Bar Teeth, . Globe-Republica- Tk n. Mm Frost (smiling and disnlyliig Bellefont Nursery! ker pearly teeth) Mr. Yonxurlinff Is" vhere a window open somewhere? Do Has a Circulation More Than Twice as Large ron know I have just a twinge, a tiny as any other Newspaper In the County. ;winge, of toothache? (A fetching .mile displays teeth to better advan ADAMANT, ce) Black and Honey Lo- MEETING Mr. Youngling (looking' fixedly at County February .":', :?) - of - Of Commissioners i i ler teeth through eyeglasses) Real- Winner the Baychester Stakes- cust. Hoard of Couhry Commisjioiiers met Jlon- - y- dey. February 5th, 1894. at 2 p. m., to allow jury J- . feebilU and trnnsrtct stleh oilier bushiest, as Miss Frost O. I know you will not One mile in carrying 122 pounds, beating and come i Clarendon, Gloaming other might properly before ha Board. I jel.eve it; is really so. Now h 1'resent. Cbuirimtn Fred Gardner and '.V. II. but it b- - I v first class This will McKinney. io-.- don't flatter, you naughty boy. performers. highly bred stand at $25 the season at li The following- jury fee bills were on motion (still regarding teeth Timber Claim Plantinsr Prices allewed: Mr Youngling i CO "VV.u-it.- 30 CO .vith stolid respect) No, really, I'm not 3 to 10 inches top, $1.30 for 1,000. W M linker 2 00 surprised not at all, you know. I BenjT-mnel- l SOW 12 to IS inches top, 2.23 " ' read of who had his leg ML Calloway :!0 0) 3nce a fellow 20 to 30 Inches top, 3.00 " Fred Boyd Hi 00 imputatcd taken right off. don't you Stubbs Brothers' Dodge City Stock Farm. '' Al Ilerniy &0W H Ii Uell 10 oo snow, and yet he used to complain of Lusk W toes fact, real-.y- ! James i :winges of pain in his Sir DPItasliii 'A199 Pearson's Weekly. c It. Blrdcatcher.. Hercules Fruit Trees Supplied on De- Jl 15 SuvJer r.2 M f . Gniccioll, byBoBob ... CSIrix'on 42 00 (Echidna Economist mand. A Fusfe : OJ In the Honeymoon. fStockwell ... Miss Pratt, bv Blackloek ASSisson 48 tt (Outward Bound). She O! Arthur, ( Glencoe (Imp) Sultan Address I Tramnolie, by Tramp .Tames HucLner S3 00 me 6 3) :he guard has just told that this 35 (Marpessa Mnley PH Jleliu Pocahontas Clare, byMarmion John Imcl 5 00 ts the longest tunnel on tie whole f . J. E. Mellecker. H Clav Baird 45 10 ( Humphrey Clinker. Comus WAlteid 570 journey. r Melbourne Clinkerona, by Clinker Bellefont, Ford Co., Kansas. . F.JInel 5S70 He That may be so, my darling, but (Daughter of Cervantes lOtf Chas KuiFmkam J5 So anfortunately the lamps are lighted. H Blink Bonny. Daughter of Jolumpus Geo F U'evaud 'J5 30 (Gladiator Partisan J A S!inptau?h 25 30 (Homeward Bound). She O.Arthur, c Queen Mary Pauline, by Moses .Geo II Steele 7 30 here we are again in this charming-lon- (Daughter of Plenipotentiary 23 30 Mvrrha, by Wlialebone Urias bhciler tunnel. g ("Imp. Stonehence- Walton CMK. berts --'4 50 Partisan . 1 VStcwari 25 30 He I wonder why the stupid don-aej- s rVenlson Parasol, by Pot-S-O- HarvyCBaird 25 30 I Smolcnsks i haven't lighted the lamps? Fawn Zcrboa, by Johanna u.C Woodbury 25 80 . THE :h fKingston Royal Oak ORIEL ?.Iyer Lawrence 740 Anzeiger. 1 Slane GeoS Wlnans 7 3) 9 Queen Anne... Dam of Orvllle Henry Dielii 550 Could Be of Assistance. (Farcia Octavian J 1) bhaifcr 530 Coimbra Daughter of Shuttle Has Changed Hands. S.nnitel 1'arthemnre.. 5 00 Jim Say, Fred, old boy, I'm looking (Sir Hercules Whalebone .S 5 Perl, by Wanderer II Marshall 40 for some friend who will loan me ten fir. Blrdcatcher Bob Booty W LMcGnlrc 11 40 Come, you of tGuiccioli TLUmv 9 tO dollars. now can't be Calcavella. Flight, by Ir. Escape G l' Doolittle 11 20 ssistance? It. Drone Master Robert 9 A Daughter of Sir Walter Raleigh.. Mrs. M. E. Duran-- A I Davis 00 Fred Certainly. t Caroline Don M EUrad-ha- w 9 20 The Potentate's Dam Juan S Blizzard 9 10 "Thankyou ever so much." Moil in the Wad, by --11 Whisker and Mrs. J. Wells Henry Fetter 960 "Yes, it's going to rain, and if you'll 1 Economist II Fisher "CO fllarkaway Floranthe, by Octavian J F Uondy '0 00 step over to my office I'll lend you one (Fanny Dawson. Xabocklish This, VciiIIiper 24 SO Miss Tooly, by Teddy the Grinder Have Reopened Joseph af your umbrellas so you won't get King Tom. Sultan T S Truclovo 24 00 N. Y. t Glencoe (Imp.). MaitinStohr 8 40 ivet while you're looking." (.Pocahontas Trampoline, by Tramp W Work 9 80 Weekly. Muley Comfortable Hotel. A H (Marpessa Clare, byMarmion G W Thompson 9 00 flmp. King Ernest J OE Haywood 9 M) An Eyo for Bargain. fCnmol Whalebone CO Daughter of Seliui Mrs. Durand will make a CSBishop 7 Father Is that girl you're go- 4 f Simon Winter 9 40 (Banter Master Henry specialty of her Dining MW Broun G 40 ing to marry economical? (.Ernestine Boadicea, of Alexander Hall 12 80 I Whisker Room. The public is cor- Son (enthusiastically) should say (.... Daughter of Delphini A J Manly 12 80 kLady Geraldine invited James Feltnn 12 40 so! Why, last year she spent S2.500 in (Xurse Neptune dially to give the SA Currey GO bargains! Chicago Record. Otis, by Bustard new hotel a trial. 9 Si? (.Adage Catton James I'. Barrow 60 c Imp. Trustee cuuna, by Whisker BJ Bradley 20 00 Overheard on the Boulevard. fRevenue. Martin Henkel 20 oo (Rosalie Somers Sir Charles Guests Will Certainly " IS SO man we Mischief, by Virginian Joseph ltolc, .... Dell I haven't seen that Planet . Timoleon UW Emmons 7 50 just met Crteen years. Boston be Satisfied With the 1'W ilourd 7 20 for Daughter of Ball's Florizel V XG Uor.sett 7 4') Bell That's nothing. I met a man i " (imp. Frolicksome Fanny. Lottery New Mana ement W) I Daughter of Whisker 7 It LHouscl to-da-v I never saw before in my life. (.Maxim Timoleon HBTullis 7 rBoston Daughter Ball's Florizel C E Valaiidiiighain 7 'JO Life. ("Lexington of W Kin&low (Alice Imported Sarpedon It r.iic;.T. J Carneal Ro wena, by Sumptcr J W Kills 7 20 Veritas MV Jones 8 20 Bunker Don't you think that cigar flmp. Yorkshire St. Nicholas John Ilolindo 2100 lv, Miss Ross, by Tramp NOTICE. W.1 Way 2100 is a daisy? (.imp. Britannia Muley J II Werner 20 J0 Hill Yes. It tastes like it. Detroit Nancy, by Dick Andrews fi W Allcme Duetmun Free Press. 10th by WiNon 11th dam by Wm C Diinckor 7 20 7th dam, Spitfire, by ; 8th dam by Young Sir Peter; 9th dam by Engineer; dam Arabian; Wei;.- ; Bay ; Kith Cunv ; Heim u - 640 Spot ; 12th dam by Mogul ; 13th dam by Crab ; 14th dam by Bay Bolton 15th dam by Curw en Baib dam by en's Spot Goo Crnel Cirl. Hutton's JaaClones ; lSth dam by Vlntnermare. F0R SALE OR TRADE Henry Nan G 40 I 17th dam bv White Legged Lowtber Barb Cholly Yaas: have a position in a is correct pedigree of "Aitamant," given Henry Tas-l- 9 CO Bruce, author of the "American Stud Book," do certify that the above a true and wd?r-mil- ! I, S.D. s- 1111 Crawford G 40 under'my - D' BRUCE. V.w I Iiopo hand and seal. John Bean 7 10 :. vo::? thev let von City, May Cth, 1803. A G Eckhurt 7 20 seal. Dated New York Lands Fit Winther 9 40 Another Urate. face, stands Irfli hands and weighs pounds and is a grand animal and Betfcei 7(0 Adamant 13 a bright bay, with black points, blaze down lir KarlG - private D. D It Wife The doctor says I need a change great Stallion, Imported Stonehenge, winner of Cottagers Cup at Long Branch, and the stallion of hC roaring Adamant is by the . iiui.u-u.-s-.- om;. Dan 9 80 of climate. Withers proprietor of the Brookdale Stud, . J. stoneiienge is tnesireoi uienrsiciass wnuiurs, duuge uiuum, num., WE Fravell ! 8D K. Fox, OTerstone, Rosa. Rosa, Stonemason, Genevieve. Soho, Necktie, Stonewell Town Property uo Husband Well, the sky looks as if SalisburV, Gold Star, Alice, Druldess, Elmstone, Richard W II t'restou 10 2nd dam, Maxim, dam of Paradox, Anomaly and other first CW Jones S 43 we'd have it in a few hours. N. Y. A.inninnfsi 1st dam. AdaL'e. is the dam of three other stake winners. 0') ...... WH Ughtoap 2! Weekly. class..' performers. Aeritas, Uis3ruaam,proauceu eruy, uamoi juni, iiuj iiuwiik.uuui ui m...i. ...o... ,v..wU4l W A Lawronre r.5) 5th dam, Improved Britannia threw Voucher, La Victime, Nancy. His OF ALL DESCRIPRIOXS. 7 Vanthall Fostercash, a distinguished race horse and sire. t" E Argnhriirht 5') Knowledge. threw in UCiBwell 720 Practical next dam threw the noted race horse, Muley Moloch, and the pedigree is a famous English one and one of the best the English M Wa?nc 7 H Intellectual One I should not say Stud Book. Adamant was a superior race horse and in addition to winning the Baychester stake.-.h-e has won many other good W 7 oj 1 1 1 1 :.17 1 Geo GerJcmnn men. 1 :44- -as placed 1 :43JK and :45 miles, :55, :3G, loOi2 and again and such 7 9J you had much experience with acres-mi- les in 1:43 and was nearly always lft WlIHlosS Morse, King's Own, Masterlope Joseph Downing fi 4') The Demure One Perhaps not. I good race horses as Tulla, Blackburn, Lord Peyton, Frontenae, Sam Prince Howard, Tormentor, Foxmcdc. on e- - Edward Ilain ON) have refused seven and accepted five. iii Tos. Dundee Granite. Dr. Helmuth, Tea Tray and many other high class horses. Mares kept favorable terms, but will not be l ICelil HOUSES TO RENT Joseph S0i escapes, w M always try to prevent same. This horse Is untried in the stud, but should prove a first clas Chas Krumroy S 00 Life. sponsible for accidents or but Matthias Loeble 7 If) sire, judging from breeding, performance and individuality. Wm.I Wetzel - .. 7 Henrv A Knober SM) Henry lleuuitig fi SO Address: P. H. SUCHRUE Wm Snvdr--r 7 20 John A Tot-lin- 7 20 JCststtc Vroait. Benj Tleben M) STTJBBS IBIS! Bcal Heurv Lampe 6 59 When Baby was bIcV, we gave her Castoria. D L 23 00 When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. J II Ciirnmiiil 24 M) JB Sappentlelu 11 00 When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. Dodge Cit Stock Farm, NOTlCi: FOK I'UISLICATION. Henrv Hcrzer 9 20 When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, John 'Lloyd 11 GO Land Olllce at Garden City, Kansas, Janu- M 1) Hoard 11 oo S C Bhoads 7 20 ary 11th. 1S0J. FM Crnrc fi 80 Notice N hereby given that the follow ing 6 &) liw Inten Wm Hickman Sos-.- : named settler has filed notice of Jarac Pendleton 10 40 "Kesp in the Middle of ihs :5 tion to make final proor in xnpjiou i i" 10 50 "Diseases Desperate Grown." claim, and that said proof w ill he made be AAIlenrcr now on. Kan- A II Lighter 4 00 consump- Tirrips ti:u FionT is fore the Probate .Iudc of Ford county, John J'cppcrcoin 4 00 Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, Hard In tho City, Too. sas, at Dodge City, Kansas on the 3d day or SABurrell 4 0") GREAT ISLAND ROUTE nervous prostration, 'Josh!' exclaimed Uncle Josh ad Jjgi March, 18W. ROCK tion, dyspepsia, - . 'si1 Ball 4 00 - 'Ere's Stcffens, homctead entrj- l.jae, dressing" Ml- who had m V- - Cn motion, the Bo.ird adjourned. neuralgia rheumatism aie diseases which nephew, taker t.n .i..llmuct ftii'irli.r tt vuf Inn t llil t J. 11. Lkimcii, "desperate" as well by him as a spectator to a society ball three (SS), township twenty-seve- n (2.) south. skai.. County Clerk. are considered in Your iiingeiwrmy si a - "Gosh, there must be hard times th WsWsWsWCSffslEjl .1... rll.nt lti. wt; tt iirfv V as by ol fsti U&knSfifiHB pTij'sician patient. city, too!" lii rnntiiuimm i evidence upon, and cultlvit The extinction of these ailments would "What makes you think so?" asker Rocky tlon of, said land, vl.- - , This remedy IS ro&nriH ffltS .vmkk known Franz Koesei, Jt'" uiuini-- cut off a great source of the revenue of the nephew. Mink and Knfus Chiirlr, all of Undue"u"'City, Htid DonriiKf a$ m ngftf'rio 31. Register. iUHMFMna. the doctors. "There's mighty few of them womei Mountain Kansas. D. FKOST, All who hate idwfeitf Notwithstanding, these and other dis- seem to have been able to uj sauiosoisj; ol praise A enough of clothes to wear." X. Y. Statement. - iu " .. .- W& SPH? eases have been and are still cured News. uoes noc exist anu win CQaranTejaHHBnui Press. Statement of the condition of the Western numerous cases by the Compound Oxy- Itulldinir Loan & Saving Association of Kan that is cliilU,eiL ratting Her Near Heaven. Cartoon icitk a mere as- sas Januan 1st, lSi- - gen Treatment. This is not every issue Mtg. Securities 3'J00 00 all diecasci of tbe wui Porter of Sleeping Car Your bertt Hills Ucc'ahle 1st. oo sertion. We can furnish abundaut Due from niemncris on jnaiuuiiinvis m remove PimnieS, Both),t'tfimm,SAt JaeSp and TO THE EAST. is the top one, lady. " Interest... I9 60 S Daily Paper. 588 55 . BEST 0ININQ SERVICE IN THE WORLB. proof and well authenticated records of Passenger What do you take me for The Leading Populist Ileal outer uuocuQHi i oauseg. nv CR 16 03 lnpoN flffioa. remarkable cures of seemingly desper- a bundle of dry goods Trcas Ape W;ll drive am The Bock Island is foremost in adopt- A Paper for the Dissatisfied Crowd. Cash m seeys nanus ... W75 3 TWd wmE and do so. that you want to put me out of sigh 457:i 1" ing any advantage calculated to im- ate ailmeuts, and we will gladly Is and luiai i:ercuta Wihjjhw H feltfs. on the top shelf? "Free Coinage a fight for commercial f f l,f ITIP prove speed and give luxury, safety If you write us, we will send you free of independence, for progress and Capital Ape. Installment paid on 73 shares cHtepf that Porter No, madam; only an anjeL linanbial 3 trr happiness of 0 Stocks outstanding and comfort that popular patronage charge, our book of two hundred pages, pos- prosperity, freedom and S50 OO Indlgcsltop Qy WVrto WH9-nlir- c who ought to be as near Heaven as over- Itlllu PavhIiIo... and ot the human race, and in Importance unMltifl i. .. 35.68 Its equipment is thoroughly with numerous testimonials records sible. Boston Gazette. " .r. . . '1" ors satlsfkcttoh shadows and dwarfs all other questions pre ..m..i. n...ii.i tsuM complete with mag-nillce- cures. Our treatments is $4573 Wfc. vestibuled trains, of surprising or manKinu. Total ed Pried anffiKWlrtilTIHOI at Hy KafMBt Terrible. sumed for the consideration t ,i- - anoartii.tthn nhnvH UKt dining cars, sleepers and chair by inhalation, and is not followed by any .1 D'rng Store 5 "Now, Master Jacques, I've caughl a. Subscription. unu cunrAn...A oioii.iui.i..v.Dlnmant Af tllR... rnnillllflll- flf coaches, all the most elegant, and of ill effects as are often caused by Try worn. itnllflinir 1 rtiinASuirlnirM AnaOClat such you again. You drank a whole glass Daily, 50 a month. recently improved patterns. cents OI huniUUi to nie ucst ui iu) uuwBic the use of drugs. of wine during my absence." Weekly, in advance, SI per year. belief So help me God. During the epidemic of la grippe Cham a-- - Faithful and capable management Home treatment is sent out by express "No, mamma, 'twasn't me; 'twas AnuREss Is. o. uiuouij j Iwrlain's Cough remedy took the lead THE NEWS, Subscribed to bcfoi e me at Dodge City Ford and polite, honest service from em- to be used at home. biscuit that drank the wine." OENVER, COL. Co. Kansas, this 20th day of January ltfM; here and was much better liked than other ployes subscription agent in every (Seal) J. M. KlBKPATKlCK. Notareypubllc. are important items. They are Office treatment is.admiuisterea here "And where is the biscuit?" We want a live expires My 6th, J894.J M. Bangs, My commission cough medicine H. druggist, a double duty to the Company and to Consultation fee. Our great success has "O, I ate it in order to punish it." town. Write us for terms. Chatsvorth,Nlll. Gaulois. SEND 5c FOK SAMPLE COPIES. The grip is much the travelers and it is sometimes a task given rise to numerous worthless imitat- Paris same as a very severe cold and requires difficult of accomplishment. Passen- ion. As there is but one. Compound A Caadld Soa-Ia-la- precisely the same treatment. Tills reme- gers on this line wiii find little cause Oxygen genuine, avoid disappointment "Tell me, candidly, how do you like NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, is prompt and effectual, and will pre- you have been mar- Office Dodge City, Kansas, ten-ruar- y dy for complaint on that ground. and loss of money by sending to Drs. my daughter now Land at s Mr. Gth, 18W. vent any tendency of the disease toward The importance ried three weeks," said Boulevard - a of this Line can be Starkey & Palen. 1529 Arch street Notice Is hereby given that the following- to Gus Birdwhistle. .. t.Ma nntlip lilfi lnten pneumonia. For sale by City Drug Store. better understood if a short lesson in Cal., .AiA. 4iift nf San Francisco, Toronto. "As long as I live I'll never forgive tlon to make final proof In support of his geography be now recited. Canada. 1y kicking me out of the claim, ana tnaiaaiu jrui Seek The Tratfc. you for not h nutria Court"iof Ford": What is the great Eastern termini of house when I asked you for her hand," county,, at Dodge City, Kansas, on This I do nf my own free will and ac- the Rock Island Route? Chicago. Texas Siftfngs, .: replied Birdwhistle. Slaven, one of the heirs of Anna cord. Subscribe for the Truth Seeker, a sub-Easte- Jennie F. What other termini has no nnuarx M Wright, deceased, devisee of Leonard H large and liberal paper one year. It it? Peoria. To important points m0mmm Vlffff F t Rennllc, daceased, for homestead entry No. a what M16. for the Southeast quarter of Section 86. will open up closed avenues of thought. does run to Township 25 south, Kange 24 west. it trains the Northwest? hdioud following witnesses to prove will cause you to think well of your M He names the It 8t Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, ,. c wZr f isv residence upon, and cultiva- more bis continuous neighbors, of your friends, more Watertown and Sioux Da- LIVER tion of, said land, via: aim Falls, TWOJJYISAP. N O. Peacock, J. H, Bowers, Jacob Bowers of your family, more of yourself, make kota. To what important Iowa and 0.H. Simpson, all of Dodge City. Kansas. you more honest, and fill you with a D M.TR08T, Register. Nebraska points? Dee Moines, Daven PILLS insalwl Kewsa7 ewasw'i knowledge that will lead you to a high- port. Iowa; Omaha and Lincoln, Ne- inMtrjiirsS tB?anr8estlaiBsameaouaa4Ioesaol Febroary 918M. V er and grander state of civilization. It Itt2 Afe tW QfSWa VmVXH. First Publication ami it. SsaSafosfkssaw: braska. LfeSK 4JT A mumue iJL dA FOR PUBLICATION. will make every one think, and think -- NOTICE KEMMLLS SPAVIN CURL J RHHMBER c7SPBlsisfsiMsr 7 Land Office at Dodge City, Kani., Febru- right. It will open up that temple uot TIv Great Hock Island Route runs all ONE PILL FOR A DOE. ary 6, 189. . Osao, Jmly ttk. UMdiWrrf. Ut.'tkM. lfnrM Votice is hereby given that the following Xtfsa, made with hands, the brain, where rust Bled his intention to ncul:ir trains to Englewood suburban aaned settler ban notice or J2-L-:aJ am yrejj, ssgirfMftwiS sapport of claim, aBd TwS doth not corrode, moths do not eat and ronjaai. Baake final pnf in hit - a.uion, ciose to World's Fair grounds, that saiil proof will be aaade before the Clerk iarSlArSS.swLaTBnuaaMl od SprmJae Wb- thieves do not break in and steal. The and you can save time and trouble by nm!0' y of the District Coart of Font cpaaty. Kaaias. rlSUls'Ji-- at Dodge Citv. Kansas, oa March 2th,(lM, tii: l2S7eSSSZSSVSvS Believer will become a better person get vajqrwfeaMt jPMMk SsS Ok, komestead entry No. eara arwr a .- - fl ti c st that point and avoid the mMapab William W. Adas, Witt saix-- aravoi Cuaa- Tea are a irffr- y and attend to his own business. If not, hmtmbmiVr.iifX'W for the Weft half or Uie Soatheast ny as ass SsstoeLla lbsssiii t. crowd in the city. X and te ttA wteks wsteiMi. lies, or the Northeast qaarter of ss7 sasaajf the end of one year will pay the bill Sold by W.F. Pine, Druggist. ibi AJU. & at I For full particulars as to tickets, thsskrid. in to oeetion S3. Township S3 soath. Range M west.. with interest. Yours Respectfully, ssapa, rates, apply any coupon k MMHr He Bajaes the followiagwitaessei to prove bis to ticket Twttih tMte aasjtjs, fkftffor eontiaaoas residence ape, and ealarauoa of MeeSLSfl aer sestle. H. B. VanVoorius. oflosin the United States, Canada or Lost. A sllverise, ope-css- e, stem-wind- er said laad, vis: CO r sTftls siistBlsi to S. A. Carrr aBd Jasses B. Barrow of Wilbura. ami. bl j. Kmau. Msso or address: watch, between W. C. Shion's Bargess M. of lsiUfc Tsrssaatij MrtiMHiooMs. rwrtalbel.aiCHT Kaasa. W. W. sad F. Meachan rail JNO. SEBASTIAN. e ra m reidesceaadtSau-F- depot. Re-t- Dodge City.Kinsas. & T AB.I. BBV6CISTS. Children Cry for Pitch- QmlTkt.M.Jtft,CUas,II. Dnif Store. lUftdsrslBt I0css4$l. 5 FjM)gT er's Castoria. X. ST. JOSDC. asmtWaaar.fllinKn to thfc oflee and sscsre reward. " ir. r ' -- .'- 'Jsl &. -; -- f &