'32 CAR COATS SPECIAL 2 for '1:00 NOW '2.47

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'32 CAR COATS SPECIAL 2 for '1:00 NOW '2.47 - '4 ' The Weather Average Daily Net Press Run FcrecMt ot U. 8. Weattwr B a ivn PAGB TWENTY • For the Week Ended aoody, tight snow develapiBt , Dec. $6. 1959 tonight, not ao eold. Low near' 28. 13,062 Friday cloudy with ligh t onoi][. High in upper 80s. A lb o u t T o ^ Member et the .AudH ' _ I Bureau et Ctreulatlon ■ni* ZlpMr Club wlU resume lU weekly setbeck perties ttls, Sat- PRICE FIVE CENTS urdey night etarting at 8 ©clock -c---- -------------------------- r - sharp- Members and friends are > VOL. LXXIX NO. 82 welcome. Boy Scout Troop S vrtU meet at tin Waddell School tomorrow at' 7 p.m. ____ Manchwtar Assembly, Rainbow for Girls, will sponsor a food sale tomorrow at 4 p.m. at H^e’s 1^- partment store. *171086 -who wish Items pldted up may call Mrs. Joseph Gallant, 8» plcobt Dr., or Mrs. Claude O. Porter, 29 Hyde St. ___ DOUBLE^^;^ GREEN STAMPS FhUlp Treggor, former dlreWor ] of music at South Methodist Church, and currenUy a fau lty member at the San Francisco Con-1 servatMy of Music, plans to enter ^ Union Theological School, 7 - 9 A.M.to 9 P M: tnent o f Sacred Music, in Febru-1 THURSDAY. JANUARY WITH A IL CASH SALES ./MSS',"w.-,H .Vi" Ary for graduate study in chur(* music. He plans to enter the field The State of the Union of ^urcht music on a full time | basis. SALE IN OUR INFANT ond TOT SHOP Take Elevator OrfOTd Parish Chapter, DAR, To Second Floor SdM on our .tntlpo stock of GiHi’ Coots o n d Snowsults! Ike Sees Most rous B y^ear Gas, Water will meet tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. January Clearance From Hale's Ready To Wear Dept. at the home o f Mrs. W. George Olenney, 443 E. Center St. Mm. BOYS’ and GIRLS’ Dorothy Dowding will give m il- END-OF-YEAR CLEARANCE- 8IRLS* COATS Wethersfield, JafixJ (/P)—Gov. Abraham Ribicoff today lustraited lecture on “New :^ g - TREMENDOUS VALUES! WINTER COATS CAR COATS SNOWSUITS Year in Americap said ringl^d^rs of a riot by more than 400 shouting, stomp- land. Churches.” Hostesses wUl be ing inmates at the.-Connecticut State Prison will-be prose­ Mrs. Martin Alvord, Mrs. Ethel Hubbard and Mrs. George Thur^ Completely washable.—sizes 2 to MABVIN-L ABBOWSMITH ♦which. If unchecked, ’•Ptef'fcular _hew ------------ prec cuted. * . .. • . Reg. $19.98 and $24.98 ______ country’s Atlas inter­ He and other officials said t h ^ knew the precise m u m of ber. Reg. $29.98 and $35.00 $ By I into nuclear disaster; the ultiin*te | use df this DRESSES values. NOW .......... values. N O W .......... Washington, Jan. 7 (/P)— .JUggnity."insanity. • . ' continental ballistic missile. lasjt night’s outburst, but declineo'ti^ disclose it for the time Reg. t14.98 to *21.^8 R e g . President Eisenhower pre­ Jn his annual State of the Union The President also rejected criti­ ' The public is invited to attend a 22 ‘ 1 5 *12.98 to »W^98 cism that Ru8sU.’a development of bein^. v panAl discussion on “Delinquency dicted today'that 1960 will te Mesaage to Congreas. the Pres­ However, Warden Mark S. Richmond''smd it “ appeared to ident personally told a joint ses­ super - thrust en^ ines threatens tolnght at 8 at the Robertson Reg. values to. $22.98. NOW " the most prosperous year in America in ihe military missile be a mass retaliation against prison authorities for a variety School. Participants ivlll *>« NOW ............................. Reg. $39.98 to $49.98 Reg. ^9.98 and $35.00 NOW America’s history. And he de­ sion of the Houee *“ 1* Senate the field. TTie U.S. program In that ' lice Chief James Reardon: Dr. Tru- nation Igfirmed with enormous de- field “does not suffer from .our values. NOW .... values. NOW ...... clared the world is entering a fensivrmlhtary might which must He* saf(i iie could not go into details at this limO.'lmt “ there man G. Esau, director of the Com­ ‘ 32 present lack of very large rocket ‘22 be nletlculously maintained until munity Child Guidance Clinic: \ Misses' and women’s sixes. We have a won­ vast new technological age eng;ines, which are ao necessary in has been a tightening of security, and measures to avoid any Tweeds, checks, colors. Boy coat^H ol-, the Soviet Union agrees to ef­ George Bradlau, vice principal of derful selection of dresses in wool-rayon, Tweeds with o r l^ p ile zip-ouVJining, pop- Which can “ make poverty and distant space exploration,” Eisen­ contraband being brought into the prison. _ Barnard Junior High school, and amel-jersey, polished cotton, dacron. Many lywood wrap-arounds, poplin and corduroy fectively safeguarded, disarma­ with the popular racoon collar. 1, wool and camel hair. j g « „ * 1 2 ® human misery obsolete. hower said. ■ “We had to curtail further things sent in during Chnstmaf^ Mrs. Justine M. Scher, probation styles to choose from. .- ‘10® “ ‘17® H e. also expressed guarded ment: . .. He added this country la preia- officer of the Juvenile Court. Eisenhower predicted no nation mg forw-ard with development of eptimlom about belter relatioM ever will risk general war against *^**Rlbicoff was closeted with Richmond, other prison officials. With RUsala.“ We must strive, he engines with tremendous thrust ' Members of Anderson Shea Post | the United States if this might is and said spending ter apace proj. State’s Attorney John LaBelle, and State Police Commissioner MILLINERY DEPT. SPECIAL HERE IT IS! HALE'S JANUARY sold, “ to break the calaraltoup maintained. He announced sr«cta- and Auxiliary will attend a VFW COSTUME JEWELRY SPECIAL cy4e of frustration^ and crises ecu will be pracUcally doubled- Leo J. Mulcahy for 70 minutes. Then they held an 18-nunute night at the “ Icecapades” at the to abont $1 billion a year. New Haven Arena Jan. 21 Res­ Group of designer’s samples; Values $8.98 to $16.98. news conference. _ Large assortment of regular $1,00 jewelry. In his lengthy add'-ss. carried Ribicoff and Richmond said everything -was opw undw ervations must be made by Jan.' BUY natlonwU’ on telerialon and radio 12 by conUctlng the Department the President spoke of recor^proar control at the prison. Prisoners overpowered^two guards M d headquarters te Hartford. NOW! perlty In 1960 and also called ter grabbed their keys to trigger the outburst which was queUed Ask Germans vlgoroua new efforU to ch ck In after 214 hours with tear gas and high-pressure water hows, Washlnftc Liodge, IjOLi, No. || NOW PRICE Vi nation. A fireman and a prisoner suffered minor injuries m the 117. wUl meet Friday night at 7:30 | SPECIAL 2 for ‘ 1:00 Hjm.t-OtfF.RV d e p a r t m e n t —Take Elevator to Second Floor. SAVE He expressed gratifies tlon over In Orange Hhil. Settlement ear ler this week of the m6l^6« . ^ JEW E ljlY BAR—^Maln Floor at Entrance. For Special Police Another prisoner was hospitalized for hysteria. WHlTf NOW! marathon ateel dispute, and said both management and labor must Some prison records were destroyed as pnsoners tore SPORTSWEAR DEPT. SPECIALS make every effort to Increase pro­ through the deputy warden’s office and the adjoimng office p r e -in v e Ht o r y / . • ■ , ' Herald Photo by Saternis Personal Notices Take the Elevator to the Second Floor^ • ductivity and thus avoid price In­ piobmnnd enrvova iintiimefl de.sk. Scattered records in deputy- warden s office. of the captain of the guard. Wreckage was strewn about the Bonn.JDOmi. Oermimy.VFt:4 •»•»— I -----Jan.- • hate-mongers and by stiffer aen- creases. „ , SALE OF H ANDBAGS World Jewish Congress todsy de- In his Stole of the Union offices, and windows were smashed. manded a special police force to tences. , “ . .., LADIES' BLOUSES The aged chancellor and ma Ribicoff said the ringleaders responsible for the incit^ , Card of Thanks Choose from a large assortment in a varifety of fabrics MATTRESS PADS and COVERS deal with antl-aemltlam and re- We wish to thank ail ot our neigh-, Sizes 30 to 44. cabinet called ter speedy enact­ (CottUnned on Page Seven) ment of the riot and who have committed criminal acts will hors, friends and relatives for the many i and styles. HEAVY q u a l it y ZIPPERED aurgent NazUm In West Germany. ment of a law to Increase the pen­ acts o f kindness and sympathy shown REGULAR $2.98 to $5.98. $ 0 QQ HALE’S STURDYWEAR The Qongress also called for Uie UB in our recdnt hereavenipnt, also the alties for "stirring up hatred **^Ife°a1d bench warrants would be issued by LaBelle after Iona Mfg. Co. We especially thank all * NOW .................. To FI'TTED MATTRESS PADS m a t t r e s s c o v e r s banning of all organizaUons even against groups because of their those who sent the beautiful floral trib­ REGULAR $4.98. suspected of Nazi tendencies dnd natural origin.” The maximum sen­ results of an investigation are studied. utes and loaned the use of cars. j Japan REGULAR $2.98 I Twin s iz e ............................ $3.49 the rooting out of ex-Nazis from tence now is three months in Jail, In declining to give the exact cause of the outburst, Kibi- Mr. and Mrs John O. Jackson and Bob. NOW ‘ 2 .4 7 r e g u l a r $4.95 ,r all sections of German public life. the bill to be submitted to the I REGULAR $S.98i SLACKS These were among the writteh Bundestag will aet that as the HANDBAGS—^Maln Floor at Entrance.
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