AT&T Uverse Chicago Channel Directory

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AT&T Uverse Chicago Channel Directory AT&T U-Verse C,.II LUlU,", Number Chicago BEl '""u1"l EO" '" "uly . WOll ."IKU·W ,'".. '"AI( f...,ly E" ". channel directory WGII Sup.nmi.n •• WOO 8",0 BUYO '" BY PROGRAM PACKAGES '" ,,"(1111 IIndhn. II .... '" ,OJ f., II..., {h.nn.1 E", '" "'"IISIIM m H:am~ CaU lett~ ... Numb~r IIIHU '" .&.B( II,., II... AB(II11 10 n, HE HO LOCAL LISTINGS 1....1 {h.nn.1 TUYH {I<I.M Nor-.,k TOOII m TOOII.W '" 'idn On D.mand SIO'~ f,onl , ea"••o 1I,,_,k • W••I m 'OD lifE WBBI1·1 !W) W8811 , l,f'hm. WIlAQ·~ NB() WI1AQ , L,lollm. 1'1 ••,. "'l...rk IOAP '" WG80·" (UM') W(;BO SOAPn.1 "" '",OJ WU-l (UCI We< •, '" WPW1·~O ."IITYl EO' (liT H£TWOU IV) WPWl • '"'", WGN-9 (WII) WGH9 , m WUU·16 (Ind.1 WCIU '" '"(1PN '",OJ wnw·I' (H J wnw " '"'BPN '"' WflD.)l (10') WILli BPN (I..", m " (lPN..., UK WXIHO WXFT ElPNU •• ."'" Wy({·lO I'"FBi) WY{{ "10 UPU " £lP1I2 •• (1PII2 '" WWII[·!l (Ind.) H .".EO wCPX·JS (PAX) WW"'WCPX B'l T.. 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