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ENCYCLOPEDIA of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Only Only Copy ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Contributor Only Copy Contributor ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Edited by Only George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport Copy Contributor ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD Lanham • Boulder • New York • London Only Copy Published by Rowman & Littlefield A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 www.rowman.com Unit A, Whitacre Mews, 26-34 Stannary Street, London SE11 4AB Copyright © 2015 by George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Encyclopedia of Christian education / edited by George Thomas Kurian, Mark A. Lamport. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8108-8492-2 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8108-8493-9 (ebook) 1. Christian education—Encyclopedias. I. Kurian, George Thomas, editor. II. Lamport, Mark A., editor. BV1471.3.E53 2015 268.03—dc23 Contributor 2014021410 ™ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992. Printed in the United States of America Contents Only Editors, Prologue and Foreword Contributors, Editorial Advisory Board, and Editorial Consultants ix Prologue by J. I. Packer xiii Foreword by Stanley Hauerwas xv Foreword by Richard J. Mouw xvii Foreword by Ronald J. Sider xix Foreword by Will Willimon Copy xxi Preface xxiii Acknowledgments xxvii Introduction xxix Volume 1: A–F 1 Volume 2: G–R 529 Volume 3: S–Z 1089 Lead-in Introductions 1427 Appendix A: World Statistics on Christian Populations 1519 Appendix B: World Listing of Christian Universities by Continent 1539 Appendix C: Entries Listed by Author 1553 Index of Names 1569 Index of Entries 1591 ContributorContributing Authors 1603 — v — Only Copy Contributor G Only Gaebelein, Frank E. this position, Macmillan published his first book, Down Through the Ages: The Story of the King James Bible Frank Ely Gaebelein (31 March 1899–19 January 1983) (1924). Gaebelein held three honorary doctoral degrees: was the youngest of three sons born to German immi- literature doctorate from Wheaton College (1951), doc- grants Arno and Emma (Grimm) Gaebelein. His father tor of divinity from the Reformed Theological Seminary was a noted self-made scholar, itinerate teacher, and (1951), and literature doctorate from Houghton College writer who supported Gaebelein’s desire to write, encour- (1960). aging him to write at an early age for his own magazine, Our Hope. At the age of 15, Gaebelein became a member Professional Work and Editorial Contributions of the editorial board of The Oracle, a monthly student GaebeleinCopy was the headmaster at Stony Brook School magazine for his high school in Mount Vernon, New for 41 years, after which he retired and became the co- York, and was the chief editor by the time he graduated. editor of Christianity Today until 1966. His father had (His coeditor in this later role was E. B. White, who went been one of the original editors of the Scofield Reference on to write Stuart Little and Charlotte’s Web.) Bible, and Gaebelein was one of the editors of its 1967 revision. In 1968, he served as the style editor on the Education and Early Work translation committee for the New International Ver- Gaebelein continued writing during college as the man- sion of the Bible. Gaebelein served from 1969 to 1972 as aging editor of The New York University News and writ- the director of the faculty summer seminars on faith and ing the “Message for Each Day” for his father’s devotional learning at Wheaton College. Prior to his death in 1983, magazine. He graduated in 1920 from New York Uni- he was general editor of The Expositor’s Bible Commen- versity (NYU) Bronx campus as an accomplished musi- tary, a 12-volume set that was a little more than half cian, having written for both the college yearbook and completed at the time of his death. His 20th-century newspaper and participating on the track team. His NYU writing and editing continue to be significant contribu- education was only briefly interrupted when he enlisted tions, available to and used by those in and studying for in the army’s officer training program, commissioned as ministry in the 21st century. a second lieutenant. He graduated from Harvard in 1921, having studied English and comparative literature. Like Twentieth-Century Legacy his father, he lacked any formal religious training and was According to Gangel and Benson (1983, 358),1 Gaebelein a self-taught biblical scholar, which included his knowl- was able to articulate the true distinctives of the evangeli- edge of the Greek language. Nevertheless, he was or- cal movement in his book Pattern of God’s Truth (1954). dained as a minister of the Reformed Episcopal Church. At a time when modernists saw fundamentalism and ContributorFollowing graduation, Gaebelein took a position as Evangelicalism as intellectually illiterate, he advocated organizer and founding headmaster for Stony Brook strongly for integrating faith with the academy, and School in Long Island, New York, serving from 1922 to 1963, after which he served as headmaster emeritus for 20 1. Kenneth O. Gangel and Warren S. Benson, Christian Education: Its more years until his death. Within the first two years in History and Philosophy (Chicago: Moody Press, 1983), 358. — 529 — 530 Gallaudet, Thomas his lifelong work at Stony Brook became the model for Gallaudet, Thomas that vision. Furthermore, he understood that one of the negative consequences of the fundamentalist fight against Early Background and Education modernism in the 19th century was the belief that the Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, a pioneer in deaf education in fundamentalist view paid no attention to or often was the United States, was born on 10 December 1787 in Phila- in opposition to the movement in favor of social justice. delphia, Pennsylvania. Raised in Hartford, Connecticut, Thus, he worked to counter this view with his writing Gallaudet was an intelligent young man; he entered Yale and actions, supporting social justice as an evangelical, a University when he was 14 years old and graduated first in cause promoted in Christian Education in a Democracy, his class in 1805. After beginning a career in law, in 1808 which echoed the views of the modernist Christian move- he returned to Yale to earn his master of arts degree, and ments. He wrote more than 20 books, edited many oth- in 1814, after studying at Andover Theological Seminary, ers, and became a 20th-century American leader within he became an ordained minister at the age of 27. Evangelicalism, a Christian educator who left his mark In addition to having a keen intellect, Gallaudet de- on private Christian schools, Christian higher education, veloped an acute awareness and compassion for people and congregational instruction. In doing so, he advocated in society who were neglected. This awareness was first the importance of Christian teaching in a pluralistic soci- cultivated by his Huguenot upbringingOnly and was rein- ety and of integrating faith and academic learning. forced while he was in seminary. According to Winzer, “Andover was the first seminary to train missionaries for References and Resources foreign parts, and it was this missionary instinct, built on Daane, J. 1983. “Frank E Gaebelein, 1893–1983.” Reformed early nineteenth-century evangelical religion and fired Journal 33 (3): 3–4. by the conviction that God had ordained the middle and Douglas, J. D. 1979. “Frank Gaebelein: Striving for Excellence.” upper classes to oversee the welfare of the weak and de- Christianity Today 23 : 10–13. pendent, that guided Gallaudet’s thinking and underlay Evory, A., ed. 1981. “Frank Gaebelein.” In Contemporary his designs for deaf students and a range of philanthropic Authors, 2: 147–161. [New Revision Series]. Detroit: Gale enterprises” (1993, 105). Research. While Gallaudet worked as a legal apprentice, minister, Fawcett, Cheryl. 2003. “Frank E. Gaebelein: Integrator of Truth.” and travelingCopy salesman as a young adult, his compassion Christian Education Journal 3rd series, 1 (1): 104–120. for the neglected prompted an interest in education. This Fawcett, Cheryl L., and Jamie Thompson. n.d. “Frank E. Gae- interest grew when he first observed Alice Cogswell, the belein.” Accessed 5 February 2013. http://www2.talbot.edu/ deaf daughter of a prominent doctor, while she watched ce20/educators/view.cfm?n=frank_gaebelein. from a distance as a group of hearing children played and “Frank Gaebelein Dies at 83.” 1983. Christianity Today 27 (18 interacted with each other. Gallaudet soon began to teach February): 27–29. her, and though she learned several signs, the results were Gaebelein, F. 1982. “Evangelicals and Social Concern.” Journal limited. Gallaudet felt inadequately prepared to teach her. of the Evangelical Theological Society 25 (1): 17–22. Motivated to learn more effective methods for educating Gaebelein, F. E. 1924. Down Through the Ages: The Story of the deaf and mute students and financed by funds raised by King James Bible. New York: Macmillan, 1924. Dr. Cogswell, Gallaudet traveled to Europe to study deaf ———. 1970. “Reflections in Retrospect.” Christianity Today 14 education models. While Gallaudet visited schools in (31 July): 9–12. England and Germany, it was in Paris, France, that he Gangel, Kenneth O., and Warren S. Benson. 1983. Christian met deaf educator Laurent Clerc and was tutored in his Education: Its History and Philosophy. Chicago: Moody Press. method of sign language. Hull, Gretchen Gaebelein.
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