
Homogeneous cosmology Perturbative inhomogeneities

Cosmology with the compact phase of matter

Tomasz Trzesniewski´ ∗

Institute for Theoretical , Wrocław University, Poland / Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Poland

September 26, 2017

∗J. Mielczarek & T.T., Phys. Rev. D 96, 043522 (2017) T. Trzesniewski´ Compact phase space and cosmology Homogeneous cosmology Perturbative inhomogeneities


1 Homogeneous cosmological model Spherical phase space for the field Classical dynamics of the model

2 Perturbative quantum inhomogeneities Quantization of the linearized model First order corrections to the standard case

T. Trzesniewski´ Compact phase space and cosmology 1 / 14 Homogeneous cosmology Perturbative inhomogeneities


1 Homogeneous cosmological model Spherical phase space for the field Classical dynamics of the model

2 Perturbative quantum inhomogeneities Quantization of the linearized model First order corrections to the standard case

T. Trzesniewski´ Compact phase space and cosmology 1 / 14 Homogeneous cosmology Perturbative inhomogeneities Context and the existing work

Momentum spaces, or phase spaces, with nontrivial geometry that appear in quantum gravity and three-dimensional gravity Quantum gravity phenomenology, relative locality framework Group field theory, loop quantum cosmology etc. Target for field values of non-linear sigma models and the Tseytlin string The principle of finiteness of physical quantities, at the base of the Born-Infeld theory Potential connections between quantum gravity, cosmology and condensed matter physics Nonlinear Field Space Theory: J. Mielczarek and T.T., Phys. Lett. B 759, 424 (2016) J. Mielczarek, Universe 3, 29 (2017) T.T., Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 10, 329 (2017) J. Bilski, S. Brahma, A. Marcianò and J. Mielczarek, arXiv:1708.03207 [hep-th]

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Phase space Γ = R2 is formed by values of a scalar field ϕ and its conjugate πϕ at every point of space Σ. We assume that Γ is actually a sphere, parametrized in terms of usual angles φ and θ or the spin-like vector S = (Sx , Sy , Sz ), so that πϕ ϕ Sx := S sin θ cos φ = S cos cos , (1) R2 R1 πϕ ϕ Sy := S sin θ sin φ = S cos sin , (2) R2 R1 πϕ Sz := S cos θ = S sin , (3) R2

where R1, R2 are certain dimensionful constants and ϕ/R1 ∈ [−π, π), π π πϕ/R2 ∈ [− 2 , 2 ]. For a field defined on the Minkowski background we have the limiting condition R1R2 = S.

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In the Minkowski case the symplectic form is given by the area 2-form

πϕ ωM = S sin θ dφ ∧ dθ = cos dπϕ ∧ dϕ , (4) R2M R satisfying S2 ωM = 4πS. For the FRW background we introduce the 3 gravitational field variable q ≡ V0a (here a is the scale factor and V0 a fiducial spatial volume) and its conjugate momentum p. Then we assume that the generalized symplectic total form is

πϕ ω := dp ∧ dq + cos dπϕ ∧ dϕ . (5) R2(q)

However, for ω to be a closed form we need R2(q) = R2. The corre- sponding has the form

 ∂· ∂· ∂· ∂·  1  ∂· ∂· ∂· ∂·  {·, ·} = − + πϕ − . (6) ∂q ∂p ∂p ∂q cos ∂ϕ ∂πϕ ∂πϕ ∂ϕ R2

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The Hamiltonian of the continuous XXZ Heisenberg model coupled to a magnetic field B (for convenience, B := (Bx , 0, 0)) has the form Z 3 ˜ 2 2 2  HXXZ = − d x J (∇Sx ) + (∇Sy ) + ∆(∇Sz ) +µ ˜ B · S , (7)

where J˜, µ˜ are coupling constants and ∆ the anisotropy parameter. The homogeneous field corresponds to the term ∝ B, which we adapt to the FRW background multiplying the measure d 3x by Na3, obtaining

HSmatmat = −Nq µ˜Bx Sx (8)   µ˜Bx S 2 µ˜Bx S 2 4−n n = Nq −µ˜Bx S + 2 πϕ + 2 ϕ + O(ϕ πϕ) . 2R2 2R1 The ordinary scalar field is recovered (up to a shift ∝ S) in the limit S → ∞ for the following identification of the model’s parameters: r q0m 1 Sq0 p µ˜B ≡ , R ≡ , R ≡ Sq m . (9) x q2 1 q m 2 0

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As the result, the matter Hamiltonian acquires the form ! q q π2 1 H = −Nm 0 S = Nq −Sm 0 + ϕ + m2ϕ2 + O(4) . (10) Smat q x q2 2q2 2 The first term in the expansion will lead to a cosmic bounce, while the negative energy density that occurs for Sx > 0 should be balanced by some additional matter content. Nevertheless, in what follows we will use the positive-definite Hamiltonian q H := Nm 0 (S − S ) (11) mat q x and then the total Hamiltonian is 3κ H = H + H , H = − Nqp2 , (12) tot FRW mat FRW 4 ∂ where κ ≡ 8πG. It generates the constraint ∂N Htot = 0, equivalent to q 3κ m 0 (S − S ) = p2 . (13) q2 x 4

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Introducing the Hubble factor h ≡ q˙ /(3q), we now find that the Fried- mann equation is given by (for the gauge N = 1) q κ h2 = m 0 (S − S ) ≡ ρ , (14) q2 x 3

where ρ denotes the matter energy density. If we express it in terms of the energy density and of an ordinary scalar field

π2 1 π2 1 ρ := ϕ + m2ϕ2 , P := ϕ − m2ϕ2 , (15) ϕ 2q2 2 ϕ 2q2 2

we may obtain corrections to the usual Friedmann equation

2   2 κ κ q 2 1 2 2 h = ρϕ − ρϕ − Pϕ + O(1/S ) . (16) 3 9 Sq0m 2

They become relevant for large q and then can trigger a recollapse.

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Our Hamiltonian Htot also leads to the following equations for gravity 3κ q˙ = − Nqp , 2 3κ q  S  ˙ = 2 + 0 − − y p Np Nm 2 S Sx Sy arctan (17) 4 q Sx and for the field

˙ 3κ Sy Sx = Np Sy arctan , (18) 2 Sx ˙ 3κ Sy ˙ Sy = Nm Sz − Np Sx arctan , Sz = −Nm Sy . (19) 2 Sx π π π π Alternatively, on the hemisphere ϕ/R1 ∈ (− 2 , 2 ), πϕ/R2 ∈ (− 2 , 2 ) one may use the angular-like variables, which are governed by

NR2 πϕ ϕ 2 ϕ ϕ˙ = tan cos , π˙ ϕ = −NR1qm sin . (20) q R2 R1 R1

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In this case let us restrict to the regime of S → ∞ but with ∆ 6= 0. Then our matter field Hamiltonian becomes (we also choose N = a) Z 3 Hϕ = d x Hϕ " # Z π2 (∇ϕ)2 1 ∆ = d 3x a4 ϕ + + m2ϕ2 + (∇π )2 . (21) 2a6 2a2 2 2m2a8 ϕ

0 Changing the variables to v := a ϕ and πv := ∂Lv /∂v we can derive

π2 (∇v)2 1 ∆ H = v + + m2 v 2 + (∇π − h ∇v)2 v 2 2 2 eff 2m2a2 v + O(∆2) , (22)

2 2 2 00 0 where meff ≡ m a −a /a is the effective mass, h ≡ a /a the conformal Hubble factor and we make an expansion around ∆ = 0.

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Since in the considered limit S → ∞ we simply have

(3) δ (x − y) (3) {ϕ(x), πϕ(y)} = −→ δ (x − y) , (23) cos(πϕ(x)/R2) the standard quantization can be applied, leading to (3) ˆ [vˆ(x), πˆv (y)] = iδ (x − y) I . (24) Furthermore, we Fourier expand the field operators Z d 3k Z d 3k vˆ(x) = eik·xvˆ , πˆ (x) = eik·xπˆ (25) (2π)3/2 k v (2π)3/2 vk and decompose their modes in the basis of creation and annihilation † (3) operators, satisfying [aˆk, aˆq] = δ (k − q),(τ is the conformal time) ˆ ˆ ∗ ˆ† vk(τ) = fk (τ) ak + fk (τ) a−k , (26) ˆ ∗ ˆ† πˆvk(τ) = gk (τ) ak + gk (τ) a−k . (27)

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Next we may write down the (symmetrized) quantum Hamiltonian 1 Z  ∆k 2    Hˆ = O(∆2) + d 3k 1 + πˆ πˆ† +π ˆ† πˆ v 4 m2a2 vk vk vk vk 1 Z  ∆k 2    + d 3k ω2 + h2 vˆ vˆ† + vˆ†vˆ 4 k m2a2 k k k k 1 Z ∆k 2   − d 3k h vˆ πˆ† + vˆ†πˆ +π ˆ vˆ† +π ˆ† vˆ , (28) 4 m2a2 k vk k vk vk k vk k

2 2 2 with ωk ≡ k + meff. It determines the evolution equations of vˆk and πˆvk, which together give us equations for mode functions: 2  2  00 ∆k 0 ∆k f + 2h f + ω2 + k 2 + m2a2 − 2h2 f = 0 , (29) k m2a2 k k m2a2 k as well as 2 0 ∆k 0 g = f + (h f − f ) + O(∆2) . (30) k k m2a2 k k

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Therefore, the condition also becomes modified

 2  0 0 ∆k f (f ∗) − f ∗f = i 1 + + O(∆2) . (31) k k k k m2a2 We now calculate that energy of the initial ground state is given by 1 Z h0|Hˆ |0i = δ(3)(0) d 3k E , v 2 k  ∆k 2   ∆k 2  2∆k 2 E ≡ 1 + |g |2 + ω2 + h2 |f |2 + h f g∗ . (32) k m2a2 k k m2a2 k m2a2 k k

iα The form of fk can be found by applying the decomposition fk = rk e k 2 2 and looking for a minimum of Ek . In particular, for such k that k  meff ∆k 2 and m2a2  1 we obtain the corrected Bunch-Davies vacuum −ikτ  2  Z  e ∆k 1 2 dτ 2 fk = √ 1 + − ika + O(∆ ) . (33) 2k m2a2 4 a2

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Simple quantum correlations are captured by a two-point function

Z ∞ sin(k|x − y|) h |ϕˆ( , τ)ϕ ˆ( , τ)| i = P ( , η) , 0 x y 0 dk 2 ϕ k (34) 0 k |x − y|

1 3 2 where Pϕ(k, τ) ≡ 2π2 k |fk (τ)/a(τ)| is the power spectrum. In partic- ular, in the de Sitter regime (i.e. for a = −(h τ)−1) it simplifies to

 h 2  ∆  P (k, τ) = x 2 1 + x 2 + O(∆2), (35) ϕ 2π 6η

with x ≡ −kτ. Consequently, the spectral index is found to be

d ln P (x = 1) n := ϕ = 0 . (36) S d ln k

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Joint treatment for the field’s background and perturbations Calculation of the tensor to scalar ratio Analysis of the phase space Quantum theory in the case of the finite size of phase space Investigation of relations with condensed matter physics ...

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