Santa Fe New Mexican, 02-14-1913 New Mexican Printing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-14-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 02-14-1913 New Mexican Printing company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 02-14-1913." (1913). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ANTA W1 NEW MEXICA VOL 50 SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1913. 0. J M PIS N AFT W MTERVE ME IF AMERICANS' ARE SHOT DOWN MALICIOUSLY. rd if this had been done. The rela- STEAMER SINKS tions between Commander R. O. H. OFF ANGEL ALL ENGLAND ft vans and Dr. Edward L. Atkinson ANOTHER SALARIES are said to have been much ACCIDENT ISLAND very KILLING BY strained. j Some of the survivors say that; San Francisco, CallC, Feb. 14. The PAYS FINAL Petty Officer Evans became insane BILL THROWN INTO river steamers Seminole and li. J. owing to the privations he had under--! DEEMED CAUSE Corcoran, the former with some forty jume and was occasionally very vio-- j IS NOT passengers, came together in a heavy lent. He declined lo help pull a Bledge fog on the bay today and both turned TRIBUTE end his condition became so serious turtle. There was no loss of life. The that he had to be carried, THE HOPPER TODAY j Seminole's passengers and crew were Captain Scott's reference In his FOR LANDING TROOPS off called to her notes to an unaccountable shrinkage! taken by steamers KING GEORGE AND NOTABLES AT- I aid by whistles and the Corcoran's cf fuel at the depots surprises thej crew also escaped before the boat TEND MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR supporting parties, who deny that they j turned over. It was first reported the made any undue use of it. M'COY IS SAID TO BE THE ONE HAVING THE HIS MEXICO'S BEAUTIFUL MEASURE BY SENATOR Seminole had gone down. The wreck LATE CAPT. SCOTT AND SIXTH DAY OF TERRIFIC DUEL IN WHAT WAS ONCE IT MATERIALLY REOUCES was found later, however, bottom side DOGGEDLY APPROVAL Of GOVERNOR M'DONALD HEROIC BAND. SUFFRAGETTES CAPITAL SHOWS THAT MADERO AND DIAZ ARE WORKING up with an anchor dropped when she THE OLD GUARD LIST FROM FINANCE SALARIES AS COMPARED TO upset, holding her against the tide. BLEW UP A AND GRIMLY FOR SUPREMACY San Francisco, Feb. 14. The river London, Feb. 14. The British nation COMMITTEE. between "GOLD MINE" steamer Seminole, plying today paid its last sad respects to the this city and Sacramento, was sunk memory of Captain Robert 12. Scott in Feb. U. Mil- eft Ange,! Island San Francisco bay at d his companions, who died in the .Birmingham, Fug., MEXICANS ARE PRAYING this morning, in a collision with the ilds of the anlartlc after reaching itant suffragettes dropped a bottle MANY Corcoran. loss STRONG STATE TAX FOR MOTOR j river steamer a. i. .o j,ne south pole. containing an explosive into the let- life was The Corcoran: was held if reported, A great memorial service ter box of the Inland revenue office FOR INTERVENTION TO END WAR also was badly damaged. The collis- :'id cathedral of St. Paul, in the BY THE SENATE le here An and a fire CARS IS ENACTED ion occurred during a heavy fog. center of the metropolis. Jt was at-- ! today. explosion '"" " tended by people of every walk in life, resulted. The box contained $25,000 THE DAY IN CONGRESS. f 'om King Edward, in the uniform oi :n paper money. Most of this was MEXICAN WAR NEWS IN BRIEF. an admiral of the fleet, down to com-lrio- rescued. Feb. 14, saw the rebels opening the sixth day of the battle was added to the fire in! as hereinafter otherwise provided Friday, More fuel laborers. eariy-5- :4o a. m. Sheriff, $2250. Among a number of suffragettes in in the City of Mexico. Ihey started Balaries embroglio this SENATE. The surrounded by a brilliant- Felix Diaz who with ilie county $1000. king, the court with President Madero sent an ultimatum to replies One deputy sheriff, be- police today charged State Senator McCoy j Resumed debate on ly uniformed staff, occupied a seat bis throated guns. morning when County clerk, $2500. army appropria-- smashing shop windows last evening! steel "words" from biggest neath a dome. The other parts into a fusillade. introduced what is popularly believed Probate judge, $400. tion bill. great Miss Zellie Emerson, an Ameri- At 7 a. m. the firing rolls steady ot" were filled the gen-ler- , District of Columbia ippropriation the cathedral by ' A ui Uuu..v.-u- to be the measure having the Superintendent of schools, $1500. can woman. She was sentenced to constant siream remge salary for bill public to the fullest extent of the Informs Ambassador Wilson mat ne is in complete rouuui vi William C. Mc- County surveyor $10 per day approved. jail for six weeks In default of paying Diaz approval of Governor commerce commission accommodations. United to recognize him as a Mr. Bill No. e:cli day actually employed under or Interstate a fine. the city and asks the States belligerent. Donald, The bill was Senate Only a few seats had been reserved not settle that matter himself and that he is commit- ders the board of couuty commis considered railroad valuation bill. Miss Kmerson led the raiders in Wilson replies that he can 329 and was referred to the by for the which is in control. such not to ex-- ! lliver and harbor appropriation bill royal party,, comprised company with Sylvia who assured by Madero that he, Madero, Mr. Barth moved that employment of Mother Al- Pankhurst, to tee on finance. annum. reported, representatives Queen waB sentenced to two months' im- At 9 a. m. the rebel gunners turn away from the national palace and translation be dis- ceed 75 days per of Duke and Duchess the printing Fourth Class. HOUSE. exandra and the ment. the federal batteries near the ISritish legation. Mr. Holt In Counties of the prison pensed with, but interposed each. el Connaugh. Premier Asquith, with A Denver returns to Acapulco port, because of intense ani- com-- ; County commissioners, $400 Considered private pension bills. police inspector declared that The cruiser objection. There was no other all the cabinet ministers, was present a Treasurer and collector, Southwestern traffic subject of ship- Miss Emerson played football with mosity toward Americans. ment on the measure. The bill is ps were many members of the foreign the of Mexico is making even Mexicans $1500, which shall Include deputies ping trust his cap, kicked him in the shins and Five days' battling in City one and is a material reduc-- j investigation. diplomatic corps, including Irwin M. lengthy end all other expenses, except as Territories committee heard Alas- punched his face. talk of intervention. ticn in salaries for all the important Laughlin, secretary of the United In the woman declared Conditions in Mexico City are steadily growing worse as might be from hereinafter otherwise provided. kan plea fof legislation permitting reply young offices and a complete digression in- States embassy and Commander Sy- of cannon balls and bullets over head. Assessor, $1500, which shall entrymen to prove coal claims in that the policeman pinched her and expected with clouds the Old Guard salaries bill as framed mington, American naval attache. closes its doors. clude deputies and all other expenses court. that she acted In The general postoffice in the committees on finance. Hours before noon, the time set for is killed. She is the third foreign wom- joint pro- : - Mrs. Greenfield, a Canadian, fol- except as hereinafter otherwise Passed diplomatic and consular ap- The measure as introduced, is as the singing of the hymn "Rock of week. vided. rropriation bill carrying $3,764,442. an shot down this ' lows: Ages," the police began regretfully to ENFORCE RULE are to four solid blocks east of the Sheriff, $2000. j Began debate on annual pension The federals ready dynamite the of, turn thousands who could not " I i'c It Enacted by Legislature - away One deputy sheriff, $700, appropriation bill, carrying $18T,S00,- AGAINST ALL rebel position. New Mexico: - t;6t within view of the doors of the or rebels. the State of which shall in- 000. Up to noon today no appreciable gain is made by federals in County clerk, $2000, cathedral. Section 1. The several counties all LOBBYISTS Both Madero and Diaz seem to realize it is a death struggle. fol-- elude deputies and other expenses the state are' hereby classified as - The service was simple. It Included receives more reinforcements. ecept as hereinafter otherwise pro- viLSON'S GUAKD IS Madero liws: the playing of the dead march from Colo., Feb. 14. Taft is determined to keep "hands off" Mexico unless Vided. j DOUBLED. Denver, Fourteen President Those in the 1912 an BUT WHY? "Saul," In which the great cathedral are Americans. having year Probate $:i00. women, wives of striking miners at Americans are attacked because they of over miKi judge, Princeton, N. J., Feb. 14. The organ was a mili- would be sent to assessed valuation four of $140. accompsi.led by La Fayette, visited the state house - In case 'of intervention 5,000 sailors and marines the first periuterdent schools, of secret men with band.