Effect of Geotextiles on the Compaction Properties of Soils
d 2n International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 28-30 May 2009, Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus Effect of geotextiles on the compaction properties of soils S. Nilay Keskin P rof. PhD., Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Department of Civil E ngineering, Isparta, 32260, Turkey. Ömür Çimen T.Selçuk Göksan Soner Uzundurukan A ssist. Prof. PhD., Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Engineering-Architecture, Department of Civil Engineering, Isparta, 32260, Turkey. Mehmet Karpuzcu M s. Of Science, Civil Engineer, Isparta, 32260, Turkey KEYWORDS: Geotextile, Compaction, Clay, Sand, Pumice. ABSTRACT: In order to improve the engineering characteristic of the soil, several methods have been applied such as compressing the soil, using supplementary materials, carrying out thermo operations and using geotextile. Nowadays, usage of geotextiles in stabilization of the soil is increasing gradually. The geotextile products used for different purposes in soil and foundation engineering are produced in a great variety. In this study, the effects of woven and non-woven geotextiles on the compaction parameters of sand, clay and pumice were investigated. For this aim, compaction tests were conducted on sand, clay and pumice specimens. Compaction tests were also conducted on the specimens that were reinforced with one layer of geotextile and reinforced with two layers of geotextiles respectively. And results obtained from these tests were compared. No significantly effect was observed of geotextile reinforcement of pumice on the quality of compaction. Maximum dry density and optimum water content values of clayey soil were obtained on the experiments that were conducted on the clayey soil reinforced with one layer of propex 6062 (woven).
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