At Meeting of Representatives of Great W cst<'rn and ti ).[ and of this Company, on the 26th May last, final arrangements ic . ctll'Qpohtau (' '"~ opemngo· f the H amme1'81Dlth· Lme· by the Great Western Compnm· an\~re m: c for ti re •mm • ta hich • h • · ' 1 ror t 1•c •cttl Jl01D 'W' nug t anae on the formal agreements; and a llcmoranrlum t ti cincnt or b 0 •at 1 the respective• Ch airmen· of the three Companies. effect "· ' ·~ 'Ihe Drafts of these formal Agreements are now with the Great w t Companies for their approval. cs crn and )[ctroi>oh'"'n Your Directors regret that notwithstanding all their efforts thcv were un , • . Ii . p . . SUcc"'-,lul h app cation to arhament for authority to extend thi" Railway to Richmond 'rl . . 1n 1 "'" ----'ed · bta" · · · · '"' howc au""""° m 1mng nmnmg powers over the hoc which is to constructed by th, y' 1cr Sooth-Western Company, and which is, in fact, an almo•t similnr line to that. c -ondon an~ Co ....._ \IA-~~ .u...._ ' promot ii Ill ti mpany. .1.11Cll! 1"'"""' ...., """ur4!CY1>Y'Cl!MiCS1n thc"'Lonilon anil South-Wcstcn C · "' 1 ompant', Act• Y:

1n all these additions the Engineer has bem instructed to curtail the outlay nR much a 11D~JJ.l4.;JQ'11J:Jlirectors ant.icip:Lte that the CO$t u-ill llOt exceed the :l.\·ailiblc resource.< of the !4i.t\er realizing the value, which is daily increasing, of the Company's surplus propcrt~-. lfr. Boom, the late Secretary, has retired from the service of the Company; and ~[r. A. L. •Jat'1• (ibrmerly of the Great Northern Railway) has been appointed Secretary. .!Bae OJlices of the Company are now at 27, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London. The Rev. E. C. TAYLOR being about to go abroad, it will be necessary for the Shnreholden :to.appoint another Auditor in bis place. In accordance with the wishes expressed at the last Half-Yearly Meeting, Colonel WA&D has appointed a Director. A Report by the Engineer is subjoined. THOMAS EYRE FOAKES, CluJinnlm.

2, Quuir SQUAB• Pucs, WBST11111nsa, • Dirtetor1 of tM Hammmmith and .bgul llllA, UIM. OUy Raihoay Corttptmg. sr4"""""T OF RECEIPTS & EJ

31st Dec., 1si;3, 'foTAL· t<• EXPENDITURE. 30th June. 1864.

£ . ti. 1-~~~-·11--~~~~~~~~~'- £ $, d. 219,52:~ 12 11 £ '· d. By Expenditure per Account, to 31st December, 1863... . 716 0 0 224,760 6 6 ,. Engineering and Surveying 10,1r,o o o ,, Works 9 0 " Land and Compensations .. 19,118 371 0 0 " Direction and Audit

2,llW 0 0 " Office Charges, Printing 211 r, (J JAlllll OD J>ebeDtlln &~ ...... ' 0 0 Tempon17 Loan ~ Interest on Loans on 63 7 1,348 14 1 Jllntl )leceiftble Debenture lnJml&Oll ~ " ~ on Temporary 397 /j 2 - 661S 8 40,911 13 !I

LM In on 2G0,435 fl b Oallt 1111.dftDOI 3 11 7 62 l l Less:tracto received from the Con - 33,601 8 2 duri~ ~he t1~y ::ount .... 3,000 0 0 2.';7,435 6 8

Balance at Bankers, ..... c. 926 6 11

21IB,361 13 7 £ 2.';8,361 13 7

--.with Boob llld Voucbm and found correct ' (Signed) W. B. C. MA.XWEL E. C. TAYLOR' L, } .A.---''tuai or1.



Tv br submillrrl f(I flu• Prt>prir!or.~ nt f/11• JI ALF­

Yi-: \IU.Y Onot~ . \HY (h;~a;nA1, )(F.1'.."l'INO, lo bt>

711ld Ml Tlt·rlnrs.111,11. 24tl1 _-tugu.~t, 18(;4..

( t'Ol'Y O? I D\"F:RTISF.)I EST.) lJ · \\DlEH~'LlTII .\);"D l'LTY HAILW.\ 1 CO)ll'.\XY. ··Xoticc is hcr<'by giYcn, that the Half. Yenrly Ordinary l~t'ncml lllt•C't ing- of the Proprietors will hl• held on Wcd nc>da~" the :?Hh day of A ugu"t in~t:mt, at 'l'wo o"Cloek in 1hc Afternoon. at the Ollic<'s of the Compau~·. 2i, n.·J '0:-11 :::re~t. ~trsnd, London, to receive a Heport and Stn1ement of -·h·1·011nt'\ from the Directors to 30th Jnnc ln~t. and for other the general bu~in<'~s of the Company. The Tran.;fer llooh of the Comp~ny will be clo~ed un :11ul from '.\londay, the 15th Augu:;t, until after the Meeting. By Order, ..\ . L. ~KIXS, Stcn:rwy. 2i, Bedford Street, London, W.C. 4th August. 186.J.

P"-4 bf Blnleca ls ..... a. Jlanlata ~ l.Gl4oa. JJAMMEBSMITH AND CITY RAILWAY.

JIALF·JBABLY BBPOBT, to 31st December, 1864.

i9irtttol'S. TSOJIAS RYRE FOAKES, Esq., 4, New Square, Lincoln's Inn. JURCUS s. LYNCH-STAUNTON, Esq., Athenieum Club, London. DAVID OGILVY, Esq., Dirtclor of the Grtal Wtilern Railway, Upper Norwood. G. CAVENDISH TAYLOR, Esq., M, Eccleston Square. LIEUT.-COL. WARD, late R.A., Welwyn, Herta. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Esq., Director of the Great JYutmt Railroav, Grove End Rold. St. John'• Wood.


r. k ~ to tM Proprietors at IM Half-Yearly Ordinary General Meetiflg, to~ Mid on Tuuday, 28th February, 1865.

The Account.a to the 31st December, 1864, are herewith transmitted to tM 1roprie&on ._ CAPITAL. £, s. d. Beoaind .. 294,747 11 1 &paded .. •• 290,815 17 5 Balance .. .. £3,931 13 8

REVEl . .. .. 5,113 10 11 ...... 2,629 5 0 BaLmce .. •• 5 11 Kensington. It is obvious, thorofore, that the present receipts arc no cri•- . . II h b . wr1on r whit the"' must eventually become, more espec1a y w on t e City link is c «> Ra" Otnpli-1-i between "the Metropolitan and the Chat h am an d D over 1lways ; when tho Met-;" litan line is extended to Finsbury ; when the South-W ostorn Company's E ._ . ll· po x...,11~1 to Richmond is constructed; and when the G reat W estern Company have lni

Your Directors have been in negotiation for leasing the line to ti (' IC •feat Western Company from the commencement of tho present year : tho prelimina J arrangements have been settled and the heads of the formal agreement will be 1a% /' before the Shareholders for approval.

By this arrangement it is proposed th~t the Great W estorn Company shall become lessees for a term of 5199 years of the railway, the surplus lands, and all other property belonging to this Company; the Great Western Company undertakin 11 this Company's liabilities, preferential, and other charges of every description~a:d in addition guaranteeing a dividend, for the year 1865, of 5 per cent. per annum the Original StiOC~-S~ch Divid~nd to increase .b~ !th ~ cent. annually afterwar: until 5i per cent. UI paid, at which rate the Dividend will thenceforward continue during the term of the lease. With the concurrence of the Great. Western Com pan . 6 Direcfiol'IJ have taken steps to apply to Parliament this Session for power to rau! farther Capital to the extent of £100,000, with the usual borrowing powers of £33,000, to erect a. better terminus at Hammersmith, and generally to provide gniat. accommodation at the stations and along the line ; also for sanctioning certain Mterations in the mode of Junction with the Great Western Railway; and for other ~ The Bill will in due time be laid before the Shareholders for approval.

The London and South-Western Company have new projects in Parliament y a.ft'ecting the interests of this Company-one being for authority to abandon fi ~on of the Kensington and Richmond line authorized last year, over which :f.Wmning powers were secured to this Company ; and there is a scheme for a Railway Hammersmith to Fulham, which may be prejudicial to this Railway. These 0 "1cts will receive the careful attention of your Directors.

Your Directors have deemed it desirable to declare the following twelve Sliar. forfeited, by reason of the non-payment of Calls due thereon, and end that such forfeiture be confirmed. The usual notices have been given producing any reply from the Proprietors. The Shares are respectively llliirM!!d 17,566 to 17,570, 17,059 to 17,060, 17,771to17,775, all inclusive.