixto dt r w a i t e d , capable iYOUNO REfliBON each good- needlewoman.; '«£^;iabie,"«nergeuc; highest refer- WANTED, a lady’s SECONDHAND BICYCLE, in rd., Str Leonarda, ' 115 sound yood.—Blackzr^, 43. King’s-rA, St. Itfonarda. go^ odndition.—]^x, “ i&nt Hatch,". Hastings. .—jft SATIN w a l n u t ..CASE, Edison. Standard Phpno- fsot■ Siuday)" ' ' itor " general ’ bonBerroHc;houeewoA;; "Is. diily; nil encesi—M.O., Obierver^ Office, Bexhiil. jl5b IF YOU CAN’T MAKE JAM YOU CAN m erchantm en, !;i A an — -r..Tn A -.-a- ^VT ' • : AS^USEFUL C^PARION light nursingHastings ANANtCO. 8 JUVENILE CYCLE (siTl’s); in good gTOpb^ 30 -recoida; triigain, .352.—14, WolUn«on Mews, WAR I PRICES PPiVlD.—Wonted, old teeth, uniform^ [LeoHa-idB.—Wi H aatinee.'■ ’ ■_ . ' 18 . Opets, blankets, linen.' ^wardrobes,. jtings. district; good ;refbenoee« 37, 'Milton-«t., Maidstone, condition: — Write «C. Chapman, 23, Cherry' Tiee-av., Jewelry, i ftimitnro, cm encmics; IiuC ofl WANTED, .a good plain Cook oxrCcbk-Gezteral. ■Kent.'- , . ; '—38 FRESERVE YOUR F r u i t . Dover. ’ ^ ; jft -|"WO' PIANOS (Broadwood: and Wernam); £32 and batb-oha^, oKl«» perambulators, bags. Lccock, oily;l two maids; 1 wages £3S to £32|:'refe_____ ' ADVERTISER iweks -re-engagement useful Companion ■ WANTED. Girl’s S^ondhand BICYCLE good jy ies ie,to;.^mitb. 118. Old Chutch-id., Hollington. (Appoint- Qneen’s-rai,fdi, HastinHastings. tcB a- well. But the} FLACE YOTJE ORDER NOW FOR eiaential;' 2S inch wheel; cheap. — AppCy istonham, meirt). 18 WARD'iRpBES. ■ —TWanted,. Gent#’, Ladiea* oaifi p c i ►ply lafternoons ;or sprite, SiSverrW i^wk 16;'^=0o<^ (liiralid or lonely lady}.—G.- H., 19, Wilton-id., ^xhilb oa-aefi.-. . ' js DeoconV labrary, - Hyc.- ■ ; —J7x VIOLINS, BANJOS. GUITARS, MANDOLIN, from ChildrealsIs^Left’-off______Clothing,------Boote, Linen, etc.;----- higher sliifis continue to WOLSBLEY 24-30 h:p. 6 cylinder, 1913 model, with 150:—Taggart,' 8, Histoat., Haatinga. . -7I8prices prompt! coeCi: -ladies visited; > dirtance_ M ^ri^Y O U N tt GIRL to aniat w ^ tvo eMI-ten - jACt WAhNAfiiEireSfi of .Hotel or ^Boarding House; object.—Mr#. Otetle.i 15, High-rt., Dorer. jl5 l i ^ bonaewcsL-idkppST em wnto'BtaeAiide;, K tdhii^ -thoroughly -eipsiiiehced ^in similar work;. gpod magnificent Oibriolet body; all in. good aondjitibn; price WANTED, Bocondhand PIANOS, by any makers; ttrs'ater num bers discipiiimilan; I hlkhesf irefcrenceB.—10 ,’* Obeerrer *' GLASS FfiUlT PRESERVI G B O TTLES, *5o0.—‘Sradley. St: liebhardj. . . . . 1 . good prices giTen.—S., Hermitage; and Sons, Ltd.. 30, i WASTE 8ALVAGR.^Write us for quotation# for rafli iROVBB, 8 h.p., Daimler,Hssme, 2-seater.car in good RObarteon-*t.. Hastings. to35 fwhite and coloured),, iteilors’, qjoth cuttings, brown a j^ are safely a| w a n t e d , *' LA'D'if ife'JuuC S S tes^S epfe Office, BexhiU.;.' f j . jlSb' PfANOFOR-TE -wanted, npright; good. tOrio.—Write or white moat wrappin®#; and all bijids. of bajrg and. wrap roocb ipuiB, etc.; regnldtfag .'wwlbee oi^ book-keeping AS HOU8EKJ8EFEI ^vUuperior) to geutil'eman, ivnlow '21b. size, bondinen.;-i.fw hire by the veelc; ol special iiitereet to (35}, vwitti UtUje girli (9); oai^bie, economical; entire size, 10/6 ‘■per dbz.' ,‘G 'qvprnm ent prices.’* medical', apply -'-Ol,^ Albion-rd.,‘ Folkestone. ■■- 18 piw» —G.“• R. Jackson, Xtd., rRecognised *Coliectoza to th / the .Great A m erical iperieneerin- a iewwler'B ln ^ e e a :. good-iwages.—Apply w a n t e d Canterbtey. _rrJ98 Ltd.. ByS U' , ■ ■ ■ -j7r control jsniau tConvenient houso; near igood school; INDIAN'MOTOR CYCLE, ■Rite Stondaid Side Car, : Pianola or Angcina PLAYER.PIANQ; no , _ l a s Cbuich. privileies;! present post five 'years; exsellent 1914 model: alj in perfect order, good tjrcs, low mileage, dealerB.-.Bend, particulars to Box, 20,000, " Obserrer " W TOWNWALL STREET-(eornor of .Weller .WANTED, reepeot^e YOUNG t.WOMAM -lor bOuae £60.—Wofrileya, St. Leoimtda- , , . . . ' Office, Hastings. —al7 Dover.—Top Tprloe ctreoi ftir ladlat'^and rent*# K ik and i cooking, fyom 9 to 13; ptrsonal references ieferenees.-rO.,re.q. “ Sussex Express,’'* Lewes. j 7e STRAKER SQUIRE 19J.4 model ; touring' body; “ one- WANTED, Beoondhand PIAHOS. by any makers: good astS-in renovater; cor© !of* -dnvnUd or- child.—B.G., 814, Wotdlcv, St. Leoinarda;: • ma(cor : ailto 50 or 100 feet garden, hoae cu reel-—Wood, we have suffered Ub boniiB;. .and- a- good. Flannel iWatiieiJ — AleXantiya “ Observer ” -Office, Haistinga. 115 eOOD SECOND HAND LAW N 1 M OW ERS. ^ VULbAN, 4 seater, 1910 show model, 16-20 ;h.p.4 all 1641 Harold-rd., Hoskins's. jft Itmitary Xanndiyv Beginald-rd., Bexbfll. - —J8b EXPERIENCED- l a d y CLERK disengaged; thor­ in aoiind condition; very auitable for converting to [w a n t e d . Superiot; NurB^'toidr Nime or. Ni&eiy oughly oompeteht in all broaches of ^retenai and offie© A L L m a k e ;S’. Thoroughly overhauled. new parts fitted,' Births, Marriages, and DeathA imd ground. Bui work: t long* refeiences.—SX., 706, “ Observer “ Office, oommercTal use.—Wordlcy.iSt, Leonards. , I HoreriMBs for boy of Si interriewa 10.15,0.^.. 3, 8 plm .;' absolutely equal to ne'w, o p will repaip your, old one, -.HUMBER, 4^ater, 1909 model; fully equipped and is beiiiG fought ha indayB 6.30 jp-m., Satedaya 8 p-JH. only.4-Mia. Turing, Hartin'gs. • . 3I6 •V" LOST AND FOUND. ■ - • - ■ - ' I -j, gentlewoman .desires daily employment, any very carefully used;-makef. an excellent ahd e^nomical BIRTHS,I MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN HEHOR^UI light lorry.—Wordley. St. Leonards. * i. , L , . = NOTIONS .axe charged 3s. 6d. foi^ fonx lines or leo^ won bv the Naviei , or ■Working Hduee- capacity; goodii^erences. — “ Cavin,” 39; “ Observer” MORGAN, 1917 model,; 8 h.T>„ water 'cooled J.A .P. FOUND', BULL BITCH. ^ Apply Morris, Levetleagh, Hjiitmo.; rChairaic b o ^ te ja . ijndispenMble.__ ^ . Office, Hastings. i - —jB engiige, w ind^pen, hood, lamp>s hom ; p ro ^ rty fof .offleer Tower-id. Wert, St. Leonards —jo , and 6d.! for each addltioual line. : sea. -If the U-l _ _ , ATOndalO-xd., HMlJngton GENTLEWOiMAN ^tequ^es post as Companion. Hqlp in R.F.C.., now on active. aeffvice.—Wordleyj St.. Leonards. LOST in Park, Sunday,-Juno.2nd, by mireiBft soldier’s All-insert^onii under lUiie heading must be prepaid, Ofl M , Laonarda. ■ ■ ■■ - I . ' .. ■ ■ or Housek£5epcr, where maid kept; musical, good reader. RONMONGER DE DION LANpAULET* in Ano order.—Wordley, St. ^hild, GOLD RING with “ Daddy” engraved; reward.— a bookiV-fee*'of GL will he charged. E ngland’s bac-kboj I IWANTEO. GENERAL SERVANT; smali bdiiss; —E. I;'- P., '150, Lond:on-rd., St. Leonards. —38 All aanoffi^itements undeT this heading must be endom e Leonards. 82, fWindsox-rd.i • Bexhill. ‘ -?-j8b irith thq name and addrere of Adrertlser. IW family; - plain oocdcing.—Mn. Dorugiity, 3,i St. ‘ • GOOD PLAIN COOK, diiwngaged; good reference; ^ I N G S * ENFIELD MOTOR CYCLE, 5/6 twin 1915 model, with i LOST.—Gofd Safety Pin Brooch, with small Pearl, oa American j Army ipa, .BLr'Leonatda, -■* ■' good wa6’es.-^“ C6ok,” ,,8, “ Observer-’* Office Hastings. side-car; juisb overhauled; good tyres.—Wordleys, St. Wednesday, June 5tb, in or near JCgeiton Park; reward. r IWANTEO, Coeft-Honaekaepeia, Farlonimaida, —Bodingfield, - 37, Park-rd.; Bexbill. ' ;^j8b Europe, does anvj tida, Getieiabi, Het^noxloniinaidB, N n ia ^ — HOUSEKEEPER DOMESTIC HELP fsnperiOT); H i ^ h’ p . "TOURIST TROPHY" N.TT;T. Motor L^OST, between Theatre and Silchester-road, on Wednes* TiatfX, 16,, HLri>-«t., iClaoteibtiiy. ^ dificnsiqged from July.—M.D., 2,158, “ Observer” Office, CreU: oTcrheod vrine, J.A .P . Engine; Stnrm ^-A rcher dayf nig*ixt,'Gcld and Tortoiseshell A.S.C. Badge.—Howard believe that thoua 'ANTED, GIRL abF>rt 18 to taka abaige ' Bexhill. ; — ■—j 8b jip eed gear; .tiorousMy oTer-hanleri: • JE35,.no offers.—’ onilieturn to^ owner, 17, SilchcSter-rd., St. Leonards.—-jS TAD/ ■*> 18 “ flKa^pvJr’*Obeervf r OfflR©.Office, Hn«tiTisra.Hastings. lOoniB; HaatmsB or at; LeouardR; near 1 ram*; moderate O lkni -J22 Irtn^lv • rctuiu to Reynolds, Belle Hill Laundry, Bex- till -his whiskersl a b a place.—C., 6, St. warilhew'B^dns;, St. Le^nar^. jl5 small lemunerationV- ' artistic preferred.—T.P., I 52, rent.—jVddreaB Mrs B„ 32, CBapel Paik-rd., St. Ueoa- him ’ c e ■ ,_kGIANTED, good HtAtaaniaid; Farloiinnaidl and (wo “ 'Observer “ Office, Hastings. —jg AYING GUESTS received in lomfortable heuse on 0103. . '■ ; . j 8 U.-boat v'ar is a 2e. weekly.—H., 871, LOST, June 6tb, between Park-road aati west LADY, with highest iseferencesfdeelres a post as useful unde facing aoo; temw from *! WANTED, t)> rant. I'nmUhed 6r tmfunririied. or to CARRIAGES. CARTS, BATHCHA.ri- PaTade, Lady's Gold Watch and Chuin, with lockot BIRTHS. ! & » i , •g?? Companion; ©even years with one lady. .— N. S., 43, • Ottserver “ Offiqb, Hartiagn. - jl5 buy small COIINTHT HOUSE near Leveo; must hare aftach-cd.—Anyone returning same to Mrs. Howell,'3^ G ^'inans know it.I 11 lgANTEO’,«SUI>ERIOR HELP for burh-ela£aj ap^t- Church-rd., St. Leonards.. jg PAYING QUESTS.—Oemlortable wcll-furniihed house. medern eqmpmmt aa lo lightia®,'water aapplj, et.,*: ETC;, FOR SALE AND WAjNTEP Park-rd., will be suitably rewarded. ~j8b NEAI.C.-|)a M*t SOthf ot 7, Alemndia-road. M D t bottae; no-cooking; et>cri wages offered-—Gorton. LADY requires re-engagement a© MANAGERESS in ifllte Alexandra Park; minute traifls;. modwte.- from 6 to 8 Bedrooms, 4 to 6 Beoeptioh roosiw,' good *!l REWARD.—Lost from Great Park Farm, Battle, ,' Southboutne, Bcrurncmouth, to Mr. and U r s . Herban guiow four loaves W, KenilwtKfbrid., St. {Ltonaida. 1 ^ jS high-dlaas apartiaent .heua* or houoee; experienced con­ l^wer Park-rd-, Hastingfe’. ; 3’8 kitchen garden, outhouaM, etc.; m hrt *tand in it« own BATHCHAIR, 4-wlieel.d, rubber-tyred, for Balej srilt- Sandy Cat, ^vith white .front and paw«. -^jS iNealel iS e of Clive jVale, a ^daughter. • | i WANTED, thwOugMy expeiienoed ':BinWle,banded nection; - most eraBfaetory referenee®; abstainer.—Applr P m ING QUEST received in t ia heuie of a quiet grounds of 10 to 25 acres; if good rough shooting is. abto tor ..iuTklM'; in aplendid condition 1 ve^ light; five we require ut| *|S REWARD.—Pearl Brooch lost May 1st.—Apply 28^ p ' ' r ■ m a r r i a g e . a i l ’USBMAIDf; town and conirtiy (BattleT'oa<o; tiwo 'X.,' Observer *'*^ OfBoe, '~B6achilL too family' in pleasant neighbourhood, rt moderate tenns.— attached iv wo; dd be Sonaidered. a n . advantage.—Apply g l^ screen;* easily convertible for pony; isacritico Keffil^orlh-rd , St. Leonards. . —j8 In h u ^ y V good'woges.—Mia Aakwmt, 44,; CorjSMlgdiis.i " NURSE -wants temporary or holiday engngdment in Ad«e»a Gueet, clo. 8, . Mount Ple^nt-cres., Heetmes. Box, A.M., 3uflsex ISxpijeSB,” Lewei. !. j/tj •C^, 20,-Snargate-«t., Dover. , .p^.r GRECNWQOb—UNDERWOOD.-On. June 5th, 1 ^ . M us fair w eather i'J BoxhilTJ'first leeeone; on© or two children; 2J years' re­ ~ ■ ' ■ ' • to FOR SALE.—Good Pram, with canopy and oilekin St. Andrew’s Church, H^-incB, by the Rev. C. M. iT w ANTBD,. immediacy. for Munition Boys* IhosmI, ference—Apply by .letter* 19, Windsor-rd., Bexhill.—j22b cover complete ;'i* 3 , oaBh. — Apply 66,:fhnmanuel-rd., BuchananWCurate), Sergeant "w.-E. C^eenwbod, Cauor noble arm y of lail WANT"**' ------...... — COjOK-GENEIU^L sm^'iCITCHENMAIOj liv e ^ ; vr^es FLATS 4 'o LET. Hastings. - ““jft- MISCELLANEaUS. diau Anny Dental Corps., of Toronto, to Violet Martha^ w om en, lias FHirniahedi. Maisonette to be Let for and BonTriS,-Hl,h-«t., Hartinga. ^ ^te29 Ai H. POTTER, Window O ^ n e r end Carpet Beater, a w onderfubi’i'sultl b o a r d -r e s i d e n c e wast«d in Bexbtil for husband August; one 8itting'-room, j three Be^ooms, K.itchen, 11, St. ^Paul’a-rd., Bohemia?? organ blowers a t St, ; < i SILVER WEf)DING. ^ , ANTED,, mothoir and dahehter, COOK and HOU;,—- WANTED, WORK .daVll oi week. ' - Apply K„ 59, ' LANDAU, also VICTORIA; exeebent oondirion; the Belly is won. W^RLOURMAID; daughter about 18; 'family thi^; Paynton-rd., Silverhilh S ^ . Leonard©. . ' j8 Enri 'Vito; about 35s.-uacli; or S and Bedroom; • tor cooker. Bathroom; guineas a.week!—Write Y.Z.j price'low .^oibh Goff, Black Homse, Fairwaip. jfe Matthew’s Church; all kinds of.jobbing:-work promptly REEKS—CARTER.—Oa"June 7tli, 1893, at the Caattal lin 30 minute* HoUisgfon trams.—hHs. Sl^moi WIDOW, 6m, Kitchen, two Bedbrpoms. — 2, Eversfleld-pl., Bt; ntidbrtakes api>eQls -for redurtion of rates and for the ANTED, for London)^ a thoioug:hly reli^U peupn altogether £10 or esbluuiso.—Gibbens, Baker, Canterbury. exemption of abatement of income tax. — Office: 4, Beiancy,-sori of the late'Thcoiuia and Elisabeth Boanof* * ► housework of small fiat; ''plain cooking; gopd Be^ill. ' ] • —38b Loonardi. ■ L. • - - , , i ‘ ' j ^ of \9, SVertern-xoad. Asad 74 years.—R.I.P. ItA vill he of little FURNISHED FLAT.—jFive airy rooms, top floor; near Nel$ou*^^*r-Hasting5. tc23 a i ^ ;. three in.: family.-^Apply peeHonallly, 49, Wickham- VAN (BcaxBmtiU. Londmi), equal 3 tons, detanhahle ROBERTS. ^ -Herbert "Thomas, only beloved w a of skilful sailors to ki ., BexhiU, or. write Saj Aimy and^gNavy Mansions, 109, , YOUNG . LADY ("xporiencetll requires situation as station,!-trams, sea and-lshops; immediate poe'session-.— cover; good condition; coil.farmer, carrier or haulier; Herbert an4 Annte RoDerte, B.E., died May 27th, 0# London. ^ 1 l —jSb book-keeper; good rrferences.—P., 10, “ Observer ’’ Office, H O U S E S A n d b u s i n e :s s e s t o l e t Haikngs. Bell 3. —j8 make excellent tiailor; *14. coat *47; seen in. Dovler.—, qiindn in Aged 23 years. FURNISHED - gaS; shell ■ if :we at lion re do h -YDUNa .GENERAL wanted.—'^.fit^ givin? patkculan, Ha«tines. —jg AND FOR SALE...... BALCDNYvFLAT ; finest position, Address Page, 61, Wear; Day, Folkestone ^ -Jft .IISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES FOR SALE. W '1 Belmont, W ar^ eb '^ L . New ^ m e t. [•—i7e" YOUNG LADY'a.s Shorthand-Typist, with Isir know* Front, BkistingiJ. — 'Wri ie V .,. 114, Obsener Offlcei WANTED, to Mre, €ix week* from 1st Auguat, IN ORIAM. Hustings. ' of OUT' dear eistei, our harde.^t to groj . VjOUNG LADY wanted (for retail business.—*'B.W^i” ledsd of book-keeping.—F. P.,. 45, King*a-rd,, St. I/eoa- A LlAOY’8 wel!l-fd)mi^c^ • to ,Lei; centrally ...... - j 8. COyEBNESfi CART and PONY for Indy’s ufie. in and AI^MV DDDTS ((toes 5. to 11). 8i. 6d„ 10*. 6ri.. 12*. 6d.; BEANEY.—In Idv^* mentery of our^dcar sistei, . a U EObserver" Office, Hhstingw. ' • . —J8;i arda.i-...... *■••■•■ ■•*],. . - ' —j8 Bituat^; 4* guideas' per week, Apply TeAton, IB, FURNISHED f l a t , ;faciuff Park (July, August); arountt Winmielsea. — Apply H., Woodland*,: Great eauiil to aew; p,oetoi;'c 6d. estie; rumy and llailnay who-passed away V ____ _ 1917.—Loved by all. build and repair sll ViOUNG GIRL'ivanted nursemaid; , sleep iplor oirt. YOUNG LADY deeires post in. Hasidnga or Bexhill —j8 three large,* cool, wei'IrfuriilUhed Rooms, Kitchen, Ofiioea, MiRsopden, Bui'ks. ' ______i jft Clothing of every deteription: prompt application desir­ COLEMAN.-rln prtii and iovinert80inri^., HaatiussBi/ i i Office, Haetinga. - i , 38 rooms mlly booked for months; eveiy lequdeite through- FLAT TO LEV, Jul.v, August,.September; three Bed- tlV E>TCCK , CATTLE, ETC.. FOR SfALE, ASSIST THE WAR by keeping rabbits. Boxes, 5s. 6d. terrace, Hastings, who died of wounds .received in ootiOE tlu' m erchantm en.I YbUMO LADY icquireeiBsrht offlee or privatd work;' Toouia, Bitting^robm and Kitchen; no linen, or plate; each, .weighing nearly one, cwt., may be obiaiitad dft in France, June 10th, 1917. Aged 21 year#. menc^d;, shorthand, ^yile^itlng; referenoce.—jV.R O'., BLACK VAN tiELDiNC, 15-3 hand#; Grey Coo. 13*3 Pound, 3, Middlo-at., Hastings. —jl5 One year Ihas passed since that ead day,' m piers on- strike- r* Observer " Gtece, Hastings. ’ i jf A*r iiOLDOWAY’S CORNER, 203, Queea'e-rd., Has* When one ive lovedi wsus cnl'.ed away; COUNTRY APARTMENTS WANTED. hands; Pony. 13 handsr ffii quiet in harness and pare Hi# pleasant ways, liis, smiliiiff 'fflwo, . eoalliuld lately. ^\1 VpUNQ GIRL, aood ol^s, as Between Maidi; Rood ■*ilE0^EY . ^%apitoi' 5 ?r^rty ?" 12 «««• Maisourt-te, sefiaiats all .traffic.—Smith, 16, weetern-xd., Bexhil)L; tiute* 2' or 3 Secondhand Bedroom Suite# and also and wa^ws.—Wilaons, jFoffeheringhay, I)e Lai Wari^ mteddlpwMWid jOhestnut plantation, with ‘block of' 12 •* Colling’tph Maieonettes, Tenmnua-ar. Drai^ingr'oom Stiit^. Lar.fe aaiortment of Inlaid Lino#. No* one can fill his vacant place. '’FARMHOUSE- - ec COUNTRY APARTMENTS FRESH CALVED'Shorthoma, Jereeya and Orote*breida WJien days are dark ori'di triende ere fov* w ith! the right.'-, e; B e th fl!." '" ' V [J22b" ‘ ■ cattogtebeodri. rite, tor t;er[tloiiMU.'s rMidenoe; freehold, for Sale; moderate prioee; earriage paid.—Apply^^ Hale, Caipiet# apd Rugs. Good prices given for Secondhand . .VOUNQ GIRL Wanted, hdusework; comfortable home; w.mted im or mear Battle-for one month; Sitting Boom, £2,300.—feoayer and Rumball, Xbn iridge 'Wells.—jir t Funilture or .taken in exchange. —ta72 Our dchrert Sid, we ‘think of you. two BcdTOoms.-?Mr8. Leaser, 44b, Chapel Park-rd.,' St. Redbridge Farm. Orowboiou^. ^ ; J»® ' BU(SBRlDQE’S. 289, LONDON ROAD, St. Leonarde. —May and Mum. quarrel ; hut we )> '♦rojiu family; wia^ea - ** LeohatdB; BAKD RE. p a s t r y oDOKS, c a t e r e r s .—liUciatiT. ' Bexhilron-b^ Head Office, FOR -SALE. — .A large? Nanny, been , mated; good high-clae5 busiuoBs fo r'd ia p o ^ ; easy terms;, splendid ' —Splendid luvalid CiLrria?i’©, suitable for hand or pony;- DITON.,—In loving memory of Al'Derb Heiiry, only M i Loi^don-rd., Mondays and Wedneedays, 10^12 p.m. Londoii milker; * 3 ; alsa'^urco gelding', good.in harneee,ii*l 5s. threoj Organs, three Pianos, two 'Wardrobes,, two of Mr, and Mrs. Ditoa,.19, Rock-a-Nore-road, Hwriunca» the fiosition would i up-toiats premises; best poeitions; prbsiwrous RoHl —Paper, a27, Ashford-rd., l^stbourne.: ^j7e killed in action June 4tii, 1915. Aged 23,:—Fathiff» . Borough Valuable ’propeirties, excellent plant-, every, Btanch. 12. Grovel Hampstead, N.W.3., Wednes­ HQR8E8 Of every deecnption for Sale occ ' Hire.— Ghildroni’# 'Fricyclee, Ducheese Dreteing P air,\ Seddlebag just at the tinu- \\l APARTMENTS WANTED. days and Saturd4ys^ 2-6 p.m. —al7b Suite Australian Swan. tcl mother and, eiotea's. I ’ EmMr*t-r4.y Bexhill, bctwee^ 12 and 2. ■ '4j22b necessary ,* about *(kQM .(iuortgage if with uee BOARUING HOUSE. — One Of the best and mosi Bupferier ' Cart and Van Horses; all -at i com­ And far from those that love him beat. llattery C o tt^ , J|la8trpamde,, SL LepiJjird-4.. of, .cooker; no .nt’tondjhpG^ required; or * H a t; near sucocerta on the South Coast [no raids); present hand© 33.. Norman-rd., Sjt.- Leoiifl de. ( —j8 mercial pricoa; auitable for fanners, contractozs and have a -special lift inetalled iu the buildang. which ex- of the U -boats, inerl Haatingfl or St- Leonards. Statione.—K.,, 11, Somerset- 30 years;'proprirtiless retiring; extewivo'good-class con­ SELP-CONTAlflEb FURNISHED FLAT, toree ceeda' over 100,000 feet in extent. Householders should In a lierp’s grave he lie©. months; Sitting.Boom, two;Bedrooms, Kitchen; central. market' gardeners. — Bowen, Victoria-id., Aohfoid., Oo be teteful where they place their furniture, therefore FELLOWS.—In ever-loving, luomory of George. Jamoa in port for lack of.| - ..vVikuNC -LADY or Oompainion-Hiejp wanted tolnswirt id., Tunbridge Wells, ..t —jSb nection: spacious admirably ?arr-ang^ premisos m nice view Saturdays and MdndajTs.' • ^ jylS Fellows, Lanoo-Corpofal 26th^ Battalion Royal iMsilierf, Gfth wine of three children; good*-wag*v«: for Farley; LARGS BED-S1TTINDROOM. near eeni attendance order,; JiirniAhcd with eveiyy-reutueitlo; cash necessary, —“ Spero,” 72, ‘lObse.ryei Office, Ha^tjhge.- —j5?2 PURE* DUTCH DOE, mated, 17«.; Buck, lOs. ; also inspect same.*. —1«73 8T..LEONARD 5.-rFlat Lin, Wbok) to-Ijet, unfuriitsbed, BRYANT St SONS, the Hartings Now and Secondhand kilitd ia the 'Butale of Me^cdnee,. June 7th, 1317. one instance. ITu «#ap C3royto.-^Apply by[ Ie$t^ onjy, Mia. Brow, 23. ontional; pcrmaaent.s-JE.4.84, ■“ Observer’’ Office, H'»s- about: *! ,000.—Wiokenden and fclonsJ Tunbridge Wells PlemiBh. ,; — Stamp, ’ reply; Hopperton, Forge; Cottage, Comploto 'Ho\a>e'FuTuishers, 44y 45, 86, 87, Queen’fi*“iOHd.— *■ Remember,! O Ix>rd, all thcee, th© brave, the tx«t. 3UbcH-7d., > Bexhill. Nsb .tinga, : J * . . j 8 ' ' 1 38 - from July; idea position; top • hill overlooking sea; SisSinffhtafst, Cranbxo'ok, Kent, • ' ' j7e to the m an or woiiil four bedroomfi, bith. e.lJ gae: *45;i cainets^ fitting^, ' RAEEITS.**^Fleimeh BeleiaxL Doee tor Sale. 2 months Now ibave in- stock the finest and largest eelct:tioh who haY<; died! the death of hoiioftr. In. that pioce oC jwmeft *fUTtuthre . *IS5 . Imu6^ be taken.—S., ' 850; of-Heddiatr'’in the town; Feather Bed.^, Bolstere, Pillows •ijglit, wbeiico M>rrnards. . - —jS guinea.'u Now don’t say a word about th© price until KING.—la loving loauaory of my dear -husband, G. W* 26, Vicarage^rd.. Hastings. —jft you hUvs’ secn' it. ^ King, of 168, Priorv-road, Hastings, who died on Ju sa : SEVEN YOUNGSTERS, eight weeks'old; mother pure BABY’S LONG CLOTHES; 50 piece# 21b. 6d.; perfect 8tffl9lO.-^Gon^ but nerer loi^tten. iBelgian; 4s. each^—Huteon, Heatheot.c, Little Commonr home !work.—Mrs. Max. Tho Chae©, Nottingham. jl4© MANSER.—In f-v^r-loviug mwiiory of our dear Joek, LA V S W a n t e d . id., Bexhi'h • ' ! jftb FOR SALE;—Wringing Machine or Monglc, 21 incli; whi wjw drownW whilsT r^eivtaig Lis country on H.M.8, K I D G L O V ^ i THREE FLEMISH.BELGIAN DOES; three months, rollers 1 good as new.—Apply 26, Bourne Walk, Haeting-s. ampahirc," ;-7un'' f>rh, 1916, .only ioh of Mr. anti FLATS wanted :o jmjt: cfrTpuibhdse in • B ritto n , Kast- 10s. 6dv each.—ParioDs, Saxon Court, Buxted. , J7e ; - • —jft J. Manse.r, of. Sllverhill,. St^ Leonards. bonrn© or H astinss; woula purchase furniture.—Hawke, 1 WAR ON RATS.—“ Bodine “ Rat Poteon makte FOri SALE.—5 ft. Walnut Sideboard, tliree lookiug- PARSONS.—In ever-loving inemoiy of Wdll, second New Stcine Maubions; Bnghton. il5 lolteu sweep 'in cme night ; dead vennili dry -np; absolute glocB 4^^^ three oak-liued druwerpo *6 6s. 4 ft, 6 in. |Mr. aridrd. Mij*.Mi«». D.; PnreoiiR,FnreoiiR, 3," *-Zurtel-pl., • • • H astinfa arc very dear, the importalion ofj foreign>maae gloves FURNISHED FLAT or| APARTMENTS wanted for •xtenninatioB gnarauteed: swift and • deadly ; tiu#, 6d., Oak thrc'vtibr Diniier Waggon, *3 3s.: large Maughon lost liTclife in Tthe sinking of H.M.$. “Hamptiiin, ^1#..'2g., is., 5s.: x>ort. 2d.—l^ rley , Chemlfu, Perth.r- .*»Mi inifi- , 1 . ^ being forbidden. Ladies must! have tbetf 'gloves one month, A'ugiifit' or .,Sbptember; one . Dining-room, i Agent# H. O. Edward#/ 17, QneenVid». LHartlnga, 15. GevterL am ew , *7: Zither Banjo, by Nieoe and Stanley, June 5frli, 1916. thsce UcdTQoinjf, one Kitchen,; Hastings or St. Leonards. iKing's-rA, St. lieonards, 245, Old Londosrrr,Dta; and leather caeo, *2 26.—Wood, •164, Harold-xd., Hastings. Gone is the face w© loved so > —Apply 24, Dud^ey-rd., Clive Vale, Hrtticge. j8 / I, ^ •■ ' jft Silent the voio® we loved to be cleaned oyer and over again. The best w3y ito do , SELF-CONTAINED Unfurni^ed or Furnished Flat, or K. H. Emelena, Battle., , ’ ‘ te43 FOR SALE.—Beautifully mad© 6 ft. Oak Sideboard, Too far away for eight and «pe «nall House wanted; mikht buy furniture; Sussex, w ith ; rOad.—Mahogany Drefi«n« Table, with Hounslow Military Hospital, June Iftb, 1916. J WANTED, UnfUTaislied jF lat or sniiUl House; any mirror, I only 4 puinecia. 4 Jeet Mahogany Wardrobe, - “ Tlnje fliee, memory la«t«L'* part of ■ dwtrict.—Bi, 14, Farkhurst-rd.; Bexhill. 38b lievellM edge pl$t© mfirror, in fine condition, only 144 d o ! ( E v e m ^ b / do. WANTED^ at oikco, smaSl UNFURNISHED PLAT; FARM PRODUCE. POULTRY; EGOS, guineasi -VeTr, iliife •Mubegany frame Cheval Gloss Mirror, .) 10d .tol/- a teirghiln,. only b guineas.—Note the cign: “.Please stop TIME 3 . DA1Y3 . IT WORKS. MILK, FRUIT, ETC. inside.’ ‘ I CLEANED « Re .TINTED HASTINGS SECONDHAND FURNISHING CO., 86 , AS WHEN •NEW. - ...... rpoU L T R Y .—A Bmall lot Poultry in fuU lay, with ojid 87> iUuA«n’fi-*ro!id.—3 f©et*.Bcdroom Suite, in oak, only M gfim l DrrnHftuttmei hiah" ground if pDstible.-^Addr&^s Mrs. Hancock, 70 rune ami eheda e seen ai ill ^i-hefts, ©quft) lo new. Birch. Dreaemg Chosr, with Pio%pPct-!fl.. SoiithbotOu^h, pTnabridge Welki/ —^Jft' Mtea Lnaph, 129, Se41es#ombc-Td. North, Haetings. —j8 mirror land wasliutend, only 9 guinea#. Very o.d Dark X « fB « r id l Omrdm. , JS. 4 . Pi C o loured Kid& Suede (&'■6 buttons ) 6 d . f e r p a i r WANTED, bv a I widow ladv, July-or later, self-con.- CABBAGE PLANTS for tiat«; lloointous Champion Oak Iinr«!lTt>- only 104 guinea#. 4 feet Walnut Sideboard, tainca UNFURNIS|HEO' FLAT, four or five roonia or Drumhead#: 5s. per 1,000 on rail; bag© charged tmieea ofily 134 fumca#. ‘ Note the Mgn: ' Pleuse «tep joside.” L td ., 14, C/arwmoat. IFaet6<|». r upper part of uioaern hoJiiBe; . good n«ighboiirlioo'd; returned a t once.—J. Corn well and Son, BatoombeMiUe, HASTINES SECONDHAND FURNISHING 00.. 86 Gent’s Kid Doe Skb i- - 6d- Blacklanrlfi district referred';; state rent.—^V.R.G.B.,*"^? Burtex. I ai9tca Aud 87;i Qfleen s-rond.—Saddle Bag Gent’s Easy Choir, & “ ObBcrvcr” Office,{^Kfistingis ■ —jS ' FOR SALE.—Five Buff Orpington Hens, laying.—14, oiilv *4' iO^, Oiaudfather Clock, oak cai?e, brass dial, Hollier’s-lull, Bexliill. . I Jftb o'nly • b ‘ giuhcap. Oak • Bookcase, .slwling doors, oulv G i FOR SALE.—Two Pullote, four Hena, two years, ade-r- gninea#.^ "4 teet Waliint *Sidobonrd.'in fin© condition, on"y Lim-e, 34, ilern+ye-rd.,-St. Leoliards. i . —j810 femnfa#.-r-“ Note the wgu: “ P;eniie atep Inside.” UCENSED IH0USE8 TO LET, FOB i FOR s a l e ;—Youlig Rabbila.—Apply Mjbs ThomrXJh, HORSE SHOES, Frost and Horse Nml.s; 100 tone C h at. Moas,” Bexhilll. i ' —jftb , a^isortfidr in , 8&fX^k; trade only Mippliod.—Fowler, Iron ( Dyer.Si & SALS, AND WANTED. IFOR SALE.—Sevutf Acre# Mowms Grass.—T. Morjoy, Merchotit, 'runbrick’# Wo.ls. —«31 CREMATION. MalHnik Fielde, Lewes. . . -i-o. 1IMPORTANT*—llalf-Hoop Dress Eiag. three lustrous COUNTRY INN fn'itli land, few miles-from Ashford k I GREEN PLANTS for Sale; Coitag/«■ ! brnkers.l* 46, Loudon-id., St. Iicoiiard#. jelO The Most Modern Procea# at Mode ate Rateo, * . Fred VVu'kenden, 16, C6iurcti-id., Aifljford. 38 1 m il k .—Wanted, a Dairy of noh well cooled milk.— LESTER'S SACCRETTES, the beat and most econo LICENSED HOUSES.—Aiil ^^ainooats, Chambera, London, FLd.4. rTel. City 7 ^ }. ., ■ 36on busy Ladies, ■ The London Dyers iind.iCleaners. rd., HasUnge. * ( . tc4 3s. eonh, .or post free 1». 7d,,. jS. Id., ^ .W..-.3S, M.-4t Mackintosiire,' Trench Coat#. Gents’ Suites. Lodiee’ RAILWAY INN, fn&m road; thriving country.disfnet Obtainable o* l‘\ J. Parsons, Ltd., “ Obserrer “ Office, Owtnmes.' Gold Rings, etc.—Write for catalogue and X cadow, gsrdea. outbuild- Haetiugs. 4 •* —to state rcouiretueiits, Mrwiters, Ltd.; 17, Hope StcYa, Rye T ' \gent, Fred W’ickenden I PULLETS, layitg, IDs. 6d. each, £6 doien; Docks Old WaltoUes, Gold JewcI.ery, etc., bought for cash- 200 Branch Shops in London . and Suburbs. Clmrch-rdi. Aablord.! jft tafUd pricer 12 Ohioks.aid Mother, SOis.; stamp, Lrt.— To Mr. iMaaLerK:—“ I have not bad a single complaint BRYANT & ISONS, KOyilREPJWED Hiimiftell. tttrrtforti, E##cX. a»e from any of our reader# as to the quolitv of the goods STACK COVERS, quite new,.made from best stcilt euppSiedi-to theta or that the system oLpiiylnenta devised U n u e r t a k e b s . --^ii^;|tU»8et6 and, pieces ' Local Branches : . chntae, iuiy '#r4«; prompl deUvciy, complete with hemp by you^jbad rln^any way proved a htTdship.'—Editor,: STABL(y sHUed glove sewers. ITS, WiSTERN ROAD, M, ST. riAMBS' STRE ET, onri SSa, LONDON RoAo, HOUSES, ETC,; TO LET AND WANTED UoTornmeut Coairaotor, Pj;c. • 1 RCD-i'CROSS 'and SK' John. Ambulance Uniform •RIRMTON. SS, PORTLAND ROAO. | h07E, ISs, WARWiCK _ETRI ET, - THATCH WOOD for Sole; 1.800 bupdiee of 30, Hsoel* Dreeseii, i .aprons, Cftpa. - Cuff>’, Sreevw, Oollars, Betts; 99. EOm JND r o a d olive VALE s^TrtONOON m i o L COMMOOI6 O8 : I^AEMIsri w o c ? ,^ it. M»h«tliiig.-8--Apply; P..'Woodruff. iMounlfleJd, Groeota,IRidfe#, 8bcu;der -*Titln..Numeral# and Buttons, H A S T W O S . - ilWUi. 4S«. ^yfORTHINO, lISft. HIQH ST**nnT, LEWES. 12, SUSSEX 1 OARDENS, EASr- tluit;T---- «antrsl cm exceptional oppqrtamty for a Rcbertabridge. . ■ 1 • J7e etc.; afeo Cciate. H ats and Storm-Toqn#r (by Scott. BOURNE. SI, ROBERTSON BTREBr, HAt-fiNQS. Laundry or other buslnesa irequlnnk SP?oe;. recantly ' IWHIYE* or BLACK 4.BQHORN EGGS for hatching, Bond-it.Ji—Hunter Bro#,, 9, 10, Triaity-at., Robertson. DAY AND NIGHT SEKVICE. -i • ' ,• . ■' • ■ ' 1 ' used tov the oo.putl of 1,5001 m en.par waek.-*Apply 1 Bs. ■ fdt 12; elio aix L ^b eru *1917 Puilete, 15s. 4eac^.— #t.. BastindW. ^ Catetak^ on L,© pntmiasa on to Mr. Tr«s. U, 8t; Ma 'E iWhitemsta^ 8L Old Tcp*jd.,_^OrA- i —i » ' OAK OOTiforGOTifor a*!e,-n«»riySo^e,-nearly new, Yltli ' h:onlt*+«, gar«te*rd.f.,St. Leoonyda.- i - ^ tc46 .'WANTEPi Wtllmr Fenee Poles, teoooned or etc., .c,:. ;- ,£S|r *8 r “ Perteota.’’Pertooto.” FireFite'O ’ uata, Si.^v3Wri>* C>E.. 973, C WORKS: ACTON VALE, LONDON,' W.3 FOR SALl^.—GamUM, Freehold; cibosp; good situation staep: also ash apd citastnst, «reeo: oaah.—Ou 9* smith, " ’■ Offle*. ■' ' . i8 Friuled- eari FeMUMri tto t roomy, lock ups, coTex«d' yards’ tour roems and office. sm m tt'M A C H IN E 'to r 8*>: 6U«et’* Meriium t.ll th en P riatinc Wffita, ~ f. With'. - orAM without .cqrL stock'AipdI.LaaW'V 1AW.A utoohuLcry.t, mmw —* O.wririL. S ipi^ ®^ij*‘?b ^ x r^ B iiieH B A oaoT s, so*. » » po Tresdiejr: mtdMQ Table lUd'Cbain; — si, HoJt T rialtt. i i i : = / Chopetow* Miiward-i4*s Hartikgs. jS Boxted StotiOB.vH. GteatN,.lto|) Fun.yBnliteris^jr* B'onelrH,. Eettiac. - j | r . t. ■F*n«M. i X M H

Treaties without force: traps for the unwary.”—Jfr. i% «! Gjsori^e F O E ' EEK ENDING, JUNE 8, 1918. Freedlam impossible while Prussian military power is unbroken.” — M r . Lloyd Qtorgt.


“ We^hail Reap ilWe Paint Not.” German Tunes in pifferent Keys. *

[B y “ S e n t in e l .”] LBy Ob 5ei|veb.”] G reat Deeds Perform ed by all the Servites. T h e Navy, or, rather, the Allied LITTLE dieaf of newspaper cuttings I|aviw, have won a splendid A is before me pent in by' a co|rre- victory. : It is not yet complete. ^ >, who aisks if T can Perhaps it I will never be completed. the evidence it contains! that the Ge: Not Dressed for Ceremony. palrtment affected^ by thb torpedo, it Was mood is as fickle;as the;weather MT|. Philip Gibbs has a delightful actually found by* an investigating officer But we c-4 venture to say that it is that every door had been jiroperly closed, decisive.! Zeebrugge and Ostend were not attempt it. E ac: about' the picture of a battery newly back from the German is fickle,; and anjd fully ‘‘dogged” behind thiem. T hat’s part of it; but only a part. The battle - falsely fickle too. I t front’jline resting by a stream beyond gun is sufficient for me iemember that in what discipline will do for men. was foughtj; in the North SSa, the range; and very peaceful. “ The battery 1914 the German blade a pretence p f Channel, the; Irish gea, the Atlantic, friendliness to this xiujutry a t the very commknder (he says) told me that when his A Despatch Carrier’s Spieimid {Courage. the Mediteiiranean-|-indeed, in almost moment that . he wais wracking jhis men arrived they jumped out of their One day it was necessary for information every sea of the wp]*ld. Some of our brains for new methbds of ru th l clothes and with one yell of joy plunged to be obtained from the front line, in which readers may be incuned to say ‘‘We ness by which------to w:^ge the— war on into the stream and revelled in it. The the enemy had effected a lodgment. The, have never heard.omhis battle. When which he had detemiineji. “ The way to dust of battle was washed from them, and only way was from the support line along a * I was it fought? ” G!'he answer is, that get peace quickly/' runsf one of the black the du!st th a t settles on the souls of men in 0 > ' it began ori Eebruary 1st, 1917, and rules of the Germanj war hand-book, IS sunken road, and thence down a forward - ; . ■ that it has lapted d3wn to, the present to wage war ruthlessly. Every German war after too long a spell, and they slope for about 250 yards with ho cover, in time. If we | want a name for it, we soldier is taught tla t, and_____ so when______he cleansed themselves of its memories.in this full view of the enemy, aud.iswept by their w * might call it ‘ ‘ %he Battle of the forgets he is a miem and behaves rather like sunlit [water. I t was rather awkward for a machine-gun and rifle fire, j After a small Belly.” It d^ided [whether we were a brute beast, lua soul i^ filled with high moment, because the major went in with party had tried unsuccessfully (the leader" moral virtue. ° T H E WRBN.I T H E SMITH. to be stajvedl into submission to the them, and also the skipper, as the captain having been killed and another wounded will of the Germans or not. In fact, I ■ - is called, and at that time the mayor of the before leaving the sunken [ road) it was Air Attacks, 1916*1818. village ‘arrived demanding to see “ mon the battle we refer to was the battle thought th 4t"A single man had more chaace But for all his devotion to the policy of commandant ” and adjust the conditions of against ihe Germad U-boats or sub- camping in this Arcadian spot. “ Mon of getting through. This was; attempted m arines. ruthlessness, the German [likes nithlessness only one way. i^pre^ntatives of his ANin-AIRCRAFT ACTION. commandant” was without badges on his five times, ^ut on each occasion the runner nation signed a S fgue Convention yea rs body, and was quite unrecognisable as the was killed in full vieyv of the]pc«ition from ‘‘U ” stands-fojr ‘‘ unterzee,” ^ or ago, the whole purpose iof which was to officer ijn command. The skipper, shaking which he: had started. :Private Jack under-sea.” ! W e say ‘‘ submarine,” eliminate wainton a id'pu:^poseless ruthlesis- the water drops from his hair, bowed very Thomas Counter, a Dorset n(an serving which is Latin ; the; i Germans ‘‘ unter- ne^ from modern w ^arei but, the mome at politely, but knew no French. It was with the KMg’s Liverpool Begiment, who it suited the Genna a plan] those guarantees ...... obvioxisly hot a time and place for con­ was near bis officer at the time, and had zee,” which is German. This by the seen the five runners killed one after the way. It is rpentiohed just to 'show of the Hague Oopventlon become just ference] and the mayor withdrew.” scraps of paper. Perhaps there was other, then volunteered to carry the mes­ what a difficult battle it is which the sage. Hq went out -under terrific fire British Navy and itiij Allies have fought form of ruthle8sAess[ which threw t^e May 315t, 1916. German nation iptd' such a frenzy |)f and succeeded in getting through. He then and won. The way of the submarine Two years ago we were reading the first delight as the first idroppihg of bombs fro returned, | carrying wdth him the vital would have piizzleci Agur, the son of Zeppalins upon London^ No milita stories of the great Battle of Jutland. information with regard to the estimated Jakeh, a good deal more than the way purpose was served by iti the proceedings Here is a‘ new picture of that famous day number cjf enemy in our line, the exact o f a sh ip in the,; m id st of th e sea , w hich were just a slaughter of [defenceless no: in the annals of the British Navy. It is position of our flank, and the remaining ^1 he classes with thf which oDutains an account of a young naval with a maid as things too wonderful the^ heaven-sentjihachin^s. A few mor e [Succeeded in regaining the whole of~our for him. Our bold sailors have .settled raids and England will oofiapse,” said ore officer’s experiences in the Grand Fleet position. Subsequently this man carried during the war. He was on one of the the question. We ; are now sinking of their leading*! newspapers'; “ Our back five messages across the open under a flagships in the Battle of Jutland. Here heavy a'rlillery barrage to company head­ U-boats faster than the Germans build breathing is suspemd!^ by [the joy th at fill s is his pii:ture:— quarters. them, and buildin merchant ships our whole being,” wrote aijother, “ because J« ’> faster than the Germans sink them we are aware th a t it is a IZeppelin th at m The battle-cruisers, by this time a bare passing on its way to scs|tter a frightfm half-milk away, the boAV waves raised by Helped Cemrades to Escape. death, an unmeasurable dOstmetion on this their swift passage creaming to their fo’c’slesj Corporal John Thomas Davies, a St. One of , those, boastful, ;bloodthirsty, were firipg rapidly with all guns, From the other side of the Qhannel.^’ [ - J . 6ck-of..^£eir.flagship,_j.ust abreast, her fore­ Helens man, ^.serving with the South Bpbuters-r whom' GeTmany^hreeds; has^ ' A lt'th at.' was~nE 191'5r Now hote“the most turrets, a thin wisp of blue smoke and Lancashiife Regiment, found himself with been talking recently. He called his change of tune, iitish airmen to-day are little flickers of greenish flame showed where his com ply, outflanked on both sidds, and address ‘‘ The Subinarine War and pajdng back Ger ans in their own coiir an enemjy shell had found its mkrk. Under received orders to withdra-w;. ,! Corporal England’s Hour of Death.” His point Hardly a day b u t some Gerrn^i' her ’midship funnel a gaping rent was torn was that the war must go on till [Eng­ town is bombed H !qur aeroplanes. Our in her kide; revealing a mass of twisted Davies khew that the only linejof with- men -do not drop boir missiles haphazard metal,' where another projectile had burst. dra^yal ■laiy through a deep stream lined land’s backbone is nbroken. Foolish One gun of her' ’midship turret, thrown out and: vain; words ! Or the U-boats and like the Germans >t descend deliberately of action, drooped towards the deck, licked by with! a belt of barbed wire, and that it was to spread death onlalRed Cross hospital-^ hungry tongues of flame. impejrativq to hold up the enemy as long crews which leave Germany,.! the they single out railwaysl and munition greater nuhaber heveil'return. They are Now the air filled with the drone and as possible. He mounted the j parapet, works, and other points of military import! shriek ,oi. shells of every size, which began fully exposing himself, in order ;to get a ‘‘ sunk without ;la*aceu’’ which is a just ance for their work. Witjh what result? to burst] round us. One huge projectile—a retribution, for it is what the Germans Germany screams terrjor at the turuJ ricochet-j-went lolloping over our fo’c’sle mote effective field of fire, and kepi his have tried to do to the defenceless ing of the tables. The policy that was sq head, its yellow colour and the dark bands Lewik gun' in action to the lastj cahsing inerchanlimen, ; not j, only of their on its bcidy being plainly visible. the enemy' many casualties and checking “ glorious ” and so ‘V ^lendrd” and “ filled The blast from our first salvo [volley! enem ies but of thfe neutral world every German heart with holy joy ’i their advance. By his very great {devotion swept the admiral’s cap from his head to duty he enabled part of his company to as well. But tlje threatened merchant when Zeppelins were bamibing England, (though he was in the conning-tower), and ship^ continue to arrive in our ports in has suddenly (turned against them) become confusion! reigned in the crowded area of the get icross the river, which they would greater numbers than a year ago | and " the senseless slaughter oif women and tower, while “ Flags” (the flag-lieutenant) otherwise have been unable to do, thus tbcA' are sa fely and 1 steadily b rin gin g children.” It was i “ holy task” when pursued (he errant .headgear, finally retriev­ undopbtedly saving the lives of many of only English women [and English children ing it and handing it hack politely to his his comrades. When last seen this gallant the great Ameridaii Aomy over also. chief, who crammed it resentfully: down over N.C.O. was still firing his gun, with the were concerned. "vllhen I Germans are his eyes. imperilled, it becomes la “ frightful I [British Official. enemy close on the top of him. H e was A British Anii-AIrcratt Gun in Action in Flanders. It Is mounted on m At this juncture there came a yell. taken prisqner. Let us, then, be of good cheer. The massacre.” To-day I Germans are so lorry and the men standing at the tail are serving shelis. The sheil “ Zoofc. There’s a d-----d great Hun Kaiser’s battle has I gun _ again,! and terrified a t the resuljt of olur attacks on magazine is on^he ieft behind the driver's seat, in the background a iovoly Dreadnought over there.” And sure enough Ave have suffered more loss, both in [men them from the air that they are whining countjty hoBSo destroyed by German ahelis. there emerged through the fog ithe bow of a Double Ramming of Aeroplanes'. and ^ound. But thfe Kaiser’s battle for an “ understaiidingwith the huge ship not more than 8,000 yafijs away. She was of the “ Derfflinger” class. Our German airmen when beaten in is being fought because of the victory belligerents for avoiding this form of war manoeuvre in the air, emit a dense cloud of. fare. When they had a monopoly of it, first Salvb was “ over,” and no sooner had won by the Navijes of jihe Allies on the it fallen {than I saw the right gun of every smoke, to give the impression of ai machine sea. If the D-boatsl could ‘‘break it was glorious. But|now-j-itds a case of one of her turrets fire simultaneously. “ Eamerad ” with both hanM up There wan an anxious moment as we waited on fire dropping rapidly, as though out of J f England's backbone,”! and prevent the BAD FOR THE WINDOWS. control.' B ut th a t dodge has hsen soeii American Army frq^ landing [ in for the fall of the shells. In about twenty The Songs of Peace. seconds came a roar and a crash of rending Europe, does any mgn in his senses through now, and our men just d ive after Then there are the Uondeijlul variations steel, accompanied by a vivid green flash. the smoking plane to ensure its destruc­ believe that thousandsj of German 'sol- in the Songs of Peace W ich the Germans For a moment the heat in the conning-to'wer idiers would be sent tqjt^e slaughter in was intense, and it filled with the stifling tion. [On a recent occasion two i.merican sing. You remember hbw they cooed to fumes of the high explosive. On our gun iil-cs ■ the vain; hope of arriyung at decisive the Russian Revolutio|narics ‘ peace with­ plane^ fought two German machine^ and deck a fiei-oe fire flared up, followed by a cry the la|tter, getting the worst of it, loosed victory?; No. Old Tirpitz may rant out annexations and without indemnities,” for stretcher panties and water. till Ms [whiskeys dropr off, but [the and how they kqpt up that spng until they Our next salvo hit—and gaping ipnts their i smoke and nose-dived so mb two, U-boat war is a dead [failure, and the had their heel on Rumi^’h heck. That appeared in the Hun’s sides. . . . We . . . thousand feet, straightened very abruptly, G ermans; know it. Tmsl year we shall song served its , pu: in charming the secured several more hits .. . . and a dull red with the consequence that the iimerican grow four loaves of br^d out of every simple Russian to. his ndoijng. B ut the glow appeared in the holes in her sides, pursuers, whirling blindly downwards showing ithat fire was getting a hold on her through the smoke, crashed unawares into five we require at hoim ,jif God sends Germans have another ng'i of Peace to- vitals. • . us fair weather for the . The day, and this is intend .___nqt___ so _____ much_ to the tails of their opponents. By amazing mislead the Allies as to' j rovihe the equiva­ luck, only the German machines buffered noble ^m y of land-wojrkers, men and Automatic Discipline. badly—both crashed to the ground j The women, has secured us th^ result, and lent of Dutch courage to i the German soldiers and the German peoj^les in view of An American ship was torpedoed in the two Americans were danaaged, hut landed a wonderful result it is. The Battle of the intention of the "Wai' Lords to make a war zone not long ago. The full hit with only trifling injuries. th e Bejlly is w o n . | huge sacrifice of men in the jnew offensive literally blew off the vessel’s stem. Some on the Westei’n Front. , “ We m m t win in of the firemen, who, upon this type of W.A.A.C.’s in a Bombing Raid. B u t we have to reap the harvest of the West,” says von Tiipitzj “ or Britain vessel, are fine America'n boys, were sleep­ When the raid began the W.A.A.C.’a the victory which the Navy has gained. will choke us. by eqoaomic isolation.” (says Mr. Philip Gibbs, the War Corre­ (Britain could stijl do that even if Germany ing below desks, where they^ felt the full It will be of little use for the brave and shock of the explosion. None was tilled, spondent) were ordered by their officers skilful sailors to knock out jthe U-bpats d id win in the W est.) | ‘ 'Wij shall win in the West,” says a docpnient [circnlated by but all were dazed ‘ by the terrific con­ to march quietly ' into, some shelters if w e s t home do yiot continue to strive the German High Command, ‘f and then—” cussion. It is highly probable that after that had been dug for them n quarrel; but we put it to bpth sides that Allied commercial fleet, she jia to appro­ to safety. ; Mere instinct of self-preserva­ caution that taking to cover, for it was-a the position would I be an absurd one if priate all Northern 1 France’s natural tion could hot account for this> for it was bad raid, and when it wais over the just at the time when we; are able to wealth in coal and iron, iilie iS to attach to not a simple process. Quicklyj and in W.A.A.C.’s who returned to one camp claim that the Navy has g6t| the- better her Empire sixteen million acres of rich perfect order they had to pass firom the found that many of their huts had been soil in the Eastern Provinces of Europe for compartmeht in which the explosion caught destroyed, and there was a finer mess to of the U-boats, rherchantmdp Were, kept them, through doors on each of which were clear up in the morning. But nop a single in porj; for lack of; fu el. T h a t is o n ly her people to emigrate bo, ahd she is to make her enemies pay hs^k in raw six “ dogs,” or fasteners^firm enough to girl, or hardly a girl, was late for the one instance. The same thing applies materials, ships, cash, add teifritorial con­ ensure water-tightness. "X^ll, they opened morning roll call,, though they had no. to the than or wpmian who slacks in the cessions every cent the vrar h ^ cost. these lockedi doors, passd through, and did sleep all night. 'There were no casualties shipyard, the factory, or the field, or There’s a picture for youl j That’s the not endanger the balance of the crew by among them, and now they nave good who isi wasteful of fo ^ or other needful neal German interpretation of f‘ no annexa- [British Official. panic or neglect. One of the details of shelters near at hand, so that their risks ,V .'•!»•''■•■ articles. ‘‘ Be not [weary in well-doing, ' tions and no indemnities.” That is what Two of our big guns t ucked awky bat^een farm- builillngs. They are used “ collision drill ” aboard ship is to see ,to are not very' great—not greater than of einemy positions. Airmen sit up in the sky and iS&j for in i due time[ we shall reap if we lies behind the idea of “ k Geijtnan peace.” for long range shelling it that all dkors are fully “ doggkd.” After among their sisters in London during one faint riot.” 1 That is what we are fighjting tjo the death. report if.the sliiells are falling in the right place. the dazed ipen had passed from tjie com- of the raids at home. i 3 Mf 9 m

. •; I

y .TiW' Negotiation lor peace impossible u ^ l Germany —^—” WAE SUPPLEMENT FOR WEEK ENDING, JUNE 8 . 1918. Is|prcpared to give u|Areliance op doctrine of force.” —1/^r. J . U. Clynei,

K WRR SKETCH. BY TH E WAY. 8ubmarine looked by the breeder. Rabbits sent to any they were asked, but give the word , and and that their money will always be available' one rearer should be of the'same sex. People when there were all those locdrtiotives, trucks, if art empTgenicy arises. off the Portuguese coast land torpedoed her. ”A heavy sea was running at the tiire and miles of line in the cdpntry, together they were on to it like the captain of a and there were no survivors.” ] That was a real case of the evil practice of Spurloa who say : “ Oh, I don’t know, just rabbits,” with 170,000 men who have gone to France to prize tug-of-war team, gripjnng the.ground Versenkt “ coming home to roost.” There is of course a difference— the German and keep a mixed pen will only be able to run the Army traffic. The railways have now Spurtos Versenkt was against neutral trading vessels; the British against an ocean sell their rabbits in the winter when tliey, to carry coal for the Navy, steel for the ship­ where other horses merely slithered, and There is a lot of muddle- pirate seeking to destroy such vessels. like wild, rabbits, will be in season. But if When j——the headed controvjersy going on building yards and munition factories, keeping up the strain as though their lives Our artist’s picture jillustfates the fjact that we are gradually getting the each rearer’s stock is properly selected munitions for the front, and hosts of men werq at stake. And, injdeed, it was some­ Time Cbmes.about the pjropqr way to deal I mastery of the.U-boat. It is.las Mr. Lloyd Qeorge says, still a n u i s a n o O ' but rabbits cart be sent to market all the year going and coming continually between the with offers of peace if and | no longer a p o p i l , thankp to a|ll that the fjlavy has done and is still doing. round. The rabbit slfins sell from 4d. to thing more than their livonhy, boiled egg, and used to make a Russian salad (Continued from previous ctAumn.) brown faces I they had lieneath Itheir soft No boasting in hi!s .talk. with cold boiled vegetables and fresh lettuce. He never says whatj" heroi saucepan] add a small piece of fiit, melt, and hats; smock coats clothed them ] from ^ say, Nothing makes a better summer] supper dish Nor walks as “ heroes ” valk. than these salads, which are nutntious, appe­ toss in the cabbage. Make a thick bed of this shoulder: to lj:nee, bjrown leggings and thick tising, and milch more easily dige^d than one on a hot dish and placed on top a poached soled boots ^eneath the coats: egg for each person. To poach the eggs, put No loity inspiration! breathes ,, ' 4 made entirely of uncooked greensjiuS. i-“A pair rtf beauties they be|” the old about a tablespoonful of water in one or two Upon his soul at nigjht, | Camp Eggs.,—Ingredients.—3 ] fresh eggs; tea cups, crack an into each, stand the farmer' said | | He needs no rousing battl^^ry 3 sardines; . 3 tablespoonfuls milk; 3 small cups in a stev. ^jan of boiling water and cook " Have yciu spoken to them? 1’ I asked. ■When he goes outi to fight^. tablespqonfuls fresh crumbs; 3 tablespoonfuls un-til set. Remove the eggs with a knife. By “ Not me]” he Said; “ I couldn’t-abide 4 t' margarine or dripping; seasoning] this means none of the egg is lost and they Method.—Lightly grease four shallop shells. are a good shape and look very tempting. talking tp 'pm. Brazen taced 1 .call 'etn. His songs are no rare poetry. Prepare the sardines and chop them coarsely. Why if iny old ntothei’ had se< in ’iem in His speech is plain and blunt, A- Beat the eggs till well frothed, mix with them Asparagus iSoup. — Ingredients. — 1 lb- He calls the bloodiest of figl^ts the crumbs, milk, sardines, and seasoning. asparagus stalks; oz. flour; | pint milk; that get up she’d h iv e chased ’< im with a -' yoke of 1 egg; salt and pepper. | mop-atic^, and sarve ’em tight! ■A “ show,” or else a “ stunt.” Heat the margarine or dripping in a small pan, put in the egg mixture, and stir over the fire— Method.—Only the hard, white part of the ' "Sis ifij only because pf their dress you ■ I ; gentle heat, mind—until the mixture is thick asparagus should be used, the green iends condemn' them? ” He seeks no praise for what he does, and creamy. Then divide it into the four being served as a vegetable. Simmer the I kndws nothing ^bjeut ’enp, except He hates publicity;. shells. Dust with chopped parsley and serve stallm in water till quite soft; the time what I sees with me own He’ll share his only cigareitjiO, at once. required will vary much according to the age eyes, ajnd that’s His precious mug bf tea. of the vegetable. Press the pulp through a sieve goodr enough for me.” Cabbage and Poached Eggs.—Ingredients. with a wooden. spoon. Add milk to water in , And then I knew that —1 medium-sized cabbage; 3 fresh ^ g s ; J oz. which the asparagus was boiled, season, thicken lie was looking at Simplicity has given him j fat; 2 tablespoonfuls milk. . ' the Land Lasees not wi >h hie own eyes at with flour and then stir in the asparagus. Let Simple philosophy]; ' IBrilish Offtcia: Method.—^Boil the cabbage in salted water, the soup go just off the boil and ponr on to the all, but with the eyes < if the mojther who drain and press well, chop finely, with pepper “ Some on us lives; teme on] us dies. 5howlag bow T o m m y is helped not to get home at night— but to leave beaten egg yolk. Return to the saucepan for lived in days of prudish prejudice So let what will be.” home after alnlgfatlin a dug-out baneath a ruined house. and more salt if required. Pul milk in a a minute or two, stirring ccmstantly and being hundred years ago. L i e u t . J . B i M o r t ih i. [<7
