October 24, 1941
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*■* I ~ Tennis Match Tomorrow Opening Dance Established 1922 Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, October 24, 1941 Volume XVm Number 12 800 Teachers Chekhov Group Attend District To Be Here Busy Week-End Will Begin VEAMeetHere First Lyceum Attraction With World Famous Tennis Sevareid Will Address Features Players Who • Were Here Last Year Group; Spilman Presides At District G Meeting The first lyceum attraction of the Stars In Exhibition Matches year will be the well known Chekhov District O Little, Hardwick, British Eight-hundred school teachers players who were seen here last year. Their performance tentatively sched- from nearby counties are expected to Champions, Feat Saturday uled for November 3, will be Shakes- attend the annual meeting of the Dis- On New Courts Here peare's King Lear. trict G which is to be held tomorrow Two top-ranking world famous Partlett and Robertson, duo-pi- morning in Wilson auditorium. tennie stars, Dorothy Round Little anists, are scheduled as the second Miss Ethel Spilman, president of and Mary Ruth Hardwick, will bring in the series of programs, the stand- District G, and supervisor at the Har- the weekend's list of activities to an ing date for which Is December 4. risonburg high school, will conduct exciting climax tomorrow afternoon Charles Kullman, a Metropolitan the meeting. at 3:30 o'clock when they will play opera tenor, is slated for sometime Sevareid Discusses War a series of tennis matches at the late in April. An additional number The speaker, Mr. Eric Sevareid, official opening of the college's new willl be selected later in the season. noted radio commentator, will discuss tennis courts, located on the green "Europe's Last Front." Mr. Sevareid Miss Shaeffer Chairman behind Wilson hall. hae recently returned from a four- These lyceum attractions were an- Other features scheduled for the year stay in Europe. nounced thia week by Miss Edna T. weekend's crowded calendar include Preceding Mr. Sevareid's address, Shaeffer, chairman of the entertain- the district G meeting of the Vir- which will begin at 11:30, a business ment committee, with the approval ginia Education association, which meeting will be held, at which a of the president. Other members of will present Eric Sevaried as lecturer, member of the Legislative Board of the committee are: Mrs. Bernice the Baptist Student Union conference the Virginia Education association, Varner, Mrs. Annie Bailey Cook, convening here on campus, and the and Mr. Joseph Haley, superintend- Miss Edythe Schneider, Miss Gladys sophomore-senior opening dance to- ent of the Virginia School for the Michaels, Miss Lois Pearman, and morrow night. Deaf and Blind at Staunton, will Dr. Argus Tressider. Won First Tourney at 16 speak. The Chekhov theatre studio fea- Mrs. Little, one of the tennis stars Movie, Virginia, Shown tures twenty young American play- to be on campus tomorrow, was born In the afternoon, beginning at ers under the direction of Michael at Dudley, Worcestershire, England. 1:35, professional group meetings Chekhov. Founded in 1936 by Bea- When a child, she began playing ten- will be "Democracy in Education." trice Whitney Straight in Darlington nis at her home. She won her first At 3:00 p. m.. Dr. S. P. Duke, pres- Hall, England, the Chekhov theatre tournament when she was sixteen, ident of the college, has Invited all group moved to Ridgeville, Connecti- and her first international tourna- of the teachers to attend the moving cut, when the international situation ment at Wimbleton in 1931. picture, Virginia, which will be made continuation of theatre groups In 1932 and 33 she was a mem. shown in Wilson auditorium. Impossible in that country. ber of several British international Madison Girls Invited Group an Integral Part teams and played In France, Ger- As many Madison girls as there is many, British West Indies, and other No member of the cast is starred seating capacity for are invited to countries. in a Chekhov production, yet each attend both the speech and the mov- role is considered of stellar import- Woman World Champ in 1084 ing picture. ance, not because of the glory it may In succeeding years she defeated District G is composed of teachers both Helen Jacobs and Alice Marble from eight counties and four cities cast on the Individual, but because Dorothy Round Little, top ranking woman tennis player, who will meet of what it contributes to the produc- Mary Ruth Hardwick at the opening of the college's new tennis courts In various tournaments. The only in the Valley of Virginia. Saturday afternoon in a series of tennis matches. (See Tennis, Page Four) The teachers, most of whom are tion as a whole. from public schools, represent both The use of music, color, and move- primary and secondary schools. ment give the production Its rhythm Stratford's First Dr. Gammon To and emotion that emphasize the lives R ecordPlayerA mazes and situations, and the many songs Presentation To Speak In Chapel Listeners In Dorm Frosh Choose Buist of the play are made an integral part of the performance. By Georgette Oarew As Class President The transition between scenes is BeGivenNov.14 On Senior Day For the past three weeks or more, Hope Buist, of Mount Vernon, made a part of the dramatic move- the music lovers of Sheldon, Junior, Curtain Rises On "Ladies In Hampden-Sydney President New York, was elected president of ment of the play by having the scen- and Senior halls have been mystified Retirement" With Jones Is Guest Of Class; the class of '45 in a class meeting ery moved by the actors In front of by an unknown station that poured last Tuesday. Jo Ann Smith of the audience. This new treatment of Taking Leading Role Gowning At 6:30 A. M. forth well-known lyrics into the ether an old technical problem permits without the well-known accompani- Clifton Forge, will be vice president The curtain will rise on Ladies In Presenting Dr. Edward Gammon, continuous action throughout the' ment of advertisements. for the year. Ann Holt, of Martlns- Retirement, Friday night, November president of Hampden-Sydney col- production. ville, was elected secretary and Ann 14, when Stratford presents Its flrst lege, as guest speaker, the seniors Just a twist of the wrist and Millner, of Newport News, is treas- play of the year. The authors of will celebrate their annual class day "Time Was," "Jim," or any other urer. Ladies In Retirement are Edward November 5, under the leadership of popular strain came through the At the meeting of the Freshman State B. S. U. Holds Percy and Reginald Dunham. Betsy Ross, class president. loudspeaker. Record followed rec- ord minus the usual interruption ad- hockey class Thursday, the follow- The leading role, Emily Greed, will The cap and gowning ceremony, Annual Meet This vertising "Mazle's Magic Miracle ing girls were elected to serve as be portrayed by Jean Jones. John which will begin the day's activities, Mix" or "Y Olde Country Corn officers: Elizabeth Overton, sergeant- Aldridge will play the part of Albert will be held in Senior hall at 6:30 e Week At Madison Plasters." at-arms; Sarah Overton, reporter; Feather, Wlnny Mauck as Leonora o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Ray- Madeline Fisher, president of class Extensive plans have been made Fiske, Jean Barnes as Emily Creed, mond Dingledlne and Mrs. Adele Naturally, the dormitories were council; Doris Fisher, business man- for the annual Virginia Baptist stu- Evangeline Bolllnger as Louisa Creed ; Blackwell, class sponsors, assisted by curious about their wonderful bene- ager. dent convention to meet at Harrison- and Evelyn Gilley, Lucy, the maid. i the sophomore class officers headed factors. Not only did it save the burg October 24-26. The theme of price of buying individual records but Ladles In Retirement is a thrilling by Evelyn Dent, president, will con- the convention for 1941 is "Supreme the "free for nothin' " recordings in- Professors Attend Exhibit mystery with its setting centered in duct the ceremony. Allegiance to Christ." The first ses- spired many girls to Improve their and around London, England. Ellen Following the traditional gowning, Miss Alice Mary Alken and Miss sion of the convention begins at 7:30 execution of the "light fantastic" in Creed, the housekeeper for Leonore the customary senior class day break- Elizabeth Davis, of the college art p. m. Friday at the Baptist church. preparation for the coming dance. Flsk, a retired showgirl, Invites her fast will be held at 7:15 a. m. in department, and Miss Jane Eliason One senior was seen trying to perfect Among the well-known speakers two insane sisters, Emily and Louisa, senior dining room. of the training school attended the a smooth conga while balancing a will be Mary Nance Daniel and Sarah to come for a visit at the home of art exhibit in Charlottesville last The senior banquet' at six in the book on her head—what we won't do Poole, Mr. James Bryant, and Dr. T. Leonora. Leonora has income from week. evening will be another highlight in to be smooth! Rupert Coleman, Richmond. Special various sources and owns a large and the day's schedule. The class night feature will be student forum groups. beautiful home, Estuary House, Just After several futile attempts, it ! program will bring the days' events TRY AGAIN All Madison girls and faculty are outside of London. was found that Jo Anderson and Nancy Lee Throgmorton in Sheldon; welcome to attend all meetings, Ellen goes to London and brings I to a close. Just In case you and yours Madeline Hurt In Junior hall; and wlitch the bulletin board for the pro- back her sisters Louisa, whose only Academic gowns will be worn by truly couldn't get together on Mary Louise Via in Senior hall were Dr.