Xera Website Availability List July 7 - July 12, 2021 1114 SE Clay St. Portland, OR 97214 OPEN FOR IN-STORE SHOPPING & ORDER PICK UPS THURSDAY- SUNDAY 10:00-6:00 Please specify order pick up date when ordering. Orders can be held for 10 days. Payment at pick up is preferred. No phone orders please! Orders will be confirmed by email within 24 hours of receipt…thank you!

Merchandise availabe for sale (images on Instagram & FB Dec. 4) Item Color Price Qty. Avail. Bag - Reuseable Xera cloth bag assorted $10.00 8 Book - Gardening in the Pacific NW (Bonine/Campion) $24.95 18 Coffee Cup - Xera green interior coffee cup $16.00 4 Coffee Cup - Xera tapered coffee cup $16.00 1 Coffee Cup - Xera large size $18.00 1 Gift Certificate - Xera Plants gift certificate any amount Lamp - Xera native wildflower table lamp $60.00 1 Lamp - Xera agvae table lamp $60.00 1 Lunch Box - Xera $28.00 3

Looking for a that's not on the current availability? Send us an email to get on the speical request list! We'll contact you as soon as the plant(s) you're looking for are ready. Please include quantity in your reqeust. Plant Type Size Price Notes Qty. Avail. WC=West Coast OR=Oregon Achillea millefolium perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 36 Achillea millefolium 'Pretty Woman' (red) perennial 3.5" $4.00 buds/ 49 Achillea millefolium 'Salmon Beauty' perennial 3.5" $4.00 buds/flowers 33 Achillea sibirica perennial Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 9 Agastache 'Mandarin Dream' (Xera) perennial 3.5" $4.00 some buds 27 Agastache pallidiflora ssp. neomexicana perennial 3.5" $4.00 budded 8 Agastache 'Rainbow Sorbet' (Xera) perennial 3.5" $4.00 27 Alchemilla alpina perennial 3.5" $5.00 8 Allium sikkimense perennial 3.5" $5.00 buds/flowers 15 Anemopsis californica perennial WC nativer Square 6" $12.00 1 Aquilegia chrysantha v. chaplinii perennial 3.5" $4.00 7 Aquilegia formosa perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 18 Aquilegia vulgaris 'Icy Blue' (Xera) perennial 3.5" $4.00 25 Arbutus menziesii (Madrone) tree OR native Square 6" $16.00 5 Arctostaphylos auriculata 'Diablo's Blush' shrub WC native Square 6" $18.00 1 Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 2 Arctostaphylos bakeri 'Louis Edmunds' shrub WC native Square 6" $18.00 7 Arctostaphylos canescens ssp. sonomensis shrub WC native Square 6" $18.00 small plants 3 Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Harmony' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 16 Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 19 Arctostaphylos hookeri 'James Roof' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 9 Arctostaphylos hookeri 'Wayside' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 5 Arctostaphylos manzanita 'St. Helena' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 7 Arctostaphylos manzanita 'St. Helena' shrub WC native 2 gallon $30.00 1 Arctostaphylos x media 'Martha Ewan' (Xera) shrub OR native Square 6" $16.00 2 Arctostaphylos x media 'Xera Pacific' (Xera) shrub OR native Square 6" $16.00 6 Arctostaphylos pajaroensis 'Warren Roberts' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 7 Arctostaphylos pajaroensis 'Warren Roberts' shrub WC native 2 gallon $30.00 2 Arctostaphylos pumila 'Grey Leaf' shrub WC native Square 6" $18.00 4 Arctostaphylos 'Sentinel' shrub WC native Square 6" $16.00 4 Arctostaphylos 'White Lanterns' shrub WC native square 6" $16.00 25 Arisaema taiwanense perennial 3.5" $8.00 2 Artemisia versicolor 'Seafoam' perennial Square 6" $12.00 16 Aspidistra elatior perennial Square 6" $16.00 2 Astelia 'Westland' perennial Square 6" $18.00 2 Baeckia gunniana shrub Square 6" $16.00 11 Bergenia ciliata Large Leaf Form perennial Square 6" $15.00 10 Bergenia ciliata 'Susan Riley' perennial Square 6" $14.00 1 Calamintha nepeta 'Montrose White' perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Callistemon viridiflorus 'Xera Compact' (Xera) shrub Square 6" $16.00 11 Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' grass 3.5" $4.00 2 Carex pansa grass OR native 3.5" $4.00 26 Carex siderosticha 'Variegata' grass 3.5" $5.00 4 Carex testacea grass 3.5" $4.00 15 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Oregon Mist' (Xera) shrub OR native 2 gallon $24.00 1 Cephalaria gigantea perennial 3.5" $5.00 2 Choisya 'Goldfingers' shrub Square 6" $14.00 3 Colocasia 'Black Pearl' perennial Square 6" $15.00 3 Cupressus macrocarpa 'Wilma ' shrub Square 6" $12.00 small plants 4 Dahlia 'Bednall Beauty' perennial Square 6" $10.00 12 Dendranthema 'Hillside Sheffield Pink' perennial Square 6" $10.00 15 Dianthus 'Chomley Farran' perennial 3.5" $6.00 4 Dicentra formosa 'Langtrees' perennial OR native 3.5" $6.00 21 Diplacus grandiflorus perennial WC native 3.5" $6.00 6 Disporum sessile 'Variegatum' perennial 3.5" $6.00 10 Echium wildpretii biennial 3.5" $6.00 26 Eleagnus 'Hosoba Fukurin' shrub Square 6" $16.00 8 arborea 'Albert's Gold' shrub Square 6" $12.00 2 Eriogonum elatum perennial OR native 3.5" $6.00 18 Eryngium variifolium perennial 3.5" $5.00 18 Eucryphia 'Nymansay' tree 2 gallon $50.00 3'-4' height 1 Eucryphia x intermedia 'Rostrevor' tree 2 gallon $50.00 3'-4' height 1 Euphorbia 'Dean's ' perennial 3.5" $6.00 blooming 3 Fatshedera lizei 'Variegata' vine 2 gallon $30.00 4 Felicia aethiopica 'Tight & Tidy' seasonal Square 6" $10.00 budded 23 Fuchsia 'Campopple' (red/purple) sub-shrub Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 10 Fuchsia 'Insulinde' sub-shrub square 6" $10.00 7 Glaucium flavum perennial 3.5" $4.00 23 Grevillea australis shrub Square 6" $18.00 4 Grevillea 'Canberra Gem' shrub Square 6" $18.00 3 Grevillea juniperina 'Molonglo' shrub Square 6" $18.00 11 Grevillea 'Leanne' shrub Square 6" $18.00 7 Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' grass 3.5" $6.00 4 Helianthemum 'Cheviot' perennial 3.5" $4.00 11 Helianthemum 'Henfield Brilliant' perennial 3.5" $4.00 8 Hemerocallis 'Betty's Pick' perennial 2 gallon $20.00 buds/flowers 7 Hemerocallis 'Elizabeth Salter' perennial 2 gallon $20.00 buds/flowers 8 Hemerocallis 'Pearl Cove' perennial Square 6" $10.00 3 Iris PCI 'Meadow Pastels' (seedlings) perennial WC native Square 6" $12.00 2 Juncus effusus 'Bay Blue' grass OR native 3.5" $4.00 32 Kadsura japonica 'Fukurin' vine Square 6" $18.00 1 Kniphofia 'Lightning Bug' (Xera) perennial Square 6" $12.00 5 Kniphofia 'Safranvogel' perennial Square 6" $12.00 1 Kniphofia thompsonii v. snowdenii perennial Square 6" $12.00 5 Kniphofia 'Timothy' perennial Square 6" $12.00 some buds 9 Kniphofia 'Toffee Nosed' perennial Square 6" $12.00 1 Lagerstreomia 'Arapaho' tree 2 gallon $30.00 2' height 2 Lagerstroemia 'Centennial Spirit' tree 2 gallon $34.00 2'-3' height 1 Lagerstroemia 'Cheyenne' shrub 2 gallon $30.00 15" height 3 Lagerstroemia 'Muskogee' tree 5 gal. Stk. $50.00 4' height 4 Lavandula 'Ana Luisa' perennial 3.5" $4.00 buds/flowers 45 Leptospermum rupestre 'Squiggly' (Xera) shrub Square 6" $15.00 7 Liriope platyphylla perennial Square 6" $15.00 8 Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' shrub 2 gallon $24.00 4 Luzula pilosa 'Igel' grass 3.5" $4.00 55 Luzula sylvatica 'Marginata' grass 3.5" $5.00 12 Luzula sylvatica 'Marginata' grass Square 6" $10.00 8 Myrtus communis 'Compacta Variegata' shrub Square 6" $14.00 10 Muehlenbeckia astonii shrub Square 6" $15.00 3 Oenothera fremontii perennial 3.5" $5.00 some buds 32 Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. incana perennial 3.5" $5.00 some buds 23 Olea europaea 'Frantoio' tree Square 6" $18.00 15" - 20" height 1 Olea europaea 'Super Dwarf' shrub Square 6" $16.00 4 Ophiopogon umbraticola perennial 3.5" $6.00 18 Origanum 'Xera Cascade' (Xera) perennial 3.5" $4.00 budded 22 Osmanthus x burkwoodii shrub 2 gallon $28.00 1 Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Akebono' shrub Square 6" $18.00 10 Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' grass Square 6" $10.00 75 Pennisetum spathiolatum grass Square 6" $10.00 32 Phacelia bolanderi perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 30 Pinus ponderosa v. benthamiana tree OR native 2 gallon $30.00 18" - 24" height 20 Pittosporum divaricatum shrub Square 6" $16.00 6 Pratia 'County Park' perennial 3.5" $4.00 buds/flowers 10 Punica granatum 'Double Orange' shrub Square 6" $16.00 5 Pyrrosia lingua fern Square 6" $18.00 4 Reineckia carnea perennial 3.5" $5.00 14 Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Blueberry Muffin' shrub Square 6" $15.00 5 Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' shrub Square 6" $14.00 small plants 11 Ribes divaricatum shrub OR native 2 gallon $24.00 1 Rubus spectabilis 'Golden Ruby' shrub OR native Square 6" $16.00 4 Rudbeckia occidentalis perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 11 Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow' perennial 3.5" $4.00 8 Salvia greggii 'California Sunset' perennial Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 13 Salvia x jamensis 'Elk Blue Note' perennial Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 7 Salvia microphylla ' Child' perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Salvia microphylla 'La Trinidad Pink' perennial Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 2 Salvia microphylla 'Royal Bumble' perennial 3.5" $4.00 buds/flowers 33 Salvia microphylla 'Royal Bumble' perennial Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 1 Salvia 'Nuevo Leon' perennial 3.5" $4.00 buds/flowers 25 Salvia 'Playa Rosa' (Xera) perennial 3.5" $4.00 18 Salvia 'Rossetto' (Xera) perennial Square 6" $10.00 some buds 10 Salvia 'Silke's Dream' perennial Square 6" $10.00 budded 2 Salvia spathacea perennial WC native Square 6" $12.00 12 Sanguisorba officinalis 'Tanna' perennial Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 22 Sarcococca orientalis shrub Square 6" $18.00 3 Sarcococca ruscifolia v. c. 'Dragon Gate' shrub Square 6" $18.00 6 Sedum album 'Murale' succulent 3.5" $4.00 31 Sedum oregonense McKenzie River succulent OR native 3.5" $4.00 18 Sedum spathuifolium 'Rogue River' succulent OR native 3.5" $4.00 5 Sedum stenopetalum succulent OR native 3.5" $4.00 3 Setcreasea purpurea (Tradescantia pallida) seasonal Square 6" $10.00 16 Sphaeralcea incana 'Dark Pink' perennial Square 6" $10.00 buds/flowers 8 Symphyotrichum subspicatum 'Sauvie Star' (Xera) perennial OR native 3.5" $4.00 36 Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Variegatum' vine 3.5" $6.00 38 Tricyrtis formosana 'Blu Shing Toad' perennial Square 6" $12.00 8 Tricyrtis 'Spotted Toad' perennial Square 6" $12.00 8 Tulbaghia violacea 'Edinburgh' perennial Square 6" $10.00 3 Verbena rigida perennial Square 6" $10.00 some buds 20 Viburnum tinus 'Variegatum' shrub 2 gallon $28.00 3 Zauschneria (Epilobium) c. 'Woody's Peach Surprise'perennial WC native 3.5" $5.00 8 Zauschneria (Epilobium) s. 'Select Mattole' perennial WC native 3.5" $5.00 25