Que1 :What Is Computer ?List Down the Different Characterstics of Computer ?
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Subject: Workshop on Computers for Management Program: MBA Semester: Ist Mku Faculty Name: lubna khan Submitted by: Sandeep Kumar Bage Que1 :What is computer ?List down the different characterstics of computer ? A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. Computer is a electronic data processing device that automatically: (a)accept and store input data (b)process the same and (c) output the processed result in forms of reports characteristics of computer or advantages: 1.high Speed : The computer is a very high speed electronic device. The operations on the data inside the computer are performed through electronic circuits according to the given instructions. The data and instructions flow along these circuits with high speed that is close to the speed of light. Computer can perform million of billion of operations on the data in one second. The computer generates signals during the operation process therefore the speed of computer is usually measure in mega hertz (MHz) or gega hertz (GHz). It means million cycles units of frequency is hertz per second. Different computers have different speed. 2 Arithmetical and Logical Operations : A computer can perform arithmetical and logical operations. In arithmetic operations, it performs the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on the numeric data. In logical operation it compares the numerical data as well as alphabetical data. 3. Automation :A computer can automatically perform operations without interfering the user during the operations. It controls automatically different devices attached with the computer. It executes automatically the program instructions one by one. 4. Versatility : Versatile means flexible. Modern computer can perform different kind of tasks one by one of simultaneously. It is the most important feature of computer. At one moment your are playing game on computer, the next moment you are composing and sending emails etc. In colleges and universities computers are use to deliver lectures to the students. The talent of computer is dependent on the software. 5. Diligence : A computer can continually work for hours without creating any error. It does not get tired while working after hours of work it performs the operations with the same accuracy as well as speed as the first one 6. Storage : A computer has internal storage (memory) as well as external or secondary storage. In secondary storage, a large amount of data and programs (set of instructions) can be stored for future use. The stored data and programs are available any time for processing. Similarly information downloaded from the internet can be saved on the storage media. 7. Retrieving data and programs : The data and program stored on the storage media can be retrieved very quickly for further processing. It is also very important feature of a computer. 8. Accuracy : In addition to being very fast, computer is also very accurate device. it gives accurate output result provided that the correct input data and set of instructions are given to the computer. It means that output is totally depended on the given instructions and input data. If input data is in-correct then the resulting output will be in-correct. In computer terminology it is known as garbage-in garbage-out. 9. Reliability : The electronic components in modern computer have very low failure rate. The modern computer can perform very complicated calculations without creating any problem and produces consistent (reliable) results. In general, computers are very reliable. Many personal computers have never needed a service call. Communications are also very reliable and generally available whenever needed. 10. Consistency : People often have difficulty to repeat their instructions again and again. For example, a lecturer feels difficulty to repeat a same lecture in a class room again and again. Computer can repeat actions consistently (again and again) without loosing its concentration: To run a spell checker (built into a word processor) for checking spellings in a document. To play multimedia animations for training purposes. To deliver a lecture through computer in a class room etc. A computer will carry out the activity with the same way every time. You can listen a lecture or perform any action again and again. 13. Communications : Today computer is mostly used to exchange messages or data through computer networks all over the world. For example the information can be received or send throug the internet with the help of computer. It is most important feature of the modern information technology. Que.2 What is a cache memory? How is it different from primary memory Cache memory : store the files which is continuously accessed by the system in order to reduce execution time of system. It is very necessary to periodically clean cache and registry for PC optimization. in computer science, a cache is a component that improves performance by transparently storing data such that future requests for that data can be served faster. The data that is stored within a cache might be values that have been computed earlier or duplicates of original values that are stored elsewhere. If requested data is contained in the cache, this request can be served by simply reading the cache, which is comparably faster. Otherwise (cache miss), the data has to be recomputed or fetched from its original storage location, which is comparably slower. Hence, the more requests can be served from the cache the better the overall system performance is. Hardware implements cache as a block of memory for temporary storage of data likely to be used again. CPUs and hard drives frequently use a cache, as do web browsers and web servers. A cache is made up of a pool of entries. Each entry has a datum (a nugget of data) - a copy of the same datum in some backing store. Each entry also has a tag, which specifies the identity of the datum in the backing store of which the entry is a copy. When the cache client (a CPU, web browser, operating system) needs to access a datum presumed to exist in the backing store, it first checks the cache. If an entry can be found with a tag matching that of the desired datum, the datum in the entry is used instead. This situation is known as a cache hit. So, for example, a web browser program might check its local cache on disk to see if it has a local copy of the contents of a web page at a particular URL. In this example, the URL is the tag, and the contents of the web page is the datum. The percentage of accesses that result in cache hits is known as the hit rate or hit ratio of the cache. How is it different from primary memory : Primary Memory is the memory that is directly accessible to the CPU. The computer needs this memory for constant processing of data and instructions. It reads instructions and executes them. RAM is a kind of Primary Memory. It is small in size, light but expensive also. Whereas a Cache Memory is a kind of memory which is used by the Central processing unit of a computer. It reduces the time to access the main memory. It is smaller in size, faster and stores copies of data from frequently visited locations. Primary memory is connected to the CPU Through a memory bus or a front end bus. RAM is used as primary storage having all such storage such that does not need to start the CPU. Cache memory works as an intermediate between CPU and main memory (Cache speed is faster than main memory), it contains only very small piece of information (instructions) while main memory can hold several process together in multiprocessing environment.Cache is very costly in comparison of main memory. Que 3 .What is menu bar, title bar, tool bar, status bar, rule bar, vertical scroll bar, horizontal scroll bar in MS-word window? Ans; 1. menu bar : A menu bar is a horizontal strip that contains lists of available menus for a certain program. In Windows programs, the menu bar resides at the top of each open window, while on the Mac, the menu bar is always fixed on the top of the screen. Despite this major difference, the menu bar serves the same purpose on each platform. 2.tool bar : A toolbar is a set of icons or buttons that are part of a software program's interface or an open window. When it is part of a program's interface, the toolbar typically sits directly under the menu bar. For example, Adobe Photoshop includes a toolbar that allows you to adjust settings for each selected tool. If the paintbrush is selected, the toolbar will provide options to change the brush size, opacity, and flow. Microsoft Word has a toolbar with icons that allow you to open, save, and print documents, as well as change the font, text size, and style of the text. Like many programs, the Word toolbar can be customized by adding or deleting options. It can even be moved to different parts of the screen. 3. title bar : A bar on top of a window. The title bar contains the name of the file or application. In many graphical user interfaces, including the Macimntosh and Microsoft Windows interfaces, you move (drag) a window by grabbing the title bar. 4.status bar : In software the status bar is located at the bottom of the GUI (graphical user interface) that shows the user different bits of information about the program they are using. For example, on a Web browser, the status bar shows the progress of loading of Web pages into the browser window.