Meeting held on 31st March 2011, at Tapton School

PRESENT: Councillors Mike Reynolds (Chair), Sylvia Anginotti, Mike Davis, Roger Davison, John Knight, John Hesketh, Keith Hill, Colin Ross and Andrew Sangar.



The Chair, Councillor Mike Reynolds, welcomed members of the public to the meeting and outlined basic housekeeping and fire safety arrangements.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sylvia Dunkley, Brian Holmes and Janice Sidebottom.


The Assembly noted and was pleased to learn that Councillor Janice Sidebottom was making good progress in her recovery following a major operation.


There were no declarations of interest.


5.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2011, were approved as a correct record, subject to (i) the substitution of the name “Hague” for the name “Haywood” (under Item 5(b)(ii) Highway Trees – , Page 3) and the addition of the word “Ville” prior to the word “Road” (Item 5(b)(iii) Public Footpaths – Crosspool, Page 4).

5.2 Arising therefrom, in respect of the allocation of Climate Change Funds (Item 6.1, Page 4), Councillor Mike Reynolds (Chair) reported that the projects to be undertaken by Transition Crookes/ and Common Wheels/Transition Porter Valley were unable to proceed and, as a result, the funding allocated to these projects of £4,958 and £4,975, respectively, would be carried forward and added to the funding received for the 2011/12 Climate Change Fund.

5.3 RESOLVED: That the Community Assembly Manager be requested:

(a) to investigate the authority required for professional tree contractors to Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 2

be hired to prune City Council highway trees (Item 5(b)(ii) Highway Trees – Crosspool, Page 4); and

(b) to submit a report to the Assembly meeting to be held on 23rd June 2011, on the outcome of the review on the 2010/11 procedures for allocating Climate Change Funds and on the proposed changes for allocating funding for the 2011/12 financial year.


6.1 Petitions

The Assembly noted the receipt of a petition containing 20 signatures in respect of the Assembly’s proposed highway scheme for Abbeydale Road South, particularly in light of proposals by the South Passenger Transport Executive to introduce a Park and Ride scheme at Dore Railway Station. In view of the scheme being in connection with the report of the Head of Transport and Highways in respect of South West Community Assembly Transport and Highways Programme, (under Item 8 of the Agenda), it was agreed to consider the petition as part of that item.

6.2 Public Questions

(a) Park

In response to an e-mailed question by Kate Stow, Councillor Mike Reynolds (Chair) advised the meeting that the Assembly proposed to fund a Community Project Officer and that a proportion of their time would be dedicated to Millhouses Park Project and the Mill buildings. He confirmed that the Mill buildings were a priority within the Community Assembly Plan. He also stated that the Friends of Millhouses Park could apply for Climate Change Funding and ‘You Choose’ funding in 2011/12, to assist with renewable energy for the Mill buildings.

(b) Bolehills Park

With regard to a written question received from Carolyn Hodson concerning vandalism to the bowling green, repairs to benches in the lower part of Bolehill Park and the need for the extra emptying of bins and litter clearance during the summer school holidays, Councillor Mike Reynolds (Chair) advised that Bolehill Park was situated within the Crookes and Walkley Wards and that the Assembly would continue to work with the Central Community Assembly, the Walkley and Crookes Councillors and the new Friends of Bolehills to address the issues now being raised.

(c) Springwood Park

Ted Gunby requested that the Community Assembly worked with the Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 3

South Community Assembly and the appropriate stakeholders to ensure the future of Springwood Park and asked that it be considered as part of the report submitted to this meeting by the Director of Parks and Countryside concerning Green Space priorities (Item 9 of the Agenda, under Paragraph 4.3.2).

(d) 20 mph Speed Limit for Crosspool

In response to a question from a member of the public regarding 20 mph speed zones across the City and, in particular for Crosspool, it was explained that, whilst this was not a priority at present for the Crookes Ward, consideration would be given to the request in accordance with other scheme requests.

(e) Assembly Briefing Meetings

In response to a question from Neil Fitzmaurice concerning the democratic accountability of the Community Assembly in respect of meetings held other than public Assembly meetings, he was advised that a briefing meeting was held prior to each Assembly public meeting to consider the agenda for the meeting and that at other private Member briefings, their purpose was to provide a forum for Members to consider information provided by officers from various services affecting the Assembly area. It was stated that only the public Assembly meetings would, in future, be formally minuted by Democratic Services. Further comments made over Members being mindful in briefing meetings that all decisions delegated to an Assembly had to be taken at a public meeting, were noted.

(f) Discretionary Budget 2011/12

(i) The meeting was informed that the Climate Change Fund was in addition to the Assembly’s Discretionary Fund and that the carry forward figure of £9,933 from the 2010/11 budget (see Paragraph 4.2 above) would be added to the amount of Climate Change Funding to be received in the 2011/12 financial year.

(ii) In response to a question over the actual salary for the Community Project Officer, it was stated that this was not known, but that the figure allocated to the post of £39,000 would include oncosts such as pension and National Insurance payments. It was indicated that more detailed information, in respect of such matters, would be considered for future reports.

(iii) With regard to a question over the cost of £5,000 for the proposed dog bins in Crookes, it was stated that this included the purchasing and servicing costs.

(iv) The meeting was informed of the Council’s new website “Hooked on Life” which allowed children and young people to book places Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 4

by area/activity/timing, to enable activities to be monitored to ensure that they were viable. It was further stated that there was a whole range of activities available and that the Assembly could give consideration to supporting the activities provided in the South West area, through its proposed Young People’s Activity Programme budget of £20,000.

(g) Transport and Highways Programme 2011/12

(i) In response to a question concerning the proposed Abbeydale Road South Highways Scheme, it was stated that whilst it was proposed to consider elements of the scheme at the Cabinet Highways Committee on 14th April 2011, this would be deferred to seek clarity on the Passenger Transport Executive’s proposals for the location regarding a Park and Ride scheme at Dore Station,.

(ii) The Assembly noted the comments of local resident requesting that the waiting restrictions outside Crosspool shops be reduced from two hours to one hour.


7.1 David Howarth, Kier Asset Partnership Service submitted a report seeking support to develop a partnership approach to managing Burbage, Houndkirk and Hathersage Moors. It was stated that the land was in Council ownership, but that due to the need to reduce expenditure on assets and secure a sustainable future for the moors, options were being investigated on collaborative working with a number of partners to benefit this area and the wider Moors. Reference was made to the Eastern Moors in respect of a 15 year lease between the Peak Park Authority, the National Trust and the Royal Society for the Preservation of Birds and the possibility of extending a similar arrangement for Burbage, Houndkirk and Hathersage Moors. Following the outcome of consultation, the three options were outlined for the future management of the land and whilst the meeting was informed that the final decision would be taken by Cabinet, it was suggested that the outcome of further exploration into a partnership arrangement for the land be progressed, with the outcome reported to a future meeting of this Assembly.

7.2 A number of questions were raised and responses were given by David Howarth which included that he hoped to report back to the Community Assembly within six months, on the possibility of extending the Eastern Moors Partnership model to include the land of Burbage, Houndkirk and Hathersage Moors. He also advised that there was no legal right to graze farm animals on the Moors, other than by virtue of the grazing tenancy granted by the Council, as it was not Common Land. A number of comments were also received from members of the public which included the need for a thorough consultation with the people of and that sufficient timescales should be allowed for the community engagement to take place. Concerns were also noted over the need to provide sufficient car Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 5

parking and address issues concerning litter being left by users of the Moors.

7.3 Comments were also received from the British Mountaineering Council and Sheffield Wildlife Trust in support of the partnership arrangement.

7.4 Following Members’ comments on the need for consultation with local residents of Sheffield in respect of this matter, David Howarth was asked to investigate if a website could be developed to feature the proposals for the future of the Burbage, Houndkirk and Hathersage Moors, which would allow members of the public to provide their views.

7.5 RESOLVED: That:-

(a) the emerging Sheffield Moors Partnership be welcomed and endorsed and further consultation to establish the vision, guiding management principles and terms of reference for the Partnership, be supported;

(b) further exploratory discussions with key stakeholders, including the people of Sheffield, to consider the benefits and feasibility of potentially extending the Eastern Moors Partnership model to the Council’s Burbage, Houndkirk and Hathersage Moors, be welcomed; and

(c) a report on the outcome of such discussions be submitted to a future meeting of the Assembly.


Decision 1

8. SOUTH WEST COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY DISCRETIONARY BUDGET 2011/12 8.1 The Community Assembly Manager submitted a report on the Assembly’s 2011/12 Discretionary Budget. The report detailed the proposed allocation of £156,000 which would contribute to the delivery of the priorities identified in the South West Community Plan to benefit local residents and the Council’s ambitions indicated in the Corporate Plan.

8.2 The Assembly Manager reported orally that a further £7,035.00 would be allocated to the Assembly from the Positive Activities for Young People’s small grants fund.


RESOLVED: That:- (a) regard having been had to the Sheffield City Strategy and to the relevant guidance of the Secretary of State, the South West Community Assembly confirms its belief that the granting of funding, Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 6

as detailed in the report now submitted, would be likely to achieve the promotion and improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of residents of the Wards of Crookes, Dore and , and Fulwood; (b) the 2011/2012 Discretionary Budget of £156,000 be allocated, as outlined in the report now submitted and detailed below:-  Allotment Ranger (half time post) £17,000  Community Project Officer (full time) £39,000  Community clean up £ 3,000  Young people’s activity programme £20,000  You Choose participatory budgeting £10,000  Contingency Fund £13,000  NEAT Team £20,000  Benefits advice and information £5,000  Crookes end of term litter £5,000  Community Assembly Events/Publicity £9,000  Additional Dog Bins (Crookes) £5,000  Activities for older people £10,000; (c) authority be delegated to the Assembly Manager, in consultation with the Chair of the Assembly, to (i) allocate the Small Grant funding of £10,169 previously administered through Grant Aid, via the ‘You Choose’ event/s and the £7035.00 Positive Activities for Young People funding and (ii) determine all criteria and processes relating to the distribution of that funding; (d) delegated authority be given for the Assembly Manager, in consultation with the Chair of the Assembly, to -  agree targets, outputs and outcomes for all funded activity with the identified service deliverer and ensure best value for money;  allocate funding to organisations to deliver additional activities for children and young people and additional activities/services for Older People; and vary the amount of all grants by not more than ten per cent in each case, with any additional funding required to be drawn from the £13,000 contingency budget; and (e) the Director of Neighbourhood Renewal and Partnerships be authorised, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, to agree the terms on which this funding is made available and the completion of funding agreements for the projects mentioned in the report now submitted and any other related documents that is considered appropriate.

8.4 REASONS FOR THE DECISION The allocation of the 2011/12 South West Community Assembly Discretionary Budget will ensure activity takes place to address the priorities as identified in the South West Community Assembly Plan, namely:  Protect and enhance green and open spaces  Improving the way people can move around Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 7

 Improve the appearance of neighbourhood centres and local street scene  Ensure the South West remains a safe place to live  Develop provision for Children and Young People  Establish older people’s needs and develop provision

8.5 In addition it will tackle further priorities around -  Promoting and encourage participation in local democracy  Improving communication and use of available facilities, services and provision  Contributing to the development of the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector

8.6 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND REJECTED As a result of the ongoing community consultation and Councillors local intelligence and surgeries, a number of priorities/activities were identified for possible inclusion in the budget. Consideration was given to:  Supporting the retention of Library Opening Hours at Ecclesall Library  Bring out Your Rubbish Days  Bents Green Targeted Action  Ecclesall Sawmill Educational Programme  Additional Grit Bins As a result of the limited resources and the need for the Community Assembly to focus spend on its top priorities, the above considerations were rejected




Not applicable


Richard Webb, Executive Director, Communities Portfolio.

(NOTES: 1. In respect of the aforementioned resolution, Councillor John Hesketh (a) voted against Paragraph 8.3(b) concerning (i) the Allotment Ranger, (ii) Community Project Officer and (iii) Community Assembly Events/Publicity indicating that he was not against the principle of expenditure in those areas, but that he considered the expenditure as proposed was not value for money; (b) abstained from voting on Paragraph 8.3(b) concerning You Choose participatory budgeting, and Paragraph 8.3(c), indicating that he was not against the principle of expenditure in that area, but that he considered that Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 8

the process for allocating funding should be considered by the Assembly at a public meeting; (c) voted against Paragraph 8.3(d) as he considered that the process for allocating funding should be considered by the Assembly at a public meeting; and (d) stated that, notwithstanding his voting above, he would vote for Paragraph 8.3(a) and (e) and asked that this be recorded accordingly.

2) Councillor John Hesketh requested that a tendering process be introduced for the proposed Dog Bins and the associated servicing in the Crookes area.)

Decision 2

9. SOUTH WEST COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS PROGRAMME 9.1 The Head of Transport and Highways submitted a report on the progress of the small and large highway schemes funded by the Assembly during the 2010/11 financial year and proposing a process for deciding on the programme of highway works to be funded by the Assembly for the 2011/12 financial year. The report stated that, whilst decisions to authorise further schemes would have to be deferred until the 2011/12 budget allocated to the Assembly had been confirmed, it was proposed that the highway schemes agreed in the 2010/11 financial year for Totley Brook Road and Abbeydale Road South should proceed.

9.2 The Assembly noted amendments to the report now submitted in respect of the substitution of the year “2011/12” for the year “2010/11”, under Paragraphs 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 and the substitution of the month “June” for the month “May” under paragraph 6.3.

9.3 DECISION TAKEN RESOLVED: That: (a) the progress on the highway schemes programme agreed for the financial year 2010/11, and that Cabinet has confirmed that funding from that programme which has not yet been spent will be carried over into the next financial year, be noted; (b) the construction during the first quarter of the next financial year of the scheme in Ward on Totley Brook Road, which was agreed as part of the 2010/11 programme, be approved; (c) it be noted that the budget available to the Assembly for highway schemes in 2011/12 has not yet been confirmed; (d) subject to the top priority for Crookes being amended to combine the sheltered parking outside shops (No’s 13-23) and a review of limited wait times in Crookes shopping centre between Lydgate Lane and Northfield Avenue as a single scheme, the scheme identified by Ward Members as their top priorities for construction in 2011/12, subject to available funding, be noted; (e) the process for creating a highways programme for 2011/12, as detailed in Section 6 of the report now submitted, be approved; Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 9

(f) the distinction of the budget between large and small schemes be ceased from 2011/12; and (g) the Abbeydale Road South Scheme in the Dore and Totley Ward, agreed as part of the 2010/11, programme, be deferred until (i) the petition, now submitted at this meeting, has been considered and (ii) the outcome of the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive’s proposed Park and Ride Scheme at Dore Station is known.

9.4 REASONS FOR THE DECISION (a) To build on the detailed design and consultation work already completed, and so that construction can take place during the early part of the financial year. (b) To ensure that the future highways programme is based on awareness of the full budget position.

9.5 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND REJECTED The alternative of not beginning any schemes which have not yet been started has been considered, but the Assembly has agreed Totley Brook Road scheme should proceed and the Abbeydale Road South scheme be deferred.




Not applicable.


Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio.

(NOTES: 1. Prior to the passing of the above resolution, an amendment moved by Councillor John Hesketh and seconded by Councillor Sylvia Anginotti stating that the report be deferred to clarify the report details and until the 2011/12 budget was known, was put to the vote and negatived. 2. Councillor John Hesketh stated that Paragraph 5.2 of the report now submitted was incorrect, as it should have also included a linked scheme requesting a review of the limited waiting times in Crookes shopping centre, between Lydgate Lane and Northfield Avenue, as detailed in the report appendices. In view of this matter, the top Crookes Ward Priority Highway Scheme for 2011/12 was amended accordingly, as set out in paragraph 9.3(d) of the above resolution. 3. Councillor John Hesketh voted against Paragraphs 9.3 (a),(b), (c), and (e) of the above resolution and asked for this to be recorded). 4. Councillor John Hesketh requested a correction in respect of a fifth highway scheme that should have been shown on the Crookes Ward Priority Highway Schemes list for 2011/12, under Appendix A, concerning Meeting of the South West Community Assembly 31.03.2011 Page 10

the Residents Parking Scheme in the Steel Bank area.)


Councillor Mike Reynolds stated that this would be his last meeting as he was not seeking election at the Municipal Elections in May. He thanked Mary Bagley, Lead Director, Tammy Barrass, Assembly Manager and the Assembly Team for all their commitment, enthusiasm and assistance over the past year. He also thanked Councillor Keith Hill, Deputy Chair, and Members of the Assembly for their support and concluded by giving his best wishes to the Assembly for the future.

In response, Councillor Mike Reynolds was thanked for all his hard work as Chair of the Assembly and best wishes were given in his retirement from the duties he had carried out as a local Ward Councillor.

11. MARY BAGLEY Mary Bagley announced that this was her last day working for Sheffield City Council and gave her thanks to Members of the Assembly for all their support.


12.1 It was noted that the next meeting of the Assembly would be held on Thursday, 23rd June 2011, at 7.00 p.m. at King Ecberts School, Totley.

(NOTE: 1. The Parks and Countryside Service: Update On Tasking Officer Pilot Project and Green Space Priorities 2011/12 report (Item 9) was withdrawn from consideration at the meeting due to insufficient time. 2. These minutes are subject to approval by the Assembly at its next meeting)