Communication Rubric Definition: the Ability to Engage Effectively in Verbal, Non-Verbal, Written, And/Or Symbolic Communication
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Communication Rubric Definition: The ability to engage effectively in verbal, non-verbal, written, and/or symbolic communication. Criteria Mastering Achieving Developing Beginning Not Assessed at the Instructor’s Discretion Purpose Clearly identifies the Clearly identifies the Identifies the purpose. Identifies the purpose, but purpose, focuses the purpose of the Most of the communication does not focus communication on the communication and focuses is appropriate to the communication on the purpose, and demonstrates the work on the purpose. purpose. purpose. OR how the communication Purpose is unclear or not achieved its purpose. overtly stated when appropriate. Audience Demonstrates awareness of Demonstrates awareness of Demonstrates some Demonstrates minimal the audience’s identity, the audience’s identity, attention to the audience’s attention to the audience’s knowledge, and context knowledge, and context. identity, knowledge, and identity, knowledge, and (including possible Audience feedback context. Audience feedback context. Audience feedback assumptions and indicates that they indicates that they indicates they struggled to perceptions). understood the understood most of the understand the Audience feedback communication. communication. communication. indicates that they understood the communication and were engaged with it (learned something new, adjusted their perspective, felt connected to the material). Content Uses appropriate, relevant, Uses appropriate and Uses appropriate and Ideas repeated instead of Development and compelling content to relevant content to develop relevant content to develop developed, little evidence illustrate the subject. and explore ideas. AND/OR ideas through some of the of understanding of the AND/OR Shows understanding of work. AND/OR topic. AND/OR Demonstrates issue or topic. AND/OR Shows some understanding Not connected to relevant understanding of issues or Communication is related of issue or topic. AND/OR class information, unclear topics by analyzing and to course content. Tries to tie in course how the presentation synthesizing relevant content but it’s relevance relates to course material. information. AND/OR to the topic is not always Communication is clearly apparent. linked to important course topics. Clarity/Organization Clearly developed thesis. Main idea clear. Examples Main idea clear, needs to Main idea unclear and Within Genre and Organized topics which follow logical order. improve logical order of insufficiently supported by Disciplinary offer support for main AND/OR examples, and/or detail. AND/OR Conventions topic, and effective Follows expectations relevance/quality of Weak attempts to use a introductions and appropriate to a specific evidence. AND/OR consistent system for basic conclusions. AND/OR discipline and/or task for Meets most expectations organization. Demonstrates detailed basic organization, content, appropriate to a specific attention to and successful and presentation. discipline and/or task for execution of conventions basic organization, content, particular to a specific and presentation. discipline including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices. AND/OR Focuses on issues essential to communicating the central idea, using concrete examples and evidence organized in a logical format. Technology/Visual Demonstrates professional Uses technology to help Uses some technology or Struggled to use technology Elements use of technology and audience understand the visual elements to help or visual elements in a way visual elements. All communication. AND/OR audience understand the that was helpful to the illustrations, photos, Technology and visual communication. AND/OR communication. drawings, charts, graphs, elements enhance Shows some technology or etc. add to the purpose and communication at a near visual skills to enhance interest of the professional level. communication but not at a communication. AND/OR professional level. Demonstrates appropriate use of technology/visual elements to enhance message and improve understanding of audience. Grammar and Communication is Communication is Grammar occasionally Errors in grammar and Language grammatically correct, grammatically correct, interferes with format (spelling, interesting, demonstrates interesting, demonstrates communication. Includes punctuation, capitalization, industry knowledge, industry knowledge, some errors. AND/OR headings). AND/OR connects with audience, connects with audience, Language moderately Uses language that and flows well. Error free. and flows well. Limited appropriate to sometimes impedes errors. audience/industry. meaning because of errors in usage. Sources and Work is appropriately cited. Cited correctly, but too few Citations mostly correct. Struggles to cite sources. Evidence Demonstrates skillful use of or too many examples. Demonstrates an attempt Few references. high-quality, credible, Demonstrates use of to use credible and or Demonstrates weak relevant sources to develop sources that are relevant sources to support attempts to use credible ideas that are appropriate appropriate for the ideas that are appropriate sources to support ideas in for the discipline and genre discipline and genre of the for the discipline. the communication. of the communication. communication. .