STOZXAI CimOH TO WILD. TBAXIACTIOn tECOBBaW. Ml BTTATB roN 8ALK. BE.1L ESTATE. H. R. SHARES BUYS PRINTED RECORDS WEATHER FORECAST 11,800 Pariah House to Be lit TKANtran. Thai avarens Coart of tha aula at New York has authorised no ota Dypkman St. (With nam end sddreaa of owner an4 i "The One Beit Way" APARTMENT HOUSE rar thr Ilrlre. PROPOSED IN attorntr. Whan attornay's name la emitted Plans have been filed by Ell Benedict BILL addrcaa party of ascend part.) BANKING DEPARTMENT In Real Estate. Washington Predictions for To for a one story parl-.- lt house on the south Itewatowa. to otter, at prlvnte sale, the real ratals of the IrtH H. Conpinjr, W T. sldo of Dyckmnn iitreet. 205.11 feet west (South of Fourteenth at.) IndiiauUl and Company (In Slimn HMin It. i. MOMHOK HT. IS, n a. Irrtg Savlnrs loan day and of Riverside Drive. Tho house I to bo 2O.:I0Oxlt liquidation!. conIitlnf of one hundred house llarnar Cohen to 8aml Klelnberg. I W bunding Inta. la Proprietor of Hermitage and ueed as a Hundny school and for church Connty Befflster Ilopper Says nth at mtg ItO.ias, Mar II, sttya. sod two tkeuaand loeaud clubs and will have u frontage of 45 feet Parker, D. W W, It Noaeau at it lOIUB-nuuir.- 111-4- WINTER KESOKTo. and a depth of 48.4 feet. The church ex- MADISON 8T, n a cor Bfammal at, IB Khindcrs HotnlH Taken Up- Typewriting System Is rsnnr Uaraian to Matilda Lands- For atern Kaw York aval Baas tension commlttco of tho presbytery of tlxll ay. Pot Full I NEW JKMSET. , man, It Lenox Mar II, mtg (tt.ttt: ash), Ena-tand- to-at- ay aaat cotMhty Now York Is tha owner of the building. attrt, Uatlntr, B a A, Ut . . . . . tl addraa fair town Property. The ground Is Inadequate. LAPAYKTTK itormarly Marlon fliavtr spertsMadasl of Baoas.4Ml Ttaiei AUna tie CMr. owned by tho Mount Wash- 8T. Ill It alUlag. CMr. rtalnsj tenaaeravtarai ington I'rtshyterlan Church and tho cost at), a a. Ill a Prlnoe at. tlxtlt Marian New York A Blrmlngbam to Joan Hannaasr. ! light In moderate ( wlaata. hus been estimated at (12,500. Waahlngton sr. part. Mar II, tills ST. HOUSE IN SALE addreaa, rrancla X Hannaaar. till Wash- tO MET roa BCMNCM PCgfOIM. HSTRA For New Jerary, fair y and to 3CTH tohk in tuii sr. iiuilimnu. PAPERS NOW IN DANOKU ington sv V '.vA':! morrow; temperaturai light variable 4TII AV, a a. Il.T n Ith at. tliTl.lxllsll.U arunojc UrJa4BlHaPIW wtads. The threo story and basement dwelling (toracloa Mar il winter Huaaan. rai. w Pla aS aBBBBBBBBBBBl m aaaBBBl Co. For weatern New York, fair y aad at 304 Kast Seventy-secon- d Is Mutual Lira Ina II Neaaau tu Mar iii street to Law Daot, caaar rldng tamperaiurs; Broad-nn- y be made over Into a fmir story store 41 & to.morrowi moderate John Downey Buyer and New Plan Would City BKTHU.NK 8T. II. a ai,...... v;a. Itxll.4 Laroy a auuthwe.l office building for William Infield at a Insure uoojricn to jonn u rarr, aa O Co. ... Rt NKW YUltK, March II. The pressure wme Sold coat of (5,000. Uoorgo Dress Is the archi Feb il: attr. T It Bwar. .,! 117m mm aawaayavnawaNiiiin Taxpayer Deal n for tect. Against Destruction of UTH 8T, ill a lOsll.l Aaais B waa low ytaterday over the axtrema nerthwaat-ar- Kandalbart at tol. hairs. Ac. Aadrsw and bordrr of the country, due te a depres- W Audubon Avenue Corner. Amelia Engler. to Dora Bllberblatt. II sion In NICOLKTTE KOll TIIII IIHONX, Instruments. at, c. It, attr. Max high. r.nlral and weatern Canada, but was llmh i Jan orricnn&?WitPlii Alwara Open. rapaeMr MB. Fireproof. hlxh over nil country, Paul 1). La Velle. architect has filed Htlbereteln, HI Uway., ...... !; ..II . sMss eaaneal atreet. , Sea Water la all Bath. Oreheetra, Oarage. other parts of the with PKOPBHTT Andrew Knglsr. heir af n principal high pressure over plans for tho const-t'ctl- of a one story SAMB same, waiag. servKv Aaearteaa Plaa. Lorateat betweea the twa centra of the Andrew and Amelia engler, to all palTtf8. A. TUBDWItLI.uiiuwhea preielaaa ' - - - III,, SlMklll. Southern IUnt"i In rather Irregular forma- Jt, R Sharer, proprietor of the Flan brick nlcoletto nnd stores, 15)xP2.n, on the County Heglster John J. Hopper hns till.. (, Dm II. 1111 attr. ame..tH OWKEBSHir MANAtlRMRNT, Hrrmltnge hotels, west sldo of Southern Boulevard 163.7 Bast Side. tion. l,n and varied hi had Introduced In the legislature a bill It waa colder In th South Attantlo and yesterday by buying fuel north of Westchester avenue, at a (East of Fifth av, between Fourteenth and rlty Intestnicnte cost cf (10,000 and an open nlr picture providing for printing records Instead of IlOtb eta.) BALaaTAra Cm. Oulf Htalea westward Into Lenlatana. hot home, the CedarcllfT, at generally warmer elaawhere. k gparlmcnt theatre In the rear of tho above, occupy- typewriting them. He believes Its pas- 4ITH tTT. lit K. n s. HxlH.1 Phlll HOTEL Nicholas place. It I a six story Klumlfreddo to Falls Kunalar, III ALOFtll THE MIINII AND RtlDBON Teinprrslurea w-- re below tha freestng il St. ing a space 81.4xC5 and to cost 12,000, sage and Its approval by the Hoard of 111 'J'J.l on tho and 100 at, mtg (ll.H. " Mar point In thr morning In aouthsrn parta ef;, fret atreet for th t'roperty Operating Corporation, de- 111 Rlvlnglon"n. iM ihraagaaai llrown-v.'fl- Estimate will Insure the city against any. II Kopptlmann, SI..I1 resicsiasiaT tTaaaay. .Ylaalislppl Alabama, f'u'l"K 153d strut. Tho " George C. Deters, president. I4J-- end but above freeslng Mt iIuP JtTIt 8T, I E. n s. llslM.I Cltr Real UTI Mb. Ave.. N. r. CHELSEA lle.iltles. which sella the npart-nien- struction of these papers. Katste Co lo lloaelle C Slack, mtg everywhtre south of the lake rogleaa aad IIM.Wall Oceuprtng entire block of oeaan front. In Naw York during day. hcKI It at 1200,000. Mr. Hhnres MORE DWELLINGS FOR JAMAICA. All Instruments, such a deeds, assign- June II. 101 aity. Hr B Co II faahlonabla Chalaaa a.etton. 100 bed the at IJMB. tha Thrre waa a enow In Maw In t payment fur tha apartment ments, wilts, conveyances and releasee ar ATTBACTIVB BITNOALOW FOB f chambers wnb private batha itreah and little northern The Hverctt Realty and Construction 7&TI1 8T. E, n s. Il.lsll.l laach Browa cars, gnu. Turk In iit StMtiti Hotel at Warwick, N. V.. now original Ill W Ob Lake Mahopae. N. t. Water rights. water), urtn.aira. aic, rrencn and rain inuthern Florida. Company hoa completed plans nnd finan- copied by typewriter from the to llach.l Urown. hla wit. II IJU chafa, Oolf prlvllegea. Auloa meat tralna Illevhere generally pre- ml tliric lots Beach street. Lone at. mtg 1 11,11. Mar 111 ally, B A M. W. WALKER, so West IM St. BMklel Open all year. J. B. THOMPSON fair weather The Bed Swnnn 1b a four tory cial details tor the erection of seventeen Into the llbirs of tho Coun'.y Register. Dalancey at vailed. two story detached dwellings tho north- Ill lulld'tnf. It I" surrounded by a number at Twenty men are employed constantly at Weal Bldsv rarer, In thta rfly tha day waa fair and warmer; east corner of Hhelton avenue and flansaa r Jf- wind, , f out buildings ntul nearly ten acres this work and. In addition to making (West of Fifth av, between fourteenth and tVeatene-4- ifI frrah wentrrly. average huraOltty, 41 street. Jamaica. U I. To com- per grounus. The property given for tha copies of Instruments as they come tIDlh eta.) birometrr, corrected to read te see il plete these buildings to ths 1. Mrttrunt wn viilunl by Mr. Shares the Title Ounrsntre I0TII ST, a a. Itt.l e Ith v. U.lxll.l nt A. M, I0MS: I P. X.. 10:11. llrown-Aels- s and Trust Company hns made a building orflce from day to day. they also work on Miiy M Thompaon at lo Hugh A Mur-rh- i. N8W balb. J ih.i iratlu t (100,000. Tha at nmm bbal kbtatb fob The tmr-Mtu- r In thl clly mterdsy. as loan mortgage (01,250. N C. l- -l part, ml 11.140. has owned tha npart-i- for records of many years ago, records that Charlolta. rrcordrd by Uw offlvlal Is lle.iltlei i .' a g. all Tab It; ally. Alfred W N, J., 10 DHotel tnermoiuavr. skew lltna. Cloetar. only month, whan It wero written by which are FOR BALE Cottage at hotel with IhodLtlnrUtu fealuiea In Uto ubl-- " since last XKW out hand and Haywood, Jr. It Naieau at II cement walk all the the anurifd together EAST SIDE VNAOOfJt.'K, on way by a, W mlaute from atatlan. thes-aan- d 1UI4 IU1U.I uqulrwl the house, with tha the to destruction constant ItTH 8T, III W, n llatOO.I Julia reems hath, all Improvement.; 21 Fsdm overlooking Ihsfamo'.i uta. ItU rear, and known JJ6 A use or through fading 1'orgra to Mary Irwin. I Macon at, Bklyn. war. and Every room wttli DA. M. 27 4V ft P. M ... T st nurse, t in the as five story asylum and synagogue will the Inevitable that Boardwalk. eonsaetel S3- - J mtg 111.000, Deo 10, llllj attr, E Bharum. miles from N. T i Erie or West Shore. ITIee. IJM,. UT. II 9J 4 iiecombe rvcnue, In u deal with the replnce Hecond M. has come with the years. private bath or ha hot and runnlnc 3 . tho old Htreet H 10 llwar ..Ills 14.10. ROOM I Wall St. vine roll P, M. . M IP Construction Company. Hhould any be de- lel, Cspaettr an. WAL1EHJ - 'jtlhcona Church nt 273 to 280 Second street, of these records SAMU IMIOPEUTV Marr Irwin to Emma aater IHVIIV Limet tr tn i ratlin- if, at A. II. Austrian-Hungaria- n stroyed which tho Freo the holders of Instruments would A Mayhrw, Itll Paclrto at, Ilklyn, ml SAB MRatCB In tba reel Maatrv nrar JOHN IIOWNKV DL'VS O.N 30TH BT. Hebrew Association purchased tn have to rtsort to the title companies for 111.000, Mar li eame attr HI mmmmm terk cot,.ull The I1TII ST, 110 W, a a. TlxlOO.I Mundf n nn tilrti-rlaii- a MARINE INTELUGENCTL February. 1913. new building copies. Tho city would be put to ttrvnx rHIwaairr Muaaa Leogae. 40 Wett Ud aUeet. moderate rate holrl, fir)m - Ktnnrlly him sold for Mrs. The will Cvnain Co lo Monterey Properly Co, lit woo Virginia near Ilea. li, St.-- expense to collect and recopy them. Mr. U iTione Haniaisi. lIQCUllir Ai. Annie Rivnor Well 15 West Thirty-- i be of brick nnd terra cotta nnd will be JUh at, mtg IHI.iOO. Jan II II BLDLBIHriLL htaUcI nioms. piliate , Hopper proposr to have all Instruments MIMATUHK ALMANAC, trtr-t- a four story and bsseinerit. built tn three wings. There will nlao b I'plonn. hath . aun rrrlura, Ifrnrh rhett. evfiilna" din tin printed mado. aprtns 10 up dally. AMI aa stoop, dwelling, on lot a roof garden and the structure In es- and to have several copies ( Ialnnd, north of 110th at.) INSTBtCTION. nrrs, Speilal nlnlrr and rate, ml (h brownstone 1,0 up Meekly. IWmUot. J P. COl'K. , (iiia qin vt- - , prope- The city would keep copies for ready 11JTH BT, a a. U w Id av. tCitOO. li- .osllfoeaitas.Mi Ilili.I, to Jo'nn I. Downey. Tho timated to cost (100,000 by Eugene - Ken--,l- reference and would storo other copies Halt Halt, Da- BI'M IN KM CO LLK43 EA FOB BWTR 8KXXS. IlKill WATCH THIS DAY. held over Mr. lr Fchocn, who Is drawing plans. lt. nrr to Katharlna mnA i rty was ut (100,000. the The av. ! i4Broa. aaa.a vamaa Wrfnl. av. Austrian-Hungaria- In safety vaults cither In this city or t'.lur Ian II attva. rvllaa lull sold the adjoining property at 17 n association Is at lODlh at Wabater av 1101 NBW YORK New tarh CMy. tarh.()c-a- n vlfw f elsewhere ss a protection against Are or and Hit Wlllnintimproved anu nan. Jan. .tH it Thirty-sixt- h street to Mr. Downey prevent at 17 Clinton street. Clustave K. 1UTII ST. a a. 10 a Id sv, tl. (irrailv rernmittied. w.ujii .umn fit flood. Kxtra copies by .aa are 4VS4h haUia. runnlns In rooma: LOW February, giving plot of Is desired owners of Martha Qregg to John Q Coyia. E a Wast St wairr - W.Ti:il TH13 DAT. thua htm a Uartiuan Its president. Ill1100 SlI. van a. Wuklc. Special-- Ill to up weeLly- 13 Sr) up Instruments would be sold. tint ai. F.b I: ally. T O IV. Ill llwar maivM usi loiimenon mm in at'. AMI aw ass iyjt SoxlvO within 274 feet of Fifth 41 W. n a. 11x100.11 Abr Nalaon BBortr.ana, noesseeping, arcrr jally all rear iwUet SAMUf:l. Kt.l.H. Tli- - chief ndvantnge to the holder of 1I7TII ST. PRATT lrn Han))H'k.,!v),uov.lalind. .9 3 Hell Oae...U a.inue, BIO PLANT IN Till: IlKONX. an bo quick 10 Dratl Wlllli. toll tth av. K Pt. isjUI sod Steaoiras deparisirtiti Instrument would tho nturn 111,100. Sol Tfkuiaky, l. . mtg Mar II, ally, TIIC ( St- - Charlei pbce. yard. Arrlveal-PtiTI- uV, Uareh U. The Rock IMoster Mnnufarturlng Com of his original. Under the provisions of 11 llroad at 1100 I I HE LUtlMnEMIIBB from beach; both plana; IltOADWAV TAXI'AYKH SOLI). - i BmaBwai A 713 - pany Is about to erect three large re- - the bill the printing would be let by con I20TII ST, tll-l- lt E. n r. 40al00.ll Ila- lit ii Bualaaaa laatduta. tt. batha, running aier m rooma. eia- Sa Uaureunla. M0 A. 11.. Liverpool. Its I v sea wairr to A ill The two etory building (S80 to enforced concrete buildings be compelled a.nln Conatr Co to Jacob J.lot, II :Chlra(u, U.. HiT. Slareb I. at at the foot tract and thi printer would ltV h t. mtg 111,000, ell liana, Mar I. St ItonUrrral. t,H A. M.. I'adla. Febrtstrg Ba nil Hroadwny, valued at (275,000 by of 150th atreet and East River, The Uronx. to deliver each day the required number 1II II Si Alton, 1030 l M. Thursday, Wiarlva. FaBsw Jri. Martha II. Moshcr, who ha owned It One will lie a four story and basement of copies of all Instruments handed to PT n a, 171.1 e lat nr, ary IS t::i la;. sn w M It was built In 1907, hoa been Bold mil! 10x12. another a one story him the day before. Also, the printer would Iforpclo.ur Mar ID Irvtng Woahburn. Sualawai SrhooL nitciri. ii30 a Swansea, rebruarr at. ad ret, IM Naaaau St.. oppntu ClenDetm ba Kelunhcsd. I P. M tlth, Cslaia, I o Imp-to- r. a client of Alfred J. Koch. basement storage building 27x50 , copy reading, verl- - to Ilr II (lraaa. lit W HOih el CDartb in and the do the romnarlnn and Chambera 14. ICO DRAKEI Clir 1UU. CaUlucue. so. I Mir II. (I), II The rroperty. which between 145th third a one story engine and storage Acatlon. According to records In a w a. SsWesterdyk. 11:11 P M., the the LA WHENCE 8T, It. Ill Frank ATLANTIC C1TT. N J ruary Kotlinwas. fJ jd 114th streets, measure 75(100. It U building 80x52. Work l to be undertaken Comptroller's office the bill for copying liarnlfln lo Therrta ll.lndel. lilt Qrvana JOSIAH WUIlat A SONS COMPANY 3.. occupied by a garage, and once, uom- - av, Ilklyn. Frh :o, altya. O1 II llroa FOB BOVB AND VOL'NO REN. St tlnnaer Kurturrat. A. M.. waaso,MaaAt-- restaurant bit. at 'me Turner uonsirucuon alone Inst year was 139,950.10 and the art Irlah Uonorcti, a A. to--, February parlor, and adjoins on north pany general lOOth t and Wrb-te- r av 1110 Si li., San hi ,irl the has tho contract for all of bill for examination, comparison nnd verl. 11.) V. a a. (forrcloa NEW rOUK New York City. S Siorfond, A M.. ClenfucfM, UarrJl 1 HiTII l01lSt.ll THE EASTBOURNE v A M, the Keyatone apartment noua. Mrs. them. j flcatlon was about (12,000. Last ear Mar Itudolnh A Seltrrnan. ref. to s, Aila, rirnfii'gsx. llaivS . III IWya. W 114th SI. ! Pselfli' Ai upp PI., ocean Hew. high 5; aaura,'r acquired the site, In 1907, and ! a year. Wm H 411 Fort WaaMngt.m av, All Hallow. Inattlute. II I l'ik Mnrai. r n., inn. HUYB A "CAM II ALU RESIDENCE. WBi slack llrnn.t. or rlaa. I.otrl In btat prlfat- - hatlia. S !ltaalaJ. 7 P M Clanfuaaoa. tbe (lied plans for the Improve. I mm all Itena, Mar II: a.1dr.t Chrlatlun moinere iriann rr- urne Mr. Hopper said that tho change would .-- OAItWOOO JOHNSON Munierey. 7 tli p. M., 'ar fO WaII a: . . . . . 1100 J . inodtlata rntfa. S. Havana, MEti. Klsh A Marvin hav sold for Mrs. llrad-- 1 1, advantageous Ci. S:M Marejh even If It did cost a 14TII ST. a . HI 1 e llny. JJ.UH.U Si Maarse. P. Jt.. Orenada. aT Ellsworth her residence In the ! tie more because of tho convenience ami Hml l.ovy to LeiiT l.avy, hla wifr, 110 ; S. ttolf. I P M.. Oran. Februarr 11 Wn-tftX?- ioo.' Si M . ItlllllO.V AV. CORNER BITE SOLD. Orange at Hcarsdale Hugh I. Young the protection afforded. A slni W 141th at, nilK 135.60.). Mar IS. atty. ffy'rVTi BERKSHliNN'aUr. ltrrmta. IP Jurarn, Marsh 1 ti somewhat a It Jv. w a. M.I ii llid at, 25 1. and service C up dallr 110 lo III S I l Ilia. Ualmlon. Slarrli I. of this city. The property Is at the cor- lUmburgrr, I lltctor at II lao Wt 1! It. Nfr wal. An apartnimt house may be looked liar arhome was proposed by Register 100; alao Wales av, n w cor lltd at, H'4s J t I.I N, Su it' ut Saiannah, saisr.nih, ner Meadow nnd con- llronx. mtmn A. Norfolk. March 11 !cr at the northeast corner of Audubon of Park and roads Orlfenhagsn threw years ago. Tho bill laat U1A .t. n a 10S a Concord four and one-hal- f acres with a pass. (Tloroufh of Tho Ilrnni.) Ward Co lu Umpire Truat Co. 42 ATUINTIP CITV, N. S. American. I'hlladrlphlA. March It. nil 170th street, which was sold tains failed to Mr. Hopper says that he il.klns i. UL ittnue j large dwelling and outbuildings. Mr. KATONAII AV. w a. SO n Illth at. four llway. Fib 2., due, Ac. aa ptr bond. len Arsarlcn'a I'ininui Itaeort. Sa Hvlawore, 1'hlla.telphla, Mareh by The can easily transfer tho present copy Itot.-- rl 1135,1.00, jcattrday Patrick Donahue. Young: occupy lta. each lOitl, fouj !ee.1 F to H'rurr tonda amounting tu corner, comprising five tots fronting 100 will the house. clerks, who are civil service employees, to Wacner. ref. to Arvllla p Kaa'.rr. Itldge-Rai- ettya. Olln. C A P. II Naaaau at. AHHIVIil) FKOU NEW YORK w v, Lakeweoo. fwt on the avenue and 120 feet on other tasks If the bill goes through. Conn, Feb :o; ulty, tuinuat, lllTIt T a a. 27! Aluatidar Italic aCanaila, at Npln. the 112 t 11.000 Co U H Vorakj I4 Napl-- was At 175.000. buyer TO BUILD HOME ON LKNTKIt HILL. Cach H.aity John . KirllU Allrrl, al a wett. held The KATONAIINuAV. n r cor Mth t. SOxlt-Sa- ma Academy at. gutena. pr tntse 110.000, S l'rea'.dent Llnioln, at Plyaiooth a client of Alfred J. Koch. It la said Fish r Marvin have sold a plot on lis- XESULT8 AT AUCTIOK. lo mo. Fab SO; ally, aame. .12.700 Mar II, I ra, 4 p o; atty, Jim. Huvar Mrs. B. the 1IHYANT AV, a a, 75 n Jennlnga at. ISx ls0 uv 11.100 SAILKD NEW YORK .Ut Martha Moeher has taken ter Hill. White Plains, to Clarence W. lit Thompaon-ltoi- LAUREL IN THE PINES rdll 101 Mary V tn Alter McOrew, LOT8 ai.d ISI. limp c. In payment for the property she Eisner of New York, who plans to erect ltamlltnti III SiC-drt- from Cueenatown. ftrntr 314 .Ma-ll- -r av. l'lttabuig I'a, mtc-iK.S- aatata Anna Khrllrh to Otto Khrlich. toid on Hroadway near , but dwelling property. Pahllti OftVrlage Yreterday In tha 10 yra. 4 p e. atty, Sa Franrnnla. from nibraltsr. a on the Nov 11. 1111; atty. W P Vlntoa. 4102 Iloyd av. Mar II, UKEWI0D, NEW JERSEY from Copenhagen ils etury could not bo confirmed. Mr. Chambara at .u i;o S()ear II.. Manhattan Ralearooaaa. II II li it iieramsn, ui ii for .SaCanr, lrom Ubau. Donahue has owned the corner lot of RIDGEWOOD DWELLING BALK. IUII.KV AV. e a, 19. n Sloth at, lex drllthlful location ulntrr vision IlMiiburg, from ia1ermo. I 14 ton. 7; av, e a 310th St. ' ellmale, S. !.f plot h; Just sold slnco 1818 and the AT VESET STBCET.l llall.v i. it SATISFIED MORTtlAllEa. I'oiiahle and Initroratlnc Si Scguranca, from .Na.sau, 8. 8. Walstrum-Gnrdo- n A Forman have Herbert A. Sherman. IS 71100.7; Heath av. w a. :i a 211th at. Ninety inloutea from New York, via C. H. It. thtr lots Mtice 1905. Ilr 11,7x100.7: IffHth av, a w cor at. (With name and addrcas of lendir! of N. tooUlUe lor old for Mrs. Ella Williams tho dwelling 1IT1I ST. 401 W. a a. 100 w . Sloth J. Superior roads sod STFAUSIIItS Ith sr. :oill lOtSIO tn Nathalla av. Ilenth av, it a. partlea. . t.flCOlNtl 61 and C W Hall ut. suloinotolle Ti-d- at Qodwln avenue, RIdgewood, N. J., t atr tenmt store .t 10 n Sloth at, Jottco.7; plot at eentrs HOME ST. a a. 100 w So Doutevard. runa a All bail I'I'TOWN FLAT HOLD. Hun. va Thna Doyle si; due. VI: a a aeaaoaalile outdoor aminementa. to Mrs. E. Van Orden. ft ftl.SII Una of blk bet Ilallay nnd Heath ava. IlllOa w 10 x n il.litl.S to Horn. at. Uall. Wax laxea, Ac, C.IIO; to tha plaintiff.. Ite.luO a , , Con-- 1 Manager. VtfT 117T11 STREET. William dlatant 110 SiOItt at. 10x111 Hnaa Nathan . ii Jul. it. ltlx Kt llbart FRANK F. SHUTE, Cloea. SOIL al, aire, to Lao Fried at at. Jan II; Co to Comity Ml Co, 40 Wall 1 I Came ronU, (jbiagow,. SSOA M on m Wohlgemuth nnd others nave aom MEW tt tructlon 40 i: HEIGHTS TO HAVE A C0UKT. REALTY CORPORATION. Fried, Na.aau at I1.SI0 atty, Stephfn O Thomas. Wall I A 117th strtet, a five story flat, iton ally, tt at; HerUn. atbraltar 190 U 1100 A Tha fallowing really corporations wars TltlN'ITT AV. w a. being lot II. map drove at v.vt ?I? ?? V A MsSDKUN .Inst, Argf nllna ISUAU 700 A D w iioti.l S 1 .o: 5x100.11, between Seventh and City Takre Lease of St. Nlchulae chartered at Albany Hill, lOillO Annla Smith to Tuipayfra TIEUOUT AV, cor mm si, u. Willi a quiet Air of Arcadian, IWmudv Ml AM 10 A 1101 atty. 1101 Wm loiiNatl . O'Don-r.t- ll Hralty Co. av. Mar 100. Mar 10. Mildrum b HI A M niisth avenurs. Joseph F. A. Realty Comnanv. Manhattan, ean- - Furr.t II: Iiomentlclty ar.d a t arnllna, San Jinn... 1.' Ul V Library to Huom. 'r email, at. Naaaau Bank. Naaaau and netkman a, JamMca. . e ; A Kl M Is the buyer. R. Davidson Arenae Provide Ital. 11.000: Myron . .VL ...1100 Homelike Almo.phere. Teimdon 12tn John directors. Sulnb.ri.r. .i...... :i2ll(7 10! at U. Ilaiann, 10 III A V 1 I j M. and Uva .Stw :', U'OT I SI'A.M.I'Mll'IIH. Mgr ll.naiia in isd KosenbHUm negotiated the deal. The city Is negotiating for it leae of, ';" Sultrrtr Walkrr, aim 'llHh t. : n a. :S (100 c SAME 1'ltOlT.HTY. Jail SI, S.m tu f Pr, JoAchlm. Jatoiilra,. 11 HI A M shjpv A any, , SO a : tAST lSKTH The fha nvtnn 1 al uxrt, to Frank Olm.taj Wm O woou and ano. iru., AUUnra. Colon II A U to STREET. lientnson lln.h llulvlit. Iiill ' If It. PftnairiitM 1ron If Ivn. . 1.1Prim. rt u '"''"": ' , . . Inn rimitiBnf. 1 ai t litirifi ...... 11 (il A M Ktilty Company has sold to an Investor, bull cling nt St. Nicholas avenue, dlreetorV w. StTleVr v' " " v... iiS i,iii?TS' ,V 'C,-- iV WEST VIKGI.NIA. ii.. for.raoltal. Vraik Vim n . 11 - iv lie il'IWItA. Naples . . on a m i tat 129th street, a three story llat. on Util us a Magistrate's court. The library i Kifward II Il.e.l. ItutTalo; John W Mc- i.oth in to u.'niio US. 'ot. Marli cor li.iths.itr pi 10 inS.tilOitv.J. Apl 27. Danube, JamMra. l to P U let 17 10xW.ll, between Fifth and Madis- Is soon to move to h new building which "u. i Mari-- zi.u to Jo. zitu on ui ' itius Anmnio and jirii us Portmiuen. .'fan Juai 12 CO M llih nn;B" 1 I , u- - A y,,nb"l'i aUy' Ml" A Concho, GftltrMun . Ul I' il on aunues. Is for It the corner of - a ,1j'".,f,,,:rMJ"-- ,Kl mu: ",,)' ,K . '""iji'S rTn,OI'H CURE blng r.cte.l at iir-g- 1 w MEt MANirs- i'l',1 .;,i!.' ni1' fttiropr reole. 13 on v SL Nicholas avenue and K.Oth street. L US Stti. .'. ,,1',?. ViV wf iiaioo.Vl'Aol 21 Jivli Without finlne to I Arapahoe. Jark&cuvltte IIOHM iaa f k a V. ,h II n, to huaan UIIIT!' Sl'M'Hl'lt SlMil.NOS. W. W V M at'ittiiii nifVu .dft'rf tlTP The present building Is thref stories high AUDUtlON AV, III-I- Adolph nVunrk In... 270 W SCIat at. Mar IS. atty. Allle J, wife uf Hurt Shelrt Comal, Tampa I fi agt V. any. i through block Edge- - lloa, owner; Chaa II McClalrn Win .am. lla,0A0 i!lndlnnlng and ano, inoa i Irvof SiannAh,Saiatibah 9 tl) P It A 100x100, and extends the to John 4 12.000 . Jerfera-m- p M builder has bought tha plot, II ISO AV. v. . SH0.3 a Juilannn at Kntievar, 112 t "THE GREENBRIER" Norfolk loo avvnue, point Wlntart, contraotcra e by I . the of Concord avenue, 100 comb which at that Join 130 r, x irres Maggie rauiparllfr to llronx CHL'HCH FARM, lot 161, bounded front Mont i I' (lalieaton. aooPU "i tast side 10TII HT. K Aleiander Silverman art w by lot IM. Th World's I.itxuriou-- B south of street from a Mr. the old aqueduct. The growth or the Jacob W.lnbarK and David K.ihn. owe. ra Parkway Coinml..lin, 32 Pll.e at. Mar 13, llway, n by Park pi. In fear (jranu. Urunawtrk loop ft H7th IS). SS I'tna . 155.31 01 e.illie Map. and a by lot 110. 2(.10120.2l Heort llotol Heights has mado It necemary to estab ami I17 OS ktlv al, ,. llr.idway-Par- k Iltlu SAtl Monday. Vtamh . ''uiuo.1 Flat housn will bo erected on rnntrartiea AV. n w et, JOilOO Win SSlOxllv.4. a a, Jun t. 110 BUKOI'EA.V PLAN II lish court In tho district. MADISON AV iOSM Ilalalar Heating Co JKIUiMi: ror lM Ine, Natl Chicago, ,. list Hhlch Is the south half of a a T owner; Samuel i'rawfer.1 et al lo American Heal Plain ln, lo Menaiitlle Pane. riooPM airi Itrslna I.hman (37 S; C Meyer.. Hank of N V. Douglas. Armltniie I'rliieeai Anne Norfolk D0UPM iirctl takm by the seller from Abraham ilrota and Joaeph Klf lntergr. eontrae- - Co. (th av. Mar alt), J ntt). ..1413.35124 om:n hip. yiau- - MOVI1, (21 av 1100 A McCann. 211 llway...... S ill March 17. Ducrs'iiy In part payment for the apart- STEAMSHIP AUKNCV TO tor. 1470 Ith w 174.1 a 117th at, c. b, r. Ihe new hath alllalaMtAhmrnt eireta ony-thl- , HT 301 HOFFMAN ST. 1.1 3 M ment at corner of Belmont 100TII E Adolph Lnewe agt DavlJ 4. Eaii-jll- o llealty Co, In America, Lailnc eirry mi1ern Mauretanla. v. rpool. P iaopu the southwest The Douglas Ttoblnsnn, Charles H. Lite, oaner; Samuel Mltlir. eontrnr- - .MOKTOAIikS. June appllanre, UartrlrN. 0 30 A M UOUM Hus-s- n H Weluateln.ltl 214 Kldrldg...... (HI , ittnue street. Heller and Jl. Houa-to- n 7 00 M 10 A W .n.l lsixt Brown Company has based for a term of tor (With name and uddre.a of lender and ST. 152-6- o a. l a W rllKl) STPIIIIY. Managing Director. liromrr Kurfufrrt, llremeti. A Ol till THOMPSON Il . JO A M aoopX iitKuiliiltd yesterday's deal. years ground floor ut 37 Hroadway ST NICHOLAS AV. 1000.1005 John J lender'a attorney.) 41 Apl It. Ivll-Clll- rena J II. M.OCLW. Uaiiagi-r- liulba. Ilaibvtoj It the Plumbing Co agt N Y Li- at. O Port, 12 00 M sonpS & Co., general passen- Public Downtown. Invastlii Co tu Amoa F Eno; atty. T POOKlNOINrw York Tl.e I'lara I'rlnre, lttu Janeiro.. to A. H Johnron brary, Aatnr. Lenox And Tllden Fuunda-tlon- a, .... I3L.000 l lloalon Copley I'lara, llrrmlunc. MouleM.leo. .Uiuli loops, I'l.OT KOIt IIHONX FLAT, (South of Fourteenth at.) tiw.v Ol'l'lfl'S Jairuilia,. ger agents for the Russian American owner; Noreroa. llroa Co. ST. n a. w lat av, ttilOO.I, June 'JlntieMiln. .... toool s S0-I- (0 ; Thomp- IITII Ill Steamship Line, located for many 17(0.11 THOMPSON ST. e a. 1107 C Ulhleln tu Herman Sav city of Mont., SAiunnah IflOPt BRKns AVENUE. The Mltchel 161-8- 4 3 II, Anna . . son at. a a, I' 117 av; sttya. Amend A A. JarkaiinHlle , ... toopi Company In the old Steens House, 27 Co tllll 100 Hank, Ith Ill VIKtilMx. hoopm linr 't Construction AlhKlNMF.NTM OF MOHTtiAOF.. Inieatlng to llronx lntaatmant C. Naaaau I i M I . iismiium, .oiioik. bouc t us a situ for a modern tenement llway, Mar 11. pr mta 1111. 000. demand. tn ST) ST. n a, 7.S w Ford- - lanhattaD. A It. Mwal . 110.000 ID KITH Tlrlggg ave-r- ut I n r: atlya. Merrill 10 lll INCOMINt; sirAUSltlPS I I the uefct tide of CO 114-- liain STORKS AM) I.OPTH IIIINTIIII. IIIIONX INVESTMENT to Lawra ATTOKNF.Y ST, II ror Kll'lniton 1o-d- from Mtg Co - Dui lit fr.,t south of 194th street 151.000 ai, liO, 'jf.llitS. pr mtg ir.J,t00- (uvli Va.1"'Loula and Margt raiK in ina iiariem il .. Sox Is 50 feet wide Ames & Co., Inc., hns leaxe.1 the tore NAM II tu aaina IM.000 to Pauline Jaroba, 14 W atty. tl Co. mn. OLD POINT COMrOItT Aui.ea llan.burc. Mar. I Thu alto IPwankrants illth1 ll Hank, K 1191 T 1 Sav III . .l ...... In 7. n,.l... . 10 W...I Thlet,..,. scillM.MKIt, Cliai. tu Mtse Co .1600 dua July 1. IP ft : atty. T Cu. , . ciietipaii Havre.... ir Ou fnet deep. The McUarmott a,,.. l,n., , ,.,,, til.- - - ...... 1. M.r II. 1TI llway I ll.UUU af1, iicuetut no."""5:: Hull...... u.n.u I.m 110 llway 11.000 W. n a. w sussa.s, . Cy Ccrnj ny as soon eighth street to Woodrow Marketos , ... niTil ST. io lit tn ai. .... Mob.1 Mar. I will lmirove tha Plot "lVwyVir Mtg. Co... . . lulooo East Hide. ii .iic with a live story house. wholeoale florists, for a long term of same tn .ami J7,ooo SrllUe. .. Feb. 31 15 N Y (Halt of Fifth av, between Fourtetnth and Llabun .Feb. ss JRI.MuNT AVENUJi Tho W. vears: uleo tho second loft In West COMMEltciAL TIlL'ST CO of to 11 John Wasner : I 110th ala.) Algiers ...Feb. Tnirty-nrs- i to tn j.uorr Fredk . ., i"ot tn Construction Company. hoa aold street nuiion SAME to , 11 AV. w a. IS. I a 41th at, SSilOO III lJynKrdg avwm,c: Tamplco, ..Mar. 3 to Hruiwgan apart-- n Works. linn - II (3 15 "RfcSji1' i'Aleriuo.. , ...Mar. I Jni the five story LAWYERS TITI.K INH A T CO to Eteel- Horn tu Abr J Dworaky. HI :igon . .Feb. : house corner of Royal Pcott nulden hns leased the store alor Sav Hank 117.110 at, Mar 4 yra. 4 p e; atlya. Htreua A I). it at the northwest t. '. i Hap, burg .Feb. Korty-flr- st KHINELANUKIt, (1 X 11,010 H 1'vriinuiia.... II I"ijh ami avenues. la on at 41 East street tn the Cresti Adalslda K. to Title I lie, man at '.VliV'iT.- - is inotCe,. Mararalho J'orW lUco. 1 Treinont It A a IS fr Heche I I ...Uar. a Company of California ; the T Co 111.000 7(TII ST, III E, n ls to jn. At., 10 Church st; am, Monterey. . itavaiia., Mar. to mot 100x59. and Is una of four struc Blnnca Wine II ANN, Wm. ano, to Win A Wllaon, Ilowery. leal' .1600 Army Navy Vorty-slxt- h and eira, llrown to Thoa III W T Mstth.aa. 411 Tramoni v... aad Orders. Arinriilan., Uie rpool. .Mar. I ture erected point by tha parlor floor of 18 Wast 12, 11, c; atty. at that iiann i:,600 Mar dua July HIS. t P ABUKQTO AV, a - cor 117th WASHINOTON, March Thee army Mollliell..,. ItOttenlAM Fab. 71 tn Ilnlle A Therrse. milliners, and SAME In 110.000 114 Delancey st I1.04 II I Cornith Company n few year ago. feel aania.. Emll A Klein. ordera were la.uad oliiniewljlie Trlnldd.. ..Mar. t HU.I, loft In West Forty-- 1 HMK tn Nina Hann, gin.. .11.(00 West Mde. 10 Church si 11,100 Colon Crlatonai .. Uar. I AVENUE. Alexander Belkln and tha thfrteenth HA 11 10T .'. b) Major A. M. Davla. Corpa. II to aame I:. 500 LOT II. map 1411 of lota nt aucilon Quartermaatar Seminole. Tuna Island., .Bar. I I'svld Mlntz have sold to Frederick fifth street to Frank Cole, ladles' tailor. SAME tn (S.r.OO (West or Fifth av, between Fourteenth and i! 1110 to charge of the Kcneae Clly office of aaina 110th ate.) .1. ru.i. .l.le r.h tl. irironil. Alumu. liilvesmn.. Mar. I Allen 3075 Hull avenue, a two etory two M. 4t I,. Hess have leased space on tnt HAMn tn Paulina Ilann. gfln 12.100 Fab I, 1911 t.llieraiu 1 nair i.u in vm Ouart.rniait.r Corps, relieving Major W, II. Icnaive. JarkK..lil1Ue.. Qar, It urn.!) 412 avenm- - to HIHCHWOOD REALTT CO to John I'al- - ITH AV, a, 41.1 n tlth at, tlx Mary atlya. sunn. m ilrnve. Ouurlermaeter Corpa. who will nro houe. on lot 25x110. eleventh floor ut Fourth II Smith Jlll'ioaum I mer ,,11.000 K OFarrtll. trua, tn Annla T Hasty, III IIR llwav .11.760 I ceed to I'lillaJolrlilu aa uaal.tanl dtliartlnant Duo the Ideal Illustrating Company, anil on 1 PALM EH, John, to Martha rainier, .. .1100 K 114th at, Dec 10, 1111, prior mtg 121,100, 1.' & ulf IWI1TI1V AV. S0S3. XIB.IO i ( I inuinuia cliitirn... Mar. III to tho Hattley Coin . 1 Y Co, 111 v Alglrra 'Ollllll vs IIHOOKLY.V HOUSE the fourteenth floor COHKN. Clarence. to Emma llnnai yr, I p e; ally, N Title Ina a 110th at, 3H14S, rapi Col J. While. L'oaat Artillery, from Martlia wnintniitiin Mar. I spa- - eii ).l6t) 11,000 it. .ihi S, C Wlllielm . .Mar, 1 T1 Handling Machine Company also llway Pauline pfa.hler to Verunlcaui Vjlin. North Atlantic tll.lrlct to Charleston. Prlnr Fried. llr.mru 'hreo story and basement stone -- Mary, . snd Jla- - S M7 Fourth avenue, I niflo PHILLIPS, lo Plor E Solomon.. .11 10T1I AV, 1(4, a e ror Hal at, SOtlt, prior Una; atty. Oao A Stelnmuller. Ull Id and comiuaii.l of the South Atlantlr I'cirolrlne.. H.irdeaux. ...Feb. "g ?3S between nt " i"n.!e.u HKVKH, Mary K. to llra.nnlch Sai- uarvey rroy ' InaimUil. . I'atra... .Feb. 31 1" at Union strtvt. 32!-3- 1 nils 11,000 Jo. si lo eiv Irlrt. K M. hpice nt tt .Feb. 31 .r.tli ami Eighth avenues, has been floldsteln. and n,nk 110.000 lnga Hank, nt Troy, N Y, Mar II, clue aim ,STj. HT jj, n ,, slo a Id av, P Rlriinr. Coa.t Artlll.ri. from Urll.l'llV S'Aansea. I WASHINOTON THUflT CO to 17C - jjj ll.lxll.A m Hart! War. ') Mies A. H. V. An- - avenue to Otto 8. Schnefer. Corn Ei Int aa par bond; tty, T O Co, llroad- Uff w c u Krmp and Jaa euininand of Ilia Atlantic district OrnnJ; J. Ellis to Ilr. A rhanga Hank 1140,000 way ihjk,i Kemp Meara. Fori Wnnlen. Wush.. and command of the Hy or MontgomeryNn 'avannah Mar. II Pease Klllmnn have leased otTIces In it1;'0, Mrara. heir at law Kinma A . Feb-- u.twi for nccupuncy. Charles B. Rick Bronx, , ' of Sound rrdl llurnoe nee. II Hall, to (leorge II. Wilson. Jr.. 47TH ST, ISI W. prior mtg 15,000; ft Montn-i- a H.alt) Co; any. N Y Tl Co. roast dafeiirra Pusst trton Aeolian Dnuglae . K n i thv broker In the transaction. Symphony LACOMHE. E llanr, truataa. to Ut av, 571. i Itobart A FannlnK to ... jiwa , 11,000 Chaplain J. Itoehfnrd, First Field Ar. Due Monday, Msrvh 14. Vljf. nro,. M0)(j firooklyn A. A. Conrled. the Society nnd W llurnham 151.000 670 W I72d at, Mar ,, a A. runa e SS n Illlery, transferred t" Cnaat Artillery iav f,)r th0 Herman . 471 Av Zee Alllwerl, Uar. 1 'l Twombley A Hon. SOI.lNUEIt, Iiaac, to Edmont Itaalty IS 1 atti-a- A H. 140 . ., , e n Lieut. Cul. W M. Wllght, llifantri. de- land 't'J-- Bplsco ir. I ii c. Salt.r "t,',,"',, io:.Ji 60i I'oU-lai- n .xiety of tho Methodist Co H.00O U,ia III AJJuUllt-Oen.ral'- a department, Kotierdain .. .Mar. I ft Co. havo rrntea tne lort Naaaau at 11,600 e 7b 1 v a at a to n tailed h the threo story brU'k building; Spear lourin LAWYEHH MTOB CO to IVtar Otlen.,14,000 to Kiterlor l Ul.t Col, 1. W Mclvor Adjutant Minneapolis Snulhamptoo. .Mar. I 1S Went Twenty-iecon- d I'plnwn. x w to org. si, .ilea UeuL Mar. ' lltpi-'yr- a In and lJf II Al, LOCK. E. lo Mary L Story. Il.oon Tint al IJi.a ... hura I.lbau I street, on lot ISxlOO, to Jults Crescent-Sta-irr llealty . . 4 to the Fix Manufacturing Com COMITY MT'ii: CO tu aame 1X000 (Manhattan Island, nurth of 110th St.) fleo If Storm to tha i. w ir,- Naples .Mar. street M 17 Lieut .col T urirnin, nineieei.m . . '.ova" a Tortorn for occupancy. (Jugg.nhrlinrr, U A Wall - Naples. .Mar. mi TIMl'SON, Jennie S, to Lawyera Mts. IS, 1x100.11 ) Coylr Co; att)o, to Kort Mi I ' i pany; the rilxin ion in iionn streoi to 1HT1I ST. Ill tl John t 127,160 fantry. from Jefferann birrarka J Ilerinuda. . Mar. 10 C. I4,40 Barings Hank, 30 and assume commaiid uf tho Scv i''""''"" Hchnelder Co.; with William C. Walker lo Union siuaro union HI'KINO IT. 10. a a. It.. 4 a ICIIlabeih at. I'herann. ''' Sun Juan... . Uar. II t'TM ITV IN' I.VI'I.KTON PARK. HKItllHT HKALTY CO to Hermann C 6 yra, 6 p e; atty. U store and basement In ins nnd Square, Mar II, T ?t.VE&7,U3S.lSdl.l. HOY 41. Infantry Inagun .Uar. II Hons the 14,000 llway 11,000 iril ti aj- -. T,u , Junkrn 'i. Maaauth: stty. Fled 1. till, J I .frauaiir, onriur-in- Nassau... .Mar. U llulhling Company and tha street to H. ParadWoj elxth STOUT, Mary L, odnix. to Wallara lit a. - Spoela lo Peter vil 110 flreene Til AV, 2(73, a 23x10 Hylirilrr Pile- KochrlU, fantry to the r.tlr.d list , . Sam . . Mar. lu.'iy - ar.n ITIrh Merrill. Mala at. New Juan.. it T ist havi- cold to the Kraslow in ltrimmn Htreet to the story 11.710 rnanti et ai tn nuat iiurearowasy, no x v 14.100 Kll.t l.leui ij. 11. iiuin". .'""'"i SAramacra. Hellte Feb, SI Cr.!trurt.c,n 7 1 p accepted Company tho vncant riot. Orad. Mills, fin Uth lofi in lin if KR i: lat st. Feb II, yr, I c; attya. Wolf 45TH T. 41 W. n s. lllalOO.C, Fab 17, s.rva Corps, re.l.nallon aiiiii New Orleans. Mar. II w,t,52g- " ' ' A K. 201 llway 11,(00 lialvestou. .Mar 10 " at the nurtheast corner of Hlx- - Twenty-olght- h Htrcoi to uoriman ivorn- (HAMK , BL' i;40. josann anil aiiiq ,1..11 n.rn i "a ,lm nreas. llll at. Uklyn; nttv, These navy orders were '' r'l t and Twentieth avenue; SAM10 to Wallace Story 11.600 Abr I. Khi, III Ith - -- urif "I m v m 1 .i. 16.000 Commander S U W Klttella to cninmand Hy Wlrrle-aa- liironslng Veaaela. llwav "5 Sixty-thir- d STllNKCK. John, to Lloyd Itaslty (Tloroiigh of Hronx.) Ill '' i ilw.dllnns on street. Hiram Rlnaldo has leaned to tho Unit Co...100 Tha 16, 1716.41, Morris ASIKI., KlUa, to nagua, ..115,000 AV, w a, map LOTS blk map , I.MO miles east of Smd " to Charles T. Denver; 2027, to Company tho building at THIN1TY h.lng lot II, Ornve sumu m Lieutenant-Command- r P. Tele,, from Sa KrltlanlafIor.t '' Ineandnecent ivo to l ark, JUiy su. Ills niuu i.uiuiM' i ' ,M T Vois; 20J3. to T. T. NVthen. 11SV4 for n term of years. inn, ooiiBo Tnipnyrra iteaiir annia Truat Col stiy, L T I Washington. D. C. to Aalatle eutton. la Iloo,J hirdi BECOBIIRO LKAkRS. Smith, 200 St Nicholas av, Mar II, I yrs. ! T i : Iiwton-Mey- er 110 army transport May 6. '.''m ' 11. H.ii-ow- rility-- " , A Co. and the llwav Y. '"'ii' ' li (' ulao on C. Henlor .ManhalUa. o p i'. stty, J J O Hrlfli, 31 Park llll Lleiitensni-cnmmsndr- r It. Pope, from ' ",' storo 110,000 LOT 111. map 10l, VndrrctlfT Terrace, Mor. ?S?s lw Itco 213S. to II. C. Alletxhauser. Company have leneed the at 44 W, ll.iw 24. 1113 the Mar land to home for orders. f'.'ri,..Mv ''il, Ilrond-wn- IkTH ST, rear bids John I'laacano rla Helghta, llth ward, Oct .,rUli'' Sixty-eight- ST, K. n a, r- to l inll l.'. (Jreeiiwold. h street, at H Zuck.rman, yra from 1I6TII ini.601 IMlxlIT w 1 Lleul. K, II CrltlaiiiUii. from the Charl- 15 West In Martin I Ml If Post, trua, Kmll and imaa jonnson; am. inn ha AmcrlU. ti.llea atl ol hviil) llw. ..I to the George Ievnno Tire Company, 1114: atty. Jno J nunn, Tin av,,,ioo It Krnat tn tvaldrnn eura C Ferris. II Wall al 11,000 ton lu executive ofnear of Cleveland. HIIOADWAV, a a, in and ata, llayport, L I, Mar 12, I yra, I p ei altv, a a, 17, "ba 31C "II. MONTt LA I BOLD bat 171th 17lh (1 111,21)0 ItTH ST, III W, I61IOO.6, Oct lilt , U"V 'I, ?viV?1"'" C.iion. Cr.stol.wl, mile, south of It TRACT n of 6 eioree Jaa F Mcdarry to T Co. 174 llway K Conway to the Hnnli store ICH-SSi- l, Jnu and Maty Lillian , I.PlASKn. 6 AV. a a, also n C. from tor-- SVimiu-u- . v ' ii N' 13. One CITV DWKH.WOI Chss Wealendorf, 410 W 171th at. rrn III 3li7.10; Illth Hpsngenberg: Chae W Kappa", Kn.lgn It. smith, Jr. "aerva Puerto liamos. J0 miles J., March of I., n a, ally. Md Pan- - , May I, addrtaa (I), ai, m rranx A oimatsd . . 13.100 psdo ulvlslun. Annapolis, to the M'wU , j,,,,, yj,, Kt I10ull i sales In A Klllman hav'n leaded tho four from lllll lilii inioo P O, N J ir'nnt real e.itate Pease llway..,. 11,400 to Kredk Storck, 1017 Dacntur av. Mar IS, AV. n w cor pi, I43H0, lhr, Hon, Arthur, 368 mtita f dwelling nt 11 Kast S yra. S p c; C. 171 IIIIOOK Anna June I' M to fort many yi art) was announced otori' nnd basement Hrnnx. ally. 7, 1106 J to H Lewi. AaslttKtil Pnyiuarter T Lathrop o( SlNl; a, -- 1 It. llway THAT 47,000 Albert Hchwanler 1' M, Crawley A Hros., who Hevantv-'ocon- d street to Frank Purler. , S Morrla, 32 Lib- the Tmoina, U iyo, baton It?cge CM mliei so ittituti IlItOOK AV. HO, alore, Ac I.ichtetiberg-llroa- LONIIPUI.I.OW AV, e s, a Jennlnga at, Morris, air: ally, L.wls Knslgn from the t.lncln 4 In M. Co, havo leased to n. l.ovln, 601 IS Hi at 117,000 Thnmaa Ilin(er 0, Mississippi bar at nnon the transaction, r, H C. Benlor Inc. tif Philip lieth Kurow to Paul Korh, erty Mohican Ss too - 161 10, 2ii.l0llt. ll.rmnn 2D ST, w a, 100 11 Flower at, lot to, natl tn the AUmn. tialvea'on, nillea soalh ol Trank A. Sawyer hsve pur- the dwelling at Weit Pcv at, I yra from Apr till; atly, P s rrlnr to 7 M Davidson 11,120 1140 Longfellow av, pr mtg 11,000, Mar II. map No I, Wllllanisbrldge Ulislgn S. Picking from tha Decatur tin sandy Monk al P cnty-fourt- ailckmsn. Bway Ollmllle, at i of land on tho west fide h street. Ill 3 yra, on p ei atly, T i Co. Ill w 311 e Mohican, s. Verdi, likrh.utoa K0 miles wouthens; of loasul Depot, runa to shore llrom Itlvrr W from Monterey to noon, ff avenue south of dates avo- - ftchltidler A l.lebler have the llway ...11.400 x n w along shore 102s a 216 to r.nslgn Trammel the sndi Hook at I LIB PF.NHKNS. AV, 2011, snd said Catulina, Anlolsg.lsi.i. .. severnt end bnsomcnt dwelling at WASHINOTON w s. IIxlll w a at x a 100 to beg, 3, 1107 the Cincinnati. St Sauin unlet inperty consists of three story Mavibaltaw. (irnlinm Per Knslgn II I".. Snow from tha ilulvvslon to anltlhejst uf Charleston nt 6 1 M J h Thnmaa to John Albara. HI Clpolla It. he Krnest Peventy-nlnt- street to Frederick Fltomana and Carmine tn Jno 170 Starr, Simmons and "3 l!sst BT, li a, loo ft a of Id av, I6x Franklin at, Ilklyn, pr mtg 111.000, Mar 13, S06 K tha Monterey. s Jacksonville. m.lis eoutt. c term of years. 111TH (Jr) and Amands llusslng, Lincoln 7 P, M vntc a frontage of nearly 1,000 Katterschlnaky for a n.nraa Itlcharda at al Max Dunn al I yrs. I n c atty, John 1 Knhra. 1464 V Morgan, KnslKii W. W Smith from the nainl ata Sandy Hook at sit uv, Mount Vernon: all), II 1 Wilmington Juan, it miles ol t... to an average depth al irorscloaure of mortgage); ally, F 3d ai 11,000 110.000 Hon, Olongapo. P to tha Sa MaracaltHi, San a s, Mount Vernon, NY II. M Shlpp from nminanil Bandy Hunk at of 0 h'.g FLACK. IIOMK ST, IIC. lOx Irrag Kellbert HT, a a. w Av A. ICilOO.S, 13d at, Surgron tha IPX It h cloe to tha 1150,000 TAKrlft Cr.DABIIIIItBT Co Lawyers A 140 DID 144 Japan, tu nuval SS nr .MOnigointry v nn.e. its- - . MT, SI7 snd III K. two artlona Const to T I T Co. a a, w A, (OslOO, with all bldgv mil al Yokuhama. mi navaim.!. ' Mra William II. I.teds. widow Miss Mary KITH 6 14.1 Av Puget Soiinit nnnh nt ai noon John F. Scott hn rented for William Hughes sgt Annla Faderman at llwuy, Mar IS, yra, Interest as per bond: rights, privileges, leases, Ac. Sept 16, hnapltal. rnlt'g lnTuuipnti, ii plate king." Mr. Houlo ha on LoverH of two mnrtgagea); atlya, ally, I. T I Co, 1)0 llway 111,000 I'usaed Asslstunl surseiMi r I.. I'. rtir from Sa Ouaritanamo, uillri east o' nutherford her house, Iine. al (lorecloeure Manhattan Ira Co to Hy Ofllhsus Key Wesl at 7 P M I A WAL1.AC11 AV, 1467. bilng Int map llll - tho llalubow to loinmaiid tho naval hospital f r the erection of a fine brick T to Warren 8. Crane. Iturzinun Frankoiihalm.r. III, 447 Washington av; atty, Thus- I, Cedarhurst, U ST. n a, It) fl of llth ay. 1I.H76.6; Hunt ratals Jaa Kerr to Oao Hauler, Fort Yokohama, Japan architecture, to contain 67TH l.- Hurley, U Uirhung pi 12,000 Sfirjlsn -l Mill and 61th ata. 2Sl 1162 St I.uwranra uv, Msr 13, due May I, Assistant Suigeon J 'I O Melvena from 'V . niih, four ana a nu MICMnRRB Co agt Kalherlim SAME PHOPKRTY. neraonal properly there, t.'uvlte, 1', 1., tu home lor THREE DIE IN TENEMENT FIRE . bathroom ADD TO ACTIVU nOlRO HI Itiiral Securities mr, I i atty, fhas II Baachler, 1121 on, 16, 1113 to aame; atty, naial station til He oi , wny, svi 1900 Ae, Sept Same ordure. also slgntd contracts V. F Iteynard inouca iiiinii.'n.i Walker K 111 llway,. , .111.000 .. rveorgn A. Itowinan, Ilarol.l Hutton K T llrsikatl, JIlltOMK AV. n w ror st. 60x100 Frank Knon, Assistant Surgeon J i Howard from erection of an elaborate been elected Hid 1ST AV, III, w t. S4 l104; 47th at. III hospital, Canaeau P. I., to home for Another Victim In Conditio having a frontage of about nnd Jamee II. Walker havo Urneii. Amallrsn Heal F.state Co to Wm Craw- W, a a. April 6. Is naial map Kl, 307 av. Mar 6. 6 yra. 24ll.7i:6ilS,4, orders. Inert ' Is active membership ' LOT In Ward 14. of Waken. ford. Waal Knd M to Hoyal P Ham.r-aehla- In llrliligrport, feet. This latter house to to I,. O Molloy 6 o; 1, I Co, lit) . .120. 001 Krsncra Fsnnlnx Assistant Surrron ...... naial nnd Harold Mint mapOsorge agt Mary P altv, T llway. Worthslmsr, 101 I , l nnd tlmhfrsd. Is Board of New York on t.i MT atty, Louis hospital. Olongapo, P. to home, for HniikigponT, Conn., March 13. Three hiir It at. V' Wadlck. it si taellon U fsracloae tax AV JOHN, a a ror Hrk at, I2H110 Uway 1100 ' :it the houses will cot about ha been added to tho lien): stty, II Hwaln. Normal i.'oiisi uo in iiorsiana iisauy ce. men lost tho.r lles and another man may h, Mr. Sawyer has ptirchasasl H....,;,u . 1' . w earner of land ownari tot Willis av, Mar II, I yr, I a o; die us the risult of a fire In a nix story ten-mi- 1 60s Irreg-Fr- auk V. V Hell. 60 Willis av 111.000 I.IKNB, it Naval Veaaela. onir.f rlv on the same tnorotUfn lii Hlndgat t A Tlldan. i.ttv. NATIftlTED MECHANICS' Msvenirnls house here early There will '''l C snd ltalph lllckox llerlha JltliOMH AV. n a enr Fordham r.l. ulx March ' a ulli -- iw.nlv errrt a. line rest oi,n niRF.cTon.i RnTintN'nn. Msrhaw sl Henry W Slnghr tn Unwary Savings Msnbattan. WASHINOTON. II. The yacht bo ft thorough ItiwutlKatlon Into the origia an Irrrs H Wsahlngtan; bullla-shi- f tho grmm of Scliraatr si siAe,iiui;i"i" Hank, 111 Ilowery, Mar 11. 6 yrs. ITH ST. 141 li nhanksr Melal Celling Sylph has arilied at lliu English lype. At tho annual of ntta. Nobel, i Co, Thomas at al; Delaware nnd collier ratal at Hamp of tha blase. Wood, riPi.MONT AV. a a oo r lllat at, i p a; sttya, Csduuledrr, W A T, 40 Will Inc. agl Wlndmullrr aupply found dead, who bean cnrporatluns. with quarter nt the ' at Its:, 000 July II. Hill 13(6 ton llnads, and the ship Supply at The men hd . Will-la- w iAeiili L Flnkalalsln set Crownhlll Conatr a ain.tll room on first floor, nilll (IP KEt't)fD AVENl'B rLAT. Co. offlcs, 21 (foraclsiua of mortgage) atty, HTII ST, a a. 121,6 w 3d av. IS.7 Irreg SAMB PltOl'KHTY Jno Sullivan agt same. Manila, aleeping In the (ii at sl Cnluinhla-Knlrki.r-ln"k- 1, 11,741 collier ,r"'' Jar-,- was reolected president Publishing Co to Aug The n'l;i,'"'n':a wen, MlffocaKtl. while the other man ws .r0pna Is buyer of flat B. Harmon m r.iiennan. Hrnnx llll '" the tha companies and tho old n 10 w Id sv, 10x100 Aarah Truat Co, pr intge 6,000, Jan I, 46T11 ST, J.ll W Flohr 4 Harris agt fr'om on the. second floor tl.e various 17ITH T. s. Forty-fift- h found unconscious Th. 'l r.iirthenst corner of Second ay f tha I yra, 7 ! ol given In annum honda; ally, blreot llealty Co et sl! Mar Hnnn'.a wero also reelected with hut on Sanberg Sgt Inline lavwnw ji ".i liure 1114 1141.11 CM.J.iv""'.' ir.'i street, reported sold bnanls 1 ally, Uorrlaoa rlron Publishing Co. B 141th ai; II. Hfth exception oloaurs of mortgage) Ill ! Murrls Rose and Lewis Norman. or two ft