Research Paper Commerce Communication Role of Folk Media
Volume-4, Issue-4, April-2015 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160 Commerce Research Paper Communication Role of Folk Media in Rural Development Yathish. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Folk Media & Communication Karnataka Folklore L.Kodavath University, Gottagodi, Shiggaon, Haveri dist. Karnataka State. KEYWORDS : River Hiran, Phytoplankton, Distribution , Diversity and Density. Introduction: political, social, healthcare and agricultural innovation, as to inform In a country like India, this is multi-lingual, diverse in character and and educate the rural citizens. In the village life, where the medium of where peasantry constitutes that largest segment of population, mass communication like radio, newspaper and television. Have not knowledge of folk institutions, their habits, customs, tradition and been profuse introduced, folk media have tried to compensate such culture serve as significant tools in the process of motivating the ru- wider in coverage as well as the communication gap. ral masses towards development programmes launched by the gov- ernment at the national, state and local levels. Folk media provide Folk media, as it do not maintain any decorum and well any protected an important tool in the process of motivating rural masses towards status like other mediums of mass communication have, that allows accepting social change that are being introduced through various the rural audiences to come closer to such media considerably well.. development agencies. They also prove a useful means for the uplift- On the other hand, the communicator presents the messages,, re- ment of common people and national reconstruction programmes. lated to the facts that happen in village life every day. As the major messages in folk media, are delivered in the form of entertainment, Folk media help in making the task of nation-building, socio-eco- to the audiences, who have no experience or any tastes for other nomic development and modernization easier and acceptable to ru- types of amusement or entertainment at all like other urban citizens, ral masses.
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