Alan Friedman

Home address: 3410 Ottawa Lane Hollywood, FLA 33026

Born: April 30, 1956 in City

Education: NYU, B.A. LSE, Int Rels. SAIS, M.A.

Professional Activities: Journalist, Author, TV Producer, TV Presenter, Documentary- maker, Strategic Communications Consultant.

Publications: Correspondent, Columnist, and Contributing Editor at The of London, The International Herald Tribune, , , Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, The Sunday Times, Corriere della Sera, La Stampa.

TV Programs produced or hosted by: BBC, CNBC, ABC, Rai 2, Rai 3, Rainews 24, SkyTG24, and La7.

Author: Agnelli and The Network of Italian Power (1988, 10 languages including Agnelli: Das Gesicht der Macht, Heyne Verlag, Agnelli: L’argent e la politique en Italie, Editions Rivages, El Imperio Agnelli: Su Red de Poder en Italia, Planeta), Ce la farà il capitalismo italiano? (1990, Italy only), Spider’s Web: The Secret History of How The White House Illegally Armed Iraq (1993, 3 languages) and Il Bivio (1996, Italy only). Ammazziamo il Gattopardo, My Way, Questa non è l’America, This Is Not America.

Awards: Alan Friedman was awarded the British Press Award (the UK equivalent of the Pulitzer award) four times during his 14-year career with the Financial Times. He was recognized as the journalist who, together with Lionel Barber (currently the Editor of the FT), broke the Iraqgate scandal in 1991 that revealed how the CIA and White House were involved in the illegal sale of weapons to . Before joining The Financial Times, Alan Friedman had worked in the Administration of President in the role of Presidential Management Intern. He began his professional career working as a Congressional staffer on international affairs in the U.S. Congress for the Hon. Donald Fraser (Chairman of the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the House Foreign Affairs Committee).

Alan Friedman is the only American journalist to have received the Medal of Honour (1997) from the Italian Parliament and he has been awarded many other

1 acknowledgements for his work on Italy and the global economy. In 2014 he was awarded the “Non-fiction Book of the Year” prize in the Premio Pavese (September 2014), the Premio Pannunzio for outstanding excellence in journalism (December 2014) and the “America Prize” in the USA-Italy Foundation’s annual award ceremony in the Italian Parliament (October 2014).

Alan Friedman was born in on April 30th, 1956. He was educated at NYU (B.A. Politics and History), the London School of Economics (International Relations) and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (M.A. International Economics and Law). He is married and lives between the United States and Tuscany. His personal website is