'DAILT OBCTIJ^THHf roroe—t tf & S. Wfl f « r ih e M oafli « f A pril, 19SS U d lril 5 , 5 0 9 .'ow ; not BMrik r iw ig o In . 4 MMBbw of Audit BnrMM o f Ctrcnl&tloiL.

AdTorttriiif M Pag* If.). SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. )AY, MAT 7, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICTi THREE C E I^ . VOL. lil., NO. 187. CROSS INVOLVED- Flames Destroy Great Piers in New York PRESIDENT OF FRANCE IN PARTY DISPUTE SUCCUMBS TO WOUNDS Ckarses and Cowter N EW W H ITON Passes Away At Dawn, Victim of Assassin—Cabmet and Qiarges Follow Spellacy’s EXTEND CREDIT LIBRARY OPEN Members of Family Present— Crowds Before H ospi^ Story About Natioiial ONUGHTBIU^ Ail Throngh N i^t— Details of Tragedy ToU By Wh-' ConailteenaB McNeD. AHOTAY T H im O N T H S nesses— Messages of Sympathy Poor In From A l Pnblic Inspectioii Tomorrow, 4 " Hortford, May 7.—A tangle of Over the World— Body Now Lies In State In the Presi- ehasgeo counter charges becom­ Electric Company Amiouices ing public late yesterday, concern­ Dedicatkm Tuesday; M d - ing the status of Democratic Na­ New Plan To A iiH ie e ^ dmrtial Palace. tional Ctommitteeman and State mg’s Beaaty and Eqiup- " 'y ' . /''s- 'yi/y , /. Chairman Archibald McNeil, linking Most Hake Application To Paris, May 7.— (AP)—Paul Dou- NEWS PHOTOCatAPHEB him with rum running accusations rnent Impresshre. ' ' ' ' y / f ^ ^ " j ' y ' ' . ■* -VAifr/X. A mer, beloved venerable 75-year-oId PROVES SELF A HERO " , . - I and involving Governor Cross, •r.... .~,^^.^yA ■.•vy.’.'^ fy .y y president of France, lay to state in A’. .-.V.-.-___ Seemre the Privilege. Thomas J. Spdlacy of- Hartford, the green room of the presidential Paris, May 7.—(AP)—Louis Piston, gray-bearded dean of Smith leader, and Mrs. Fannie Dixon The new Whiton Memorial Li­ palace today, the victim of an as­ Welch of Columbia, Roosevelt ad­ Paris news photographers, miss­ brary will be open for inspection to­ Behind these rolling clouds of anooke, raging flames were sweeping a $2,500^000 pier of the Cunard L’ne Believtog that conditions as they sassin’s gun, while France, from herent, in questions of veracity, in New York when this picture was taken. More than 700 firemen, fifty pieces of land fire apparatus and ed the picture of a lifetime yes­ morrow from 3 to 5 p, m., allowing end to end, was bowed to sadness. terday, but he was being heaped threw the affairs of the Democratic' „ a half-dozen flreboats fought to prevent the blaze from spreading to adjoining piers, and surgeons treated exist at the present time call for Manchester citizens to view the with honor for it today. party in this state into a morass The! scores of persons affMted by the smoke. The liner California was moved out into the Hudson river to further service to the public, the After lingering throughout the of confusion. Out of it, political ob­ modem and beautiful interior, The veteran cameraman, a ' escape the flames. Manchester Efiectrlc Company an­ night to a coma and delirium while 1 servers are already predicting. Gov­ personal friend of the late Presi­ official dedication ceremony will be nounced today that it will tempor­ a staff physician worked vainly, ernor C t o u may emerge without the dent Doumer, was right next to held Tuesday, May 10, beginning at Doumer died at 4:37 a. m.. Just as support of either faction in his am­ arily render electric service on him when the assassin began dawn crept over the cold stone bition for re-election. Edward A. Lydall, president of credit to those of its domeetic shooting 3resterday. He might walls of Beaujon hospital, vdiere he have had a picture of the shoot­ This crisis developed from the the board of directors will open the FORD TO EXPAND patrons who by reason of mis­ was taken after the shooting yes­ ing itself, but instead he smash­ pubUcatiOD by Mr. Spellacy o f what dedication program with an address MRS. HOOVER ATTENDS fortune or temporary unemploy­ terday. ed the assassin with his camera ■ he dedam to be facts transpiring of welcome and Rev. Marvin. 8. ment beyond their control are un­ When the end came the entire and stunned the man, enabling at a luncheon which he and Gover­ Stocking, pastor of the North able to meet their monthly bUls. ’The Methodist church will give the in­ HIS GARDEN IDEA French Cabinet was assembled to a others to overpower him. | nor Cross shared several weeks ago. offer of credit is restricted to the room at the hospital next to that vocation. NEW CANAAN WEDDING Piston was on the Job at the According to the Hartford man’s current bills rendered during June, occupied by M. I^umer. At his bed­ El rsee Palace today, taking pic­ statement the Governor asked him Edneafor to Speak 3 July and August. side were his wife, his two daugh­ tures, but again and again he if be bad beard any rumors about The dedicatory address will be President's Statement ters, Mesdames E llery and Four­ was interrupted Iqr Cabinet min­ Committeeman McNeU. The Gov- given by Dr. E. W. Butterfield, To Use AD of His Agencies In a statement containing the an­ nier, and several physicians. isters, bigh officials and others e fb o r then told him be had beard State Commissioner of Education First Lady To l(einain h 300 FIREMEN HURT who wiU speak on the subject, "The nouncement, Samuel Ferguson, Patiiettc Scene who stopped to congratulate bino. thsi McNeil bad been dropped from president of the company, says: It was a pathetic death scene. M. the Bridgeport Police Commission Library in a Democracy,’’ Dr. But­ To Suggest That Jobless President Doumer was a guest ‘The unemployment problem as af­ Doumer lay on a simple bedstead to at Piston’s wedding a number of bffBiif be bsd provided police pro­ terfield is also chairman of the Con­ State Today — Bride Is necticut Public Library conunittee. IN BIG P e FIRE fecting the ability of those out of the huge room. ’Hirougbout the years ago. tection for rum runners; that he, the work to pay for essential electric night the physicians worked over Governor, had investigated and Wells A. Strickland, chairman of the building committee will deliver DnfjRer «f Famer As m - service has become so acute that him. They gave him a number of found the charges to be true in at The Manchester Electric Company the keys to the building to Thomas blood transfusions and used oxygen the emergency session would be least one instance, and that McNeil proposes to try the very radical ex­ tberifore should not be state chair­ J. Rogers, chairman of the board of Detroit, May 7,—(AP) — Henry to spur bis heart. postponed date of dK Pt m Ac iL Over Two MiBioD Dollar periment of extending credit, to For a time hope had been held for selectmen following the address. Ford, who told President Hoover re­ Albert Le Brun, president of the man. those who normally pay their bills his recovery. Shortly before mld- Cross Stateoieat 'The benediction will be by Rev. cently of bis plan for an employ­ Senate was promtotntly mentioned regularly but are now temporarily Ugfat, after oxygen had been used Governor Cross, upon learning of Frederick C. Allen of the Second Dum ge l i Worst Blaze In as a possible succeraor to M. Dou- New Canaan, May 7.—(AP)— ment liason between industry and imable to do so, for the June,. July and a-narcotic administered to the' Spellacy statement, declared CongregatUfoai church. ’The building mex. He was sugger’^ed as » candi­ agriculture, is using the National or­ and August bills, until such time as sooth him, Dr. Louis Moyrier, direc­ that the . latter bad done his party a will be open for inspection following Mrs. Herbert Hoover came to New date for the presidency last year. ganization of the Ford Motor Com­ they obtain employment again. tor of public health, said the presi­ “sorry servloe” and that Mr, Spel­ the exercises. riiumim today to attend the wedding Recent Tears. He followed M. ’’ 'uner as presi­ Impressive Building pany to spread his doctrine that the “The details of the plan are set dent’s conditioa ^ -s slightly im­ lacy bad revealed confidential con­ dent of tbe Senate when Doumer Manebestor people when they step of Miss Marguerite Richard, daugdi' best employment insurance is Moth­ out to a circular which is being sent proved. versation. Tbs Governor declared out with the May bills. It is ob­ was finally dtwen president of the over the threshold of the new ter of a college friend and former New York, May 7.—(AP) — The er Earth. At 12:45 a. m., however, FrancUs that be bad made no charges against Whiton Memorial library tomorrow vious that there are many complica­ Republic. Taxicab chauffeurs driv­ McNeil and that what impatience be business associate ox the-President, “I cannot see how teachers, land Pietri, minister of the budget, an- afternoon will be surprised by the meet stubborn flire in New York’s tions, as >t is essential that atten­ ing about to the dawn this monitog had expressed toward the Bridgeport And Graham H oyt, Y ale art student. owners, local governments and em- noimced that the president was not spaciousness of the building and recent history still burned today in tion should be paid to all bills by reverently doffed their caps when man was because of a leak to the The Mrst Lady and her party ar­ ployers can'do a better work tor the doing aa well as he had been. At the perfection of its ^ipointipents. the wreckage of a giant Cunard people than to urge them slid help our - customers----- even if credit ^is they learned of the pi^dent’a proas concerning an esrlier pqliMcal rived here by. automobile from El­ 1:30 a. m. Premier Andre Tardieu death. Mmming newspapers which Tbs main sotrancs on ^orth Main mira, N . T., at l ;i O a. m. (BJ).TV> Lin- pier after doing more than to raise a pfu- «r -aB of theto~| tended; but on the otlmr band, ths arrived at the hoapital and this was conference In Stafford,- df whicb dt^eet admiti' th r visitor to' a small 12,000,000 and causing the conqumy wishes to go Just as far in went to press too eaity to cariy ac­ McNeil bad been accused. The Gov- and spent the r ^ of the night at taken as an indication that M. Dou- vestibule and the service room of d*ath of one man. (Oonfinned cm Page Ten avoiding the hardship o f « '*cut oiit” counts of the president’s death, t n a r i&A not categorically deny, the hom e a t Miss Richard’s parents meris condition had taken a -grave printed editorials expressing an^ the library, with its finely equipped About 300 firemen suffered in­ as it can to Justice to its other cus­ turn. A minute later tbe physicians bow*v*i*> *** talked about Mr. and Mrs, E4gar Rickard. She opinion that was heard frequently with semi-circular delivery desk. The juries from heat, smoke, fumes or tom ers.” issued a bulletin saying his condi­ the rum rumiing change. planned to remain here about twelve in popular discussions later. This beauty of the ceiling decorations, minor mishaps. With all leaves Most Apply tion was becoming more and more In reidy to this Mr. Spellacy has hours before returning to Washing­ opinion was that the time had come the handsome pendant electroliers cancelled and every.fireman in the An application blank is being en­ grave. “CJerebrahum symptoms are made a sec8ite the main entrance, looking from Elmirs, where she was a guest pilings from tmdemeath the con­ of the application blank, properly Men and women wept openly to Neil stoiy was to be r^;arded as yesterday at Elmira college, she de­ ON ANOTHER TRIP End Was Near crete and steel structure. filled out, the company will send tbe A short time later the procurator tbe streets as the word passed fonSdentisi and the Governor said (Oontinoed on Page Seven) cided to visit friends at West Point, ’The last section of the 1,000 foot applicant three credit certificates around that the president bad died. “No." Cross, according to Spellacy, New York. pier collapsed- last night, leaving general, a number of police officers which will be accepted in lieu of and Dr. Paul, official medical ex­ Various eye-"itnesste * of the also repeated the same thhig to The wedding was scheduled for only a bulkhead standing. , ’The payment of bills for the three shooting yesterday agrt .d that' the David E. VTtzGerald and on a later pert arrived at the hospital. This 12:30 p, m., with Mrs, Reginald fire was apparently started to Lindy htermediary To Go month period, provided tbe con­ assassin. Dr. Paul Gorgolov, made occasion "beard me repeat his state­ was considered by the waiting Dorsey Mohim of Stamford, her sis­ a boiler room underneath the pier sumer's past payment record has no attempt to conceal his gun. ment before at least twelve people METHODISTS CUT ter, as Miss Rickard’s only attend­ about 7 a. m., yeirterday and at first crowds to mean that the end was Ont To Sea To Continue been good. near. They also told of the gayety of in his office and did not deny the ant and Sherman Hoyt, the bride­ seemed easy to combat. President Freguson fxurther states truth of it.” (Poking Clouds of smoke rolled A male nurse, leaving the room, the opening of the book sale of the groom’s brother, as best man. that "the action taken by the Com­ former soldier-author , which was ■ Trid By Mrs. Welch RETIREMENT AGE Hoyt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jbhn out over the Hudson river from the said that some time before midnight Negotiations. pany to issuing these credit certifi­ M. Doumer had exprt sed astonish­ transformed Into a scene of horror Mr. SpeUacy in his second state­ Sherman Hoyt of Contentment Is­ pier and alarm after alarm soimded. cates means that the Company ment at finding himself to a hospi­ by the tragedy. ment declared that Governor Cross land, Dari^, is a second year art Apparatus from all over the island ulse had his habit, had hardly itered /the (Continued on Page Ten to bring their hose lines Into action napers. DIES IN CAPITAL g;rown Impe^'^ptible and his breath­ first salon when the series of sbots ASKS MRS. MASSIF on the pUtogs. Tbe yacht Marcon, left and return­ ing was spasmodic. Hope was gdven rang out. ed yesterday on a trip through the In Center of Crowd AUantlc a ty, N. J., May 7.— (APi The liners CMifomla and De up. Virginia capes, members of the par­ —A reduction in the retirement age Grasse were removed from piers Cabinet Assembles “Dr. Gorgolov had shot the for Bishops, approved by the episco­ nearby to save them from destruc­ ty presumably followed their cus­ At 4:15 the Cabinet assembled in president right to Jie middle of the DETECTIVES HUNT TO STAY FOR TRIAL tom of remaining at the Navy base, pacy committee of the Methodist tion. No liner was at the burning OrigiBated Drift System For the room next to that to which M. crowd, firing over and . under the Episcopal general conference pro­ pier. although Captain F. H. Lackmann, Doumer lay. A few minutes later arms of the people who stood I Chief John J. MqElligott was voked today a new wave of specula­ the skipper, came to Norfolk during the presidents of the Senate and around him. FORMCLEAN FUNDS among those who collapsed from the evening. The sracht was out at World War— Former Am­ C!hamber of Deputies arrived. “The athletic Claude Farrere, tion cm Episcopal transfers and left smoke and exhaustion. His assist­ in doubt the generally expected Prosecstor Waits To Hold sea about four or five hours. The A few minutes before 4:37 a. m., noted author, tried to save the pres­ ant, Thomas F. Dougherty an- weather which hsis interfered with Doumer came out of the coma and ident and himself was struck by a assignment of Bishop Eldwln H. aoimced this morning that the bassador To Cnba. Hughes of Chicago to Washington, their work on other trips, was said recognized his family. He made a bullet. The president had fallen to ' Retrial of Natl flames were under control. to be good for sailing mameuvers yes­ Bdiefe That Gaston Means D. C. pathetic effort to bid them farewell, the floor, which was covered with . The man killed was a bystander. terday. but was unable to speak. A moment Under present Methodist disci­ Washington, May 7.— (AP)—^Ma­ blood. A bose Une broke, snaked and Re^ts ofeach cruise are kept later he was dead. “The H-«?aajwin was Captured and pline, bishops are retired at the gen­ With Assaik. fractured his skuIL jor General Enoch Crowder, former Has • Hidden $100,000 eral conference nearest their 73d closely gpiarded in secrecy by mem­ The body was taken immediate­ dragged outside. There was neither bers the party and by the other ambassador to Cuba, died today at ly to the EHysee Palace. It was panic or tumult, only ffimiatoe birthdays. The new resolution Walter Reed hospital. makes retirement mandatory at the two intermediaries. Rear Admiral placed to the green sal illness. Hunters Roamed Florida ously wotmded by' her Japanese but­ in and in Sorrow. ton. If they found any leads, th^ Two members of the Cabinet were The death of President J*aul Dou- ler today to her home on Odar kept silent. History of Early Indians weeping openly. m er y**# stilled all poUttcat ditfoiv, Grove Road, Somerset county. Repairs Made Beceatly A acawS a t abont W f w as w ait­ ences, even tboti«h today was the Officials also contsmplated a About 20,000 Years Ago The batter, Isaton Tanasbita, en­ ing outside the hospital to the early eve of tbe critidal eeoon^ boDoh e f tered a room and shot the woman dawn. In it were representatives of ssarcb at Mea-s* brother's home in Seward, Alaska, May 7. (A P)—^the Aleutians, the three men, Father the general dectiohs. Concord, North Caroline They w#re with an automatic plstoL One bul­ Hubbard, Kenneth Chisholm ant most of ths fonfign dtylomatie dele­ A t the first wmrd ot.th e attadk on. let struck her to the arm and an­ suspicious also of repairs recently Wtotor Park, Fla., May 7.— (AP)<»depth as bones of sabre-tooth tigers, Volcanoes and itoclera, .previous bob­ Jack Norton, landed on one of tbe gations to France. M> Pietri an­ tbe president—the polltSeai M ien made to bis bouse an'* of a play­ —Tbe finding of an arrow-head to (ttre-wolves and .other extinct ant- other to the back. The butler ran as bies of Father Bernard R. Hubbard, Unga islands and visited the scene nounced' that tbe prasii^nit died and the groim 4ledaned aar laoCK' house built for bis 12-year-old son. tbe skull of a mammoth, an extinct mala recently tound to Florida by she feU. Santa C9ara university profMwr, of battles between the Aleuzian and toom cerebral conqUeations wUch dal truce. Ifeetings wars Thsy ripped apart a section of this elephant, dug up to Floridly was paleontologists. Larry Paly, a groom who had Kodiak Bidfans several hundred set In roxA Sty after nddUgbt. doned snd Inmortant tysai heard the shooting, met the butler have a new rival among bis sffec- rqotm day. described today at Rolltos coU^e. The connection between arrow and years ago. The Cabinet members —remained merSly hsnrtsd In :notss Tbe arrow-bead seemingly tells a mammoth is a guess based upon tbe in the living room and the Japanese tions—ths little known history of Mrims will know ’Tnesday trbotb- Allskan Indiiiui tribes of several The three succeesfnlly climbed at tbe palace while the biody was press. Today's. pasirs , or or not ho lo to bo Indicted and story of great interest to science, position in which both lay. This fired a bolet that atmek Daly in tbe high, rocty promont^, which iwSnr laid out Before they left Pre- Uttle shout toe piotttieal cheek, tofliettog a dqngeroos wound. hundred years ago. bfoivlit to trial on the ia r o n y a ft­ that prehistoric human hunters guess is supported by other recent Father Hubbard said bad served as twi^ Tardieu called a meeting of that has been waged to roamed Folrida about 20,000 yearn discoveries, particularly to tbe far Tbe butler then fired a bullet Into While be and Us two student com­ er- tmat charge lodged agaiaat Mm, panions were somewhere today on a refuge for the Unga natives fron the mteietry for m. today. partmentof V^aaoe for ago, west showing that man, mammoth his own head and dropped dead a Under tbe constitution tbe Sen­ AH FT nch ■ M tin w t. BopkSes the IIOOJMX) be all^edly tbo treacherous slopes of Mbqnt tbe attacks of their enemies. It Tbe skull and arrow were tound and giant sloths all may have Uved few feet from wbm’o Daly lay un- ate and Chamber of Dtyuties Micay detestation of the fr ill: roMrodf is accused of at- consdous. SUsbaldin, an active volcano on was pMwible to defend the position teiwtiiig to obt *n as additional near Flagler Beach a lew months tp goV btx to America long ago. indefinitely, Anderson quoted Um, be summoned to deet a new'prasl- treny Left.’sofoed i t f ago, not far below tbo surface, to a Sdcntlsts are fairly wefi agreed Mrs. Bolce managed to make her Unimak Island, fhdng great hard- miinlst 'organ Ifg^OO; TM' sum, said Albert W. ikUps to ascending. t| is p c^ an ac- describing it as a veritable Gibral­ dent within 48 boon, but it was be­ geMc^ical formation estimated as that either man injuihited Ain«1ca wsy td a 'teliq^ione sad caUsd irtate lieved that under tbs present extra- to e T ^, 'alttomtf for Mra, MeLoas, count of aaodier recent comloit was tar. f o r but did not rheeivo shout TOfiOO years

W ' ■ *1,: P i u a w o MANCHE9IE1I EVBNTIfO BoviR MaercrasiBB, conn. Saturday, may 7,198& ■fa ... .. ^ ^ ------fa BntDUFESniDENT ABoornmi ITS PRESIDENTIAL, YEAR AOeti COdl RUdUe Polttteal Headlmere

, SPEAES HEBE MONDAY Hose Oonpasy No. 1, 'fJC.F.D., aafweiwd a atin alarm for a chlm- GH IfrM. H irrlct Upliaiii Goode of nay fir# at tbe borne of Robert N< m W fl Cowles of 246 West Center street Sharon, Maao^ To AddreM at 1:80 o^eloek yeeterday afternoon. '‘NV’ Garden Club. . At 9:80 o'clock this morning. Hose At the Teisple.' Company No. 4 exttngnlsbed a chim­ The persoosel of the 'l i w . t u n i e t Uph«o Good* of ney fire at tbe home of Samuel Ha- that will baye ehaige nuuiiiel fVlrdeerM," iheron, U u»„ h u boon berem of 190 Eldridge street. Memorial Ifosnital tkfe ipeurod by tb« prognun conunlttoe year was nearty coi Tbe Ree and West Side volley­ 8 0 ^ of tbo liasebootor OsrdOD club, io consisting of nearly ball teams mset at 2 o’clock this The drive for 820,000 will open offi­ loeture on “New Eoglaad Birds and afternoon for tbe town cbampion- cially Monday evenl.g with a dtn* Wild flowort" at tie May meottaf sbip but tbe weather will decide ner at the Mastaie Temple at 6;16 Mdoday evoaiaf tbo Coutor where tbe match is to be played. b’eloek. Tbe Weet Sides won tbe toss of coin Daring the dinner Instructions eburcb bouse. Mrs. Goode bas spent and elected tbe West Side play­ will be given to the workers. After years in tbe study of bird life. Her grounds with tbe provision that in the dinner, each worker will select great love for the little feathered case of bad weatber the match will the names of not more than twenty be played on the East Side Rec in­ i s i i persons to be canvassed from u creatures and knowledge of tbeir h - habits qualifies be. to lecture on the door court. Each team bas won alphabetically arranged list of 3,000 subject from first band experiences one m atch. prospective contributors. Eiaeh He was educated by tutors and in In 1894 he was graduated from He was i^ppolnted people’s coun­ In 1924 he was reelected with w orker win be provided with a card at her bird sanctuary at Sharon. Almost from >the day of his birth signed General Chainfian Jay Tbe lecture will be illustrated by Gustave Runde of Walnut street ion August 29, 1876, Albert Ca­ private schools in bis youth .... Johns Hopkins .... Two years sel in 1910.. Jn a dramatlo fight he majority of 40,000 . . .-N o other has started work remodeling his Matyland governor had even been E. Rand and Secretary E. J. Mc­ 14) superb colored slides, showing bell Ritchie breathed . books and When he was 15 be was getting 50 later he finished at tbe University won lower gas snd electric pates Cabe, Identifying him as an ac­ bouse from a single to a tw o fam< public service . . . His father was rejected . . ..Vehement attacks on well known flowers, their habit of cents a Week as allowance . . . That of Maiyland with a law degree . . . from hts public utiUties .... His credited solidtor. growth, season of blooming, and ily dwelling. Judge Albert Ritchie, noted Mary­ pnAibition brought him national the birds which may be looked for land jurist . . . His mother was was not enough, so he published a In 1903 he was named assistant city victory brought him the attorney fame . . . In 1926 he again was re­ solicitor of Baltimore . . . In 1907 generalship . . Me was elected gov­ in their neighborhood. Formal dedication of tbe Polish Xaizabetb Caskie Cabell, whose papeu increased his earnings %2 . . . elected governor with a majority of National church on Golway street He ran tbe paper two years, learn­ he married Elizabetb Baker, from ernor in 1919 by a msjority of only 60,000 . . . Again msde governor in OPENING STOCKS Mrs. Goode bas recently been grandfather was governor of Vlr- will take place tomorrow morning I ginia. . . . His education was ing a lot about bow to please people whom be now is divorced .... A s 166 votes .... He reorganized the 1980 . .. If be continues to end of called upon to participate in four at 10:30, daylight saving time. thorough . . . He was bom in Rich- . . . Entered Johns Hopkins tJnlver- soUdtor he learned about polities in state government . . . Ammed not term he will have served looger New York, May 7.—(AP) — The library lecture courses in Massacbu* Imond, Va., but lived in Maryland sity. . . . Was a second stringer in tbe raw .... Saw tbe work of the only titular but real leaderslflp of than any other governor in the setts and New Hampshire and has Stock Market encountered profit Maurice Hnrtman, formerly of most of his life. college -football. two bosses, Mahon and Kelly. his party in the state. United States. spoken before many of the Garden taking on its abrupt rise of the pre­ this town, his brother-in-law, Albert vious session in the eariy deamsge clubs in those states and in Connec­ Newfield, and F. H. Whipple, all of ticut, and various other women’s special qualiflcatioiui for the presi­ today. Hartford, have organized the Hart­ Losses of a point or so appeared clubs. She is past chairman of the PRESIDENT OF FRANCE dency which, it said, “were never PLANTORE-DEDICATE CURB QUOTATIONS ford Tobacco Growers Credit corp­ during the first half hour in such conservation department of the more necessary than now.’’ oration, and have incorporated in It^also noted tbe “unenviable issues as American Telephone, Massachusetts State Federation of tbe amoimt of 860,000, divided into CHURCH OF NAZARENE American Can, Allied Chemical, Women’s clubs, on the lecture list DIES FROM INJURIES situation" in which a presidential (By Associated Press.) 500 shares of 8100 each. The firm election must be added to the tur­ Coca Cola, Bkistman and Lehman of the State Board of Agriculture Amer Super Paw ...... 2% starts with a paid-in capital of 810,- moil of tbe parliamentary election Corporation, while Auburn sagged of Massachusetts, and is endorsed Cities Service ...... 3% 000. (Oonttamed rrom Page One) which takes place tomorrow. General Superintendent of about 2. U. S. Steel Common loet by the Audubon and Horticultural Elec Bond and Share...... 1314 Nazarene Group To Come Gtotdman Sachs ...... i ^ a frau:tion, and a 1-polnt rise In societies of her home state. Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ that the French government was re­ FIND MUCH POISON Steel Preferred was partly lost. Garden club members are urged sponsible by ’’protection’’ of White Here June 5 For Ceremony. Hudson Boy ...... m New York, May 7—Market com- ters,, will entertain the members of Monte Carlo, May 7.—(AP)—A Niag Hud P ow ...... 414 Trading was in light volume. to attend and to invite one friend to Russians in Paris, where there Is a mentators have said many times in Memorial Lodge, Knights of deadly poison in sufficient quantity Sunday, June 5, has been set by Penn Road 1...... 1% Washington continued to hold the enjoy Monday night’s lecture. The large colony of them. the last year or so that the Stock Pythias, at its meeting In Odd Fel­ to wipe out the whole population of the official board of tbe First Church Segal Lock ...... 314 center of market interest. Finan­ business meeting is called for 7:30 SodallstB’ Opinion Market is practically on a cash lows Hall Tuesday evening. A short Monaco was foimd by *^he police to­ of the Nazarene as the date for the Stand Oil Ind ...... cial interests who were^ greatly en­ sharp. Mrs. Goode will speak about ‘For our part,’’ wrote Leon Blum, basis, meaidng that brokers were business meeting of the temple will day, in a search of the apartment re-dedication ot the new .churefi on Unit Founders ...... 1 borrowing very little to carry their couraged by the action 'o f the Sen­ 8 o ’clock. head of the important socialist ate yesterday in setting forth a be held at 7:30 after which a pro­ party in his newspaper Populaire, which was the home of Paul Gorgo- Main street completed last fall. The Util Pow and L t ...... 114 customers’ margin .accounts. This gram of entertainment, refresh­ lov, the man wh killed President services of Dr. J. B. Chapman of United Gas ...... 314 statement appears to be amply completed revenue bill for study on “we should be ashamed to abuse the the floor, and by the action of the ments and dancing will be enjoyed. Doumer. borne out by the ratio of stock ex. declarations of a madman to stir up House in scrapping the cash bbnas Mrs. Edith Chapman heads the com< The assassin’s wife was arrested change member bc>rrowings against public opinion against the White bill, found further enoouragament WAPPING mittee of arrangements. last night but after hours of ques­ collateral as of May 2. With the Russians in Paris, whose military today. In particular, they appeared organixationa enjoy so strange a tioning police said they were con­ CLERGYMEN ADVOCATE ratio at 1.87 per cent, a new low, ft plea^ with advices that tlm n «e- John Jensen, who is a grand trus­ tolerance. For it is once more a vinced that she had no part in her is estimated by the market obaeiv. ident’s call fo r speed in tmlaild iig Mr. and Mrs. George A. Collins tee of the Foresters of America, question of one of those madmen husband’s plot. She remained in PROBE OF COAL MINES ers that most of the speculative will leave by bus Saturday for Connecticut Grand Court, wa^today without a straightjacket whose custody, however. business in stocks is being financed the budget had gained wide pnhlto week’s visit with their daughter, notified of 'ai. important meeung of menace prowls around the heads of ASSASSIN NOT KNOWN by tbe brokers with their own support. Some commentators also argw i Mrs. Reginald Cone of Little Falls, the trustees to be held in New Ha­ all states and surprises even police Moscow, May 1.— (AP)—Today’s money. N . Y . New York, May 7.—(AP)—Four that for technical reasems a ven this afternoon. Mr. .Jensen will precautions.’’ newspapers published without com' clergymen, representing a commit­ Cards have been received in town also attend this evening a meeting What effect the assasalnation will ment dispatches from Paris telling market i>erformance might be in tee of 21 New York pastors who re­ Morgan. Tumure A Co., who as order. They pointed to the sweep­ announcing tbe arrival of a son in Hartford of the Executive trus­ have on the results of the second of the assassination of President cently appealed to the United States nominee for the real owners, are in g drop in v^uation o f stock s Hat­ Wendell Montague, to Mr. and Mrs tees of the United Commercial Trav­ ballot tomorrow no one will know Doumer. Harry Prior of Feeding Hills, Mass Senate co investigate conditions in down as the largest individual hold' ed on the New York Stock Exoheage elers of Oma ^cticut, of which or­ until the returns come in. Out of No one could be found here who the coal «'eglons of southeastern ers of several leading stocks, as so Mr. Prior is a former resident of 615 seats in the Chamber, 361 are during April to support their argi^ ganization he is a member. knew Paul Gorgolo' the issassin, Kentucky, returned today from a scheduled on the Pennsylvania W applng. still to be flUed. Yet in his death ment. This valuatitm declined or the “Russian Fascists," the antl- visit to the mining area vdiere they road stockholders’ list. As nommee Rev. Harry B. Miner, a former Paul Doumer may have done more 84.191.000. 000 to tlie lowest figure— The death In New Britain of the Bolshevik organisation which Gor- for a fixed trust they are credited pastor of the • Federated Church, to still party differences in a time confirmed their belief that a Sena 820.319.000. 000—^recorded rince the seven-months-old daughter of Mr. golov said he headed. torial investigation should be made. with a holding of 53,185 shares as of sailed from Montreal with his fam­ and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan from a of world crisis than he was able to exchange began its compilations on The committee submit a re­ Dec. 31, last January 1,1925. ily last Thursday on the Laurentic heart ailment yesterday revealed the do even in life. MOURNING IN WARSAW ft>r Glasgow. They will probably Doumer’s simple and unassuming port to the 21 clergymen next Fri The movement of international fact that the heart of the child was Warsaw, May 7.—(AP)—Flags day at a meeting in the Town Hall settle In Edlnborough. on the right side of the body and the ways endeared him to Frenchmen It is believed in Wall street that capital toward Europe, which, had were set at half mast here today Club. oUmr large steel companies will lose been arrested for a time yesterday, Robert Bossen is home from Phil­ appendix was on the left Mrs. and French *■ women ’in every degree. because of the death of President adelphia for a two weeks’ vacation, In the last Cabinet crisis, when The clergymen who visited Bell no time in following the lead of tbe was sj^n in evidence in early foS Sullivan la known in Manchester as Paul Doumer of France. staymg with his parents, Mr. and Premier Tardieu succeeded Pierre County, Kentucky, were Rankin U. S. Steel Corp in reducing wages dgn exchange transactions today. the former Miss Agnes Wall of The government decided tq send Barnes, executive secretary of the Mrs. P. E. Bosaen. Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, Laval, he sought to secure for and salaries. Bethlehem Steel Coip- Steriing cables were quoted at John Newberry has returned to his France a stable government which a s^eci^ delegate to the funeral. A department of Christian sodal serv­ has already announced that a simi­ 83.67 1-4, up 1-8 cent, while French both blind, met while working in delegation of officials called at the ice of the Protestant-Episcopal home in South Windsor ^rom St. Hartford. Mr. Sullivan is serving would unite the moderate forces. lar adjustment will be made. franca m ov^ to 3.94 7-8 Cents, up Petersburg, Fla., where he spsnt the The Cabinet met today with French Embassy to present their Church; Reinhold Niebuhr, p roi^ 3-16 point ^ as a correspondent for a Bridgeport condiflences and the (Sabinet also sor at 'the Union Theological Seiu- winter. paper. Premier Tardieu to discuss the The American Founders Corp. whole situation, as well as to ar­ telegraphed its condolences to Paris. tnary; Cameron Hall, pastor of the announced today that it was pre­ According to % survey ^ the range funeral details. Christ Presbyterian Church, and municipal council of Fails, the fiRy Barbara, 8 year old dauj^ter of Wichita, Kansas, General Superin­ pared to purchase for retirement SUSPECT ARRESTED \ SORROW EPRBSSED William B. Spofford. editor of the not less than one-fourth nor more is valued at 88,320,000,000. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Swartx of 32 tendent of the Nasarene Conference FUNERAL THURSDAY Mexico eople asking .that arrived here this morning on board ber who held up the Holmes Bakery mitted yesterday afternoon foUow- Fletcher Henderaon, Anmice’e last night and set it aflame with an daughter Miss Leora, of Manches­ and Confectionary store yesterday “with all calm and dignity we ren­ the steamer Vulcania on his return ixig-ani mjury sustained while saw­ Greateet Colored Ranid} M te explosion that rocked the lelghbor- ter were visitors Tuesday afternoon believes other persons should be New der to the chief of state the only to the United States from Geneva. ing wood at a neighbor’s home. The Jiood. The flames soon spread to a at Mrs. A. H. Post’s and Mrs. E. E. Yoric end the Amerieaa BeeattSA. homage he would have wished." The French president was an old h on est index ^ger of his left hand was second container but were checked acquaintance of Secretary Stimson. Foote’s. He was shocked when Mias Jean az^putated. LIVE The children of the Amston and with chemicals before getting be­ AMERICAN WITNESSES Lindquist a clerk, attempted to hold yond control. Gilead schools Joined in a concert out ^00 on him. Paris, May 7.-^(AP)—Marjorie Friday at the Glastonbury High The robber conunanded her to BAIT STORM WAIWING Hurley, of Cjndnnat O., and Nel­ MASONIC D E P U n school from '1:30 to 3 p. m. open the cash r^flster. She did, son Guertin, of (13 Division street) Mti and Mrs. J. B. Jones were handing him 825. Then he reached Sunday Sunday Providence, R. I., students at the visitors in Hartford Thursday. under some papers and found 8100 Washington. May 7.— (AP)—The Mimday M iu id s^ Lippincott & Hnblard Weather Bureau today issued the Sorbonne, told the Associated Press HERE ON TUESDAY At the Grange meeting Tuesday more. He glared at her and said: following storm warning: today 'o f witnessing the. assassina­ evening Deputy L,. Ellsworth “Trying to «cheat «h! A nlee girl Tuesday Tuewlay 318 Middle Turnpike East. Stoughton of Windsor Locks, in­ A d v is^ 10 a. m. tropical disturb­ tion of President Doumer. Roy Thompson of West Hartford, like you ought ,to be honest" ance of unknown Intf^ty appar­ “We were standing on the plat­ deputy of the sixth Mason!*' district, spected the Grange. Visitors were He then took 820 from a customer form where Claude Farrere presid­ present from seven Oranges. The ently moving northward with center will make his official visit to Man­ and departed. ed over a section of the veterans' attendance was slxty-seyen. Supper near Santo Domingo. chester Lodge of 'fasons, Tuesday The inside life story of one o f America’s most noto­ Shiners, Perch Bugs, book exhibit,’’ said Mlse Hurley, was served after tbe closing of the evening at the Masonic Temple. At “but when the president approached meeting at a late hour. TREASURY BALANCE rious criminal law yers.. . .you wouldn’t b^eve when he raised his pistol and fired. COLLEGE WOMEN MEET. Several Hartford boys are spend­ “We saw M. Doumer crumpled ing week at Mr. Noble’s bunga­ Customa duties for five deys of May up at the first shot At the second New London. May 7.— (AP)—Del­ low. A grass fire started near^tte were 82,590311.68. he fell to the floor, ''t was horrible egates to the Spring meeting of the Noble place Tuesday and F ire to see him lying there helpless while Connecticut Federation of the Warden Foote was notified, It was tbe crowd overpowered the assas­ Alumnae Asaociatiim of University soon under control. C rocheted sin. We stayed until the president Women and College C3ubs at Con­ Mrs. Clsra Hanmer and Mrs. was carried out’’ necticut college were welcomed at Mary Prentice were visitors in Miss Hmley attended \nila M a- the opening session this momJng by Hartford Thursday. donna college at Covington, K y. President Katherine Blunt of the Mr. and Mrs. d W. Hutchinson, MOTH E K Mr. Guertin was a student at Co- college. Mrs. Ruby Gibson and Miss Edward lumbia University, New York. The entertainment of the dele­ Raymond attended the meeting of gates pas made additionally pleas­ East Central Pomona Grange at HINTS AT WAR ant as tbe class of 1933 Is having its Vernon Wednesday evening. Mrs. Paris, May 7—(AP) —^Tbe cir­ prom session. This opened last Raymond was iniUated in me fifth AY culation of the newspaper L’Hiunan- night with a dance attended by degree. ite, organ of tbe Fiench Commun­ members of all four classes until Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wells and ists, almost doubled today for there midnight when the floor was left to their daughter Sally of Kingston, Say It With Candy was great interest in the attitude it tbe juniors and seniors. T o^ . were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. would take on the assassination of there was a tea dance and tonlj^t E. W. Buell’s Wednesday. President Doiuner by a Russian. there win be the prom reserved for Miss IDldred Hutchinson is a 'From the assassination at Sara­ jimiprs and seniors. guest at the home of her aunt, M n. jevo in 1914,” the leading editoi^ Leon FogU, in ifanchester. i “A SWEET GIFT” said, “the World War came. P’rom The young folks hung a May this assassination in Paris there TO DEPORT REDS basket Thursday evening for Mr. Ho n you will find the finest selection of quality may come a war ageUnst the and Mrs. Jesse Hills and passed the WARREN WUXIAM chocffiates in speciaUy wrapped paclmges for this occa- Soviets.’’ ' Halifax. N. S.. Ma y7—(AP)— A evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hills, ion, Mother’s Day. The editorial placed responsibility group of all^^ Oommunlats, who started house-keeping recently SIDNEY FOX for tbe crime on the French goveni* gathered from various pvts of at the Hills’ farm. ment, repeating the old charge that Canada by Rosral Canadian mounted Friday evening several of the And an AH Star Fresh Made Milk Chocolate Crackers and tbe government encouraged and police, today awaited word from young folks attended a party «t the aupportiBf ctat Ottawa as to whether they were to home of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Ray' Walnut Sweets, Special, Ib...... 3 9 c protected armed “White" Russlaiu iR in France and asserting that the be deported. mond in Wsstebeatcr in honor of

4 assassin killed M. Doumer to create The number held could not be their son George's birthday. Fresh Fruit an anti-Soviet sentiment '' ascertained definitely, but it was Albert B. Lyman of Columbia Here is the gob bet o f merceriaad Pineapple Sundae with Pecans, Whipped Cream known that one ffom Vancouver, ■pent an evan% recently at Mr. crochet that women nay make for i::.' ttraudWiTy Buudae with Pecans, H ipped Cream 20c LONDON COMMENT three from Winnipeg, two from and Mrs. E. E. ^^ote. thenwelvee. Four balls of the mar* London, May 7—(AP) —London Sudbury and two from Montreal Mrs. O. B. Bailty of Manchester ceriaed crochet thread, Mat twenty, ; IW M k T ' motnlng newspapers all expressed bad been brought to this sem it. and Mrs. Howard I>yon of Glaston­ and a number nine eteel hook Kpl WSfabm o f profound regret and deep irapatby Arvo Vaara, editor of the Ftnifish bury were dinner guests at Mr. end make one of theae, done In a o l ^ Men” aad today over tbe death of Presideat Dally Vapaus, and Marttn Parkw, Mrs. B. W. Buell's Friday. ■tltoh ahneet hka knitting. Xt has TEA ROOM Paul Doumer of France. translator, who wsre arregtsd Wsd- Mr. end Mre. Herbert W ells of a ipringF Uttin bfta, e w can . te Kingston, R. I., wsre dinner imsets worn pushed ,baqk on thrheed a la 883 Main St. The tragedy dominated all other nesday edisn police raided the news­ '1 news. Tbe Times in an editorial paper offlee at Sudbury, arrived last at Mr. end Mrs. Hart B. Buell4 Frt-^ marine, or caught down on the side Pttta-Tedd Coiaedy^ Newa — Cartobfi paid tribute to President Doumer’s night \wdsr guard of deteottves. with a cUp, f . —------• • ' " '« V-. - • ' , •‘L iy MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 7 , 19Sa

SX7NDAT 80BOOL LB8SON Mrs. Charles P]^s. of Progress avenue, a'studrat of commercial art and advertising at Pratt Institute, has had the hemor of ;b6ing elected' Esau Sells His M ^taiy of his frktamlty, Delta OUR Brniim G lT Gamma Theta; He has slso bqen BY GEORGE HENitt DDLH msnsger of tiie. ArtsmSn Council Text: Gen. M:81-84. ■<$> The International Uniform Sun­ which represents tixe students re­ iBtenatteiial Smiday School Teart, May tO u garding school activities. day School Lesson for May 8. •Vvery man that striveth loir ite wBstrrj la tenqierato In aO Notes tUngs."—1 Cor. 8:25. By WM./E. GILROY, D. D. Mr. and Mrs. Carl MlUer have SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH ;»worshIp hour will beghVi»t 3:20, Mr. Editor of The Congr^;ationaUst moved frpm the Schultz tenement Robert•_____— A. ^Colpitts, Minister O Stockingm*I11 W mwill 4«« be in charge, anda«%«4 Mr. on Wlndaor avenue to 34 ViUlage What is jrour birthright? Have<^the younger brother. Selling the Doris M. Davis, Assistant. French will preach. In discussing a lesson like today’s street you sold It? birti^ht for the heaped, up pot­ Thursday evening the ladles of one must read of. the psy­ Mrs. Bernard Woodley of Orchard Esau came in from the field tage means to subjugate (meseU to The Annual Mother’s Day Serv­ the church will serve supper at 6:30. chology and environment of an street is spending this week In Bos­ famished. He pleads with Jacob, the abundant truths of the' Word ice which promises, to be of un­ The ladies hope for patronage by ancient day. It is necessary to ton, Maas. “Feed me, I pray thee.” Jacob re­ and obey them until the Lord's life usual Inspiration will be held at friends of the entire parish. take into account the immense , Master Walter Schub of High plies, “SeU me this day thy birth­ has time to grow to the dominion. 10:40 tomorrow. Mr. Sessions has importance of the eldest son in a street Is 111 of scarlet fever. right”. Erau rOcusons, I am at the Then, when- truth has deme its work, kindly acceded to many requests WINDSoftviLLE society founded upon the law of Mrs. Ernest Schuey has returned point of death. What profit to me love from the Lora breaks forth and for the repeating of Dickinson’s ’The Commimlty service will open primogeniture, or the inheritance or to her home on Grove street firom is my .birthright So he sells It to rules, vitalizes, and gains the “List to the Lark’’ presented recent­ Sunday morning at 10:30 \^th continuance of a family line In the the Rockville City hospital where Jacob. Patiietic the story! We re­ ascendency over all is one. as ly. The Choir will also sing the an­ study classes. The worship period first born, such as we are for the she has been ill for twro weeks. sent Jacob’s perfldity. What means eventually Esau gained the ascen­ them “Magnificat” by Parker and will follow at 11, one feature of most part unfamiliar with in this Frederick W. Kuhnly, son of Mr. the story to us? dency over the humbled and obed­ “If Any Man Hath Not the Spirit,” country. and IiDrs. Frederick Kuhnly, of The birth right was the larger ient Jacob. which will be the Communion ser­ Rau street, who left this city ten by Da^es. Mr, Colpitts has chosen vice. In our American tradition the wise part of the paternal property, to be Subject all to the dominion . of “Mother as God’s Symbol” for the and sensible parent seeks to treat years ago to embark on a musical the head of the family oS tribe, the The choir will meet for rehearsal career as a tenor singer, signed a truth evils are put away. Thereupon theme of the Mother’s Day Mes­ at the church at 4 o’clock Friday. his children without favoritism and supreme authority, to receive the the Lord will give us dominion over sage. The Home Builders—an or­ with equal consideration tmd kind­ contract this week to appear exclu­ first honors. sin, and confirm us in the birthright ganization of younger married peo­ ness. sively for the Columbia Broadcast­ ElAch one of us has the Elsau of His heirs. ple will attend in a body. THE CENTER CHURCH ing System of New York. within, and has his birthright, In the evening at 7:00 a Mother’s (CTongregsilonal) Jacob had the misfortune of being though Incomparably surpasshig it Day Pageant entitled “Famous a younger son—a great misfortune in worth; for the Lord is our heav­ Mothers” will be presented by the Morning Worship, 10:50. A ser­ to a mw.n w i^ an Intense ambition men who never amount to anything, enly Father, and everyone of us is YOUNG PEOPLE’S SOCIEn Cecilian Club. mon by the Minister for Mother’s to be first, fostered in this case and but be liked to pursue his owm paths SCHOOLS OPEN AGAIN heir to the priceless riches in the Chbrch School meets as usual at Day. given a criminal direction of lying and fulfill his owm desires wrltbout who refuse to assume any real bur­ 9:30. The Primary Department will den of responsibility, and the am­ character of Jesus, if we do not sell The Music: and deception by the favoritism of regard to any sense of duty. out IN REUNION SERVICE present a program in keeping with Prelude—by Berderman. his mother. The mere fact that he was hun­ bitious, and sometimes unscrupulous, MONDAY MORNING the day and all mothers and friends Anthem—^Mother Love, Volght, On the other band, Esau, who had gry tiiat be wanted something men^ not very likable or desirable, Tormenting difficulties arise; who none the less have that willing­ floods of despair come In unto the are invited, to be present. Hymn-Anthem—Keep the Roses the heritage and privileges of the to eat would hardly seem an ade­ Begin Final Eight Weeks of Present and Former Members Intermediate and Epworth Blooming, Meredith. eldest son, like many another who quate motive for selling bis birth­ ness to work and to accomplish soul; God’s love does not seem to of Cimcordia Crerman Church Leagues meet at 6:00 p. m. Wads­ Postlude No, 6—Patterson, has been born favorably, set little right, but this detail has little to do which underlies all sound life and Study—Next Vacation Is satisfy when trials and temptations worth McKinney will have charge of 'The-^Church School, 9:80. Classes value upon his place of preferment writh the main import of the story. progress. Usual Summer One. rend the heart. The lusts of the Group Meet Tomorrow. the worship service for the -Senior for all ages. and responsibility. Probably be dis­ The important thing is that Esau Not much can be made out of the flesh, the glory of the material, the League. Kennet^j Beebe who was The Men’s League, 9:30, Presi­ regarded the preferment because it set a light value upon his birtbrignt, former type of man, but when the gratifications of the self seem to be At 7:30 tomorrow evening there unable to be present last Sunday on dent, Charles Oliver; speaker, Mr, did involve responsibility, as is, also, and Jacob succeeded in betraying latter type becomes dominated by Manchester’s public schools will the only things that can give life. will be a reunion service at the account of illness will play a violin Woodruff; Topic: The Beatitudes, almost invariably the case under him out of it and receiving bis fa­ some form of faith and consecration, re-open Monday morning following Because the natural in us so cries solo. The speaker will be the be becomes the power of the world’s Concordia Church of the former The C, y, P, club, 6:00: President, conditions where the eldest son in­ ther’s blessing. the final vacation of the school out for Its satisfaction, the Lord’s and present members of the Young Reverend Walter Stone of Stafford- Mildred Sutherland; speaker, John herits the family prestige and for­ All aroimd us in life today we see real upbuilding; and this was in life in us becomes faint. It arrives vllle. Everyone is invited. large measure what Jacob, purefied year prior to the annual summer People’s Society. Special invitations Waller Sotz; Topic: German Youth tune. the two sorts of young men, and closing. The school calendar calls at the point of death. Then the have been issued to both and a The W’eek. in the Out-of-Doors, Esau was easy-going; not alto­ older men as well, typified by Esau from bis trickery, ultimately be­ Esau in us exclaims, “What profit is Monday, 4 :00—Brownies, came. for one week off in every eight large gathering is anticipated. The Week gether lazy, for be was a bimter, and Jacob—the easy-going, likable weeks. The final eight weeks of this birthright to me! The Lord 7:00—Girl Scouts party, Sunday, 7:80—The Church Com­ seems far away. I do not see His Rev. K. O. Klette of RockviUs school ends the middle of June when will be the speaker at this service. Tuesday, 6:30—Cubs, mittee will meet at the home of 8:00 p. m,—Highland Park Sun­ closing exercises will be held in the loving providence, nor feel the 7:00—Boy Scouts, Charles E. House. kington, deputy bandmaster; David promised Joy and peace. I will sell Both the German and English choirs 7:80—Cecilian Club, Wilson, band secretary; John Lyons, day school. various town institutions of learn­ will render special miuic. Monday, 7:80—Loyal Circle, Kings 7:00 p. m.—Evening prayer and ing. The dates of graduation have my birthright to gratify the burn­ 7:46—Men's Friendship Club, Daughters. Regular monthly meet­ band sergeant, and Augustus Pen- ing desires, which once I resolved to Refreshments will be served to S:00—Intermediate Teachers, nary, band color sergeant; Ann sermon. Sermon topic: "Titus,” already been announced in The Her­ the members in the Church Parlors. ing, Church parlor. ROCKVILLE ald, reject. I will sell my birthright for, g;00—Wesleyan Circle, Monday, 8: arden Club, Rob- Smith, Songster leader; Mary Proc­ The Week the the Hebrew reads, 'pottaged William Gees will be in charge. Wednesday. 7:30 — Mid-Week tor Songster secretary; Mrs, Edw. Monday, 7:30 p. m,—Girls Friend­ The teaching personnel of the bins room, town for the 1932-83 year remains pottage,’ which means heaped up Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsal, Harris, Songster sergeant. ly society, Mother's Day In Churches pottage." Ah, the raging, devouring BAD FOB PEGGY Friday, 4:00—King's Heralds and The town of Manchester is espec­ Tuesday, 7:00 p, m,—Boy Scouts. imknowD pending the revision of Tuesday 7:06—Troop 8, Boy Mother's Day will be observed in the school system tmder the con< hunger of the self, the natural man! Home Guards Mlte*Box party, Scouts, ially fortunate in having as their 7:80 p, m,—Choir rehearsal. '1 suppose you’ve beard rumors 6:80—Nutmeg Trail Banquet at own these two splendid musics! sg- Wednesday, 10:00 a, m.—Annual the churches tomorrow. At Union solidation which was recently voted You know it. You read it many Wednesday, 7:00 — In-As-Mucb Congregational church the Mothers Some changes are certain to be times on the first page of every that I'm engaged to Peggy?” Burnside, Circle, Kings Daughters, gregationi that constitute the musi­ meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary newspaper. “Yes. If it’s true'I congratulate 7:00—le a Scouts, Wednesday 11 a, m„ and 2 p, m,— cal forces of the Salvation Army of Hartford Arcbdeacont^ at St, Club vill conduct an Impressive made but just what they are or how service. The speaker of the morn­ drastic they will be, remains to be But Ese.u, divinely led, sold out you; if not, I congratulate Peggy." 'The Wesleyan Circle Annual and Spring meeting, Hartford District Senior Corps, and everyone is cor­ John's church, West Hartford. not to abandonment, but to Jacob, -T it-B its. Business Meeting in the Ladies G^ncil of Congregational Women, dially invited to attend this special Friday, 8:80 p, m,—Girls Friend­ ing is Dr, Eleanor Calverley of Hart­ settled. Parlor, Tuesday, May 10th at 8 Luncheon at 1 o'clock, 80 cents. Cen­ service. ly society candidates, 7:80 p, m,— ford, Her subject will be “The o'clock. Following the business ter church women invited, The meeting thie evening will be Meaning of Motherhood." There r CoDflrmatioD classes for adults in will be special music by tbs womsn's meeting Rev. B. A, L sff will pre- Friday 6:80—Cub Pack, conducted at the corner of Main and tbs Parish House, lent the motion picture “Days of Friday 7:80—Entertainment, Par­ Birch etreete. The indoor eerviee uartet, Mrs, Percy Cooley, Mrs. Sunday, May 16th,—7:00 p. m,— Gi Childhood" with a brief address on ish Hall “Mystery Island" a three- will be diepeneed nlth, Eniign Wil- Special preacher: Tbs Rt, Rev, (sorgs Smith, Mrs, A. E. Waits, KEITH’S Mrs. Waltsr I^aycott, his interesting work with the Con- act play sponsored by the Women’s name will rpeak on the eubject, Hiram Hulss, Bishop of Cuba, secticut Humane Society, Leaders Federation, Tickets 88e, Object to 'Wall Street or the Golden Street," At the Baptist church tbs mothers of groups will serve refreshments, Tuesday sod Wednesday, May 17 will bs invited to attend the Sunday raise funds for their church pledge, The Sunday morning HoUneee and 18—Annual Diocesan conven­ Bvert member is urgsd to be pres­ Saturdy 6:80—Choir, meeting srill feature the eubieet, school session and each will rscsivs ent at this meetlnsr. “Sweet Slnneri or Sour Sainted' tion will be held at Christ church, a flower. Rev. Edward L, Nisid will Men's______Club on Monda; jday at 7:48, SECOND CONGREGATIONAL In the Sunday afternoon Bible Stratford, Conn, give a brief talk. There will bs a Business followedd by addreM ^ J, Frederick C> Allen, Minister special program, Tbs pastor will 1, ■Mutchinson, iuWsct', ''AdVttt* SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH have a special ssmaon on “Mother Simmons Bedding tures in Mwy Lands and on Sea," Morning worship at 10:48, Ser­ loth R«v. P. J. O. Cornell Lovf" at tbs morning ssrvics. All men invited, . . mon by the minister, “A Mother's will be ibown and ueed, E v ty mother attending tbs Wednesday - Mid-Wwk Scnjce Way," The music of Die service: The eubject for Sunday eyenlng Sunday, 9:80 T. m,—Sunday Methodist ebureb on Sunday morn­ May 5th 'to led the pastor, Sut^sct: “Ood Prelude—Longing for Home ,,,,, will be “Faith of Our Motbere," school and Bible classes. ' ing will rscsivs a carnation, 'nisy and Human Calamities,'' Jungman Sunday, 10:45 a, m,—Swedish will bs presented by members of tbs Mite-Box Party for K lnrc HW' Solo—Mother My Dear ,, .Trehame ssrvics. S, C, Franzsn in A, A, A, Class, composed of young aids and Home Guards on Friday CONCORDIA LUTHERAN charge, Week- May 14th Mrs, Taylor, H. O. Weber, Pastor women of tbs eburcB, There will at 4:00, This will be the final meet­ Offertory—Adagio ,,,,,,,,,Stainer Sunday, 8:00 p, m,—Vesper serv­ •Iso bs special exercises at the Sun­ ing until fall, Come and bring your ice. A Mother's Day program bM Posttude " Andante ,,,,,,,,, Stainer 9:00 a. m,--Sunday School, day school session. mite-box. Special program, games Church school each Sunday at been arrM fsd by tns church choir, The Ladies' Aid society and mem­ and refreshments. 10:00 a. ffl,—Englieb Service, including solos, ^ r t s t s and The Famoue 9:80, 11:00 a. m,—German Service, choruses. Rev, Roy winters will be bers of the Silver Croee society of MAHOHBfTEIt LABGBB PARISH Christian Endeavor meeting at In the evening at 7:80 p, m. the tbs speaker. St, John's ebureb have been Invited MBTHODIST BPIiCOPAL 6:80, in charge of the Danes group. Young Peopl#' Society will cele­ The W s^ to attend the evening service in a Topic, “Selling Christianity," brate ite annivereary. Rev, O, Monday 6:00 p, m,—Junior Glee body. Rev. Henry B, Olmstead, Beautyrest 9fotM Marvin S, Stocking, Minister Klette, pastor of the Firet Lutheran au b . _ ^ rector, will have a special sermon at L. Theren Prench, Associate Monday at 7 p, m,—Boy Scouts, church in Rockville will be the Monday 7:80 p, m,—Bsstbovsn the morning eerviee. on 30 Days Trial (North Main Street) Tuesday at 2:80 p, m,—Dedication epeaker, The choire will render Club, Epworth Leagipe Baagoet of the WMton Memorial Ubrary, epecial music. All members and Tuesday 7:00 p, m,—G Clef Gub. T ues^y at 4 p, m,—Junior En­ The annual banquet of the Ep- 'The choir will meet this after­ former members of the society are Wednesday 7:18 p, m,—Boy wortb League of the Rockville Meth­ noon for rehearsal at the church at deavor, especially invited to be preeent. Scouts, odist ebureb will be held on Tuesday a Tuesday at 7:48 p, m,—Iona's Everybody will be welcome. Thursday 2:80 p. m,—Ladles' So- Daughters meeting at the new Li­ evbnlng, May 10, in Wesleyan ball. FREE Sunday mornlog the church For the Wertc clsW. Committees have been at work for brary in the s p e ^ Ever Ready Cir Tuesday 7:80—Rehearsal for the Ftiday 7:80 -Men's Society, school will meet at 9:48, The Medi­ ele R ^ , the Srst meeting to b< soms time perfecting plane for the tation will follow at 10:80, with Mr, cantata, Saturday 6:( m,—Choir Re> event. held there. Mrs, George Prior wl/1 Tuesday, 8 p. m,—Teachers' meet­ hearsal. McAlpine at the organ. Mother's be the guest of tiie Circle, and win The program committee has se­ Day will be observed at the 10:48 conduce the admission service for ing, cured H. H. Gemens of the South worship hour with special music and Wedneeday, 7:80 p, m,—German SWEDISH CONGBEGATIONAL Park Methodist ebureb in Hartford, new members, S. E. Green, Paeter the sermon by Mr, French, Wednesday-Morning and after­ Choir. He is considered one of the beet Wednesday evening beginning at noon sessions for Congregational Thursday, 2 p, m,—Ladles' Sew­ after dinner speakeik in this seetloh 7 o'clock the Junior Church school ing Circle, Mother's Day Service 10:30 a, m. and is in great demand. women at Center Congregational Friday, 6:18— Willing Workers The Sunday ecbool will unite with club will meet for instruction, rec church. South Manchester. The banquet wlU be served by the Society. the church in this service. Ladles'’Aid society of the church. reatlon and band work, Thursday at 7:80 p. m,—Fellow­ Young People’s Service, 7:80 p. m, Friday evening the Nutmeg Tral ship meeting at the parsonage, Friday, 7:80 p, m,—Englieb choir. One of the special giiests will be Saturday, 9-11 a. m. — German Wednesday evening service 7:80 John Forrest, one of the first presi­ of the Epworth League will meet at p. m. Burnside for the AnnuiU Banquet, THE SALVATION ARMY school and religious instruction. dents of the local league. Merle and installation of officers. Supper Enegln George WilUame Six new members have joined tiie Tyler will act as toastmaster. will be at 6:80, Willing Workers Society — Helen The Epworth Lei^e was organ­ The Sunday evening service will Adsml, Helen Demko, Marjorie JENNEY TO CONDUCT ized here in 1890. Frauds Green is VERNON be featured by the Commissioning Relchenbach, Anns Howarth, Anna now president of the organization. Pfeffer and Margaret Rletan. The The committee in charge includes The quartet will meet for r«r of the Corps Band tmder the leader­ society now numbers 21 members. hearsal at the church at 2:30, ship of David Addy and the Songster INSURANCE AGENCY Francis Green, Doris Waltz, Ruth Theye will sing the anthem. The Beaumont and EUen Bilson. The Community service will be Brigade under the leadership of Fred Lord is my Shepherd, by George S. held Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock Clough. Additional band and song Mother Banquet Postponed ster local officers are: Harold Tur Shuler, during the English service The Mother and ‘^Daughter ban­ Following the study classes the Head of Legion, Recently Che quet which was to have been held CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ney Brothers Executive, To at Union church next Tuesday eve^ Harris B. Anthony, Pastor . Open Office On Depot Sqtiare. nlng has been postponed until later in the season, Mrs. Bessie Heck, Sunday, May 8— chairman of the committee, an- Now! 9 a. m.—Prayer service. Announcement was made today noimces. The Center Church 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school. Classes of the opening soon of an insurance Making SnpMr Flans Only for all ages. agency by John L. Jenney, com­ Members of Damon Temple, 10:45 a. m.—Morning worship. Pythian Sisters, planning to attend (Congregational) mander of Dilworth-Cornell Post, MORNING WORISHIP Sermon by the pastor. the supper at the Rock^e Baptist 3 p. m.—Junior Mission Band. American Legion, In the Balch and church on Monday evening, held in . 10:50 6:15 p. m.—Young People’s Pray­ Brown Block at Depot Square. Mr. connection with d sit of the Grand A Sermon for Mother’s Day. er service. Jenney will occupy the offices re­ Chief, Mrs. Frances Chambers, of Chorus Choir 6:30 p. m.—Young People’s serv­ cently vacated by Willard H. Manchester, are asked to notify Mrs. 9:30 ice. Miss Anna French, leader. Blewett, and will deal In all types of Emma Brooks of Nye street. The 7:30 p. m.—Evangelistic service. insurance. meeting will be called in Castle hall CHURCH SCHOOL Monday, May 9, 7:30 p. m.— Former Obeney Executive at 8 o'clock and the supper is at Here is the opportunity you have MEN’S LEAGUE Chorus practice. Commander Jenney is well known 6:80 p. m. been looking fori A chance to try Monday, 8 p.. m.—Band practice. WOMEN’S CLASS In this town where he has resided Seniors Heard From for yourself the comfort of the Newcomers Always Welcome. Tuesday, May 10, 7:30 p. m.—^Sun- since 1916. For the past 11 years Members of the Senior class of day School Board meeting, to be he has been manager of production the Rockville High school who are world's most famous mattress—to 6:00 held at parsonage. in the Cheney ribbon mill and later In Washington this week, have had CYP CLUB FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Wednesday, May 11, 7:80 p. m.— manager of the yarn and gray the pleasure of shaking hands with prove to yourself whether its claims A German Youth will describe Mid-week prayer service. stores department, a division of the Vice-President Curtis. They were are justified. *’The German Youth Movement” Thursday, May 12, 2:80 p. m.— scheduling department. He also received by Senator Hiram Bingham 837 Inner Coils Women's prayer meeting at the served as executive secretary of In his office and met representatives Take it on thirty days’ trial—enjoy A Friendly Church church. Cheney Brothers Men’s Athletic As­ from other states. A tnsit was paid Friday, May 18, 7:80 p. m.—Class sociation. to til* House of Representatives thirty nights of sleep at its best. If on the Inside of meeting. Robert Bulla, leader, ' A veteran of the World War Mr. while in sssslOB, also to tbs Senate you do not want the Beautyrest then, Jenney now holds a captain’s com­ chamber. RepreABtativa Tierney ST. MARY'S CHURCH mission in the Coast Artillery re­ supplied passes, which will be me­ you are perfectly free to return it, the Beautyrest serve, which appointment was made mentos of the occasion. On Wednes­ without any expense whatever. Sunday, May 8th.—Sunday after last fall. ' At the outbreak of the day evening the New England High A Asetion of ths BsautyrMt show* , Inf ths Innsc-ooUs which give per- Ascension Day. Servloss as follows: war he entered an officers' training schools gave a dance in the ballroom Six new Improvements otake the 9:80 a. m.—Church school. Men’s camp shortly after his graduation of the Hotel Cairo. The Rockville feet support to every nerve and South Methodist Churcdi Bible Class. from Brown University and was pupils left for Mount Vernon Thurs­ 1982 Beautyrest better than ever— muscle. You sleep rslusd, awake refreshed. Yet your Beautyrest 10:46—Morning prayer and ser­ oommlsslonsd a 2nd Lieutenant in day afternoon. but it’s now at a lower price than Robert A. Colpitts, Minister. mon. Sermon topic: “Pastoral Let­ the Coast Artillery Corps In 1917 Christian Solenoa Leotora will not crush down end grow ter." and went overseas at once for A-lsoturs on Christian Solenos will ever before. lumpy. further training. be given at Sykes Auditorium ‘ on , 10:40 Mother’s Day Service Saw War Servloe Sunday svsnlnf, May 15. Tbs speak­ As an officer of the 81st Coast er will be Paul Stark Sealey, G b. B., Appropriate Musical Program. Swedish Lutheran Artillery Regiment, let Army Artil­ of Portland, Ore., a member of the lery Lt. Jenney participated in the Board of Leotureil^ of the Mother Sermon: ^^othei* as SYmbol.” Toul, Meuie-Argonne and St. Mthiel Church, the Firet Cmurch of Chriat Church offensives. He was commissioned a Soientiat. The meeting is to bs held 1st Lieutenant of Coast Artillery under the direction of ths Christian 7:00 Pageant "Famoiis Mothers” Rev. P, <1. O. Cornell, D. D. Nov. 19, 1918, and rsslgnsd April Science society of RookvUle. 1818. Usut. Jsnasy's oommisMon To Oriebrate Annivereary By Cecilian Club. I M ■ as Captain, Coast Artillery RsMrvs Margaretha Lodge, O.' D. H. S., was rsoslved last fall and assign­ wsroelsbrate its STth.anhiveriary in 9:30—Sunday school. y ment to the 648rd Coast Artillery Prinoeie hall on next Thursday evs- 9:30—Church School. 6:00—Epworth Loagnea Regiment was mads at that time. nlng. A salad supper will be served 10:45—Morning service. Commander Jennev is completing at 6:80, followed ny an entertain­ a course of training with the ment program and eodal t^our. Manchester’s ’’Sabbath Home” for Visitora. 5:00—Special M^pther’a Oay'‘ Travelers Insuraaos Company of Elonored At OoUtee service. Hartford, F. Wallioe Preile, sen m Mr. and m m '•V i.- PAGE FOUB ’ MANCHESTTBR EVENING HERALD, S O im i MANCHIISTPR. CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 7,198^

4 lattflr»ilrr foreraor who measures up to the eBce ageodatsd witk their oonvle- When It Comes to “Borro^^g^’ Millions r great responsibilities that will be tion. There remained sufficient^ slight expiation for such a serious bis—whom all the people of the EttFttftiQ IfEraUi defiance of the law, as it was. BRITAIM MAY BkAMB U5 FOR ITS CJUMR WAVR WATKINS BRO™EE(S,^'lnu?t PUtfUBUBO BY state can trust to be wise and wholly .vQ''/ Am e r ic a n s bBlU LO PRINTINO OOMPANT. IMO In this oonnectloB there is a MUST ee A RACE It BIMtJI StTMt honest and, morally, politically and puxxling circumstance. Lieutenant OP •ottth Hao«bMt«r, Conn. fiMtBARlAHS/ Funeral Directors THUMA8 nCKOUBOM physically, unafraid. Massie, the principal in the killing, 0«DT»l MaPAgT BSTABUSHED 67 YEARS Let tu have Hugh M. Alcora. is reported as having received a yoBBdbd octbtxr i. litl “new assignment" away from Ha­ CHAPEL AT 11 OAK'ST. Pubtlabcd Bvtrr Bvaalng Bi««pt waii. Is it possible that the Navy; Muiidaya and Holldaxa. Bbtarad at Ibt IN A PERFECT WORLD Department intends to shut its eyes Robert K. Anderson Phone: Oillee 6171 Poat Offica at Boutb Manobaatar, Scientists teU us that if the big CeBD» as B^eond Claaa Hall Matur. to the fact that this man has lost: Funeral.Director R^idenee 7494 ,■ 0OBBCH1PTION RATB8 fish did not eat up the little ones Ona Yaar. by m all...... tAOa bis citizenship and all his citisen'b' the sea, within an ascertainable Par Moaib, by mall a • • • * a # • a awW rights—that it proposes to continue O O 0 t# i a a a a a*a a a ^ «a • « a d • d • length of time, would become so DlSlVBftdr On« r W ...... lt«00 him in the naval service in spite of filled with fish that ships could not -B U T TWERt ARR A THINGS JOHiH 6U LL COULD TEACH OUR. RA CKETEEI^.'' MBMPER OP THU A88001ATBD th a t f a c t? sail and, no doubt, the level of the PRBBB If so we may expect within a day' MOW THEN, Tba Aaaoelatad Irsaa la axciualvaly waters would be raised so that much aatitlad to tba oaa for rapublloatlon or two to hear something drop. H'l'Li: TAKE of all nawa diapatobea eraditad to It of what is now dry land would be ■me BARREL,' HEAUHd? more, of course, but t'lls particu­ week to incubate. Small rash the sake of a dear Aunt Emma ture has arranged that the ccmdl- more forgetfulness and so no more lar season, when it might be ar­ papules soon coalesce into a uniform upon which amiable amateurs may It’s Encouraging who reads these dispatches daily, tion of being awake or being aileep railroad accidents—the question is When summer’s face is bright and gued that a more than ordinary scarlet inflammation, developing New York, May 7.—In these days, may be called intestinal stamina. occurs at greater intervals. develop either their knowledge or when reveries become too-frequent clear. degree of courage is' called for to A t our present stage of evolution, first on the bead, face, wrists and whether the time wouldn’t arrive Washington, seems to be accentu­ To^y that’s tbe thing you near their risibilities. This is a stem visitors and blank walla echo one’s And an the trees are green— it seems necessary for us to ^>end abdomen and spreading quickly when we were more or less in the vacant stares, it’s pleasant to know Shan I believe the Ume has come ating an unusual amount of cau­ oftenest about Roosevelt. . about one-third of our lives in sleep, over the rest of the body. The erup­ epoch and there is a need of stem, same boat with the fish after the that even the very great had their To creep away unseen? tion or cowardice or whatever you The occasions those two neroes d^iring. which time the, body is able tions will last from seven to ten quirks and eccentricities and weak­ want to call it select to get reqlly “fighting mad’ to. rest and the nerve ceUa store up days, and the disease from two to strong men in high places. Con­ reform of their cannibal traits. have become almost a stanl.ng nesses. When autumn sbufflea leaves of You can find plenty of seeming strength and nourishment. It is 'ro- three weeks. The disease is highly necticut is no diffefent, in the face Some day we propose to write Thus a book titled “Making the gold. on alleged examples of brave jdke. One refers not to their u.'v. poesible to make a set rule of just contagious and remains so until the to the editor of one of these little Most of your Life’’ came drifting And deals them in one heap— words and deeds, but close scru­ ble, last ditch determination to how many hours one needs for skin hM stopped scaling. Some of «f this need, from any and every tiny ueually provee them to be battle for prosperity, tbe flag and dry publications and ask him to ex- to my desk just ifi time to buoy me Must I agree that that's the hour slei^. The time required undoubt­ tbe usual complications of scarlet tpther state. She cannot risk her up a bit Hastily runninf over sub­ For everlastiiig deep ?^ phoney, in the eense that they are tbe sanctity of the home, tat to edly depends largely upon the tem­ fever are Inflammation of the kid­ )plain these matters to tu. We dictated by the common passion their clashes with actual five is­ perament of the individual. Wt\jen neys, inflammation of the ears,, aod^ Vate in the bands of comedians, heads and indax references, I have should, like to know what to learned—among other things—that And when the worid it white with of all politicians for salvation of sues, groups or other personalities. the ssrstem is toxic, 'more sleep is rheumatism. The recovery is-'alow hice-nellies, weaklings or political expect to happen to the human Edison frequently forgot to ow snow. the sfMermls. requireiL unless the right treatment ia u s^ 1 name when und^ pressure; that The Preeldenf s Battlee You have probably noticed tipit believe tbe patient should not be pinfish. She cannot even risk it to race in a perfect world. Because With winter in to priine— Selfridge, the department store rn still maintain that Death’s a Attack the Weak Prior to nomination and elec­ after you miss a night or two of given any food except citrus juices amused and amusing ex-profes* the world is sure to be perfect aa king, had to fores irime«af by rigid fool. This gallant battle for federal tion, Mr. Hoover's favorite fight sleep, you are very suscratible to and water until the skin has soon as the last drop of booze is discipline to keep awake wUle read­ That knows no place or time. economy, for Instance, fs a mere was with the RussRui Bolshevlkt eoto or other diseases, ’A is is be­ stopped peeling. Patient should be iron. Standing behind the banquet tables, cause your nervous system does kept in bed, with tbe room shaded, banished. ing; that a certain cardinal enjoyed W. H. Davies. panic. The Congress has been so Connecticut, this year, must pick leaping over chain in gymnasium tboroughly scar^ by a* grim, na­ he used to wipe the floor with those not stimulateHbe organs of excre­ and if fever is too high, cold sponge fashion; that Astor hod to be ice­ fellows time and agate. tion, such as the kidneys, liver and baths may be used. Tba patient HILLSIDE ORCHARD tional demand that it has grabbed 4>t her beat to SU the deeply respon­ bound before he learned the fur A s president, be >as burled the fntsstines, to eliminate the body's should also be given enemas several A VETERAN GOES (From Tbe New Yorker) an ax and started a career of businem, and that J. P. Morgan la sUtvbter—tat slaughter only of lightning of to powerful office at toxins as rapidly as they are times daily. sible position of governor—and pick Something irreplacaUe has gone T orchard, green with Ugkt often over-sensitive about personal such, weaklings in the field of ggy- such obscure persons as William B. formed. Enervation is undoubtedly Under the nds^ sir; the beat of the lot. out of Ckmnecticut journalism with allectlons. em m ent » -poidlturee os can’t poe- Shearer, William Howard GRrdtier one of the principal caosea of tbe (B roccoli) The churr, ahnoet white; Questita: Mrs. C. asks: Ckn you The next LegMature is substan­ the pnffi"g of Norris Galpin Osborn, But one reference which cbeen elbly fight back. and Congressman Louis T. McFad- lowering of the body’s resistance to The L.*nKwt colored pear; ’ tell me bow brocoDi compares to m e m ost is : “W ife teaebes^^ husband The net result is uncertain, tat den. Shearer was the lobbyist for disasse; and the only method pit tially certain, in any conceivable for almost half a century a constant food value with epteach ata otbOr to remember.” Mine had almost most members have thus far abipbuildteg companies' aU^ed to overoomtag' this oonditioB is to ob-. commentator on, and for longer than Tbe rain washed, swingkig u'ind tain irienty of good sound sleep- and greens? Is It as rich in iron as event, to be Republican in pcditical given up! satmed perfectly willing to fire have broken up the Geneva confer­ That mokes the vkfiets eludte; to ainHd over-orattem ent, w orry, o r q rfn acb ?” that a deep student of, events and thousapde of poorly paid govern- ence. Gardner, bead of tbe Navy Cloee at tbe graoaevots phmed other nerve-exhausting habits. Answer: BrocolU compares very complexion. If we are to get any- affairs in this land and, particularly, Skhmiiig the Welf meat employe, cut the salaries League, had criticized tbe Hoover Then then’s the recent case of Tbe ei^ efott’e yellow fiakcj^ One of your dearest possessions favorably with spinach and other of tho resb-^ what in some in- navy policy. With mlshty roars, toe where and not experience again the jn state. Colonel Osborn was a Richard Whitney, who although is your vitslity. If your slosp Is greens. It doM not, however, etanoes # os high aa 26 or 80 president brought down bis wrath contain quite as much Iron.” bickerings and cross-purposes that true son of Connecticut. In president of the Stock Exchange, The Uuet, ^verlng; upon them and held them up to na­ disturbed, you wUl be hondicappM ^ to admit to the Senate commit­ The caae-bflar', pointing down; per cent through pyramid econo- marked the lost session, the gorer mlee, while ignoring possibilities tional scorn. tee that he had been walloped by the The smaU Mrd, poised to sing And McFodden. severe critic of nor, too, should be a RepubUcan. Wan Street crash along with the A note that Is to own. of hundreds of m illl^ to be stay tip despite, all the wrath of spent OB various forms of lefined Hoover and bis moratorium poli­ rest of tbe sucken. Wmeb should cy, felt the vast pressure of the ARVELOUS nature oh a*eolo pilot: Not any Republican whatever, ^ of his descent His entitle me at least to a trader's post These with no torment thrive p^tleal graft, pork, veteran ap­ “We put her on her flht breme,” propriations and huge military and administration when he / was de­ ^ te regardless, will fiU the blU. His ^hda^nip was wide and his con- on the floor. And with ao grief take leave ANHATTAN saire Burton. “She defended the navM expenses. prived of to patronage and as- And, what, oh, what, ever became Of th a t by wtalcb t ^ live, •yred by a presidential spo’res- By ■ “ honor of New York by” stfclffiig RepuMicanism, indeed, though an victions deep, and he well knew bow of those balf-a-million dollar seats CM that which they believe— Citotructive, educational, hu­ through a 16-mlle ride.” ' manitarian activities of tho gov- profi of politicid extinction. WILLIAM GAINTS Essential, is not the prime essential, to bring the one to the support of they were birring on the Exchange? Second Avenue Flower* I must visit tbe antique shops more ernmont fire those hardest U t. the other. Profoundly sympathetic Umeae, peth^ig, they too Another Daring Fight I Spring comes* to Second avenue He must be a strong and an honor often ! Ate creaturm of the lore Getting any intelUgent, coura­ New York—Burton Davis, tka with the underprivll^ed human be geous, careful, humane economy Rooeevelt’s moat daring onsiaugbt ;ritb a flowering of tffightly colored able and a masterful man. He That has its Hfe in you. fortesr dramatic critic, and his wK#r was an earnest advocate of prison I know several young men of the progriuue through Congress would fo date is to recent attack on the awnings cu sun. decided they wanted a vacation. Dracula cavorted about the stage tp it will not be precisely sounded Their every step tripp d by the a ir Clare Ogden once waa ssefetary to the strains of weird tunea. Connecticut the name of Hugh M. course, blaming their tipster. A would not care; Aa might deceive an enemy less again. trick invention saves the day. You are so distant from the sun matted m^n of t Mnteg vines Governor “Ma” Ferguain of Tnas. Alcorn, state’s attorney of Hartford That m ^ed them like a forest oc- wise. • Burton comes fr^m down that way. Of course, Nat should know by th a t we I know too well how you can leap county, aa the party’s candidate for VUU topus; So they decided to go to Tixaa. MASSIE *«PARDON” this time that play producing is a Are warm with sympathies to strik e gamble in the same class with Wall The nights wbsn 1 isects drove them Here’s thsir vacation, as Burton da- governor next fall. The touted intention of the four could not share This way or that, or any way you Street. But since this is the first By the gray hleakneei of that stel­ almost m ad,. scribes it to me by letter: Massie case defendants to seek a The morning when the sickness like! “Since we sailed from N*w York There are two qualities in this of the stock crash opuses, several la r sea Jessica Nelson North. full pardon at this time turns out concerns are reported bidding for Through which, unknown fo us so leised their frames. for Galveston. O ct 31 (bringing the man that are vitally importadt in it. If the right price is paid, Dorf­ Shaking their nerveless and slack- car on the bc\t) we’ve done these, to have no existence. ’That should long, you steer times like those—absolute rectitude man will have to gelt back with Lonely and pale.on your three-cen- jointed limbs; ' CHINA’S AIR SBRVICB things: help to momfy somewhat the indig­ Interest. When aU before their eyes had “Traveled more-lhan 8,000 miles and unbending strength. In bis turied year. nation of the people of Honolulu Dunsany. ffhjfMUg r*-apea Shanghai—Three air services are in Texas by car. more than twenty years of service to While the Iron te Hot Now near, now far, and ajwajw h^f “Settled down In San Antonio Australians Continue Aivaaee over Governor Judd's unseemly soon to operate in China, and peck This reminds me of the headaches A PASSU’ SaOHEWAN unreal, like objects to a hlght- from November 17 tq Februa:. 15 this county and this state Mr. Al­ haste in commuting to one hour ON they’re having in the Broadway of­ (Prom The CfirlUon) m&re. at the vast unopened interior of the long enough to write a 76,000 word On May 7, 1918, tho advance of corn has so forcefully demonstrated their ten year sentences for tfife mur­ fices of the brothers Warner. They These were the men who opfoed These men and many thousand such nation. An amphibian line operate! murder mystery (67 days), a short Australian and CanadiaB troops in der of an assailant of Mrs. Thalia bought the farce, “Blessed Ehrent," many trails, and yet who were a s they the Somme area was contteued, tho these qualities that in every comer presumably for Jimmy Cagney. At on the Yangtze from Shanghai to story and to revise a 80,000 word forgotten . Have optaed up the world we Gormans reaisting stuhbomly and M assie. any rate, Cagney and a director Hankow and Chungking. A land serial Into .a book of 00,000 words of the commonwealth, even where They greatly dared unknown and know and use. tf hold^g their gains to minor ptota-i These people have been extremely came east to study it But Cagney To t^em, our highest honor and our plane service between Canton aud German heavy artiUcty was belt * the man himself is personally un­ didn’t go back on schedule. . alone— Wuchow, abandoned some time ago. visiUng Edgar W. Bateman, for­ fortunate in escaping a considerable I thought of thoce who first had reverence. rushed to the front ttwawregorU On the crest of the popularity ’Theodore Roosevelt. Is expected to be revived soon, A mer newspaperman, on to 86,600- known, they have come to be term of imprisonment. Unquestion­ traced the labyrinth of the acre B-Bar ranch in three counties and a division of reserves had ta wave, Cagney is demanding |3,0(M new route expected to open soon Is placed against the AustraUmis ably this was no ordinary killing and H im alayas (Bateman brought In tha diaoovtiy aynonomous with his name. instead of the $1,400 a week he now from Peiping thhsugh Tlhwa and alow their offonatve ^ gets. Aware of the insecurity of The man who found the Karakoram WHITE QUEEN weh at Kilgore), Burton, oasnally These are days for great leader­ there was much to be said In pass. R ussia to Ehurope. Great activity'on the Fitacli stardom, be wants to cash in while (From Poetry) expressed the wish that he might palliation of the crime. But crime the crowds are shouting. While the Desolate, bleak and battered by the see to literary agents for n fovr tor was reported hy Allied air ol ship. Great leaders are made of the The pawns step out two paces at it was, none the less, and while there argument was on, Warners were winds. PLANE PROGRAM. CUT hoursi to talk over aununsl plane. aervers and a new rnajm.Oe: Alcom kind of timber—of sheer abil­ said to have shifted the “Blessed His santy food run low, to strength the s t a r t offensive was expected w itto are probably very few Americans Nothing to lose and so they risk it Bateman snapped*^hlm up at Event’’ lead either to Jack Oakie or deep hunger-bitten. once; told him to telephana New ity and brains plus that titanic in­ who would want to see the young Before him rampart mountains, alL W ashington— Econopay mea8ureS| More than'^,t()d* kAeri

Belgium with the Belgian and book.” By the way, Jim, "Andy* Afnerican flags as a ceht^piece. haff something up 1^ rieeve in re HOUSE THROWS OUT Following are • some points the Oon-vention parade rbgalia, and Ten-Shan^ brought out at the recent Depart­ when he springs it on you, srou’U get ment Rehabilitation conference: a laugh. With' our outfit and first Any veteran of the World War, if position in the parade, we ou ^ t to CASH BONUS PLANS Buddies he was honorably discharged, can “cop” again this year. Every mem­ get free hos^talisation in a gov­ ber of the post is urged to=-plan t«^ ernment hospital. Applications for participate in the Convention M-, The -BuUetin Board rade and a full attendance at> the hospitalization should be obtained next meeting of the post May-lTSis Committee By Vote of 15 To of from the Post of State service of­ desired to make arrangements. - Ex-Service Qrganizatiwis. ficer. I^partment Commander, Captain 10 Rejects Program; May Should a veteran of his own voli­ Mortimer D. O’Hara of Waterhury tion go to the Veterans Bureau for will make his ofricial visit and in­ examination, the expense of the trip Legion Notes spection' of the post ’Tuesday, e-ve- must be borne by the veteran. When ntaig, M ay 17 a t 8 o ’clock. Let’s try KiD Measure. Owing to the fact that the next summoned by the Veterans’ Bureau, and odake as near 100 per cent at­ regular* meeting of the post falls tm the government stands the expense tendance as possible. Memorial Day the date has been ad­ Of transportation to and from the The Hartford District Council Washington, May 7.—(AP)— All vanced to the 23rd. Notice, how­ hospital. The government will also will meet next Sunday in the lodge plans for cashing the S2,000,000,000 pay the transportation and subsist­ rooms in the Balch and Brown ever, will be mailed to each member soldiers' bonus were rejected today ence of an attendsmt if his condition block. Depot Square. Under the as business of an important nature is such that an attendant is need- by the House ways and means com­ leadership of Commander Ray Frost WiU be discussed, so please reserve Of]* the Coxmcil is msddng good progress mittee on a 15 to 10 vote. the date comrades. The World VJar Veterans’ Act as and is getting "acquainted” with the The committ^ further voted to With the coming of good weather amended Jul> 3, 1930, provides that Councils in other Coimties. Blvery report the new-money bills to the the activities of the Fife, Drum & a flag to drape the ca^et shall be member who can attend the meet­ Bugle Corps are increasing. They House adversely. furnished for the funerals of all ing Sunday should do so. Refresh­ \ voted at their meeting last night to veterans, honorably discharged, and ments will be served following the This action creates a parliamen­ turn out on April 18th in the inter­ that the s*g shall thereafter be giv­ business session. tary situation that wiU delay any est of the Poppy Drive which will en to the next of kin of the deceas­ effort to force a House vote through be conducted jointly by the. Post ed veteran. If not so delivered, they V. F. W. Auxiliary a discharge petition. and the Veteians of Foreign Wars. should be returned as they remain The Coimty Council meeting of Acting Chairman Crisp announced Although no invitation has been re­ the property n. but Adams was hired. The drawing on the quilt will be Lios Angeles—Plenty of knuckle held at the next meeting on May bones and dog biscuit seem assured 16, and returns should be made to 10 Depot Square Manchester CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS for Shaggy. When Lee A. McCdn the committee before tht t date. nell, bank director, made his will he Last Friday evening Mrs. Grace provided $20 a month to care for his Htkln, Americanism chairman, Chamber of Commerce Rooms 815 Main Street fox terrier. gave a bridge party at her home for Hartford, Conn.—William G. Bax Monday, May 9th the benefit of the Auxiliary. She a ' j a y e . r a n d , g e n e r a l c h a i r m a n ter wants to see the trinkets and curios of the Connecticut Prison was assisted by Mrs. Ethel Qulsh. Association, of which he Is secre Following the playing the hostessep tary, put back in prison where they served home-made cake and punch. will be safe from thieves. At a pub­ Following our meeting Monday lics showing half a dozen items dis­ night, carrying out our Fldac pro­ Where He Will Conduct A appeared. gram with the Belgian group • in Make Checks Payable to New York—What a break for tru­ charge, Mrs. Hohenthal sang the ants! Dr. Charles Hendee Smith, national anthem of Belgium and bead of the pedriatrics department Mrs. Olive- Ohartier recited the General Insurance Business The Manchester Trust (Company, Treasurer. at Bellevue hMpltal, says he would poem “In Flanders Field.” - Mrs. give the highest marks to the child Barron, chairman of hostesses and who sti^^ away from school the her committee served a delicious suost da^ vdiea well. He thinks lunch of egg salg4 sad praters, TELEPHONE 6630 Lchool dhildren work harder than pastry and coSee. The.tSi)rios .were stock prettUy dsow t dd ik tHs eotoni ^ i *• ; • / ' ;V.* >■• —- --11-1



library to be dedicated next week 8:15—News. most inviting place this summit for and turned over to the town; Dr. convelescfag. patlenta. /■ ' • 6:30—O’Leary’s Irish Minstrels. Shan^ and Dr. Joseph Higgins, all Hoqrital BoUdlnge, 6:45—Ray Meyers of “The Nauti­ TOUR THROUGH HOSPITAL d whom enjoyed an extensive prac­ DAILY RADIO PROGRAM lus". Every indi of avsflable epace i» WTIC tice and whose loss was mourned by the main building le In use, so that 7:00— ^Tlme; Am os ’n’ Andy. thousands. SATURDAY, MAY 7 (Eastern Standard Time) 7:15 It has been necessEUcy to odd a Travelers Broadcasting Service —TEistyeEUt Jesters. X-ray and Sorijoal Boom P. M. Lditlnsa subject to obsnfe. (OayUsbt time one hour later.) Hartford,' Conn. 7:30—Show Boat Orchestnu HERE IS A REVELATION house on Haynes street across from - {By Tht Auootatad Preas) wqam wdbo wdae wxys wspd efrb Superintendent Aldrich cEdled tbe hospital for, nurses Sleeping 8:15—Plano Team—Also woko wheo 60,000 W., 1060 H. O , 282.8 RL 7:45—Edward MacHugh, baritone. 454 3- ,VEAF NBC^SO wkbw wlbs wean wdro waab wfea wore 8:00— ^McEnelly’s OrcheatrEL Ttfiga M (^e O'Brien, the efficient quarters, and still another building for the clinics which are becoming 5:30—Mountaineers—weaf; Thres Mus* wcau whp wjas wlbw wmal wtar wdb) 8:30—Ben Belidn’s Orchestra. supervisor in the operating room to tachios—Only wfl t«lod wwva wado whk wcah wbt wblcwtoo Satnrdagr. May 7, 1982. explain to the women the use of a most Important part, of the insti­ 9:00—^Bam Dance. ie:45—Kentucky Derby—Aleo wtlc wrc 'qam wdbo wdae wxys wspd efrb Maochester hsdtDtion Is the expensive andAip-to-date appar­ tution’s service to the people of the ■wfi wfbr wcae ww) wsal _:30—Isham Jones Orch.—Also woko 9:80—First Nlghters—"The South­ 6:30—June Pursell, Songs—wsaf chain wfea wore wcau whp wjas wlbw wmal P. M. atus in that department which is community. No story of the Memo­ 6:45—Goldberge—Also wtle wtag wjar wfbl wheo wkbw wlbs wean wdro waab 1:00—^bluo Room BIchoes. ern BelL’* Equipped As Well As ready for instant use day or night. rial hospital would be complete, ivcsb way when wcae wtam wwj wsal wcao wtar wdb) wwva wade wbk weab 1:80.—Laubin-Aab Recital. 10:00—Frank Cornwell’s Club May- Mrs. Aldrich took occasion to praise however, without a mention of ttie '7:00—Ely Culbertson. Brldqs — Also wbt wblg wtoc wqam wdbo wdae wxys fair Orehestra. wtlo wUg weel wjar wcsh wfi wfbr wro wspd c f » 2:00—American Game ProtecUvo the work of Miss O’Brien and tbe important though quietly perform­ way when wcae wtam ww) wsal cVaw 9:00—Shllkret Orch.-Also woko wfbl Talk. 10:80—Twihty Fingers of Har­ Those h Lai^est CHie^ systematio way with wblcb ahe ed work of tbe puMlc health nurses, cfef wbeo wkbw wlbs wean wdro waat aroro mony. 7:15—Concert Prog. — Also wtlo weel wpg wcau whp wjas wlbw wmal woao 2:18—Wblsporing Banjos — Austin keeps everything in reculiness for which since 1928 has been conduct­ wjar wcsh wfl wfbr wro wcae ww) wtar wdb) wado whk wkro weak wbt Scrivener, diroctot’. 10:45—McCravy Brothers. emergencies. The X-ray room and ed through the hospital and for ■wwnc wis wlod wblg wtoc wqam wdbo wdaa wxys wspd 11:00—^Tlme; weather; sports re­ Opportunity To See It To laboratory, in charge of Miss Bea­ 7:30—Radio In Education — Also wtlc tl^Publle Affaire Inatituto — Aue 2:80—Studio RedtsL which a minimum c**suge is mode •wtag weel wjar wcsh wfl wfbr wro wgy woko wfbr wbeo wkbw wlbs waaa 8:Q0—Merry Madesps — Norman view . trice Ooug^, a local girl and In som e cases, where patients esm !Wben wcae wtam ww) wsal wrva wptf waab wfea wore wpg weak doutlsr, director. 11:15—RepubUcEin News bulletins. gi^uate of Manchester High school afford to pay, and gratuitous in wlbw wmal wcao wtar wdhj wado Be Ghren Hospital Day, I wwnc wls w)as wlod wfla 8;80--Saturday Msttoee — Norman 11:85—Organ— RolEmd Pom erat. end Mlddlsbury college, was next mEiny others. 8:00—K>7. Spy Story—weaf chain wcah wbt wbig wtoc wqam wdbo wdao 11:45—I^i^tian Room Orchestra. 8:30—Saturday Night Club—Also wtlc wxyi wipd ^ L. Cloutier, director. vledted and Miss (TougbUn told the May 12 will be National HospitEd |wtag weel w)ar wcsh wfl wfbr wrc wgy 0:45—Street Singer—Alao woko wfbl 12:00—Pipe Dreams—Organist. women many Interesting things 4:00—Silent May 12. day. If you have never been s pa­ iwben wcae wtam ww) wsal cfcf ckgw whec wkbw wlbs wean wdro waab wfaa connected w i^ exhibits In her de­ 9:00—Danes Hour—Also wile wtag weel wore wpg whp .vjaa wlbw wmal wcao 4:15—w m Synchronised with A. M. tient at the Memorial hospital, or portment which is equipped with the wjar wcsh wfl wfbr wro wgy wben wtar wdb) wado wbk wcab wbt WEAF on 660 k. 0. (See WEAF 12:80—^nme. - have never had the privilege of a .wcae wtam ww) wsal wrva wwnc wls wtoc wqam wdbo wdaa wxys wgpd efrb ioi Proyram). most modem and srientific inven- wjax wlod wfla wplf 10;00-Radman Orch.-Alao woko wfbl Justifying Its exlstencs more and tloBs pdssibls to procure. tour through the plant, by oU means t0:00—Russ Colombo — Also Wtlc wfi wheo wkbw wlbs wdre waab srfao were 1:00 a. m.—Silent Sunday, May 8 take advantage of tbe opportunity wtam . .. w . wpg wIp'Wtan whp wjaa wlbw wmal more as the years go by, Manobes- fYaotare Bed and Equipment 10:15—To Be Announced—wsaf chain wcao wtar wdb) wwva wade wbk (D . 8. T .) to become acquainted with our hos­ Sunday, May 8 A . M. ter’s MemoriEil hospital, during the This moet interesting piece of 10:30—Hamp's Orch.—Also wtlc weel wcah wbt wblg wtoo wqam wdbo ardaa mechanism was not In use at the pital—your hospital—cn that day. wjar wrc wfbr wfl wgy wtam wxys wapd efre (BeDeSeTe) 8:00—^Tone Pictures. pEist season when a near-epidemic MART TAYLOR. 11:00—Ralph KIrbery: Rogers Orch.' 10:30—Madrlguera'e Orch.—Aloe woko 10:‘ooL. w n c Synobronisad with time Mrs. Aldrich miti^ed its ad­ Also wr cwgy wben ww) wheo wkbw wlbs wdre waab wfaa were 8:80—String Trio. of Influenza and pneumonia swept WEAF on 660 k. c. (See WEAF vantages. It has been found worth 11 ;3(j_Qordon’s Orch.* •Also wtlo wro who wlbw wmal wcao wMr wdb) wwva 0:00—Time. ^ its weight in gold on long-time wtam ww) wade wcab wbig wtoo wqam wdbo wdao for proyram). 9:01—Organ— RolEiDd Pom erat. the town and its suburbs, rendered 348.6— WABC-CBS— 860 wxyi wapd efrb _ T:15—End of Synchronised pro* a great humanitarian service. Man­ fractured bone oases. There is sn 11:00—Quy Lombardo—Alao woke Nfb) 9:45—Safe^ Crusaders. extensive equipment of splints and BEST BANDS COPC 5:30—Jack Miller—Also wolto wfbl whM whec wkbw wean wnao wfaa w m woao yram . 10:00—Marimba Typica Band. chester and its near neighbors are war wlbs wdro waab wfea wore whp whp wlbw wmal wcao wtar wdbf w im Mrs. Jane J, Aldrieh everything needed for fracture cases wlbw wmal wcao wtar wwva wcah wbt wade wcah wbt wtoo wqam srdbe wdae 7:80— Orchestral Gems— Moabe 10:80—VloUns, piano vibraphone. to bo congratulated on having an always kept on band, as well as a TO SANDY BEACH wbig wtoc wqam wdbo wdae wxys wspd wxys wspd Paranov, director; with Mau* 10:45—A Song for Today. accredited hospital, with a staff of wide assortment of glass tubes, rub­ 5:45—Belaseo Orch.—Also woko wfbl 11:30—Sternie Oreh.T-woke wfbl whoe rice Wallen, tenor. whec wkbw wlbs wean wdro waab wfea wkbw wean wnao wfea wpg wcao 11:00—Trinity Church (Episcopal) physicians, surgeons and nurses as Ing—everything is utilised, odds and ber goods and accessories that are •wore wip-wfan whp wjas wlbw wmal wlbw wmal wcao wtar wdb) wwva 8:00—^orge Jessel, with Rubi- —Rev. Arthur Lee Kinsloving. sl^sd as in'any of the largest city ends of ghuse made up into small oonstaatly needed in the medical wcao wtar wwva wado wcah wbt wbl| wade wcah wbt wtoo wqam wdae wxys noff’s Orchestra. P. M. ‘sponges.'’ (Sood^ sized pieces dis­ and surgical departments. Everybody, especially donee lov­ wtoc wqam wdbo wdae ways wspd efr wapd institutions. 6:00—F. W. Wile—Also woko wfbl whec 12:00—Danes Hour—Alao wean wnao 9:00—Baseball scores. 12:16—String Ensemble, Only these who have been patients cards in the operating room are An Appremaiien ers of tbe best music in the country wgr wlbs wean wdro wnao wfea wmq 9:05—“Sonyland”— Norman Clou­ 894.S— W JZ-N BC— 760 12:29—Time. at the local institution, or the few thrice sterilised in tbe up-to-date Mrs. Aldrich paused to exprese ore talking about this month’s com­ whp wjas wlbw wmal ycao wtar wdb) tier, director; with Sally Ayers 12:30—Morey Pearl's Orchestr*. sterilizing ovens and used again. wwva wade wbt whig Btoc wqam wdbo 6:80 — Kamp'6 Oreh. — Alao kdka wrc who have been clojeiy identified her appreciation of tbe splendid ing attraettons at Swdy Beoeh wdae wspd wptf wwno and Fred Wiide. 1:00— Symphony— Emo Rape# with its numagement arc able to Even with the most rigid economy work that has be«n done fo r the e:i5—William Hall—Also woko whec 6:00—Amoe 'n' Andy—Also wbal wbs 9:45—Studio Proyram. conducting. no hospital is self-supping, but it ballroom. Crystal Lake, where the wgr wlbs wean wdro wnao wfea wore wham kdka wlw wrc ckgw cfcf wrva fully realize tbe value such a hos­ hospital through the Hospital Linen wcau whp wjas wlbw wmal wcao wdb;l wptf wjax wlod wfla 10:15—NBC Orchestral Awards pro­ Z:00—Leslie tow ard, guest artist; pital has been to those in need of would take much space to tell of all aumliary, not only in tbe quantities *flnest nuUo and recording orches­ tbe economies practiced at tbe Me­ wwva wado wbt'wbig wtoc wqam wdbo 6:15«>JeatsrB—Also wbs wham kdka gram . London String Quartet its service during tbe more than U of new linen purchased, but the tras in tbe country are scheduled to wdae ways wspd efim 6:30—Sonata Recital—wjs 11:80—Tbs Merry Madcaps—Nor­ morial hospital In the effort to keep 6:30—Female Trio-Also wip'Wfan 7:00 — Danger fflghtera — Also wbal 2:80—Herbie Key’s Orchestra. years since its doors were opened. comforts donated from time to time play etwb week from now sn. A wdb) wbt wblg wtoc wqam wdbo wham kdka wgar wjr . . . man doutlsr, director; with 8:00—Unitariim Hour—Rev. Ever­ within the budget. One seamstress for tbe benefit of tbe patients, such The Superintendent is employed by Mrs. Aldrich. She is 6:45—Morton Downey—Also woko wfbl 7:30—talvln'a Orch. — Also wbal wbt the Three Mad Hatters. ett M. Baker, Providence, R, I. as pillows to tuck in when they glance at the list of high class at­ whec wgr wlbs wean wdro wnao wore wham kdka wgar wlw ckgw cfcf Perhapi no one person has done kept busy making mattress pads 12:00—Mldn.—Silent. 8:80—Garden Party. begin to sit up, beside tables of a tractions is sufficient to Interest wcau whp wjas wcao wtar wdb) wwva 8:00—Keestner Ensembit—wjs chain more to sell tbe hospital service to gowns for tbe obildren and the wade whk wkrc wcah wbt wblg wtoc 8:80 — First NIghtcr — Also wbal wbr 4:00—Songs of Home, Sweet Home the people of the community than new and improved form, the surgl everybody who dsnoes when they wqam wdae ways wspd wham kdka wgar w)r wlw endless number ef things which if lesm that natlonslly known orches­ 7:00—Laboratory fxpsrimsnt - Also 8:00—Four New Vorfcero—wjs chain 4:30—Lifetime Revue. tbe present superintendent, Mrs. cal dressings made by tbe thou­ purchiuMd ready-made would cost tras Including Cliff Evans of Bos­ wheo wgr wlbs wean wdro wfea wore 9ilS—Snoop and Fgcp — Also whan 5:00—Sabbath Reveries — "Our Jane J. Aldrich who is rounding out double, mending ether garments so sand, and all manner of work per. wpg wcau whp wjas wlbw wmal wcao wgar w)r CKgw cfcf ^ ^ . Mothers," Dr. Charles L. Goo- formed cheerfully and regularly. ton. Mass., with Bred Govans, the wtar wdb) wwva wado woah wbt wblg 8:l(H'Riano A Organ—wjs ebaln three years in that position, An that the utmost of ssrvioe roav be one man hind formerly featured wine wqam wdbo wsys wspd efrb 9:48 — McCravy Brothcro — Also wbr dall. arduous tssk at any time, her work . auabad iromfrom them. <.ncin. w Funds uau> saved by Mrs. Aldrieh said the volunteer of­ 7:15—Abs Lyman Oroh,—Also—Also woaowoko whom kdka ckgw ^ , WDRC 5:30—Ernie Holst's Orchestra, ten ot service by the various worn* with Mai Hallett and MUs Lora wfbl wgr wean wire wnso10 wcao w)as 10:00—Slumber Music—Also wbal wjr has been doubly difficult oecause ot | theee economies ar# expsn^d in Gordeau, blues singer, are with this 0 wxri wipti 10;80-Plane Moods—Also wbal wgar 0:00—Time; weather; sports re­ en’s sodstlea wars more frequent wmal wcao wade whk wkro 226 BArtford, Coan. 1810 tbe extra demands made upon tbe buying tbs most modem appliances celebraM dance band bookfd at 7:30—Stories of Movie Startra—Alao ----- wfbl 10:48—Tod Cook Orch.—wjs view. capacity of tbe hospital tbe past For fnstafies, they are i^uaU y than they could supply with work, war wnao woau wjes wmal wcao whk IfiOd—Lsrry Funk Orch.—Also wlw 6:15—Heroic Days of Plymouth monel metal but tbe staff was most grateful for Sandy Beach, Saturday# May 14. wkro ways wspd 11i80—Agnew Orch,—Also wjr kyw winter. tting in a supply of Then oomsa Charlie Boulanger and S:00-Vaughn do Lssth-Also woko Ssturday, May 7 Colony—Gleason L, Archer. repiaos tbs enameled all help in folding, sewing and TELEVISION Tbs writer was one of a party Spans to replac bis Geoigia Melodlans direct fJronr wktiw wlhs wssn wdre wssb wfea wore 7:00—Time. K t h ^ g h coDstaat ban mending. w|ig wcau whp wjns wlbw wmsi wtar W8XA8—grSOkc (W8XE-I120kc) I D, 8, T») who had tbe privilege of taking a onee which Broadway where be and bis boys wdb) wwva wado wcsh wbt wMg wtoc 7:00 to I0i00-Varl6ty With Sound l:00^eorye Hall's Orebsstrs. 7:01—Ray Meyers. tour through the hospital, personal dUng and placing in the eteriliser Laundry Tbe laundry is s marvel of affi< replaced the famous Paul Tremaine 1:80—Armand Vsessy Orebsstra, 7:80—Frank Luther, Jack Parker ly conduct^ by Superintendent A1 are hound to chip and become UB ciency. It is a Mparats brick build at Y ou^s Chinsse-Amerlean Raf- 2:00—Saturday Syneopators. and Darrell Woodyard. drleh who explained to the group of The monel metal pane ere ing in tbs rear >e hospital. On taurant and is engaged to play ^ 2:80—The Flotilla Orchestra, 8:00—Kappa Gamma Psi Ensemble It o f handle and have other ad- o' women, most of whom k^d never « tbe eeeend story is a suits occupied many of tbs larger C9llegsf of 8:00—Bassball game, Rsd fox vs. 8:80—Roy Lameon'e Orchestra, been b^ond the corridors and bed- vantagee whl^ offeet the greater Overnight ex]ixpenee at tbe outeet by the reeident phyeieiaa.eieiaD. ’ Tbe work coimtry. Wien colored dance b ai^ BRnAnWIUPAY I t . Louis, 9:00—Melodies. I sides of rslstives or friends who are mentioned It is without sxesp- 6:00—Dsnos Parads. 9:46—Comedy Bketch. Maternity and Ohlldren'e (|nartore of a boep^bs Lyman's Calffomians meani ef poeltlvely identifying tbe should bt rsvlggd. is found in sanitarium; placed under tablee, monel metal 'links And other and M been mads possible by rifts Tonight Ray Deleporte and his Both spgakars praised Americas visiting New York Niybt Clubs. up-to-date cooking and kitchen babiee with footprinti. and thumb from local nurseries, the Manebss- radio band of eleven pieces will fea­ probibitloB, They ware the Rev. 1:80—0111# Swenson and Pet# equipment enablee tbe dietitian and ntlng tbe motner. all ef which, tsr Oardsn club end individuals ture the program at Sandy Beach 'waanlBftoa — lUp, Tinkbam Dial Twisters together with tbe beads for the Wilbert F. Howard, of Blrm in^m , ebaryas Methodist board official Johnson, tboee under her direction to eerve Last season a rook garden and poo' ballroom aad the usual largelife Icrowd 8:46—fitrummsrs. appetising, well cooksd mssls. Ca­ bAj^e bracelet, are attended to be­ w u added and with tbe naturally will be on hand to enjoy tnlf popu­ Enytand, Md the H ob, PanciBson witb~perjury, damanda arraei By W. *, DALTON ' fore mother and infant are re­ ft, Taul, Minn,—Co-prasldai 9 >00—Vaughn ds Lsath, contralto. tering for tbe patients in sn hos­ attractive grounds. this will be a lar' New England faverits masscre. TomliflsoB, of PoultoB>la>Fylda, a moved from the delivery room, The former member of PartlameBt senior class of Univarsfty of Mlnna- 9:16—Fray and Brayylotti, plane pital is mors difficult than for tbs duo. perfect order here, packs containing Dr, Howard and TomllBsofl said sota, who was kidnaped, is ralaaaad gussts in a modem hotel. Espsel everything neoeesary for phyeieinn, to lead senior '|prom,^' 9:80—V, S. Army Band, During the past month or two that Britain would stand by bar in- ally prepared treys must be ssssm -1 nursenuMe andin f pstlent,' impressed the temational obliyations, "even if it New York—Inra on Ounard piers 10:00—Music that satisfies; Ruth there have been Introduced qbout bled for persou on • wetrict^ diet „oup of women that the hoipltal is maane salliny the coat from bar defies firsman; spectator dead and E ttlny, five or eix new tubee, One or two or those suffering with chronic all- fj,e logical place for ma^jirnHy as 10:16—Columbia Public Affairs In­ BjghiM tion G olf M ateh back, and the takiny down of the 260 fireman suffer injury, of them are Improvemente over eld­ menu which rsqutte carMully pro-1 m surreal cases. 'ianta Fa—Family of Albert B, stitute. irtlonsd meals. That afternoon a PUBUO INVITED last picture from bar museums and er exletlng typee while the reet are The Library the last first edition from bsr Fall arrival to await bis ralaaM 10:46—Street Singer. iasty supper of minced lamb on Tbe library on the third floor is a shelves," from prison tomorrow. 11:00—Psnebo'e ()reheitra, tubee which muet be ueed in epeol- toast, Indlvldusl fruit salads and cozy little place, where the con- BUD GEOGHEGAN - BOBBY GRANT Wasbinyton lanata paaias Hale 11:80—Don Redmon’e Orcbeetra, ally deelgned clrculte. We may and other items tempted tbs appetite of valeselng patient con steal away for Pro# Boot Hartford Golf Club vs. Has CMvan W ord bill to briny Navy up to treaty lim­ the average patient. a quiet perusal of books or maga­ "You will never find Enyland com- its, then again #e may not aee tbeM CLARENCE BOOTH - TED SCHONER iBf to you with a crlnylnf appeal," Sunday# May S tubee incorporated in the new md- Matn F loor zines. I hod never been In tbe li­ Cblcayo—fix wounded by police 10:00—Columbia church of the air., brary before and my attention was Pro# Wstbersflold Golf anb Dr, Howard said, "Once wa ylva our Bra durmy damonatratlon, oblnea which arei to be announced On the first floor a rt tbs super* word, we never request it back. But 10:80—Grenadier Ouarde Band from for next fall„ intendent's office, the attractive at ones fastened on the portraits dt - A T - e a s t HARTFORD GOLF CLUB L4>ulfvifia—T ick On 2 to 1 eboica three former Manchester physicians, America may yet lift tbs' burden to win Darby, London; Souea Proyram, The '67 and '58 tynea are r| ^ colonial waiting room# \ ird s and LONG HILL ROAD 11:00— Service from Unitarian frequency pentodea, These are nlfb sunporcbes. Most of the private all of whom bod been tns family from tho nations which are bainy New Yortf—:Flynn retains Na­ doctor for tbs writer's folks at dif­ SUNDAY, MAY 8TH, 3 O’CLOCK crushed beneath it, tional amateur wslterweiybt cham meeting bouse, Hertford; Rev mu-blgh galn-tubea and probamy rooms are on tbe second floor, end Cbarlee (Travel. here arc several of tbe so-called ferent times—Dr. Wblton, donor of PLAY YOUR GOLF EARLY AND FOLLOW MATCH. "flpeakiny ae an Enylisbmaa, X plonsblpi seven new titlebeldsrs will be used laetead of tbe preeeat the beautiful new Wblton Memorial know that Germany for one cannot erowBsd. 12:00—Otto Newbauer, pisnlet, 224'e and 286's, They are designed "cubicles", enoloNd spaces which ay another cent, and it should not Ottawa—Eddie Gerard elyne to 12:16—Judge Rutberford’e Watch to be especially good for short wave are practically as sscludsd ss the gs asked of her," manaye and Montreal hockey Tower Proyram, work. Up to now there have been m ore expensive single pooms> Tbe Dr, Howard said that American Maroons. 12:80—Polieb Folk mueie. no tubes, on tbe market which could latter are most attractively fur* rohibitlon has been a "tramandous Salem, Maee,--Ora Howard Se l>09.Nerman Brokeneblre. be claeelfled for high frequencies nifbsd. Obssrful ebints draperies Eelp" to the temperanea causa in erance, 66, haniy man on a small 1:16—Mother'e Day Meeeaye, Mlee alone. Those in use now were bor­ are bung at tbs windows, with glass MOTHER^S Kogland, and "you can still do ua farm for 80 years, Inberlte entire Marlon DeuylM of Hartford rowed from existing types. With curtains of flne net or marquisette. 7— BERMUDA ” an even yreater service by rain- eetate of hli former employer, Mrs, Vleitlny Nuree Aeeodatlon. the advent of televieion and increas­ Many ntw draperies have been add­ DAY forciny your propsyanda in its be­ Cbarlette M. Riebardsen, fl, of 1:8—St. Olaf Choir from Mlnne- ing popularity of short waves newer ed within tbe pest few months and Esend Trig. Sell ee riesdy Si. fas Amerlso, er lifter liiipf Weifers half," West Peabody, who died April'16; apolle, and better tubes for these particular in many cases screens wars cov­ FLOWERS W«ri4, Seytiiefs Cf#M, er Ameriees Uflen. All elry, evtftde reesN. feitisff the estate le eetlmated at |76,000. 2:00—Eight Sone of Eli; Howard lobs will make their appesrsaee. ered in matching designs and as tvise weekly, iMiudlsf Setsrdey. I deyi, ell sipeniei, $72, 7 deyt, $14. 1.8. Boston—Six firemen Injured while Twine, plsim team. leretofore, in designing short wave OMich tests used in the decorating f«s Amertee feet direet te d#«k et Hemlltoii, lermudo, tlii» levisf tseee- flyhtiny a fire which dMtsvyed i 2:80—Columbia church of the air. receivers, regeneration In some form as in tbe bedchambers of a well ap- vesieNt ef freesfer by feeder. THEATERS bulldlny houslBy Jim Toland’s yym 8:00—Symphohic hour with Toseba or another was the main consider­ inted home. The best grade'of naelum in the north end. feldel, ylollBlit. ation for radio frequency gain. This Kir mattresses ars used on the Webeter, Mees,—A root which 4:00—Cathedral hour; Eneemble, of course meant that tbe set would beds and these are sunned and sired A T STATE. Joseph OovaBBl,il8, believed eat­ soloist, orchestra. squeal or bow l or rEullate interfer­ with more frequency than in the able resultf in his death. 5:00—Flotilla orchestra, . f OUTH AMERICA ence to other nuicbines in tbe neigh­ average home. Like many women Usyriew Msetee User* te We de JeB#lre,Sontoi, Montevideo end liienot Alrot. ^'Mouthpiece" Here Sonday. 5:80—Radio Revue; Orebsstrs, borhood. The trend now, is away who keep bouee on a, much emaller Jack Holt in "Maker of Men," and Mvstsrv drama, from this and toward non-s<|uealing leale, Mrc. Aldrich discovered that Uovief Now York lorteitfctly AmeHeon Uglee, Soothore Crow end Marian Marsh in "Beauty and the 6:80—Concert ensemble; Edward apparatus. this was the year to invest in all- Wettore World. Boss," the current double feature COVERTRT Jardon, tenor. Tbe '66 type tube is an improve­ wool blankets, and a number of the bill at the State, will be shown for 7:00—The World's Business, Dr, ment over tbe pres'-nt 287. It is a finest make known have bean pur­ the last times today. As an extra Mr, and Mrs, John Zeisbner and Julius Klein. smaller tube# uses less current and chased when prices were at rock bot­ NAffAU added feature. Chapter eight of the family of Bridgeport, spent Thurs­ 7:16—Alex Haase and bis Gypsy is more sfflelent. tom. ^ serial "The Llyhtnln Warrior" will day with Mr,Zelshner's sister, Mrs, orebsstra. The '48 tube is a power type. It Superintendent Aldrich biui also be shown today only. This is the Fred Oeisecke. 7:80—Mike Hafiapi and bis has been designed for two different stocked up bn linens this year. The MIAMI-HAVANA serial that was transferred from the At a meting of the Village Im­ Rhythm. circuits. We may hear more from sheets used are 72 by 108, or instl* Circle and will be concluded at the provement Mclety held Wednesday 8:00—Ernest Hutcheson, pianist; tutiooal sheets, standard brands Inefufliliif flistor #rl|i to Palm Baach wHh Shorn DInnar State, being shown Saturday only. this later. evening at thq Chapel Hhll, the fol­ Concert orchestra. The '82 is an Improved new rec­ have been tested for long wear quEd- "The Mouthpiece," the picture lowing officers were elected; Pres. 8:80 —The Highway Traveler; ities, for bed linen used in an bos< that created a furore in Hartford tifier tube. $ 1 2 5 - 1 2 D a y s - A l l E x p a n s a s John E, Kingsbury, Vice Pres Musical Travelogue. For some time now the new mer­ pital makes more frequent trips to All laHt week, will be seen at the Franklin Orcutt, Secy, luid Trees. 8:45—Angelo Patri, "Your Child,” the latmdry than in the hotel or See tkroo of tiio world's mo#t fotclnotlnf perti. Spend 2 deyi et *^^*"'* ^^***f** State for three days starting Sunday cury vapor rectifier tube bEts done Bryon Hall. Executive Commission 9:00—Belle Baker, singing come­ a pretty good Job for replacement home. A record is kept of the date In tbe leliemet,2 deyt In MIemI, 2Y2 4ey* I" e*etlo Hevone. The liner Misery night. The picture Is an adaption Franklin Orcutt, Armando Pesce, dienne; Jack Denny’s Orches these sheets are put in circulation of the stage hit of that name, now of tbe present 280. It is claimed It your Imiirleut ketel. Sif htteeinf trlp§ ot ell porti. Or you eon itey 4 d ^ et Arthur Reed, Mrs. John E. Kings tra; Four Eton Boys. to .be more efficient than the '80. and tbe durability of one make com­ the Eeyel Yleterie Hotel et Neiteu for $135. Solllnfi fertnifhtly on Seturdey. playing on Broadway. The story bury and Gilbert H. Storrs. This 9:80—Harry Sosnlk's Band, Jes pared with EUiother. Tbe price is ifl based on actual happenings in the Wben working there is a brilliant Society was organized in May 1902 ters Quartet. taken into consideration and this in* life of one of America's most famous blue base in tbe bulb. and has done considerable to see 10:00—Variety Show. criminal lawyers. This lawyer ac­ I f anyone wEuits a headache ail fluences future purchases. Tbe that different little tracts of land 10:30—Zelgfeld Radio Show; Eddie quired fame because of his dramatic he has to do Is to try to keep up strictest economy is practiced in tbe . WINDVJARD Dowling, nuMter of ceremonies defenses of doubtful characters and at forks of the road have been im­ with all the new circuits, tubes and purchase of all supplies and in their WiU Rogers, BiUie Burke. his eloquence which so frequently in­ proved. The society tries to obtain what-not that are constiutly com­ apportionment to nurses and attend- o r the con­ 11:00—The Gauchos, fluenced Juries to find verdicts as he the deeds to these little triangles ing on tbe market. No sooner does Emts throughout the institution. MLANDf 11:80—Eddie Duchlil’s Orchestra. wished them. He was famed for Eind then gives permission to Inter, a fellow pat himself on the back for Economy tbe Watchword venience 0 f ested parties to use them for get­ Sheets that have given years of F $1 9 5 . . . Roend Trip. Cmlie on o foil, iteedy Munion ship te^Wwds^ his brilliant legal mind which en­ having most of tbe existing stuff Windwerd lilenda Celt ot meny porti, fomeu* for romence end Mtterte 1^ , abled him to find loop holes in the ting them into good shape Euid keep­ under control wbeu some bright service Emd are no longer suitable our customers our law, thus permitting his clients to ing them so. At a State Library chap Eumonnees a new fangled idea for their original use are made into ineludinf St.Themei. St.Creli (Vlrfln Ulend*), Borbedei, Mertfelq^TjWded. operate within the law. He led a meeting held in Brooklyn this past or circuit or tube Emd then he must leggings for the operating room at store will be open Brief ttepeyor et eeeh port. Or you eon itoy I dey» at hotel et levob lofbodee, dissolute life, wasting it away on bad week one of the speEUcers said, "She start right in again to see what it a cost of 88 cents a pEdr, wben, if aH eip*Moe, 21 deyt round trip $118. No peiiporti. admired the little town of North WBZ-WBZA purchased new would Cost a dollar. Sunday and deliv­ associates. His heEdth became is all about. »T” binders are made of worn tick* broken as a result of the profligate Coventry every time she, came Springfield — Boston life he led. With failing health, he through it. It made her think of eries will be made. lost bis fair-weather friends, his Spotless Town," and The Village HEADS FOX THEATERS NAftAU Improvement ^ clety’s Edm is to live Saturday# May 7 money and his interest in defeating Rnoft of bething, bpotlnf, flihlng, golf, teenU end o twMrfou up to its reputation. 1:00—weather. New York, May 7.-^(AP)—W. E. New DIAL 6029 Justice. He died a broken* man, 1;06—Boston Produce Market Re' after he himself was prosecuted for Considerable work is being done Atklneon has been elected president Portables Irittfh eoloetol otmoepkoro. view. Illegal practice. on the church EUid chapel hau. The of the Fox Theaters Corp., succeed­ EOYAl VICTWUA HOTB OtIN OKIMIIE It, HM 1:16—4-H Club talk. All fiy ' Warren William plays the part of Commission is planning another ing Harley L. CJlarke, it was an­ NEW eOLONIAL HOTK OPIH JANUAIT If, mfc the mouthpiece, a term used iu cleEui up day within a short time. 1:30—Farm Emd Home Hour. nounced today. Makes Milikowski 2:80—Buccaneers (quartet). M HOUM FEOM NIW r o w IT WlSaY MUNgON UHPk speaking of this type of lawyer, in a Wednesday evening at 6:80 S. T, Tlie retirement of M. Clarke from :es o f rebuilt 3:15— B radford OrgEui. the presidency of this corporation We carry oil manner that has elicited the praise the ladles will serve a cbioken pie typewriters. “THE FLORIST” 8:46f-Maaters of Melody. foUows his recent retirement from of all metropolitan reviewers. Sid dinner at the chapel. Regular 01( $20.00 and op I ’S * t ney Fox, Aline McMahon, Quy.Kib- Fashion Chicken n e at the reduced 4:00—Herbert Marsh's Orcl\estra. the chairmanship of its parent com- AS IMSnge fTMi Mer *4#NerSi Mvar* Special Rental Bate# Our F. T. D i Service wlU Mr be, Noel FrEmcis, William Janney food prices is their him. 4:80—Stock Bxchangs quotations. p w ,the ' Fox film Oorp. ArMkorinMneoNon on o»loon#eOoloqflfloofWa|eo«or 4:46—Musical Review. The New president of the com- and Mae MeuUsod have the leEulinj: deliver flpwsn to Mothers supporting roles, Democratic leaders have few kind 6:45—Little Orphan Aanlo—child­ was formerly identifled with ioS e Thelma Todd imd ZaM Pitte In words for Roosevelt these days hood playlet manhgtment of motion plotnfs KEMP'S onywhoroi I laughable comedy, the ■test newt About all the yoysmor Is aUs tp yst :00— Tl)Dae; w eather tiWteriMn* New England, but for ibAisfoW lfibstf 76idMa|iiSU ;;dy.Willk»lhsiW4N;^^^ iv e n ti and a D irtoon com* out of tbsm la Um various 'iUSa

• i?-; ' .^1 -V 'V“ f- ' ‘ '


in the stack rooms. Seysa hundrsd new books have been added M d 850 M INSTm AND DANCE New Library Building Completes North End Group NEWWIDTON newly bound, so that the library at the present moment contains KING’S DAUGHTERS more thM 7,QP0 books. Removid of DRAW S CROWD OF 308 the volumes from ths old to the » - \ » fc . . / * 'I . • UBRARYOPEN -r--- new library was accomplished by Scc(md Congregational Chureli \ ; ’.v' . 5 ■ V the aid of asparagus boxes which FOUNDED UBRARY 1 k:'.' . are shallow M d have handles at Society Offers Pleasing En­ AT3SUNDAYeither end. The work was sys­ tertainment Last Night. tematically planned M d supervised place with brass andirons. Draperies (Oootioiied from Page One) by the llbrariMs, with some assist­ The minstrel Md dMce at the at the windows of art cretonne s>-- Nw- ance for the re-cataloguing M d HoUlster street school last night un­ Eyer Ready Circle, North End carry out the color cotoblnation. ."i;...... across *the delivery desk is a door­ other tasks. . ♦ • : der the auspices of the M a ^ ^ Cou­ Rush seat chairs, a wing chair at way the upper portion of which ples’ club of the Second forms a frame for the electric The greater portion of the furni­ Church Group, Started In- the fireplace, one davenport in ture, shades, and draperies were tional church went over to n green and the other to a rust color, clock. Just beneath is a bronze way. It was the club’s first pubUe •jinL'i furnished by Watkins Brothers. The other easy chairs, in harmonizing plate with the inscription: entertainment and more thM 800 “MMChester Public Library cabinet work, painting and other stibtion In 1895 — Have tones testify to the good taste of ’A showed their appreciation of the Founded by the Ever Ready Qrcle decorating w u under the supervi­ the committee. Other furnishings efforts of the cast to no uncertain of the Kings Daughters to 1895.” sion of the contractors, Gustave include a lowboy, a secretary desk, way. Proof that it pleased 1s bone Beautiful Rooms In Build- The service desk is leather cov­ Schreiber & Sons. a butterfly table, a handsome con­ out by the fact that they received ered and especially constructed. The I ’This beautiful library has not sole table and occasional tables, all two Invitations to repeat the pro­ in mahogany, together with a num­ woodwork on the outside conforms materialized without endless consul­ ing. to that elsewhere to the building, gram before leaving the haU last ber of handsome lamps in addition tations by the directors and con­ evening. to the attractive general lighting but the inside is a model of effi­ ferences with the builders. William ciency with its card cabinets, in­ Bill DiUon and Andy Anderson, the arrangements. Another important Foulds, Sr., is the only member of town’s two best Known comedians, Ever Ready Circle of King’s item of the furnishings is the piano, dexes. money drawers and other t' present board of directors who .conveniences. were expected to make a lot of fun, Daughters has an almost pro­ made possible by a gift from Sunny- has seen continuous service. Dr. and they did. BUl’a solo, “Your Reading Rooms prietary interest in the new Whiton side Junior Circle of King’s Daugh­ Whiton, the donor of the library, Driving Me Crazy,” and Andy's Memorial library on North Main ters, affiliated with the seniors. On the southwest is the fiction served from 1898 to 1922, or until room or adult reading room, and on “Genevieve.” brought hearty ap­ street, the doors of which will open Near the kitchenette is a tea wagon his death. Mrs. Whiton, who died a plause. They were attired to flam ­ for public inspection tomorrow af­ for convenience to serving refresh­ the northeast the children’s room. few years ago, also left a legacy The woodwork throughout is a ing red suits, black M d w h ite ternoon from 3 to 6, and which will ments. for the library. checked vests and flapping coUars. Kitchenette House or Manchester Ck)mmunity hMdsome, hand-rubbed oak. In both be formally turned over to the Town The Whiton Memorial library, open for inspection Sunday and is IM reotora Mert Stevenson as Interlocutor waz The kitchenette would delight any club. The library was made possi­ the adults and children’s room are of Manchester at the dedication the buildtog to the foreg;round of to be dedicated 'Tuesday completes Former directors of the library in evening attire and his task was exercises Tuesday afternoon, May yoimg housekeeper with its appoint­ ble by the will of the late Dr. fireplaces with' brass andirons. The the series of buildings that have as walls are finished in a soft com­ are: William Foulds, Dr. F t m c Is well handled. The other two end 10 a t 2:30. ment. The colors here are the popu­ the above picture of the Y. M. C. A. Francis H. Whiton and is called'the bination of blue green and gray. Whiton, Walter LydaU, Mrs. A. V. men, Walter Henry and Roger Win- Origin of Idea • lar green and ivory combination, —library group, which is to be their nucleus the former White Whiton Memorial library. Harmonizing window drapes u e to Pulsifer, R. G. Campbell, William ton, wore eolorfiU rigs and were The new building is the realiza­ with electric range from the Man­ plain natural colored material. W. Robertson, Arthur J. Straw M d blacked up, wbUe the chorus sing­ tion of hopes and aspirations of a chester Electric company, up-to- The children’s room has settees at Miss Annie Starkweather. ers wore blue trousers, orange sash­ little band of young girls from the date sink and built to kitchen cab­ ACCIDENT DRIVER right angles with the fireplMe. Low The directors of MMchester es, plain white shirts and black bow two North M i^ street chiurcbes, inets, and dumb waiter; green and HOW R.R. CREDIT NOTABLES VISIT ties. ivory tables with drop leaves and reading benches for their books and Public L ib ra ry , 1932 a re: Edw in A . organized through the efforts of BUI Bratoard took the house by other conveniences, purchased at chairs of graduated height. ’The LydaU, chairman; Charles B. Mrs. William C. Brown, now of FOUND NOT G U IL H storm in hia rendition of “River Stay Watkins Brothers, who furnished shelves are illuminated to the eve­ Loomis, treasurer; Mrs. Edith Hartford, into a branch of the NATION’S CAPITAL ning by the narrow rectangular Away From My Door.” Corwin practically everything for the at- CORP. FUNCTIONS Strickland, secretary; WiUiam King’s Daughters. They chose the electric lamps that are used else­ Grant sang with good effect, “Caro­ 'tractive meeting place. The com­ Foulds, Mrs. CaUa Burr, Mrs. LU- name of “Ever Ready,’’ signifying Charles M. Dean, Whose Car where in the library. Cork sheets lina’s CalUng Me.” AU the soloiata mittee has also purchased dozens of lian Bowers, Mrs. Inez Wolcott, their readiness at all times to assist Struck Robert Reid, Released are provided so that illustrations on pleased, the jokes were snappy M d reception plates and cups to colors llbrarlM; Mrs. Florence Shearer, in community charitable work and varied subjects may be pinned up the vtoole program was weU receiv­ to lend a hand wherever there was of ivory, green and rose, and glasses By Court Here Today. Son of France’s War Premier assistMt Ubrarian. Head of Receostniction for their attention. ed. Buddy Borst’s orchestra played need. In 1931 the circle celebrated to amber hues, together with a Bdlldtog committee; Wells A. Charles M. Dean, of New Britain, A fine, well lighted room on the for old-fashioned Md modem dMC- 40 years of existence. quantity of silver to the Dearborn Strickland, chalrmM; Thomas J. Ing which lasted until midnight. D m Forty years ago there were no pattern. Groip Describes Opera- whose automobile struck and killed Among Gnests of Wash- Southwest .corner of the building Rogers, Scott H. Simon, WUUam W. M iUer prompted for the old-time motion picture shows, no radio, Ever Ready Circle of King’s Robert Reid on Center street March is used for the reference room. Long Robertson, Mrs. Edith StricklMd, numbers.- trolleys, or automobiles; no other Daughters will experience a realiza­ 27, was found not g u ilty o f d rivin g ington’s Society. reading tables, with handsome brass Mrs. CaUa Burr and Mrs. LlUlan TTii»an" of quick transportation to tion of those youthful ambitions of tk »s of Relief Agency. an automobile with defective brakes shaded reading lamps are placed at Bowers. in police court here this morning. A right angles with the windows. ’The the neighboring city of Hartfrod years ago when they hold their Hutchins and French of Boston Senate office payrolls show that reckless driving charge was nolled original Kings Daughters librtiry ta­ but the train service, which if it first re^ar meeting to the new were the architects and Gustave one way to be sure of having a job since Deputy Coroner Harrison D. W ashington, M ay 7.— ( A P ) — The suited at one hour of the evening dedicated buildtog ’Tuesday evening Fui^itions and operations of the ble has been re-finished and placed Schreiber and Sons, Inc., the gener­ aU the time is to be a relative of Schofield had relieved Dean of crim­ capital had interesting visitors this did not another. Social events were of next week. RailroM Credit Corporation, formed in this room. A spacious room on al contractor^ some senator. inal responsibility in his finding. week to provide Inspiration for en­ the Northeast Is used as a stack confined to the churches, the homes to take to funds accruing from the or the opera house. A library was Dean testified that he had driven tertainment room, and to the basement la addi­ temporary freight rate increase and one of the most important of all through Providence en route to Man­ M. Michael Clemenceau, son of tional space for this purpose. public buildings according to these RACING INTERESTS to advance loans to railroads to chester and bad not found the the war premier of rrMCe Md his Beautiful Trim young girls, for the only means of meet fixed interest charges, together brakes bad. He said he realized wife, were the center of affairs, at Rubber tiling Is used throughout they were not perfect but that he the French Embassy. Captain Lopez berrowing books was at the with the results of the first few the buildtog and concealed heating had no difficulty to operating the Cortljo, commanding officer of the libraries of the Simday schools. NEW YORK SOCIETY months of operation were explained units. Some very fine quartered machine. Patrolman Walter Cas­ Spanish training ship, EH Cano, M d There was a fine library of course to ^ y by E. G. Buckland, president oak is used to the woodwork trim sells testified Dean had gone 69 feet hisentire staff brought a blaze of B E S T B L A D E at the south end of the town, but of the corporation and chairman of and pMeltog to the library rooms at 80 miles per hour after striking uniforms to the Spanish Embassy that was too far away in those days. the board of the New Haven Rail­ and auditorium to the basement. Reid. Walter Hoffman, local where they were house guests. Grew Gradually road, to the following statement: The Library Bureau and Filing Long Island Again the Center garage maz^ said the foot brakes Ambassador Don Juan F t m c Isco The circle grew in numbers and “The first problem which con­ equipment cpmpany furnished the EVEB M ADE’’ were not g<^ but the hand brake de Cardenas invited a number of prospered. Many entertainments fronted the Railroad Credit Corpora­ magazine, atlas and newspaper was perfect. Judge Johnson said and suppers were given and the tion,” Mr. Buckland said, “was how prominent Navy officials, including racks, and indexes. Workmen em­ of Metropolitan Social A c- that the element of doubt was too patronage allowed the purchase of to administer relief before it had Secretary Adams, to a lunebeon to ployed by these concerns expressed SAY 92%* OF ALL SHAVERS great to convict the driver and he flowers and fruit for the sick and any money to administer. Fortu­ their honor Thursday and on Fri­ the opinion that the Whiton library found him not guilty. shutins, helping the few that were tirity. nately, the requirements of the car­ day afternoon he gave a tea dance is one of the finest they have ever Sundl Daquill, 17 year old girl, WHO TRY THE needy to those days and leaving riers for. January Had already been for the cadets of the El Cano. w orked to. something besides for that dreamed- provided for. Those for February was before Judge Johnson today Sir Ronald Lindsay, ambassador charged with damaging property. The auditorium which has a grade of King's Daughters Chapter house New York, May 7— (A P)—Long did not amoimt to a great deal. The of Great rtrltato and Lady Lind­ She is alleged to have broken win­ entrance may be reached by stairs or library. ’Though buildtog prices Island will once again become the large interest obligations were those say entertained Monday at an in­ dows and tom out window screens from the main floor. It is situated were low, it was realized that a center of Metropolitan social o f M arch 1. formal supper to compliment to in a cottage on Horan street owned on the west side of the buildtog and building of which the circle might Helping Needy Carriers Miss Constance Collier, British ac­ activity with the opening of the by Frank Montie. Miss Helen Fish has a seating capacity of close to be proud would take many years of Belmont Paik racing season next The Credit Corporation bad no tress, who Is appearing here. Other of Bast Middle Tiumpike testified" 300. A fine, roomy stage, finished GILLETTE work and plajmtog before even a right to borrow money except to members of the cast were also w eek .' seeing the girl do the damage. The to a soft blue, is equipped with dis­ beginning could be made, and the Reservations already are being meet its operating expenses. It had guests. Daquill girl flatly denied the charge. appearing footlights to different lib r ^ project was enthusiastically received for luncheons and tea the right, however, to give assur­ The Ambassador of Belgium and It was evident to the court that it colors and overhead electric reflec­ undertaken and a modest beginning parties at the Turf and Field dub ances that if and when it was in Madame May gave a dinner Tues­ was a mental case and a discontinu­ tors. On the right are two dressing m ade to the y ea r 1895. and gala parties at estates nearby iwssession of fimds, it would take day for Senator Maurice Llppens of Credit is therefore due to Ever ance was ordered until May 14 to Brussels who is touring the United rooms. The main hall is decorated BLUE SUPER- are being planned for before and over any loan obtained from some in pale blue, corridors to light buff. Ready Circle of King’s Daughters after the races which continue imtil other source which the Credit Cor­ give Probation Officer E. C. Elliott, States. Senator Lippens now la hon­ for the first public library at the Jr., an opportunity to investigate. orary governor general of the Bel­ The woodwork to the auditorium is June 9. poration would have made had it in the same dull-finished oak used north end of the town. In the little Mrs, Graham Fair "VanderbUt, been to fimds. This did not author­ The case of Albert Lennon of Bank gian Congo. throughout the library. Ceiling elec­ buildtog directly east of the resi­ Mrs. Payne Wtotaey and Mrs. Rich­ ize the C^redit Corporation to create street, charged with breach of the Mrs. Hoover had no large White troliers and wall brackets to the ball dence of Mrs. Frank Spencer the ard T. Wilson are among the regu­ discountable bank paper, but the as­ peace and assault was continued un­ House w r"’* but received a number BLADE are to the newest style. first public library with its few hun­ lar bozbolders who plan to do con­ surances authorized and given have til M ay 14, M rs. Lennon, chief of delegations, Thursday afternoon O ver 7,000 Volum es dred books was located. For many siderable entertaining this season. been of vital importance to obtain­ complainant against her husband, she was hostess to the members of years Mrs. Gertrude Boynton, now Others include Cornelius Vanderbilt ing the assistance of banks inter­ failed to appear. She will be sub­ the National Society of Ck)lonial Another surprise to store for the •BASED OM CABEFVL SURVEYS of Hartford was librarian. When the Whitney, Charles E, F. McCann, ested to, and in a position to help, poenaed for next Saturday’s hear­ Dames. The day preiious she visit­ library patrons M d visitors is the new school on North school street, Mrs. Dodge Sloane, F. Ambrose needy carriers. The greatest help ing. ed historici Dumbarton House where number of books on the shelves m ^ BOW known as the Robertson school, Clark, Joseph E. Wldener and was obtained from and is being cur­ Ernest Boero of Wilson, Conn., the Colonial Dames hold their meet­ was built a main floor room was set Robert L. Gerry. rently rendered by, the Reconstruc­ was before the court charged with ings and vlewe.' a collection of rev­ M art for the library which by this According to Long Island histor­ tion Finance Corporation, which was driving an automobile imder the in­ olutionary day relics. bad become an indispensable ians, horse racing bad its begin­ created by Congress on January 22. fluence of intoxicants. He was President Md Mrs, Hoover were feature of child and adult life to nings there near the Belmont Park “Pending the receipt of funds by arrested on Main street last night by guests Tuesday at a dinner given that part of the town. It was al­ section as early as 1665 under the the Railroad Credit Corporation, its Patrolman Joseph Prentice. Boero by the Secretary of the Navy and ways the opinion of the late Judge patronage of Governor Matthias assurance, together with collateral desired the services of Judge William Mrs. Charles Francis dams. The M Bowers that a library and a school- NicboU of the Colonial Colony of offered by applicant railroads, has S. Hyde as his attorney but Judge compMy included Chief Justice and house should be boused to the same N ew Y ork . enabled them to meet their March 1 H yde w as in court to Rockville to­ Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes, J, P. building wherever practical. Further interest is attached to interest obligations M d created the day. Consequently Boero was Morgan, Representative Ruth Bak­ Nearly Orewded Out early horse racing on Long Island, hope of similar treatmept of obliga­ granted a continuance imtil next er Pratt of New York, Mr. and Mrs. A t times the library . directors, which is New York's summer reri- tions maturing later in the year. Saturday. A 8200 bond for his ap­ Lortog Young, Mrs, Louis Frothtog- Mrs. 8. Bowers, Mrs. C. J. dential section, to that the oldest “The Interstate Commerce Com­ pearance at that time was posted ^ ham, Mrs, Nathaniel Thayer, Mr, but millions Strickland and others feared the piece of marked silver to America, a mission reckoned . that, upon the John Lenti. Louis K. Liggett, Miss Catherine seed of additional school space silver porringer to the Mabel Brady basis of the revenue for 1931, the Parker, Mr, Elliot Wadsworth Md would crowd the library out, but Garvan collection at Yide Univer- receipts would amount to from |100,- Mr. Sinclair Weeks, son of the late fortunately it has been possible to rity, was a trophy won to a,horse 000,000 to 8125,000,000 during the HACK TO THE FARM” secretary of war, all of Boston, Mr. avoid the trouble of moving the race to 1668. period to March 81, 1933, for which and Mrs. Charies D. Hilles M d Mr, full-grown library until this present 'The porringer Is inscribed: “1668 rate increases were permitted. It and Mrs. Henry S. MorgM of New share my opinion ^ week when it has been estitolished ., wunn .. a tt. Maapsted M. Plains was also calculated at that time that MOVEMENT N6TED HERE Y ork . to th e Am new buildtog on North . . March 25." Mr. and Mrs. Frauds the fixed-interest obligations of the Realistic, fuU size artificial apple Mato street P. Garvan of Wheatley Hills, R. L, carriers would not exceed 860,000,- trees with leaves and bloom of silk, Dr. Francis H. Whiton, who for Many Trades of Homes For purchased the porringer some years 000 during that period. A ll that can adorned the stage of the Shoreham many years was the family physi­ ago from the late 'Howard Sill of be Mid at present is that the fall- Farms Are Record^— ^Farm­ Hotel ballroom Friday night for the cian of people to the Eighth (Ustrlct Baltimore, Md., whose ancestor, be­ tog-off of hustoeM to 1932, as com­ ers Ask Good Prices, How Apple Blossom Ban given by Mrs. and fo r vaaeM around, knew of the lieved to have been Captain Salis­ pared with 1981, will lessen the re- Biinlstrations of the circle of young erer. Helen Ray Hagner. bury, won the race. For years the c d fU and may increase the borrow­ Miss Anne Wyant, daughter of girls among the sick be visited and porringer was owned by Miss Marry ings. A pickup to buslneM before There is a noticeable "back to the Representative Adam WyMt of very much interested to B. Stimson, aimt of Henry L. Stim- the end of the period will reverse their work and to the library pro­ farm” movement among Manchester Pennsylvania was queen of the E m i£Itold you my name you wooUnlt son, present secretary of state. the situation. people with the coming of warm event which drew the debutante know me. Ism jolt the avenge Amerkan. ject. frequently 'contributed to Aid Te Nonnal F fognMua weather and the lack ^ steady em­ crowd to numbers for costumed their financial schemes, paid dues ^"There are, however, these Classes There ore milllbiM lUte me. Mr. and Mrs. Jay^ O'Brien ployment There are numy trades psgeM try and dancing. r^iularly, and was looked upon as taken possession of their newly of obligations which must be cou- like most people. I'm not an antonNAQe to the air with local ownera of prop­ an honorary member. It was not leased tower ajaurtment at the W al­ stdered. First, maturing bonds; e^ert; eo n ^ ’t take a esri^Brt and pot it erty calling for trades for small FALLS TO DEATH- furprlsing to those who, knew of bis second, maturing eMlpment trust together ogrin fa t the life of me—bat I dorf-Astoria. farms. According to present indi­ absorbing interest in the circle and obligations; third and largest of all, know what a cor has to koee and has to do cations there are few farmers who Chicago, M a y 7.— ( A P ) — W allace their library plans, to find that in Mrs. J. Laurens van Alen is al- current bank Io m s ; fourth, capital to m i s h i t with me. And Fm hereto say d€»ire to pass along what they have Seldon Wakem, 40 year old radio Us will be bequeathed such a sub­ reidy at her Ochre Point villa at expenditures; and fifth, fixed interest flft I mn a dyed-hvChoerool Chrysler fern gained to the way of small fruit or engineer and member of a prominent stantial sum lo r the erection of a Newport, R. L, for the season. In obligation The feeling is that if 1 Hke the disttoction and mnartness of a vegetable farms to the immediate (^ ca go family, plunged to his death memorial library. August she will be Jotoed by her the government c m give assurMce v i^ ty of town for village homes. early today from a window of bis Chrysler. I 1 ^ the sn ^ and dash, the Boom of Their Own SODS, James H. and WlUlam L. van that these four classes of obliga­ AH these years the little fund for Yesterday WiUis R. West of Park­ 10th floor apartment to SheridM iiiiootiinrss and silence^ the sheiigUi and Alen, and tbdr wives, and her tions, other than capital expend!' safety ofa<3hryder.'rbere’ssometIiingahoat th e Clu4>ter House has been draw­ er street purchased the Wohlelbe Road, dai^giiter, Princess Alexis X. Mdl- turhs, CM be adequately cared for Mrs. Wakem, the police said, ex­ a Chysler thrt makes a feOoir feel aUve ing interest and comptomd interest between the Railrc^ Credit Cor< fkrm of 26 acres, house, bams Md vanl, the former Miss Louise van pressed belief be cUmbed out on the awa i^40idateu to the Savings Bank of Manchester. poratioD, the Reconstruction FtoM ce sheds located to Ellington on the old Alen, and Prince Mdivani. window ledge while under the influ­ Bdieve me,wlien yonget into a Chryrier ^ When the plans for the spacious Corporatkm, Md the banks which Snipslc Lake road. They will move Ubrary began to take shape, and the to the farm Monday. Frank . C. ence o t Uquor M d fe ll, and feel the wpndezfnlreonltsof its patmted Mrs. Paul Fltz Simons wiU be are carrying the bank loans, there Wakem, father of two children, lO ^ s Daughters of Ever Ready btmored at a lunebeon o f Republican will be a vepy decided incentive on Mai^k of Rockville was the agent FlootingPowerengine mounting—when yott iM ir e a ^ . years ago w ith 8700. bring about a resumption of the ac­ PEAS 2-pat$ong0T Coupeef $9.59. Alleloeed This King's Daughters' room is The identification was made by modeUieindfar rmuivauai$tnm ismo. tivity to which we are all*looking CRANBERRY SAUCE CELERY • 72 situated on the northeast end of the E, G. Church, a brother-in-law, with forw ard ,” Vo: buildtog. Its proportions are ample whose money Morse is alleged to SLICED TOMATOES lo accommodate the more than 50 have abseonfled. Morse was to have ROLLS members and guests at regular used the money to pay taxes for • s h e r i f f G A T E S D Ie 8. CHOICE • The furnishings are Church. colonial, w ith

J •- V'.^ • -f.- -V. r.. I I Ti IB I Wnif /A, g ri si , h JBll •-f- ■' :

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, MAT 7 ,198i Child’s ^iTiflnHurtKR/^ By Dr. Morris Piidibm BY MABEL AAcELUOTT b e o v l a b examination <^but m ore serious conditlona, it will, m/9B2 mr u u tm n e t lu c. B E ST i n s u r a n c e : f o b of course, require speciM attention. d i s e a s e f b s v e n t i o n Above everytMng, however, It la Tbey b^;aa to walk briakly in I important to keep the child M bed TWiflTW HEBE TODAT __ Icmg enough after it has recovered SUSAN O A U T to In love wttfe tbe direction from which they had Smallpox «»d Diphtheria fm iiiimlza* tfon Should Be Given Every from the acute condition to make BOB DUNBAB, mUUenalre'e m come. Suaan flung another anxioua DENISE ACKBOTD, eodety gin, over her ahoulder. Her Child certain that its botat^ infectious discharges of any kind. The prevention of diaeaae to to­ and eoeeeede at * *^ 2 ^ She could have awom ahe had EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the whieh abe flvee. EBNEST H ^T H , aeen tbe abadow of a figure behind third of a series of six articles by day as important as cure. It to an nml^er, happMC to that oak tree. ^ Dr. Fishbein on "Your Child's economic measure for every com­ fitoni Soean and M She beard the whine of aome- Health." Others win fODow daily. munity wMcb puts it into effect. and takea her home. Bto ♦Mtig paat her ear. Hearth graaped One of tbe moat inqxxrtaat factors threatma to ane for allOBa- her arm rougly and b^an to ^ BY DB. MOBBIS FISHBEIN in routine prevention is regular ex­ htoaSeetfona »"»* 'WTbat'a the m atter?" ahe panted, Editor, Journal of tbe Amerleaa amination of the child, perha|to on her mind when JACK WABDTO, flying along beaide Mm. Medical Association, and of Hygeia, its birthday, so as to provide for Heath'a aaatotaat, 'Ifotb ^ , nothing! Only - come the Bealtb Magazine control of conditions before they be­ criminatfns letter. BAIT FLAN- alon g." come serious. In the long run, NEBY, atenofmpber In Tbe behind them were Tbe laws of most states and money spent for prevention to far roSIce' confidea to no longer imaginary. They were municipalities now demand that the better spent than that paid for cure. treaa on bearlnf th ^ '^ ^ real. Thkt atrange, whining »oimd child be • successfully vaccinated f^twf again and Suaan recognized WEBB hae married aaothorfW . against smallpox before it to per­ Defeeto in ddl- it for what it waa — the zoom of TOMOBBOW: Ben and Soaan q o a r^ on O u l ^ mitted to enter sebooL There to Awn. mM flowsn H^Ml bullet. She felt her companion ilenty of evidence from all over the aent her. Wartaf, B e ^ world to indicate that smallpox toe, leama of her *®teif«r«toe *’^^^Vhi^to*lt?" ahe cried, "Some- vaccination actually protects them f^ng warm tricked inaida her SoaaiYa aSaira. J?*f*L5**“ •S' -dUAT v&o -ma fAMuV against tbe disease. Millions of peo­ glove. "Tou'ra hurt!" M U ^ diftbS ‘Potti&u — 4Sf VbaMdB^d* Mou awAHO — aan to be hto “ t J ! ' OH , n a, 'iMeMMAnoHa, „ ____ » n .o “m iK r m .> v o A u .^ a -> ple have been successfully vaccinat­ ••Kb aoU lB g, Some maniM baa , ^ vaept AccodibMap^A*'' voree beeomea find. IB* heal Aunfta. ed rritbout barm. tatea. Her anal onderg oea a a ^ turned He^ . . d to 'WSHCsdmAHC^/ Nowadays the child should also could aaa the • -^-Au. I Aavfc th'po *F OM eperatton and fnean T b * r »diA oJC A ^w gE SB y be given tbe benefit of immuniza­ o f ae- feww feat ahead. Heath atumbled CC€>*^ ita—- £ - to marry Mm for the aeto asd toU «od ffuMW, through « tion against diphtheria with toxin- enrlty. antitoxin or with toxoid. Here also CHAPTER XXXIV roaring to bar a*ra, h ^ a m . Motion picture people here in •ha whaalad. Tha atraH Mght, erary children. Moat of them, safe­ millions of children have bad the Hollywood do not realize what eon- •uaas'a anf agement Imd ^ hew Baring, ligbtad tha Mgbtmara ly parched to New York apart- prevention without barm, and tbe asDouDced amce neltbar « a not stotentiy good entertainment tb^ „ „ . a ^ Haath, un- KAMW WRITING menta, look back on thoaa green, scientific records show defiMtely are sending out into the world. eooMcUfOM at bar faat. Tbara waa rolling farmland* with melancholy that the death rates and the amount —Mary Boberto Binehart, aollwr. Ban, hntlaia banaatb ^ toaw turn­ horror, and write stories in which of illness from diphtheria are steadi­ ing * bright barralad objact upon OUROlllDREN the life of an Iowan to pictured as ly decreasing. ANOTHER NEW PUT Reasoning, with me, to automatic, something only one degree less Today these are the two methods ***^ltoT W, you Olive Heberts £>arto^- dreary than the life of a Siberian of inoculation against disease which —Governor "AUaUa BUT Murray, waa own voica but It aoundad BV NU SEI>VIC£.INC. political prisoner. are fully eatablisbed and which may canAdate for the Democratie r .lST*aS*r preaideallsl aomiaailoB. well be recommended a* routine for tM^ly*Hka**^y^dla^^*rlon^, 1 Aaflmr ^Qf T1M6 1 C81LDBEN WILL LEABN TO ^yard. Irena bad a itoa time with Now, however, 'romea Paul Strong tha other boya. She waa alaetad every child. "I nem thought to aea you mar­ m m eama running and Hftad 91 VI TAKE THEIR OWN PASTS with "State Fair," an extremely International conditions are such one of the gang, wordlaaaly, of readable novel which breatbea There are other methods wMdi ry a divorced man," We m m *™*®' amployar, tod y as to render it unwise, in my "Eape^lly someone to much older, atraat course. She got one illda out of tour deep affection for lows life, Iowa are sometimea used in tbe preven­ 'iV a noi niB b CohWnliq With The littla girl down tha opinion, to make any ta r tb e r cuts iu N ot^at ^ isn't a fine man. to tha arm/'Baiitb nmttar^ 'Til haa a naw hiding board. but th at waa enough. She uraa glow ­ people, lows customs and Iowa tion of serioua epidemics, Tbe in­ one with half an eye ^ see that. ing with pride although aba knew oculation against scarlet fever baa tbe operating forcea of the navy. ba all right." They M p a d Mm to It bad not bean up half an hour scenery. -Admiral W. V. Pratt, eMef ef It just don't sesm right." tha ear. Oddly mough there wara| n ot w hy. been proved to be practicable. How­ EdMFeriicr. whan four Uttla boya diaeovarad There are no sound* of weep­ ever, epidemics of scarlet fever are Naval operatloBa. Tbe starched nurse Heath bad in- no apactatora tor tbla Httla dtavaa. it and they proceeded to make Her fflofiiar bad watched the ing in the cornfields to this book. 'slsted upon providing for tbe con­ The park at thto hour at thia piw- infrequent and inoculation to not tbamaalvaa at home to that back whole affair, but bad purpoaaly Instead there is a robust accept recommended unless special danger Rooeevelt’s presentation of tbe valescent bustled into the room t ^ fieular place waa daaartad, Naw York, May 7.—(AP)—Evan yard. kept out oC I t ance ol tMngs, an Implicit# assur­ and Aunt Jesele fell silent Tbe plan "WlK> to tha t o d ? " H eath da-1 exists. power Iscue showed that be pro­ though bto "Of 'Tbea 1 Sing" waa Irana'a mother had brought her "Sbe muat taka bar own oart and ance that Ilfe on an Iowa farm We bave learned to protect chil­ poses to be fair to Ml intereste af­ ^ that on the nandad to a loi^ angry voice, can be deeply and truly satisfying Aunt Jessie wss to go to V l o t w "I know Mm,'' Suaan murmarad. ______awardad tha Pulitzar prize, Oaorge up to ba ponta r i ktod to other learn ber ow n Wessons," sbe decided. dren against many ihfections by fected, but be to determined that enndren aad to give up thtogs sbe in tbe nurse's ^ '1 saw Mm tor an inatant under the la not a man to alt back And it bad turn* out better than Mr. Strong tells, simply and sym­ making inspections and by putting public control shall be effective in waul^. So ibs 'tood by and ags wotW taks place tbe following llaht. tt'» » at aaaa among Ma laurala sbe bad expected. Never before bad pathetically, bow a farmer and Ma tbe cMld with an infectious disease the interests of tbe people who buy n otiV it wstE^ed her untevltod companions ber daugb{M. ■R-nxzJXZJ «.T- escape from the warm, luxurious car If you happened to wear a bright, X X m m n E l a 7 paper the same way. Read them all. Read them care­ light summery red well, that’s the a c xa u XX IS X4 and feel the east wind on her x^ 1 8 x c XX red you should affect In your clothes IS xa 1 8 cheeks. Heath told Simon to wait XX a s X 4 x s X* X7 X 8 fully. One single- item will often repay you for the for them at the turn of the road. this year. Match it as nearly as x « 9 C gx • • • . “It’s lovely here, Isn’t It? possible for your lipstick and rouge. breathed the girl. She leaned Remember that red reflects its own time it has taken to read them all. against the parapet, looking down color in your face. Dmi’t use too at the water. much of whatever color you choose. "Not as much- so as some of the Avoid all orange reds in Upstick and places you and I are going to see rouge. (Set ^ t new bright, light, Many good housekeepers have formed the habit of soon,” the man reminded her. vivacious red that is made to go VtoliFTHff lU R O She shivered involuntarily. In­ with this exact shade that you like. MonIM reading their newspaper with a pencil and paper, ready stantly he was all solicitude. If you are older and wear a pur- tlNlCC “You’re cold. I knew 3rou would ply red better (and it is well to re­ ' W e i ^ A H e be. We’d better go back to the member that this is a more flatter­ PCACSO to jot down the articles they wish to look at when they ca r.” ing red for any but the very young •MNUARV AND (eaRMRV “ No, no. It’s not that,” she pro­ skin), then go in for that tone of A T lkE SEiSINNHG start out on their shopping tour. Try this method. It tested. It’s only that I feel a Uttle lipstick and rouge. The bright red o MH b frightened sometimes. It has all Tn^r both your dresses and you, if worked out too smoothly. It seems you wear wine red and use bright saves time, and saves money, and provides you with the as though something must be bound red make-up. to happen.” There la still a tMrd type of red pick of the day’s merchandise. "Nonsense." His reassurance was to dress your face up to. That is •robust. “You’re just fanciful that’s the new, almost orsmge red. It an.' probaUy is the hardest of aU reds - "Maybe I am.” But had it been to wear, and it certainly la the hard­ Every advertiseiiieiit has a message all its own. ffetney, Susan wondered, that had est to make fbr. This time you caused her to Imagine the taU fig­ do need an orangey red makeiq>; you ure strolling past the house several need ochre powder and you must nights vriien she haid been sasdng wear a Ught brown eye shadow. goodby to Heath looked strangely An reds go best with brown like Ben? Somehow the idea had eiye m ^e her uneasy. She had refused shadow. No matter what color your lo see Ben since Christmas eve eyes are. when he had outrageouMy kissed White-haired women look won­ her. derful, often. In the youngest, bright­ "What’s that?" she asked fear- est red—espedaUy for evening fuUy, sduicing over hw wear. If you come in Ofla category "Nothing at alL Juat tha wlncl be careful not to use too a pow ­ Xa.tho branches." der. Nmr to o m u A U otfM c and ^ "It sounded like uemaMi run- rouge. But you can dreio up jiour j*jl^ig." She looked back IBMiM the eyes about as much as pM want to. W wiQd swept esidanade. we TMa to true of anybody wlw wears Ih^ better go.” red this year. V.'

P A G B N I K i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTERi CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1982. Sauatrito Timed In 9.9 For Hundred Yard Dash FOUR GOLF STARS BRUSHING UP SPORTS. . . B y Laufer New High School Mark Six Manchester Men IN MATCH SUNDAY In Lineup Of Gems A ^ S B E R O F A Made As Locals Beat Grant and Geoghegan To Op­ 'flHSHE IS.,

pose Booth and Schoner FAMOOS 31-VcaR-OLD Meriden High, 63-27 Sipples, SL John, Wailett. | FOXX IS LEADING CAOGUT iMlftE NETS NEAStW e\;erv NEAI^SD^CB vue At E ^ . Hartford. S«0W UP/ Stratton, Dowd and AMERICAN BATTERS 1919 ATBEMl^MlNNy uATSfteRV AMD'NlKfeBEfiS BRAVES TROUNCED Star AH-Aromd AlUete Also V\A\JG PftcOOcep WORE Thompson To Play The first of several fine exhibition looo^oco golf matches scheduled for the East Wins Shot Pul and Javelia; Against East Hampton Reynolds and Walker Are Hartford Golf Club course on Long BYREDS14T01 Hill Road in East Hartford, will RewteBiFnaer In Uaie- Here Sunday. Next In Une; Ruth Leads take place tomorrow afternoon starting at 3 o’clock, ^ in prevent­ Receive Second Stnqdit De- light; Rhode Island Meet In Homers. ed this exhibition last Sunday. The iecond semi-pro baseball Bobby Grant and “Bud" Geo­ m feit In Weit; Yanks Set- Week From Today. game of the local season will bring ghegan are to meet Clarence Booth together the champion Bast Hamp­ Chicago, May 7.—(AP)—Jimmy and Ted Schoner in 18 holes of match play competition. Grant is 7 end. • Meriden High proved unable to ot­ ton team of Uie Tri-county League Foxx, one of Connie Mack’s boys the young Wethersfield amateur FAMS 'W EO 'O oTTo ^ ter much opposition to Coach and the Gems, a combinatl n of who refustes to ride the toboggan of who won state-wide fame wH|i ■ Q ' P, ^ CLBUELAhlD BeKT 9R0U)MS Charlea L. Wlgren’i imdefeated M. local and Hartford players. The an early season slump, smashed his numerous victories last season and StLOoiSy By Aiaoototod Pi «m game was scheduled for lest- Sunday way tc the top of the American Geoghegan is the new pro at the Heina Maina’s falluto to algB a H. B. track and field team at the but rain interfered. The West Side League batting race during Itg third East Hartford Club and also a very West Side playgrounda yesterday capable player of former amateur Pittsburgh contract and hla aubae- diamond will be the scene of battle quent suspension from organized afternoon, Manchester winning 83 and the game will start at 3 p. m. Unofficial averages, including fame. N<- ^ games of Wet’Jiesday, gave the Booth is the new pro at the baseball is proving costly to the Pi­ to 27. Meriden won only two first The Gems >'ave signed up Mar­ rates as they flounder deeper into shall Thompson to play ->unday and Philadelphia first baseman 25 hits Wethersfield Country Club and places in the ten events, those being In 61 attempts for the mark of .410. noted for his ability to drive far be tbe National League cellar. to the discus and high jump. many local fans will no doubt be Defeated In eight of their last on hand to watch his initial Ap­ G. Walker of Detroit, leader of the yond the average good golfer. Once again Domenlck Squatrito batting race at the end of the sec­ nine gamea, chiefly because of poor pearance. Thompson will probably Schoner is best known for his sterl pitching, the Pirates co^d find lots was the outatanding performer for cover second base and Jack Strat­ ond week with a .472, dropped to ing work with the irons. Incidental the Wigren squad. He not only seventh with a 97 point fall. Carl of use for the right handTace. ton will be shifted to the outfield ly. Grant and Geoghegan are yet to As matters stand Manager Gibson won three firsts, but also set what Reynolds of Washington climbed be defeated as a team. The public is may be a Connecticut high school for this game. Into second place with a 30 point has only one curver who has shown Also appearing in the lineup of welcome to witness the match and any signs of dependability. Steve record to the centRry, IWo timers, the Gems will be Tommy Sipples, 1 fain to .98 for the week. inspect the course which is attract' few- Swetonlc haa turned In two atraltht Frank Buich and Fren Hanien, both Arthur St. John, Frank Wailett and The list of leaders was conspicu­ ing many Manchester golfers. three-bit performances, but tbe re­ caught him at exactly 9.9. Starter Ernie Dowd. With Thompson and ous by the absence of Babe Ruth mainder, of the staff la getting no­ Lewis Lloyd declared that none of Stratton this give the Gems six whose average fell from .394 to .327 X?** the runners beat the gun. Meas­ during the week. The other pace where. Manchester players. Wailett will s \ To make things worse, the team’s urement of the track after tbe con­ catch, Fisher pitch, T’hompson will setters were Appling, Chicago, .394; offense haa been weak. The Cor­ clusion of the meet failed to reveal be stationed at second. Shorten at Dickey, New York, .389; Myatt, sairs absorbed a 4 to 2 beating from any shortcomings. short, Dixon at third, Sipples at Cleveland, .385: Gehrig, New York, : fist the Phillies. 377; G. Walker, Detroit, .375; AND Best Time Known. •first, Dowd in left, St. John in cen­ The Chicago Cubs climbed back Squatrlto’s time in tbe hundred is ter and Stratton in right. The East Oliver, Boston, .371; Goslin, St. to the league lead when they Louis, .362, and Cronin, Washing­ a*new Manchester High record, the Hampton lineup features the squared their series with Brooklyn, former, mark of 10.1-6 having been Bransfield brothers. ton, .362. 3 to 1, while the Boston Braves Individual batting performance were dropping a second straight to held jointly by Franz Wlttmann, honors were well scattered although bxWILUAMBRAUCM ancinnatl, 14 to 1. Woody English captain of the present team and Johnson of Detroit led In two spe­ The comeback vogue which Jack returned to the Cubs lineup to hit a Clifford Gustafson. The best C. C. cialties with 29 hits for the largest Dempsey seems to have stated has triple and score the winning run In I. L. record on record- is 10 1-10 held How They Stand number of safe blows and a lead­ spread afar. Now we .ave Che spec­ the eighth. by O’Connor of Bristol while the ing total of nine doubles. Porter tacle of Johnny Dundee trying to Tight relief pitching by Qarence state meet record of 10 flat was made by Messaros of New Haven YESTERDAY’S RESULTS of Cleveland led in run getting with call bring back the lost years. MERIDEN TODAY, Mitchell, who held the Cards score­ 20, Gehringer of Dcti'olt topped the less after relieving young Harold Hillhouse. So far as is known, no Heavy Track Expected Connecticut high school runner has field in hits for total bases with a Schumacher in the sixth, featured Eastern League The Dough Goe- Home been timed under ten seconds to re­ Richmond 10, Hartford 7. record of 49 and was tied with Aver- Flyweight Babe Tirscaro, former TRADE MONDAY, the Giants’ second straight over the of Cleveland in batting in runs world champions 4 to 3. cent years at least. Squatrlto’s Norfolk 6, New Hayen 5. amateur champion p d winner of 13 time is only four or five-tenths of a (Other games postponed.) at 23. Chapman of the Yankees led straight fights since becoming a Joe McCarthy’s New York Yan­ In base stealing, as per custom, with professionsd, hsis to borrow two-bits For Kentucky Classic kees vaulted from fourth place to second under the world’s recorCf. five, while six others tied Foxx with H. S. SCHEDULE second in the American League Squatrito also won the shot put New York 1, Detroit 0. from the oiks when he wants to go with a heave of 46.8 and the javelin Chicago 5, Washington 3. three triples and Babe Ruth led the to a movie. But that's his own wish, when George Pipgras set the De­ race with six circuit ^ . nr .1 ri ii Kentucky favorites Adobe Post and troit Tigers down 1 to 0, in their with a hurl of 135.5 1-2. He did S t Louis 6, Boston 5. as he doesn't handle any of the not compete in the 220. Captain Philadelphia 5, Qeveland 2. smsushes Wednesday night. money he earns by fighting, but lets Dabioos Weather, Smaller Hoops. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ opening clsmh. Gehrig’s double and National League The Yankees kept in front in team Liberty Limited has been pointed Nenhau'er Expected To Pitch Ben Chapman’s single in the second Wittman remained out of the cen­ batting with a .296 percentage with his manager, OUie Downes, take it Inning d&eated EJarl Whltehill. tury and only competed in the 220 New York 4, St. Louis 3. home to mama. with excessive care for the derby. Chicago 3, Brooklyn 1. Washington still first in fielding at Crowd, Lighter Betting, He is the son of Sir Gallahad III A1 Simmons and Roger Cramer which he won without any real Cincinnati 14, Boston 1. 981. Detroit, had 22 double plays which also sired Gallant Fox. Post C. C.I. L. Battle This After­ provided the punch as the Athletics effort. Roy Fraser of Manchester on the right side of the record Camera Loses tripped Cleveland again, 5 to 2. placed second in both of tbe dashes Philadelphia 4, Pittsburgh 2. Primo Camera was busted on the time for the Derby was 4:45 p. m. Southern Association books. Take Some Glamor From (central standard) but it was not Mahaffey held the Indians to five and another sophomore athlete who Thirteen starting pitchers clung to nose by a blond showgirl’s straight noon At Meriden. blows. did very well waa Norman Rov/aell Chattanooga 5, New Orleans 0. left the other day, after which he expected they would be “off” before Memphis 15, Knoxville 9. the rapidly dwindling imdefeated Chicago’s White Sox broke a who won the 440 with a fine closing class with Wesley Ferrell of Qeve- took a right cross to the chin. That America’s Greatest Horse 5 o’clock. seven game losing stfeak and sprint and also placed third in the Birmingham 8, Nashville 2. probably puts him out of consider­ opened their eastern tour aus­ Atlanta at Little Rock (^ n )., land topping them with his five Manchester High plays its third century to give Manchester a clean Senators had four victories and no ation for a bout with Jack Demp­ Central Connecticut Interscholastic piciously by trimming the league sweep in that event. American Association. sey this summer. Race. leading Washington Senators, 5 to 3. Kansas City 9, Toledo 4. straight victories. Weaver of the CRITZ THE LEADER League .baseball game of the season Mile la Exciting. defeats in six starts. “Lefty" this afternoon in Meriden against Fred Schulte’s home run in the Indianapolis 10, St. Paul 9. Can’t Miss Free Show sevauth with Jim L,evey on base Sandy Bums set a well-judged Milwaukee 6, Columbus 4. Grove of the Athletics was down the the Silver City schoolboys. early list for a change with two Jimmy Jennings, one of our New BY ALAN J. GOULD gave the St. Louis Browns their sec­ pace to out-foot the field in the half Louisville at Minneapolis (Rain). IN BAITING RACE Billy Neubauer, ace of Coach mile but it remained for the mile to triumphs and three defeats in six York operatives, .■=ends along the Associated Sports Editor Tom Kelley’s staff, is expected to ond over the Boston Red Sox, 6 to 5. starts. Ferrell has since been de­ information that the Schmellng- produce the most excitement of the THE STANDINGS Louisville, Ky., May 7.—(AP) — pitch with Katkaveck on the receiv­ afternoon. Murch took the lead feated. Sharkey fight scheduled for Jime 21 in New York, will be postponed be­ Even though the tones were some­ Giants’ Player Only Three ing end. This sophomore battery with about 300 yards to go and Eastom League cause a great many political big what more subdued, the fiights of has already scored one league tri­ stayed in front while Lengel was W. L. Pet. shots will be attending the nation­ wagering on a less extravagant umph in turning back Middletown. COLLEGE CHAMPIONS nosing out Tomassetti in a gtexilUng Richmond ----- ...... 6 2 .760 al conventions and would not be scale, the crowds neither so tumul- Points Ahead of Art Whit- Ray Berger tamed East Hartford struggle for second place. Lengel Springfield ...... 5 2 .714 YALE IS CHOICE able to use their passes. tlous nor numerous, this was Ken­ in Manchester’s second straight finished a scant two feet in front of H artford...... 4 4 .600 tucky Derby Day, combining more league contest. CROWNED IN RING the Meriden numer. Muroh finish­ ...... 4 4 .600 ney of Phillies. In its only other game to date, Norfolk ...... IN TODAY’S RACE But He May Learn color, interest and enthusiasm than ed with about five yards to spare. Allentown ...... 4 4 .420 Trie Speaker offe~s the opinion any other horse race in America. the Kelleyites trimmed RockvUle. Jimmy O’Leary, the yoimg man Bridgeport ...... 2 ■ 3 .400 Even the favorite, Mrs. Louis Monday srfternoon at the West Side who has just been awarded an Olin ...... 3 5 .375 that Stanley ^ a c k , young third New York, May 7.—(AP)—With New Haven .. baseman of the Chibs, will be bunt­ Kaufman’s black colt, Tick On, field, Manchester High will enter­ scholarship at Wesleyan, won tha Albany ...... 1 4 .200 the averages slipping rapidly Salica, FIjwi and Feary Out- Favored Over Cohunbia and ed out of the league unless be learns claimed nothing like the support at­ through the fourth week of the Na­ tain Manchester Trade in the first broad jump with a leap of 20.3 to his American League of a two game series. The Mechan­ second attempt. Both of his other W. L. Pet. how to come in and get ’em with tracted by GJdiant Fox or Twenty tional League season and the bat­ Grand in the last two classics of the ics have also been having a success­ standing Perionner^ attempts resulted to faults. He also Washington ...... 14 5 .787 his throwing hand. It seems Mr. ting race growing tighter, Hughey Pennsylvania In Blackwell Hack likes to get both hands on Blue Grass, but not even the times Critz of the New York Giauts, and ful season but the High will be placed second in be nmning high New York ...... 11 6 .647 favored as it was in basketball. jump which was won by Scott of Detroit ...... 12 7 .682 the ball to be sure he has it before counter-balanced the traditional fia- Arthur “Pinkey" Whitney of Phila­ heaving to first, a delay that fast vor attached to this exciting strug­ delphia, stood up under the strain Lashinskc and Ropsl will probably Olympic Reward. Meriden. Fenn of Meriden won tbe Cleveland ...... 14 9 .609 Cnp Regatta. be the opposing hurlers in this en­ discus by a scant two inches over St. L ou is...... 10 12 .466 men in the National League would gle for three year old turf honors. a bit better than their rival slug­ not be long in exploiting. gers to bold tbe first two places counter. Garrone of Manchester. The relay Philadelphia ...... 8 10 •44^: Dubloua Weather New York, May 7.—(AP)—Out was not included in the program. C hicago...... 6 14 .800 Weather conditions were dubious, among tbe regulars. Philadelphia, May 7.—(AP)— McGraw Changes Mind of a bewildering barrage of leather Rhode Island Meet. B oston ...... 3 16 .167 Pennsylvania's untried crew, with a crowd estimates varied from 25,- Critz retained first place on the National League John McGraw contributes the 000 to 40,000, and betting lagged be­ list with an even .4 average, only PRINCETON FAVORED fired by 150 o'-pir’nts for National Next week Saturday Manchester stroke who failed to make the fresh­ opinion that the three teams that amateur boxing championships High will compete to its first out of W. L. Pet. men eight last year, was the dark fore a prospective final rush to the seven points below his mark a week Chicago ...... 14 6 .700 will fight it out for the National mutuel windows at Churchill before, while Whitney gained the emerged today three outatanding the state meet to history when It horse today opposing Columbia and League' pennant this year are New contenders for Olympic lonofs. journeys to Kingston, R. I.,, to par­ B oston ...... 12 6 .687 Yale In the Blackwell Cup regatU Downs, but the Derby promised to second rung with a .397 mark...... 10 9 .626 York, Chicago a d Cincinnati. Pre­ Another Philadelphian, Les Mal- Princeton, N. J., May 7.—(AP)— All eight champions crowne* to take to the Rhode Island State . Col­ Philadelphia .. which opens the rowing season on be a real horse race, perhaps the Princeton’s light varsity eight ruled Cincinnati .... n 11 .600 viously, Mr. McGraw bad named as lon, held third place at .381, only Madison Square Garden last night lege meet. Manchester will be rep­ the Schuylkill river. most thrilling in years. a slight favorite over Massachusetts bad to be good to survive three days St. L o u is...... 9 12 .429 contenders New York, (Chicago and Twenty thoroughbreds—fourteen one point ahead of George Watkins resented to the 100, 220, 440, 880. .412 For the first time since 1884 the St. Louis, S0 4COU may infer that he Tech In the feature race of their re­ of gruelling flstcufftog but stand­ mile, low burdies; high jump, broad New York ...... 7 10 crews will race on the mlle-and-a. colts, five geldings and one filly— .of St. Louis, The rest of the “first Brooklyn ...... 7 10 .412 has changed bis mind. ten" consisted of Paul Waxier, gatta on Lake Carnegie today. outs were Lou Salica of New Yorl^ jump, pole vault, shot put, discus, half Flat Rock Dam course. were nominated to start. Depending The Tigers were beaten in their Eddie Flyim of New Orleans, and Pittsburgh ... *(!»#* 7 13 on conditions, five or six were like­ Pittsburgh, .878; Worthington, Bos­ javelin and possibly tbe hammer Yale ranks a heavy favorite to Youth and Ago first start of tbe iprlng seaaon but Fred Feary, of stocktou, Calif. throw. Tbe low hurdles and ham­ win the cup as little or nothing is ly to be scratched, but there waa a ton, .877; Terry, New York, .364; TODAY’S GAMES , Jerty Travers and Billy Howell looked impressive in bolding Navy’s The champions are: mer throw are new events for tbe lo­ known of the Quaker crew's ability sufficient aesortment of high class Klein, Philadelphia, .860; Herman, goM crew to a one length victory. will play "Bunny" and "Ducky" Cincinnati, .856; and Grantham, ll2 poimds—Lou Salica, New cal athletes. Ralph Smith will prob' and Navy took Columbia’s measure Corkran at Baltimore May 22 to talent to make the outcome con­ M. I. T.’s varsity already has York, EMtern League spicuously speculative enough with Cincinnati, .351. ably run in tbe first and Squatrito, Hartford at Richmond, without apparent trouble. help the Olympic fund along. Jerry been beaten twice, by Yale and Har­ 118 pounds—Jimmy Martin, New McCormick and Garrone will heave The first race, that for freshmen, the winner drawing down 180,000 Tbe slugging honors were about vard, but the 'ngineers may be New Haven at Norfolk. won hia first amateur golf cham­ evenly spread over a small group York. . ^ the baminar. Bridgeport at Springfield, is scheduled for 2:80 p. m. E. 8. T,, pionship six ysars before Billy How­ or more. counted to show Improvement with 126 poitods—Richard Chrter, New Tbe eummary of events yesterday and the others will follow at 45- Tick On gathered backing over of leaders with Paul Waner, Bill each succeeding race. Allentown at Albany. ell was bom. Terry, Chuck Klein and Pittsburgh's follows: American League minuts intervals. In addition to the night, as tbs result of Impressive ^ °1 8 6 pounds—Nat Bor, FaU River, loo yard dash: Squatrito, Man­ varsity and freshmen events there workout form, and the 2 to 1 odds surprising Gus Subr sharing tbe 8t, Louis at Boston, Not Enough Fisb distinction of bolding two "firsts." Maas, chester; Frazer, Mancbeeter; Row- Detroit at New York. will be races for 160-pound varsity Jack Sharkey begins bis training on tbs favorite appeared likely to Last Night's Fights 147 pounds—Eddie Flynn. New zell, Manchester; time, 9.9. . eights and junior varsity sights, Isading up to the Sebmsilng en­ shorten. Nevertheless the incoming Waner led in doubles with e)sven Cleveland at Philadelphia. and stolen bases with five, Terry Orleans. 220 yard dash: Wittman, Man­ Chicago at Washington, counter by going fishing. He would crowds continued their search for 160 pounds—Fred Caserio, Chica­ chester; Fraser, Mancbeeter; l4ar- have to fisb a long while, however, the latest Msslble tips from the and Subr each hod bgtted In 18 runs go. National League to split tbe lead. Subr also was first (By Associated Press) ttodale, Meriden; time, 24.8. Boston at Cincinnati, SYRACUSE VS. NAVY~ to find enough to fill that stadium, feed-box. ’They were assured at Louisville—Jackie Fields, world's 176 pounds—Homer Bfandls, San 440 yard run: RnwsaU, Manchee- least a half dozen others bad a good with four triples and Terry and Jim Francisco. , _ , Brooklyn at Chicago. Collins of tbe Cardinals, each had weltsrwsig^t cbarplon, outpointed ter; Martindale, Meriden; Mozser, New York at St, Louis, INBOATREGAHA Frankie: Please Write . enough chance to win to make the Henry (Young) T'rpo, Louisville, Heavyweight—Fred Feary, Stock Mancbeiter; time, 68.9. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. Frankie Frisch hasn't broken in­ various odds unusually attractive. six homers to their credit, Whitney ton, Cal, 800 yard run: Buma, Manchester; was tbe other batting leader .with 10. (Non-title), to print lately, He is the second « Bain Favors Bradley Erie, Pa.—Buck McTleman, Malquin, Meriden; McKeon, Meri­ Annapolis, Md,, May 7.—(AP)— baseman of the world champion Colonel E. R. Bradley, the master 29 bits while Chuck IGein, with 20 NATIONAL den; time, 2:16.‘4. , runs, topped the scorers. Pittsburgh, outpointed Joe Trippe, Navy's varsity ersw, light^t in (1931) Cardinals and predicted in cf Idle Hour Farm has an excellent Buffalo, 8, (By Aseodated Frees) Mile run: Muroh, Manebestet^; Yesterday *s Sta rs many ysars and made up of new March that Dizzy Dean would make chance to lift the big prize with Tbe widely distributed second B attin g-Whitnsy, Philliss, .408. mgel, Moaehester; Tomaaeetti, matsrial, was host today to 8yra- the fans forget Burleigh Grimes Burgoo King or, if tbe track is place honors went this way: 18- Runs—Klein, PhlUies, 20. Meriden; time, 449. ouss. OuVvslghsd 18 pounds to t^‘ slowed up by rain, Brother Joe. runs, Whltfiey and Paul Waner: 28 HOME BUN HITTERS Runs batted in—Terry, Giants, Shot put: Squatrito, Manchestei’, (By Associated Press) man tbs Mlddiss v/ere out to U Paging Mr. Grimes The Bradley entry and tbe pair hits, Critz and Paul Waner; eight 21, 464; Kulauzkas, Meriden, 86.8 14; Roger Cramer, Athletics—Drfive rsvsngs for tbs dsfsat bandsd thsm Meanwhile Mr, Grimes, who has representing a new seeker of Derby doubles-Whitney, Watkins, Worth- Yesterday. Hite—Critz, Giants, r2. Ifurasld, Meriden, 86.11. in three runs against Indians with a ysar ago by tbs Orangs craw. been down with fiu, has bssn no h(^rs, Mrs. John Hay Whitney ot Ington, Frederick of Brooklyn and Myatt, Indians ...... ^ Doubles—F, Wansr, Pirates, 11. Broad jump: O’Leary, Manches­ triple and single Byraeuss brou^t tbrss ersws to help to the Cubs, but they have New York, are conceded to be Tick Stephenson pf Chicago; three F, Schulte, Browns...... • • I Trlplif—Subr, Plrxtei» 4. ter, 204; Kennedy, Meriden, 194r Georgeeorge PipgrPipgras, Yankees—Held Annapolis; tbs varsity, jayvss and been winning without him. When On’s outstanding tbrsats. Two of triples—Klein, Herman, end Vaughn O'Doul, Dodgers Homs rune—Terry, GUnte, 7, A. Smith, M an^tep, 19A. Tigers to five einiles, struck frssbman and worksd out on tbs Mr, Grimes gets going, Mr, Mc- ths strongest factors in tbs running of Pltteburgh; four home runs— Leaders Stoles bacee—P, Waner, Pirxtee, Dlseus: Fean, Meriden, 1014; seven and wen, 1*0. ,,, ^ Ssvsm ysstsrday morning but wore Graw might nave something else to of a race where strategy piayi so Worthington. 17 runs battsd in— Terry, Giants .. and Frisch, Cards, 6. Ctorrone, Manchester, 100.10 1*4; Fred Schulte, Browne—Hie homer bsid on sbors during tbs aftsmoon say about the pennant race, but it vital a part. Jockeys Budd:^ Ensors Hsrman, Frisch, St, Louis, and Ruth, Yankees ,. itststsssssss AMERICAN MurasU, Meriden, WA 1-2. with one on in seventh provided by rough watsr. wouldn't ':e anything for print. and Earl Sands, will have tbs Vaughn, Cincinnati. Collins, Cardinals ttsssttssstsst Batting—Foxx, Atbletioe, A18, Javelin: Squatrito. l^ h m tjft winning margl i against Woods, who rowsd at Numbsr mounts on tbs Whltasy sntry. En­ Tbs New York Giants held the Gehringer, Tigers tssttssesssss* Runs—Foxx, Athletics; Vesmlk 1884 1-2; Scott, M iri^, U l^ Jim Elliott, Philllee—Held PI- four for Navy iMt wss'' in tbs vic­ And Loudly, Tool sors astrids Stspenfstchit, a ^ very club batting lead although tbejr ag­ Foxx, Athletics o and Porter, Indians, 20, Johnson, Manchsster, 1«40. j- rates safe with seven hits, collected torious racs against Columbia and Floyd "Babe" Herman Is not a well regarded colt, and Sande up gregate mark bad slipped to .288, League Totale Runs batted to—AvsrlU, Indians, High jump, B o^ Msridsn,-64; two hits himself ’irlvinf in one run "caught a era' " bis bssn taksn radio broadcaster, but every time just two points shsad of tbp Phil­ ^tmericag ...... 87 and Gsbrlngsr, 'Hgerr, 28. 0'Li£y.TBichootor,J4; I t Lafio on Over Time in his qusst for a ^^ational ■ 85 a ^ §eorittg one, from tbs varsity boat and put in the he makes a bass bit in Cincinnati, it fourth Darby victory. lies, In yisldlng tbs Boston Braves Hits—Porter, Indians, 81 and R. Smith, MfaokoM«r, 8J. Clarence Mitchell, Olaate^Hel jayvss sbsll. His placs basl>ssn tok- echoes all over Brooklyn. Ths forecast of sbowsrs may be a were ahead with a J74 average. Doubles—Johnson, T issn, 9. Cardinals In check In relief role, iL sb by Kllnsman, good omen for Lucky Tom, tbe Tbe list of ufidsfsatsd pitchers LEADING BATTERS Triples—Foxx, Atttfstlcs; liyWr 1 lowing only three hits In last four Tbs Navy junior varsity ersw, \ Oraptders Get It L^eaaa Derby winner that boaats was reduced to nine with young WS«t ind_ Cronin, s d ^ t e stroksd by Captain Sbslton, consid- M, Jacques CurUy, whose wres­ a lot of early foot as well as a Ilk- Lonnie Wamske of Chicago In first G ahd Rums, lUismo, Bod *” r #}*Locm, Reds—Held Braves to srsd as vast a boat as tbs varsity tlers are swarming all over tbs log for heavy going. Ths "bunch'' place with four etroigbt victories.. Foxx, Atb, ...18 A ll Sox and Selpb, White Box, 8. PfinooteB, K, J«, tdur hits and drove in three rune and bsavisr, loelisd for a nip and country, has iMsn forced to move players not only like tbs chances of Another Cub moundsman, Charley Pb. .19 .408 Homo runs-rRuth, Taakoas; Ooh- For tho flrtt ttate i .... . vrith M many itoflee. tuck racs from tbs Syraeuslans. from his little office 'nto a suits In Root and Walter "Huck" Betts of Reynolds, Sen,. 16 .408 ri^er, Tifers and Fomi, Athloties, the Times building. Maybe the "Economic" an 8 to l.sbot but have Urban Faber, White Sox—Hie re­ Tbs Mg Orangs ersw was stroksd not overlooked tbe prospects of tbe tbe Boston Braves right behind, Critz, P h lle.^ .. 17 AOO lief pitching stopped Senate. by Tom Lombardi, 212 pounds, cap wrestlers will bring back prosper! each with three games won and MalloB, Phils. .14 A91 Stolen ,ty. At least they have brought It id Texas reprssentatlyss, Liberty Lim­ Guy Bi Cttbs;-He)d, Pod^en tain of tbs ersw and also captain of ited or a pajr of lately developed 0 0 ^ lost. pielpf^ Vgsk .10 400 6. to seven tbs Syraciiss footbsb csrtsla qu«n«rs« r'-^'^'VvV " '


fi i n a n i &9E 9 3 i3 a Read the dlassified Rental Propertq Listinq on this Paq

HELP WANTED—MALE 86 APARTMENTS—FLATS— FARMS AND LAND FOR tot people of Bridgeport, however, ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 FORD TO EXPAND 1 will merely aay that Mr. MoNeU TENEMENTS 68 SALE 71 Woman's Place Want A< tsaiMmmnm» DRAWING TEST— (no fad)—Find waa tendered a reappointmant aa a out without any dxpenad to your­ FOR RENT—AT 94 HOLL STREET POUUTRY AND DAIRY FARMS— HIS GARDEN IDEA member of the board of poUoa oom* Manchester self if you really have any ability; MEN WANTED—CmZBNB 81 to —First floor, five-room flat, with 12,600 and up. Four-room house, In The News mliaionera and waa unabla to accept experts correct it; merely write 46 to prepare for examination for aim porch, curtain rods, shades, double lot, $1,800, $500 down; becauae ot preaa of othar dutiea.” Mr. MoNell told the mayor he Evening Herald for “Art Teet", Box W, Herald. Immigration Inspeotors. Salary BCteens, garage. Ideal home, cen­ rentals, will lease 70. acres, bam, (OonttniMd from Page Om ) $2100 to $3000 per year, Write In­ trally located; rent reasonable. Will silo, 6-room house, 185.00 per Seeks to Conserve Byes. would not accept another term prior CLASSIFIED spector, Box X, Herald. be on the premises Saturday, Mon­ month. See Hastings, 813 Oakland Aooordlng to Mlu Eleanor P. lubsiitenos during the present sea- to expiration of hli term, the mayor laid today. ADVERTISEMENTS AUTO ACCESSORIES— day and ’Tuesday. J. F. Sheehan, str e e t Brown, sooreUry of the Society for son,” he said in a itatament publlrii- Vernon Center. ed today. TIRES • Prevention of Blindness, her orgtn- Count alz avorar* “It will be a graat thing for tha BOTH CLAIM CONTROL FOR RENT— 5-ROOM lower fiat, all HOUSES FOR SALE 72 InitlRli, numbera and Miles of Service In Used Tires iiatlon and Columbia Univeralty are country if our people are able to ap­ (By Aeaodated Preaa) aacl) count aa a word and eorntyua t Improvements, garage. 26 Benton All Makes and Slses |1 and Up. HELP WANTED—MALE FOR BALE ON RENTAL BASIS, experlmentinf to les If ihsrs is such proach next winter with a sense of With both the Smith and the worda aa two wordBi Mlnlnnin coat IS street. P*ady June let. Near Newman Tire Company OR FEMALE 87 or for rent, 6 room bungalow. In­ a thing as a saturatlgppolnt for personal and domoitlo aoouiity. Rooaevelt group leaden In the atate price ot three llnai. ____ East Center street. Call 8142, E. Lina ratal per day for ttaaslosS 10 Apel Place quire at 164 Benton street. reading, beyond which eyes suffer no With one foot on too land and the Democracy claiming control Of the I MADE $800 MONTHLY my first Benson. matter how ideal factors of lighting other on industry, the oountry and atate convention in Hartford on BflactiTa Nareh^ IT».. ISST * e • 0 • • • 0 offer you toe next ' ’•ee months’ toe cheapest meals girls are buying PERRETT A GLENNEY INC.—We FOR RENT—THREE ROOM suite, service at your home, commencing Autos—For Hire ...... ; now are five cents per meal cheaper MCNEIL’S DENIAL Garages—Service—Storage ...... M will move, pack and ship your new Johnson Block, all modem with toe June 1, 1932 billing, with­ Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 GARDEN—FARM - than they were in January. They Bridgeport, May 7. — (AP) — Public Stenographer merchandise quickly and econom­ improvements. Phone 3726 or jani­ out obligation on your part to make Wanted Autos—Motorcycles . . . . It DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 credit this to toe fact that through Archibald McNeill, of this city. ically. Fast daily express service tor 7635. pa3rment until such time as your Businewe aud Professional Servieea January and Into February girls had Democratic Nation^ committeeman business Services Offered ...... II to and from New York. Connec­ FOR SALE—10,000 Tomato plants, period of financial embarrassment FOR RENT—4 ROOM NEW, ji^t Christmas checks that helped them today- denied and characterized as Miss Theresa Frachey Household Services Offered ...... ll-A tions with fast tniek service out of ready now, Tel. 714. Burke The has passed. Building—Contracting ...... 14 complete, also 5 and 7 rooms, with their living budgets. a “baseless attempt to Injure my Office of Edward H. Keeney Florists—.Nurseries ...... l i New Y ork goin g south and west. Florist “on the new concrete road “You need not hesitate to take a a a Agents for United Van Service, $18-$25.00, 5 Walnut street, near private character” toe statement of Orford Building, 865 Main St. Funeral Directors ...... Id to Rockville,” Pine street Inquire Tailor Shop. advantage of this offer as we be­ Women Reporters Aided Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .«■ IT one of the leading long distance lieve It to be a sound business pro­ Thomas Spellacy, leader of toe Al­ Insurance ...... Id 5030. In Spain when women journalists Phone 6414 moving companies. Phone 3063, position for toe following reasons: fred E. Smith forces in the State, Millinery—Dressmaking ...... It get too old to work, they will now that Governor W. L, Cross had said Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . tO 8860, 8864, MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 SIX ROOM TENEMENT, 57 Foster Help Their Credit have a place to live, at government he would not appoint Mr. McNeil Painting—Papering ...... tl street, with all improvements and “In toe majority of cases, toe Professional Services ...... tt CARLSON A COMPANY Express, expense. Spain’s Republican gov­ as Democratic state chedrman be- garage, screens, shades if desired. families who through misfortune A FEW CENTS Repairing ...... tl Daily service to Hartford and FOR SALE—SULKY plow. Archie ernment has made one of the former caiise his name was linked with al­ Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning . . . t4 Phone 5469. are compelled to take advantage of king’s palaces into a residenpe for Toilet Goods and Service ...... td Springfield, and all Connecticut, Hayes. Telephne 4366. these credit irtlflcates will before leged rum-running. spent each week for a good fire In­ Wanted—Business Service...... Id and Massachusetts points. Loads aged and retired joiumalists, with 6 ROOM TENEMENT, all improve­ very long get on their feet again Mayor Edward" T. Buckingham at Edneatlannl or part loads moved anywhere. provision for women as well aa men. surance policy may save you many ments, steam heat garage, good financially aud will then he able to the same time issued a statement Courses and Classes ...... t? Furniture moving. Telephone Man­ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 58 hundreds of doUars. Are you rialc- Private Instruction ...... tt location, rent reasonable, 32 Walk­ pay for the current used in these today indicating that toe alleged chester 8624. Hartford 2,6229. Dancing ...... t S -A SELECT ONE OF THESE fine er street Inquire 30 Walker. imloading of a rum ship here while ing too loss of all your household Musical—Dramatic ...... n . . . . it Springfield 6-0391. months. Wanted—Instruction ...... ad used pianos during National Music “In our experience toe percent­ Mr. McNeil was a police commis­ goods when you can insure them for FOR RENT—THREE six room sioner had nothing whatever to do Financial LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Week: Haines, oak case, $100; age of those who willfuUy try to ASKS MRS. MASSIE $1500 at less than one cent a day. Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... tl Haines, ebony case, $25; York, tenements on Madison street, re­ avoid payment ''»r service furnished with the fact that Mr. McNeil was Business Opportunities ...... tl TRUCKING. (Set our prices. Ex­ Think it over. Money to Loan ...... St pert furniture moving. “Pioneer mahogany, $100; Dusenberg, ma­ cently renovated. Inqxdre 100 East is small, and, therefore, our loss will TO STAY FOR TRIAL not reappointed as police commis­ Help and Sifnatlona Movers Who Know How." Carload hogany $40; W. P. Haines Grand, Center street or telephone 3782. be slight. sioner. Help Wanted—Female ...... t i “We anticipate that our present "There is no desire on my part to Help Wanted—Male ...... td distribution, Wm, L. Fitzgerald, mahogany, $395. Easy terms ar­ ROBERT J. SMITH ranged. Watkins Brothers, Inc., So. consideration In these trying times (Contlntied from Page One) enter into a newspaper controversy Help Wanted—Male or Female .. t7 Phone 8035. BUSINESS LOCATIONS Real Estate, lasaraaee Agents Wanted ...... 17-A Manchester. will react to Increase our sales in over toe matter” said toe mayor. Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... tt FRANK 4^, WILLIAMS— (Seneral FOR RENT 64 toe future although, it is definitely written Pacific coast firms, suggest­ “In fairness to Mr. McNeil and to ‘SteaaosUp Tickets Situations Wanted—M a le ...... td trucking, carlot distribution, fer­ understood that any one taking ad­ ing they open branch ' stores at Employment Agencies ...... 40 OFFICE FOR RENT. Inquire tilizer and tobacco delivery a ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 vantage of this offer does not place Honolulu. It also was understood I/lve Stock—Feta—Poultry—Tehlclea Pagan! Brothers or telephone Dogs—Birds—Pete ...... 41 specialty. Rates reasonable. Tel. himself tnder any obligation what­ official circles at Pearl Harbor let FOR RENT—^FURNISHED room; 3820. Llvj Stock—Vehicles ...... 41 7997. soever to make a greater use of it be known personnel making such Poultry and Supplies ...... 4t also store on Pearl street. Inquire Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 our service In toe future than in requests could be deciplined by toe For Sale—Mlseellaacom L. T, WOOD CO.—Furniture and Selwitz Shoe Shop. HOUSES FOR RENT 65 toe p a st N avy. .Articles for S a le...... 4d piano moving, modern equipment, No Bestrlcttona W atch for Retrial Boats and Acceesorles ...... 4d experienced beip, public auwe- The whole city was watching Building Materials ...... 47 FOR RENT —FURNISHED front SIX ROOMS AND SUN parlor, “There is absolutely no restriction houae. Phone 44M- modem, nearly new, oil heat, flower meanwhile developments in the Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry ., 4t room at 37 Park street. Tel. 3132. placed on your use of current dur­ Electrical Appliances—Radio . . . 40 garden and pool, extra land, ing the period for which this long scheduled retrial of four Hawaiians iSTOPy ^ H A L COCHRAN PICTUCCS KIN€> Fuel and Feed ...... 43-A FOR RENT —FURNISHED room garage, good location. Chas. J. credit is extended.” of mixed blood charged with as­ Garden — Farm—Dairy Products BO REPAIRING ^ saulting Mrs. Massie. Retrial de­ Household Goods ...... 11 in private family. Inquire 18 Wil­ Strickland, 168 Main street. Phone This offer is also being made In Machinery and Tools ...... it MOWERS SHARPENED, key mak­ 7374. Hartford and by all subsidiary com­ pends entirely on whether Mrs. Musical Instruments...... It liams street or telephone 3379. Massie remains in toe i^ands to Office and Store c^qulpment . . . . 14 ing,, vacuum cleaner, lock, gun, panies of toe Hartford Electric Light Company torcughout toe testify. Specials at the Stores ...... H clock repairing. Braithwaite, 52 John C. Kelley,.public prosecutor, Wearing Apparel—P urs ...... it BOARDERS WANTED 59-A HOUSES FOR RENT state. Wanted—To Buy ...... N Pearl street. made public a statement calling on Rooms—Bo r'rd—Hotc^a—Jtoeorts WANTED—BOARDER with pri­ FOR RENT—SINGLE HOUSE, 6 Mrs. Massie to remain as a wit­ Restanrants WANTED TO DO painting, shing­ RAID GAMBLING DEN Roums Without Board ...... H ling and general repairing, 50c per vate family, room, hoard and rooms, all conveniences, garage, ness. Mrs. Massie annoimced she half acre of ground. 135 Main New York, May 7. — (AP) — planned to sail for toe mainland Boarders W anted...... lO-A hour. Call 6578. laundry $9 per week. Inquire 114 Fashionably gowned women and Country Board—Resorta ...... dd Florence street. Phone 8064. street Telephone 4078. board toe S. S. Mfflolo, Sunday. Hotels—Restaufante ...... it their escorts, allegedly gambling Clarence Darrow, chief of toe de­ Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... ft with chips representing $100, $500 fense counsel for Mrs. Fortescue and Real Estate For Rent COURSES AND CLASSES 27 and $1,000, were surprised by po­ Apartments, Flats. Tenements .. dd BOARDERS WANTED—Inquire 89 WANTED TO RENT ^ her co-defendants, said Mrs. Massie Business Locations for Rent . . . d4 BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn while Ridge street or telephone 5006. lice raiders in a richly furnished 21- had decided to remain. Houses for Rent ...... IB WANTED — BY RESPONSIBLE room penthouse on Park avenue at It was learned on good authority Suburban for Rent ...... St learning. Details free. Hartford Academy of Hairdressing, 693 party, house with small acreage in 53rd street shortly after midnighL that Mrs. Fortescue, to whom toe Summer Homes for ^ n t ...... d7 Gambling equipment valued at Wanted to R e n t...... M Main street, Hartford. APARTMENTS—FLATS— vicinity of Manchester. Dial 8480. prospect of her daughter “running Real Estate For Sate TENEMENTS 63 $10,000 was seized and three men awa^’ from a retrial was distaste- Apartment Building for Sals . . . it were arrested as “common gam­ hil. Insisted on her remaining. Dar­ Business Property for Sate . . . . . Td FARMS AND LAND ®OR blers.” The 50 men and women Farms and Land for Sals ...... tl BUSINESS FOR RENT®-BRIDGE street, four row vigorously opposed it. Houses for Sale ...... ft OPPORTUNITIES 32 rooms, first floor. All improve­ SALE 71 patrona were permitted to go. Lots for Sale ...... f t ments. Inquire 71 Bridge street Police estimated toe value of toe FOR SALE—NICE LITTLE farm Resort Property for Sals ...... td KILL OLD MAN DEPRESSION— Telephone 5977. furnishings of the penthouse at Suburban for S a le ...... f t in town, five acres, five room, new That Syracuse mayor who lived Real Estate for Exchange...... Td Go in Legal Slot Machine business. $40,000. FOR RENT—3 and 4 rooms with house with running water and The names given by those ar­ on nine cents a day still hasn’t ex­ Wgnted—Real Estate...... f7 Your name and address, we will tell plained what to do if you haven’t Anetfon—l.«wal ITotleen you how. Roche Novelty Co., Fort all improvements, \ at 168 Oak electricity, good land, all level. rested were Harold King, Harry el Notices toe nlTift cents. a • a a.0.0. Wayne, Ind. street Telephone 8241. Archie Hayes! Telephone 4366. Lewis and Hariy Williams. .u.anKr.orr;. By PRANK BECK GAS BUGGIES—Hera the Phikwe^lMr. (READ THE STORY THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) itei Old Man Flay ran through the jacks. trees, toe Tinles trailed along at "I am toe man vriio makes toe ease. “He seems a fine old fellow,” things. Think of toe fun my good whispered Duncy, with a grin. work brings. Now, please briieve THATS A FACT, D O N T G IT me, Hnymites. Fm tefling you plain HEM! FUSSED, MAW.' “The water king, who* sent us PEOPLE OFTEN SAMPSON, OLD BOV. here, said toere’d be nothing we need fa cts.” , W HAT ON I JIST GOT MY HASTEN OLD AGE THINK HOW MUCH SIMPLER EARTH fear. He said that we'd find play. Then Windy said, “Please let us B Y BROODING OVER IT WOULD BE IF THE HAPPENED OLD A G E L A S T I wonder how soon 'twill begin?” eee some of toe things you’re mak­ THINNING HAIR, CHANGE FROM YOUTH -P3 YOU? .NIGHT. YOU RUN “Oh, don’t be too impatient, son," ing. Gee! That surely would be OECAiTING TEETH ,' TO OLD A6B TOOK DOWN TO THE snapped Scouty. “We will have quite a treat” “All ri^ t” replied FAILING EYESIGHT, p l a c e o v e r n i g h t , DENTIST AND FETCH some fim, if we just do as we are toe man. STOOPING SHOlAJ>EBS INSTEAD OF SLOWIY ME A SET O’ told. Tm fond of Old Man Play. “I have some little jacks nearby, A h © O T H E R SHEDDING ONE T E E T H , e rr “The way he jumps around m ^es m make them all ju ^ way up INFIRMITIES OF TOOTH AND ONE NOW.' me feel sure he’s hai^y as can be. high. I’m training them to do/that A O VA hJCIN G H A IR A T A ’That’s why Tm glad to follow him now. TheyTl jump toe bwt they YEARS.*/ TIME. upon his jaeny way.” can.” All of a sudden Old Man Play They shortly reswflied a pl*y* jumped to a stump and shouted, house where toe man said, "Wait “Hey! Sit down a minute, in toe hrare in toe air.’^ - He walked into bis grass. I wEmt to talk jo you.” house and tool came right out The Tinies promptly squatted a y*JL “ Here are ■ m y'jacto They*^ down —to— shady spot^'upon toe jui^'.arbimd.” A ^ te 'was rigfit; ground. The old man^then opotlii- toe Tables fbund. . fhe Jades begw ' ued, *T wm tdl you TE Gb. to Jump and Duncy idiouted, *Gfy, “ O f ,_cpiu:8e, you k n o | [^ uttqlLEiin- ^ t s swdH”.___ — L__ - ^ i meris here, wee tots are looklBg for good cheer. They love to ipto their (The TliGw see some little tops and bounce ttisir MOl and 9 ^ In toe next s4ny.) . f T- Hs*:


SENSE AND NONSENSE Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fo^

p is to There was an old Negro preacher A Slap on the Back Beats a Kick ^*5 UNKY" EPWARPS,WH0 PETERMINEP acCOME A rtAPIO ^ living' in South'Carolina Just out of in the Pants All Hollow, Especially ANNOUNCCR, HAS THE BALL GAMES TO PRACTICE ON NOVV, Charleston who mixes up his Bible In Times Like These When Every­ In this wonderful way: one Is Doing His Best. “And, lo, de Queen of Sheba, she /iMoS!—So^i'.! went down into Jerus’lem a>settin’ Stingy D og Owner— ^Doctor, w hat HeV —■ROLL OUT on a mule; and behole de mule flung >would you So for a dog that was her, an’ she fell 'moung thieves, but poisoned by strychnine? (SF VoaR CGCOOAi , dey passed by on de other side. By Veterinarian—I would start dig­ m V ''* ^ . an’ by she come ter herself and got ging a hole. A lS'’ C O M S agin on de mule’s back, an’ she seed PGUlU HSRe “T^ dem a-comin’ fum afur off, an’ five HASH: A widow is the luckiest uf dem wus wise an’ flve wu* fool­ woman in the world. She knows all ish; m ’ dey come firth ter meet her about men, and all the men who wid palm leaf fans, cryin’: “Great know anyt^g about her are dead. is Susanneh uv de Ephesians’, an’ . . . Women will never be satisfied dey waved dem palm leaf fans in with equal rights. It’s too much of dat mule’s face. An’ as she rode a come-down for them. . . . Some down de street, she looked up in de men seem to think that a woman’s second story window, an’ cried out: prindpal mission is submission. . . “Fung down Jezebel,’’ an’ de answer Industry climbs the stairs, while come back: “We ain’t gwine to fling good luck goes up the elevator. . . down Jezebel.’’ An’ she said unto Beware' of the man who promises dem a second time: “Fling down more than you have a right to ex­ Jezebel,” an’ de answer came back: pect. . . . A firm is judged by the “We ain’t gwine to fling down no employees it keeps. . . . A bard head Jezebel.” An’ she cried unto dem yet will bring better order out of chaos a third time: “Fling down Jezebel,” than an iron hand. . . . Fools create an’ dey den changed deir minds, an’ the opportunities of which wise men dey flung her down seventy times take advantage. . . . We understand seven, an’ she busted into pieces, that the ultimate in women’s which could not be numbered fer de clothes is to feel the coolest and multitude thereof; an’ dere wus a look the hottest . . . Old-fashioned great weepin’ an’ wailin’ an’ love may not have traveled so fast out UV teeth; an’ dey but it went better places. . . . It is picked up of her fragments twelve said that college football is falling basketful, five loaves an’ two small financially—^whlch means that foot fishes. An’ Ah says unto yo’, breth ball is failing. ren, in de Day ob Judgment, whose wife am Jezebel gwine to be?” Bteel blackboards with enamel surfaces have been Invented for Hose—^What kind o’ watch yo’ schools. g o t? Sambo—Ah has a wondah watch. M ose— ^Wondah w atch ? N ebber WINS PBEBOEB PRIZE heard ob it. Sambo—^Well, it’s dis way; ever’ O ttaw a—The forem ost prize gly tainly is too worn out to help with his work in forest fire fighting with any morning housework. the airplane. He flew 770 hours dur­ ing the season from May to SCORCHY SMITH A Fesriiiiisrs Solfloqoy October, the btisy season for fire­ A Speedy Ship By John C Terry What’s the use of stmshine? Only fighters. blinds the eyes. What’s the use of learning? Only '^SWIUG OPP TO VtHIft LEFT.SCDROtV'/ O.K..JA1CE. XCAHSE£NOW makes you wise. TtlA TS TVie. BtOMORK RWEft. } WHERE CHIEt^TUUNBEROUXID^ Flapper Fa n n y Sa y S; What’s the use of smiling? Wrin­ ncau.«.p»T.crr. LODGE. tS UKATED * kles up your face. What's the use of flowers? Clutter­ ing up the place. What’s the use of eating? Nothing, a only taste. What’s the use of bustling? Haste is only waste. What’s the use of music? Just a lot of noise. What’s the use of loving? Makes sad girls and boys. What's the use of gladness, when the whole world’s sad? What's the use of goodness? Every­ one is bad. What's the use of doctors? Might y / . as well be sick. What's the use of ANYTHING? Lots more fun to KICK! In her school essay on “Parents,” a little girl wrote: “We get our par­ ents at so late an' age that it is im­ possible to change their habits.” A MATRIMONIAL WISE- WASHINGTON TUBBS H By Crane OUT OUR WAY By Williams JRACK: Long before the rooimted x)licc were organized, the girls were ilways getting their man.

Truant Officer — Why did you ClAOrs :ake your boy out of school ? When the baggageman is slow in Parent—That teacher ain’t got no yWOiLKS OUT PeVZPECaV, p o p n e r . HE TwK) FfelEMDS TUY To 6VD A CASU^L, GROF? lense. He wanted to make my boy calling for yonr trunk, words can’t WELL. , iT CDOLDtor /Tk b r s w m v/ v o o r KiO ,TH* w o r l d NEV/ER '»U UIW3T To GET OP RlP/ u F ^E vlE U ^ EOT TMEIV^ VOICES BRE^V^. ipell talers with a P. eoqiresa it. B e. HELPEX>,, X AMD HE kyk%JT8 TO GET RlO O’ VOO. IDEALISTS V G O V c o u l o b e FRECKLES AND HIS FRIE;^DS ^G u coMe AMS FOC. e A v / H IT - H E SRCOLO/ UP IMT& itJTO t u e OUtt 0 0 0 9 UA9U, you g e AtJ' AOS \*/AJT FOC. MS.

' t'p 1UR0H) AJrt, lU A 'S AVtaiGWC. rtHEM RiO STEFS IMTO TUE PLANE. TU^RE IS A A f a r e w e l l dES T E a IP (Jl[b o a r , a CIOOP O f P O S T - AN9 HE IS GOME, vku xH w a TA EOef^ SEES HER VOl) IF -I F a g a i h ^ t o s a u e m y I W A5NT RCM ARD Fe r M E^ TH A ’S ALL.

'0MATTSO. M O^? ACT u u £ ^AASTUltJg ytjm

HAPPY ENOiHOr. HEauaMT.err. ntwtsrwwsCTwcawe.'

SALESMAN SAM Turned Loose! By Small

V1HAT5 TWAT V iH V M o m ; u e r n c M G o l w r o n <> ^ N ’ we dCPecT^DTA T IN O A T hAjHa I O N ttO N Vou; BiaoLVf, WHILE I’M HEREfMeeeC ...FSSCM-SS IS SBff. c a p t a in . WHAT DI03A WELL. I DO meed Mow CA»J y o u DO WITH t h a t s a n k R086CA> MAN«. A U - H€. HAD IN VOUNG FOtCtUNe. IN BILLS TH aTJ b UH? H&'S PROB'l V I CAM S€LLV a SOMCtXlHN*. CAR! A COufuTriES-KiTr OOOtZ, COMtKftf SAV TUATS ^aiLUKtS 50MS TH A T WASBROUGHT i GRIP WAS A LOCtA W a s s w ip e o f r o m t h ' s a n k ! s a l c s m a n , S<5TSO e^ETles, E T C * l ^ 4 s o e v i h a t FROM OtSAOegSABltT 0OUBS BOA MdGCHANOIsel u K e M a .1 Y A G o T l u tr c y g y j'f X TWfMU IT JUAA0O a MD S m b u s POODLC " HAMh. cuFng 3 0 0 0 !' AoAHeffl’ A C 6. LAUMDCReo pRccfucnrss c v e ^ w c c K fAfi^TWTELy^ ■ip?' charge of Riqnnond Benson and his CSifldren o f the Junior depeurt- T^LEAGUES COMING decemating committee, and included ment of the Center church school ES’T IH A ^ QNu, PDBUC RECORDS N O m n PROGRAM selections by the Junior Boy's Glee FDBOC CARD PARn are rtiiearabig for a May festival to ELECTidUAL WDl C2ub, under the direction of 6. Al­ be given on Saturday, May £1. (■ m b h r Democntlc Women’s canb. TO LUTHERAN MEETING bert Pearson, and a hunwrous mon»^ Probate Notes PLANNED AT CITADEL Scenes from the book "little Lord M O K JU a, M A Y 9, AT 8 P. M. logue by Ray Benson, besides seV- Fm m tlero/' wUl be enacted, and the T. M. C. A. , Mary Callahan was ^pointed BROM^ RIGHTS eral stunts. Refreshments werd op^tta i>y Oscar Wilde, '•The | M M < r rof reortTO Bridge and .administratrix of the estate of John Committees Busy With Plans served and a game period was held. H. Callahan, late of Manchester, de­ Tdung People’s Le^on To Give w^ppy Prince" will be presented by EU^ENE’MYiBiH WhM Wm Be PlnygA „ . F ot K g Omvention Here On a chorus of upwards of 60 children. OMHalam. sAom A^^Mm Iob 86c. Everybody Invitea. ceased, by Judge W. 3. Hyde thi* Surprise 'Entertainment VTdl Go On the Air tlnrsilny m orning. Wednesday Evening. June 25 aiid 26. The Inventory of the estate of WINNERS MAKE SHREWD N ^ As Part of Inspect 'Varioiu committees in charge of Maria A. Moriarty, late of Man­ A novel entertaJument will be chester, deceased, filed for probate arrangements for the sixteenth an­ iresented at the ' local Salvation nual convention of the New England g u e s s e s INKED CONTEST ABOUTTOWN shows an estat of 110,912.26 con­ Army citadel, We<^esday evexdng. lion Program. sisting of real estate and bank de­ .Conference, Luther League, to be May 11, at 7:30 o’clock, sponsored htid at' the Swedish Lutheran Tbe Qyp dub of the Center Con- posits. The ManchMter Trust Com­ by the Young'People’s Legion, and Joseph Berenski, 13, of 58 BisseU ASPARAGUS pany is executor of the estate. Preparations are going forward church here on June 25 and 26, re­ ■regatlonal church will have as it’s will include singing, music and ported at a meeting of the Luther street and Shirley M. Fraser, 7, of speaker tomorrow evening a dramatics. The' entire progrrain has thoroughly for the annual “Open 198 Eldrldge street, tied for first and Howard 17 strawberry plants now on Night’’ at the Manchester State League last night and indicated that young German student who Is con­ not been completed as yet but will plans for the convention are well place in the guessing contest nected with the German Youth open with a twenty-minute piano Trade school which will be observed conducted by C. E. House A Son, sale at the farm. We are sroing to try to <1 from 7 until 9 . o’clock Thursday underway. The committee chair­ movement. AU young people in­ MANCHESTER STUDENT recital by Alfred Clough.. men meet tonight at the church it was annoimced today. night. As in the past, the public is vited. The program will also include Vestry at .7:30 o’clock. A few weeks ago this store plac­ sell our asparagus, strawberries, raspl^- AT C. A . C. HONORED numbers by the boys’ quartet, a cordially welcome to inspect the en­ The registration committee of ed on window dismay a large sketch Group 8 of the Memorial hospital girl’s quartet, ft sketch-by the mem­ tire school. which Miss' Eva M. Johnson is of a Scotch Terrier on which were ries and other fruits and vegetables liiis Radio Demonstration TJnwn auxiliary, Mrs. LeVeme bers of the Band o f' ve, a play by chairman, has sent notlficatiohs of several hundred outlines of various One of the new features will be Holmes, leader, will meet Monday the Young People’s Legion, a the convention to the 72 Leagues styled Ked rubber-soled canvass year at our own roadside stand at the Represents State College In a demonstration of radio broadcast­ afternoon at Center church house. •'string pl^ n g” j^bup, a group of throughout New England and is shoes. Nearly 300 tried to count Poetry Reading Contest At so-called "Bolton Buglers,’’ "The ing to be demonstrated by the elec­ now arranging to IcK^e delegates them and thMr guesses ran ^ m farm. Amherst Today. trical department under the super­ overnight. The convention will open lOO to 2,000. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Wasley of Craay Cats’’ and others, plus a vision of C. E. Gardner who has with a business session Saturday af­ The correct number was 756. 14 Summit street, with a party of surprise chairman. ' Miss PhylUs Brooke Sargent, This entertainment is open to the studlid. extensively in this type of ternoon followed by a rally meeting Joseph figured three more and Shir­ friends, are spending the week-end daughter of Captain Md Mrs. W ork.’ The Federal Radio CJommls- in the evening. A communion ley three fewer. Joseph received a at Mr. Wasle;/s cottage, "Damflno" public. Tickets ma. be obtained S. O. BOWERS Charles R. Sargent, of 103 Henry from members of the Legion. sioh at Washington has given per­ service will be held Sunday morning catcher’s mask and Shirley a pair on Leete’s Island, Guilford. street, is representing Connecticut mission for experimental broadcast­ knd the final and largest session of ^ girl’s Keds. Walter Schober, 10, Agricultural College today in u ing on a wave length of five meters. the convention will be held at the of 52 Delmont street, was third 75 Deming Street, Oakland Tel. 7172 Miss Catherine Foster, daughter Intercollegiate Poetry R ead^ con­ BLOOD TRANSFUSiWS The Trade school station is South MeUiodlst church Sunday af­ with a guess of 760. He won a of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster of 333 test being held at Amherst, Mass. WIBAX and during the evening of ternoon. baseball and bat South Main street, is making satis­ She is in the class of 1935. the "Open Night" program, ampli­ The League voted to accept an in­ factory progress at the Memorial Miss Sargent, whose father is a RECLAIM GIRL’S HEALTH fiers will be located throughout the vitation to visit the New Britain hospital following an operation yes­ rifle Instructor attached to tte school so that visitors maty hear the League Thursday evening of next terday morning for chronic appedi- 169th. Lifantry regiment ot the broadcast which will simultaneously we^. Members planning to attend Connecticut National Guard, has cltis. Janet Tracy To Return Home be going out on the air to be picked are requested to notify Herman had considerable experience in dra­ Johnson, chairman of the transpor­ Tomorrow After Four Trans- up by other short wave sets. Not matics at atorrs and has taken part tation committee. Norma Johnson A divorce was /ra ted la Superior only code but the human voice can Court at Hartford yesterday to Mrs. in several of the productions staged fusions Give Her 2 Quarts. was named chairman of the pro­ FOR BRIDES— by the Ooimectlcut Players, under­ be senV and received at the Trade gram committee. Ella R. Sawyer from Arthur W. school's new station. Sawyer. Bo ' are from Manchester. graduate dramatic organisation at After ten weeks confinement in the It was also voted to hold the To Be In Operation Intolerable cruelty was charged. C At C* M an-eater Memorial hospital dur­ next meeting on Thursday evening. Machinery in every department Mrs. Sawyer charged that her hus­ The sMecUon of Miss Sargent for ing which she was given two quarts May 19, instead of the following will be in operation giving the band ''eat her and tore her clothes the honor which she gains today of blood in four transfusions, 11- nt^t. This meeting will be in came as a result of her victory in years-old Janet Tracy will return to visitors an excellent opportunity to AND oft. charge of Herman Johnson, chair­ ;two elimination trials. Miss Sar­ her home at 114 North Elm street watching practical work in progress man of the mission and camp com­ SATINS SHEERS Land is being leveled oft and gent was accompanied to Amherst today. at the school. An added feature will m ittee. graded for a new playground at the by Professor C. D. Smith, member Janet started attending the Hard­ be the more recent and up-to-date The program last night was in north end of Newman street neat of the English department at C. A. ing school ■■ on Hollister street last machinery which has been added to Smart brides, pronounces VOGUE magazine, Center Sprl''gs Park. The ground C., who is an aluiimus of Amherst September but was soon forced to the various departments and is now % has been used in the past for a in the class of 1924. remain at home owing to ill health. in use by the apprentices at their LEATHER SOLES and smaU baseball field by the children In addition to kidney trouble, there trades. '*say that satin is the best o f all for a wedding in the neighborhood and other land were other complications and her An exhibition of finished work RUBBER HEELS has been cleared and tennis courts HUTCHINSON TO M L blood becaine very poor. Three done by the students will be on dis­ dress.^' Next comes the “new and chic use wiU be provided. The playground is transfusions were given by her play in the school assembly hall, For Ladles ^ 4 Up part of the Center Springs Park uncle, Harold Qemson and a fourth among which will be the early and Gents $ 1 .v lv system . OF TRAVEL EXPERIENCES one by Herbert Clemson, another American Colonial weaves develop­ of semi-sheer fabrics, sue has crepe roma uncle Thursday morning. ed by the textile department These RUBBER HEELS An attractive program has been Janet's mother, Mrs, Jennie Tracy, beautiful fabrics are being woven We are showing an array of white silks for aitanged for Mother's Day at the Men’s Friendship Club To Hear is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in the school's shops. The Trade Swedish Lutheran church tomorrow About Many Adventures of Andrew ClemsoA of 108 North Elm school orcUsstra will furnish music. 25c the special benefit of Spring brides—in dead- afternoon at 5 o'clock. The choir Local Man Through World. street. will present a musical program of SELWrrZ SHOE The Junior Mission band of the solos, quartet and chorus numbers REPAIRING The regular meeting of the Men’s Swedish Lutheran church will meet whites and off-whites. suitable for the^ day and has obtain­ Selwlts Building, M^n and Pearl ed Rev. Roy L. Winters as speaker. Friendship club o f the South Methr* this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the odist church, wlli be held on Mon­ y . M . C . A. church. BsL 1908 day eventag at 7:45, when the And for that othar Mr. and Mrs. David Martin, who The Y. M. C. A. will adopt its have been spending the past year at speaker will be James B. Hutchin­ son. He will speak on incidents of spring schxlule Monday which exciting June event, their old home in Ireland, have re­ means that the bowling ^leys and turned to town. interest during his travels in many parts of the world. Including South billiard rooms in the basement will be open only on appointments. The Daughters of Liberty will Africa, where he was employed on GRADUATION the gold mines on the Witewaters- The twilight baseball league will hold their monthly meeting Monday not start next week "s planned as evening in Orange hall, when the rand, where are situated the largest ASPARAGUS white and pastel flat crepes and the field is not yet in proper condi­ degree will be conferred on a class gold mines in the world. Other places to be dealt with, are tion. A meeting of the managers of candidates. Each member is re­ will be held next week, the date to triple sheers. quested to bring a Maybasket The the Caribbean seas, where the be announced later. social committee is Mrs. Sarah speaker sailed, and he will also The Camp Woodstock Alumni Holland, Mrs. Martha Hooks, Miss touch on his experiences during the meeting is to be held at the Y at Take advantage of our new lower Meta Hooks, Mrs. Elisabeth House LOUIS L. GRANT World war, when he w v on ships 7 tonight A large turnout is ex­ and Mrs. Jane Irwin. under attack by German submarines pected. price ranges. on two occasions. Incidents and hu­ Mcmchester Y representatives are Manchester people who plan to mor in Irish elections will also be competing in the County Y track T el. 6S70 visit relatives in Ireland this sum­ spoken of, as the speaker had a Buekland mer include Mrs, Mary Dickson and and field meet in New Britain to­ professional contact in this iSelc. day. her daughter. Miss Anna Dickson of A cordial invitation is extended to CHENEY HALL SALESRCXDM Winter street; Miss Caroline Binks all men in the community to attend. of the House and Hale building and William Turkington of Center Remnant and Imperfect Silks . street. Hartford Road, South Manchester, Conn. Manchester Assembly, Order of Rainbow, \vill meet at Masonic SEE THE NEW Temple Monday evening, at 7:30. A full attendance is desired as officers EASY WASHER for the ensuing term will be elected. at $59.50 New agitator, balloon type David Chambers rolls; new tub, new beauty, only $5 a month. SURE Contractor KEMP’S, INC. and Builder Free Home Demonstration. FOOTING Shoe Repairing W ALTER

I'H Soles . 85c R. HORRY Ladies’ and CONTRACTOR from now on Children .... 65c AND Rubber Heels 25c BUILDER August Andrulot Repair work of all kinds. Also Trotter Block housepainting. PHONE 5773 Y«LO U R seasoned mountain climber watches his step. Makes sure of his ground. G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. U. S. PEERLESS Takes no needless risks. Just SO, your “ sure-footed” man of property. He, too, 2 Main St., Tel. 5125, Manchester JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES watches his finann^l steps— takes no needless risks for his Lumber — Mason*s Supplies 20 X 4.50 ...... $4.82 own and his family's sake— puts the protectiem of his Oil— Coal 21 X 4.50 ...... $4.89 property on a strong basis. Cannel Coal for Fireplace Use. 19 X 4.75 . ______. .•.:.$5.70 Isn't this just what you wish to do? But have you made 1 9 x 5.0 0 ...... $5.99 plans to do it? Does your will include Trust Funds for the 18x5.25 . . . .r. . . -rv.. ...,.$6.78 various members of your family? Ib ve you named a strong 18 X 5 .5 0 ...... $7.52 trust institution as executor and trustee? 18 X 6.00 ...... •.$8.64 TIm dl«eevify of a n «v nAbw cowpyiidfafl In this matter of estate planning, our experience, we are iMmdiMt/ n«y«r i i ^ In tlwy, o b M U. S. to Modtfco Tofiipwod Rwbbw. 20 x 6.00 ...... $9.18 sure, will be o f considerable help to you. Special Notice Enalnom edl it tbo bmeontlrat. BoHtInto Hionow U.S. Rwol. U m n fi Riibbw s Wm yo« riiewondi W e in vite you to talk w ith our T ru st O fficer, milM ol ontra wool— greetly. Ingom— tOwtl* ELECTROVITA ilrid trood lito— and r«dv«M tfio dioneo ot Artificial Mineral Water $ Can b« obained at the MOUND FILLING STATION THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. mi MAIN VSe, SOUTH MANCIHMlSTMy, CONN. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. W« S. CHjUNT, LOCAL DIBTRIBUTOH. Center Auto Supply WM or ipMtal pvtoe at eteSoB eSIoA 165 CENTER STREET SOUTH MANCHESTER PIMMb M m f S f l HeoM PboM MOM