Beneath the Seven Seas
Contents 8 Contributors 10 Introduction: Reclaiming Lost History from Beneath the Seven Seas GEORGE F. BASS THE OLDEST WRECKS 28 Introduction GEORGE F. BASS 31 An Enigma at Devil Creek: §eytan Deresi, Turkey GEORGE F. BASS 34 Discovering a Royal Ship from the Age of King Tut: Uluburun, Turkey CEMAL PULAK 48 Cargo from the Age of Bronze: Cape Gelidonya, Turkey GEORGE F. BASS ANCIENT GREEK WRECKS 56 Introduction GEORGE F. BASS 59 An Archaic Ship finally Reaches Port: Pabuc Burnu, Turkey ELIZABETH GREENE 64 A Wreck from the Golden Age of Greece: Tektas Burnu, Turkey DEBORAH CARLSON 72 Resurrecting an Ancient Greek Ship: Kyrenia, Cyprus SUSAN WOMER KATZEV 80 Saturation Diving for Archaeology: La Secca di Capistello, Italy DONALD A. FREY 82 Digging into an Avalanche: The Hellenistic Wreck at Serce Limam, Turkey CEMAL PULAK ROMAN AND BYZANTINE WRECKS 86 Introduction GEORGEF. BASS 89 Modeling the Fishing Boat from the Sea of Galilee, Israel WILLIAM H. CHARLTON JR 92 The Ship of Georgios, Priest and Sea Captain: Yassiada, Turkey FREDERICK VAN DOORNINCK 98 The Graveyard of Ships: Tantura Lagoon, Israel SHELLEY WACHSMANN 100 Sampling a Byzantine Vintage: Bozburun, Turkey FREDHOCKER 106 Solving a Million-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle: Serge Limam, Turkey GEORGE F. BASS 118 A 13th-Century Wine Carrier: Qamalti Burnu, Turkey NERGJS GUNSENJN 124 Searching for Deep-Water Ships in the Black Sea ROBERT D. BALLARD AND CHERYL WARD MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE WRECKS 128 Introduction GEORGE F. BASS 131 A 14th-Century Chinese Wreck: Shinan, Korea GEORGE F. BASS 134 A 15th-Century Cog in the Zuidersee: Almere, Netherlands FRED HOCKER 136 Pursuing Southeast Asian Wrecks: Ko Si Chang, Thailand JEREMY GREEN 138 A Rare Ottoman Wreck: Yassiada, Turkey CEMAL PULAK SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY WRECKS 142 Introduction GEORGE F.
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