
Centre for Science and Environment 41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062, BHIMAVARAM, Ph: +91-11-29956110 - 5124 - 6394- 6399 Fax: +91-11-29955879 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cseindia.org Ø Ø Ø Containment following stages: from userinterfacetothefinaldisposal.Ithas . Thediagramclearlydepictshowexcretaflows picture of how excreta flows are managed within the A Sanitation(orShit)Flowdiagrampresentsaclear Offsite sanitation SHIT FLOWDIAGRAM(SFD) Open defecation Onsite sanitation Key: WW: Wastewater, FS: Faecalsludge, SN: Supernatant purpose groundwater for washing and non-drinking ground water.Asmostofthe householdsuse to avoidtheintrusionofblack waterintothe prefer linedstructureascontainmentsystem Households havinganindividualborewell connected toopendrains an outletconnectedtoopendrainsorseptictanks with impermeablewallsandopenbottom high-income grouphouseholdshavelinedtanks While inthecentreofcity,middleto installed tocreateapit without anoutlet.Prefabricatedconcreteringsare with semipermeablewallsandanopenbottom, income householdsaredependentonthelinedpit In theperipheryofcity,mostlylowtomiddle- FS notcontained: 57% FS contained: 17% SN notcontained: 25% FS notcontained –emptied: 29% FS contained –emptied: 15% defecation Open 1% SFD Description contained FS not Local area 28% Safely managed 1

delivered to treatment Ø Ø Ø Ø FS not 44% Neighbourhood • • • field visit:- Types ofon-sitecontainmentsobservedduring tanks 4 floors,bafflewallsareprovidedintheseptic In caseofapartmentbuildingsrangingfrom outlet connectedtoopendrainisconstructed in caseofspaceconstraintafullylinedtankwith in theseptictankasperavailabilityofarea; septic tankiscarriedout.Bafflewallsareprovided dug andthenin-situconstructionofthe In caseofseptictanks,arectangularpitis concrete atbottomofthepit that they have sealed the containment by pouring dug pit.Fewhouseholdsinformedduringsurvey prefabricated concreteringsareinstalledintothe For theconstructionoflinedtanks, bottom withoutoutlet(49%population) Lined pitwithsemipermeable wallsandopen population) open bottomconnected to opendrains (17% Lined tankswithimpermeablewallsand population) Septic tanksconnected to opendrains (33% Unsafely managed delivered to treatment SN not 25% City – notemptied 2% FScontained

2017 2017

emptying service Figure 3: Private Vacuum Tanker Figure 3: Private Vacuum volume of the effluent and solid FS generated from the containment, it is assumed to be 50% each to reduce maximum error using beguiling wall paintings, hoardings and and using beguiling wall paintings, hoardings emptiers distribution of business cards. These neighbouring in well as city the within operate while towns charging 2500/trip within the city, 3000/trip outside the city place Assembling of the vacuum tankers takes at 75 km away from the city, truck preowned A Pradesh. Andhra in with an average age of vehicle being 2-5 years is preferred for assembling into a vacuum tanker On a peak day, these private emptiers get about 7-8 trips per day, with an average of 1 hour dedicated to one trip The emptying is usually carried out by 3 people (1 driver + 2 labourers) Emptying frequency ranges from 3 months to 2 years for the lined pit with semi-permeable walls and open bottom without outlet. Emptying frequency for septic tanks is 7 to 10 years the between differentiation clear no to Due The emptiers advertise and market their services services The emptiers advertise and market their Figure 4: Advertisement of vacuum tankers to call for Figure 4: Advertisement of vacuum tankers Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø

2 Figure 1: Cast Rings open bottom without outlet or overflow Private emptiers are solely responsible for Private emptiers are solely responsible for the emptying services. There are a total of 6 private operators and 7 vehicles operating in the city All the suction machines are truck mounted. The capacity of each tank of a vacuum tanker is 5000 litres. 1% of the population practice open defecation FS contained or not is dependent on the of Depth groundwater. the polluting system groundwater table <10m from the sanitation system is considered to pose a significant risk Emptying of the containment systems in the city takes place using private vacuum tankers Figure 2: Lined pit with semi permeable walls and Figure 2: Lined pit with semi permeable walls

Ø Emptying & Transportation Ø Ø Ø Ø

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cseindia.org Website: [email protected] E-mail:


Ph: +91-11-29956110 - 5124 - 6394- 6399 Fax: +91-11-29955879 Fax: 6399 6394- - 5124 - +91-11-29956110 Ph:

41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062, INDIA 062, 110 Delhi New Area, Institutional Tughlakabad 41, Centre for Science and Environment and Science for Centre Centre for Science and Environment 41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062, INDIA BHIMAVARAM, ANDHRA PRADESH Ph: +91-11-29956110 - 5124 - 6394- 6399 Fax: +91-11-29955879 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cseindia.org Ø Ø Ø contained not emptied is attributed to be from (assuming 90%ofthesystemgetsemptied),FS contained emptiedisattributedtobefrom15% the population ( 17% from septic tanks ), FS FS contained is attributed to be from 17% of (16% fromseptictanksand9%linedtanks) SN isattributedtobefrom25%ofthepopulation FS whichremainsinthetank) emptied whichincludes24%infiltrationand4% FS from28%populationisnotcontainedand (22% fromlinedpitand7%tanks). attributed to be from 29 % of the population from linedtank).FSnotcontainedemptiedis of the population (49% from lined pit and 8% FS notcontainedisattributedtobefrom57% tank andneverbeemptied 2% ofthepopulationwhichisFSremainsin Figure 6:Yenamuduru Drain, wheresewageandseptageisdisposed Figure 5:Containmentoutletconnectedtoopendrain 3 Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Treatment andDisposal

and 2%populationissafelymanaged In total,FSof98%populationisunsafelymanaged generated inthecity There isnotreatmentofsewageandseptage enterprises at10-30kmupstreamofthecanal paper millsandothersmicrosmallmedium water canal,whichiscurrentlypollutedbythe The Yenamadaru drain was basically a fresh meets KolleruDrainatUpputeruVillage The sewageflowsin30-35kmlongdrainand disposed atYenamadarruDrain emptiers andthesewagegeneratedincityis The collectedseptagefromhouseholdsbyprivate 2017 2017 17% SN Treated 17% SN 22% FS contained –not empted 45% FS treated City Unsafely managed Unsafely Demarcate land for STPs/FSTPs in the master plan master the in STPs/FSTPs for land Demarcate Enforce scheduled desludging septic of design proper enforce to bylaws, Improve tanks waste water treatment Implement decentralized to treat supernatant systems at several locations encourage reuse of treated and grey water and waste water Neighbourhood Medium term goals Medium term • • • • FS delivered to treatment: 45% treatment: to delivered FS 4 Safely managed Safely 16% FS not FS contained Local area Local SN contained and delivered to treatment: 17% treatment: to and delivered contained SN 22% – not emptied: contained FS 32% – emptied: contained FS 13% – emptied: not contained FS SN contained: 17% contained: SN 54% contained: FS 29% not contained: FS land could be taken on lease, private parties can land could be taken business around treated be encouraged to develop faecal sludge. (faecal sludge treatment Develop DPRs for FSTPs disposal sites plants) at these identified Recognize the private emptiers and issue them and issue them the private emptiers Recognize license to operate if there is a shortfall Buy more vacuum trucks, disposal sites (so that the Identify 2-3 suitable the trucks is optimized). The distance travelled by

Key: WW: Wastewater, FS: Faecal sludge, SN: Supernatant SN: sludge, Faecal FS: Wastewater, WW: Key: Open defecation Onsite sanitation Onsite • • • Suggestions goals Short term • Offsite sanitation Offsite

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cseindia.org Website: [email protected] E-mail:


Ph: +91-11-29956110 - 5124 - 6394- 6399 Fax: +91-11-29955879 Fax: 6399 6394- - 5124 - +91-11-29956110 Ph:

41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062, INDIA 062, 110 Delhi New Area, Institutional Tughlakabad 41, Centre for Science and Environment and Science for Centre