
itrttttui ^ICstof ilmmntmtJkWith ^tiu* Complete Coverage (Hate and National Newe

VOL. 78—NO. 284._~~ WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER Hit For |_PHOTOGRAPHIC 3-0 Victory Telephone Free Japan By GAYLE TALBOT associated PRESS SPORTS Unionists WRITER To Be Goal , Oct. 5 —(#)—'Thirty- six-year-old Claude Passeau of the Cubs delivered the great- Leave Wires performance of World Of est pitching Leaders Series history today when he held th- to a single hit COAL STRIKES GROW and turned them back, 3 to 0, in CRISIS MOUNTING the third game of the 1945 classic. York’s clean to Over Half-Million Men Now Only Rudy single War Criminal Suspects left field in the second inning de- Idle Throughout prived 55,500 spectators of the thrill Moved From City To Cf a no-hit, no-run showing by the Nation Island Prison siender veteran from Lucedale, Camp in his World Series debut. J iss.. Much of the population not usu- TOKYO, Oct. 5.—(/P)— Only one other Tiger reached first, ally concerned directly with labor Emperor Bob Swift in the sixth Hirohito is expected to appoint to- on a walk to controversies foifhd telephones morrow a new premier equipped to inning, and he was wiped out on a “dead” yesterday as some com- obey General MacArthur's decrees couble play. munications employes halted work for a free Japan and to meet the to show their organization’s menace of famine Box Score On Sports Page strength. and revolt this winter. Other labor 28 American batters prime developments Only League * The fall of Prince Higashl-Kuni’s during the Hay were: faced Passeau’s sharp curve and postsurrender cabinet earlier 1. Forty-three thousand CIO oil at St. James Church yesterday today medium fast ball as he hurled the Chatting informally was traced to his inability to shake workers were ordered back on the ediumast bat as ne hurled the the Consecration the loose the bureaucratic fetters of the job for the U. S. Navy, controlling following ceremonies, photographer Cubs into a 2 to 1 lead in games old order and act in the mounting seized properties. caught the above picture of Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst won and sent them joyously home- crisis. 2. J. A. Krug, WPB chairman, tonight for the remaining of the East Carolina diocese, Rt. word called for settlement of (left), retiring bishop Two men ranked high in the spec- to wind the quick contests necessary up and ulation over the a strikes lest industry miss its re- Rev. H. S. G. Tucker, D. D., center, presiding bishop premiership as series. conversion goals. flurry of activity that persisted into the new bishop of the Diocese, (right), Rt. Rev. Thomas D. The only World Series periorm- 3. The soft coal strike spread the night indicated Hirohito might at the actual consecration have selected the .nan for ance even remotely challenging to involve 150,000 miners, and rep- Wright. Photo right depicts already turned Passeau’s brilliant feat was resentatives of disputants agreed with laying hands on the new the helm of his troubled empire. of the ceremony attending bishops in by Ed Renbach Chicago to meet with Secretary Schwellen- They were: of when he limited the head.— (Photos courtesy of Hugh Morton). Cubs 1906, back. bishop’s Shigeru Yoshida, jailed by Jap- White Sox to one safety and beat 4. A nationwide unofficial tabu- anese police for opposing the war 1. them, 7 to lation placed the number of per- in its final phases, but recently Renbach, however, issued six sons away from work because of Foreign Minister under Higashi- walk of labor troubles passes against the single at more than 550,- Kuni. he hit one a new Passeau today. Also, 000, high. unner ri cimer t uiinuicuo rvun- delivered a wild The first nationwide work stop- batter and pitch, oye, who once tried to arrange a in Ritual Marks so though undeniably page by telephone employes Consecration his game, Solemn, Age-Old personal meeting with President the before 2 m; (EST) brilliant, scarcely equalled gem history began p. Roosevelt, ostensibly to head off Stadium and halted local service, long dis- seen at Briggs today. the gathering threat of war be- tance calls and service to foreign Passeau, who, ironically, is a tween the and Japan. countries. In most cities the com- Dr. Thomas As Of Diocese former chattel of the Detroit farm Of Wright Bishop MacArthur dominated the scene. panies handled, such emergency fast. ■ told the system, was not particularly K Higashi-Kuni Associated calls as fire and health. His control, however, was magnif- police, Press the new premier would be Dial were not affected. Rt. Rev. Everett and his curve seldom failed systems SOVIET SUSPICIONS Jones, approved by the Supreme Com- icent, The independent National Feder- MOUNTED POLICEMEN slice off the corner Passeau had TWO MORE FIRMS YOUTH CONFESSES mander before being installed, pos- to ation of Telephone Workers fixed BLAMED BY BYRNES Bishop Of West Texas in mind. So thoroughly did he keep CUT WOMEN DOWN IN sibly in a day or two. from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. the hours control that there Sermon This plan, the fallen premier the Tigers under for its demonstration of strength RIOTING FOR COUNCIL SPLIT Preaches* ARGENTINE WIN “FEATHERS” SHOOTING CHILD was the a difficult chance for said, proposed by Emperor scarcely was and against a report by a protest ‘because he is anxious to final in- — KEN NOBLE himself, a fielder. In the — By Chicago trial examiner of the National BUENOS AIRES, Oct. 5.— (#>) WASHINGTON, Oct. 5— (#) for instance, two Detroit The Public Service Division of GREENVILLE, 111., Oct. 5.—(JP) Star-News Staff Writer insure full cooperation with the- ning, Labor Relations Board. their of State Byrnes tonight could not a ball Mounted policemen, firing Secretary Americans. pinchhitters get The examiner recommended dis- the Community War Chest Cam- —Dr. A. M. Keith, Bond county- In all the dignity of the church’s revolvers in the air, today charged declared firmly against dictation While Japan’s politics seethed, out of the infield. solution of the Western Electric headed Warren W. Bell, said Frank Bryson, age-old tradition, the Right Rev- paign by the Three coroner, today these were ’other developments: Association at r women demonstrating of world peace by Big When the enemy came up Employes Kearny, crowd of volun- erand Thomas Henry Wright, D. division chairman, is really going 16-year-old farm boy, had Carrying their own luggage, 21 to bat for himself in the final in- N. J., ruling it was .company- the of striking stu- powers and expressed a “hope” D., yesterday was consecrated against ftrrest more busi- that he of sus- Association is a “over the top," as two tarily signed a confession Japan’s highest ranking the ever to see dominated. The Soviet Russia would to Bishop of the East Carolina diocese ning, crowd--biggest dents, injuring one demonstrator that agree pected war criminals were trans- of the Federation which pro- ness concerns were awarded the killed his little cousin, Connie of the church. a World Series game in Detroit- part to set- Episcopal and a man who went to her aid. hold a general conference ferred from Yokohama prison to tested that dissolution would give Feather" for exceed- Janet 3 and attempted in stood up almost in a body and gave “Red symbol Rench, 1.-2, The consecration took place near as about tle Cmori prison camp Tokyo a CIO union an advantage in or- The incident occurred the peace, of. Europe. historic St. James’ itself Passeau the tremendous cheer he last and 100 per to kill her brother, Joie, 5, with church, where American of war ing year’s quota that at prisoners ganizing workers. women to enter the The Secretary disclosed filled with of deserved. When the last Tiger bat- 500 attempted a rifle bullet to even” high dignitaries once were held. cent participation by the employ- Ministers meet- single “get in front of the the recent Foreign church arid state as the Right Rev. ter popped up to end the game, Central Plaza Mayo chair- with the children’s father. es, H. A. Marks, campaign ing at Foreign Commis- Henry St. George Tucker, D. D., the Chicago club stormed out and palace. The two in- government announced last sar Molotov of Russia had agreed Dr. Keith said the youth, who S. T. LL. D., bishop ace into man, night. D., presiding almost carried their cool SCREAMING WOMEN down farm were cut sabers, was jured by Red Feather win- the proposal for a conference had lived on the Rench eight of the Episcopal church for the NIMITC APPEALS the room. Yesterday’s dressing removed in calmly related that he stood United States recited the solemn both were by police. ners were Jefferson Standard Life ‘‘correct principle.” years, From the fourth inning on Pas- the girl in front of her brother of consecration. He was WELCOME WINDSOR Simultaneously, the Argentine Insurance company, whose unit “My hope,” Byrnes declarer! in liturgy seau wove his spell over the Tigers “is he behind a barn, last Wednesday, assisted by the Right Rev. Thomas FOR POWER NAVY over the amount that after Court was reported to total was doubled a radio address, behind an his mates Supreme back 30 paces and fired a C. D. bishop adequate lead, produced by the firm last year, has conferred with his government, stepped Darst, D., retiring on Frank “Stubby” LONDON, Oct. 5.— (JP) —Crowds have dealt a blow at the country’s single bullet into Connie’s chesl in of the East Carolina diocese, and having swung with Harmon C. Roison as chair- his government will agree that the WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.—WPj—1The the Detroit starter, for of screaming women fought with an attempt to kill both children. the Right Rev. Noble Cilley Powell, Overmire, military government by ruling man and S. & B. Solomon company nations that fought the war—the man who chased the Japanese fleet in- and one another to- D. of three hits and two runs in that police trampled Edelmiro 111 cent of their have a chance to The spent bullet bored through D., Bishop Maryland. from Pearl Harbor to of illegal President Farrell’s who totalled per world war—shall all the way his day for a glimpse of the Duke coat and but inflicted drawn from ning. A1 Benton, successor, Federal quota. make the world Joie’s shirt, Colorful pagaentry Tokyo Bay got the reward of a as he arrived at Marl- decree dismissing Judge peace.” in the seventh Windsor a minor skin in the an lent an atmos- yielded another tally Stores on the only puncture age long-past warrior’s lifetime today. House to visit his mother, E-rraco Marmol of Cordoba. On Thursday the Colonial In a 4,000-word report died when Mickey Livingston doubled, borough abdomen. The girl, however, phere of religious solemnity rare Five-star Admiral Chester W. Mary, for the first "Big Star Market" was awarded Foreign Ministers Council from sacrificed and drove Dowager Queen Marmol had defied 'the govern- instantly, Dr. Keith said. to these modern times as the pro- Nimitz to Roy Hughes the initial over the top “Red less than 24 hours “reported” headquarters time in nine years. which be retured After hearing the confession, a cession of church and lay figures a long fly into center field. ment ordering the rector and for first for new orders now that his fight- car the former king, by Feather” the complete Byrnes officially confirm- re- The bearing before, coroner’s jury this afternoon marched into the dimly lighted is and As a club, the National Leaguers throne five of Cordoba Univer- report from a firm in the unit and the ing assignment completed, who renounced the British professors ed to the American people turned a verdict which said Con- church 10 a. m. to in a man- shortly after was up in a fielded and ran the sacks was division. vital sessions seek- immediately caught in 1936 for ‘the woman I love,” se taken from a train bringing world that the nie had died from a bullet fired ! await arrival of the ner of consecrating swirl of tribute never equalled in to show their appreciation the crowd in less As the report envelopes are the for stopped twice by them to Buenos Aires under ar- ing to lay groundwork' from a rifle held by rBryson. Dr. bishop, Rev. Dr. Tucker. ‘‘Lead x^dbbeau s r or uic wuu the memory of this capital. piicnmg. as it the beginning to come in to campaign had “closed in a than 50 yards approached European peace Keith said a murder "Charge would on O King Eternal” and “Glorious to did not commit rest. Frederick B. Gra- A million people turned out straight game they Mother’s home. headquarters,! stalemate.” bfe filed the. of Thee Are were Queen against youth. Things Spoken” say “well done” in their various an , and Phil Cavarretta bobbies were (In Washington it was disclosed ham, treasurer of the Chest and At least two husky Furthermore, he attributed -the Dr. Keith said Bryson related the processional hymns, sung by made on 20 other Ameri- chairman of the ways—cheers, howls, whistles, one brilliant play knocked down. A number of wom- Argentina joined campaign auditing in his statement that he St. James’ choir as the really major part af the disagreement signed procession screeches, smiles and waves. a ball smashed to him at first. The were by can republics in voting at a Pan- committee announced Thursday about 50 en fell and stepped upon which splits the Council on Soviet carried Connie's body marched in slow-measured beat President Truman said “well Tigers, on the other hand, cracked others forward, craning American Union meeting to post- that a committee of volunteer Allies feet and it in a "goose to marked-off at the front jamming suspicions that the western dropped pews done” at a joint session. under Webb handkerchiefs pone the Inter-American confer- auditors has been organized to was later dis- the strain, and Skeeter their necks, waving actually do not want governments wallow” where it of the church. The District of Columbia said and Eddie each committed a and at the former ruler. ence scheduled uled for Oct. 20 in help check the envelopes. which covered. He then went to Sorento, Mayo yelling in Bulgaria and Romania The sactuary, lighted only by 19 “well done” with a key to the city, •> The bobble in to women shouted, “we want Brazil. committee of volunteer work- 20 miles from Greenville, where the late innings spoil Many are to the Soviet Union- candles and a faint ray of sunlight a scroll of commendation, and a States asked the ers Miss friendly S. a field- back.” Others yelled “Good (The United had includes Kitty Savage, he was seized Sheriff John any possibility of perfectly you “There could be no greater mis- by filtered through richly colored fan / show on the grounds of the ed Old Edward” and “Long live the postponement, saying its govern- Misr Mary McCall, Miss Charlotte Brown. classic. conception of our attributes,” Byr- widows, was in the traditional red sky-splitting Washington Monu- Duke of Windsor.” ment would not sit at a conference Orrell, Mrs. W. H. King. Mrs. Again the National Leaguers nes said adding: of the consecration ceremony. The ment. left his Duchess, the table to draft what amounts to a Iiary Berry, Miss Eulalie Spence, WATCH DISAPPEARS proved that southpaw pitching The Duke gold Cross in the altar’s center The Navy turned the town into Warfield of alliance with the Miss Ruby Reeves and Mrs. Orpha “The American government at the Green holds It took former Wallis Simpson military present While sleeping was banked white Easter lillies a sea of the skies were for them no terrors. shares the desire of- the Soviet by gold braid, Baltimore Paris. army-dominated government of Stanland. !' Latern 608 Campbell them a little longer to begin ,in friend- Cafe, Bishop Tucker initiated the cere- black with a thousand planes flying was unattend- Also announced Thursday was Union to have governments it The Queen Mother Argentina.) street, Leroy Pierce, monies .with the Collect from the in formations that out bouncing Overmire around than “Red not uponiriend- spelled ed when she received her son in the These developments followed the award of the second peace depends only told that his did to on his in Eastern police yesterday ancient liturgy of the church. “Nimitz.” get rustic old of a Feather” of the to to the Soviet Union water reception room of the smashing week-old university campaign ly Pierce stainless steel; Stevens stepped from the Bands of the the Marine way to the showers in the opener, ■' But Bishop Navy, mansion. Afterward they had tea strike against the government and Hughes Brothers for exceeding and Central Europe. lasting and shock* proof wristwatch but once but on Corps and the Coast Guard blared they did it impressively the of and their campaign quota. between governments (Continued on Page Two; Col. together. jailing 1,500 boys girls. ship disappeared. I) “Anchors Aweigh” down historic friendship between peoples.” (Continued on Page Five; Col. 8) Pennsylvania Avenue as the Ad- Unemployment Figures miral’s car threaded through the Allots War Crimes Commission Committee vast multitudes. Police Superintend- PRESIDENT LEAVES FWA $28,000Fund In State Take Tumble Extension Would Follow Pattern (Continued on Page Two; Col. I) TODAY FOR JOURNEY Plans RALEIGH, Oct. 5.——(A*)—A grad- For ‘Community’ ual decline in unemployment in LONDON, Oct. 5.— (t?)—'The Unit- Will Furnish Speakers THROUGH SIX STATES was Wainwright’s North Carolina was revealed today ed War Crimes Commission commu- When advised in on Nov. 6. The long-contemplated by telephone last State Com- to have recom- Local organizations interested — by the Unemployment reported today 5.— (F) of Wil- of the action the Fede --l on city limits ex- Meeting Friday morning in the Own WASHINGTON, Oct. nity building for the city night" by pensation Commission, which said mended td its member govern- hearing speakers Story his desk in nearer ter 'on the week of October council chamber of the city hall, the President Truman put mington was onother step Works Agency,'City Manager A. C. there had been fewer for ments that of Japanese during claimants prosecution of the committee selected of order for a through when dis- Nichols said that the the 15 are included in the plans the week today journey realization last night $782,C'O jobless pay each week since the military aggressors follow pat- The heartbreaking bat- half carried amount in the Executive Committee of the Citi- Oct. 15-20 as an opportune time to dozen states. patches from Washington specified dispatch, middle of September. tern laid down in Germany. for into zens Committee for City Limits Ex- present information on extension tle Corregidor, the tra- He will lead oft an excursion the information that the Federal was for the estimated cost of the Col. A. L. Fletcher, UCC chair- This, if adopted, probably would tension who will furnish the speak- to all civic and. other organizations death march on Arkansas, Missouri and Kentucky Works Agency had advanced more proposed building and the $28,000 man, said the largest number of bring the indictment of top-rank- gic Bataan, Va., at finance of ers and also distribute 5000 pamp- hat have indicated they want- with a visit to Berryville, than $800,000 yesterday to item would cover the costs pre- unemployed workers receiving job- ing Japanese government officials, forty-one months of humil- H to serve lets containing pertinent informa- speakers on the subject. a.m. (EST) tomprrow the of public works pro- paring complete plans and specifi- les benefit checks at any one time possibly including those in power iation and slow starvation planning on annexation it W. D. committee mem- as wedding of was start, Sino- tion the proposed McCaig, best man at the jects in 147 communities through- cations for the project. listed during the week of Sep- as far back as the of. in all Champ North Manchuria was learned yesterday. ber, was selected to address the Jap prison camps, former Senator Bennett out the nation. Among the According to Washington advices, tember 15, when 7,161 workers Japanese hostilities in that The executive group, headed by Rotary club on Oct. 16. No other are told in the Clark of Missouri. listed in the As- funds allocated FWA are drew checks. Of these, 5,725 were in 1931, on the grounds pro- history-mak- Carolina projects the by chairman of definite dates were set. by the a com- women. a on the Hargrove Bellamy, speaking written Gener- Clark, recently nominated sociated Press dispatch was to be repaid, without interest, when voking showdown question ing story by Colum- the Committee-as a whole, assem- The' of an President to the District of for Wilmington. of the Fletcher said that last week the of Emperor Hirohito’s indictment proof eight page al Jonathan munity building construction projects bled for the second time to work Wainwright, bia is to be mar- number to 6,711 as a war It was learned pamphlet entitled “Here are the Court of Appeals, The amount alloted to the city by are dropped unemploy- criminal. which starts in stipulated begun. had out details of the campaign which the Star- ried in the Grace Episcopal church for purpocss ed, of whom 5,104 were women that at leas* one government the FWA planning ah election (Continued on Two; Col. 8) News tomorrow. at Homing, the on Two; Col. claimants. demanded his indictment. will be climaxed by., Page Berryville to Violet and (Continued Page 6) * * was $782,000 $28,000. 'f actress. \