Latin II 20119-20 Question for BBC In Our Time: The Nōmen______

Instructions: As you list to BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic answer the following questions in as much detail as you can. Know the following terms and people:

Livy’s Ab Urbe Conditā Polybius Septem Rēgēs Carthage and the Poenī Tarquinius Superbus, ultimus et septimus rex Punic Wars Sextus Tarquinius 2nd Punic War against Hannibal Lucius Junius Brutus Scipio Africanus Collatīnus Civitās - citizenship Lucretia municipium 509 BC Socii - allied Italian city-states SPQR - Senatus Populusque Romanus Mos Maiorum Res Publica Roman Triumphal Procession Lībertās Marcus Tullius Cicero consul Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus = the Gracchi Etruscans First Triumvirate: Caesar, Crassus, Pompey Lars Porsenna Mark Anthony Hortius Cocles Assassination of Caesar in 44 BC

BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic:

1) What event is the catalyst for the expulsion of the Roman kings?

2) What two forms of government are historically before and after the Roman Republic? Give the dates for all three period (not in the podcast). What were the goals of the Roman Republican system of government? When are the earliest histories of the Republic written?

3) How powerful is as a city-state at the beginning of the Republic? What divisions of powers existed in the Roman Republic?

4) What problems do historians looking at the establishment of the Republic face? II 20119-20 Question for BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic Nōmen______

5) Whom do the Romans fight following the expulsion of the kings in 509 BC? What is the story Horatius on the Pons Sublicius? What is the significance of the story of Horatius on the Bridge in the context of Republican social and political values?

6) What does the war against Hannibal (2nd Punic War) reveal about the nature of the Roman Republic? How are the Romans able to defeat Hannibal, when he invades the Italian peninsula? Latin II 20119-20 Question for BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic Nōmen______

7) Who was Polybius? What does the Greek historian Polybius tells us about the Roman Republic? What is Polybius trying to explain? What does Polybius say about the constitution of the Roman Republic and what makes it successful? Latin II 20119-20 Question for BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic Nōmen______

8) Who during the Roman Republic served in the army? How was wealth a factor in politics of the Roman Republic? What is the relationship between the Roman People and the ? How do the Romans finance their wars? Who are the capite censi? How is a wealth a factor in Roman politics?

9) What was the relationship between Rome and her allied city-states (socii) regarding the army?

10) What does the term Res Publica mean to the Romans? What valves are embodied in the concept of Res Publica?

11) What were the advantages of citizenship (cīvitās) for allied Italian city-states? Latin II 20119-20 Question for BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic Nōmen______

12) How was the ownership of land an important factor in Roman politics?

13) What is mos maiorum and how does this idea influence Roman politics?

14) What was a triumphal process and what was it political significance during the Republic?

15) Who was Cicero? What was his view of the three elements of Rome’s constitution? Latin II 20119-20 Question for BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic Nōmen______

16) What is the historical significance of the Gracchi brothers (Tiberius and Gaius) in the context of social conflict and Roman Republic? What problems do the Gracchi strive to solve? What happens to the Gracchi?

17) When does the Republican system of government begin to break down in Rome? What factors and events bring about its demise? How do the Romans themselves see the break down of the Republic?

18) What does Pompey the Great achieve in the East? Latin II 20119-20 Question for BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic Nōmen______

19) How do Caesar, Pompey and Crassus manipulate the Roman Republic and what responsibility do the bear for its final collapse?

20) What is the historical significance of Caesar’s crossing the Rubicon? What side in this struggle does Pompey take? What is the outcome of this civil war for Caesar? What office does he occupy prior to his assassination in 44 BC?

21) Discuss the significance of Cicero’s assassination in 43 BC? How is his murder turned into a public statement by Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius)?

22) What is the legacy of the Roman Republican System? What countries have established a constitution modeled on the Roman Republic?