
Biblical Roots of

Reprint of Reading Room exhibit

First of Christ, Scientist Pasadena www.ChristianSciencePasadena.com

“... and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” – Rev.22:2

Copyright ©2012, First Church of Christ Scientist, Pasadena

THE STORY OF was required by law to attend Church THE KING JAMES each week or pay a fi ne. Historical background - King James I and his vision

ing James was an extremely Introduction scholarly man, the only English Kmonarch ever to publish a book of his ublication of the King James trans- own works. He was also an ambitious P lation of the Bible was a milestone man and a shrewd politician. His vi- in making the Bible more accessible to sion for England was that of a peace- the general population in England. After an uncertain start, this trans- lation became a best seller for al- most 400 years, with billions sold and, due to its popularity was known as the “Authorized” or “Common” version. No oth- er version has achieved such popularity, praise, and love. What is it about this version that has enabled it to endure? An examination of the translation pro- ful and balanced society. However, the cess and its circumstances yields some Puritans and the Bishops were great clues to answer this question. rivals in the Church and James need- ed to fi nd a way to bind them togeth- Historical background er to avoid their stirring up discon- - England in 1603 tent. After the conference of Hampton Court, the Puritans had suggested the hen James I ascended to the of a new translation of the Bible. W English throne in 1603, the time (None of the three existing , –the of William Shakespeare and Francis Calvinistic Protestant Geneva Bible, Bacon, the country was very involved Queen Elizabeth I’s Bishops Bible, with the things of God and the Church. and the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate As reigning monarch, James was head Bible, –suited James.) James knew that of the Church of England, England’s compromise was the only solution and offi cial Protestant Church. Everyone that neither the Puritans nor the Bishops

1 could be excluded from the translation anything be halting, or superfluous, or process. Sanctioning a new translation not so agreeable to the original, the of the Bible, true to the original texts, – same may be corrected and the truth to the Word, which appeals to the mind, set in place.” and would move the Church away from ceremony, which appeals to the senses, One goal of the new translation was –seemed a promising proposition. Ever to connect the reader directly with the the politician, James placed the work meaning of a message recorded in an- under the control of the Bishops, but cient languages, generally unknown to allowed input from the Puritans. the reader. The translators took their work very seriously, sometimes debat- Goals and Rules ing at length over a single word. There Governing the Translation was a commitment of total fidelity to and Ambiguity the original languages, but also to to- tal transmission of the depth of mean- he translation process began in ing to the reader. To maintain this puri- 1604. The whole venture was a ty and his other goals, James instituted Tdeeply scholarly enterprise. The ap- a set of 15 rules governing the transla- proximately fifty translators assem- tion process. According to these rules, bled to do the work were men of great marginal notes and commentary (to ex- scholarship, several of whom were flu- plain some of the more ambiguous pas- ent in multiple ancient Biblical source sages or words for which there was no languages. They were men who would equivalent English word,) were forbid- be considered highly educated and cul- den. Translators inevitably exhibit bias, tured today, although they could by no and marginal notes -if printed in the means all be described as pious. In a translated document- will reflect that prefatory note to the readers of the King bias to the reader, thereby effectively James Version, the translators wrote forming a barrier between him and the original text, and inhibiting individual “Truly we never thought from the be- interpretation. The “no marginal notes” ginning, that we should need to make rule had the effect of forcing the trans- a new translation, nor yet to make of lators to find the words or phrases that a bad one a good one, but to make a could convey the multiplicity of mean- good one better, or out of many good ings of the original. Annotations, found ones, one principal good one.” Adding in the margins of some of the original that “whatsoever is sound already the source works used in the translation same will shine as gold more bright- process, indicate some of the alterna- ly, being rubbed and polished; also if tive words the translators had consid-

2 ered using. Other notes show the great text must flow and wanted the words to ingenuity of the translators in their use sound like music to the ear when read. of phrasing and judicious punctua- tion to get closer to the original, and to Completion of the Work preserve ambiguity. and Its Aftermath

Ambiguity he translation process was com- pleted in 1611, but the new Bible mbiguity arose because there were atT first met with universal loathing. A some cases where the translators Puritans thought the translation too admitted that they simply did not know “high church,” too formal. After the what was meant by the original. This death of King James and the murder of visible ambiguity in the King James his son, England descended into civil Version is sometimes criticized, but war, and the King James Version of the actually it has great value. Ambiguity, Bible was left to gather dust for some by allowing for multiple meanings, re- 30 years. But after the Civil War, in quires the reader to be an active think- 1660, people seemed ready to embrace er, not just a passive reader, and also the new translation as part of a renewal demands that he take upon himself and a fresh start. The King James Bible the responsibility for interpretation. came to prominence as a link to the Ambiguity in meaning, when worked past, specially prepared for the Church with and pondered, gives the reader of England. Phrases borrowed from it the opportunity to grow in his under- have become part of the very fabric of standing of complex , so that in- the English language. The King James creasingly he grasps the higher and Bible has been described as the most in- deeper meanings which at first reading fluential book in the English language. maybe he didn’t see, or wasn’t ready Through the work of missionaries, it to understand. has been carried to every corner of the English-speaking world. The translators were also conscious that the Bible was to be read aloud in Conclusion Church, and that therefore the way the text sounded when read aloud was im- hile there are now many Bibles portant. In considering which words to available in modern English, use, they looked for sounds of great- Wmost, but not all, are re-workings of ex- ness and chose words to try to convey isting versions, rather than totally new a sense of the divine, so that the peo- translations. An exception (and one of ple would realize that they were in fact the earliest modern English Bibles) hearing the Word of God. They knew the

3 was Ferrar Fenton’s 1903, “The Holy tion conveys the greatness of divinity Bible in Modern English”. Fenton, an through the beauty of expression? He ancient Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew and probably will. The King James Version Latin scholar, had as his sole goal “to will likely have an audience for some study the Bible absolutely in its original time to come. languages, to ascertain what its writ- ers actually said and thought”. Today’s Sources include: Adam Nicholson, au- modern language Bibles cover a broad thor of “Gods Secretaries.” and Ward spectrum of purposes and interests, and Allen, author of “Translating for King some are very contemporary. For ex- James.” ample compare Genesis 1:1-2. First the King James Version reads:

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

And now the contemporary version published in 2003:

“First off, nothing! No light, no time, no substance, no matter. Second off God starts it all off and whap stuff ev- erywhere.”

What will a modern day reader look for CHRISTIAN when choosing a translation of a clas- SCIENCE AND THE sical text written thousands of years ago? Could he be satisfi ed knowing BIBLE that highly educated, cultured schol- ars undertook the translation? Could Introduction he accept the use of ambiguity as a means to draw attention to passages t a meeting of the Christian with a multiplicity of meaning? Will Scientist Association in 1879, he want to make sure that the transla- AMary Baker Eddy proposed a motion

4 on which it was voted: “To organize a es. Rather than comprising a rigorous church designed to commemorate the historical research document, this pa- word and works of our Master, which per seeks to find Mrs. Eddy’s own lead- should reinstate primitive ership and guidance in her writings -to and its lost element of healing.” Just show us how she discovered Christian over a decade earlier in 1866 Mrs. Science and learned its practice -so Eddy had slipped and fallen on some that if we wish, we too may follow in ice and after examination, her doc- her footsteps. It may be helpful to note tors had pronounced her injuries fatal. here that Mrs. Eddy’s most-used Bible She asked to be given her Bible, and was the “Common” or “Authorized” turned to Matthew to an account of version, both terms used at that peri- one of ’ healings. As she read, the od to refer to the King James Version words of Jesus, “I am the way the truth of the Bible. and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me,” (John 14:6) flood- Childhood and ed into her heart and thought. She was Young Adulthood suddenly filled with the conviction that her life was in God – that God was the ary Baker Eddy was born in only Life, the only I AM. In that instant Bow, in 1821. she was healed, through , through MHer family and their social circle were spiritual means alone. The significance deeply religious people. As was com- of this moment as the point of the dis- mon in the early 1820s, life was cen- covery of Christian Science became tered on God and how He should be clear to Mrs. Eddy only later. She con- worshipped. From early childhood cluded that she had to know how her Mary’s life was Bible-centric. In speak- healing had been accomplished. To find ing of her childhood church home, the answer she turned to her Bible. many years later, she describes her “list of blessings infinite” as including: de- Purpose vout orthodox parents; her early associ- ation with the ; he purpose of this paper is to trace daily Bible reading and family prayer; T the path down which she was led to her cradle hymn and the Lord’s Prayer, the discovery of Christian Science and, repeated at night; and her early associa- through deep study of the Bible, to an tion with distinguished Christian cler- understanding of its practice, which en- gymen, all of which were very dear abled her to write the textbook, Science to her. She continues “Such church- and Health with Key to the Scriptures. men, and the Bible, especially the First In tracing this path we shall rely heavily Commandment of the Decalogue, and on what she wrote about her experienc-

5 Ninety-fi rst Psalm, the Sermon on the Medical Experiments Mount, and St. John’s , edu- cated my thought many years, yea, all n Retrospection and Introspection, the way up to its preparation for and re- I Mrs. Eddy wrote that for 20 years, ception of the Science of Christianity.” from about 1845 until her discovery of (Message, ’01.) Years later in her au- Christian Science, she had been trying tobiography, “Retrospection and to trace all physical effects to a mental Introspection” she wrote, “From my cause. Her exploration of homoeopa- very childhood I was impelled, by a thy had prompted her into this search. hunger and thirst after divine things, — She needed to know, however, the na- a desire for something higher and bet- ture of this mental cause. She wrote: ter than matter, and apart from it, — to “The physical side of this research was seek diligently for the knowledge of aided by hints from ho- God as the one great and ever-present moeopathy, sustaining relief from human woe.” (Ret.31:9) my fi nal conclusion that mortal belief, instead of From early childhood, she was de- the drug, governed scribed as of frail health, with a deli- the action of mate- cate nervous system. Mary’s chronic rial medicine. I wan- ill health, which continued throughout dered through the the fi rst half of her life until her dis- dim mazes of mate- covery of Christian Science, was the ria medica, till I was driving force behind her medical re- weary of “scientifi c searches and experiments. She married guessing,” as it has young but was widowed early, giving been well called. I birth to a son soon after. Her continu- sought knowledge ing ill health made it very hard for her from the different to care for her young son, and led to schools, — allopathy her family determining it would be bet- [conventional medical ter for her if he were cared for by an- practice], homoeopathy, hydropathy, other. He was taken away when he was electricity, and from various humbugs seven and she didn’t see him for near- — but without receiving satisfaction.” ly 30 years. A second marriage, giv- (Ret. 33:1) In Science and Health she ing hope for regaining custody of her added: “The author’s medical research- son, ended in divorce following her es and experiments had prepared her husband’s infi delity. thought for the metaphysics of Christian Science. Every material dependence had failed her in her search for truth; and she can now understand why, and

6 can see the means by which mortals are that either human faith or the divine divinely driven to a spiritual source for Mind is the healer and that there is no health and happiness. Her experiments efficacy in a drug.” (S&H 152:32-15) in homoeopathy had made her skepti- cal as to material curative methods.” Mrs. Eddy realized that Mind, or God, (S&H 152:21) was the curative agent in her own heal- ing. So she returned to the Bible to This research may be of interest to the find the Science, or Christian method reader, in the light of the recent press of her healing. and TV reports of research show- ing that in certain tests un-medicat- “The Great Discovery” ed tablets or placebos that have been given to patients have appeared to be n an article titled “The Great equally as effective as the medications I Discovery” in her autobiography, being tested. Mrs. Eddy writes: “My immediate re- covery from the effects of an injury Science and Health explains in regard caused by an accident, an injury that to that “the drug is fre- neither medicine nor surgery could quently attenuated to such a degree that reach, was the falling apple that led me not a vestige of it remains. Thus we to the discovery how to be well myself, learn that it is not the drug, which ex- and how to make others so. Even to pels the disease or changes one of the the homoeopathic physician who at- symptoms of disease. The author has at- tended me, and rejoiced in my recov- tenuated Natrum muriaticum (common ery, I could not then explain the mo- table-salt) until there was not a single dus of my relief. I could only assure saline property left. The salt had “lost him that the divine Spirit had wrought his savour;” and yet, with one drop of the miracle — a miracle which later I that attenuation in a goblet of water, found to be in perfect scientific accord and a teaspoonful of the water admin- with divine law. I then withdrew from istered at intervals of three hours, she society about three years, — to ponder [Mrs. Eddy, while still experimenting my mission, to search the Scriptures, with homeopathy before discovering to find that should Christian Science had] cured a patient take the things of God and show them sinking in the last stage of typhoid fe- to the creature, and reveal the great cu- ver. The highest attenuation of homoe- rative Principle, — Deity. The Bible opathy and the most potent rises above was my textbook. It answered my ques- matter into mind. This discovery leads tions as to how I was healed; but the to more light. From it may be learned Scriptures had to me a new meaning, a new tongue. Their spiritual significa-

7 tion appeared; and I apprehended for many places in her writings. Some ex- the first time, in their spiritual mean- amples are: ing, Jesus’ teaching and demonstra- tion, and the Principle and rule of spir- “The Bible has been my only author- itual Science and metaphysical heal- ity. I have had no other guide in “the ing, — in a word, Christian Science.” straight and narrow way” of Truth”; (Ret.24: 12-9) (S&H 126:29)

“The Bible is the learned man’s mas- terpiece, the ignorant man’s dic- tionary, the wise man’s directory.” (Mis. 363:27

“Christian Scientists are fishers of men. The Bible is our sea-beaten rock. It guides the fishermen. It stands the storm. It engages the attention and enriches the being of all men.” (My.595:17)

“Acquaintance with the original texts, and willingness to give up human be- liefs… open the way for Christian Science to be understood, and make the Bible the chart of life, where the buoys and healing currents of Truth are point- ed out”; (S&H 24:4)

“Divine Science derives its sanction from the Bible, and the divine origin of Science is demonstrated through the Deeply studying the Bible for guid- holy influence of Truth in healing sick- ance was not a new experience for Mrs. ness and sin”; (S&H146:23) Eddy. Throughout her life, she turned to the Bible, many times a day, for com- It has long been accepted that the fort, inspiration, and guidance. Her Scriptures have both a literal and a great love of and respect for the Bible, spiritual meaning, and Mrs. Eddy was and its central importance in the study keenly aware of this, and referenced of Christian Science is evidenced in this fact in different places in her writ-

8 ings. For example: “Take away the seemed to have exhausted both con- spiritual signifi cation of Scripture, and ventional and unconventional means that compilation can do no more for for help. Then in February 1866, in a mortals than can moonbeams to melt a life-threatening situation her doctors river of ice.” (S&H 241:14) Mrs. Eddy told her they could help her no more, came to recognize that it was the spiri- so she turned to her Bible, to God, and tual meaning of the Scriptures that had was healed. brought her healing, and that just as she had needed to grow up to this spiritual, **** healing meaning of the Bible, she rec- ognized that everyone needed to grow The next section “Gracious Preparation” to this higher, healing, meaning of the examines the fi rst fi ve chapters of Scriptures. Hence her statement that Science and Health for links to the “The spiritual sense of truth must be Bible, and in so doing guides the stu- gained before Truth can be understood. dent in his own glorious preparation for This sense is assimilated only as we are the understanding and demonstration of honest, unselfi sh, loving, and meek. In Christian Science. the soil of an “honest and good heart” the seed must be sown; else it beareth not much fruit, for the swinish element in human nature uproots it. Jesus said: “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures.” The spiritual sense of the Scriptures brings out the scientifi c sense, and is the new tongue referred to in the last chap- ter of Mark’s Gospel.” (S&H 272:3) Conclusion

ary Baker Eddy was fortunate in having a God-centered, Bible- Mcentered childhood, but it was a child- hood marred by ill health. Her frail health continued into young woman- hood, through widowhood and a di- vorce, and was the reason she had to give up the care of her young son. Forced into a seemingly endless search for relief from physical ailments, she

9 GRACIOUS detail the issue of preparation for un- derstanding Christian Science. Robert PREPARATION Peel historian and author of a defini- tive three-part biography of Mrs. Eddy, Introduction guides us to the record of Mrs. Eddy’s own gracious preparation. n the sixth chapter of her major work, Science and Health with Key Robert Peel Ito the Scriptures, Mrs. Eddy refers to her own preparation for the discovery r. Peel’s experience, education, of Christian Science saying “God had M and scholarship earned him his been graciously preparing me during role as pre-eminent historian and biog- many years for the reception of this rapher of the Discoverer and Founder final revelation of the divine of Christian Science. Born in England, Principle of scientific mental healing. and educated in three countries, he This apodictical Principle points to the spent part of his childhood in Boston, revelation of Immanuel, “God with us,” and had the privilege of attending the — the sovereign ever-presence, deliv- Sunday School at The . ering the children of men from every He graduated from Harvard with high- ill “that flesh is heir to.”” (S&H 107:3- est honors, and remained there to study 10) Recognizing the significance of her and teach for six more years. During discovery and its value to all Christians this time he held the post of Professor and the Christian Church throughout of History. After service in World War time, she knew that to keep the discov- II, (part of the time as an officer in ery to herself, was not an option. It had counterintelligence,) he became an edi- come to her to be shared, and her great torial writer for The Christian Science love for mankind is proved in the ded- Monitor and began a new career as an ication of the rest of her life to doing author. Mr. Peel has also served The just that. We get a glimpse of what that First Church of Christ Scientist as an cost her from the statement in her book editorial consultant. The First Church of Christ Scientist and Miscellany: “Millions may know that I During the time he was researching and am the Founder of Christian Science. writing his three-volume biography of I alone know what that means.” Mrs. Eddy, he was given full access (My. 249:19) to all the information in the Archives of The Mother Church, including in- This section of our exhibit, entitled formation, which had not previously “Gracious Preparation”, addresses in been open to scholarly research. He was a man of keen intellect, and a rig-

10 orous historian who personally inter- Christian Science textbook, “Science viewed many of the early workers in and Health with Key to the Scriptures”. the Christian Science movement in re- However, it is in the third book, “Mary searching his biographies of Mrs. Eddy. Baker Eddy The Years of Authority”, In addition to much factual informa- that Mr. Peel introduces the reader to tion, he includes in his books commen- the significance of the new ordering of the chapters in Science and Health in the 1902 revision. It may be a surprise to the newcomer to know that Mrs. Eddy did not write Science and Health during the years from 1872 to 1875, and then leave it unchanged. She constantly revised it until the final 1910 edition. Some revisions were relatively minor, and some involved both substantial ed- iting and reorganization of material, as in the 1902 edition.

In describing the re-organization in the 1902 edition of Science and Health, Mr. Peel, wrote: “A different kind of logic tary about Mrs. Eddy’s thinking and came into play in the final order which motives gleaned from his extensive re- the chapters of Science and Health took search, which spanned decades. His in this edition. There had been a good standard practice was to include infor- deal of rearranging of material in the mation in the biographies, only when it major revisions of earlier years, and for could be validated by other substantial the past decade the book had started off evidence, including and especially Mrs. with the chapter, ‘Science, Theology, Eddy’s own correspondence. Medicine’, whose opening words read: ‘In the year 1866, I discovered the The Biographies Christ Science…’ [wording conformed to the 1910 edition.] This was a logi- n the first book, “ cal starting point but not a particu- I The Years of Discovery” Mr. Peel re- larly winning one. The author went on cords with his usual in-depth historical in the next sentence to state that God scholarship, the life, spiritual research, had been ‘graciously preparing’ her for and medical experiments that pre- many years to receive this revelation. pared Mrs. Eddy for her discovery of By now, however, she had come to the Christian Science, and for writing the

11 conclusion that the reader, too, need- Chapter 1. Prayer ed some gracious preparation for such apodictic assertions. The new arrange- ment, which remains today, followed a “early childhood” new logic, - the logic of her own early development.” n “Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of (“Mary Baker Eddy The Years of I Authority” Robert Peel writes: “The Authority. pp189-190) first chapter, ‘Prayer,’ with its empha- sis on ‘the prayer of fervent desire for The first five chapters reveal in-depth growth in grace,’ correlates in spirit and the spiritual steps she was led through intent with [Mary Baker Eddy’s] auto- in preparation for the discovery of biographical statement: ‘From early Christian Science, and which she felt childhood I was impelled, by a hunger were equally necessary for us to take and thirst after divine things, - a desire to be prepared to fully understand and for something higher and better than practice this revolutionary Science. matter, and apart from it, - to seek dili- This Divine Science is fully explained gently for the knowledge of God as the in the rest of the book. one great and everpresent relief from human woe.’ Ret. p 31.” In the following sub-sections, some of the foundational Christian values found Below are A FEW examples of some in the first five chapters of Science and of the essential points found in this Health have been selected and then a chapter followed by supporting pas- few of them are examined by identi- sages from the Bible. Obviously fying Biblical references supporting the rest of the chapter “Prayer,” them. It may be helpful to the new- can be examined in the same way. comer to note that the order of the first five chapters in Science and Health in S&H 1:1 “The prayer that reforms the 1902 edition, and in all subsequent the sinner and heals the sick is an ab- editions is: solute faith that all things are possible to God,” 1. Prayer Jas. 5:15 “And the prayer of 2. Atonement and faith shall save the sick, and the 3. Marriage Lord shall raise him up; …” 4. Christian Science versus Ps. 103:3 “Who forgiveth Spiritualism, and all thine iniquities; who 5. Unmasked healeth all thy diseases;” Mark 9:23 “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all

12 things are possible to him that Matt. 5:8 “Blessed are the believeth.” pure in heart, for they shall see Matt. 17:29 “If ye have faith as God.” a grain of mustard seed, ye shall Luke 9:55 “But he turned, and say unto this mountain, Remove rebuked them, and said, Ye know hence to yonder place; and it not what manner of spirit ye are shall remove; and nothing shall of.” be impossible unto you.” Prov. 22:7 “…as he thin- Heb. 11:1 “Now faith is the sub- keth in his heart, so is he…” stance of things hoped for, the Gal. 6:3 “… if a man think him- evidence of things not seen.” self to be something, when he is Jas. 5:16 “The effectual fervent nothing, he deceiveth himself.” prayer of a righteous man avai- Ps. 77:6 “I commune with mine leth much.” own heart; and my spirit made Matt. 8:13 “And Jesus said unto diligent search…” the centurion, Go thy way; and as Ps. 139:23,24 “Search me, O thou hast believed, so be it done God, and know my heart: try me, unto thee. And his servant was and know my thoughts: And see healed in the selfsame hour.” if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlast- S&H 8:28 “We should examine our- ing.” selves and learn what is the affection Ps. 19:14 “Let the words of my and purpose of the heart, for in this mouth, and the meditation of my way only can we learn what we hon- heart, be acceptable in thy sight, estly are.” O Lord, my strength, and my re- I Cor.11:28 “But let a man ex- deemer.” amine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that S&H 14:25 “Entirely separate from the cup.” belief and dream of material living, is II Cor. 13:5 “Examine your- the Life divine, revealing spiritual un- selves, whether ye be in the faith; derstanding and the consciousness of prove your own selves.” man’s dominion over the whole earth. Matt. 22:37 “Jesus said unto This understanding casts out error and him, Thou shalt love the Lord heals the sick, and with it you can speak thy God with all thy heart, and ‘as one having authority.’ “ with all thy soul, and with all thy Gen. 1:26 “And God said, Let mind. us make man in our image, after

13 our likeness: and let them have over all devils, and to cure dis- dominion…” eases.” Matt. 7:28,29 “The people were astonished at his doctrine: For S&H 16: 2 “The highest prayer is not he taught them as one having au- one of faith merely; it is demonstration. thority, and not as the scribes.” Such prayer heals sickness, and must Matt. 16:17 “And Jesus an- destroy sin and death.” swered and said unto him, 1 Cor. 2:4 “And my speech and Blessed art thou, Simon Bar- my preaching was not with entic- jona: for flesh and blood hath ing words of man’s wisdom, but not revealed it unto thee, but my in demonstration of the Spirit Father which is in heaven.” and of power:” Luke 4:32 “And they were as- Luke 10:25-37 “… a certain tonished at his doctrine: for his lawyer stood up, and tempted word was with power.” him… He said unto him, What Luke 4:41 “And they feared ex- is written in the law?... Thou ceedingly, and said one to anoth- shalt love the Lord thy God with er, What manner of man is this, all thy heart, and … soul, and that even the wind and the sea … strength, and … mind; and obey him?” thy neighbour as thyself… And John 3:1 “There was a man of the he said unto him… this do, and Pharisees, named Nicodemus, thou shalt live. …A certain man … The same came to Jesus by went down … and fell among night, and said unto him, Rabbi, thieves,… Which now … thinkest we know that thou art a teach- thou, was neighbour unto him er come from God: for no man that fell among the thieves? … can do these miracles that thou He that shewed mercy on him. … doest, except God be with him.” Go, and do thou likewise.” Luke 4:36 “And they were all Jas. 1:25 “But whoso looketh amazed, and spake among them- into the perfect law of liberty, selves, saying, What a word is and continueth therein, he be- this! for with authority and pow- ing not a forgetful hearer, but a er he commandeth the unclean doer of the work, this man shall spirits, and they come out.” be blessed in his deed.” Luke 9:1 “Then he called his Jas. 2:20 “…faith without works twelve disciples together, and is dead” gave them power and authority

14 Chapter 2. John 5:19 “Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, veri- Atonement and ly, I say unto you, The Son can Eucharist do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also “as a young girl” doeth the Son likewise.” John 5:30 “I can of mine own n Years of Authority, Mr. Peel writes: self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: I “The second chapter, ‘Atonement and my judgment is just; because and Eucharist,’ is [Mrs. Eddy’s] an- I seek not mine own will, but the swer to the basic theological issue of will of the Father which hath man’s alienation from God which, in sent me.” its particular Calvinist form, she had John 14:9,10 “Jesus saith unto challenged as a young girl but which, him, Have I been so long time in its more general ‘misinterpretation with you, and yet hast thou not of the Word,’ she saw as ‘the underly- known me, Philip? he that hath ing cause of the long years of invalid- seen me hath seen the Father; ism she endured before Truth dawned and how sayest thou then, Shew upon her understanding, through right us the Father? Believest thou not interpretation. With the understand- that I am in the Father, and the ing of Scripture-meanings, had come Father in me? the words that I physical rejuvenation.’ Mis. 169:7 “ speak unto you I speak not of my- self: but the Father that dwelleth Below are A FEW examples of some of in me, he doeth the works.” the essential points found in this chap- Phil. 2:13 “For it is God which ter followed by supporting passages worketh in you both to will and from the Bible. Obviously the rest of to do of his good pleasure.” the chapter “Atonement and Eucharist,” John 14:23 “Jesus answered can be examined in the same way. and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: S&H 18:1-5 “Atonement is the exem- and my Father will love him, plification of man’s unity with God, and we will come unto him, whereby man reflects divine Truth, and make our abode with him.” Life, and Love. Jesus of Nazareth taught John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto and demonstrated man’s oneness with him, I am the way, the truth, and the Father, and for this we owe him the life: no man cometh unto the endless homage.” Father, but by me.”

15 John 10:30 “I and my Father is my body which is given for are one.” you: this do in remembrance of John 17:24 “Father, I will that me. they also, whom thou hast given John 14:26 “But the Comforter, me, be with me where I am; that which is the Holy Ghost, whom they may behold my glory, which the Father will send in my name, thou hast given me: for thou he shall teach you all things, and lovedst me before the foundation bring all things to your remem- of the world.” brance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” S&H 35:25 “Our Eucharist is spiritu- Mark 12:28-32 “And one of the al communion with the one God. Our scribes came, and having heard bread, “which cometh down from heav- them reasoning together, and en,” is Truth.” perceiving that he had answered John 6:50,51 “This is the bread them well, asked him, Which is which cometh down from heav- the first commandment of all? en, that a man may eat thereof, And Jesus answered him, The and not die. I am the living bread first of all the commandments which came down from heaven: is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our if any man eat of this bread, he God is one Lord: And thou shalt shall live for ever: and the bread love the Lord thy God with all that I will give is my flesh, which thy heart, and with all thy soul, I will give for the life of the and with all thy mind, and with world.” all thy strength: this is the first Matt. 26: 26-28 “And as they commandment. And the second is were eating, Jesus took bread, like, namely this, Thou shalt love and blessed it, and brake it, thy neighbour as thyself. There is and gave it to the disciples, and none other commandment great- said, Take, eat; this is my body. er than these. And the scribe said And he took the cup, and gave unto him, Well, Master, thou hast thanks, and gave it to them, say- said the truth: for there is one ing, Drink ye all of it; For this is God; and there is none other but my blood of the , he:” which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” S&H 38:24 “ Jesus mapped out the path Luke 22:19 “And he took bread, for others. He unveiled the Christ, the and gave thanks, and brake it, spiritual idea of divine Love. To those and gave unto them, saying, This buried in the belief of sin and self, liv-

16 ing only for pleasure or the gratifica- S&H 50:30 “The real cross, which tion of the senses, he said in substance: Jesus bore up the hill of grief, was the Having eyes ye see not, and having ears world’s hatred of Truth and Love.” ye hear not; lest ye should understand Ps. 35:19 “Let not them that and be converted, and I might heal you. are mine enemies wrongful- He taught that the material senses shut ly rejoice over me: neither let out Truth and its healing power. “ them wink with the eye that Mark 8:18 “Having eyes, see hate me without a cause.” ye not? and having ears, hear ye John 7:7 “The world cannot not?” hate you; but me it hateth, be- Luke 14:26 “If any man come to cause I testify of it, that the works me, and hate not his father, and thereof are .” mother, and wife, and children, John 15:18 “If any man come to and brethren, and sisters, yea, me, and hate not his father, and and his own life also, he cannot mother, and wife, and children, be my disciple.” and brethren, and sisters, yea, John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto and his own life also, he cannot him, I am the way, the truth, and be my disciple.” the life: no man cometh unto the John 15:24,25 “If I had not done Father, but by me.” among them the works which Romans 6:16 “Know ye not, none other man did, they had not that to whom ye yield yourselves had sin: but now have they both servants to obey, his servants ye seen and hated both me and my are to whom ye obey; whether of Father. But this cometh to pass, sin unto death, or of obedience that the word might be fulfilled unto righteousness?” that is written in their law, They II Tim. 4:3,4 “For the time will hated me without a cause.” come when they will not en- Mark 8:34,35 “And when he dure sound doctrine; but after had called the people unto him their own lusts shall they heap with his disciples also, he said to themselves teachers, having unto them, Whosoever will come itching ears; after me, let him deny himself, And they shall turn away their and take up his cross, and follow ears from the truth, and shall be me. For whosoever will save his turned unto fables.” life shall lose it; but whosoev- er shall lose his life for my sake and ’s, the same shall save it.

17 Chapter 3. Marriage shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; “her first marriage and and if there be any other com- early widowhood” mandment, it is briefly compre- hended in this saying, namely, eel writes “The third chapter, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as P “Marriage,” deals with the related thyself. Love worketh no ill to his topics of marriage, home, children, di- neighbour: therefore love is the vorce, woman’s place in society – the fulfilling of the law.” problems she herself faced after her Mark 12:13-17 “And they send first marriage and early widowhood, unto him certain of the Pharisees representative of the disciplines of hu- and of the Herodians, to catch man living which, she felt, serve to him in his words. And when they unite thought more closely with God.” were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art Below are A FEW examples of some true, and carest for no man: for of the essential points found in this thou regardest not the person chapter followed by supporting pas- of men, but teachest the way of sages from the Bible. Obviously God in truth: Is it lawful to give the rest of the chapter “Marriage,” tribute to Caesar, or not? But he, can be examined in the same way. knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? S&H 56:4 “Jesus’ concessions (in bring me a penny, that I may see certain cases) to material methods it. And he saith unto them, Whose were for the advancement of spiri- is this image and superscrip- tual good. Marriage is the legal and tion? And they said unto him, moral provision for generation among Caesar’s. And Jesus answering human kind.” said unto them, Render to Caesar Matt. 3:15 “And Jesus answer- the things that are Caesar’s, and ing said unto him, Suffer it to be to God the things that are God’s. so now: for thus it becometh us And they marvelled at him.” to fulfil all righteousness.” Luke 20: 34,35 “And Jesus an- Rom. 8:4 “That the righteous- swering said unto them, The chil- ness of the law might be fulfilled dren of this world marry, and are in us, who walk not after the given in marriage: flesh, but after the Spirit.” But they which shall be account- Rom. 13:9,10 “For this, Thou ed worthy to obtain that world, shalt not commit adultery, Thou

18 and the resurrection from the on the ground, as though he dead, neither marry, nor are giv- heard them not. So when they en in marriage:” continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, S&H 57:1 “Chastity is the cement He that is without sin among of civilization and progress. Without you, let him first cast a stone at it there is no stability in society, and her. And again he stooped down, without it one cannot attain the Science and wrote on the ground. And of Life.” they which heard it, being con- Ex. 20:14 “ Thou shalt not com- victed by their own conscience, mit adultery.” went out one by one, beginning Prov. 6:32 “But whoso com- at the eldest, even unto the last: mitteth adultery with a wom- and Jesus was left alone, and the an lacketh understanding: he woman standing in the midst. that doeth it destroyeth his own When Jesus had lifted up himself, soul.” and saw none but the woman, he Gal. 5:19, 21 “Now the works said unto her, Woman, where are of the flesh are manifest, which those thine accusers? hath no are these; Adultery, fornication, man condemned thee? She said, uncleanness, lasciviousness, … No man, Lord. And Jesus said and such like: of the which I tell unto her, Neither do I condemn you before, as I have also told thee: go, and sin no more.” you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit S&H 64:17 “Marriage should signify a the kingdom of God.” union of hearts.” John 8:3-11 “And the scribes Matt. 19:6 “What therefore God and Pharisees brought unto him hath joined together, let not man a woman taken in adultery; and put asunder.” when they had set her in the midst, Prov. 31:10,11 “Who can find a They say unto him, Master, this virtuous woman? for her price is woman was taken in adultery, in far above rubies. the very act. Now Moses in the The heart of her husband doth law commanded us, that such safely trust in her, so that he shall should be stoned: but what say- have no need of spoil.” est thou? This they said, tempt- Deut. 11:13,14 “And it shall ing him, that they might have to come to pass, if ye shall hearken accuse him. But Jesus stooped diligently unto my command- down, and with his finger wrote ments which I command you this

19 day, to love the Lord your God, grieved? am not I better to thee and to serve him with all your than ten sons?” heart and with all your soul, That I will give you the rain of S&H 66:30 “Sorrow has its reward. your land in his due season, the It never leaves us where it found us. first rain and the latter rain, that The furnace separates the gold from thou mayest gather in thy corn, the dross that the precious metal may and thy wine, and thine oil.” be graven with the image of God. Ruth 3:7-11 “And when Boaz The cup our Father hath given, shall had eaten and drunk, and his we not drink it and learn the lessons heart was merry, he went to lie He teaches?” down at the end of the heap of Matt. 26: 27 “And he took the corn: and she came softly, and cup, and gave thanks, and gave uncovered his feet, and laid her it to them, saying, Drink ye all of down. And it came to pass at mid- it;” night, that the man was afraid, Ps. 147: 3 “He healeth the bro- and turned himself: and, behold, ken in heart, and bindeth up their a woman lay at his feet. And he wounds.” said, Who art thou? And she an- Prov. 4: 23 “Keep thy heart with swered, I am Ruth thine hand- all diligence; for out of it are the maid: spread therefore thy skirt issues of life.” over thine handmaid; for thou Is. 51:12,16 “I, even I, am he that art a near kinsman. And he said, comforteth you: who art thou, Blessed be thou of the Lord, my that thou shouldest be afraid of daughter: for thou hast shewed a man that shall die, and of the more kindness in the latter end son of man which shall be made than at the beginning, inasmuch as grass; as thou followedst not young And I have put my words in thy men, whether poor or rich. And mouth, and I have covered thee now, my daughter, fear not; I will in the shadow of mine hand, that do to thee all that thou requirest: I may plant the heavens, and for all the city of my people doth lay the foundations of the earth, know that thou art a virtuous and say unto Zion, Thou art my woman.” people.” 1 Sam. 1:8 “Then said Elkanah Is. 54:4,5 “Fear not; for thou her husband to her, Hannah, why shalt not be ashamed: neither be weepest thou? and why eatest thou confounded; for thou shalt thou not? and why is thy heart not be put to shame: for thou

20 shalt forget the shame of thy ther and mother, and shall cleave youth, and shalt not remember to his wife: and they twain shall the reproach of thy widowhood be one flesh? Wherefore they are any more. no more twain, but one flesh. For thy Maker is thine husband; What therefore God hath joined the Lord of hosts is his name; together, let not man put asun- and thy Redeemer the Holy One der. They say unto him, Why did of Israel; The God of the whole Moses then command to give a earth shall he be called.” writing of divorcement, and to put her away? S&H 68:11 “Be not in haste to take the He saith unto them, Moses be- vow “until death do us part.” Consider cause of the hardness of your its obligations, its responsibilities, its hearts suffered you to put away relations to your growth and to your in- your wives: but from the begin- fluence on other lives.” ning it was not so. And I say unto I Cor. 7:34 “There is difference you, Whosoever shall put away also between a wife and a virgin. his wife, except it be for forni- The unmarried woman careth cation, and shall marry another, for the things of the Lord, that committeth adultery: and whoso she may be holy both in body marrieth her which is put away and in spirit: but she that is mar- doth commit adultery.” ried careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.” Chapter 4. Christian Matt. 22:30 “For in the resur- rection they neither marry, nor Science versus are given in marriage, but are as Spiritualism the angels of God in heaven.” Matt. 19:3-9 “The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting “in the mid-nineteenth him, and saying unto him, Is it century” lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he an- eel writes, “The fourth chap- swered and said unto them, Have P ter, “Christian Science versus ye not read, that he which made Spiritualism,” explores the crucial dis- them at the beginning made them tinction between the spiritual values of male and female, And said, For Christianity and psychic phenomena as this cause shall a man leave fa- represented by the eruption of spiritism in the mid-nineteenth century when

21 [Mary Baker Eddy] herself had briefly and he to whomsoever the Son essayed to “try the spirits whether they will reveal him.” are of God” –and by the various occult Ps. 27: 8,9 “When thou saidst, and paranormal developments with Seek ye my face; my heart said which Christian Science has been con- unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I founded ever since. “ seek. Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in Below are A FEW examples of some of anger: thou hast been my help; the essential points found in this chap- leave me not, neither forsake me, ter followed by supporting passages O God of my salvation.” from the Bible. Obviously the rest of 1 Cor. 15: 50-54 “Now this the chapter “Christian Science versus I say, brethren, that flesh and Spiritualism,” can be examined in the blood cannot inherit the king- same way. dom of God; neither doth cor- ruption inherit incorruption. S&H 70:1 “Mortal existence is an enig- Behold, I shew you a mystery; ma. Every day is a mystery. The testi- We shall not all sleep, but we mony of the corporeal senses cannot shall all be changed, In a mo- us what is real and what is de- ment, in the twinkling of an eye, lusive, but the of Christian at the last trump: for the trumpet Science unlock the treasures of Truth.” shall sound, and the dead shall Isaiah 8:19 “And when they be raised incorruptible, and we shall say unto you, Seek unto shall be changed. them that have familiar spirits, For this corruptible must put on and unto wizards that peep, and incorruption, and this mortal that mutter: should not a people must put on immortality. So when seek unto their God?” this corruptible shall have put 1 Cor. 13:12 “For now we see on incorruption, and this mor- through a glass, darkly; but then tal shall have put on immortal- face to face: now I know in part; ity, then shall be brought to pass but then shall I know even as also the saying that is written, Death I am known.” is swallowed up in victory.” Matt. 11:27 “All things are de- livered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but S&H 82:31 “In a world of sin and sen- the Father; neither knoweth any suality hastening to a greater develop- man the Father, save the Son, ment of power, it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind

22 or the divine Mind which is influenc- shall deliver me from the body of ing one.” this death? Matt. 11:28-30 “Come unto me, I thank God through Jesus Christ all ye that labour and are heavy our Lord. So then with the mind I laden, and I will give you rest. myself serve the law of God; but Take my yoke upon you, and with the flesh the law of sin.” learn of me; for I am meek and 1 Peter 1:13 “Wherefore gird up lowly in heart: and ye shall find the loins of your mind, be sober, rest unto your souls. For my yoke and hope to the end for the grace is easy, and my burden is light.” that is to be brought unto you at Matt. 6:6 “But thou, when thou the revelation of Jesus Christ;” prayest, enter into thy clos- et, and when thou hast shut thy S&H 91:5 “Let us rid ourselves of the door, pray to thy Father which is belief that man is separated from God, in secret; and thy Father which and obey only the divine Principle, Life seeth in secret shall reward thee and Love. Here is the great point of de- openly.” parture for all true spiritual growth.” Ps. 19:12,13 “Who can under- Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let stand his errors? cleanse thou us make man in our image, after me from secret faults. Keep back our likeness: and let them have thy servant also from presumptu- dominion over the fish of the ous sins; let them not have do- sea, and over the fowl of the air, minion over me: then shall I be and over the cattle, and over all upright, and I shall be innocent the earth, and over every creep- from the great transgression.” ing thing that creepeth upon the Jas. 3:13 “Who is a wise man earth.” and endued with knowledge John 10:30 “I and my Father among you? let him shew out of are one.” a good conversation his works Ps. 139:8-10 “If I ascend up into with meekness of wisdom.” heaven, thou art there: if I make Rom. 7:22-25 “For I delight in my bed in hell, behold, thou art the law of God after the inward there. If I take the wings of the man: But I see another law in morning, and dwell in the utter- my members, warring against most parts of the sea; Even there the law of my mind, and bring- shall thy hand lead me, and thy ing me into captivity to the law right hand shall hold me.” of sin which is in my members. Rom. 8:35, 37-39 “Who shall O wretched man that I am! who separate us from the love of

23 Christ? shall tribulation, or dis- haste, and come down; for to- tress, or persecution, or famine, day I must abide at thy house.” or nakedness, or peril, or sword? John 4:29 “Come, see a man, Nay, in all these things we are which told me all things that ever more than conquerors through I did: is not this the Christ?” him that loved us. For I am per- John 4:17-19 “The woman an- suaded, that neither death, nor swered and said, I have no hus- life, nor angels, nor principal- band. Jesus said unto her, Thou ities, nor powers, nor things hast well said, I have no husband: present, nor things to come, Nor For thou hast had five husbands; height, nor depth, nor any other and he whom thou now hast is creature, shall be able to separate not thy husband: in that saidst us from the love of God, which is thou truly. The woman saith unto in Christ Jesus our Lord.” him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.” S&H 95:6 “We approach God, or Life, Luke 8:45,46 “And Jesus said, in proportion to our spirituality, our fi- Who touched me? When all de- delity to Truth and Love; and in that nied, Peter and they that were ratio we know all human need and are with him said, Master, the multi- able to discern the thought of the sick tude throng thee and press thee, and the sinning for the purpose of heal- and sayest thou, Who touched ing them.” me? And Jesus said, Somebody Rom. 8:6 “For to be carnally hath touched me: for I perceive minded is death; but to be spiri- that virtue is gone out of me.” tually minded is life and peace.” John 8:10,11 “When Jesus had Luke 19:1-5 “And, behold, there lifted up himself, and saw none was a man named Zacchaeus, but the woman, he said unto her, which was the chief among the Woman, where are those thine ac- publicans, and he was rich. And cusers? hath no man condemned he sought to see Jesus who he thee? She said, No man, Lord. was; and could not for the press, And Jesus said unto her, Neither because he was little of stature. do I condemn thee: go, and sin And he ran before, and climbed up no more.” into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. And S&H 99:9 “Truth has furnished the when Jesus came to the place, key to the kingdom, and with this key he looked up, and saw him, and Christian Science has opened the door said unto him, Zacchaeus, make of the human understanding.”

24 Phil. 2:12,13 “Work out your Chapter 5. Animal own salvation with fear and trembling. Magnetism For it is God which worketh in Unmasked you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” John 10:7,9 “Then said Jesus “Mrs. Eddy was forced to unto them again, Verily, verily, sort out in the early sixties” I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the door: by me eel writes: “The fifth chapter, if any man enter in, he shall be ‘Animal Magnetism Unmasked,’ saved, and shall go in and out, dealsP with the quintessential difference and find pasture.” between reliance in the human mind Rev. 3:20,21 “Behold, I stand at (suggestion, will power, hypnotism) the door, and knock: if any man and on the divine Mind (prayer, spiritu- hear my voice, and open the door, al understanding, unselfed love) as the I will come in to him, and will basis of Christian healing – a difference sup with him, and he with me. which Mrs. Eddy was forced to sort out To him that overcometh will I after her encounter with Quimbyism in grant to sit with me in my throne, the early 1860’s before she could write even as I also overcame, and am what now appeared at the beginning of set down with my Father in his the sixth chapter: ‘In the year 1866, I throne.” discovered…’ “ John 8:32 “And ye shall know In this chapter animal magnetism is de- the truth, and the truth shall fined simply as “the specific term for make you free.” error or mortal mind.” 1 Cor. 13:12 “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then Below are A FEW examples of some face to face: now I know in part; of the essential points found in this but then shall I know even as also chapter followed by supporting pas- I am known.” sages from the Bible. Obviously the rest of the chapter “Animal Magnetism Unmasked,” can be examined in the same way.

S&H 101:21 “The author’s own obser- vations of the workings of animal mag- netism convince her that it is not a re-

25 medial agent, and that its effects upon near unto me. And all the people those who practise it, and upon their came near unto him. And he re- subjects who do not resist it, lead to paired the altar of the Lord that moral and to physical death. “ was broken down. And he put the James 4:7 “Submit yourselves wood in order, and cut the bull- therefore to God. Resist the dev- ock in pieces, and laid him on the il, and he will flee from you.” wood, and said, Fill four barrels Acts 19:13-16 “Then certain of with water, and pour it on the the vagabond Jews, exorcists, burnt sacrifice, and on the wood. took upon them to call over them And the water ran round about which had evil spirits the name the altar; and he filled the trench of the Lord Jesus, saying, We also with water. And it came to adjure you by Jesus whom Paul pass at the time of the offering of preacheth. And there were sev- the evening sacrifice, that Elijah en sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and the prophet came near, and said, chief of the priests, which did so. Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, And the evil spirit answered and and of Israel, let it be known this said, Jesus I know, and Paul I day that thou art God in Israel, know; but who are ye? And the and that I am thy servant, and man in whom the evil spirit was that I have done all these things leaped on them, and overcame at thy word. Hear me, O Lord, them, and prevailed against hear me, that this people may them, so that they fled out of that know that thou art the Lord God, house naked and wounded.” and that thou hast turned their 1 Kings 18:25,26,30,33,35-38,40 heart back again. Then the fire of “And Elijah said unto the proph- the Lord fell, and consumed the ets of Baal, Choose you one bull- burnt sacrifice, and the wood, ock for yourselves, and dress it and the stones, and the dust, first; for ye are many; and call on and licked up the water that was the name of your gods, but put no in the trench. And Elijah said fire under. And they took the bull- unto them, Take the prophets of ock which was given them, and Baal; let not one of them escape. they dressed it, and called on the And they took them: and Elijah name of Baal from morning even brought them down to the brook until noon, saying, O Baal, hear Kishon, and slew them there.” us. But there was no voice, nor Matt. 27:3-5 “Then Judas, which any that answered. And Elijah had betrayed him, when he saw said unto all the people, Come that he was condemned, repent-

26 ed himself, and brought again many years; take thine ease, eat, the thirty pieces of silver to the drink, and be merry. But God chief priests and elders, Saying, said unto him, Thou fool, this I have sinned in that I have be- night thy soul shall be required trayed the innocent blood. And of thee: then whose shall those they said, What is that to us? see things be, which thou hast pro- thou to that. And he cast down vided?” the pieces of silver in the tem- ple, and departed, and went and S&H 102:1 “Animal magnetism has hanged himself.” no scientific foundation, for God gov- Ps. 52:1-5 “Why boastest thou erns all that is real, harmonious, and thyself in mischief, O mighty eternal, and His power is neither ani- man? the goodness of God en- mal nor human. Its basis being a belief dureth continually. Thy tongue and this belief animal, in Science ani- deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp mal magnetism, mesmerism, or hyp- razor, working deceitfully. Thou notism is a mere negation, possessing lovest evil more than good; and neither intelligence, power, nor reality, lying rather than to speak righ- and in sense it is an unreal concept of teousness. Thou lovest all de- the so-called mortal mind. “ vouring words, O thou deceitful 1Chron. 29:11 “Thine, O Lord, tongue. God shall likewise de- is the greatness, and the pow- stroy thee for ever, he shall take er, and the glory, and the victo- thee away, and pluck thee out of ry, and the majesty: for all that thy dwelling place, and root thee is in the heaven and in the earth out of the land of the living.” is thine; thine is the kingdom, Luke 12:16-20 “The ground of O Lord, and thou art exalted as a certain rich man brought forth head above all.” plentifully: Matt. 4:8-11 “Again, the devil And he thought within himself, taketh him up into an exceeding saying, What shall I do, because high mountain, and sheweth him I have no room where to bestow all the kingdoms of the world, my fruits? And he said, This will and the glory of them; And saith I do: I will pull down my barns, unto him, All these things will I and build greater; and there will give thee, if thou wilt fall down I bestow all my fruits and my and worship me. Then saith Jesus goods. unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: And I will say to my soul, Soul, for it is written, Thou shalt wor- thou hast much goods laid up for ship the Lord thy God, and him

27 only shalt thou serve. Then the a word is this! for with authori- devil leaveth him, and, behold, ty and power he commandeth the angels came and ministered unto unclean spirits, and they come him.” out. Rom. 8:7-9 “Because the car- nal mind is enmity against God: S&H 103:15 “The maximum of good for it is not subject to the law of is the infinite God and His idea, the All- God, neither indeed can be. So in-all. Evil is a suppositional lie.” then they that are in the flesh can- Rev.11:17 “We give thee thanks, not please God. But ye are not in O Lord God Almighty, which art, the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so and wast, and art to come; be- be that the Spirit of God dwell cause thou hast taken to thee thy in you. Now if any man have not great power, and hast reigned.” the Spirit of Christ, he is none of Deut. 30:15-18 “See, I have his.” set before thee this day life and 2 Chron. 20:6 “O Lord God of good, and death and evil; In that our fathers, art not thou God in I command thee this day to love heaven? and rulest not thou over the Lord thy God, to walk in his all the kingdoms of the heathen? ways, and to keep his command- and in thine hand is there not ments and his statutes and his power and might, so that none is judgments, that thou mayest live able to withstand thee?” and multiply: and the Lord thy Luke 4:33-36 “And in the syn- God shall bless thee in the land agogue there was a man, which whither thou goest to possess it. had a spirit of an unclean devil, But if thine heart turn away, so and cried out with a loud voice, that thou wilt not hear, but shalt Saying, Let us alone; what have be drawn away, and worship oth- we to do with thee, thou Jesus of er gods, and serve them; Nazareth? art thou come to de- I denounce unto you this day, stroy us? I know thee who thou that ye shall surely perish, and art; the Holy One of God. And that ye shall not prolong your Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold days upon the land, whither thou thy peace, and come out of him. passest over Jordan to go to pos- And when the devil had thrown sess it.” him in the midst, he came out 1 Chron. 29:11 “Thine, O Lord, of him, and hurt him not. And is the greatness, and the pow- they were all amazed, and spake er, and the glory, and the victo- among themselves, saying, What ry, and the majesty: for all that

28 is in the heaven and in the earth clear that the human mind must move is thine; thine is the kingdom, the body to a wicked act? Is not mortal O Lord, and thou art exalted as mind the murderer? The hands, without head above all.” mortal mind to direct them, could not Is. 40:26 “Lift up your eyes on commit a murder.” high, and behold who hath creat- Matt. 6:22,23 “The light of the ed these things, that bringeth out body is the eye: if therefore thine their host by number: he calleth eye be single, thy whole body them all by names by the great- shall be full of light. But if thine ness of his might, for that he is eye be evil, thy whole body shall strong in power; not one fai- be full of darkness. If therefore leth.” the light that is in thee be dark- Luke 10:17-19 “And the seventy ness, how great is that dark- returned again with joy, saying, ness!” Lord, even the devils are subject Matt. 15:19 “For out of the heart unto us through thy name. And proceed evil thoughts, murders, he said unto them, I beheld Satan adulteries, fornications, thefts, as lightning fall from heaven. false witness, blasphemies:” Behold, I give unto you power to Mark 7:21 “For from within, out tread on serpents and scorpions, of the heart of men, proceed evil and over all the power of the en- thoughts, adulteries, fornica- emy: and nothing shall by any tions, murders, Thefts, covetous- means hurt you.” ness, wickedness, deceit, lascivi- John 19:10,11 “Then saith Pilate ousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, unto him, Speakest thou not unto pride, foolishness: All these evil me? knowest thou not that I have things come from within, and de- power to crucify thee, and have file the man.” power to release thee? Prov. 23:6,7 “Eat thou not the Jesus answered, Thou couldest bread of him that hath an evil have no power at all against me, eye, neither desire thou his dain- except it were given thee from ty meats: For as he thinketh in above: therefore he that deliv- his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, ered me unto thee hath the great- saith he to thee; but his heart is er sin.” not with thee.”

S&H 104:29 “Our courts recognize S&H 106: 6 “Like our nation, evidence to prove the motive as well Christian Science has its Declaration as the commission of a crime. Is it not of Independence. God has en-

29 dowed man with inalienable rights, CONCLUSION among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is proper- he stated purpose of the exhib- ly self-governed only when he is guid- T it “Biblical Roots of Christian ed rightly and governed by his Maker, Science,” is to illustrate that Mary Baker divine Truth and Love.” Eddy discovered Christian Science in Job 33:4 “The spirit of God hath the Bible; it was not her invention for made me, and the breath of the its healing method is the same as that Almighty hath given me life.” of Christ Jesus and the early Christians. Ps. 19:14 “Let the words of my The first four decades of Mrs. Eddy’s mouth, and the meditation of my life are well documented as a time when heart, be acceptable in thy sight, she exhibited a deep spiritual hunger O Lord, my strength, and my re- and engaged in consistent deep study of deemer.” the Bible. Her healing in 1866, through Ps. 31:3 “For thou art my rock turning to God through the Bible when and my fortress; therefore for thy all material aid was exhausted, was for name’s sake lead me, and guide her “the falling apple that led me to the me.” discovery how to be well myself, and Ps. 73:23,24 “thou hast holden how to make others so.” (Ret. 24:14) me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and This exhibit has sought to identify for afterward receive me to glory.” the enquirer the steps of spiritual prep- John 5:17-19 “But Jesus an- aration which Mrs. Eddy herself took swered them, My Father worketh as the basis of Christianly Scientific hitherto, and I work. Therefore healing. 1. Emphasis on “the prayer of the Jews sought the more to kill fervent desire for growth in grace.” 2. him, because he not only had Rejecting a sense of man’s alienation broken the sabbath, but said also from God, which she came to recog- that God was his Father, making nize as “the underlying cause of the himself equal with God. Then long years of invalidism she endured answered Jesus and said unto before Truth dawned upon her under- them, Verily, verily, I say unto standing.” 3. Seeking spiritual answers you, The Son can do nothing of to the disciplines of human living, himself, but what he seeth the which she felt “serve to unite thought Father do: for what things soev- more closely to God.” 4. Developing er he doeth, these also doeth the an understanding of the crucial dis- Son likewise.” tinction between the spiritual values of Christianity and psychic phenomena. 5. And coming to recognize the quintes-

30 sential difference between reliance on deed the church has no ordained min- the human mind (suggestion, will pow- isters or priests. The church service is er, hypnotism) and on the divine Mind comprised of citations read from the (prayer, spiritual understanding, un- Bible and Science and Health on a dif- selfed love.) The exhibit accomplishes ferent subject each week. By turning this by looking for the Biblical roots of each individual to God’s Word direct- some of the statements in the first five ly, all men are made “kings and priests chapters of Science and Health, - the unto God.” (Rev.1: 6) This exhibit has preparatory chapters. Chapter six be- pointed out numerous Bible verses that gins “In the year 1866, I discovered the correspond to passages in Science and Christ Science or divine laws of Life, Health. The enquirer may now wish to Truth, and Love, and named my discov- take Bible passages and search for their ery Christian Science. “ (S&H 107:1) amplification in Science and Health. Mrs. Eddy expounds her discovery in Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, Science and Health from this point for- “Our Master said, ‘But the Comforter ward. . . . shall teach you all things.’ When the Science of Christianity appears, it will lead you into all truth. The Sermon What Next? on the Mount is the essence of this Science, and the eternal life, not the Our invitation to death of Jesus, is its outcome. Those, you! who are willing to leave their nets or to cast them on the right side for Truth, have the opportunity now, as aforetime, e would like to extend to you an to learn and to practise Christian heal- W invitation to take what you have ing. The Scriptures contain it. The spir- learned from this exhibit, and learn itual import of the Word imparts this more of the healing power of the Bible. power.” (S&H 271:20-272:1) Learn for yourself how this healing power operates and then use it to help Towards the end of Science and Health heal yourselves, your families, and our is a three-chapter section entitled world. We invite you to explore Science “Key to the Scriptures.” These chap- and Health in its entirety, in conjunc- ters are “Genesis,” “The Apocalypse,” tion with the Bible. Mrs. Eddy ordained and “Glossary.” Commenting on the the Bible and Science and Health with first of these two chapters, Mrs. Eddy Key to the Scriptures as the inseparable writes: “Genesis and the Apocalypse pastor of the Christian Science church. seem more obscure than other portions This means there is no personal preach- of the Scripture, because they cannot ing in the Christian Science church, in-

31 possibly be interpreted from a mate- Science requires understanding instead rial standpoint. To the author, they are of belief; it is based on a fixed eternal transparent, for they contain the deep and divine Principle, wholly apart from divinity of the Bible.” (S&H 546:18) mortal conjecture; and it must be un- Of the final chapter she writes: “In derstood, otherwise it cannot be cor- Christian Science we learn that the sub- rectly accepted and demonstrated. stitution of the spiritual for the materi- al definition of a Scriptural word often The inclination of mortal mind is to re- elucidates the meaning of the inspired ceive Christian Science through a belief writer. On this account this chapter is instead of the understanding, and this added. It contains the metaphysical in- inclination prevails like an epidemic on terpretation of Bible terms, giving their the body; it inflames mortal mind and spiritual sense, which is also their orig- weakens the intellect, but this so-called inal meaning.” (S&H 579:1) mortal mind is wholly ignorant of this fact, and so cherishes its mere faith in The final chapter in Science and Health Christian Science. is called “Fruitage” and comprises ac- counts of people who have been re- The sick, like drowning men, catch at formed and healed by reading and whatever drifts toward them. The sick studying Science and Health, especial- are told by a faith-Scientist, “I can heal ly in conjunction with the Bible. These you, for God is all, and you are well, testimonials are reprinted from the ear- since God creates neither sin, sickness, ly volumes of The Christian Science nor death.” Such statements result in the Journal, and The Christian Science sick either being healed by their faith in Sentinel. Happy Exploring! what you tell them – which heals only as a drug would heal, through belief - or in no effect whatever. If the faith healer Principle and Practice succeeds in securing (kindling) the be- lief of the patient in his own recovery, the practitioner will have performed (Transcribed from the Christian a faith-cure which he mistakenly pro- Science Sentinel, September 1, 1917) nounces Christian Science.

Mary Baker Eddy In this very manner some students of Christian Science have accepted, he nature and position of mortal through faith, a divine Principle, God, T mind are the opposite of immor- as their savior, but they have not under- tal Mind. The so-called mortal mind is stood this Principle sufficiently well to belief and not understanding. Christian

32 fulfill the Scriptural commands, “Go ye ics is now reduced to a system, to a into all the world, and preach the gos- form comprehensible by and adapted pel.” “Heal the sick.” It is the healer’s to the thought of the age in which we understanding of the operation of the live. This system enables the learner to divine Principle, and his application demonstrate the divine Principle, upon thereof, which heals the sick, just as it which Jesus’ healing was based, and is one’s understanding of the principle the sacred rules for its present applica- of mathematics which enables him to tion to the cure of disease. Late in the demonstrate its rules. nineteenth century I demonstrated the divine rules of Christian Science. They Christian Science is not a faith-cure, were submitted to the broadest practi- and unless human faith be distinguished cal test, and everywhere, when honest- from scientific healing, Christian ly applied under circumstances where Science will again be lost from the prac- demonstration was humanly possible, tice of religion as it was soon after the this Science showed that Truth had lost period of our great Master’s scientific none of its divine and healing efficacy, teaching and practice. Preaching with- even though centuries had passed away out practice of the divine Principle of since Jesus practised these rules on the man’s being has not, in nineteen hun- hills of Judaea and in the valleys of dred years, resulted in demonstrating Galilee. Although this volume contains this Principle. Preaching without the the complete Science of Mind-heal- truthful and consistent practice of your ing, never believe that you can absorb statements will destroy the success of the whole meaning of the Science by a Christian Science. simple perusal of this book. The book needs to be studied, and the demonstra- [This article was written by Mrs. Eddy in tion of the rules of scientific healing September 1910. Its message is of vital im- will plant you firmly on the spiritual portance to every Christian Scientist today.] groundwork of Christian Science. This proof lifts you high above the perishing “Divine Science derives its sanction fossils of theories already antiquated, from the Bible, and the divine origin and enables you to grasp the spiritual of Science is demonstrated through facts of being hitherto unattained and the holy influence of Truth in healing seemingly dim.” (S&H 146:23) sickness and sin. This healing power of Truth must have been far anterior As adherents of Truth, we take the in- to the period in which Jesus lived. It spired Word of the Bible as our suf- is as ancient as “the Ancient of days.” ficient guide to eternal Life. (S&H It lives through all Life, and extends 497:3) throughout all space. Divine metaphys-