
JHEP05(2018)208 Springer May 21, 2018 May 31, 2018 : : , March 12, 2018 : Accepted Published Received a Published for SISSA by https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2018)208 [email protected] , and Jan Plefka b . 3 Matin Mojaza a 1802.05999 The Authors. c Conformal and W , Scattering Amplitudes

We argue that the scattering of in ordinary Einstein possesses , [email protected] Institut f¨urPhysik and IRIS Adlershof,Zum Humboldt-Universit¨atzu Großen Berlin, Windkanal 6, 12489Max-Planck-Institut Berlin, f¨urGravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Germany Am 1, M¨uhlenberg 14476 Potsdam, Germany E-mail: [email protected] b a Open Access Article funded by SCOAP Keywords: ArXiv ePrint: To motivate the underlying prescription,symmetry of we demonstrate amplitudes that inifest terms formulating of reversal the momenta and conformal and cyclic polarizationof symmetry. vectors requires Similarly, man- our amplitudes formulation reliestude of on function. the a conformal manifestly symmetry permutation symmetric form of the ampli- Abstract: a hidden conformal symmetrythis at conformal tree symmetry level is in indicated anyreminiscent by number of the of the . soft conformal theorem invariance The in of presence gluon of theory, tree-level and it amplitudes is in four dimensions. Florian Loebbert, Hidden inscattering tree-level graviton JHEP05(2018)208 ] 1 25 31 10 3 29 6 24 18 – 1 – ], which provides a concrete, yet still mysterious, 3 , 2 21 0 α 3 f M 1 Clearly symmetries play a decisive role in constraining the dynamics of quantum field theories and the Poincar´einvariance ofpractical formalism scattering to amplitudes compute is these:momentum a translational conserving symmetry built-in-feature delta-function is of of guaranteedvariant the any by modulo the amplitude gauge overall which transformations. inin turn Importantly, four must however, dimensions tree-level be are invariant gluon under Lorentz the amplitudes in- larger group of conformal transformations. While trees, also at the fieldMills theory level. theory This was representation liftedBern, of Carrasco gravity to and as an Johansson the (BCJ) “square” entirelyprescription [ of for new Yang- how level Yang-Mills amplitudes throughgravitational (at the amplitudes tree upon color-kinematics and replacing loop-level) duality color may of degrees be of combined freedom into by kinematical ones. properties. In their perturbativefluctuations quantization about through the vacuum andin or gravitons their Minkowski as scattering , weak amplitudes respectively, field within striking have string been similarities theory, discovered. theallow Through for KLT a a relations unifying representation UV-completion between of open graviton tree-amplitudes and as closed products string of color-stripped amplitudes gluon [ 1 Introduction Although Yang-Mills (YM) theorylocal and symmetries, Einstein’s their theory actions of look gravity both rather are different built and upon lead to very distinct quantum C On gauge invariance of theD dilaton soft Conformal theorem symmetry of two-dilaton-two-graviton amplitude 6 Summary and outlook A Conformal generator on stripped amplitudes B Computation of 3 Conformal symmetry of Yang-Mills amplitudes 4 Soft , conformal generators5 and graviton scattering Conformal symmetry of graviton amplitudes Contents 1 Introduction 2 Poincar´eand conformal symmetry in momentum space JHEP05(2018)208 ]. 1 ]). 12 = 0, , 20 2 11 k massless all ], who used an 4 ] for 10 ]. The above findings , 9 19 2. However, the existence d > = 2. ) — and not in terms of helicity ]. Extensive works of Strominger d ] (up to collinear configurations [ 8 4 [ ¯ λ 2 ∂ ∂λ∂ = , tree-level Yang-Mills amplitudes in four dimensions µ ∆=1 ¯ λ K – 2 – and momentum space λ ], and as especially pointed out in [ 18 – ]. However, a similar relation does not immediately carry over to 13 7 – 5 ] — the non-preservation of the on-shell constraints is demonstrated. -dimensional treatment and a scaling different from unity. 4 d symmetries in quantum field theories, i.e. the appearance of symmetries at the We shall begin our discussion with an analysis of some general features of massless In fact, it has been demonstrated that Einstein gravity in AdS space can be obtained Given the close connection between the conformally invariant gluon tree-amplitudes Remember that using momentum spinors hidden 1 spinors as done inThis [ is very subtle,fulfilled on as the core hypersurface properties of of the amplitudes on-shell such constraints. asare gauge We annihilated expose invariance by the are the special impact only conformal generator of these since we require a scattering amplitudes and conformal symmetry.tion Employing and a special representation conformal of generatorsmomentum the in vectors dilata- terms (here of referred differential to operators as in polarization and momenta and polarizations.which Since generically these do variables not obeyan commute on-shell immediate with constraints, puzzle the concerning e.g. actionwould the of be interpretation natural derivatives, of to we those translate are results.shell the confronted constraints above In statements are with four into unambiguously spinor-helicity dimensions, resolved. space it However, where this the route on- seems not practical here theorems do indicate that conformalthe symmetry plays present a work role was for largelydilatations gravity and motivated amplitudes. by special In the conformal fact, transformations appearancedilaton in field, of the as the soft derived conformal in theorem [ generatorsabout for the of the soft string dilaton theory are formulated in terms of differential operators in massless et al. speculate aboutparticle the scattering processes existence in ofmaps four a gluon tree-amplitudes dimensions. hidden in BMS Along MinkowskiThe symmetry space Lorentz these symmetry to [ lines, of the four-dimensional a celestialgroup Minkowski recent sphere space on at then prescription acts infinity the as [ celestial the 2d sphere. conformal While the status of this program is still indefinite, soft conformal symmetry of graviton tree-amplitudes beyond from [ flat space. Further clues towardsthe a dicovery hidden of symmetry novel of subleading graviton soft-graviton amplitudes theorems emerged [ from an inspection of theruled Einstein-Hilbert out action, due a to naiveof the conformal dimensionful gravitational symmetry coupling is in level immediately of observables which arebeen non-manifest a or recurrent non-existent themeality at in discussed the recent above. level years of — So the just it action, as might has is not the be case entirely for misguided the to color-kinematics explore du- the question of a formal symmetry of gluon tree-amplitudeselegant was representation first of fomulated the by conformal Witten generators [ in spinor-helicity and twistorand variables. graviton trees, themetry natural for question the arises former whether leaves the any imprint existence on of the conformal structure sym- of the latter. Of course, from this is a consequence of the classical conformal symmetry of the Yang-Mills action, the con- JHEP05(2018)208 = i (2.3) (2.1) (2.2) -stripped δ -function with δ i . ∀ , s i µ is the so-called ··· 1 . n i ) ) -dimensional A n i d ( n,µ has the property of being linear A , since its presence seems unex- s i n µ i  A , . . . , k 1 , k ··· ( hidden n 1 i = 0 , and A µ i i s )   µ ) denotes the -function: P  · . The function = ( δ i P µ i δ s ( k i ··· ) – 3 – µ d 1 ( th polarization tensor was exposed. The momenta µ ··· =1 ) = i δ n i 1  i n massless are described by a function on the ) ≡ P = i ( n,µ ) n s = A µ P s ( ··· i µ , . . . , k δ 1 µ 1 P µ k ··· ε ( 1 i n µ i ε A , k = = 0 n i A k amplitude. We will consider massless states carrying (symmetric) po- · i k understood as P stripped for each state, i.e. have to obey the on-mass shell and transversality conditions s µ ··· 1 In the final part, we put our conjecture of the conformal symmetry of graviton ampli- We move on to consider graviton scattering and explain how the soft- µ ε , . . . , n where only the linear dependence onand the polarization vectors1 describing the scattering of massless particles with labels or simply larization tensors of the form in support of an overall momentum conserving Here and throughout thisits work argument dimension entering the conformal generators. 2 Poincar´eand conformal symmetry inIn momentum momentum space, space amplitudes of of the full permutation operator.these When observations combined imply with dilatation theconformal and invariance algebra. Poincar´esymmetry, of We tree-levelpected refer graviton to with amplitudes this regard under symmetry tothe the as the symmetry full is dimensionful emphasized gravitational by coupling. the fact The that hidden we character require of a multiplicity dependent scaling amplitudes are annihilated bymanifest the cyclic generators and of reversal the symmetrytion of symmetry. conformal Yang-Mills That algebra. amplitudes is, is in Here,is our taken the found momentum by only role space full formulation, if of permuta- specialform. we conformal act invariance Said on differently, the the graviton special amplitude conformal in generator a maps manifestly the permutation amplitude symmetric to the kernel gravity. A careful analysismomentum space suggests — that in thetation analogy formulation of to of the the graviton this Yang-Mills amplitude.stage conformal case of While symmetry — the the in requires paper performed a our analysis particular statements is about very represen- instructive, the at conformaltudes this symmetry to are the still test. conjectural. We verify that, up to and including multiplicity six, tree-level graviton We then demonstrate that annevertheless analogue be of found, the if an conformal explicit invariancestripped cyclic in amplitude and four reversal is dimensions symmetrization performed. of can the delta-function dilaton limit indicates the conformal invariance of graviton amplitudes in ordinary Einstein issues by performing a re-analysis of the conformal symmetry of Yang-Mills amplitudes. JHEP05(2018)208 is ]). a ) we 25 (2.6) (2.7) (2.4) (2.5) – . as well 2.2 22  n µ i in ( A ¯ k . ν i represents in k -function, the δ = 0 − even i n,µν ν i s k ¯ k A a µ i n 6= k which is conveniently i X · µ i − a k  µν can be decomposed into a + − = 1 and we have chosen the η ν i µ i i ), where   i = ¯ k 2 = 0. Notice that by imposing µ i · k  a − i ( 1 → d describes a multiplet containing k k conditions. Amplitudes of polar- = 2, the massless tensor product -function and on-shell conditions. = · √ µ i δ ν i s  a  µν i µ i µν dilaton µν graviton ε  ) = ε ε i ] and the recent discussions in [ . 2 k = i µν , . Of course the choice of the state ( ] for a detailed discussion). That is, by  = 0 and  − on-shell · η 21 n . d  ∂ 2 ,  i µν A · √ An elementary physical state should corre-  ¯ k 27 = 0 separately, i.e. to strip off the , i k n the graviton polarization tensor or the dilaton n = 0 µν dilaton 23 ) + – 4 – A i j A = µν graviton i k k ε i ( = 1 and , ε · W i W = ’s are additionally constrainted by gauge invariance; ) i k either µ i k  a µν i ( 6= ε n j dilaton µν graviton the constraints are resolved by setting ) X ε 6= i a µν = To consider ε µν dilaton = ε 2 a µν µν i 2 ε ε  − · d  ) is obeyed on the support of the √ 2.4 − , k ν i µ i  k µ i is not a Lorentz vector (see e.g. [ ]. Specifically, the symmetric tensor  a n µ i 6= i  X 26 , ) = − i 13 k ( = is an auxiliary momentum which obeys µ a i k = 0, we effectively constrain ¯ k i  µν graviton · ε i In any expressionamplitude, involving it not will the beas implicitly full assumed in amplitude that the these distribution, endarbitrary constraints of leading but are any to enforced only an manipulation on the ambiguity applied in stripped to the form of a stripped amplitude. invariance in coordinate space),on-shell as conditions of well that aschoosing state by some (see state imposing with also the label [ constraints induced via the  The stripped amplitude. constraints from must Poincar´esymmetry be resolved.the This can momentum be of achieved one by eliminating of the external states using momentum conservation (translational traceless and a trace part Here normalizations such that ( state characterized by theboth polarization the tensor graviton and athis scalar case component, a the reducible dilaton.sentations, stripped The once amplitude respective it that is becomes contractedprojector an with [ amplitude for irreducible repre- Polarization tensors of physicalspond states. to an irreducible representation ofmay the also . work with However, for reduciblefor tensor describing representations, the as physical for modes instance of done closed strings. in string For theory where we have introduced the generator of gauge transformations The above equation ( We note that ized states described in termsthey of must the be invariant underwritten the gauge as transformation We will refer to both of these sets of conditions as JHEP05(2018)208 (2.8) (2.9) = ∆. (2.10) (2.16) (2.12) (2.13) (2.14) (2.15) (2.11) i , ,ν i k ∂ µν i iS − , i.e. whose polarization i i µ k s W ∂ i ), can be written as , on the whole amplitude ∆ . ,ν  } i 2.2 , i  . − i , ] ∂ µν i i , thus from hereon ∆  µ k = 0: ,S i W µν J i ∂ µν i ∂ µ i i ∆ ) ·   i, iS + i as in ( iS i · k The momentum space generators  i ∂ s − . µν − . ,K + 2 k µ · i  ) η i  µ k i ∆ i µ µ i )  µ  = P i, ∂ k k ∂ . ∆ ∂ ( ( ν i ∆) + 2 i ··· ν i . ∆ k D k  ,D 1 not commute with ∆) − i, d δ i µ − of the amplitude read µ 2∆) on the conformal dimension ∆ is stressed i − −  − G − 2 ∂ 1 k − i ,J i i − i d ∂ ν µ k ∆ ∂X ν  = ( − n µ i P =1 ∂ 2 ∂  i K X s k µ i d µ i ) )] = µ – 5 – := 1 2 + (1  − k ν [( = P ∈ { i ··· P µ i d ( µ 1 ( X i = =  and µ ∆ W ∆ ∂ ∂P in general i i ε , δ ∂δ i, = µ G ] = 0. k µν ∆ ∆ i i ∆ ∂ G ] = ( ] = µ i,  i D 2 i µν i D ·  − [ does to be the same for all legs S i · )] = , k i i µ ,  P ∆ µ ∆ ] = The above representation of the conformal generators does ( µ i ∆ , k K K we employ the shorthand notation [ µ , δ ∆ K µ ∆ ,W ,K K X i [ µ ∆ K [ K [ takes us off the constraint on-shell surface in momentum space. For + ∆ i µ ∆ k ∂ K ,J · µ i i k k = = i µ is the ‘spin’ operator which, for states with integer spin i ∆ P i, µν i D S The dilatation operator only suffers from not commuting with momentum conservation, leave the kinematic constraint hypersurface of on-shell scattering amplitudes invariant. Hence, in general completeness we note that [ i.e. we have Similarly, overall momentum conservation is generally not preserved: nor does it commute with the on-shell conditions since it will be of particular importanceKinematic for hypersurface. us. not To be explicit, the generator is realized via the standard tensor product: The dependence of the generators In the following, weThe consider action ∆ of the above generators Here tensor is symmetric and described by of the conformal algebra acting on a single leg where for any four-vector Conformal transformations in momentum space. JHEP05(2018)208 j  · i (3.1) (3.2) k color- + 1 in , can be j 4 k n Indepen- n − · d i , we study A 2 k µ ∆ ) are explic- K , 2.3 . We note that ) n is a homogeneous A n ) ] to describe relations n A , . . . , n 28 − (1 . n 2 , 2 − A d ] for explicit expressions. We = (4 n a =4 A = 0 d n ∆=1 T = 4 and for ∆ = 1, i.e. A n d ··· A 1 -dimensional treatment of scattering  ∆=0 a d In order to better understand the im- 1) T D − Tr[ denoting from here on a basis of ) (∆ n n A ,...,n – 6 – X + (2 -point stripped amplitude d ) of the special conformal generator . Using this, it is easy to show that the dilatation P n n 2 − − amplitudes. The above sum runs over all non-cyclic . − n 4 2.15 , which can equivalently be expressed as a sum over d  g ) = P ( n δ partial A , . . . , n ∆ ) = D ) were used, together with -stripped amplitudes, it is useful to rewrite the conformal generators δ = 4 in the context of a general , . . . , n or simply , by use of the chain rule, see appendix 3.1 j d (1 n 6= A i ) and ( ] by using the spinor-helicity formalism with conformal generators represented the color-group generators and , for 4 j  2.16 dimensions the canonical scaling dimension of the gluon is ∆ = a · d T i  In four dimensions, the classical scaling dimension of the YM field is ∆ = 1. Here we wish to understand how the conformal invariance of YM scattering amplitudes When acting on In 2 = 4 YM amplitudes. where ( dilatation invariance is also obtainedan for arbitrary the number multiplicity of dependent dimensions choice ∆ = dently of the spacetimefunction dimension, of the the momenta ofoperator degree annihilates 4 the YM amplitude at tree level in with decomposed partial permutations of the labelspermutations with 1 one label kept fix. ance features when restricting thedecomposed analysis into to colorless four partial dimensions. amplitudes YM amplitudes manifests itself in amplitudes written in momentum space and howImplications it of relates to representation the deficiencies. plications on-shell of constraints. the on-shell deficiencythe ( conformal transformations of tree-level YM amplitudes, where we expect to see invari- scattering amplitudes, this was firstwork demonstrated in in [ a manifestlyin four-dimensional frame- spinor space.itly Importantly, resolved. in this formalism the on-shell conditions ( notice that such differential operatorsamong were amplitudes considered of recently in different [ theories. 3 Conformal symmetry ofYang-Mills Yang-Mills theory amplitudes in four dimensions is classically conformally invariant. At the level of of) the terms givend above may vanish or cancel, as we will seein in terms a of differential moment operators in ofand the the case Lorentz invariant of kinematical variables, These commutators should, however, be considered on specific amplitudes, where (some JHEP05(2018)208 i F on µ = 4 ∆=1 = 4, µ (3.4) (3.5) (3.6) (3.3) ∆ d K d K , n A i , n W i A µ k µ i = 1. However, we ∂ , we find: . ,  n takes the amplitude − 2 A 2 − , keeping ∆ = 1 fixed. ). Nevertheless, in the d d =4 =4 =4 = = 0 = 3 = 0 d d d ∆=1 ∆=1 ∆=1 µ ∆=1 ∆=1 , as well as on-shell gauge 3.3 µ i K  , i under a . . G µ = 4. This leads to the question of µ i p ) vanish in four dimensions. Using . ) k n d p 6= 0 ( A n i f n =1 i 2.15 X from the amplitude. The coefficients F A = 0 + i µ i ∆=1 µ  + µ µ i ∆))  i  ∂ i k − G F n =1 i µ µ i i X ∆)  ) and ( (1 k n and – 7 – − = n -dimensional properties of A n =1 n µ i =1 d µ i n i X i  X 2.12 k A ) 4 + n = + (1 P A Poincar´einvariance implies that the action of − n ( n 2∆) µ i δ µ ∆=1 d  A A ( i − K µ ∆ ) 2 ∆) W = 4 is realized in momentum space. µ i K P µ k ( d − − ), presumably as a consequence of ( ∂ ∂P d d ∂δ − 2.7 = = ( = ( = n n n n A A A A ] ] ] i i )] 2 i 3  are some Poincar´einvariant functions of the kinematic variables, which = 0, which are generic P · , k ( i ,W i n µ ∆ µ G ∆ , δ A , k i K µ ∆ K [ µ ∆ [ is not a Lorentz vector, it transforms into W K K µ [ and [  i have the unwanted feature of being dependent on the ambiguity in resolving the F does not in general give zero, i.e. i G n On the other hand, the explicit examples also reveal that the naive application of Invariance under special conformal transformations is, however, delicate. For YM takes the form While A 3 n Does this mean that fullin conformal momentum invariance space? of tree-level YM amplitudes cannot be seen where the ordinary scalingalso dimension notice of that this the relation gluon is becomes valid ∆ in any = to number of dimensions this ambiguity We interpret this as a feature of the underlying conformal symmetry of YM theory in where inherit definite homogeneity degrees in and Poincar´econstraints, cf. ( case of explicit lower point examples (to be discussed below) we observe that regardless of Symmetrization prescription. A None of these commutatorswith vanishes ∆ generically = on 1 theoff only stripped the two amplitude, on-shell out and surface of in how in four conformal momentum commutators invariance space, in vanish. even for Hence theory, not all offirst the Lorentz commutators invariance and in linearity in ( invariance the polarization vectors JHEP05(2018)208 ), 2.7 does (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) (3.11) (3.12) (3.10) n in ( A a , i on k 1 inherit cyclic 6) this claim µ ∆ . − =2 n i K X n ) is not satisfied · A 1)] ] still bares some n > n , does not commute  n 2 3.12 µ ∆ A − [ n K = C 1 µ ∆ n, . . . , k . ( · K n 1) , n , A by hand, and we denote this n 2 n A , being permutation symmetric, , n 1) ,  µ ∆ µ ∆ A 1) j − K k K . · n, . . . , ) is that ( i 6= . ) as follows: ) + ( n k ] 1 n n ). However, since A 3.11 , . . . , n, − ] = 0 n 3.1 A A j>i X n n µ 2.7 ∆ . Remarkably, our explicit checks show that (2 1) 1 A n n [ − , . . . , n K =2 ] = − [ i n X n A 2 A n – 8 – n , C C A − [ (1 j n ) = ) = ( n k C µ ∆=1 ] = · A 6 that [ n , K 1 ) 5 A k , [ 1 4 n , . . . , n , . . . , n ,...,n − , =3 2 2 C , i.e. 2 j X n , , , µ n ∆ X C − (1 (1 = 3 K n n n = Cyc(1 A A 2 n are discussed below. At higher points (i.e. for 1 k 2 · n 1 is a fully permutation symmetric differential operator, it seems natural ] = µ , while the inequality shows that the naive application of ∆ n 5, by summing over all possible ways of resolving the constraints for a fixed Understanding this feature is a nonlinear problem that requires further n , k A K C [ ≤ i 4 n k n C 1 − =1 i X n − = The reason why we point out the choice ( At this point, it is useful to note that the stripped partial amplitudes n annihilates the expression for any value of ∆. At least for k 4 µ ∆ sensitivity to the ambiguity in resolvingfor the all and Poincar´econstraints, ( choices. investigation beyond the scope of this paper, which liesK on graviton scattering. The point The details for each remains conjectural. for the specific choice of resolving the Poincar´econstraints we systematically find for where the first equalitycommutes is with the trivialnot statement preserve that the permutation properties of the support of momentum conservation and on-shell conditions, i.e. In the explicit examples, to be discussed below, we find that manipulation by the symbol Of course, the stripped amplitude and stripped symmetrized amplitude are identical on and the on-shell conditions, aswith prescribed the on-shell by ( conditions, weby it. cannot expect But since these symmetrythat properties it to should be preserve preserved theby permutation manifesting symmetries the of the cyclic amplitude. and We reversal can ensure symmetries this of and reversal invariance from the color trace in ( In order to verify these symmetries, one generically has to resolve momentum conservation JHEP05(2018)208 ) − 1 2.7 , we here k n (3.16) (3.17) (3.18) (3.13) (3.14) (3.15) − µ i A k = 4 k , 6= 1, also terms 12 e ) 2 k ). It is straightforward , − 2 ), specifically 1 k 12 k · e ( ) 2 · 2 ,  3.11 3 k ( µ 2  ·  − 2 1 3 , 31  e ( + ) = + 6= 0 , − 31 1 ). We then find e i . µ 1 3 k 31  ) F k · will not be provided here, but can be e 1 µ i 23 ) 3 k  4 + ] = 0 1 e  ] = 0 4 k 2 A − 3 4 − · =1 k A and resolved the constraints from momentum i 3 [ X ( A 2 µ 3 [ 4 j k ·   3 ( – 9 –  C and ( = ( 4 · C · 12  i 4 2 e 2 −  µ ∆ k −  A µ ∆=1 2 1 K = 23 = − = e K 3 ) + is obtained by imposing ( 1 ij 1 µ ∆=1 2 A e k k 4 k 23 · K − · e A 4 1 ) µ  ∆=1  = 3 k K 3 The three-point stripped YM amplitude takes the form k = ( − The expression for and 3 2 k 23 A ( s · − 1 contribute. By considering instead the cyclic and reversal symmetrized  1 2 13 µ i s k − ] = 3 = A [ are some nonzero functions of the kinematic variables. For ∆ 12 3 s i C , F 3 k , such as the decoupling property, the Kleiss-Kuijf relations, and perhaps even − n 2 which holds only forvanish, not ∆ only = for 1. ∆a = special 1, It property but moreover at for turns four any points value out of that that ∆. we the do This not coefficients is, find as of at in the higher the points. three-point example, where proportional to form we find as conjectured Four-point example. straightforwardly computed from just four Feynman diagramsThe using partial textbook stripped prescriptions. amplitude k The three-point amplitude isHowever, as of we will course see next, very thethrough four-, special the five-, and same (e.g. six-point procedure, amplitudes it expose but this vanishes where symmetry for ∆ = real 1 momenta). becomes a crucial choice. form, which is readily obtained from the above expression, it is easily checked that for any value of ∆ we have conservation by imposing to compute which clearly does not vanish. Considering instead the cyclic and reversal symmetrized all symmetries of the amplitude can beThree-point easily example. implemented as full permutation symmetry. where we introduced the notation find what seems tospace be amplitudes. the It conformal seems symmetryA plausible that of if YM one theory couldthe at manifest BCJ the all relations, symmetry level the properties of sensitivitydisappears. of of momentum In these fact, statements this to is the what we prescription observe of in resolving the graviton ( case to be discussed later, where we want to make here is that by manifesting the cyclic and reversal symmetries of JHEP05(2018)208 ]. ) is 31 , (3.20) (3.21) (3.19) 30 3.5 ] and reads , 29 4 ν 4  ). In addition, the numerator ··· 3 in a manifestly gauge invariant 1 k ν 1 -tensor [ 4  . 8 + 4 t A in each pair, making it manifestly µ 4 2 k i k ), we again find that while ( ) is again generically not annihilated . 6= 0 ν + i ··· 1 F ↔ 3.11 3.11 1 k MHV. To ensure that the manifestation i µ µ 1 ( i  ] = 0 k 5 µ − 4 -point espressions have been fully exposed in [ 5 ν A =1 n 4 i [ X = 5 4 C = – 10 – k ,...,µ ) to hold iff ∆ = 1. The checks here have all been 5 1 ν Imposing ( A 1 µ ∆=1 ,µ 3.12 K 8 5 t , i.e. without using on-shell conditions. The absence of µ ∆=1 8 t 23 K s 4 12 s defined by imposing ( 6 = iff ∆ = 1. An additional, possibly related curiosity is that the Depending on parametrization, the five-point YM amplitude con- A 4 Up to five points, the Yang-Mills tree amplitude in four dimensions µ being a tensor with symmetry under exchange of any pairs of indices ∆ A 8 K t as given above is gauge invariant iff ∆ = 1. This can be shown using 4 A and j k on · i k µ ∆ K . After manifesting the cyclic and reversal symmetries as in the previous examples, ) to be satisfied, = 2 and antisymmetry under the exchange ij 3.5 µ } s ∆=1 i Curiously, this invariance is also seen when writing is annihilated by We thank C. Mafra and O. Schlotterer, as well as J. Bourjaily for providing us with explicit momentum ν K 5 i 4 µ 4 Soft dilatons, conformalA generators hint and on graviton special scattering observed conformal when invariance considering of the tree-level soft graviton behavior of amplitudes massless in closed field stringsspace theory in expressions for any is YM string tree-amplitudes. theory The lower find ( by we nevertheless find our conjectureperformed ( numerically. Six-point example. is either MHV (maximallyof helicity conformal violating) symmetry, or as foundthis in helicity configuration, the we previous have also examples,parametrization explicitly is it checked the not consists six-point of just case. some a Depending 6-7000 special on individual feature terms. of Also in this case, while we do find as conjectured This latter check has been performed numerically only and is satisfied iff ∆ = 1. satisfied, we still have By performing the cyclic and reversal symmetrization as in the previous examples, we then only the symmetry propertiesa of similarly compact expressionreflect for a higher special point symmetry amplitudes at suggests four these points. Five-point observations example. to sists of some 400 individual terms. gauge invariant. Here we emphasizehas that manifest cyclic and reversalthe symmetry denominator (in does fact, not it manifest has theseA full properties. permutation Nevertheless, symmetry), we but findaction that of in this form form. This form is obtained by employing the so-called with { JHEP05(2018)208 ] 17 and – (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6) (4.1) (4.2) a, b, c i 15 k at order S , ,  ) ,     q j j 0  k k j j ) α ¯ z z 2 · · ( q ) ) ( O i i − − . ¯   i i i i O ¯ z z ¯  θ θ : + i ( ( µ ¯  j j ∂ ) + and which is not of interest νσ . i ν i n 6= 6= 0 i i with the polarization tensor ¯  X X j J 2 in the limit where the corre- α k | 0 0 i q d i − µρ 2 2 i k α α z 0 z i J ν ¯  α | : r r , . . . , k ∂ − j 1 µ i c z q ¯  k + + c σ z · ( | , z q 0 ) ) − 0 i 2 2 i ρ j j | α α i are Graßmann variables introduced to n k n d 2 2 q ¯ c   z 2 b ) ) j j + z i | f f j j M z ¯ M ¯ θ θ θ  ¯ z z ) 2 ( ( − i − S , µ d  · · ) symmetry which is fixed by i

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