Michael Dowling Chairman
[email protected] Council of Licenced Firearms Owners Inc. PO Box 24020, Manners Street, Wellington 6142, New Zealand www.colfo.org.nz Arms Legislation Bill Submission for the Council of Licenced Firearms Owners This submission has been co-signed by 10,420 people and organisations, who believe that if this Bill is enacted it will fundamentally and detrimentally change how people in the shooting community, especially those in rural and regional areas, relate to the Police with respect to their firearms and their firearm sports. COLFO will lodge a supplementary submission. With the compressed time allowed for submissions, it will be submitted in COLFO’s name only. We have validated each of these submitters as having individual active email addresses. Their names are as follows: Joel Aagesen Ben Abbott David Abbott George Abbott Mark C N Abbott Selena Abbott Tassilo Abbott Ashley Abel Nick Abel Bruce Abernethy Hayden Abernethy Jim Abernethy Pam Abernethy David Abplanalp Elizabeth Abraham Gordon Absolum Ashmaniza Abu Samah Scott Ackroyd Kelvin Acutt John Adair Mark Adam Carey Adams Dan Adams Don Adams Jakeb Adams Kate Adams Kelly Adams Kerry Adams Kevin Adams Peter Adams Roger Adams Russell Adams Scott Adams Shane Adams Simon Adams Simon Adams Stafford Adams Whitley Adams Richard Adamson Steven Adamson Lorna Addidle Richard Addis Scott Addis Chris Adkin Phillip Adlam Robert Adriaens Elisabeth Agar Cleighton Ahipene Mark Ahlers Zion Ahu Esther Aiken Joel Aiken Murray Howard Aiken Clinton Ainger Paul Ainsworth Rachel Ainsworth Ryan Ainsworth James Airey Max Airey Peter Airey Anthony Aish Levi Aislabie Bill Aitchison Bruce Aitken Craig Aitken Harrison Aitken Laurence Aitken Libby Aitken Norris Aitken Peter Aitken Waimarie Akroyd Mark Akyla-Gray Mciver Emmanuel Alarcon Emmanuel Alarcon Nathan Alarcon Dean Albiston Michael Dowling Chairman
[email protected] Council of Licenced Firearms Owners Inc.