meor *• attack by breezing past THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. Llndy Kehoe, 6—l, B—2, in the MONDAY. MAY *l. 1956 A-19 MAJOR LEADERS ¦lTß—Lmi*. PUtaburth. and lo»r. at. Tennis Rivals Veterans, Rookies 43; Moon. No. 1 singles. 25 4 St. Louia. 38; Cincinnati, Repulakl. Temnlt. By th« Associated Press and St. Louli. 35. In other matches yesterday. Kehoe ipp i. fl—7, B—2. Gurley-Reed teammate. Stan Gifford, *—BaiI. Cincinnati, and Dark. 'loae ) defeated Davls-Bob Burgesaj for }J*» Vork. n Furlllo. Brooklyn, K; Spark Play Army Navy Country Club de-

at 145.120 in a car rebuilt from * the wreck in which died in the 1955 race. The old mark also was bettered by Pat O’Connor, North Vernon. Ind., 144.980; Dick Rathmann, Jim’s brother, of Trenton, N. J., 144.741, and , Tinley Park, 111., 144.254. It was also exceeded by , Sherman Oaks, Calif., the 1950 winner, 144.144; Fred Agabashian, Albany, Calif., New ’56 Blue Sunoco SENATORS Continued From Page A-16 well accounted for a run and Bob Wilson drove across two more with a to left. The second game was over, for all practical purposes, in the first . Harvey Kuenn and Earl Torgeson singled off Hal Griggs Used by more Auto Engineers and, after they advanced on a wild pitch, Kaline walked. Bill Tuttle then rammed his first major league grand slam into the leftfield seats. Detroit made it 7-0 in the sec- ond inning against Connie Grob when Bob Kennedy banged a homer into the leftfield stands than all other premiums after Kuenn singled and Kalin* combined! reached first on an error by Shortstop Jerry Snyder. The Senators’ lone run came in the fourth off Steve Gromek when Snyder singled and Carlos Paula doubled. NOTES: Idle today, the Sena- tors will resume here tomorrow night against the A’s in the opener of a two-game series, then

. . again will Once head for Boston. . Virgil the engineers who design and Trucks, build who started the second game, twisted his left ankle slid- ing into second base in the third inning and was forced to leave game the with a 7-0 lead. .. .The America’s cars victory choose went to Blue Gromek. Sunoco as their Chuck Dressen benched Ed Yost and Karl Olson in the sec- ond game, sending Herb Plews to thud and Whitey Herzog to center. . . . Olson has been - favorite over all other gasolines! less in his last 14 chances. . . . Dressen may give Bunky Stewart a starting opportunity Wednes-

- day. . . . Kuenn left the second ¦ • . «'* game in the eighth Inning after being hit on the left hand by Bob Chakales. Riddle Named Scout KANSAS CITY, May 21 bP)._ The Athletics have appointed We recently invited a large group of automotive engineers to try New 1956 Elmer Riddle as a scout for Flor- ida, Georgia and Alabama. Blue Sunoco, boosted in octane, in their own cars and give us their reactions. B • • Riddle was a for Cin- The results of this survey, compiled by an firm of cinnati and Pittsburgh from 1940 independent certified pub- B YftFM IIJ IVI IMft\/ftK\/ || to 1949 and played his last sea- lie accountants, make New Blue Sunoco the favorite. See # son with Indianapolis chart below for I || in 1951. official tabulation. B ¦ MINOR LEAGUES PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE 43 % already are users of Blue Sunoco _ W. L, Pet w. L Pe.t way • L A 24 15 BIS aFtin.M 21 .AM " and it 25 IB Bln pi» d 22 43(1 still Seattle B IS I I Os 1,166 engineers S ento 20 17 .541 H’wood 17 21 .447 the who reported on ’56 Blue Sunoco, 43% told us they ¦ B S Deo 21 21 sou V'uver 1A 2B .243 Hollywood A—3. Loa Anteles I—o. were already users of our gasoline. This was a far greater number than Seattle B—3. Vancouver I—s. I San Dteao 10—:t, Sacramento s—o 111 B San reported using all other premium gasolines Francisco 12—1. Portland «—3. combined-perhaps the greatest ¦ ||/*p B INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE CaJiC /if I .., W. L Pet. W. testimonial any gasoline ever had I I W IQI , L. Pet. VII B M treal 23 13 BA7 Col’bua 13 IB 448 IvH P ster 20 12 .025 Buffalo 13 15 .AAA 1 onto 1. 12 .SSB Havana 13 19 JOB Blue Sunoco is recommended for R mond 15 IS .455 Miami 12 20 .355 the newest high-compression cars when I B Buffalo A—3. Toronto o—l (Second tame impend,d alter 7 .nninas. curfew; owners’ manuals recommend t" be rompleied lateri a premium gasoline. H • Montreal I.3—A Rochenter s—«. Havana 3—A. Columhu. 2—#. | Richmond S—2. Miami s—o. price! AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Premium octane at regular gas price ¦ gas W L Prt. W. L. Pet. p»nier 23 0 .510 Omaha 15 15 500 Min Bin 7im .04 5 St. Paul 12 17 Aj« In an Ha 15 14 .517 Wichita 12 13.400 Blue Sunoco is premium every wav, still sells regular gas price, gives Louisville 18-15 .518 Charl ton Indianapolis, B—2; 357.257 » Louisville. 3—l. many miles per Denver. Omaha. 8 more dollar. Follow the lead automotive engineers. Make Mluneaoalls. m. *t Paul, 1. Charleston, 8: Wichita, 7. your own test today. TEXAS LEAGUE W L. Pet. W L Pet Ft Wth 2 M3.818 Shr port 18 18 .500 Dallas 20 18 . AS* Tulsa 17)8.488 Houston 20 1B .556 Austin IB 21 A.'l> R Amo 18 17 514 Okla. C. 1.3 24 .381 Shreveport, 20—2; Oklahoma City. t Fori Worth, 17: San Antonio. A. Houston. 8; Tulsa, o Ml Innlnia). Dallas, 7: Austin. 5. COMPARISON CHART SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION W This is what automotive engineers reported after .. L Prl W comparing New _ L Prt Bir'ham 75 10 ;IA Mobile tS2H 474 Memphis 24 10.588 L. Rock 17 IB 472 ’56 Blue Sunoco with premium-priced gaaoline* in own B Atlanta IP 19 .500 N Orl'na IB 22 421 their can IP 415 Change .... Nashillle 21 15 23 3»5 . • "'**#?* Blrmlnaham, A—o: Memphis, I—3, J m Chattanoeia, B—A; # New Orleana Little Rock. 6 Atlanta. 4. Nashillle. 5; Mobile 11. AAv **lIhu Sink* mitekt* gg tay Blue Sunoee match** EABTER.N LEAGUE *r aieah primiampncai , ar W L. Pet W. L Pel Ii3* ||| % excels prtmiom.priced . 15,7 .s*B Readme 12 11 522 \BBBuIH Aif’*"’WO sport 13 10.583 Syracuse 11 12.47* jlB I brands far pawar and V gch tady 13 10.585 Al ntown 10 14.41? Btnmton 1.3 0 .550 Johnsto'n 714 .333 R*rf»rn»aaca pick-ap Schenectady, *; Readme. 8. WW VJL Syracuse. 5—4; Williamsport. 4—2. Binghamton, 3—B: Johnstown. 2—S. Albany, 3—4: Allentown. 2—2. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE W. L. Pet w L Pet Col 'll* 21 II ,858 Macon 14 18 .438 say Jk villa 21 1 .858 Rial Sonata matches say Blue matchas S'v’nah IS 17 .43.3 AP., Suaocs lUN COu , A „ Col bus 18 12 .800 M't'e'y 12 IP .387 eieels AA.i Ch’lotte 15 17 480 Aua’sta 11 20 .355 ar praminnprietd ar txeals ptminm-pnead a, Savannah. 2 Augusta. 1 Charlotte 12: Columbus, 0. brands far anti-kaeak far JacktonvlUr. 5- Macon 4. brands ailas B m m Columbia, 18: Montgomery. 3. ptrfenaaete PWiaHan WESTERN LEAGUE UV W g W. L. Pel. W L Pet Lincoln 18 p 840 C Sp'as 14 1.3 AIP Pueblo I* II 821 D M'n% II IB 401 Topeka 15 10 .800 Alh’aue 11 In 3A5 Am rlo 17 12 588 S * City 8 Pueblo, 8, Topeka. 4 17 .2*l Amarillo 14; Des Molnea. 13. Alhuouerque, 7; Rmu* City. 3 Colorado Snrlnas J#—s. Lincoln 5 (second aame suspended after America’s Greatest Gasoline iAifinlniK. Value! UNQCD4 uwe m*w» ¦ *tv*Ma 3 SMr (a4>«“ Is fndPT. NIC

How dost Hi* *56 tuick comport wish Chryiltr, Olds, Noah? Got tho •moling now Prat 44-pogo book oil gasoline higher with Hi*facts on all loading «ors. The only that meets new premium FREE I«S* CAR X.RAV AT YOUR NASHPIAim octane standards and sells at regular gas price