
Trade in Endangered Species Order 2000

Michael Hardie Boys, Governor-General

Order in Council

At Wellington this I st day of May 2000

Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council

Pursuant to section 53 of the Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Council, makes the following order.


I Title Schedule 2 Commencement New First, Second, and Third Schedules 3 New First, Second, and Third substituted in Trade in Endangered Schedules substituted in Trade in Species Act 1989 Endangered Species Act 1989 4 Revocations

Order 1 Title This order is the Trade in Endangered Species Order 2000.

2 Commencement This order comes into force on the 28th day after the date of its notification in the Gazette.

370 2000/64 Trade in Endangered Species Order 2000 c14

3 New First, Second, and Third Schedules substituted in Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989 The Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989 is amended by revoking the First, Second, and Third Schedules, and substi­ tuting the schedules set out in the Schedule of this order.

4 Revocations The following orders are revoked: (a) Trade III Endangered Species Order 1991 (SR 19911135): (b) Trade III Endangered Species Order 1993 (SR 1993/268): (c) Trade in Endangered Species Order 1997 (SR 19971129).

371 Schedule cl 3 New First, Second, and Third Schedules substituted in Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989

First Schedule s3(1) Species endangered by trade

The families and species listed in this schedule are arranged. not in alphabetical order. but in descending order in which they developed. This order of arrangement is adopted in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. and is the order of arrangement generally adopted by zoologists. The entries in the column headed "Exceptions/limitations" have the effect of either- (i) excluding nominated populations of the listed species; or (ii) limiting the application of the listed species to only those populations nominated; or (iii) excluding certain species from a generic listing; or (iv) excluding nominated varieties of specimens of the listed species.

Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Mammalia- Monotremes-Monotremata Marsupialia-Marsupials, wallabies, kangaroos, etc Oasyuridae Sminthopsis longicaudata long-tailed marsupial mouse Smimhopsis psammophila large desert marsupial-mouse Thylacinidae Thylacinus cynocephalus Tasmanian tiger Peramelidae Chaeropus ecaudatus pig-footed bandicoot Macrotis lagotis rabbit-eared bandicoot Macrotis leucura lesser rabbit-eared bandicoot Perameles bougainville barred bandicoot First Schedule--continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common lIame Exceptionsllimitations

Vombatidae Lasiorhinus krefftii northern hairy-nosed wombat Macropodidae Lagorchestes hirsutus western hare wallaby Lagostrophus Jasciatus banded hare wallaby Onychogalea Jraenata bridled nailtail wallaby Onychogalea lunata crescent nail tail wallaby Potoroidae Bettongia spp, rat kangaroos Caloprymnus campestris desert rat-kangaroo Chiroptera-, flying foxes, etc Pteropodidae Acerodoll jubatus golden-capped fruit Acerodoll lucifer Panay giant fruit bat illsularis Truk fruit bat Pteropus mariallnus Mariana fruit bat Pteropus molossillus Pohnpei fruit bat Pteropus phaeocephalus Mortlock fruit bat Pteropus pilosus large Palau fruit bat Pteropus samoellsis Samoan fruit bat Pteropus tOllgallus insular flying fox Primates-Monkeys, lemurs, tamarins, etc Lemuridae Lemuridae spp. lemurs Megaladapidae Megaladapidae spp. lemurs Cheirogaleidae Cheirogaleidae spp. dwarf lemurs, mouse lemurs Indridae Indridae spp. avahi, sifakas, indri Daubentoniidae Daubelltollia madagascariellsis aye-aye w til -...l (') .j>. :r First Schedule---{:ontinued 0 0.. E- Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations o Call i thri ci dae Callimico goeldii Goeldi's marmoset Callithrix aurita white-eared marmoset Callithrix jlaviceps buff-headed marmoset Leontopithecus spp. lion tamarins ...>-3 Saguinus bicolor Brazilian bare-faced tamarin III Saguinus geoffroyi cotton-headed tamarin !I)=- !:i" Saguinus leucopus white-footed tamarin Saguinus oedipus cotton-headed tamarin ~ III=- Cebidae Alouatta coibensis ~= Alouatta palliata mantled howler-monkey ...!I) Alouatta pigra Guatemalean mantled howler-monkey !I) til=- Ateles geoffroyi !rontatus black-browed spider monkey "CI !I) Ateles geoffroyi panamensis red spider monkey ;"t'l Brachyteles arachnoides woolly spider monkey '" Cacajao spp. uakaris a0 Chiropotes albinasus white-nosed saki ...!I) Lagothrix jlavicauda woolly monkey N c Saimiri oerstedii red-backed squirrel monkey c Cercopithecidae Cercocebus galeritus galeritus Tana river mangabey Cercopithecus diana Diana monkey Macaca silenus wanderoo Mandrillus leucophaeus drill tv Mandrillus sphinx mandrill 8 Nasalis concolor pig-tailed langur Q 0\ Nasalis larvatus proboscis monkey .j>. First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptionsllimitations

Cercopithecidae­ Presby tis potenziani mentawi leaf-monkey continued Procolobus pennantii kirkii Kirk's colobus Procolobus rufomitratus Tana river colobus Pygathrix spp. langurs Semnopithecus entellus Hanuman langur Trachypithecus geei golden langur Trachypithecus pileatus capped Jangur Hylobatidae Hylobatidae spp. gibbons, lesser apes Hominidae Gorilla gorilla gorilla Pan spp. chimpanzees Pongo pygmaeus orang-utan Xenarthra-Anteaters, sloths, armadillos Dasypodidae Priodontes l1luxil1luS giant armadillo Lagomorpha-Rabbits, etc Leporidae Caprolagus hispidus Assam rabbit ROl1lerolagus diazi volcano rabbit Rodentia-Squirrels, rats, chinchillas, porcupines, etc Sciuridae Cynol1lYs mexicanus Mexican prairie dog Muridae Leporillus conditor stick nest rat Pseudol1lYs praeconis shark bay mouse Xerol1lYs myoides false water rat Zyzol1lYs pedunculatus central rock rat First Sched U)e-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Chinchillidae Chinchilla spp. chinchillas except all domesticated specimens

Cetacea-Whales, dolphins Platanistidae Lipotes vexillifer Chinese dolphin Plaranista spp. Ganges and Indus dolphins Ziphiidae Berurdius spp. beaked whales Hyperoodon spp. bottle-nose whales Physeteridae Physeter catodon sperm whale Delphinidae Sotalia spp. river dolphins, tucuxi Sousa spp. humpback dolphins Phocoenidae Neophocaeno phocacnoides black fin less porpoise Phocoella sinlls Pacific harbour porpoise Eschrichtidae Eschrichtilis rohuslus gray whale Balaenopteridae Balaenoptera acutorostraW lesser rorqual except population of West Greenland which is included in the Second Schedule Bafaenoptera borealis sei whale Bafaenoptera edelli Bryde's whale Balaenoptera muscullts blue whale 13afaenoptera physalus fin whale Megoptcra novaeallgliae humpback whale Balaenidae Balaena mysticetus Greenland right whale Euhalaena spp. right whales Neobal aenidae Cape rea nwrgillaia pygmy right whale First Schedule--continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Carnivora-Dogs, bears, otters, weasels, mongooses, racoons, hyenas, cats Canidae Canis lupus grey wolf limited to the popUlations of Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan Speothos venaticus bush dog Ursidae Ailuropoda melanoleuca giant panda Ailurus fulgens lesser panda Helarctos malayanus sun bear Melursus ursinus Indian sloth bear Tremarctos ornatus spectacled bear Ursus arctos brown bear limited to the populations of Bhutan, China, Mexico, and Mongolia Ursus arctos isabellinus red bear or Himalayan brown bear Ursus thibetanus Asiatic black bear Lutrinae Aonyx congicus Cameroon clawless otter limited to the populations of Cameroon and Nigeria Enhydra lutris nereis southern sea otter Lontra felina marine otter Lontra longicaudis long-tailed otter LOlUra provocax southern river otter Lutra lutra Eurasian otter Pteronura brasiliensis giant Brazilian otter Mustelinae Mustela nigripes black-footed ferret Viverridae Priollodoll pardicolor spotted linsang w CI:l -.J (") 00 ::r First Schedule--continued n> 0- E- Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations n> Felidae Acinonyx jubatus cheetah except annual export quotas for live specimens and for hunting trophies for Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe Caracal caracal caracal limited to the populations of Asia ~ Catopuma temmincki Temminck's golden cat c.= ~ Felis nigripes black-footed cat 5r Herpailurus yaguarondi jaguarundi limited to the populations of Central tr.l and North America c.== Leopardus pardalis Ocelot = IIQ== Leopardus tigrinus little spotted cat .,~ Leopardus wiedii margay c.~ Lynx pardinus Spanish lynx r:I:J '= Neofelis nebulosa clouded leopard n~ ;" Oncifelis geoffroyi Geoffroy's cat '" Oreailurus jacobita mountain cat .,0 Panthera leo persica Asiatic lion c. .,~ Panthera onca jaguar ~ Panthera pardus leopard g Panthera tigris tiger Pardofelis marmorata marbled cat Prionailurus bengalellsis bellgalellsis leopard cat limited to the populations of Bangladesh, India, and Thailand Prionailurus plalliceps fiat-headed cat tv Prionailurus rubigillosus rusty-spotted cat limited to the population of India 8 Puma cOllcolor coryi Florida cougar ~ ~ First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Felidae-continued Puma concolor costaricensis Costa Rica cougar Puma concolor cougar eastern puma Uncia uncia snow leopard

Pinnipcdia-Seals, walrus, sea lions Otariidae Arctocephalus townsendi Guadelupe fur seal Phocidae Monachus spp. monk seals Proboscidea-Elephants Elephantidae Elephas maximus Asiatic elephant Loxodonta africana African elephant except the populations of Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe

Sirenia-Sea cow, dugong, manatee Dugongidae Dugong dUfl,oJ1 dugong except the population of Australia Trichechidae Trichechus illu/lguis South American manatee Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee Perissodactyla-Rhinos, zebras, odd-toed hoofed mammals, etc Equidae Equus africanus African wild ass Equus grevyi Grevy's zebra Equus hemionus hem ion us Mongolian wild ass Equus onager khur Indian wild ass Equus przewalskii Przewalski's wild horse Equus zebra z<'hra Cape Mountain zebra w en 00 (") 0 ::r First Schedule---continued (> 0-c:: Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations 0- Tapiridae Tapiridae spp. tapirs except the species listed in the Second Schedule Rhinocerotidae Rhinocerotidae spp. rhinoceroses except the species listed in the Second Schedule .,>-3 Artiodactyla-Hippos, camels, deer, antelope, sheep, etc DO =-to Suidae Babyrousa babyrussa babirusa S· SUS salvanius pygmy hog trl= Tayassuidae Catagonus wagneri chacco peccary =-DO

Camelidae Vicugna vicugna vicugna except the following populations: ~= Argentina: the population of the .,to to province of Jujuy and the semi- =- t:Il capti ve populations of the 't:I provinces of Jujuy, Salta, ton Catamarca, La Rioja, and San ;. '" Juan; Bolivia: the populations of 0 the Conservation Units of Mauri- a Oesaguadero, Ulla Ulla, and .,to Lipez-Chichas, with a zero annual N export quota; Chile: part of the c population of Parinacota Province, c lao Region of Tarapaca; and Peru: the whole population Moschidae Moschus spp. musk deer limited to the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan IV 0 0 Cervidae Axis calamianensis Calamian hog deer 1;2 0-. Axis kuhlii Bawean hog deer .j::>. First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Cervidae-continued Axis porcinus allllamiticus Ganges hog deer Blastocerus dichotomus marsh deer Cervus duvaucelii swamp deer Cervus elaphus hanglu Kashmir red deer Cervus eldii Eld's deer Dama mesopotamica Persian fallow deer Hippocamelus spp, guemals, huemuls Megamuntiacus vuquanghensis giant muntjac Muntiacus crinifrons black muntjac Ozotoceros bezoarticus pampas deer Pudupudu Chilean pudu Antilocapridae Antilocapra americana pronghorn limited to the population of Mexico Bovidae Addax nasomaculatus addax Bos gaurus gaur Bos mutus wild yak except specimens of the domesticated form Bos sauveli kouprey Bubalus depressicornis lowland anoa

Bubalus mindorensis tamarou Vl n Bubalus quarlesi mountain anoa ::r ('I> Capra falconeri markhor g- '"oo Cephalophus jentinki lentink's duiker ~ Gazella dama Dama gazelle Hippotragus niger variani giant sable antelope Naemorhedus baileyi red goral w en 00 () N :::r First Schedule--continued p.~ c Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations 0' Bovidae-continued Naemorhedus caudatus Chinese goral Naemorhedus goral goral Naemorhedus sumatraensis serow Oryxdammah white oryx .,>-3 Oryx leucoryx Arabian oryx ~ =-~ Ovis ammon hodgsoni Tibetan argali 5' Ovis ammon nigrimolltana kara tau argaJi l"l Ovis orientalis ophion moufton =Q. Ovis vignei vignei red sheep ~ IJCI= Pallth%ps hodgsoni Tibetan antelope ~ ;;! Pseudoryx nghetinhensis vu Quang ox =-en Rupicapra pyrellaica ornata Abruzzo chamois "= n~ ;' '" Aves-Birds 0 Struthioniformes-Ostrich a. .,~ Struthionidae Struthio came/us ostrich limited to the populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the c:~ Central African Republic, Chad, c: Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and the Sudan

Rheiformes-Rhea N Rheidae Rhea pennata Darwin's rhea 8 ~ 0- .j>. First Schedule---continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Tinamiformes-Tinamou Tinamidae Tinamus solitarius solitary tinamou Spenisciformes-Penguins Speniscidae Spheniscus humboldti Humboldt penguin Podicipediformes-Grebes Podicipedidae Podilymbus gigas Atitlan grebe Procellariiformes-Albatross Diomedeidae Diomedea albatrus short-tailed albatross Pelecaniformes-Pelicans, cormorants, gannets Pelecanidae Pelecanus crispus Dalmatian pelican Sulidae Pal'asuia abbotti Abbott's booby Fregatidae Fregata andrewsi Christmas Island frigatebird Ciconiiformes-Storks, herons, ibises, spoonbills Ciconiidae Ciconia boyciana oriental white stork lahiru mycteria jabiru stork Mycteria cinerea milky stork Threskiornithidae Geronticus eremita Waldrapp ibis Nipponia nippon Japanese white ibis First Schedule---continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Anseriformes-Ducks, geese, teal Anatidae Anas aacklandica teal: Auckland Island, Campbell Island, and brown A nas lays ane ns is Laysan teal Anas oastaleti Marianas mallard Branla canadensis leacopareia Aleutian Canada goose Branta sandvicensis Hawaiian goose, nene Cairina scululata white-winged wood duck Rhodonessa caryophyllacea pink-headed duck Falconiformes-Birds of prey Cathartidae GYl1l1l0gypS californianus California condor Valtar gryphus Andean condor Accipitridae Aquila adalberti Spanish imperial eagle Aquila heliaca imperial eagle o Chondrohierax uncinatus wilsonii Cuban hook-billed kite aII> "'I Haliaeetus albicilla white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus bald eagle ~ Harpia harp)1a harpy eagle Pithecophaga jefferyi monkey-eating eagle Falconidae Falco araea Seychelles kestrel Falco jugger laggar falcon Falco newtoni aldabra kestrel limited to population of the Seychelles only Falco pelegrinoides barbary falcon First Schedule---{;ontinued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Falconidae-contillucd Falco IJCrcgrillus peregrine falcon Falco punctatus Mauritius kestrel Falco rusticolus gyrfalcon Galliformes-Turkey, pheasant, quail, curassow, etc Megapodiidac Macrocephalon maler) maleo (fowl) Cracidae Crax blumcllbachii red-billed curassow Mitu mitu razor-billed curassow, mitu Oreophasis derhiallus horned guan Penelope al hipellilis white-winged guan Pipile jacutinga black-fronted piping guan Pipile pipile Trinidad piping guan Phasianidae Catreus wallichii cheer pheasant Colinus virgillianus ridgwayi masked bobwhite quail Crossoptilofl crossoptilofl white eared pheasant Crossoptilon harmani Tibetan eared pheasant Crossoptilon mantclzuricum brown eared pheasant Lophoplzorus impejanus Himalayan impeyan pheasant LopllOp/zorus lhuysii Chinese monal pheasant Lophophorus sclateri Sclater's monal pheasant Lophura ed\"ardsi Edward's pheasant Lophura imperialis Imperial pheasant Lophura swinhoii Swinhoes's pheasant Po/)'plectron empizanlll11 Palawan peacock pheasant Rheillardia ocellata crested argus First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptionsllimitations Phasianidae-continued Syrmaticus ellioti Elliot's pheasant Syrmaticus humiae bar-tailed pheasant Syrmaticus mikado Mikado pheasant Tetraogallus caspius Caspian snowcock Tetraogallus tibetanus Tibetan snowcock Tragopan blythii Blyth's tragopan, grey-bellied tragopan Tragopan caboti Cabot's tragopan, yellow-billed tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus western tragopan, western homed pheasant Tympanuchus cupido attwateri Attwater's prairie chicken Gruiformes-Crane, bustard Gruidae Crus americana Whooping crane Crus canadensis nesiotes Cuban sandhill crane Crus canadensis pulla Mississippi sandhill crane Crus japonensis Manchurian crane Crus leucogeranus Siberian white crane Crus monacha hooded crane Crus nigricollis black-necked crane Crus vipio white-naped crane Rallidae Callirallus sylvestris Lord Howe woodrail Rhynochetidae Rhynochetos jubatus kagu Otididae Ardeotis nigriceps great Indian bustard First Schedule---continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Otididae-continued Chlamydotis undulata Houbara bustard Eupodotis bengalensis Bengal bustard Charadriiformes-GuUs, waders, auks Scolopacidae Numenius borealis Eskimo curlew Numenius tenuirostris slender-billed curlew Tringa guttifer spotted greenshank Laridae Larus relictus relict gull Columbiformes-Pigeons, doves· Columbidae Caloenas nicobarica Nicobar pigeon Ducula mindorensis Mindoro imperial pigeon Psittaciformes-Parrots, macaws, cockatoos Psittacidae Amazona arausiaca red-necked amazon parrot Amazona barbadensis yellow-shouldered amazon parrot Amazona brasiliensis red-tailed amazon parrot Amazona guildingii Saint Vincent amazon, Saint Vincent parrot Amazona imperialis imperial amazon, imperial parrot Amazona leucocephala Cuban amazon, Cuban parrot Amazona pretrei red-spectacled amazon, red-spectacled parrot AmaZOlJa rhodocorytha red-browed amazon, red-topped parrot Amazona (ucumalJa Tucuman amazon, alder parrot w 00 00 First Schedule---continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Psittacidae-continued Amazona versicolor Saint Lucia amazon, Saint Lucia parrot Amazona vinacea vinaceous amazon, vinaceous parrot Amazona viridigenalis green-cheeked amazon, green-cheeked parrot Amazona vittata Puerto Rican amazon, Puerto Rican parrot Anodorhynchus spp. glaucous, hyacinth, and Lear's macaws Ara ambigua great green macaw Ara glaucogularis caninde macaw Ara macao scarlet macaw Ara maracana Illiger's macaw Ara militaris military macaw Ara rubrogenys red-fronted macaw Aratinga guarouba golden conure Cacatua goffini Goffin's cockatoo Cacatua haematuropygia red-vented cockatoo Cacatua moluccensis salmon-crested cockatoo Cyanopsitta spixii Spix's macaw Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi Forbe's yellow-fronted parakeet Cyanoramphus cookii Norfolk parakeet Cyanorhamphus novaezelandiae red-crowned parakeet Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni Coxen's double-eyed fig parrot Eos histrio red-and-blue lory First Schedule-----<:ontinued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Psittacidae-continued Geopsittacus occidentalis night parrot Neophema chrysogaster orange-bellied parakeet Ognorhynchus icterotis yellow-eared conure Pezoporus wallicus ground parrot Pionopsitta pileata pileated parrot Probosciger aterrimus palm cockatoo Psephotus chrysopterygius golden-shouldered parrot Psephotus dissimilis hooded parrot Psephotus pulcherrimus paradise parrot Psittacula echo Mauritius parakeet Pyrrhura cruentata blue-throated conure RhYllchopsitta spp. thick-billed parrots, maroon-fronted parrots Strigops habroptilus kakapo Vini ultramarina ultramarine lory Strigiformes-Owls Tytonidae Tyto soumagnei Madagascar owl Strigidae Athelle blewitti forest spotted owl Mimizuku gurneyi giant scops owl Nillox flovaeseelandiae ufldulata Norfolk Island boobook owl Ninox squamipila natalis Christmas Island owl Apodiformes-Hummingbirds Trochilidae Ramp/wdoll dohmii honk-hilled hermit First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Trogoniformes-Quetzal Trogonidae Pharolllachrus mocinno resplendant quetzal Coraciiformes-Hornbills Bucerotidae Aceros nipalensis rufous-necked hornbill Aceros subruficollis plain-pouched hornbill Buceros bicornis great Indian hombill Buceros vigil helmeted hornbill Piciformes-Toucans Picidae Campephilus imperialis imperial woodpecker Dryocopus javensis richardsi Tristam's white-bellied woodpecker Passeriformes-Perching birds, finches, wrens, robins, etc Cotingidae Cotinga maculata banded cotinga Xipholena atropurpurea white-winged cotinga Pittidae Pilla gurney; Guerney's pitta Pitta koch; Koch's pitta Atrichornithidae Atrichornis clamosus noisy scrub-bird Hirundinidae Pseudochelidoll sir;ntarae white-eyed river martin Muscicapidae Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis western rufous bristlebird Dasyornis longirostris western bristlebird Picathartes gymnocephalus bare-headed rockfowl Picathartes oreas grey-necked rockfowl Zosteropidae Zosterops albof,;ularis Norfolk white-throated white-eye First Schedule--<:ontinued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name EKceptionsllimitations

Meliphagidae Lichenostomus melanops cassidix helmeted honeyeater Icteridae Agelaius jlavus saffron-cow led blackbird Fringillidae Carduelis cucullata red siskin Stumidae Leucopsar rothschildi Bali starling, Rothschild's mynah

Reptilia-Reptiles Testudinata-Turtles, tortoises Emydidae Batagur baska common batagur turtle Clemmys muhlenbergi Muhlenberg's turtle, bog turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii black pond turtle Kachuga tecta Indian sawback turtle Melanochelys tricarinata three-keeled land tortoise Morenia ocel/ata Bengal eyed terrapin Terrapene coahuila aquatic box turtle Testudinidae Geochelone nigra Galapagos giant tortoise Geochelone radiata radiated tortoise Geochelone yniphora Madagascar tortoise Gopherus jlavomarginatus yellow-bordered tortoise Psammobates geometricus geometric tortoise Testudo kleinmanni Egyptian tortoise Cheloniidae Cheloniidae spp. sea turtles Dermochel yidae Dermochelys coriacea leatherback turtle Trionychidae Trionyx ater Mexican black soft-shell turtle Trionyx gangeticus Indian soft-shell turtle First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Trionychidae-continued Trionyx hurum peacock soft-shell turtle Trionyx nigricans dark soft-shell turtle Chelidae Pseudemydura umbrina western swamp turtle Crocodylia-Crocodiles, alligators Alligatoridae Alligator sinensis Chinese alligator Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis Rio Apaporis spectacled caiman Caiman latirostris broad-snouted caiman except the population of Argentina now listed in the Second Schedule Melanosuchus niger black caiman except the population of Equador, subject to annual export quotas Crocodylidae Crocodylus acutus American crocodile Crocodylus cataphractus African slender-snouted crocodile Crocodylus intermedius Orinoco crocodile Crocodylus moreletii Belize crocodile Crocodylus niloticus Nile crocodile except populations of Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (included in the Second Schedule), subject to specified annual export quotas Crocodylus novaeguineae mindorensis Philippine crocodile Crocodylus palustris marsh crocodile First Schedule----{;ontinued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Crocody Iidae-continued Crocodylus porosus saltwater crocodile except populations of Australia and , and the population of Indonesia (all included in the Second Schedule), subject to specified annual export quotas Crocodylus rhombifer Cuban crocodile Crocodylus siamensis Siamese crocodile Osteolaemus tetraspis dwarf crocodile Tomistoma schlegelii false gavial Gavialidae Gavialis gangeticus gharial Rhynchocephalia-Tuataras Sphenodontidae Sphenodon spp. tuataras Sauria-Monitors, iguanas, lizards, etc Iguanidae Brachylophus spp. iguanas Cyclura spp. ground iguanas Sauromalus varius piebald chuckwalla Lacertidae Gallotia simonyi Hierro giant lizard Varanidae Varanus bengai(JlZsis Indian monitor Varanus fiavescens yellow monitor Varanus griseus desert monitor Varanus komodoensis Komodo dragon First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or ·subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Serpentes-Snakes Boidae Acrantophis spp. Madagascar boas Boa constrictor occidentalis Argentine boa constrictor Bolyeria multocarinata Round Island boa Casarea dussumieri Round Island keel-scaled boa Epicrates inornatus Puerto Rican boa Epicrates monensis Mona Island boa, Virgin Islands tree boa Epicrates subflavus Jamaican boa, yellow snake Python molurus molurus Indian python, rock python Sanzinia madagascariensis Madagascar tree boa Viperidae Vipera ursinii Orsini's viper limited to the population of Europe, excluding the area which formerly constituted the USSR

Amphibia-Amphibians Caudata-8alamanders, axolotls, etc Cryptobranchidae Andrias spp. salamanders Anura-Frogs, toads Bufonidae AltiphrYlloides spp. Ethiopian toads Ate/opus varius zeteki golden arrow poison frog Bufo periglelles golden toad Bufo superciliaris Cameroon toad First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Bufonidae-continued Nectophrynoides spp. viviparous toads Nimbaphrynoides spp. nimba toads Spinophrynoides spp. Ethiopian toads MicrohyJidae Dyscophus antongilii tomato frog

Pisces-Fish Coelacanthiformes-Coelacanthes Latimeriidae Latimeria chalumnae coelacanth Acipenseriformes-Sturgeons Acipenseridae Acipenser brevirostrum shortnose sturgeon Acipenser sturio common sturgeon Osteoglossiformes-Arowanas Osteoglossidae Scleropages formosus Asian arowana Cypriniformes-Carp Cyprinidae Probarbus jullieni ikan temoleh Catostomidae Chasmistes cujus cui-ui ...., Suluriformes-Catfish \0 Vl Pangasiidae Pangasianodon gigas giant catfish Perciformes-Perch like Sciaenidae CYlloscioll macdollaldi MacDonald weakfish, totoaba First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Arthropoda-Insecta-Insects Lepidoptera-Moths, butterflies Papilionidae Ornithoptera alexandrae Queen Alexandra's birdwing Papilio chikae Luzon peacock swallowtail Papilio homerus Homerus swallowtail Papilio hospiton Corsican swallowtail

Mollusca-Shellfish, molluscs Unionoida-Pearly mussels Unionidae Conradilla cae lata bird wing pearl mussel Dramus dramas Dromedary pearly mussel Epioblasma curtisi Curtis pearly mussel Epioblasma f/orentina yellow-blossom pearly mussel Epioblasma sampsoni Sampson's pearly mussel Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua white cats paw mussel Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum green-blossom pearly mussel Epioblasma torulosa torulosa turberculed pearly mussel Epioblasma turgidula turgid-blossom pearly mussel Epioblasma walkeri brown-blossom pearly mussel Fusconaia cuneo Ius fine-rayed pigtoe pearly mussel Fusconaia edgariana shiny pigtoe pearly mussel Lampsilis higgillsii Higgin's eye pearly mussel Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata pink mucket pearly mussel First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

U nionidae-continued Lampsilis satur plain pocketbook pearly mussel Lampsilis viresccns Alabama lamp pearly mussel Plethobasus cicairicosils white warty-back pearly mussel Plethobasus cooperianlls orange-footed pimpleback mussel, Cumberland pigtoe pearly mussel Pleurobema plenum rough pigtoe pearly mussel Polamilus capax fat pocketbook pearly mussel Quadrula intermedia Cumberland monkey-face pearly mussel Quadrula sparsa Appalachian monkey-face pearly mussel Toxolasma cylindrella pale lilliput pearly mussel Unio Ilicklinialla Nicklin's pearly mussel Unio tampico(,llsis lecolJlalensis Tampico pearly mussel Villosa trabalis Cumberland bean pearly mussel Stylommatophora-Snails Achatinellidae Achatinella spp. agate shells. trce snails


Artificially propagated hybrids produced from I or more of the species or taxa of flora included in this part of the schedule may be traded with a Certificate of Artificial Propagation; and seeds and pollen (including pollinia), cut flowers, seedling or tissue cultures obtained ill vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers, of these hybrids are excepted. Agavaceae Agave arizonica w '"00 First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Agavaceae-continued Agave parvifiora Nolina interrata Apocynaceae Pac!typodium ambongense Pachypodium barollii Pachypodillln decaryi Araucari aceae Araucaria aral/cana monkey puzzle tree limited to the population of Chile Cactaceae Ariocarpus spp. living rock cactuses AstrophytUlI1 asterias Aztekium rittcri Aztec cactuses Coryphantha werdermanllii Discocactus spp. Discocactus macdougallii Echinocereus ferreirianus spp. Lindsay's cactuses lindsayi Echinocereus schmollii Escobaria minima Escobaria sneedii Mammillaria pectilllfera Mammillaria solisioides Melocactus cOlloideu.l' Melocactus deinacanthus Melocactus glaucescens Melocactus paucispinus Obregonia denegrii cactus, or peyote artichoke Pachycereus militaris First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Cactaceae-continued Pediocactus bradyi Pediocactus knowltonii Pediocactus paradinei Pediocactus peeblesiaflus Pediocactus sileri Pelecyphora spp. hatchet cactuses Sclerocactus brevihamatus spp. tobuschii Sclerocactus erectocentrus Sclerocactus glaucus Sclerocactus mariposeflsis Sclerocactus mesae-verdae Sclerocactus papyracaflthus Sclerocactus pubispinus Sclerocactus wrightiae Strombocactus spp. Turbiflicarpus spp. Uebelmannia spp. Compo sitae (Asteraceae) Saussurea costus Crassulaceae Dudleya stoloflifera Dudleya traskiae Cupressaceae Fitzroya cupressoides alerce, Chilean false larch Pilgerodelldroll uviferum Cycadaceae Cycas beddomei Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia ambovombeflsis First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Euphorbiaceae­ Euphorbia capsaintemariensis continued Euphorbia cremersii Euphorbia cylindrifolia Euphorbia decaryi Euphorbia francoisii Euphorbia moratii Euphorbia parvicyathophora Euphorbia quartziticola Euphorbia tulearensis Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria fasciculata (Fabaceae) Fouquieria purpusii Leguminosae Dalbergia nigra Brazilian rosewood Liliaceae Aloe albida Aloe albiflora Aloe alfredii Aloe bakeri Aloe bellatula Aloe calcairophila Aloe compressa Aloe delphinensis Aloe descoingsii Aloe fragilis Aloe haworthioides Aloe helenae N o ~ First Schedule---continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Liliaceae-continued Aloe /aeta Aloe parallelifolia Aloe parvula Aloe pillansii Aloe po/yphylla Aloe rauhii Aloe suzanllac Aloe thorncrofiii Aloe versicolor Aloe vossii Nepenthaccae Nepenthes klzasiallG Indian pitcher plant Nepenthes rajah giant tropical pitcher plant Orchidaceae Call1eya trianaei Christmas orchid, winter cattleya except seed Ii ng or tissue culture DendrobiulI1 eruentul/1 obtained ill vitro, in solid or liquid Laelia jongileana media, transferred in sterile Laelia lobata containers Paphiopedilum spp. Peristeria elata dove orchid or holy ghost orchid Phragll1ipediulI1 spp. Renalllhera ill1schootiana red vanda Vanda eoerulea blue vanda Pinaceae Abies guatelllalellsis Guatemalan fir or pinabete Podocarpaceae Podocarpus parlato rei Parlatore's podocarp Rubiaccae Ba/mea storllliae ayuque Sarraceniaccae Sarracenia alabamellsis spp. Alabama canebrake pitcher-plants alabamensis First Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceplions/limilalions

Sarraceniaceae­ Sarracellia jonesii Jones' pitcher-plant or mountain continued sweet pitcher-plant Sarracenia oreophila green pitcher-plant Stangeriaceae Stange ria eriopus hottentot's head Zamiaceae Ceratozamia spp. Chigua spp. Encephalartos spp. bread trees or bread palms Microcycas ca/ocoma Second Schedule s 3(1) Species threatened by trade

The families and species listed in this schedule are arranged, not in alphabetical order, but in descending order in which they developed. This order of arrangement is adopted in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and is the order of arrangement generally adopted by zoologists. The entries in the column headed "Exceptions/limitations" have the effect of either- (i) excluding nominated populations of the listed species; or (ii) limiting the application of the listed species to only those populations nominated; or (iii) excluding certain species from a generic listing; or (iv) excluding nominated varieties of specimens of the listed species; or (v) limiting the application of the listed species to only those categories of specimens nominated.

Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptionsnimitations Mammalia-Mammals Monotremata-Monotremes Tachyglossidae Zaglossus spp. New Guinea long-nosed echidnas Diprotodontia-MarsupiaIs, wallabies, kangaroos, etc Phalangeridae Phalanger orientalis grey cuscus Spilocuscus maculatus common spotted cuscus Macropodidae Dendrolagus inustus grizzled grey tree kangaroo Dendrolagus ursinus black tree kangaroo Chiroptera-Bats, flying foxes, etc Pteropodidae spp. flying foxes Pteropus spp. flying foxes except those species listed in the First Schedule Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptionsllimitations Primate-Monkeys, lemurs, tamarins, etc Primates Primates spp. all monkeys, lemurs, etc.; includes except those species listed in the family Tupaiidae First Schedule Xenarthra-Anteaters, sloths, armadillos M yrmecophagidae Myrmecophaga tridactyla giant anteater Bladypodidae Bradypus variegatus Bolivian tree-toed sloth Dasypodidae Chaetophractus nationi Andean hairy armadillo Pholidota-Pangolins, scaly anteaters Manidae Manis spp. pangolins Rodentia-Squirrels, rats, chinchillas, porcupines, etc Sciuridae Ratufa spp. giant squirrels Cetacea-Whales, dolphins Cetacea Cetacea spp. whales, dolphins, porpoises except those species listed in the First Schedule Carnivora-Dogs, bears, otters, weasels, mongooses, racoons, hyenas, cats Canidae Canis lupus grey wolf except the populations of Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan listed in the First Schedule Cerdocyon thous crab-eating fox Chrysocyoll brachyurus maned wolf Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Canidae-continued CUOIl a!pinus Asiatic wild dog Pseudalopex culpae us culpeo fox Pseudalopex grise us Argentine grey fox Pseudalopex gYl1lllocercus Azara's fox Vulpes cana Blanford's fox Vulpes zerda fennec Ursidae Ursidae spp. bears except those populations, subspecies, or species listed in the First Schedule Lutrinae Lutrinae spp. otters except those species listed in the First Schedule Mephitinac Conepatus humbo!dtii Patagonian skunk Viverridae Crypiojirocta jerox fossa Cynogale benllettii otter civet Eupleres goudotii small-toothed mongoose Fossa jossana stri ped ci vet Hemigalus derbyallus banded palm civet Priollodoll linsang banded linsang Hyacnidae Parahvaena brunnea brown hyaena Felidae Felidae spp. all cat species except those species listed in the First Schedule and Felis catus (domestic cat)

Pinnipedia-Seals, walrus, sea lions Otariidae Arctocephalus spp. fur scals except those species listed in the First Schedule Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Phocidae Mirounga leonina southern elephant seal PROBOSCIDEA-ELEPHANTS Elephantidae Loxodonta africana African elephant limited to the populations of Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe Sirenia-Sea cow, dugong, manatee Dugongidae Dugong dugon dugong limited to the population of Australia Trichechidae Trichechus senegalensis West African manatee Perissodactyla-Rhinos, zebras, odd-toed hoofed mammals, etc Equidae Equus hemionus Asiatic wild ass except the subspecies listed in the First Schedule Equus kiang kiang Equus onager onager ass except the subspecies listed in the First Schedule Equus zebra hartmannae Hartmann's mountain zebra Tapiridae Tapirus terrestris Brazilian tapir Rhinocerotidae Ceratotherium simum simum white rhinoceros limited to the population of South Africa Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Artiodactyla-Hippos, camels, deer, antelope, sheep, etc Tayassuidae Tayassuidae spp. peccaries except the species listed in the First Schedule and the populations of Pecari tajacu of Mexico and the USA Hippopotamidae Hexaprotodon liberiensis pygmy hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius hippopotamus Camelidae Lama guanicoe guanaco Camelidae Vicugna vicugna vicugna limited to the following populations: Argentina: the population of the province of Jujuy and the semi­ capti ve populations of the provinces of Jujuy, Salta Catamarca, La Rioja, and San Juan; Bolivia: the populations of the Conservation Units of Mauri­ Desaguadero, Ulla UI/a, and Lipez-Chichas, with a zero annual export quota; Chile: part of the population of Parinacota Province, la, Region of Tarapaca; and Peru: the whole population. Moschidae Moschus spp. musk deer except populations of Afghanistan, .,. Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, 0 and Pakistan -J Cervidae Cervus elaphus bactrianus Bactrian wapiti Pudu mephistophile s pudu Bovidae Ammotragus lervia Barbary sheep Second Schedul~ontinued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Bovidae-continued Bison bison athabascae wood bison Budorcas taxicolor takin Cephalophus dorsalis bay duiker Cephalophus monticola blue duiker Cephalophus ogilbyi Ogilby's duiker Cephalophus silvicultor yellow-backed'duiker Cephalophus zebra banded duiker Damaliscus pygargus pygargus bontebok Kobus leche lechwe Ovis ammon argaJi except subspecies listed in the First Schedule Ovis canadensis desert bighorn limited to the population of Mexico Saiga tatarica saiga antelope

Aves-Birds Rheiformes-Rhea Rheidae Rhea americana greater rhea Spenisciformes-Penguins Speniscidae Spheniscus demersus jackass penguin Ciconiiformes-Storks, herons, ibises, spoonbills Balaenicipitidae Balaeniceps rex whale-headed stork Ciconiidae Ciconia nigra black stork Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Threskiornithidae Eudocimus ruber scarlet ibis Geronticus calvus bald ibis Plata lea leucorodia Eurasian spoonbill, white spoonbill Phoenicoptcridae Phoenicopteridae spp. flamingos Anseriformes-Ducks, geese, teal Anatidae Anus benzieri Madagascar teal Anas formosa Baikal teal Brama rujicollis red-breasted goose Coscoroba coscoroba coscoroba swan Cygnus meianocor),pha black-necked swan Dendrocygna arborea Cuban whistling duck Oxyura leucocephala white-headed duck Sarkidiomis me/anotos comb duck, knob-billed goose Falconiformes-Birds of prey Falconi formes Falconiformes spp. all birds of prey except those species and subspecies listed in the First Schedule and the family Cathartidae

Galliformes-Turkey, pheasant, quail, curassow, etc Phasianidae Argusianus argus great argus Gallus sonneratii grey junglefowl !thagillis cruentus blood pheasant Pavo I1lUlicus green peafowl Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Phasianidae-continued Polyplectron bicalcaratum grey peacock pheasant Polyplectron germaini Germain's peacock pheasant Polyplectron malacense Malay peacock pheasant Polyplectron schleiermacheri Bornean peacock pheasant Gruiformes--Crane, bustard Gruidae Gruidae spp. cranes except those species listed in the First Schedule Otididae Otididae spp. bustards except those species listed in the First Schedule Columbiformes--Pigeons, doves Columbidae Gallicolumba luzonica bleeding heart pigeon Goura spp. crowned pigeons or goura pigeons Psittaciformes-Parrots, macaws, cockatoos Psittaciformes Psittaciformes spp. all parrots and allies except those species listed in the First Schedule; except Melopsittacus undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus, and Psittacula krameri Cuculiformes--Turacos Musophagidae Musophaga porphyreolopha violet-crested turaco Tauraco spp. all species of turaco Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Strigiformes-Owls Strigiformes Strigiformes spp. owls except those species listed in the First Schedule Apodiformes-Hummingbirds Trochilidae Trochilidae spp. hummingbirds except those species listed in the First Schedule Coraciiformes-Hornbills Bucerotidae Aceros spp. hombills except those species listed in the First Schedule Anorrhillus spp. hombills Anthracoceros spp. hombills Buceros spp. hombills except those species listed in the First Schedule Penelopides spp. hombills Piciformes-Toucans Ramphastidae Pteroglossus aracari black-necked aracari Pteroglossus viridis green aracari Ramphastos sulfuratus keel-billed toucan Ramphastos toco toco toucan Ramphastos tucanus red-billed toucan Ramphastos vitellinus channel-billed toucan Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Passeriformes-Perching birds, finches, wrens, robins, etc Cotingidae Rupicola spp. cock-of-the-rock Pitta nympha fairy pitta Pittadae Pitta guajana banded pitta Pycnonotidae Pycnonotus zeylanicus straw-crowned Bulbul Muscicapidae Cyornis ruckii Rueck's blue flycatcher, Rueck's niltava Leiothrix argenta uris silver-eared mesia Leiothrix lutea pekin robin Liocichla omeiensis Mount Omei liocichla Emberizidae Gubernatrix cristata yellow cardinal Paroaria capitata yellow-billed cardinal Paroaria coronata red-crested cardinal Tangara fastuosa seven-coloured tangar Fringillidae Carduelis yarrellii yellow-faced siskin Estrildidae Amandava formosa green munia Padda oryzivora Java sparrow Poephila cincta cincta black -throated finch Sturnidae Gracula religiosa hill myna Paradisaeidae Paradisaeidae spp. birds of paradise

Repilia-Reptiles-Reptilia Testudinata-Turtles, tortoises Derrnatemydidae Dermatemys mawii Central American river turtle Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Emydidae Callagur borneoensis painted terrapin Clemmys insculpta wood turtle Terrapene spp. turtles except those species listed in the First Schedule Testudinidae Testudinidae spp. tortoises except those species listed in the First Schedule Trionychidae Lissemys punctata Indian flap-shelled turtle Pelomedusidae Erymnochelys madagascariensis Madagascar big-headed side-neck turtle Peltocephalus dumeriliana big-headed Amazon river turtle Podocnemis spp. South American river turtles Crocodylia-Crocodiles, alligators Crocodylia Crocodylia spp. crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and except those species and subspecies includes Alligatoridae, gharials listed in the First Schedule Crocodyliidae, and Gavialidae Sauria-Monitors, iguanas, lizards, etc Gekkonidae Cyrtodactylus serpensinsula Serpent Island gecko Phelsuma spp. day geckos Agamidae Uromastyx spp. spiny-tailed lizards Chamaeleonidae Bradypodion spp. South African dwarf chameleons Chamaeleo spp. chameleons Iguanidae Amblyrhynchus cristatus Galapagos marine iguana Conoiopilus spp. Galapagos land iguanas Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Iguanidae-continued Iguana spp. iguanas Phrynosoma coronatum San Diego horned lizard Lacertidae Podarcis lilfordi Lilford's wall lizard Podarcis pityusensis [biza wall lizard Cordylidae Cordylus spp. girdled lizards Pseudocordylus spp. crag lizards Teiidae Cnemidophorus hyperythrus orange-throated whip-tail Crocodilurus lacertinus crocodile lizard Dracaena spp. Caiman lizards Tupinambis spp. tegus Scinidae Corucia zebrata prehensile-tailed skink Xenosauridae Shinisaurus crocodilurus Chinese crocodile lizard Helodermatidae Heloderma spp. beaded lizard, Gila monster Varanidae Va ran us spp. monitors except those species listed in the First Schedule

Serpentes-Snakes Boidae Boidae spp. all boas, pythons, anacondas except those species listed in the includes families Bolyeriidae and First Schedule Tropidophiidae as subfamilies Colubridae Clelia clelia mussurana Cyclagras gigas giant water snake Elachistodon westermanni Indian egg-eating snake Ptyas mucosus ori ental rat snake Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations

Elapidae Hoplocephalus bungaroides broad-headed snake Naja naja Asiatic cobra Ophiophagus hannah king cobra Viperidae Vipera wagneri Iranian viper

Amphibia-Amphibians Caudata-Salamanders, axolotIs, etc Ambystomidae Ambystoma dumerilii Lake Patzcuaro salamander Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl Anura-Frogs, toads Bufonidae Bufo retiformis Sonoran green toad M yobatrachidae Rheobatrachus spp. gastric brooding frogs Dendrobatidae Allobates spp. poison-arrow frogs Dendrobates spp. poison-arrow frogs Epipedobates spp poison-arrow frogs Minyobates spp. poison-arrow frogs Phobobates spp. poison-arrow frogs Phyllobates spp. poison-arrow frogs Ranidae Mantella aurantiaca golden man tell a Euphlyctis hexadactylus six-fingered frog Hoplobatrachus tigerinus Indian bullfrog Second Schedule--continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Pisces-Fish Ceratodiformes-Lungfish Ceratodoptidae Neoceratodus forsteri Australian lungfish Sturgeons-Acipenseriformes Acipenseriforrnes Acipenserijormes spp. sturgeons except those species listed in the First Schedule Polyodontidae Polyodon spathula paddlefish Arowanas-Osteoglossiformes Osteoglossidae arapaima gigas arapaima Carp-Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Caecobarbus geertsi African blind barb fish

Arthropoda-Insecta-Insects Lepidoptera-Moths, butterflies Papilionidae Bhutanitis spp. swallowtail butterflies Ornithoptera spp. birdwing butterflies except those species listed in the First Schedule Parnassius apollo apollo butterfly Teinopalpus spp. Kaiserihind butterflies Trogonoptera spp. birdwing butterflies Troides spp. birdwing butterflies Second Schedule-continued Family GenllS, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Arachnida-Spiders Araneae-Predatory spiders Scorpionidae Pandinus dictator emperor scorpions Pandinus gambiensis emperor scorpions Pandinus imperator emperor scorpions Thcraphosidac BrachYl'elma spp. Mexican/Central American tarantulas

Annelida-Worms Arhynchobdellae-Leeches Hirudinidae Hirudo medicinalis medicinal lccch

Mollusca-Molluscs-Shellfish Veneroida-Clams Tridacnidae Tridacilidae spp. giant clams Unionoida-Pearly mussels Unionidae Cyprogenia aherti edible pearly mussel /c.pioblasma torulosa rangiana tan-blossomed pearly mussel Pleurobema clava club pearly mussel, northern club shell

Stylommatophora-Snails Camaenidae Papustyla pulcherrima Manus green tree snail ~ ..,~ 00 ::r Second Schedule-continued co cQ. Family Genus, species, or subs~ecies Common name Exce~tions/limitations 0- Mesogastropoda-Conches Strombidae Strombus gigas queen conch

~ Anthozoa-Coral iii Coenothecalia-Soft corals co=- S' Coenothecalia Coenothecalia spp. blue corals, blue ridge corals except fossils; includes only the tr:I family Helioporidae with I species ==- Helipora coerulea = ~., Stolonifera co

Tubiporidae Tubiporidae spp. organpipe corals except fossils C'Il=- "CIco 0, Antipatbaria-Black corals co Antipatharia Antipatharia spp. all black corals except fossils '" 0a. Scleractinia-Stony corals co., Scleractinia Scleractinia spp. all brown stem cluster corals, brush except fossils ~ corals, rose tree corals, white lace 8 corals, cauliflower corals


Milleporina tv Milleporidae Milleporidae spp. fire corals, yellow fire corals, stinging except fossils corals ~.j>. Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Stylasterina Stylasteridae Stvlasteridae spp, except fossils

Flora-Plants Agavaceae Agave victoriae-reginae queen agave see note I Amaryllidaceae Galanthus spp. see note I Sternbergia spp. see note I Apocynaceae Pachypodium spp. elephant's trunks, halfmen except those species listed in the First Schedule; see note I Rauvoljia serpentina see note 2 Araliaceae Panax quinquefolius American ginseng see note 3 Araucariaceae Araucaria araucana monkey-puzzle tree except the population of Chile, which is included in the First Schedule; Sec' note I Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia spp, see note I Frerea indica see note I Berberidaceae Podophyllum hexandrum Himalayan May-apple see note 2 Bromeliaceae Tillandsia harrisii bromeliads see note I TiLlandsia kammii see note I Tillandsia kautskyi see note I Tillandsia mauryana see note I Tillalldsia sprengeliana see note I Tillandsia sucrei see note 1 Tillalldsia xerograpizica see note I .j::>. !Zl N ("l 0 :r Second Schedule-continued 0 e0- Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations 0- Byblidaceae Byblis spp, byblis, niinbow plants see note I Cactaceae Cactaceae spp, cactus plants except the species included in the First Schedule; see note 4 Caryocaraceae Caryocar costaricense see note I >003., Cephalotus follicularis Albany or Western Australian pitcher see note I ~ Cephalotaceae Q. plant ~ Cyatheaceae Cyatheaceae spp, tree ferns see note I !:i" t"'l Cycadaceae Cycadaceae spp. cycads except the species listed in the First := Schedule; see note 1 Q. :=~ Diapensiaceae Shortia galacifolia short-styled oconee-bells see note 1 IJQ .,~ Dicksoniaceae Dicksoniaceae spp. tree ferns see note 1 ~ Q. Didiereaceae Didiereaceae spp. see note I !Zl

elephant foot see note I ~ Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea deltoidea -=.... Droseraceae Dionea muscipula Venus fly trap see note I :;' '" Ericaceae Kalmia cuneata white-wicky see note I 0., Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia spp. euphorbias except species listed in the First Q. Schedule; except all species that .,~ N are succulent; see note 1; except Q Q artificially propagated specimens Q of cultivars of Euphorbia trigone Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria columnaris boojum tree see note I Juglandaceae Oreomunnea pterocarpa see note I Leguminosae Pericopsis elata Afrormosia see note 5 quira, maca wood see note I N Platymiscium pleiostachyum 0 0 Pterocarpus santa linus red sanders see note 6 >;2 01 .j::>. N o ~ Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations ..., Liliaceae Aloe spp, aloes except species listed in the First ., ~ Schedule; and Aloe vera Q.. ~ Meliaceae Swietenia humilis Honduras mahogany, baywood see note I 5' Swietenia maizagoni American mahogany see note 5 trl ::s Nepenthaceae Nepellthes spp. pitcher plants except the species listed in the First Q.. Schedule; see note I Sl.l::s (JI:I Orchidaceae Orchidaceae spp. orchids except the species listed in the First .,~ ~ Schedule; see note 7 Q.. Pal mae Chrysalidocarpus decipicns butterfly palm see note I r:JJ '1:1 Neodypsis decafyi see note I ..,~ ;. Portulacaceae Anacampseros spp. purselanes see notc I '" Avonia spp. see note I .,0 Q.. Lewisia cotyledon fringed Lewisia see note I (t., Lewisia maguirei Maguire's bitter-root see note I N 0 see note I 0 Lewisia serrata saw-toothed Lewisia 0 Primulaceae Cye/amen spp. cyclamens see note I; except artificially propagated specimens of Cyclamen persiculll (cultivars) traded as potted plants

Proteaceae OrothamlUls zevheri marsh-rose see note I !Zl n ::r Protea odorafa see note I 0 0- ~ Ranunculaceae Hydrastis canadensis goldenseal see note 3 C N n Rosaceae Prunus africalla African stinkwood see note Sarraceniaceae Darlingtonia calijimJica California or western pitcher plant. see note 1 cobra lily Second Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Exceptions/limitations Sarraceniaceae- Sarracenia spp. pitcher plants except the species included in the continued First Schedule; see note I Scrophulariaceae Picrorhiza kurrooa kutki see note 3 Stangeriaceae Bowenia spp. see note I Taxaceae Taxus wallichiana Himalayan yew see note 8 Thymeleaceae Aquilaria malaccensis agarwood see note I (Aquilariaceae) Valerianaceae Nardostachys grandijiora Himalayan spikenard see note 3 Welwitschiaceae Welwitschia mirabilis welwitschia see note I Zamiaceae Zamiaceae spp. cycads except the species included in the First Schedule; see note 1 Zingiberaceae Hedychium philippinellse Philippine garland-flower see note I Zygophyllaceae Guaiacum officinale commoner lignum vitae or guaiac tree see note I Guaiacum sanctum hollywood lignum-vitae see note I

NOTES Designates all parts and derivatives except: (a) seeds, spores, and pollen (including pOllinia); (b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained ill vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and (c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants. 2 Designates all parts and derivatives except: (a) seeds and pollen; (b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained ill vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; (c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and (d) chemical derivatives. 3 Designates whole and sliced roots and parts of roots except manufactured parts or derivatives such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas, and confectionery. 4 Designates all parts and derivatives except: (a) seeds, except those from Mexican cacti originating in Mexico, and pollen; (b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; (c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; (d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants; and (e) separate stem joints (pads) and parts and derivatives thereof of naturalized or artificially propagated plants of the genus Opuntia subgenus Opuntia. Artificially propagated specimens of the following hybrids and/or cultivars are not subject to the provisions of the Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989: Hatiora x graeseri; Schlumbergera x buckleyi; Schlumbergera russelliana x Schlumbergera truncata; Schlumbergera orssichiana x Schlumbergera trullcata; Schlumbergera opuntioides x Schlumbergera truncata; Schlumbergera truncata (cultivars); Gymnocalycium mihallovichii (cultivars) forms lacking chlorophyll, grafted on the following stocks: Harrisia 'lusbertii', Hylocereus trigonus or Hylocereus undatus; Opuntia microdasys (cultivars). 5 Limited to logs, sawn wood, and veneer sheets. 6 Limited to logs, woodchips, and unprocessed broken material. 7 Designates all parts and derivatives except: (a) seeds and pollen (including pollinia); (b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; (c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and (d) fruits and parts and derivatives thereof of artificially propagated plants of the genus Vanilla. 8 Designates all parts and derivatives except: (a) seeds and pollen; (b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; (c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants; and (d) finished pharmaceutical products. Third Schedule s3(1) Species exploited by trade

The families and species listed in this schedule are arranged, not in alphabetical order, but in descending order in which they developed. This order of arrangement is adopted in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and is the order of arrangement generally adopted by zoologists. The countries listed in the column headed "Countries requiring export permit" are parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora that require an export permit to authorise trade in the species listed in the schedule. Trade in the species in relation to other countries that are parties to the Convention requires a certificate of origin.

Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit Mammalia-Mammals Chiroptera-Bats, flying foxes, etc Phyllostomidae Platyrrhinus lineatus white-lined bat Uruguay Edentata-Anteaters, sloths, armadillos M yrmecophagidae Tamandua mexicana northern tamandua Guatemala Megalonychidae Choloepus hoffmanni Hoffman's sloth Costa Rica Dasypodidae Cabassous centralis naked-tailed armadillo Costa Rica Cabassous tatouay greater naked-tailed armadillo Uruguay Rodentia-Squirrels, rats, chinchillas, porcupines, etc Sciuridae Epixerus ebii Ebian squirrel Ghana Marmota caudata long-tailed marmot India Marmota himalayana Himalayan marmot India Third SchedUle-----{;ontinued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit 1-3 Sciuridae-continued Sciurus deppei Deppe's squirrel Costa Rica AI Anomaluridae Anomalurus beecrofti Beecroft's scaly-tailed squirrel Ghana ..,Q.. Anomalurus derbianus Lord Derby's flying squirrel Ghana 5" Anomalurus pe/ii Pel's flying squirrel Ghana :=t":I Idiurus macro tis long-eared flying squirrel Ghana Q.. Dl:= Hystricidae Hystrix cristata crested porcupine Ghana IrQ.., Erethizontidae Sphiggurus mexicanus Mexican porcupine Honduras ..,... Q.. Sphiggurus spinosus Paraguyan porcupine Uruguay !:I:l Agoutidae Agouti paca paca Honduras 'CS..,... Dasyproctidae Dasyprocta punctata agouti Honduras ;" '"0 Carnivora-Dogs, bears, otters, weasels, mongooses, racoons, hyenas, cats a.., Canidae Canis au reus golden jackal India ... Vulpes bengalensis Bengal fox. India ~ Vulpes vulpes griffithi red fox India 8 Vulpes vulpes montana red fox India Vulpes vulpes pusilla red fox India Procyonidae Bassaricyon gabbii bushy-tailed olingo Costa Rica Bassariscus sumichrasti central American cacomistle Costa Rica Vl n ::r Nasua narica coatimundi Honduras !1> Nasua nasua solitaria south Brazilian coatimundi Uruguay cc:>- N CD VI""" Potos flavus kinkajou Honduras Mustelidae Eira barbara tayra Honduras Galictis vittata Allamand's grison Costa Rica Martes flavigula yellow-throated marten India +- CIl N n 0- :T Third Schedule-continued 0 0. E- Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit o Mustelidae-continued Martes foina intermedia stone marten India Martes gwatkinsii Nilgiri marten India Mellivora capensis ratel Botswana and Ghana Mustela altaica alpine weasel India ...>-3 Mustela erminea ferghanae stoat India Ito' =-tI> Mustela kathiah yellow-bellied weasel India Si" Mustela sibirica Siberian weasel India tr:I :I Viverridae Arctictis binturong binturong India Ito'=- Civettictis civetta African civet Botswana :I Paguma larvata masked palm civet India ~ ...tI> Paradoxurus hermaphroditus common palm civet India til=- Paradoxurusjerdoni palm civet India "=tI> Viverra civettina large spotted civet India ~. Viverra zibetha large Indian civet India fIl 0 Viverricula indica lesser oriental ci vet, rasse India ... Herpestidae Herpestes brachyurus fuscus Indian brown mongoose India ...=-tI> N Herpestes edwardsii Indian grey mongoose India ~ Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus Indian mongoose India g Herpestes smithii ruddy mongoose India Herpestes urva crab-eating mongoose India Herpestes vitticollis strip-necked mongoose India Hyaenidae Proteles cristatus aardwolf Botswana N 0 Pinnipedia-Seals, walrus, sea lions 0 ~ 0- Odobenidae Odobenus rosmarus walrus Canada +- Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit

Artiodactyla-Hippos, camels, deer, antelope, sheep, etc Traguliae Hyemoschus aquaticus water chevrotain Ghana Cervidae Cervus elaphus barbarus Tunisian deer Tunisia Mazama americana cerasina red brocket deer Guatemala Odocoileus virginianus mayensis white-tailed deer Guatemala Bovidae Antilope cervicapra blackbuck Nepal Bubalus arnee Asiatic buffalo Nepal Damaliscus lunatus sassaby Ghana Gazella cuvieri edmi gazelle Tunisia Gazella dorcas Dorcas gazelle Tunisia Gazella leptoceros slender horned gazelle Tunisia Tetracerus quadricornis four-horned antelope Nepal Tragelaphus eurycerus bongo Ghana Tragelaphus spekii sitatunga Ghana

Aves-Birds Ciconilformes-Storks, herons, ibises, spoonbills

Vl Ardeidae Ardea goliath goliath heron Ghana n .,.::r Bubulcus ibis cattle egret Ghana g- Casmerodius albus great white egret Ghana o Egretta garzetta little egret Ghana Ciconiidae Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis saddle-bill stork Ghana Leptoptilos crumeniferus marabou stork Ghana .j:o IV 00 Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit

Threskiornithidae Bostrychia hagedash Hadada ibis Ghana Bostrichya rara spot-breasted ibis Ghana Threskiomis aethiopicus sacred ibis Ghana Anseriformes-Ducks, geese, teal Anatidae Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian goose Ghana Anas acuta northern pintail Ghana Anas capensis cape teal Ghana Anas clypeata northern shoveler Ghana Anas crecca common teal Ghana Anas penelope Eurasian wigeon Ghana Anas querquedula garganey, garganey teal Ghana Aythya nyroca ferruginous duck, white-eyed pochard Ghana Cairina moschata muscovy duck Honduras Dendrocygna autumnalis red-billed whistling duck Honduras Dendrocygna bicolor fulvous whistling duck, fulvous tree Ghana and Honduras duck Dendrocygna viduata white-faced whistling duck, white- Ghana faced tree duck Nettapus auritus African pygmy goose Ghana Plectopterus gambensis spur-winged goose Ghana Pteronetta hartlaubii Hartlaub's duck Ghana FaIconiformes-Birds of prey Cathartidae Sarcoramphus papa king vulture Honduras Third Schedule-continued Family Genus. species. or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit

Galliformes-Turkey, pheasant, quail, curassow, etc Cracidae Crax alberti blue-knobbed curassow Columbia Crax daubentoni yellow-knobbed curassow Columbia Crax globulosa wattled curassow Columbia Crax rubra great curassow Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras Ortalis vetula plain chachalaca Guatemala and Honduras Pauxi pauxi northern helmeted curassow Columbia Penelope purpurascens crested guan Honduras Penelopina nigra highland guan Guatemala Phasianidae Agelastes meleagrides white-breasted guinea fowl Ghana Agriocharis ocellata ocellated turkey Guatemala Arborophila charltonii chestnut-breasted tree partridge Malaysia Arborophila orientalis bar-backed partridge Malaysia Caloperdix oculea ferruginous wood partridge Malaysia Lophura erythrophthalma crestless fireback pheasant Malaysia Lophura ignita crested fireback pheasant Malaysia Melanoperdix nigra black wood partridge Malaysia Polyplectron inopinatum Rothschild's peacock pheasant Malaysia Rhizothera longirostris long-billed wood partridge Malaysia Rollulus rouloul crested wood partridge Malaysia Tragopan satyra satyr tragopan, Indian tragopan, Nepal crimson-homed pheasant Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit Charadriiformes-Gulls, waders, auks Burhinidae Burhinus bistriatus double-striped stone curlew Guatemala Columbiformes-Pigeons, doves Columbidae Columba guinea speckled pigeon Ghana Columba iriditorques bronze-naped pigeon Ghana Columba Livia rock dove, rock pigeon Ghana Columba mayeri Mauritius pink pigeon Mauritius Columba unicincta African wood pigeon, grey wood Ghana pigeon Oena capensis namaqua dove Ghana Streptopelia decipiens African mourning dove Ghana Streptopelia roseogrisea pink-headed turtle dove Ghana Streptopelia semitorquata red-eyed dove Ghana Streptopelia senegalensis laughing dove Ghana Streptopelia turtur European turtIe dove Ghana Streptopelia vinacea vinaceous dove Ghana Treron calva Reichenow's pigeon Ghana Treron waaLia Bruce's green pigeon Ghana Turtur abyssinicus black-billed wood dove Ghana Turturafer blue-spotted wood dove Ghana Turtur brehmeri blue-headed dove Ghana Turtur tympanistria tamborine dove Ghana Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit

Psittaciformes-Parrots, macaws, cockatoos Psittacidae Psittacula krameri rose-ringed parakeet Ghana Cuculiformes-Turacos Musophagidae Corythaeola cristata great blue turako Ghana Crinifer piscator western grey plantain-eater Ghana Musophaga violacea violet plantain-eater Ghana Piciformes-Toucans Capitonidae Semnomis ramphastinus toucan barbet Colombia Ramphastidae Baillonius bailloni safffron toucanet Argentina Pteroglossus castanotis chestnut-eared aracari Argentina Ramphastos dicolorus red-breasted toucan Argentina Selenidera maculirostris spot-billed toucanet Argentina Passeriformes-Perching birds, finches, wrens, robins, etc Cotingidae Cephalopterus omatus umbrellabird Colombia Cephalopterus penduliger long-wattled umbrellabird Colombia Muscicapidae Bebromis rodericanus Rodriquez warbler Mauritius Terpsiphone bourbonnensis coq de bois Mauritius FringiIlidae Serinus canicapillus streaky-headed seedeater Ghana Serinus leucopygius white-romped seedeater Ghana Serinus mozambicus yellow-fronted canary Ghana Estrildidae Amadina Jasciata cut throat, ribbon finch Ghana Amandava subflava orange-breasted waxbill Ghana .j>. tn I.;) (") IV ::r Third Schedule-continued 0 Q. E- Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit o Estrildidae-continued Estrilda astrild common waxbill Ghana Estrilda eaeruleseens red-tailed lavender waxbill Ghana Estrilda melpoda orange-cheeked waxbill Ghana Estrilda troglodytes black-rumped waxbill Ghana 0-3 ~ Lagonostieta rara black-bellied fire finch Ghana Q. ~ Lagonostieta rubrieata African fire finch Ghana 5;- Lagonostieta rujopieta bar-breasted fire finch Ghana l":I Lagonostieta senegala red-billed fire finch Ghana =Q. Lagonostieta vinaeea black-faced fire finch Ghana IIQ= Lonehura bieolor red-backed mannikin Ghana ~ ~ Lonehura eantans African silverbill Ghana Q. Lonehura eueullata bronze mannikin Ghana (I) 'l:I Lonehura jringilloides magpie mannikin Ghana II> ~. Mandingoa nitidula green-backed twinspot Ghana '" Nesoeharis eapistrata grey-headed olive-back Ghana 0... Nigrita hieolor chestnut-breasted negro-finch Ghana Q. ~ Nigrita eanieapilla grey-crowned negro-finch Ghana ... Nigrita jusconota white-breasted negro-finch Ghana ~g Nigrita luteifrons pale-fronted negro-finch Ghana Ortygospiza atrieollis quail finch Ghana Parmoptila rubrifrons flower-peeker weaver-finch Ghana Pholidornis rushiae tit hyJia Ghana Ghana Pyrenestes ostrinus black-bellied seedcracker IV Pytilia hypogrammiea yellow-winged pytilia Ghana 8 Pytilia phoenieoptera red-winged pytilia Ghana !02 ~ Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit .., Estrildidae-continued Spermophaga haematina western bluebill, blue-billed weaver Ghana ., Q. Uraeginthus bengalus red-cheeked cordon-bleu Ghana =tD Ploceidae Amblyospiza albifrons grosbeak weaver Ghana 5r Anaplectes rubriceps red-headed weaver Ghana to:! Anomalospiza imberbis parasitic weaver Ghana Q.= Bubalomis albirostris buffalo weaver Ghana = ~= Euplectes afer yellow-crowned bishop Ghana aQ. Euplectes ardens red-collared widow-bird Ghana CIl "CI Euplectes franciscanus red bishop Ghana tD !:l. Euplectes hordeaceus black-winged red bishop Ghana tD rIl Euplectes macrourus yellow-mantled widow-bird Ghana 0 Malimbus cassini black-throated malimbe Ghana a.tD Malimbus malimbicus crested malimbe Ghana ., ~ Malimbus nitens Gray's malimbe Ghana g~ Malimbus rubricollis red-headed malimbe Ghana Malimbus scutatus red-vented malimbe Ghana Pachyphantes superciliosus compact weaver Ghana Passer griseus grey-headed sparrow Ghana Petronia dentata bush petronia Ghana til ::rn Plocepasser superciliosus sparrow weaver Ghana C1> .j::o. go w Ploceus albinucha Maxwell's black weaver Ghana w CD Ploceus aurantius orange weaver Ghana Ploceus cucullatus village weaver Ghana Ploceus heuglini Heuglin's masked weaver Ghana Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit

Ploceidae---continued Place us luteolus little masked weaver Ghana Place us melanocephalus black-headed weaver Ghana Place us nigerrimus Viellot's black weaver Ghana Ploceus nigricollis black-necked weaver Ghana Place us pelzelni slender-billed weaver Ghana Ploceus preussi golden-backed weaver Ghana Ploceus tricolor yellow-mantled weaver Ghana Ploceus vitellin us African masked weaver Ghana Quelea erythrops red-headed quelea Ghana Sporopipes frontalis speckle-fronted weaver Ghana Vidua chalybeata green indigo bird Ghana Vidua interjecta Congo paradise whydah Ghana Vidua larvaticola baka indigo bird Ghana Vidua macroura pin-tailed whydah Ghana Vidua orientalis paradise whydah Ghana Vidua raricola Jambandu indigo bird Ghana Vidua togoensis Togo paradise whydah Ghana Vidua wilsoni Wilson's dusky cambassou Ghana


Testudinata-Turtles, tortoises Trionychidae Trionyx triunguis African soft-shell turtle Ghana Pelomedusidae Pelomedusa subrufa helmeted turtle Ghana Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit >-3 Pelomedusidae- Pelusios adansonii white-breasted side-necked turtle Ghana ., ~ continued Q. ~ Pelusios castaneus brown side-necked turtle Ghana 6' Pelusios gabonensis stripe-backed side-necked turtle Ghana toi Pelusios niger black side-necked turtle Ghana =Q. ~ IJQ= Serpentes-Snakes ~., ~ Colubridae Atretium schistosum olive keel-back snake India Q. en Cerberus rhynchops dog-faced water snake India -=~ Xenochrophis piscator checkered keelback water snake India ;e Elapidae Micrurus diastema Atlantic coral snake Honduras '"0 Honduras ., Micrurus nigrocinctus black-banded coral snake Q. Viperidae Agkistrodon bilineatus Mexican copperhead Honduras .,~ Bothrops asper fer-de-lance, barba amarilla Honduras .:N .: Bothrops nasutus horned, hog-nose pit viper Honduras .: Bothrops nummifer jumping viper Honduras Bothrops ophryomegas corniz Honduras Bothrops schlegelii Schlegel's lance-head snake Honduras

Crotalus durissus tropical rattlesnake Honduras CI:l ("") Vipera russellii Russel's viper India ::r' rt> 0- .j:>. w s:: VI Flora-Plants " Gnetaceae Gnetum montanum Nepal; see note I Third Schedule-continued Family Genus, species, or subspecies Common name Countries requiring export permit

Magnoliaceae Magnolia hodgsonii liliifera var. Nepal; see note I obovata Meliaceae Swietenia macrophylla big-leafed mahogany Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica (all populations of the species in the Americas), Mexico; see note 2 Papaveraceae Meconopsis regia Nepal; see note I Podocarpaceae Podocarpus lIeriifolius Nepal; see note I Tetracentraceae Tetracentron sinense Nepal; see note I

NOTES Designates all parts and derivatives except: (a) seeds, spores, and pollen (including pollinia); (b) seedling or tissue cultures obtained ill vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers; and (c) cut flowers of artificially propagated plants. 2 Limited to logs, sawn wood, and veneer sheets.

Marie Shroff, Clerk of the Executive Council. 2000/64 Trade in Endangered Species Order 2000 Explanatory note

Explanatory note This note is not part of the order, but is intended to indicate its general effect. This order, which comes into force on the 28th day after the date of its notification in the Gazette, substitutes new schedules in the Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989. The new schedules consolidate and update the lists of endangered, threatened, and exploited species set out in the schedules.

Issued under the authority of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989. Date of notification in Gazette: 4 May 2000. This order is administered in the Department of Conservation.