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Download Full Article 645.0KB .Pdf File Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 12 April 1971 Port Phillip Bay Survey 2 CORALLIMORPHARIA, ACT1NIARIA AND ZOANTHIDEA By Charles E. Cutress Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Abstract The collection of sea anemones from Port Phillip, Victoria, consists of 15 species, inclu- ding one corallimorpharian, 12 actiniarians and two zoanthideans. Three are described as new species: Isophellia stela (Actiniaria: Isophellidae), Parazoanthus lividum (Zoanthidea: Para- zoanthidae), and Epizoanthus sabulosum (Zoanthidae: Epizoanthidae). Ten species constitute new records for Port Phillip Bay. Introduction Corynactis australis, Actinia tenebrosa, Oulactis The collection of sea anemones resulting from muscosa, Anthopleura aureoradiata, Phlycten- actis tuberculosa, albocincta. the Port Phillip Bay Survey apparently is by and Anthothoe far the largest and richest ever to come from Three species, Epiactis thomsoni, Bunodactis the area. Represented in the collection are one rubrofusca and Cricophorus nutrix, were pre- corallimorpharian, 12 actiniarians (one new viously known only from New Zealand and, in species), and two zoanthideans (both new addition to the three new species, represent new species). records for southern Australia (Port Phillip Five species of Actiniaria and one corallimor- Bay). On the basis of the present analysis, it pharian had previously been reported from Port is apparent that the Port Phillip Bay sea ane- is for Phillip Bay. Haddon and Duerden (1896) de- mone fauna the greater part related to scribed Actiniodes spenceri, Sagartia carlgreni, that of New Zealand (nine species) and to a lesser Mitactis australiae, Mitactis similis and Cory- extent possibly endemic (seven species). No species that might be considered sub- nactis autralis. The first is now recognized as an tropical appeared in the collection. Actiniogeton, the last retains Haddon and Three Carlgren Duerden's names, and the other three are pro- papers by (1950a, 1950b, dealing with southern Australian ane- bably synonyms of Anthothoe albocincta. Duer- 1954), mones, give good accounts of several of the den (1895) vaguely refers to Cystiactis tuber- species included in this report. I have, therefore, culosa (now Phlyctenactis) from Port Phillip. simply listed these species along with references Since two of these species, Corynactis australis and collection data, adding comments in only and Phlyctenactis tuberculosa, are included in a few instances. the collection under consideration, there are Holotypes of the three new species described then 16 species known from Port Phillip Bay. in this paper are deposited in the National For an area the size of Port Phillip, this is an Victoria. average sea anemone fauna. Museum of I am indebted to Mrs Hope Macpherson Of the 15 species in the 1957-1963 survey Black of the National Museum of Victoria for collection, the three new species plus Epiactis providing the specimens and data upon which australiensis, Phlyctenanthus australis and this report is based, to Mr David A. West, De- Isanemonia australis are known only from partment of Marine Sciences, University of southern Australia. Six other species had pre- Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, for the photographs, viously been reported from southern Australia: and my wife, Bertha, for lending a hand, as Department of Marine Sciences, Uni- Contribution, always where needed. versity of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, P.R. 00708. 83 ) )) 84 CHARLES E. CUTRESS Distribution of Anemones Description of Species Area (Loc.) Spec. Species Order Corallimorpharia 5 (58) 1 Oulaciis muscosa Family Corallimorphidae (Williamstown, Corynactis australis Haddon and Duerden intertidal 3 Oulactis muscosa Coryuactis australis Haddon and Duerden, 1896; 151, 6 (65) 2 Parazoanthus lividurn PI. 7, fig. 6-10, PI. 8, fig. 9-10; Carlgren, 1949: 7 (123 2 Isophellia stela 14; Carlgren, 1950b: 131. 9 (84) 17 Oulactis m a set isa 11 A nthopleura aureoradiata Survey areas 10 (12) 2, 12 (112) 1, 19 10 (12) 2 Coryuactis australis (304) 1. 10 (103) 7 Anthothoe albocincta 12 (112) 1 Coryuactis australis Order Actiniaria 13 (93) 3 Epiactis thomsoni Family Actiniidae 18 (61) 3 Epiactis thomsoni ( Actinia tenebrosa 19 (304 1 'orytiaclis australis Farquhar 23 7 Epiactis thomsoni (3) Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar, 1898: 535; Stuckey, 24 (122) 2 Oulactis muscosa 1909c: 375, 380, Fig. 5, PI. 23, fig. 1-2; Stuckey 25 (129) 7 Anthothoe albocincta and Walton, 1910: 541; Stephenson, 1922: 266; 27 (41 ) 1 Epiactis thomsoni Carlgren, 1924: 196, Fig. 14; Carlgren, 1949: 27 Point Wilson, 50; Carlgren, 1950a: 2; Carlgren, 1950b: 132; intertidal) 20 A nthopleura aureoradiata Parry, 1951: 87, 100; Carlgren, 1954: 571. i i Oulactis muscosa Survey areas 58 (79) 20, 59 (Quarantine 29 (107) 5 A nthothoe albocincta Jetty, intertidal) 7, 59 17. 30 (280) 1 rhlyeteiuielis tuberculosa (36) 33 (177) 1 Isophellia stela Oulactis muscosa (Drayton in Dana) 42 (38) 1 Oulactis muscosa 1 Epiactis thomsoni Metridium muscosum Drayton in Dana, 1846: 153; Ihmodactis 3 rabrojusca 1849 (atlas): 3, PI. 5, fig. 42, 43; Dana, 1859: 43 (303) 3 Anthothoe albocincta 12. 47 (29) I Phlyctenactis tuberculosa Oulactis muscosa, Milne Edwards and Haime, 1851: 55 (35) 2 Epiactis australiensis 12; Milne Edwards, 1857: 292; Andres, 1883: 55 ( Mornington, 311; Carlgren, 1949: 52; Carlgren, 1950a: 3; Carlgren, 1950b: 134, Fig. 2, PI. 2; Parry, intertidal 1 Epiactis thomsoni 1951: 55 (Soiithside 87, 102. Schnapper Oulactis plicatus Hutton, 1879: 311; Farquhar, 1898: 527. Point, Cradactis plicatus, Stuckey, 1909c: 376, 392, PI. 25, intertidal) 4 Isanemonia australis lig. 1-2; Stephenson, 1922: 284. 58 ( 90 1 Phlyctenun I has australis 58 (79) 20 Actinia teucbrosa Survey areas A-5 (58) 1, 5 (Williamstown, 58 1(293) colony Epizoanthus sabulosum intertidal) 3, 9 (84) 17, 24 (122) 2,27 (Point 58 (Point Lonsda Ie 2 Isanemonia australis Wilson, intertidal) 59 (Quarantine 1, 42 (38) 1, 63 (Safety Jetty, Beach, intertidal) 11, 69 (Rosebud, intertidal) intertidal) 7 Actinia tenebrosa 1. 9 A nthothoe albocincta The three largest specimens from area 63, 2 Isanemonia australis having lengths of 25 mm and diameters of 20 59 (23) 1 Epiactis thomsoni and 59 (24) 1 Anthothoe albocincta 15 mm, all have 96 tentacles and 48 pairs 59 (25) 1 Phlyctenactis tuberculosa of mesenteries of which all were fertile except 2 Anthothoe albocincta the directives and youngest cycle. The ento- 59 (36) 1 Cricophorus nnlrix 17 Actinia tenebrosa derm of the tentacles, oral disc and upper 59 (80) 9 Anthothoe albocincta column is coloured dark sepia from abundant 61 (37) 44 Anthothoe albocincta zooxanthcllae. The marginal sphincter is weak 63 Safety Beach and diffuse in all three area 63 specimens intertidal ) 11 Oulactis muscosa 69 Rosebud, but in others from Anglesea the sphincter varied intertidal) 1 Oulactis muscosa from weak, diffuse, to moderately strong, cir- 13 A nthopleura aureoradiata cumscript. Nematocysts of the marginal sphe- 8 Cricophorus nnlrix rules of the ( Label macerated— area 63 specimens were holotrichs Victoria 21/6/62) 4 A nthopleura aureoradiata 40-50 4-5 X ft and spirocysts, 28 X 2 p.. CORALLIMORPHARIA, ACTINIARIA AND ZOANTHIDEA 85 Anthopleura aureoradiata (Stuckey) Phlyctenanthus australis Carlgren Bunodes aureoradiata Stuckey, 1909a: 368, PI 17- Phlyctenalhus australis Carlgren, 1950b: 135, Fig. Stuckey, 1909c; 376, 394. 3-5, PI. 1; (nomen nudum) Carlgren, 1949: 61. Anthopleura aureoradiata, Carlgren. 1924: 208, Fig. Survey area 58 (90) 1. 17; Carlgren, 1949: 54; Carlgren, 1950a: 3; Parry, 1951: 88, 104, Figs. 5-6; Carlgren, 1954: Bunndactis rubrofusca Carlgren 574, Fig. 3. Bunodactis, rubro-fusca Carlaren, 1924: 204, Fig. Survey areas 9 (84) 11, 27 (Point Wilson, 15-16; Carlgren, 1949: 65. intertidal) 20, 69 (Rosebud, intertidal) 13, Bunodactis rubrofusca, Parry, 1951: 88, 115. label macerated (Victoria 21 Feb. 62) 4. Survey area 42 (38) 3. The anemones from the lot with the macera- Isanemonia australis Carlgren ted label were attached to the bivalve Katelysia PI. 9, fig. 2 scalarina. The largest specimen measured 20 Isanemonia australis Carlgren, 1950a: 7, Fig. 3; mm in length by 8 mm in diameter and con- Carlgren, 1954: 575, Fig. 4-5. tained several 12 to 14-tentacled young among Survey areas 55 (Southside Schnappcr Point, the mesenteries. intertidal) 4, 58 (Point Lonsdale, intertidal) 2, 59 (80) 2. Epiactis australiensis Carlgren The Port Phillip Bay specimens seem to differ Epiactis australiensis Carlgren, 1950a; 5, Fig. 2; Carl- gren, 1954: 576. in several ways from the specimens described Survey area 55 (35) 2. by Carlgren (1950a, 1954). It is chiefly these differences that are described here. As the Epiactis thomsoni (Coughtrey) species has never been illustrated, a photograph Actinia thomsoni Coughtrey, 1874: 280. of the best preserved specimen is included (PI. ? Actinia thomsoni, Hutton, 1879: 313; Farquhar, 9, fig. 2). The three largest specimens 1898: 527. examined Leiotealia thompsoni, Stuckey, 1909b: 370, PI. 18, had column heights, oral disc diameters and fig. 1-2, PI. 19, fig. 1-3; Stuckey, 1909c: 376, 395. pedal disc diameters, respectively and in centi- Epiactis thompsoni, Stephenson, 1922: 274; Carlgren. meters, of 3, 3, 2; 3, 3 5, 2-5; 5, 5, 6. The ten- 1924: 221, Fig. 25; Parry, 1951: 88, 111. Epiactis thomsoni, Carlgren, 1949: 58. tacles numbered 140 (±5), and the longest Survey areas 13 (93) 3, 18 (61) 3, 23 (3) measured 3 cm. This is certainly not consistent 7, 27 (41) 1, 42 (38) 1, 55 (Mornington, with Carlgren's diagnosis of the genus: 'tentacles intertidal) 1, 59 (23) 1. not very numerous, of moderate length'. Al- The specimens from Port Phillip agree though these specimens were as large or larger closely with the descriptions given by Carlgren than Carlgren's and well-expanded, I could not (1924) and Parry (1951). A large specimen detect marginal pseudospherules which the spe- from area 55 contained a number of 12-ten- cies is said to have. The entodcrmal sphincter tacled young in the marginal stoma. muscle of the sectioned specimen is somewhat stronger than that depicted by Carlgren (1950a, Phlyctenactis tuberculosa (Quoy and Gaimard) Fig.
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