President of France Succumbs to Wounds
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'DAILT OBCTIJ^THHf roroe—t tf & S. Wfl f « r ih e M oafli « f A pril, 19SS U d lril 5 , 5 0 9 .'ow ; not BMrik r iw ig o In . 4 MMBbw of Audit BnrMM o f Ctrcnl&tloiL. AdTorttriiif M Pag* If.). SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. )AY, MAT 7, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICTi THREE C E I^ . VOL. lil., NO. 187. CROSS INVOLVED- Flames Destroy Great Piers in New York PRESIDENT OF FRANCE IN PARTY DISPUTE SUCCUMBS TO WOUNDS Ckarses and Cowter N EW W H ITON Passes Away At Dawn, Victim of Assassin—Cabmet and Qiarges Follow Spellacy’s EXTEND CREDIT LIBRARY OPEN Members of Family Present— Crowds Before H ospi^ Story About Natioiial ONUGHTBIU^ Ail Throngh N i^t— Details of Tragedy ToU By Wh-' ConailteenaB McNeD. AHOTAY T H im O N T H S nesses— Messages of Sympathy Poor In From A l Pnblic Inspectioii Tomorrow, 4 " Hortford, May 7.—A tangle of Over the World— Body Now Lies In State In the Presi- ehasgeo counter charges becom Electric Company Amiouices ing public late yesterday, concern Dedicatkm Tuesday; M d - ing the status of Democratic Na New Plan To A iiH ie e ^ dmrtial Palace. tional Ctommitteeman and State mg’s Beaaty and Eqiup- " 'y ' . /''s- 'yi/y , /. Chairman Archibald McNeil, linking Most Hake Application To Paris, May 7.— (AP)—Paul Dou- NEWS PHOTOCatAPHEB him with rum running accusations rnent Impresshre. ' ' ' ' y / f ^ ^ " j ' y ' ' . ■* -VAifr/X. A mer, beloved venerable 75-year-oId PROVES SELF A HERO " , . - I and involving Governor Cross, •r.... .~,^^.^yA ■.•vy.’.'^ fy .y y president of France, lay to state in A’. .-.V.-.-___ Seemre the Privilege. Thomas J. Spdlacy of- Hartford, the green room of the presidential Paris, May 7.—(AP)—Louis Piston, gray-bearded dean of Smith leader, and Mrs. Fannie Dixon The new Whiton Memorial Li palace today, the victim of an as Welch of Columbia, Roosevelt ad Paris news photographers, miss brary will be open for inspection to Behind these rolling clouds of anooke, raging flames were sweeping a $2,500^000 pier of the Cunard L’ne Believtog that conditions as they sassin’s gun, while France, from herent, in questions of veracity, in New York when this picture was taken. More than 700 firemen, fifty pieces of land fire apparatus and ed the picture of a lifetime yes morrow from 3 to 5 p, m., allowing end to end, was bowed to sadness. terday, but he was being heaped threw the affairs of the Democratic' „ a half-dozen flreboats fought to prevent the blaze from spreading to adjoining piers, and surgeons treated exist at the present time call for Manchester citizens to view the with honor for it today. party in this state into a morass The! scores of persons affMted by the smoke. The liner California was moved out into the Hudson river to further service to the public, the After lingering throughout the of confusion. Out of it, political ob modem and beautiful interior, The veteran cameraman, a ' escape the flames. Manchester Efiectrlc Company an night to a coma and delirium while 1 servers are already predicting. Gov personal friend of the late Presi official dedication ceremony will be nounced today that it will tempor a staff physician worked vainly, ernor C t o u may emerge without the dent Doumer, was right next to held Tuesday, May 10, beginning at Doumer died at 4:37 a. m.. Just as support of either faction in his am arily render electric service on him when the assassin began dawn crept over the cold stone bition for re-election. Edward A. Lydall, president of credit to those of its domeetic shooting 3resterday. He might walls of Beaujon hospital, vdiere he have had a picture of the shoot This crisis developed from the the board of directors will open the FORD TO EXPAND patrons who by reason of mis was taken after the shooting yes ing itself, but instead he smash pubUcatiOD by Mr. Spellacy o f what dedication program with an address MRS. HOOVER ATTENDS fortune or temporary unemploy terday. ed the assassin with his camera ■ he dedam to be facts transpiring of welcome and Rev. Marvin. 8. ment beyond their control are un When the end came the entire and stunned the man, enabling at a luncheon which he and Gover Stocking, pastor of the North able to meet their monthly bUls. ’The Methodist church will give the in HIS GARDEN IDEA French Cabinet was assembled to a others to overpower him. | nor Cross shared several weeks ago. offer of credit is restricted to the room at the hospital next to that vocation. NEW CANAAN WEDDING Piston was on the Job at the According to the Hartford man’s current bills rendered during June, occupied by M. I^umer. At his bed El rsee Palace today, taking pic statement the Governor asked him Edneafor to Speak 3 July and August. side were his wife, his two daugh tures, but again and again he if be bad beard any rumors about The dedicatory address will be President's Statement ters, Mesdames E llery and Four was interrupted Iqr Cabinet min Committeeman McNeU. The Gov- given by Dr. E. W. Butterfield, To Use AD of His Agencies In a statement containing the an nier, and several physicians. isters, bigh officials and others e fb o r then told him be had beard State Commissioner of Education First Lady To l(einain h 300 FIREMEN HURT who wiU speak on the subject, "The nouncement, Samuel Ferguson, Patiiettc Scene who stopped to congratulate bino. thsi McNeil bad been dropped from president of the company, says: It was a pathetic death scene. M. the Bridgeport Police Commission Library in a Democracy,’’ Dr. But To Suggest That Jobless President Doumer was a guest ‘The unemployment problem as af Doumer lay on a simple bedstead to at Piston’s wedding a number of bffBiif be bsd provided police pro terfield is also chairman of the Con State Today — Bride Is necticut Public Library conunittee. IN BIG P e FIRE fecting the ability of those out of the huge room. ’Hirougbout the years ago. tection for rum runners; that he, the work to pay for essential electric night the physicians worked over Governor, had investigated and Wells A. Strickland, chairman of the building committee will deliver DnfjRer «f Famer As m - service has become so acute that him. They gave him a number of found the charges to be true in at The Manchester Electric Company the keys to the building to Thomas blood transfusions and used oxygen the emergency session would be least one instance, and that McNeil proposes to try the very radical ex tberifore should not be state chair J. Rogers, chairman of the board of Detroit, May 7,—(AP) — Henry to spur bis heart. postponed date of dK Pt m Ac iL Over Two MiBioD Dollar periment of extending credit, to For a time hope had been held for selectmen following the address. Ford, who told President Hoover re Albert Le Brun, president of the man. those who normally pay their bills his recovery. Shortly before mld- Cross Stateoieat 'The benediction will be by Rev. cently of bis plan for an employ Senate was promtotntly mentioned regularly but are now temporarily Ugfat, after oxygen had been used Governor Cross, upon learning of Frederick C. Allen of the Second Dum ge l i Worst Blaze In as a possible succeraor to M. Dou- New Canaan, May 7.—(AP)— ment liason between industry and imable to do so, for the June,. July and a-narcotic administered to the' Spellacy statement, declared CongregatUfoai church. ’The building mex. He was sugger’^ed as » candi agriculture, is using the National or and August bills, until such time as sooth him, Dr. Louis Moyrier, direc that the . latter bad done his party a will be open for inspection following Mrs. Herbert Hoover came to New date for the presidency last year. ganization of the Ford Motor Com they obtain employment again. tor of public health, said the presi “sorry servloe” and that Mr, Spel the exercises. riiumim today to attend the wedding Recent Tears. He followed M. ’’ 'uner as presi Impressive Building pany to spread his doctrine that the “The details of the plan are set dent’s conditioa ^ -s slightly im lacy bad revealed confidential con dent of tbe Senate when Doumer Manebestor people when they step of Miss Marguerite Richard, daugdi' best employment insurance is Moth out to a circular which is being sent proved. versation. Tbs Governor declared out with the May bills. It is ob was finally dtwen president of the over the threshold of the new ter of a college friend and former New York, May 7.—(AP) — The er Earth. At 12:45 a. m., however, FrancUs that be bad made no charges against Whiton Memorial library tomorrow vious that there are many complica Republic. Taxicab chauffeurs driv McNeil and that what impatience be business associate ox the-President, “I cannot see how teachers, land Pietri, minister of the budget, an- afternoon will be surprised by the meet stubborn flire in New York’s tions, as >t is essential that atten ing about to the dawn this monitog had expressed toward the Bridgeport And Graham H oyt, Y ale art student. owners, local governments and em- noimced that the president was not spaciousness of the building and recent history still burned today in tion should be paid to all bills by reverently doffed their caps when man was because of a leak to the The Mrst Lady and her party ar ployers can'do a better work tor the doing aa well as he had been.