Contents GazetteLawSociety Regulars Cover Story Secure in the knowledge News 2 8 Since the last Data Protection Act was passed in 1988, technology has become all-pervasive and our personal information is stored Viewpoint 5 somewhere on someone’s database. Denis Kelleher outlines how the Data Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2002 will affect our right to Letters 7 know what others know about us Book review 31 Tech trends 32 One step forward, 12 two steps back? Stockwatch 35 The European convention on human rights Briefing 36 will eventually become law in Ireland. But if it’s enacted in the way the government Council report 36 proposes, this significant addition to our Committee law may have little practical effect, suggests reports 37 John Moher Legislation update 38 A game of high stakes SBA annual 18 The director of public prosecutions recently issued new accounts 41 guidelines that aim to make prosecution decisions a little Personal injury more transparent. Dr Eamonn Hall discusses the issues judgment 42 involved Firstlaw update 44 Eurlegal 50 Defamation: which court to choose? In the light of recent high-profile libel actions, Pamela People and 22 Cassidy argues that careful consideration should places 54 be given to whether a plaintiff’s Obituaries 57 defamation claim justifies going to the High Court at all Apprentices’ page 59 Professional Bridging the gap information 61 26 How can businesses manage the gap between COVER:
[email protected] their book debts and their cashflow without extending their compa- ny’s overdraft or getting deeper into hock? Barry O’Halloran explores some options Editor: Conal O’Boyle MA.