Berlin and Jena
UNITED UNDER THE SKY JOINT BID FROM BERLIN AND JENA IPS 2024 CONFERENCE BERLIN JENA 1 Dear IPS Officers and Board Members, INVITATION It is with great pleasure that we inform you of our joint What better place to host the main days of the confer- FROM THE HOSTS bid to host IPS 2024. We in Berlin and Jena feel honored ence than the home of three permanent planetariums, to contribute to the growth and professional develop- one mobile planetarium, and two observatories – Berlin? ment of the Planetarium community. As our community The Stiftung Planetarium Berlin has the support of the will be celebrating the Centennial of the Planetarium City of Berlin and the infrastructure that enables it to TO THE BIRTHPLACE from 2023 – 2025, we feel it only makes sense to host take on hosting a large number of our planetarium com- the conference in historically relevant locations in munity members. Each of our three main sites has its OF THE PLANETARIUM. Germany. With Jena being the birthplace of the projec- own unique purpose and strengths, which makes each tion planetarium and location of the oldest continuously ideal for professional development of our colleagues. At operating large planetarium, and Berlin’s unique history the time of the conference in 2024, all three of our sites giving the city three planetariums, two observatories and will have been renovated and upgraded to the newest a mobile dome, we are certain that our joint bid is the technology. Our historic museum will enable delegates perfect option for IPS 2024. The pre-conference activ- to explore how astronomy has developed and evolved ities would be from 12 – 16 June with a pre-conference over time and we will offer observing parties at our tour, fulldome festival, and one-day IMERSA workshop observatories.
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