AccessionIndex: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024 Accession Date: 8-Dec-2012 Accession By: Prof.J.G.Byrne Object name: Kepler’s Planetarium Vintage: c.1596 Synopsis: Georgius Vogelinus, reprint of Georg Rhaticus' famous book 'De Revolutionibus' that unveiled the astronomical theory of Copernicus, with a diagram of Kepler's first proposal for a Planetarium.

Description: To quote from [1]: “ Nicholas Copernicus's landmark work, 'De Revolutionibus,' might never have been published had it not been for Georg Joachim Rhäticus. In the sixteenth century, Nicholas Copernicus proposed the theory that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe. Although he had begun a manuscript to explain his theory, he had not completed it. Rhäticus, a mathematics teacher at Wittenberg who wanted to learn more about this new theory, traveled to Poland to visit Copernicus. During his stay with Copernicus, Rhäticus wrote and published this preliminary announcement of Copernicus's theory, 'The ,' or, 'The First Report.' “

The frontispiece is in abbreviated Latin, which assuming ‘ excellentiff. ’ abbreviates ‘excellentissimi ’ and ‘ ad clariff. ’ abbreviates ‘ ad clarissimum ’ then expands to:

De libris Revolutionum eruditissimi viri, et mathematici excellentissimi reuerendi D. Doctoris Nicolai Copernici Torunnaei Canonici Vuarmaciensis, Narratio Prima ad clarissimum Virum D. Joannem Schonerum, per M. Georgium Joachimum Rheticum, Una cum Encomio Borussiae scripta.

This translates (courtesy Dr.Dan McCarthy) to:

The books of orbits by the most erudite of men and most excellent mathematician, reverend D. Doctor Nicholas Copernicus of Torun, canon of Warmia, the First Account together with In Praise of Prussia, written by to the famous man, D. Joannes Schoner.

This is a reprint of the famous book on the early of (1473-1543) by Georg Joachim Rhaticus (1514-1576), written to Johann Schoner (1477-1547). Its publication in 1540 was the first unveiling of Copernicus's theory. Copernicus subsequently published his major work De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (1543), prompted by Rhaticus. In Jul-2016 a first edition of Rhaticus’ book sold for St£1,818,500 [2], but the item in this collection is a later reprint [3] by Georgius Vogelinus, physician reader (medical lecturer), in 1596 ( Anno MDXCVI).

This item was included by Prof.J.G.Byrne in this sliderule collection because Vogelinus included a diagram of Kepler’s first proposal for a planetarium. Kepler put forward two such proposals, the first in 1596 and the second in 1624-1625. His Astronomia Nova (1609), Harmonices Mundi (1619), and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (1621) built on Copernicus’ theory. Based on that theory, Kepler used ’s data to derive his famous three laws of planetary motion: (1) planets move in ellipses with the sun at one focus , (2) planets sweep out equal areas in equal times , and (3) the squares of the planetary periods are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun . His planetaria proposals were based on his evolving understanding of planetary motion, which in 1596 was still rudimentary.

Trivia: In his “Principia Mathematica” (1687), used his gravitational theory to derive Kepler's laws of planetary motion

Photographs courtesy Prof.J.G.Byrne and Dr.Arthur Hughes. Despite the photographs, this item appears to be lost; any information on its whereabouts will be very welcome .

Accession Index Location Vintage Object and Identification TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024.01 c.1596 Georgius Vogelinus, Kepler's Planetarium , reprint of Georg Rhaticus' famous book 'De Revolutionibus ', with a diagram of Kepler's first proposal for a Planetarium, 1596.

This item is properly part of the Literature category of this catalog, and is listed here too for convenience.

Accession Index Object with Identification TCD-SCSS-V.20121208.871 Georgius Vogelinus, ‘ De libris Revolutionum eruditissimi viri, et mathematici excellentissimi reuerendi D. Doctoris Nicolai Copernici ... ’, reprint of Georg Rhaticus' famous book 'De Revolutionibus' that unveiled the astronomical theory of Copernicus, with a diagram of Kepler's first proposal for a Planetarium, 1596.

References: 1. Linda Hall Library, De Libris Revolutionu[m]... Doctoris Nicolai Copernici. , LHL Digital Collections, 2016, see: Last browsed to on 2-Nov-2016.

2. Giancarlo Beltrame Library of Scientific Books, RHETICUS, Georg Joachim (1514-1574). De libris revolutionum eruditissimi viri...Doctoris Nicolai Copernici… Narratio prima. Gdansk: Franz Rhode , The Giancarlo Beltrame Library of Scientific Books, Part I, 2016, see: 6011087-details.aspx Last browsed to on 3-Nov-2016.

3. Georgius Vogelinus, De libris Revolutionum eruditissimi viri et mathematici excellentissimi reuerendi D. Doctoris Nicolai Copernici Torunnaei Canonici Vuarmaciensis (sic) Narratio Prima ad clarissimum Virum D. Joannem Schonerum per M. Georgium Joachimum Rheticum. Una cum Encomio Borussiae scripta. Georgius Vogelinus Medicus Lectori (wiersz) , Centrum Badawczego Bibliografii Polskiej Estreicherów (UJ), 2016, see: &offset=51542&index=30 Last browsed to on 3-Nov-2016.

Figure 1: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024-fig01 DE LIBRUS RE- VOLVTIONVM ERVDITIS- SIMI VIRI, ET MATHEMATICI excellentiff. reuerendi D. Doctoris Nicolai Copernici To- runnei Canonici Vuarmacienfis, Narratio Prima ad clariff. Virum D. Ioan, Schonerum, per M. Georgium Ioachimum Rheticum, VNA CVM ENCOMIO BO- rufsiae fcripta. ANNO M. D. XCVI.

Figure 2: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024-fig02 Kepler’s first proposal for a Planetarium (1596)

Figure 3: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024-fig03

Figure 4: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024-fig04

Figure 5: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024-fig05

Figure 6: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024-fig06

Figure 7: TCD-SCSS-U.20121208.024-fig07