6 the Marriage Equality Forum taken on January 26,

7 2004, before Patricia A. Armstrong, Certified

8 Shorthand Reporter, Registered Professional

9 Reporter and Notary Public in and for the County

10 of DuPage and State of Illinois, CSR License

11 No. 084-001766, at the hour of 6:00 p.m. held at

12 One IBM Plaza, Chicago, Illinois.

13 MODERATOR: ______

14 RICHARD WILSON, ESQ. --- 15 PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT: 16 EVAN WOLFSON, ESQ., 17 Executive Director of 116 West 23rd Street, Suite 500 18 , NY 10011 (212) 851-8418 19 and 20 PATRICIA M. LOGUE, ESQ., 21 Senior Counsel, 11 East Adams Street, Suite 1008 22 Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312) 663-4413. 23 ---


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1 MS. MORSE: Good evening. I want to

2 officially welcome you to Jenner & Block.

3 I want to introduce you to our

4 managing partner, somebody who never hesitates to

5 support any kind of project that we want to do

6 here at Jenner & Block, but particularly these

7 kinds of events.

8 So to kick off this evening,

9 please welcome a friend, my partner, Bob Graham.

10 MR. GRAHAM: I want to thank everybody for

11 coming here tonight. There are some seats in the

12 back on that side of the room if you need a place

13 to sit. We do have a really nice crowd tonight

14 despite the weather. I think it is great that

15 everybody is here.

16 On behalf of Jenner & Block I

17 want to welcome everybody really on behalf of all

18 of the lawyers but also all the staff of the law

19 firm, and I promise you a really great discussion

20 tonight on marriage equality.

21 This is a topic that is in the

22 forefront of the news. It is part of the

23 politics of today as well as part of the law

24 today, so it should be a great topic to discuss.

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1 We have a number of co-presenters, and my job

2 right now is just to identify who those people

3 are.

4 The first is the American

5 Constitution Society, the Chicago Lawyers

6 Chapter.

7 We have a number of lawyers at

8 Jenner & Block who participate in this group, and

9 they deserve a special mention because they

10 brought in, I believe, the leading expert on this

11 topic, Evan Wolfson, is here today. He is going

12 to be introduced shortly.

13 Additional Co-presenters are

14 Lambda Legal, which will include, of course, Pat

15 Logue. Pat Logue is seated to the right. Pat

16 used to work at Jenner & Block. So we are always

17 glad to have her come back.

18 There is also Espiritu &

19 Associates, the court reporting firm. You

20 probably can't see them, but they are right up

21 here. We want to really thank them, because they

22 are our co-presenter, too.

23 Also, the Chicago Bar

24 Association's Committee on and Men,

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1 Matrimonial Law and Civil Rights Law.

2 We are going to have a

3 transcript of this event. So, if any of you

4 really want a transcript of this, I am sure you

5 could get it as well.

6 We are also very proud to host

7 this tonight. We were going to have another

8 speaker here, Bill Hohengarten, who is a Jenner &

9 Block partner from our Washington office; but he

10 got snowed in. When they get four inches of snow

11 in Washington, everything stands still.

12 (Laughter.)

13 MR. GRAHAM: But Pat Logue knows

14 everything about that case anyway. So Pat can

15 address really, I think, any of the pertinent

16 issues; and Bill I am sure is very sorry he can't

17 be here. You would have enjoyed hearing from

18 Bill.

19 There are lots of other

20 co-sponsors that are listed on your program, and

21 we want to thank them for co-sponsoring this

22 event; and finally, I am here to introduce

23 Richard Wilson, who is a partner at Nottage and

24 Ward.

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1 Richard told me before when we

2 were out in the lobby eating before we walked in

3 here, that he used to be a summer associate here.

4 So I didn't remember that, but he did. So, that

5 is great.

6 He is co-chair of the CBA

7 Committee on the Legal Rights of and Gay

8 Men.

9 He is a member of the ISBA

10 standing committee on and

11 . He is also on the Board of the

12 AIDS Legal Council.

13 To introduce our panel and to

14 set the stage for the event, please join me in

15 giving him a round of applause.

16 (Applause.)

17 MR. WILSON: Bob, thanks for the

18 promotion. I was a clerk.

19 (Laughter.)

20 MR. WILSON: In any event, I am pleased

21 and honored to be here and to be a part of

22 putting together this event.

23 It is a critical moment in

24 history as far as many of us are concerned, and

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1 it is an appropriate time to welcome Evan Wolfson

2 to Chicago to speak to all of you and Pat Logue

3 as well on the issue generally and specifically

4 as regards to what is going on across the

5 country.

6 I find there is a lot of

7 understandable ignorance about what people can do

8 in Vermont or in Massachusetts or wherever, and

9 it's really not clear; and if it's not clear

10 among lawyers and among judges, particularly

11 lawyers and judges who may have a personal

12 interest in it, we certainly have a lot to do as

13 far as education is concerned.

14 I would like to introduce Evan

15 and Pat briefly.

16 Evan, as you know, his

17 biography is briefly contained in the program.

18 Evan has been in the forefront of this issue

19 since at least 10 years when the Baehr case

20 started in Hawaii in 1992 and 1994, first with

21 Lambda Legal and now as the founder and executive

22 director of Freedom to Marry, which is the

23 national coalition organization on the issue of

24 equal marriage rights.

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1 I am proud to introduce Evan.

2 You may have seen his letter to the editor in

3 last Friday's New York Times on the issue of

4 President Bush declaring during the State of the

5 Union that he was going to spend a billion and a

6 half dollars to promote marriage.

7 I think Evan has a lot to say.

8 He has been there through the whole history, and

9 we are proud to welcome him to Chicago.

10 MR. WOLFSON: Thank you. It's a great

11 turnout. Thank you very much.

12 I really want to just add my

13 thanks to the Chicago Bar Association and the

14 Illinois State Bar Association, the American Constitution Society,

15 and Jenner & Block for providing this wonderful space and supporting

16 this event, to Espiritu & Associates and my old

17 colleagues and friends and home, Lambda Legal,

18 and all the other organizations that have

19 sponsored this.

20 I want to thank you all for

21 today. This is an incredibly

22 important moment in our nation's history, not to

23 mention in our lives as lesbians and and

24 as non-gay people who care about same sex

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1 couples, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and

2 transgendered people.

3 We all have a stake in working

4 to make sure that our country keep its promise to

5 be in a country where everyone has the right to

6 be both equal and different and where no one has

7 to give up her or his difference in order to be

8 treated equally.

9 It is great to have these

10 kinds of sponsorships from these kinds of

11 organizations and this kind of roomful of people,

12 because it really makes us feel reminded

13 that we are among friends and we are not alone in

14 caring about those values of equality and holding

15 our country to its promise; but at the same time

16 when we come together in a group like this and

17 have the support of one another determined to do

18 something to shape history, it is sometimes easy

19 to lose sight of an important fact. That fact

20 is that in all 50 states today lesbians and gay

21 men, people who are different from the majority,

22 are second class citizens.

23 No matter how strong we may be

24 as individuals, no matter how rich our community,

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1 no matter how productive our lives, no matter how

2 dedicated we are, each and every one of us who is

3 gay is a second class citizen in this country;

4 and that is the backdrop against which we

5 struggle to hold our country to its promise.

6 We are denied important

7 protections for ourselves and for our families.

8 We are denied our basic equality as citizens. We

9 are denied simple dignity and respect for our

10 love, our loved ones, our personal commitment to

11 other human beings, and our families' equal worth.

12 This denial is shameful. It is un-American.

13 It is wrong.

14 It is contrary to the arc of

15 history, and we are the ones who are privileged

16 to be here today at a moment in time where

17 history is bending and we can change and

18 eliminate this injustice as part of the arc of

19 history toward equality, inclusion and respect.

20 Now, this second class

21 citizenship, of course, has prevailed throughout

22 all of American history.

23 It was there at the dawn of

24 the modern civil rights movement for lesbians and

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1 gay men with Stonewall in 1969.

2 It was the backdrop against

3 which same sex couples -- including

4 transgendered couples, including lesbian couples,

5 including gay couples -- challenged the exclusion

6 from marriage from the very birth of the gay

7 rights movement.

8 There was a wave of cases in

9 the early '70s, another set in the '80s. The exclusion

10 endured throughout the first 17 years of our

11 our movement's

12 history in which we challenged this

13 and exclusion against our

14 families, the exclusion from marriage, the second

15 class citizenship, and in that 17 years from 1969

16 to 1986. What we saw in 1986 was a decision from

17 the Supreme Court in the Hardwick case in which

18 the Court said that it was okay to deny gay

19 people basic constitutional protections.

20 It was okay to deny us what

21 the Court at that time called the right to

22 privacy, what the Court now calls more aptly, the

23 right to liberty, to personal freedom.

24 The Court said it was

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1 facetious to suggest that there is any connection

2 between gay people on the one hand and in the

3 Court's words procreation, family or marriage;

4 and, therefore, it was okay to deny us the basic

5 entitlements as citizens. That was the first 17

6 years of the modern gay history from '69 to '86.

7 What happened in the second 17

8 years from '86 to 2003 when we saw the wonderful

9 powerful heroic ruling of the Supreme Court in

10 the Lawrence case that my dear friend and

11 colleague, Pat Logue, who worked on that case, will talk

12 about.

13 What changed? What enabled

14 the Supreme Court to come back to the question of

15 gay people's entitlement and the constitutional

16 protection due intimacy and family and love, to

17 the constitutional standards of equality and

18 personal freedom? What enabled them to get right

19 in 2003 what they got so wrong in 1986?

20 Why were the second 17 years so

21 different from the first 17 years?

22 Well, the answer is that in

23 the 17 years between 1986 and 2003 we showed the

24 country and it turned out we showed the Court

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1 that in fact there is every connection between

2 gay people, like other human beings, and parenting

3 and family and, yes, marriage.

4 In the second 17 years of the

5 modern history of our movement we captured,

6 claimed, and reclaimed the vocabulary of love,

7 commitment, family, intimacy, self-sacrifice, and

8 dedication that is the vocabulary of marriage.

9 By claiming the word marriage, by getting the

10 country to put the words "gay" and "lesbian," "same sex

11 couple" and "marriage" in the same sentence, we

12 found a way of crystallizing a whole new

13 understanding of who we are and what we seek and

14 how wrong the exclusion is.

15 Now, we were not the first

16 people in this country's history to struggle to

17 claim the vocabulary, to claim the equality of

18 marriage.

19 In 1987, the year after we took

20 the five-to-four hit that seemed at the time

21 devastating and almost insurmountable from the

22 Supreme Court in the Hardwick case --

23 In 1987 another group of

24 Americans came before the Supreme

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1 Court challenging their exclusion

2 from the institution of marriage.

3 In order to address the

4 question of whether the government could exclude

5 that group of Americans from marriage, the

6 Supreme Court said we first need to determine

7 what is marriage under the American

8 Constitutional scheme.

9 What is marriage in American

10 modern life today?

11 What is marriage under the law

12 and under the standards of quality that our

13 constitution mandates?

14 The Supreme Court identified

15 four important, in their words, "attributes" or

16 elements of marriage today in American life.

17 Those four, the Supreme

18 Court said, are: first, "Marriage, the Court said,

19 is a paramount and important statement of one's

20 commitment to another that receives public

21 support, a statement of commitment personally

22 made to another that receives public support."

23 The second important attribute

24 of marriage, the Supreme Court, said is that

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1 marriage is for many people of great personal,

2 spiritual or religious significance.

3 It is a passage in life of

4 important spiritual and even religious dimension

5 for many.

6 The third important attribute

7 of marriage the Court identified is that marriage

8 offers at least the prospect of what

9 the Court, in its language, called physical

10 consummation, which most of us call something

11 else....

12 The fourth important attribute

13 of marriage the Court identified is that marriage

14 in our system is the gateway to a vast array of

15 tangible and intangible, public and private,

16 legal and economic protections, responsibilities,

17 and benefits that make a concrete and real

18 difference in people's lives in virtually every

19 area of their lives.

20 That is it. Those are the four attributes

21 of marriage identified by the Court in analyzing

22 the importance of the institution and the role it

23 plays under the law. Weighing those

24 interests, the Court said that the choice to

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1 marry, the freedom to marry is of great

2 importance; and these interests cannot be

3 arbitrarily denied to any group.

4 In weighing the interests, the

5 Court struck down the arbitrary restriction

6 enforced by the government against the group of

7 Americans who had come before the Court in 1987,

8 a unanimous ruling, by the way, written by that

9 flaming liberal, Sandra Day O'Connor.

10 Now, the group of Americans

11 who came before the Court in 1987 challenging

12 their exclusion from marriage was prisoners.

13 The Court said that these attributes of marriage

14 are so important in peoples' lives that they

15 cannot be arbitrarily denied even to convicted

16 felons.

17 Well, today in all 50 states

18 no matter how committed their relationship, no

19 matter how long they have been together, no

20 matter how much they need the protections and

21 responsibilities that come with marriage and come

22 only with marriage for their loved ones, same-sex

23 couples, lesbians and gay men are denied that

24 basic constitutional legal freedom to marry.

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1 As you all know here and what

2 brings us in such force tonight is that we all

3 know that history is again on the move and that

4 this exclusion like previous wrongs in American

5 history is coming to an end.

6 We also know it's not always going to be

7 pretty. We know it is not going to

8 happen overnight. We know that some states are

9 going to lead toward equality while others resist

10 to the very end.

11 We know that politicians are

12 going to demagogue as well as manifest profiles

13 in courage.

14 We know that the Courts are

15 going to split, and we know that the public is

16 grappling.

17 We know that our opponents are

18 on the move, but we know that we, too, can move and

19 we, too, can make a change.

20 Last year at the end of this

21 second 17-year arc the world really shifted,

22 because on June 10th, Judy Garland's birthday, a

23 new dynamic entered into American history. For the

24 first time in our nation's history, our country,

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1 the United States, is actually touching a country

2 that is treating its gay citizens with full and

3 equal respect.

4 As of June 10th, Canada began

5 ending marriage discrimination and thousands of

6 couples, including hundreds of American couples,

7 including couples in this very room, same sex

8 couples are now legally married; and Niagara Falls

9 is still falling, but the sky has not.

10 Those couples are role-

11 modeling for our non-gay neighbors the basic

12 reality here, which is that ending marriage

13 discrimination helps families, makes a real

14 difference in some people's lives, while hurting

15 no one.

16 Beginning with that June 10th

17 milestone, the cascade of events and steps toward

18 equality and exciting openings of possibilities

19 just did not stop.

20 We don't even have time to go

21 through all of them -- from Wal-Mart to the Episcopal

22 church.

23 Pat is going to talk about

24 Lawrence and the Supreme Court decision, and

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1 there all I have to say that I rarely agree

2 with Justice Scalia, but when he is right, he is

3 right.

4 He said in Lawrence that the

5 restriction of marriage to opposite-sex couples

6 now rests on fairly shaky grounds, and he knows whereof

7 he speaks.

8 It didn't stop there, because

9 as the cascade of heroic and important steps

10 toward equality took place and as Americans every

11 week seemed to have to open their eyes to new

12 understanding, new news, new pictures, new

13 images, new " Eye" arrangements, on November

14 18th another landmark event took place.

15 The high court of the State of

16 Massachusetts ruled that the exclusion from

17 marriage lacks any logical, sufficient, necessary,

18 good reason and government may not discriminate

19 against any group of Americans, may not

20 discriminate against couples in love when it

21 doesn't have a sufficient or good or necessary

22 reason; and, therefore, the denial of a marriage

23 license has to stop.

24 The Massachusetts high court

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1 ruled that the state has 180 days to clean up its

2 act, get the forms in order, get the clerk's

3 offices ready, and begin issuing the marriage

4 licenses.

5 Those 180 days expire on

6 May 17, 2004, the 50th anniversary of Brown

7 v. Board of Education; and right now in

8 Massachusetts we have a victory shimmering

9 within reach, the possibility of bringing home to

10 our American neighbors the reality that our

11 Canadian friends have already experienced -- that

12 marriage equality can be allowed without people being

13 harmed, that ending discrimination favors all and

14 hurts no one. At the same in Massachusetts we

15 see the same kinds of efforts to resist and flout

16 and delay and block the law that we have seen in

17 other civil rights movements in American history;

18 and history is watching now as they do what they

19 do and as we do all what we do.

20 Now, I said we are not the

21 first people to fight on the battleground of

22 marriage.

23 This is not the first time

24 that marriage has been the place on which

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1 questions of citizenship, equality and fairness

2 and people rising to the good angels of their

3 nature, and others resisting and manifesting the

4 worst, have played out.

5 We don't have the hours to spend

6 all the time going through the arc of history and

7 the ways in which marriage has been invoked, but

8 let me just briefly remind you of four major

9 changes in the institution of marriage and access

10 to it that have taken place within the lifetime

11 of most of the people in this room.

12 Our opponents like to say that

13 marriage has been the same for 6,000 years, and

14 that is why it should remain the same as if

15 somehow 6,000 years of doing something wrong is a

16 constitutional reason for not doing it right. But

17 they are not even right about their claim.

18 In our lifetime and not in

19 other countries but here in the United States,

20 there have been four major changes in the

21 institution of marriage, each at least arguably

22 as sweeping or as substantial a change in the law

23 of marriage as anything proposed here tonight;

24 Those four are: First, ending the invidious

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1 restrictions on who can marry whom based on race.

2 As most of you know here, that is not some

3 artifact from the Civil War.

4 The exclusion and the

5 restriction based on who can marry whom or

6 whether you are allowed to marry someone of

7 quote/unquote the "wrong" race continued in this

8 country until 1967 when in the best-named case

9 ever, Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court

10 said that must stop.

11 When the Supreme Court ruled

12 in Loving v. Virginia that our country's

13 promise of equality did not permit this kind of

14 restriction on marriage, the polls showed 70

15 percent of the American people supported

16 restrictions on interracial marriage, but the

17 Court did its job and our country is better for

18 it. That was the first revolution.

19 In the second revolution or

20 change in the marriage law, we ended the

21 restrictions that prevented people from leaving a

22 failed or abusive marriage.

23 It wasn't that long ago that

24 people literally had to leave their states and go

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1 to some other state in order to get out of an

2 abusive marriage; and when they came home from

3 Reno or wherever that classic, "The Women," might have you believe

4 it took place, when they came home, they often had

5 to litigate whether they were still married or

6 not, because some states would say divorce is against

7 God's law. It's against God's plan. It's against the definition of

8 marriage.

9 People literally did not know from

10 day to day or state to state whether they were

11 married or not; and eventually again the Court

12 stepped in and said, "It is intolerable to have a

13 country where people don't know from state to

14 state or day to day whether they are married," and

15 found that your divorce properly entered into

16 must be honored throughout the rest of the

17 country.

18 How anomalous it would be if

19 your divorce has to be honored throughout our

20 country but your marriage need not be.

21 The third major change in our

22 lifetime in the institution of marriage was a

23 very important one.

24 It was ending the legal

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1 subordination of women that took place in the

2 "traditional" institution of marriage.

3 It was not that long ago that

4 women who got married actually lost legal rights.

5 For much of American history women lost their

6 legal identity as a separate person when they got

7 married.

8 The whole Mr. and Mrs. "His

9 Name" thing reflected the law that said that

10 their identity was fused as one, and it was his.

11 Women lost legal rights when

12 they got married; and, again, this was no

13 artifact from some ancient era as our opponents now would like

14 people to believe.

15 As a young attorney, I myself --

16 while not doing pro bono work for Lambda, my

17 day-time job was to work as a prosecutor and I

18 worked on the case that led to the ending of what

19 was called under New York law the

20 exemption; and that provision of law which at one

21 time existed in all 50 states and existed until

22 1984 in New York.

23 That provision of law said

24 that a husband could not be prosecuted for raping

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1 his wife because he had a right to take what he

2 wanted.

3 This is not the ancient past.

4 Those battles are live and real and strong, but we ended

5 the legal subordination of women in this country

6 and "redefined" marriage, if you will, as a

7 commitment and relationship of equals.

8 In the fourth major change in the institution of

9 marriage, the Courts found that the government

10 has no business dictating first to married people --

11 ultimately extended to unmarried people --

12 dictating important decisions on whether or not

13 to use, for example, contraception. That case

14 was in 1965, Griswold v. Connecticut.

15 The reason I stopped to

16 mention the name of the case is because you may

17 have heard about it a little recently. It came

18 up and not just in the Lawrence case.

19 It came up when, as you may

20 remember, Senator Santorum several months ago

21 chose to make an attack on the Supreme Court in

22 the hopes of intimidating the Court from ruling

23 as they ultimately did in Lawrence. Santorum's

24 diatribe got a lot of

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1 attention, because he did a lot of

2 and particularly because he went on to a riff

3 about "man on dog sex"; but in the course of that

4 tirade, Senator Santorum also attacked

5 Griswold, attacked the right to privacy,

6 attacked the Court's important role in clarifying

7 that in America decisions such as whether or not

8 to use contraception, let alone whether or not to

9 marry and whom to marry, that those decisions

10 belong to the people, not to the politicians.

11 Senator Santorum attacked that

12 principle. Yes, indeed, marriage has been a battleground

13 throughout American history.

14 Marriage remains a battle

15 ground today and gay people's freedom to marry is

16 but part of that longer arc of choice and

17 equality and separation of church and state and

18 the proper boundary between the individual and

19 the government and respect for personal

20 commitment and personal choice and the pursuit of

21 happiness as opposed to those who would impose

22 their worldview through the weapon of the

23 government on others.

24 When we stand up to fight for

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1 the freedom to marry, we stand not only for gay

2 people. We stand not only for the non-gay and

3 gay children being raised by lesbian and gay

4 parents -- children who are being punished by our

5 government for having quote/unquote the "wrong"

6 kind of parents, by having their families denied

7 the vast array of protections and

8 responsibilities that cut across every area of

9 life from Social Security to access to health

10 care to immigration to parenting rules

11 to medical decision-making.

12 Those kids, those families,

13 are denied those protections because their

14 families are denied the freedom to marry; and

15 when we stand up and fight, as we must at this

16 juncture in history, we fight for them. But we

17 fight for more than just those kids, more than

18 just gay couples, more than just those families.

19 We fight for our country's

20 commitment to equality and choice and the proper

21 respect for individual freedom and for stronger

22 communities, because what Canada has shown, what

23 Europe is finding, what countries from Taiwan to

24 South to Israel to countries in South

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1 America... what they are showing the United States

2 is that a country, a jurisdiction, a place that

3 respects people's choice is a country, a place,

4 that is upholding the values that America we

5 believe stands for. And when we join in that

6 fight, we join in this historic work of keeping

7 America true to that promise.

8 Now, we have three important

9 concurrent tasks at this juncture in history.

10 There are three things we are called upon to do,

11 because this is not just a history lesson.

12 This is not just something

13 that happened in Hawaii or Vermont or

14 Massachusetts.

15 This is our country.

16 This is as live as the State of the Union, as

17 present as here in Illinois where anti-gay

18 legislators are introducing yet another set of

19 measures to write yet another layer of

20 discrimination here in this state against its

21 families.

22 This is a battle waged in

23 every corner of our country where our opponents

24 are seeking to make our country a house divided,

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1 and this civil rights moment has called us.

2 It is we who are called upon

3 to stand up now and make the difference. In

4 doing so we have three concurrent tasks, and I

5 hope that when we get to questions and answers

6 and after we hear more legal information from Pat

7 and more of the nuts and bolts of what is going

8 on here in Illinois, that we can talk directly

9 about what this group of determined, committed gay

10 and non-gay people can do in these three

11 concurrent tasks.

12 The three concurrent tasks in

13 front of our civil rights movement today are,

14 No. 1, to secure the marriage licenses in

15 Massachusetts.

16 Right now Governor Mitt Romney is

17 getting ready to pull an Orval Faubus, or for those

18 who don't know that piece of history, a George

19 Wallace.

20 Some politicians are

21 literally standing in the doorway to block loving

22 couples from crossing the threshold.

23 They are seeking to interfere

24 and delay and obfuscate and prevent the

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1 Constitution's clear command of equality, as

2 recognized by the Supreme Judicial Court of

3 Massachusetts, from taking effect. So that the Brown

4 v. Board of Education anniversary can receive

5 the historic acknowledgement that is so fitting, we

6 must oppose that effort to block

7 equality in Massachusetts, and we must

8 bring that victory home by supporting the

9 people in Massachusetts who are on the front

10 lines of liberty right now.

11 The second concurrent task,

12 because we have to do them together, is we must

13 in every state in the country and certainly here

14 at home in Chicago and here in Illinois, we must

15 repel attacks.

16 Whether it be the outrageous

17 notion of writing discrimination into the United

18 States Constitution for the first time ever in

19 American history to take rights away 20 and to fence a group of Americans out, or whether it be the

21 ballot measures and state constitutional

22 amendments layer upon layer

23 of discrimination being proposed in states

24 that have already enacted anti-gay and

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1 anti-marriage legislation on top of the second

2 class citizenship we already have by not being

3 able to marry -- whichever form those attacks take,

4 we must repel this concerted campaign of attack

5 that is underway state by state by state and at

6 the federal level right now.

7 The third concurrent task is

8 while doing these important pieces of work, we

9 must enlist diverse and compelling messengers to

10 tell their stories and to find their voices in

11 the public debate, the debate that we are

12 winning.

13 Why is the right wing mounting

14 this attack?

15 Why are they seeking to put

16 yet another law upon top of another law on top of

17 another law to discriminate? It is because they

18 know they are losing the discussion.

19 They are losing, because the

20 more people talk about it, the more they hear

21 what the Court in Massachusetts heard, what the

22 Courts in Canada heard, what the Court in Vermont

23 heard, what the Court in Hawaii heard. They are

24 hearing that there is no good reason for this

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1 exclusion.

2 The key to winning this

3 struggle is to fight against the attacks but most

4 of all to reach out to our neighbors; to take a

5 personal responsibility to tell our stories, have

6 our voices heard; and to ask our neighbors and

7 particularly our non-gay families, friends,

8 co-workers and neighbors to do the same.

9 The right wing is trying to

10 stampede through this attack now, because they

11 know it's their last shot, but fortunately for us

12 the more they try to stampede an attack, the more

13 people talk. If we can just withstand the

14 attack enough, that talk is what is opening

15 people's hearts and minds to allow them in

16 Lincoln's words to "think anew" and to do what they

17 have done in other junctures in American history:

18 move toward equality, inclusion, respect and

19 fairness.

20 The opponents of equality

21 cannot shut this down, because as

22 Martin Luther King said, truth pressed to earth

23 will rise again; and the truth is that ending

24 discrimination is the American thing to do.

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1 The truth is there is no good

2 reason for this discrimination. The truth is that,

3 as King said, the time is always right to do right.

4 The truth is we are winning

5 this fight. The truth is most Americans are

6 fair.

7 The truth is non-gay people

8 can be led to care and to accept and to speak out

9 in favor of equality; and if we do our work now,

10 we are the generation that will be able to say --

11 as we like to think we would have said, had we

12 lived 30 years ago, when there was another civil rights

13 moment -- we stood up and we did our part.

14 Here in Illinois, here in the

15 United States, as all around the world people are

16 doing, let's do our part. Thank you.

17 (Applause.)

18 MR. WILSON: Thank you, Evan, particularly

19 for laying a foundation and demonstrating why

20 this issue is so critical right now as well as

21 providing all of us with an overview of what we

22 can do.

23 I want to underscore one

24 important thing that personally is very

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1 informative, and that is the role that family and

2 friends can play in understanding just what is at

3 stake.

4 I think that it's critical

5 from my own experience understanding when people

6 realize that you can get married and contrary to

7 the Congress in 1996, former President Clinton or

8 Bush under his current what he calls Marriage

9 Protection Week, there is no need to defend

10 marriage from us.

11 I think that the battle ground

12 is going to be waged in the families and the

13 friends of all of us who see that this is no more

14 threatening to their relationships or their

15 livelihood or their rights to participate fully

16 as Americans as anything else, and I think that

17 is welcome.

18 I would like to now introduce

19 Pat Logue, who is senior counsel and recently interim legal director for

20 Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.

21 Pat has been very active in

22 all of this over the years and is going to

23 provide us all with an understanding of some of

24 the legal issues that are at stake.

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1 MS. LOGUE: I first want to join in

2 thanking everyone who helped put this together

3 from Jenner & Block and the Bar Associations and

4 thank my friend, Evan, for coming out here.

5 It's “the truth” that Evan is a

6 hard act to follow, but I will do my best; and my

7 goal here is to fill in some of the legal stuff,

8 a little bit of the details.

9 I want to just point out that

10 in the back are all of my colleagues from

11 Lambda Legal, my current colleagues who have done

12 a tremendous amount of work on this issue,

13 including leading up to our Freedom to Marry

14 event on February 12th which should be really

15 fun. I hope people can turn out for that.

16 There is a tremendous amount

17 of material on our web site as well that you

18 should take a look at if you can – www.lambdalegal.org.

19 I thought I would structure my

20 remarks around some of the fundamental

21 misconceptions that a lot of people in the world

22 have.

23 It was interesting to me when

24 we won the sodomy case how many straight

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1 friends came and said, "I had no idea there were

2 any laws like this anywhere in the country. This

3 is ridiculous."

4 Likewise, with marriage there

5 seems to be a fundamental misconception that we

6 can get married somewhere in the United States,

7 and it seems to always be Hawaii. Sorry. We

8 didn't quite prevail there. We took our best

9 shot. But no, there is no where that we can get

10 married in the United States.

11 So I am going to talk about

12 where we are with that legally. There is another

13 misconception out there that gay people really

14 don't need marriage. We could just write a

15 couple documents. What is the big deal? So we

16 will talk a little bit about that.

17 And then this newer thing

18 about “isn't good enough,” or "Why

20 do you have to call it marriage? What is

21 the big deal?" Given

22 Bill's absence, I will also talk a little bit about

23 Lawrence.

24 So while I look forward to revising

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1 this statistic, still we can't get married

2 anywhere in the United States, even though the

3 last census showed that same sex couples live in

4 over 99 percent of the counties in our country --

5 and I am quite sure in those other counties there

6 were some people that went uncounted -- hundreds of

7 thousands of self-reporting gay and lesbian

8 couples to a federal government that doesn't

9 exactly encourage self-reporting on such things.

10 A large percentage of us have

11 children at home that we raise, of course, as

12 well as anyone else.

13 So our claim to this is really

14 no different from the claims of anyone else who

15 wants at least the opportunity to marry, wants to

16 make that decision for themselves.

17 I want to talk a little bit

18 about the Goodridge case. Goodridge is such a

19 ray of light.

20 The Massachusetts Court got it

21 in a way that it is just a refreshing breath of

22 fresh air and common sense in dealing with what

23 are some really flawed arguments that the other

24 side makes and also with some really difficult

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1 legal and social issues that come into play here.

2 It invokes Lawrence. It

3 invokes Troxel, but it really invokes the history

4 of Massachusetts, their own protection of gay and

5 lesbian rights over the years, their own really

6 strong constitutional commitment to equality.

7 They just put out there that

8 civil marriage, what we are talking about here, is

9 a wholly secular institution. You do not need to

10 go to a church or synagogue to get married in

11 this country and we shouldn’t confuse what’s at issue.

12 They remind us marriage is at once an intensely personal

13 and intimate act, but also a very public act,

14 something that through doing it integrates you

15 into the social fabric of our country

16 in a way that nothing else does.

17 The benefits of the

18 institution of marriage really touch

19 everything on the road from life to death, and

20 they just lay this out there in a way that if you

21 haven't had a chance to read this or if you have

22 straight friends who are lawyers who really want

23 to get caught up, have them read this decision.

24 It invokes the Loving case and

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1 Perez, the California state decision that in 1948

2 was the first decision to roll back the

3 prohibitions against interracial marriage.

4 Goodridge says that the

5 marriage exclusion does not even survive even the

6 most deferential form of “rational basis” scrutiny

7 for you lawyers out there.

8 They didn't have to get into

9 the high and mighty question about strict

10 scrutiny or compelling justification.

11 It can't meet the lowest level

12 of scrutiny. The decision rejects the contention that there

13 is some connection between procreation and

14 marriage in our country.

15 There are no tests of

16 sterility and ability or desire to procreate

17 to get married in our country.

18 It takes apart the connection

19 that is sometimes drawn between heterosexual marriage and

20 children.

21 Massachusetts, one of the

22 longstanding states for second parent adoption

23 and equal treatment of parents of gay and lesbian

24 children, has a lot of experience to draw on and

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1 rejects the notion that gay and lesbian families are not good for children.

2 The court construes civil marriage to be the voluntary

3 union of two persons as spouses to the exclusion

4 of all others.

5 And my favorite line, "We

6 declare that barring an individual from the

7 protections, benefits and obligations of civil

8 marriage solely because that person would marry a

9 person of the same sex violates the Massachusetts

10 Constitution."

11 They get this other key point

12 that I think is obscured sometimes because we use the language of “same

13 sex marriage” and “equal marriage” and all this – that

14 it's about marrying the person that you love.

15 That is what it's about.

16 I am a little tired of being

17 told “what do you mean you don't have equal

18 marriage rights, you can marry any man you want.

19 What is the big deal?”

20 It's about marrying the person we love,


22 the one irreplaceable person that you have

23 fallen in love with and want to marry; and that is

24 what this is about.

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1 When we talk about liberty and

2 intimacy and privacy and equality, that is what

3 we are talking about. I should be able to marry my partner

4 , if I so choose.

5 You should be able to marry

6 your partner and not “someone from List A.”

7 (Laughter.)

8 MS. LOGUE: So, hopefully, as I have said,

9 this will come about in May 2004 in

10 Massachusetts.

11 There is this sort of side

12 show going on right now, the advisory opinion

13 action, where the Senate of Massachusetts has

14 gone to the Court for an advisory opinion, which

15 is actually quite common in Massachusetts unlike

16 most states; and they want permission in advance

17 from the Court to say “what about if in response

18 to your ruling that says you cannot exclude same

19 sex couples from marriage, we were to pass a law

20 that said, ‘Same sex couples are excluded from

21 the institution of marriage, but we will give

22 them civil unions.’ Would that satisfy your

23 decision?"

24 There has just been a lot of

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1 briefing on that. Lambda participated in an

2 amicus in the Goodridge decision and also in this

3 action just reinforcing to the court the tradition of not

5 accepting so-called separate but equal solutions in our

6 country; and we hope that the advisory opinion side show

7 will go by the way side.

8 And in -- what is it now, 120days or so,

9 Massachusetts will start the process of

10 marrying people and joining with Canada in

11 broadening access to this right in North America.

12 Also, out there in New Jersey, is

13 Lambda's challenge on behalf of seven couples. We

14 lost in the trial court in the fall, which --

15 well, I will just move on from there to say we

16 are now in the intermediate appellate court in

17 New Jersey.

18 We are briefing away trying to

19 digest what seem to be daily developments on

20 this issue and work them into that case.

21 I have to say a bit about the

22 cases that have gone before in Hawaii and Alaska, both

23 examples of successful rulings followed by

24 constitutional amendments.

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1 We can't underestimate the

2 power of the other side to get majority support

3 for laws and constitutional amendments that would

4 try to deprive us of this right, what is starting to

5 be a usual rather than an unusual technique of just changing the rules

6 and applying a hammer to squelch all discussion,

7 trying to take care of the issues all at once.

8 There is this notion that somehow

9 they can consistently say “well, this is a state

10 by state issue and we leave it to the states;” but

11 as soon as one state grants this, it’s “we need a

12 federal constitutional amendment, because we must stop that

13 judicial activism.”

14 Where would we be with civil

15 rights without what they call “judicial activism,” which really

16 just means fulfilling a fundamental judicial role, of course,

17 of enforcing the constitution.

18 The second fundamental

19 misconception out there is that we don't need

20 marriage to protect our relationships and

21 families, and while I don't want to deprive any of you

22 of business if you are domestic relations

23 lawyers, there is only so much you can do.

24 Please, please do a will. Don't say “I'll do it

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1 next week.” Do a will. Do powers of attorney.

2 Do guardianships if that is in your life plan, for

3 yourself and your children. Do second parent

4 adoption if you have that option.

5 Do these things. But let's

6 acknowledge that there is only so much you can

7 do.

8 There are more than a thousand

9 federal benefits tied to marriage. There are

10 hundreds of benefits in Illinois tied to

11 marriage. Your paychecks reflect deductions

12 every month for Social Security.

13 You are paying for other

14 people to get death benefits when their spouse

15 dies.

16 We are paying for other

17 people to get pension benefits when their spouses

18 die or retire, and these are things that no

19 amount of agreements that I can take into court

20 with my partner are going to help with.

21 Those agreements, of course,

22 as we have seen, only go as far as they go. They are subject to

23 revocation, subject to dishonor. We had this

24 difficult case of this guy who traveled across

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1 country with his partner, armed with a perfectly

2 valid power of attorney; but when his partner

3 needed care in Maryland, the hospital wouldn't

4 honor it, and maybe it was just a bureaucratic

5 error, but what happened in six hours, the six

6 hours it took for his partner's family to arrive

7 to say he should be let in, his partner slipped

8 into a coma.

9 He died shortly thereafter and they

10 never got to say goodbye, let alone exercise

11 those powers of attorney. So do them, but we

12 cannot stop there. We can't stop there.

13 The third fundamental

14 misconception, I guess, that is out there now is

15 that civil union is the same thing; and civil

16 unions are a regularly available thing.

17 There is no doubt that civil

18 unions are a good thing, but they are not

19 equality, and they are not marriage.

20 Let me just talk a little bit

21 about that.

22 People say “why do you go after marriage equality?

23 What about .”

24 First, I have said for many years that

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1 what Evan is doing -- and this man is truly a

2 hero -- but what Evan is doing and what Lambda

3 Legal is doing to seek marriage equality is the

4 surest way to secure domestic partner benefits

5 and civil union. It’s all connected.

6 There is no doubt in my mind

7 that if you are not reaching for true equality,

8 you will not be getting people to move along the

9 continuum even as far as they are.

10 We would not have civil unions

11 in Vermont without a challenge to the marriage

12 policy.

13 We wouldn't have registered

14 domestic partnerships in California without the

15 pressing of thousands of gay people there for marriagey.

16 We wouldn't have what they

17 call reciprocal beneficiary laws in Hawaii.

18 One thing leads to another when you make the case

20 for, equality but none of those should be confused with true equality.

21 So even if we’ve had improvements

22 in the landscape, we don't have what other people

23 have.

24 The thing about civil union,

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1 -- and this is another example or parallel to the

2 first misconception about all the places we

3 can get married -- people seem to think that civil

4 unions are widely available. ‘Why don't you just

5 go get a civil union?”

6 They can register us in Cook

7 County, which is very nice, but only Vermont has

8 this thing called civil union. By the way you don't need

9 a residency requirement to go there.

10 You don't need a residency

11 requirement to go to Canada and get married. In

12 both cases there are residency requirements for

13 divorce. I just wanted to point that out. Just

14 in case. You never know. Sometimes things don't

15 go right.

16 But a civil union is only a

17 parallel structure. We call it separate, but not truly

18 equal. It is an attempt by the State of Vermont at a

19 political compromise,

20 It attempts to give all the state

21 based incidents of marriage to same sex couples,

22 within Vermont and it does do mostly that; but what Vermont cannot do

23 is make that institution portable across state

24 lines.

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1 What it cannot do is insert

2 the words “civil union” where the word “marriage”

3 appears in thousands of laws and policies in our country.

4 It cannot -- and God forbid, because

5 we are in a mobile environment, you got

6 transferred from Burlington to the City of

7 Chicago – because Vermont cannot guarantee that the great

8 officials of our State will see you as anything

9 more than an unmarried couple with no legal

10 relationship whatsoever.

11 So I don't want to belittle

12 it, because it's really an important advance, but

13 separate but equal is inherently unequal.

14 The other piece of it is

15 that -- and Evan touched on this a lot --

16 it's about exclusion. There’s a

17 profound statement of inequality, personal

18 inequality, in the whole notion that we need

19 separate institutions

20 .

21 It's not even like there were civil

22 unions already and someone brought a marriage challenge and

23 they said, "Well, we have civil unions, that is

24 good enough.” It was “Let's come up with something

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1 totally different. We are so scared, we are so

2 unwilling to include you.”

3 “We are so unwilling to say

4 that you are as worthy of this as we are, that we

5 are going to go out of our way to create an

6 entirely separate thing,” And it excludes us not

7 just from the institution, but from the language

8 of marriage.

9 I am not big on rhetorical

10 stuff, but this is really important. Think about

11 what it means when someone says to you they are

12 married.

13 Think about all the things

14 that go into this in our cuilture -- maybe you had this from your

15 parents, the urging in our society of people to

16 get married, the emphasis on marriage, marriage, marriage and

17 what that means in everyday social life.

18 Have you tried to tell someone

19 “I am civil unionized?”

20 (Laughter.)

21 MS. LOGUE: And “I am a registered partner.”

22 (Laughter.)

23 MS. LOGUE: These are good things, but it

24 doesn't convey it. It just begins a conversation

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1 instead of taking you along to the shared social

2 understanding of what your relationship is about.

3 There are some problems with

4 marriage in this country. We are talking in

5 ideals. We are talking about having the same

6 rights and decisions that others have.

7 But we can't deny as some people

8 try to do that there is a fundamental difference in whether

9 you have that access or not. You can't just create a second

10 institution and pretend that it's the same thing.

11 The Court said in Goodridge,

12 "Civil marriage is at once a deeply personal

13 commitment to another human being and a highly

14 public celebration of the ideals of mutuality,

15 companionship, intimacy, fidelity and family."

16 And then, quoting Griswold, "’It is an

17 association that promotes a way of life, not

18 causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths;

19 a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects.’

20 Because it fulfills yearnings for

21 security, safe haven, and connection that express

22 our common humanity, civil marriage is an

23 esteemed institution and the decision whether and

24 whom to marry is among life's momentous acts of

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1 self-definition."

2 I would like to think those

3 are the words of a court that is not about to

4 back down from equal marriage rights and

5 hopefully, as Evan said, we will soon have

6 many more gay people in our country who get

7 married and this notion that the world is going

8 to fall apart will hopefully lose some of its

9 steam.

10 Let me talk a little bit about

11 Lawrence. I am really sorry that Bill

12 Hohengarten couldn't be here to talk about that.

13 I don't know how many of you

14 were here on June 23rd when Paul Smith and I were

15 here to talk about Lawrence, what we thought

16 would be the last possible day for a decision.

17 And then it was decided three days later, so we

18 had to come up with something to say.

19 Paul Smith's argument in the

20 case was just extraordinary, and Jenner &

21 Block's work on the case was just extraordinary.

22 Bill Hohengarten was our

23 eloquent draftsperson, the major writer of our

24 briefs. Of course, we all contributed. I am

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1 just really sorry that he couldn't be here. He

2 is very thoughtful on these issues.

3 The Goodridge case draws

4 positively on Lawrence. I must point out that the

5 Standhardt case, a case that is currently on

6 appeal in Arizona on marriage rights that so far

7 have been denied also draws on Lawrence,

8 wrongly in my opinion, saying basically that

9 it is not even relevant to marriage equality.

10 The trial court in Lewis, our New

11 Jersey case, produced something like an 80-page

12 opinion with one passing mention of Lawrence.

14 There is something in Lawrence,

15 in Justice Kennedy's opinion for everyone.

16 Justices Kennedy and Sandra Day O'Connor went out

17 of their way to distinguish the case in front of

18 them from marriage, each having.

19 some sentence in there to the effect that

20 we are not deciding marriage today.


22 Let me just step back and say that every amicus

24 brief in support of Texas in this case basically

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1 said briefly:

2 “You should keep the Texas

3 , and now here's 15 pages on why you

4 should not grant equal marriage rights.”

5 This whole emphasis coming out of Lawrence and

6 the events of the summer, the “backlash,” are part of a very

7 orchestrated plan by our opponents to turn all of

8 this into a line in the sand discussion about marriage.

9 And in the end, and ironically, it's

11 Justice Scalia, who says this decision is all about marriage,

12 who says you have already won that issue today.

13 I think he is at least correct that

14 the opinion is really quite helpful for equal

15 marriage rights, even though there is a very

16 strong sense of “don't be hurrying back here any

17 time soon." .

18 Lawrence v. Texas was a substantive due

19 process ruling, a liberty ruling, a privacy

20 ruling. The Court is usually hard on those

21 cases, and the big door closer is “we are not

22 creating any new fundamental rights in this country.”

23 Marriage though is already one of

24 those recognized fundamental rights. So we may

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1 well see a case one day that comes back somewhat

2 in the posture that Lawrence came, which is

3 basically if we understand what this right is really

4 about, we have to understand that it has to be

5 available on equal terms to everyone.

6 In the Hardwick case, as Evan

7 said, it was called “facetious” to think of fundamental

8 rights of sexual intimacy that included the homosexual side of it.

9 In Lawrence the Court

10 understood -- Justice Kennedy understood -- that the

11 claim in Lawrence was about liberty for all, about spatial

12 and more transcendental aspects of privacy for all, about our rights

13 of intimacy, our right to have a space free from

14 government, our right to make decisions free from

15 government.

16 I often wonder how government

17 got into the business of marriage, but it’s there and our right

18 to make some decisions for ourselves and to keep

19 the government out of those decisions – such as who to marry and

20 to be intimate with – is strongly reinforced in Lawrence. So if it comes in that

21 posture, of course, of vindicating liberty for all you can expect us to make

22 those connections between the two frameworks.

23 It may come one day in the form of just pure

24 equal protection, i.e., “You can’t exclude us from what

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1 you grant everyone else.”

2 And here we encounter these

3 arguments that marriage is “by definition” the union of

5 a man and a woman; and, therefore, you are not

6 similarly situated to people who want to get

7 “married” because you don't want to

8 enter into something that is between a man and

9 woman. You are trying to do something else,

10 which involves someone of the same sex.

11 Therefore, you are not talking about equal entry

12 into the same institution. You are talking

13 something entirely different, and we don't

14 recognize that."

15 There are a lot of people in

16 the country, we have to understand, who really do

17 fundamentally think that what we are asking for

18 is something different from what they have and

19 the choices that they make. But of course it is the state that

defines who can marry, as it defines who can practice

law or sit at a lunch counter, and in the end equality is

not going to be held captive to discriminatory definitions.

20 I want to share just a few bits from the

21 majority opinion in Lawrence that I think are really

22 important.

23 First, that it was based in a

24 very modern understanding of liberty, not just

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1 what was etched in stone when the 14th Amendment

2 or the original constitution was passed, but

3 looking really at what is happening over time in the states, which is

4 frankly a lot of why so much energy is put in by

5 our opponents to have these state laws passed that try to

6 emphasize that they won't want us to marry.

7 But it also goes beyond that and

8 looks at the notion of liberty in a much more

9 fundamental way. It's not just tracking and

10 keeping score of who is willing to give who what

11 rights, but what is it that we as a free people

12 expect to be left up to individuals to decide for ourselves.

13 “At the heart of liberty are

14 intimate and personal choices central to the

15 dignity and autonomy of the person,” specifically

16 mentioning marriage, procreation, contraception,

17 family relationships, child rearing and education

18 and saying -- and I quote, "Persons in a

19 homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for

20 these purposes just as heterosexual persons do.” This certainly

21 suggests that there is something to be made

22 of the decision in the marriage context, as in Goodridge. Over time

23 we are going to figure that out.

24 I do want to emphasize that

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1 the New Jersey case and the Massachusetts case,

2 are only proceeding on

3 state constitutional grounds.

4 We are trying to work within

5 the traditional understanding of our country that

6 marriage and family law is drawn on a

7 state-by-state basis, and we should ask the

8 states to do this under their own laws.

9 One day this will become a

10 federal issue. One day a married couple will run

11 into DOMA, the federal law that says your

12 marriages will not be recognized.

13 One day someone may have to

14 file a tax return and not know what to say, and

15 will have no choice but to go to federal

16 court, but we counsel patience.

17 I think sometimes when

18 people come into this issue for the first time,

19 they get a fearfulness about “you are trying to do

20 so much so fast. Can't you see that there is all this

21 backlash, stop, stop.” And really we have been at

22 this a long time, a long time. We have been patient.

23 Evan personally has been at

24 this more than a decade. There were cases 20, 30

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1 years ago. We have only filed at Lambda Legal

2 two affirmative marriage cases. Listening to people you would think

3 we were suing in every court in the country.

4 We have been patient, and we

5 continue to be patient and we continue to be

6 strategic and to focus on public education.

7 We continue to weigh the

8 dangers that are out there, but we have to continue to

9 move forward; and I can't emphasize this enough and I

10 will repeat Evan's three things there at the end.

11 We need to secure those marriage licenses in

12 Massachusetts. Why? Because we need more

13 married people walking around among us, not so

14 much among the gay community, although that is

15 important, but among our friends. We need our

16 friends to wake up and realize what is going on

17 out there.

18 We need to repel the attacks

19 in Congress and every state in the country. If

20 it hasn't happened yet, it will be happening

21 soon.

22 It's important that we are

23 heard and that it becomes if not a majority, at

24 least the sense that there is nothing to be

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1 gained politically by going down this road.

2 We do need to enlist the

3 divergent and compelling voices to tell these

4 stories to broaden the message, to broaden the

5 messengers to show that like minded reasonable

6 people who vote in addition to us support this.

7 I was really pleased to see in

8 the wake of Goodridge just an upsurge in the

9 number of op eds, the number of letters

10 to the editor from people who really should have been

11 attuned to this maybe for a long time, but

12 obviously were coming to a new deeper

13 understanding of what is going on, and people are

14 saying, "What is the big deal?" Give equality.

15 So many straight people are

16 coming forward to say, "We don't need to defend

17 my marriage by denying yours. There is nothing to defend. We

18 will be fine."

19 Lambda Legal and Freedom to Marry can't go

20 it alone. First we ask you to support our

21 organizations, but mostly we ask you to go out

22 there and do that work, the one-on-one work of

23 coming out at a new level about your relationship

24 and about your support for marriage equality.

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1 I think we are ready for

2 questions and answers.

3 (Applause.)

4 MR. WILSON: Thanks, Pat.

5 I think it’s a testament to Lambda's

6 work, the State of New Jersey where they have

7 been very active for a number of years on the

8 local level where the town halls, schools have

9 all been part of an education movement, I think

10 the latest opinion polls are 59 of people

13 consistently polled are in favor of equal

14 marriage rights throughout the State of New

15 Jersey.

16 MS. LOGUE: It is similar in polls in

17 Massachusetts.

18 MR. WOLFSON: And in Massachusetts, and

19 you see also in the National polls that the

20 number of people who tend to either oppose it are

21 people who believe in marriage per se or

22 religious institution or it comes from the church

23 and not from the State much more heavily oppose

24 the idea and people who are either older or have

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1 not had any personal exposure when the polls go

2 further and ask the people whether they know

3 anybody who has been situated.

4 I think the last New York

5 Times poll had the last question was know

6 homosexual, as in k-n-o-w and I think only 47

7 percent owned up to it, but it does play a role.

8 I think it is education, and I

9 think, as Pat says, it's vocabulary.

10 It is a question people don't

11 know how to talk about these things, and part of

12 it is because the word marriage is something that

13 people just -- we all I think intuitively have an

14 image of what it is, part of that socialization

15 and certainly a lot of it has to do with American

16 culture and pop culture.

17 I would like now to turn it

18 over to questions, and please feel free to ask a

19 question.

20 If you would stand, sure. Go

21 ahead just so everybody can hear and identify

22 yourself for the record.

23 MR. CASTILLO: The first part is a

24 statement. The second part is a question. My

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1 name is Robert Castillo.

2 I am a member of the City's

3 Advisory Council on Lesbian Gay Bisexual and

4 Transgendered issues.

5 This past Wednesday the

6 Council passed a resolution condemning both the

7 federal marriage amendment and the proposed State

8 constitution in the amendments.

9 The second thing we actually

10 did was to approve the letter to President Bush

11 concerning the State of the Union address about

12 the mention of the marriage amendment as well as

13 abstinence only program and how they impact

14 GLBT's who can't wait, because there is no marriage

15 for you.

16 My question is considering the

17 existence of DOMA, will that be used if

18 Massachusetts does grant marriage license, will

19 that be used to hamper your decision or will that

20 then be used to go ahead and challenge DOMA?

21 MR. WOLFSON: The question is about the

22 federal anti-marriage law passed in 1996, the

23 so-called "" or DOMA.

24 Just to take a moment to remind people of what

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1 that law is, its most important element was to

2 say that from now on for the first time in

3 American history, the federal government will not

4 follow the State's lead with regard to family

5 relations and particularly marriage, but instead

6 we will now have in the United States a caste

7 system of marriage.

8 Under so-called DOMA, we have first-class marriages

9 for people whose marriages the federal government

10 likes, and those people get all of the

11 protections, benefits and responsibilities under

12 federal law in all circumstances. As Pat

13 mentioned, there are well over 1,049 -- the federal General

14 Accounting Office actually stopped counting at

15 1,049, because there are too many ways in which

16 marriage connects to the federal law.

17 For people whose marriages the

18 federal government doesn't like, for the first

19 time in American history, we now have second-

20 class marriages; and those marriages, though

21 lawful, will get none of the protections,

22 benefits and responsibilities under federal law

23 and no matter what the circumstances, no matter

24 where, no matter what is at stake.

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1 The only people who qualify

2 for the category of second-class marriage are gay couples, the

3 people in America who unlike prisoners can't get

4 married.

5 So that is what the federal

6 anti-marriage law does. What it did not do is

7 say that states may not end this discrimination.

8 What it did also was say

9 that if a state does legally marry people, other

10 states may choose to disrespect or not honor that

11 lawful marriage.

12 So, this federal

13 discriminatory piece of legislation

14 is

15 purporting to change normal rules under which our

16 country operates whereby states honor the lawful

17 marriages, the lawful unions, the laws and

18 decisions and the judgments of other states, part

19 of our national unity.

20 The federal anti-marriage law

21 of DOMA has not been challenged because you can't

22 go into court and say that my marriage is being

23 discriminated against until you have one; and

24 since up until recently, same sex couples were

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1 not able to legally marry anywhere in the world.

2 Only in 2000 did the first country, the

3 Netherlands, end marriage discrimination

4 followed by a second country in Europe, Belgium.

5 Others are on the way, and now Canada.

6 Now, in Massachusetts the

7 prospect of same-sex couples getting legally

8 married is on the horizon as if we do our work of

9 defending that civil rights triumph.

10 Some people immediately go to

11 where the questioner went, and ask

12 will there be challenges to the federal

13 anti-marriage law, this discriminatory radical

14 piece of legislation, once people are allowed to

15 marry? I think in the course of time there

16 almost certainly will be challenges to that law.

17 But I want to point out that

18 people should not immediately rush to that point,

19 because our country actually has a much longer

20 history of figuring out how to address these

21 kinds of questions, and that is the law of

22 marriage and the law of how to treat marriages

23 that has been developed between the states.

24 For more than 200 years of

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1 American history the states have worked out among

2 themselves how they are going to honor other

3 state's marriages, and in virtually every case,

4 over 200 plus years -- when I was at

5 Lambda, my colleagues and I read all of those

6 cases -- in virtually every case, no matter what

7 the state said it was going to do, no matter how

8 much it was discriminating itself in marriage,

9 when faced with a married couple, a real-life

10 family, in a real-life circumstance, in virtually

11 every instance, the state chose for its own

12 policy reasons to honor the marriage, because

13 there are better policy arguments for honoring

14 and respecting families than there are for

15 disrespecting and destabilizing a marriage. The

16 states made those decisions without a federal

17 constitutional standard, without federal

18 constitutional intervention, without many federal

19 court cases at all, though there are a handful in

20 American history.

21 So once marriage

22 discrimination ends in some state, other states'

23 businesses, people will now be looking not at a

24 hypothetical, but a reality, a real family in a

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1 real situation; and the general practice, the

2 general principle, the general standard of law

3 not via the Constitution but in law itself will

4 be in favor in general of honoring the marriages.

5 At the same time we know that

6 some states, some businesses and for a time, as I

7 said earlier, the federal government will

8 discriminate against those marriages. There

9 will be a patchwork in which there will be court

10 cases, legislative discussions, and growing public

11 awareness that the Federal government is beating

12 up on a legally married couple, and that is the

13 discussion we look forward to having, not only in

14 court but in the public arena of the years to

15 come.

16 MR. WILSON: Next question.


18 when I see this argument, it is about equal

19 protection under the law and privacy and

20 freedoms.

21 I rarely hear it argued

22 against because really when it comes down to it,

23 it's an establishment of a national religion and

24 unconstitutional on that basis because you are

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1 being denied civil benefits under the government

2 because you are ineligible for some religious

3 ceremony in most religions, and it just seems

4 like we can't adopt children because we are

5 sinners kind of in the federal government's eyes.

6 Is that something that people

7 have looked at or is that really not good

8 arguments against it?

9 MS. LOGUE: Well, first of all, it is safe

10 to say we have looked at everything.

11 (Laughter.)

12 MS. LOGUE: It certainly has religious

13 elements, but it's not really for the most part

14 focusing on these issues.

15 We are not challenging the

16 right of religions to marry people, and there is

17 no requirement for civil marriage in this

18 country that a religion approve it.

19 We are challenging the access

20 to civil marriage in our country, and certainly

21 marriage is an important dimension in the lives

22 of many religions and to some extent marriage

23 inequality reflects the traditions of many

24 religions, but I don't think it's correct or

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1 helpful as a First Amendment issue to

2 equate civil with religious marriage. There are many religions who marry

3 us.

4 There are many religions who

5 are embracing and affirming our relationships,

6 and I just think it's a mistake to think of it in

7 terms of religion on one side and gay people on

8 the other.


10 clarify, the government is going to enforce our

11 religious ideal of saying that marriage is a man

12 and a woman, because really that is the only

13 argument that there is that it must be a man and

14 a woman is religious ones; and the federal

15 government is going to enforce a religious ideal.

16 MR. WOLFSON: You are right, that a lot of

17 the opponents of equality and the opponents of

18 ending discrimination in marriage will refer to

19 religion or their particular religions' views, and

20 they talk about a quote/unquote "sanctity" of

21 marriage or the sacrament of marriage, which some

22 religions believe very deeply and others do not.

23 And then they muddle that into

24 a discussion about what the government should be

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1 doing with regard to legal or civil marriage

2 licenses. In reality,

3 we are talking here about legal

4 civil marriage licenses and the proper argument

5 to defend what the government does has to be

6 made on a secular basis. The fact of the

7 matter is that a lot of the language of our

8 opponents tries to blur that line.

9 So you are correct in pointing

10 out the need to be clear about the difference. You are also correct in

11 highlighting the fact that there are many

12 religious leaders, many faiths, many

13 congregations that do indeed perform religious

14 marriages of same sex unions, although the law

15 treats those religiously married equals as

16 nothing more than legal strangers; but at the end

17 of the day as a legal matter in terms of

18 constitutional and legal argument, this is not

19 about religious marriage.

20 It is about legal marriage,

21 and the courts would not say that just because

22 the government is restricting marriage that way

23 that necessarily is a religious imposition.

24 Because they would analyze in secular terms so

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1 must we engage in secular terms.



4 My question to you, Pat, is

5 does Lambda have any preference if we were to get

6 married as to how we fill out forms, in other

7 words, if we flew to Massachusetts in June and

8 got married, would Lambda have any preference as

9 to whether we should file as a married couple tax

10 forms and those types of things, or is that just

11 irrelevant at this point?

12 MS. LOGUE: Well, the question was whether

13 Lambda has a preference if people represent

14 themselves as married, once married in

15 Massachusetts or Canada or wherever on things

16 like tax forms.

17 Preferences notwithstanding,

18 it's really a legal question.

19 On the one hand, I would think

20 the most important thing is that in life and in

21 social interactions you need to not shy away from

22 identifying yourself as married, even though I couldn't

23 sit here as a lawyer knowing some of these

24 anti-marriage laws out there and safely say to

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1 you, always do it this way and there will never

2 be any repercussion.

3 You have to account for the

4 fact that some people do not view your marriage

5 as valid, but there are ways you can consistently

6 represent yourself as married. I can’t take into

7 account here the specifics of what any one person

8 should do in any one state on aparticular

9 legal issue.

10 I am not going to get into it

11 for obvious reasons, but it's a little bit of a

12 problem because you are married once you get

13 married; but if Illinois doesn't consider you

14 married, there is a lot of extra effort that goes

15 in socially and legally to preserving your

16 integrity.

17 MR. WILSON: So that everybody

18 understands, Illinois amended its marriage laws

19 in '96 when the Federal government passed DOMA to

20 specifically define marriage as a union between a

21 man and a woman.

22 It was one of like 30-some

23 states that had no distinction in the law that it

24 never qualified.

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1 It also passed a reciprocal

2 law that said it's the public policy of the state

3 that marriages between persons of the same sex

4 violates state public policy, and it went one

5 step further and said that persons who obtain

6 such marriages in other jurisdictions are

7 classified among so-called prohibited marriages

8 under the divorce act, which specifies what

9 marriages are acceptable.

10 So it said citizens of this

11 state who go elsewhere and obtain a marriage

12 which would not be allowed here, that is another

13 class of marriage.

14 Those are the hurdles in

15 Illinois, and now two representatives 10 days ago

16 introduced an amendment to the State constitution

17 to specifically provide that under the

18 constitution of IllinoisIit's illegal as well.

19 MR. WOLFSON: Let me just add, Richard is

20 correct in everything he is saying, as is Pat;

21 and I will add the fact that there was a period

22 of time, a very long period of time in our

23 country's history, where there were many states

24 that refused to allow people who were in

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1 interracial couples to marry; and some of them

2 went so far -- further than even Illinois has done

3 in Richard's explanation -- making it a crime to

4 marry someone of quote/unquote the "wrong" race;

5 and nevertheless in most of the cases in which

6 those states were confronted with an actual

7 married couple who had gotten legally married in

8 other states and who were an interracial couple,

9 they would still honor that marriage, even though

10 in their own state to marry someone of

11 quote/unquote the "wrong" race was a crime.

12 So the real answer here and no

13 matter how many versions of the question Pat or

14 Richard or any other lawyers get asked, the real

15 answer is that for a period of time there will be

16 a patchwork of discrimination on the one hand and

17 respect on the other with a lot of uncertainty.

18 That is just how it is going

19 to play out -- just as it did under interracial

20 marriage, just as it did with divorce, just as it

21 has in other episodes in American constitutional

22 life.

23 And so if you are not the kind

24 of couple that can deal with uncertainty, then

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1 you have to think seriously about whether you are

2 ready to enter into marriage at this time given

3 the house divided that our opponents have made

4 America.

5 But, on the other hand, if you

6 are the kind of couple that can deal with that

7 mix of respect, discrimination, and uncertainty,

8 and want to have the opportunity to make your

9 statement because you love each other and you

10 want the world to know and you can deal with that

11 uncertainty, then you have a contribution to

12 make, not necessarily by litigating, not

13 necessarily by fighting every act of

14 discrimination, but by telling the story and

15 showing the face and allowing fair-minded people

16 to think anew.

17 MR. WILSON: Yes.

18 MR. WALTERS: I am kind of thinking in a

19 way the kind of context for test and error.

20 I think if we are able to get

21 civil unions, where I am able to see my partner

22 in the hospital, we are able to make decisions,

23 we are able to adopt children.

24 In other words, you brought up

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1 earlier the religious issue for a lot of people.

2 Marriage is considered religious things. If we

3 get a civil union that is outside of that, it is

4 very much the same as it would be if you went and

5 got a judge; and we have a very hot election

6 coming up.

7 We have an issue there that is

8 going to fire up a lot, and the Supreme Court has

9 several members that very well could resign in

10 the next term and very well even reverse that

11 decision. It is not all that etched in stone.

12 What I am wondering is: Isn't

13 it better to in some ways tone down the rhetoric

14 that go for more practical civil unions and

15 things and see that they can actually raise

16 children and be responsible families and not feed

17 right into the religious or Republicans right now

18 on this marriage issue, which they are going to

19 make a very hot issue in the next election.

20 MR. WILSON: Could you identify yourself?

21 MR. WALTERS: I am Bill Walters. I

22 actually deal with criminal law, but I do follow

23 this issue

24 MR. WILSON: Thank you.

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1 MS. LOGUE: Did everyone hear the

2 question?


4 MS. LOGUE: Basically should we tone it

5 down a bit, settle for civil unionsnow

6 particularly with the election pending, and

7 et cetera, which is I think a very responsible

8 question; and these are difficult jobs that we

9 have, I just want to say.

10 It is not easy to navigate any

11 of these issues in ways that don't draw a lot of

12 fire.

13 There is no mistaking that you

14 cannot go through this issue without backlash.

15 You cannot take on this issue

16 without drawing the battle that we have drawn at

17 some point, and we shouldn't take ourselves out

18 just because it's an election year.

19 It is something we are going

20 to have to go through. Having said that, I think

21 that there is a lot to be gained right now by

22 continuing to talk that may be not possible to

23 gain in any other environment.

24 There is an attention to this

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1 issue. There is an opportunity to tell what we

2 are really talking about with people listening in

3 a way that we haven't had consistently for a very

4 long time.

5 I don't know about toning down

6 the rhetoric. I feel like our message is really

7 from the heart. I don't see a lot of fireworks.

8 I don't see a lot of throwing

9 of Molotov cocktails or whatnot. As I said,

10 Lambda has one affirmative case pending. GLAD has one case

11 pending.

12 We are trying to go about this

13 in the most responsible way possibly centering

14 those cases around really well-developed

15 education campaigns, that if you look in those

16 states, are having the effect of changing public

17 opinion.

18 So it's difficult because I

19 think you can't control all the forces out there.

20 If George Bush and his minions really want a

21 federal marriage amendment, they could probably

22 go to a vote in Congress at some point.

23 Whether they can get it

24 through 35 states, whether they can get it

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1 through this Congress, I don't think so but it’s possible.

2 But we know for our opponents that there is

3 political hay to be made while the sun is shining

4 on this issue, but I don't think we can back

5 away.

6 I think we just have to be

7 strategic and thoughtful about how we go about

8 it.

9 MR. WOLFSON: I just wanted to add one

10 piece to that answer, which I totally agree with.

11 First of all, as I am sure

12 people know, neither Freedom to Marry nor Lambda

13 Legal endorse candidates. We are non-partisan

14 organizations. We are civil rights

15 organizations.

16 But for those who do care, as

17 many of us do as individuals about the politics

18 of our country and the fate of our country, the

19 worst thing we could do is to abandon the field

20 and to think that somehow if we fail to engage in

21 a dialogue, that will end the dialogue and everybody

22 will play nice and somehow it will go on to

23 something else and somehow history will pass over

24 us. That is just absolutely not at all what will

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1 happen.

2 There is a discussion about

3 marriage in this country; and, as I said,

4 earlier, the discussion about marriage is not

5 just about marriage.

6 It's about love and commitment

7 and equality and gay people and where you stand

8 on gay people and whether you think gay people

9 should have any measure of protection, large or

10 small.

11 The attack on marriage is not

12 just an attack on our right to marry. The bill

13 that they are pushing through in Ohio right now

14 is aimed at preventing not just our access to

15 marriage, which they had already denied, but

16 the ability of localities and arguably private

17 employers to provide health benefits, civil

18 unions, domestic partnership, bereavement leave

19 or anything else.

20 The attack on marriage is part

21 of the right wing's agenda for its purposes.

22 The American people are having

23 an important discussion now about marriage and

24 lesbians and gay men and same sex couples and our

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1 kids and family, and they are having that

2 discussion in the vocabulary, in the inescapable

3 vocabulary of marriage. If we fail to engage in

4 that dialogue, we are not doing our job.

5 Our job is not to make it

6 easier for politicians to do what they want. Our

7 job is to make it easier for politicians to do

8 what we want, and what we want is full

9 equality.

10 (Applause.)

11 MR. WOLFSON: That is what is good for our

12 country.

13 And so when we do our job,

14 what we do is we engage in that dialogue with

15 self-respect and persuasiveness and respect for

16 our neighbors that they can be fair, and we talk

17 here in the language of full equality and family

18 and love and what the country means and all the

19 reasons why it won't hurt to end this

20 discrimination and all the people it will help.

21 We talk here in the hopes that

22 politicians learn more and more as indeed has

23 happened, will rise at least to here [hand held high]; but if we

24 drop our work down to here [hand held medium high], we make it much

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1 harder for the politicians even to come to here [medium],

2 let alone to the here [high] that is our birth right.

3 So it is our job to not run

4 away from this discussion but instead to approach

5 it with confidence that as in other chapters of

6 American history, discrimination that seemed part

7 of the natural order of things can indeed change.

8 The fact of the matter is it

9 can, and it is not just me saying that. It is

10 not just us telling ourselves that.

11 When the Hawaii Supreme Court

12 launched this national discussion a mere decade

13 ago, most Americans had never put the words gay

14 and marriage in the same sentence.

15 Now, well more than two-thirds

16 of Americans believe that we will win the freedom

17 to marry.

18 Young people overwhelmingly

19 support the freedom to marry and have a rightful

20 sense of entitlement to that equality that we

21 have given this generation; and many states show

22 majority support or near majority support and

23 certainly majority acceptance for this step

24 toward equality.

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1 Now is not the time to tone

2 down or turn off the rhetoric.

3 Now is the time to find more

4 messengers to deliver a compelling and diverse

5 and strong message of equality and engage with

6 our neighbors in this civil rights discussion,

7 because we know that we can win.

8 MR. WILSON: I might add there are many

9 voices on the right who are trying to make

10 themselves heard on this issue as well, strictly

11 on the same principles; and whether they are

12 politicians or family or friends, there are

13 plenty of people who believe this is

14 fundamentally wrong to continue this

15 discrimination.

16 I will take a few more

17 questions and then we have to wrap it up.

18 Yes, sir, in the back.

19 MR. MAHONEY: Michael Mahoney.

20 I was wondering has anybody

21 tried to use a Canadian marriage license in their

22 home state to start a process yet, or is it too

23 soon?

24 MS. LOGUE: I am not aware of any lawsuits

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1 out there seeking respect or recognition for

2 those marriages.

3 Certainly people have come

4 back to their employers and to their communities

5 and sought and in many cases obtained benefits and

6 rights that are reserved to married people and

7 have had success, and that is really what we

8 encourage people to do is don't just focus on the

9 court, but focus on building support among the

10 people you interact with everyday to be seen as

11 and treated as the married person that you are.

12 MR. WILSON: We will take two more.

13 MR. AUSTIN: My name is David Austin. I

14 am an associate here at Jenner & Block.

15 I am also the co-chair of the

16 CBA's civil rights committee, and I just wanted

17 to make a point adding on to the three things

18 that Evan said we all can do as individuals.

19 I think a fourth thing is

20 consider what we can do as groups and

21 organizations.

22 For example, the work that

23 Jenner did in the Lawrence decision wouldn't have

24 been possible if it hadn't been for the

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1 individuals who were willing to take it on

2 themselves to actually do the work pro bono; and

3 as an individual who also has a role of

4 responsibility within the CBA Civil Rights

5 Committee, I certainly can reflect on that and

6 see what I can do, for example, with the Gay and

7 Lesbian CBA committee to affect a way the CBA as

8 a whole either reviews or proposes state

9 legislation. The bar organization can certainly

10 have a role and can do something.

11 I know that the American

12 Constitution Society, which is one of the big

13 sponsors of the event this evening certainly has

14 a growing number of people who have professional

15 connections and dedication, and I think it would

16 be one nice outcome of this evening among us we

17 can bring our own individual commitment but bring

18 along with it the commitment or the interest of

19 the organization that we already belong to.

20 MR. WILSON: Thank you.

21 Yes, sir

22 MR. MC CAFFREY-BOSS: Christopher

23 McCaffrey-Boss, with a hyphen.

24 My question is about

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1 corporations and institutions that allege to

2 include marital status and sexual orientation in

3 their non-discriminating policies.

4 I worked in Chicago for an

5 organization that does, and we have partnered

6 with the University of Illinois who also includes

7 marital status and sexual orientation.

8 I was appointed as a faculty

9 member there with the university, and it was

10 withdrawn on Friday, because they realized on my

11 paperwork that I refused to answer that I was

12 either married or single.

13 I pointed out to them it was

14 in violation of their own policy, and at the end

15 I would have to sign that it was all true, and I

16 can't say that I am married.

17 I am sure not going to say I

18 am single. So, I would just like to tell you

19 that I am not going to back down on this, and I

20 would like your observations on that.

21 MS. LOGUE: Are you in fact legally

22 married somewhere?


24 MS. LOGUE: Or do you just consider

ESPIRITU & ASSOCIATES - (312) 263-1492


1 yourself not single and at least partnered and in

2 your hearts married?

3 MR. MC CAFFREY-BOSS: Right. I also think

4 I should apply the institution's policy.

5 MS. LOGUE: I am happy to talk about that,

6 but certainly with the issuance of a policy against marital status

7 discrimination it suggests that it's not relevant

8 what your marital status is.

9 I don't know if there are

10 other requirements that come into play at the

11 University or otherwise.

14 I think the issue of

15 marital status discrimination in the context of

16 people who are married in Massachusetts and

17 Canada will be interesting, but that is a little

18 bit different topic.

19 MR. WILSON: I am going to invite

20 everybody to continue the discussion over

21 cocktails.

22 MR. WOLFSON: I don't want to end without

23 inviting people not to just hear this

24 as something (hopefully) interesting, but to

ESPIRITU & ASSOCIATES - (312) 263-1492


1 actually take action.

2 This is a critical moment, as

3 your question directly pointed out in our

4 country's history, in our movement's history and

5 for families.

6 Everyone can make a

7 difference. On www.freedomtomarry.org there are tons

8 of action steps and links to all of the

9 organizations that are working on this cause -- from

10 wonderful organizations like Lambda Legal (www.lambdalegal.org) to

11 state groups, to non-gay allied groups, to

12 religious groups to others, and that is a growing

13 list; and we need your help to grow that list.

14 You can join up with whatever

15 group you are most comfortable working with.

16 You can access the resources

17 and the action steps to get involved, but the

18 single most important thing that each one of us

19 can do is to ask other people to think about this

20 and speak out.

21 There is no substitute for

22 that in a democracy; and if everyone here will

23 make a personal commitment to do that and ideally

24 then on top of that, write a check to the people

ESPIRITU & ASSOCIATES - (312) 263-1492


1 in Massachusetts, support wonderful organizations

2 like Lambda Legal, support political action here,

3 support the allies who speak out for us., we

4 will bring this to an end. We will bring this

5 discrimination to an end.

6 When we lost the Hardwick

7 case in 1986, there were people who felt we had

8 reached too high, people who felt we had suffered a

9 devastating blow, that our movement would not

10 recover.

11 It was at the height of the

12 AIDS epidemic. It was a terrible time for us,

13 but what did we do as gay people. We rallied.

14 We joined organizations like Lambda. We built

15 them. We fought back.

16 As non-gay people, we spoke

17 out in support of the civil rights movement. We

18 did not allow that one defeat to be the last

19 word, and 17 years later we won this incredible

20 victory, this strong victory, a victory

21 not just for gay people, but for all Americans with

22 more to come. That is what we get to do here.

23 There are periods in civil

24 rights history of creeping and periods of

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1 leaping.

2 There are times when you work

3 really, really hard and you do all the right

4 things, but it doesn't change.

5 It took 60 years between

6 Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board

7 of Education. But there are times of leaping.

8 We are in a time of leaping.

9 We are the ones who are writing the history that

10 is changing the understanding of young people

11 today and telling them that it's okay to be gay.

12 It's okay to dream that you can have a life

13 in which you commit to another person and build a

14 life together respected by your society. And we

15 are telling non-gay young people that it's wrong

16 to look down on others because they are

17 different.

18 We are the ones writing that

19 history, and everyone really needs to get up out

20 of this room and work with the organizations and

21 talk to your neighbors and write the checks and

22 make history and then we will be happy with the

23 history we have made. Thank you.

24 (Applause.)

ESPIRITU & ASSOCIATES - (312) 263-1492


1 MR. WILSON: Thank you.

2 We are running out of time;

3 but before we go, I would like to personally and

4 on behalf of the sponsoring organization, thank

5 Gail Morse from Jenner & Block for being a

6 critical part of the evening and for putting it

7 together.

8 I would also like to thank

9 both Evan and Pat for agreeing to do this and to

10 take the time as they did in the drive over here.

11 It's not terribly bad weather, but it's still

12 considered one of the windiest corners in the

13 City.

14 I would like to thank all of

15 you for coming and invite you all to join us in

16 the other room where there is some food and

17 reviving and further questions if you have them.

18 Thank you.

19 (Applause.)

20 * * * * *





ESPIRITU & ASSOCIATES - (312) 263-1492


1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS. 2 COUNTY OF DU PAGE ) I, PATRICIA A. ARMSTRONG, a 3 Notary Public within and for the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, and a Certified 4 Shorthand Reporter, CSR No. 084-001766, of said state, do hereby certify: 5 That the foregoing meeting transcript was reported stenographically by me, 6 was thereafter reduced to typewriting under my personal direction and constitutes a true record 7 of the proceedings had; That the said meeting was 8 taken before me at the time and place specified; That the reading and signing 9 by the witness of the meeting transcript was agreed upon as stated herein; 10 That I am not a relative or employee or attorney or Council, nor a relative 11 or employee of such attorney of Council for any of the parties hereto, nor interested directly or 12 indirectly in the outcome of this action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I do 13 hereunto set my hand and affix my seal of office at Chicago, Illinois this 14th day of February, 14 2004.



17 ______Notary Public, DuPage County, 18 Illinois. 19 My commission expires 03/23/05 20

21 C.S.R. Certificate No. 084-001766 22



ESPIRITU & ASSOCIATES - (312) 263-1492