81St General Assembly
MINUTES of the EIGHTY-FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meeting at Kuyper College Grand Rapids, Michigan June 4–9, 2014 and YEARBOOK of THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Published by THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 607 N. Easton Road, Building E Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 19090-2539 USA FOREWORD The three sections of this volume are the following: MINUTES – the journal of the daily sessions of the Assembly. Although the Minutes do not contain the documents that appear in the second section (Appendix), they do contain the recommendations made in those documents; those recommendations appear in the Minutes at the point where they were considered. For ease of reference and cross-reference, the Minutes are divided into articles, denoted by the symbol §. In the Index that symbol, in boldface type, indicates reference to articles in the Minutes; page numbers refer to the Appendix and the Yearbook. APPENDIX – the documents submitted to the Assembly by presbyteries, committees of the Church, and other bodies, for the Assembly’s consideration. With the exception of overtures, communications, and complaints, the several documents appear in the Appendix in the order in which they are normally presented to the Assembly. All references to documents in the Appendix are by page number, in both the Minutes and the Index. YEARBOOK – general information about the denomination. References to items in this section are by page number. ABBREVIATIONS used in this volume for the Standards of the Church BCO The Book of Church Order FG Form of Government BD Book of Discipline SR Standing Rules WCF Westminster Confession of Faith WLC Westminster Larger Catechism WSC Westminster Shorter Catechism The Clerk welcomes suggestions for the improvement of these annual volumes.
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