priesthood authority is most important in the family. President Harold B. Lee By President Russell M. Nelson gave this promise just after he became : “Never is the power of the , which you hold, more wonderful than when there is a crisis in your home, a serious with illness, or some great decision that has to be made. . . . Vested in the power of the priesthood, which is the power of the Power and Authority Almighty God, is the power to perform miracles if the Lord wills it so, but in order for us to use that priesthood, we must be worthy to exercise it. A failure of God to understand this principle is a failure to receive the blessings of holding that We will minister in His name, with His power and authority, and with His great priesthood.” 10 loving-kindness. My beloved brethren, the magnify- ing of the holy priesthood you hold is vital to the work of the Lord in your families and in your Church callings. y beloved brethren, thank you It is a remarkable blessing to serve I testify of Him whose priesthood it for your devotion to the Lord in the Lord’s true and living Church is. Through His atoning suffering and Mand His holy work. It is truly with His authority and power. The sacrifice and resurrection, all men and a joy to be with you. As a new First of the priesthood of God, women have the assurance of immor- Presidency, we thank you for your including the keys of the priesthood, tality and the opportunity for eternal prayers and for your sustaining efforts. opens to worthy Latter-day Saints the life. Each of us should be faithful and We are grateful for your lives and for greatest of all spiritual blessings. We diligent in doing our part in this great your service to the Lord. Your devotion see those blessings flowing to women, work of God our Eternal Father, in the to duty and your selfless service are just men, and children throughout the name of Christ, amen. ◼ as important in your callings as ours world. are in our callings. Through a lifetime We see faithful women who NOTES of service in this Church, I have learned understand the power inherent in their 1. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:​ that it really doesn’t matter where one callings and in their and Joseph F.​ Smith (1998), 343. 2. Teachings: ​ Joseph F.​ Smith,​ 340, 343. serves. What the Lord cares about is other ordinances. These women 3. Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. how one serves. know how to call upon the powers of (1939), 182. I express deep gratitude for heaven to protect and strengthen their 4. Bruce R. McConkie, “Only an ,” Ensign, June 1975, 66; emphasis in President Thomas S. Monson, who was husbands, their children, and others original not preserved. an example to me for more than 50 they love. These are spiritually strong 5. Bruce R. McConkie, “Only an Elder,” 66; years. And for his counselors, President women who lead, teach, and minis- emphasis in original not preserved. 6. Teachings of Presidents of the Church:​ Henry B. Eyring and President Dieter F. ter fearlessly in their callings with the Harold B.​ Lee (2000), 93. Uchtdorf, I express profound admira- power and authority of God! 1 How 7. The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, ed. tion. I commend them for their service thankful I am for them! Clyde J. Williams (1996), 499. 8. See Dallin H. Oaks, “Priesthood Authority to the Lord and His prophets. Both of Likewise, we see faithful men who in the Family and the Church,” Ensign or these devoted servants have received live up to their privileges as bearers of Liahona, Nov. 2005, 24–27. new assignments. They continue to the priesthood. They lead and serve by 9. See “The Family:​ A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 145. serve with vigor and commitment. I sacrifice in the Lord’s way with love, 10. Teachings: ​ Harold B.​ Lee,​ 97. honor and love them both. kindness, and patience. They bless,

68 GENERAL PRIESTHOOD SESSION | MARCH 31, 2018 guide, protect, and strengthen others did not know the difference between a for them. Stake presidents and bishops, by the power of the priesthood they prayer and a priesthood blessing. With please ensure that every member of hold. They bring miracles to those they his priesthood authority and power, the quorums within your stewardship serve while they keep their own mar- he could have blessed his infant, but understands how to give a priesthood riages and families safe. They shun evil he did not. I thought, “What a missed blessing—including the personal and are mighty elders in Israel.2 I am opportunity!” worthiness and spiritual preparation most thankful for them! Let me cite some other examples. required to call fully upon the power Now, may I voice a concern? It is We know of brethren who set sisters of God.5 this: Too many of our brothers and apart as Primary, Young Women, or To all brethren holding the priest- sisters do not fully understand the con- leaders and teachers but hood, I invite you to inspire members cept of priesthood power and authority. fail to bless them—to bless them with to keep their covenants, fast and pray, They act as though they would rather the power to fulfill their callings. They study the scriptures, worship in the satisfy their own selfish desires and give only admonitions and instructions. temple, and serve with faith as men appetites than use the power of God to We see a worthy father who fails to and women of God. We can help all to bless His children. give his wife and his children priest- see with the eye of faith that obedi- I fear that too many of our brothers hood blessings when that is exactly ence and righteousness will draw them and sisters do not grasp the privileges what they need. Priesthood power has closer to Jesus Christ, allow them to that could be theirs.3 Some of our been restored to this earth, and yet enjoy the companionship of the Holy brethren, for example, act like they do far too many brothers and sisters go Ghost, and experience joy in life! not understand what the priesthood is through terrible trials in life without A hallmark of the Lord’s true and and what it enables them to do. Let me ever receiving a true priesthood bless- living Church will always be an orga- give you some specific examples. ing. What a tragedy! That’s a tragedy nized, directed effort to minister to Not long ago, I attended a sacra- that we can eliminate. individual children of God and their ment meeting in which a new baby Brethren, we hold the holy priest- families.6 Because it is His Church, we was to be given a name and a father’s hood of God! We have His authority as His servants will minister to the one, blessing. The young father held his to bless His people. Just think of the just as He did.7 We will minister in His precious infant in his arms, gave her remarkable assurance the Lord gave name, with His power and authority, a name, and then offered a beautiful us when He said, “Whomsoever you and with His loving-kindness. prayer. But he did not give that child bless I will bless.” 4 It is our privilege to An experience I had more than 60 a blessing. That sweet baby girl got a act in the name of Jesus Christ to bless years ago in Boston taught me just how name but no blessing! That dear elder God’s children according to His will powerful the privilege of ministering

MAY 2018 69 create a new stake in Sanpete County, . During the usual interviews, I was pleasantly surprised to encounter again my dear friend Brother Cox! I felt impressed to call him as the new stake patriarch. After I ordained him, we embraced each other and wept. People in the room were wondering why these two grown men were crying. But we knew. And Sister Cox knew. Ours were tears of joy! We silently remembered the incredible journey of love and repentance that began more than 30 years ago, one night in their home. The account doesn’t end there. Brother and Sister Cox’s family grew to include 3 children, 20 grandchildren, and 54 great-grandchildren. Add to that their impact on hundreds of missionar- ies, on thousands more in the temple, one-on-one can be. I was then a I gazed about the room with won- and on hundreds more who received resident surgeon at the Massachusetts derment and said, “Brother Cox, I have patriarchal blessings at the hands of General Hospital—on duty every day, always wanted to learn more about Wilbur Cox. His and Leonora’s influ- every other night, and every other amateur radio work. Would you be ence will continue to ripple through weekend. I had limited time for my willing to teach me about it? I’m sorry I many generations throughout the wife, our four children, and Church can’t stay any longer tonight, but could world. activity. Nonetheless, our branch pres- I come back another time?” Experiences such as this with Wilbur ident assigned me to visit the home of He hesitated for a moment and then and Leonora Cox occur every week— Wilbur and Leonora Cox with the hope said yes. That was the beginning of hopefully, every day—within this that Brother Cox might come back into what became a wonderful friendship. Church. Dedicated servants of the Lord activity in the Church. He and Leonora I returned and he taught me. I began Jesus Christ carry out His work, with had been sealed in the temple.8 Yet to love and respect him. Through our His power and authority. Wilbur had not participated for many subsequent visits, the greatness of Brethren, there are doors we can years. this man emerged. We became very open, priesthood blessings we can My companion and I went to their good friends, as did our dear eternal give, hearts we can heal, burdens we home. As we entered, Sister Cox wel- companions. Then, with the passage can lift, testimonies we can strengthen, comed us warmly,9 but Brother Cox of time, our family moved away. Local lives we can save, and joy we can abruptly walked into another room and leaders continued to nurture the Cox bring into the homes of the Latter-day closed the door. family.10 Saints—all because we hold the priest- I went to the closed door and About eight years after that first visit, hood of God. We are the men who knocked. After a moment, I heard a the Boston Stake was created.11 Can have been “called and prepared from muffled “Come in.” I opened the door you guess who its first stake president the foundation of the world accord- to find Brother Cox sitting beside an was? Yes! Brother Cox! During subse- ing to the foreknowledge of God, on array of amateur radio equipment. quent years, he also served as a mis- account of [our] exceeding faith,” to do In that small room, he lit up a cigar. sion president and a . this work.12 Clearly, my visit was not all that Years later, I, as a member of the Tonight I invite you literally to welcome. Quorum of the Twelve, was assigned to rise up with me in our great eternal


General Authorities and General Officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Dallin H. Oaks Russell M. Nelson Henry B. Eyring First Counselor President Second Counselor THE QUORUM OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES

M. Russell Ballard Jeffrey R. Holland Dieter F. Uchtdorf David A. Bednar Quentin L. Cook D. Todd Christofferson

Neil L. Andersen Ronald A. Rasband Gary E. Stevenson Dale G. Renlund Gerrit W. Gong


L. Whitney Clayton Craig C. Christensen Lynn G. Robbins Juan A. Uceda Carl B. Cook Robert C. Gay SEVENTIES (in alphabetical order)

Marcos A. Aidukaitis Jose L. Alonso Wilford W. Andersen Ian S. Ardern Mervyn B. Arnold Steven R. Bangerter W. Mark Bassett David S. Baxter Randall K. Bennett Shayne M. Bowen Mark A. Bragg Craig A. Cardon Matthew L. Carpenter Yoon Hwan Choi Kim B. Clark Weatherford T. Clayton

Lawrence E. Corbridge Valeri V. Cordón J. Devn Cornish Claudio R. M. Costa Joaquin E. Costa LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. Massimo De Feo Benjamín De Hoyos Kevin R. Duncan Timothy J. Dyches Larry J. Echo Hawk David F. Evans Enrique R. Falabella Bradley D. Foster Randy D. Funk

Eduardo Gavarret Jack N. Gerard Carlos A. Godoy Taylor G. Godoy Christoffel Golden Walter F. González C. Scott Grow O. Vincent Haleck Donald L. Hallstrom Kevin S. Hamilton Allen D. Haynie Mathias Held David P. Homer Paul V. Johnson Larry S. Kacher Jörg Klebingat

Joni L. Koch Erich W. Kopischke Hugo E. Martinez James B. Martino Richard J. Maynes Kyle S. McKay Peter F. Meurs Hugo Montoya Marcus B. Nash K. Brett Nattress S. Brent H. Nielson Adrián Ochoa Allan F. Packer S. Mark Palmer Adilson de Paula Parrella

Kevin W. Pearson Anthony D. Perkins Paul B. Pieper John C. Pingree Jr. Rafael E. Pino Michael T. Ringwood Gary B. Sabin Evan A. Schmutz Gregory A. Schwitzer Joseph W. Sitati Steven E. Snow Vern P. Stanfill Brian K. Taylor Michael John U. Teh José A. Teixeira Arnulfo Valenzuela


Juan Pablo Villar Terence M. Vinson Takashi Wada Taniela B. Wakolo Scott D. Whiting Larry Y. Wilson Chi Hong () WongKazuhiko Yamashita Jorge F. Zeballos Claudio D. Zivic

Dean M. Davies Gérald Caussé W. Christopher Waddell First Counselor Second Counselor


Devin G. Durrant Tad R. Callister Brian K. Ashton Michelle D. Craig Bonnie H. Cordon Becky Craven Sharon Eubank Jean B. Bingham Reyna I. Aburto Lisa L. Harkness Joy D. Jones Cristina B. Franco Douglas D. Holmes Stephen W. Owen M. Joseph Brough First Counselor President Second Counselor First Counselor President Second Counselor First Counselor President Second Counselor First Counselor President Second Counselor First Counselor President Second Counselor

April 2018

Sunday Morning Session | April 1, 2018

brotherhood. When I name your By Elder Larry Y. Wilson priesthood office, please stand and Of the Seventy remain standing. Deacons, please arise! Teachers, arise! Priests! Bishops! Elders! High priests! Patriarchs! Seventies! Apostles! Now, brethren, will you please Take the Holy Spirit as remain standing and join with our chorus in singing all three verses of “Rise Up, O Men of God.” 13 While Your Guide you sing, think of your duty as God’s mighty army to help prepare the What an incomparable gift comes to those who put their faith in world for the Second Coming of the Lord. This is our charge. This is our Jesus Christ. That gift is the Holy Spirit. privilege. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. ◼

NOTES n this Easter Sunday, our Spirit for [our] guide,” 5 as demonstrated 1. See Russell M. Nelson, “A Plea to My Sisters,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 96. thoughts turn to the Resurrection by the following experience. 2. See Russell M. Nelson, “The Price of of the Lord Jesus Christ and to During the Korean War, Ensign Priesthood Power,” Ensign or Liahona, O the empty tomb that gives every believer Frank Blair served on a troop trans- May 2016, 66–69; see also Alma 13:7–8; 6 84:17–20, 35–38. hope in Christ’s triumph over other- port ship stationed in . The ship 3. See Doctrine and Covenants 84:19–22; wise certain defeat. I believe, with the wasn’t large enough to have a formal 107:18–19; Translation, Apostle Paul, that just as God “raised up chaplain, so the captain asked Brother Genesis 14:30–31 (in the appendix). 4. Doctrine and Covenants 132:47. Christ from the dead [so] shall [He] also Blair to be the ship’s informal chaplain, 5. The connection between the power of the quicken [our] mortal bodies by his Spirit having observed that the young man priesthood and personal righteousness that dwelleth in [us].” 1 was a person of faith and principle, is developed more fully in Russell M. Nelson, “The Price of Priesthood Power,” To quicken means to make alive. highly respected by the whole crew. 66–69; see also Doctrine and Covenants Just as Christ brings our bodies back Ensign Blair wrote: “Our ship was 121:34–37, 41–44. to life after physical death through caught in a huge typhoon. The waves 6. The essential role of an organized, directed effort to minister to individuals the power of His Resurrection, so can were about 45 feet [14 m] high. I was and families is evident wherever and He also quicken us, or make us alive, on watch . . . during which time one whenever the Church of Jesus Christ has from spiritual death.2 In the book of of our three engines stopped working been established. See, for example, Luke 10:1–20; Acts 6:1–6; Ephesians 4:11–14; , we read of Adam undergo- and a crack in the centerline of the ship Mosiah 18:9, 18–19, 27–29; Doctrine and ing this kind of quickening: “[Adam] was reported. We had two remain- Covenants 20:42, 51, 57. was baptized, and the Spirit of God ing engines, one of which was only 7. See 3 Nephi 17:9–10, 20–21. 8. Manti Utah Temple, June 15, 1937. descended upon him, and thus he was functioning at half power. We were in 9. Leonora’s fasting and praying every born of the Spirit, and became quick- serious trouble.” Monday for years surely had a powerful ened in the inner man.” 3 Ensign Blair finished his watch and influence for good. 10. In 1954, Ira Terry called What an incomparable gift comes was getting into bed when the cap- Wilbur to be the branch Sunday School to those who put their faith in Jesus tain knocked on his door. He asked, superintendent. Wilbur accepted the Christ. That gift is the Holy Spirit giving “Would you please pray for this ship?” calling and dropped forever all habits contrary to the . He us what the New Testament calls “life in Of course, Ensign Blair agreed to do so. devoted the rest of his life in service to Christ.” 4 But do we sometimes take for At that point, Ensign Blair could have the Savior’s work. granted such a gift? simply prayed, “Heavenly Father, please 11. In 1962. 12. Alma 13:3. Brothers and sisters, it is an extraor- bless our ship and keep us safe,” and 13. “Rise Up, O Men of God,” Hymns, no. 324. dinary privilege to “have . . . the Holy then gone to bed. Instead, he prayed to

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