International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2018

Institutional Critical Factors in University Personnel Security

1Simeon Adebayo Oladipo, 2Joseph Olayinka Awoyinfa, 3Olugbenga Samson Adefarakan 1Department of Educational Management, 2Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education Faculty of Education, 3Human Resources Management Department University of Lagos , Lagos,


Appropriate security procedures are absolutely school system. It is believed that insecurity is a essential to the orderly operations of any major threat to job performance of employees and organization, schools inclusive, without which the academic performance of students in the institutions institution is unsafe. This study examined the of learning. institutional critical factors such as location, Security is the protection of life and property of a climate, facilities and culture as they relate to person’. It is the degree of protection against danger, security of personnel (staff and students) in the damage, loss, and criminal activity. It also refers to a University of Lagos, Nigeria. Being a case study, it situation in which individuals in an environment live adopted the descriptive survey research design. The in peace and enjoy the protection of fundamental population comprised 2,875 staff and 25,095 rights. Security, though a robust term, is used to students selected from 11 faculties and the College of describe all measures taken to discover, assess and Medicine of the University, while the sample for the contain threats from hostile intruders. Security also study was a total of 300 staff and 2,500 students of refers to all facilities (human and non-human) the University. Thus, a total of 2,800 participants provided to ensure safety of lives and properties and were selected using stratified random sampling guarantee a peaceful atmosphere for citizens to technique. A self-constructed modified Likert scale pursue their legitimate activities without fear, threats type questionnaire was used for data collection. The or hindrances in a given country (State Security study revealed that there exists a strong relationship Service – SSS, as cited in Phenson, Ojie, Esin & Atai between the identified institutional factors and [25]). security of personnel in the University. The study Security, which implies the absence of fear, may recommends that university curriculum should be also be conceived as protection from danger, reviewed to include compulsory courses in security violence, fear, and want that impair, or capable of and crime prevention, provision of adequate modern impairing the full development and existential security facilities and, capacity building for security wellbeing of citizens. Until recently, security was personnel, and increase in budgetary allocation for conceived in both academic literature and security in order to guarantee safety and security of government policies in narrow and state-centric personnel as well as enhanced quality of university terms as the protection of a nation from foreign output. aggression and internal insurrection. As a result, the armed forces, police and intelligence agencies were 1. Introduction seen as the primary tools for preserving national sovereignty against foreign aggression and defending Insecurity issues in the institutions of learning all domestic regime and government. The political, over the world has led to design of several security economic and social systems of a country create the measures in order to guarantee adequate protection conditions for security and insecurity. Security is a and safety of lives and properties. The spillover first-order or necessary precondition for the effect of globalization has also increased the rate of development of human beings and society. crime in the institutions of learning through access to Therefore, security is the most basic need of human weapons and exposure to several crimes on various beings and societies, according media. Insecurity is a menace which institutions all over the world are struggling to eradicate in order to foster peace and tranquillity in all quarters of the

Copyright © 2018, Infonomics Society 219 International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2018

teasing, or personal property damage and theft in the school. All over the world, university campuses face unique challenges in managing the safety and security of students and staff. Residential institutions provide accommodation for some staff and students and sometimes have visitors from different institutions, States and possibly foreign institutions. It is therefore, expedient for institutions to ensure provision of adequate security of everyone that comes to the institution. The make-up of the school environment is a strong factor that should be considered in the process of setting institutions of Figure 1. Maslow’s’ Hierarchy of Needs learning in order to avert exposure of personnel to several security issues during their course of study. to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Recognizing the There should be special vigilance and effective significance of security as the precondition for the campus security system for the protection of survival of the Nigerian people and nation, the students, staff and safeguard the campus property Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria against external attack. In Nigeria, there had been provided in section 14 (1) (b) that “the security and cases of community members attacking the students welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of and staff of university community as a result of government”. A responsible government trivial issues. Similarly, cultural practices by some concentrates on the provision of security services for community create fear and imposes unnecessary the citizens (protection of human rights from hardship on the personnel in the university system. physical threats and violence) because every other Obviously, meaningful academic progress cannot be activity depends on the presence of this essential achieved by students when the members of the service [4]. community in which the institution is located disrupt Institutional security is regarded as deliberate learning. This leads to closure of schools by activities to satisfy the need to ensure the absence of management until the situation is put under control danger and wary and to prevent unacceptable loss by security operatives. Court (as cited in Ogbo & and danger to corporate assets (tangible and Ukpere [18]) stated that creating safe work intangible). In this sense, institutional security entails environment improves job performance because awareness, avoidance, planning, protection, employees feel safe at work. Therefore, it is assumed preservation, alarm, deterrence and reaction. Security that institutional factors such as location, climate, addresses the risk of harm due to intentional criminal facilities and culture are presumably responsible for acts such as assault, burglary or vandalism. The security effectiveness in the tertiary institutions. process or means (physical or human), of delaying, preventing, and otherwise protecting against external 2. School Location and Personnel or internal defects, dangers, loss, criminals, and other Security individuals or actions that threaten, hinder or destroy an institution’s steady state and deprive it of its Research shows that school safety works best intended purpose for being. Schools are supposed to when there are school-wide policies and practices be among the safest places for children to be, while that systemically address both the needs of students, their parents are at work. Unfortunately, the violent school personnel, and the community (i.e. location) reality of schools today makes one wonder if schools and the physical plant itself. Schools that have are still safe, and how students are able to learn in implemented comprehensive violence prevention and such volatile environments. Students in schools are response plans experience improved student often very much in danger of being harmed. The performance, fewer student suspensions, school existence of cultist groups on campuses has made climate more conducive to learning, and better staff life unsafe and meaningless to both staff and morale; they are safer places. The most common students. Their activities include harassing any non- types of security measures at all levels of schooling members who snatched a member’s girl friend or are locked buildings, requirements for faculty staff ‘sugar daddy’ (in case of female cultism); harassing and students to wear ID badges, video surveillance any female students who refuse their amorous cameras, and electronic notification systems. Larger advances; harassing any lecturer who insist on merit schools, especially in urban areas are more likely for passing examinations among others. than smaller schools to control access to grounds Kidnapping, violence, gangs, and drugs are still during school hours, require students to wear badges present in schools (Ajayi, Haastrup, Ekundayo and or picture IDs, use random or daily metal detectors Osalusi [3]). Students also experience bullying, on students, and use security cameras for monitoring.

Copyright © 2018, Infonomics Society 220 International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2018

Additionally, the use of many of these security and student participation in the design of programs measures has markedly increased in urban schools. and policies. The New York Times also reports that approximately one-third of public schools have an armed security 3. School Climate guard. Policies regarding armed security vary by district: some districts arm their own school resource Every educational organization has a climate that officers while others bring in local law enforcement distinguishes it from other schools and influences personnel. However, if a district has the finances to behavior and feelings of teachers and students in that obtain security devices and the personnel to operate school. Climate can be defined as the perceived them, barriers such as metal detectors, video subjective effects of the formal system, the informal cameras, and access control systems can serve as style of managers, and other important effective deterrents for school violence (Hanover environmental factors that impact on the attitudes, Research [12]). beliefs, values and motivation of people who work in Besides school location there are other three a particular organization (Sergiovanni & Starratt, primary issues that affect school safety and security: 1988 as cited in Gunbayi, 2007). It is also the school climate - strategies for improving the social atmosphere of the workplace, including a complex environment, school layout and organization - the mixture of norms, values, expectations, policies, and principles of crime prevention through procedures that influence individual and group environmental design, physical security - the need patterns of behavior [22]. School climate refers to for locks, alarms, safety lighting, and more, these are how students, teachers, and staff feel about their discussed in detail in this research. In July, 2005, the school and this underlies individual attitudes, National Universities Commission (NUC) waded behaviors, and group norms. Schools that feel safe, into strained relations that existed between Olabisi for instance, foster high-quality relationships among Onabanjo University students and host communities students and teachers while decreasing the which caused several killings and destruction of probability of violence. However, it is important to properties, as Executive Secretary, Prof. Peter note that the climate of a school is not necessarily Okebukola, proffered ways to nip future clashes in experienced in the same way by all of its members. It the bud. In September 2015, Police in Enugu began a was stated that school climate obviously influences manhunt after the kidnap of the Chief Imam of the students behavioural problems like fighting and University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Sheikh Adam stealing in the school system. Thus, security tends to Idoko, he was abducted being the Deputy Secretary improve as a result of a favourable school climate General of Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic [5]. Safe school climate enhances efficiency and Affairs (NSCIA) at his village. Police officers in quality of performance. Providing working climate Ogun State were given orders to shoot cultists, that promote the safety of employees is therefore ritualists or kidnappers on sight in order to lower the becoming a major management concern [18]. alarming rate of crime in the state in September, School climate refers to the quality and character 2015. The kidnap of three female students in March, of school life. It is based on patterns of school life 2016 in a school at Babington Macaulay Junior experiences and reflects norms, goals, values, Seminary, Agunfoye-Lugbusi, Ikorodu, Lagos State interpersonal relationships, teaching, learning and is an example of insecurity involving school location practices, and organizational structures. A and its personnel. In July 2016, police arrested an sustainable, positive school climate fosters youth undergraduate female suspect who kidnapped her development and learning necessary for a productive, friend Justina Anochie, in order to make money from contributing and satisfying life (Center for Social and the latter’s parents. Both suspected kidnapper and Emotional Education - CSEE, 2009). Cohen and her victim, were students of Babcock University, Geier (2010) revealed that school climate promotes Ilishan, Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. In March 27, safety and healthy relationships in institutions of 2017, reported the kidnap of an learning. Thapa, Cohen, Guffey, and Higgins- undergraduate student of Caleb University, located at D'Alessandro [21] stated that a favourable school Imota, off Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria. The climate helps to ensure reduction of risk and enhance location of these schools and the security measures safety as well as security of students and employees in and around where the crimes of kidnapping of the institution. However, Astor, Guerra, and Van occurred contributed in a way to the perpetration of Acker (2010) showed that many students do not feel such crime. Perhaps the reason why the U.S. physically and emotionally safe in schools, largely as Department of Education while indicating a result of breakdowns in the interpersonal and fundamental qualities of a safe and responsible contextual variables that define a school’s climate. In school, identified strong school leadership, caring schools without supportive norms, structures, and faculty, family and community involvement relationships, students are more likely to experience (including law enforcement officials and violence, peer victimization, and punitive representatives of community-based organizations), disciplinary actions, often accompanied by high

Copyright © 2018, Infonomics Society 221 International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2018

levels of absenteeism and reduced academic 6. Situation Reports on Campus Security achievement. Cornell, Sheras, Gregory, and Fan [24] in Nigeria in recent time carried out a study on threat assessment and found that positive school climate reduces insecurity. In 2011, the students of University of Calabar Gregory, Cornell, Fan, Sheras, Shih, and Huang [11] went on rampage over an issue bordering on school in a study carried out on students and teachers in fees for two days. The two-day violent rampage by high schools which involves a randomly selected the students led to wanton destruction of properties sample of ninth-grade students and teachers in high and wreaked unprecedented physical and schools, showed that a favourable school climate psychological havoc in the University of Calabar aids school safety. campus. The situation could have been averted except for the old law which forbid police from 4. School Facilities entering university campuses in Nigeria, as a result, while the students were on rampage, the security Ensuring the safety, security and good health of personnel of the university were overpowered by the the learner as well as other staff of the school is rampaging students while the security forces (the another objective that any school plant planner police and others that could have helped) were should accomplish. All buildings should be helpless and could not enter the University of structurally adequate and enough safety features, Calabar campus during the period to help quell the such as fire alarm systems, firefighting equipment, students riot. Meanwhile, in 2015 the entire Nigerian and emergency exits should be provided. Learning university community was engulfed by fear and takes place effectively in an environment in which panic following an email allegedly sent by Islamic the learner feels safe and secure (National Open extremist group Boko Haram to the 15 universities in University of Nigeria-NOUN, n.d). Facilities are southern Nigeria. Public relations officer at the provided to meet the immediate needs of an University of Benin, Harrison Osarenren, explained organization. Every organization needs to provide that the message was sent through an email address, adequate security facilities in order to ensure safety [email protected], to the registrar. "They of lives and properties in the institution. Adequacy of said that their aim was to eradicate Western facilities helps to improve the performance of both education in Nigeria. This university has been the students and other staff in the school system. shortlisted among 19 other universities. They warned Security facilities include Close circuit that these universities will soon experience a series television/camera (CCTV) technologies, video of bomb blasts," Osarenren reported Fatunde [10]. surveillance and intrusion detection. It was found Recently in 2016, between April and May 21, the that, if these systems are controlled and monitored by University of Maiduguri experienced two botched competent and capable security officers, there will be attempts by suicide bombers to bomb the university an absolute reduction in crime. Consequently, there campus. Nigerian universities are urgently re- will be an improvement in tracing crimes that has examining their outdated security framework, been committed on campus. following these recent security threats. Nigeria's president and security leaders are taking the trouble 5. School Culture at the University of Calabar and the Boko Haram threat seriously. Experiences have shown that Early educationist recognized that the distinctive intelligence reports on activities of certain groups are culture of a school affects the life and learning of its left unattended to. For instance, in 2009, the Kaduna students. School culture refers to the accumulative State Police Commissioner sent a report to the police social orderliness that designates the organizational headquarters urging the federal government to norms and beliefs, as parts of its social milieu for urgently take a drastic action to dislodge (El- training and educating students. The school culture is Zakzaky sect (an Islamic militant group) from the an embodiment of silent symbols which are actively alleged training centres in Dambo village and the and keenly carried out by the school personnel. It can Faddiya Islamic centre both in Zaria, Kaduna State. also be said to mean aspects of the school or the (The Punch, March 19, 2009, p. 12). The inaction by hidden curriculum that were learnt passively by government, one can posit, led to the indiscriminate members of the school community. The school surge and unchecked activities of militant sect in the culture which include; discipline, interaction North and other parts of Nigeria. In conjunction to between teachers and students, and also among this, government’s partnership perhaps might students can either be favourable or unfavourable to encourage telecommunications providers in Nigeria teachers, students and other members of staff and to create dedicated toll-free lines like the 911 in this may affect their overall performance in the many western nations and also invest in campus school. However, it is important for any school security. This will enable members of the public who culture to rigorously pursue security of lives and have information on individuals and groups likely to properties of the school’s personnel [14]. breach national security could easily do so under the

Copyright © 2018, Infonomics Society 222 International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2018

cloak of confidentiality and anonymity’s without fear any way to personnel security in the University of of reprisal or retributions (, July 5, 2011, Lagos with the view of proffering probable solutions p. 21). to enhance the institutional goals, quality and Several options are being considered to improve secured graduates. campus security, according to reliable sources in Abuja. Importantly, legislators in the national 8. Research Objectives assembly intend reviewing the 25-year-old law that forbids a police presence on campuses. Recognizing This study sought to investigate whether any the significance of security as the precondition for relationship exist between institutional factors and the survival of the Nigerian people and nation, the personnel security in University of Lagos. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Specifically, it was designed to: provided in section 14 (1) (b) that “the security and 1. investigate the relationship that exist welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of between school location and personnel security in the government”. The duty conferred on the government University of Lagos, Nigeria. by this provision has not been substantially and 2. examine the relationship between school substantively discharged as the prevailing high level climate and personnel security in University of of human insecurity in the country demonstrates. Lagos. The UN Commission on Human Security (2003) 3. investigate the relationship that exist suggested that human security means protection and between facilities and personnel security in empowerment of citizens. Protection shields people University of Lagos. from dangers while empowerment enables people to 4. determine whether school culture relates to develop their potential and become full participants personnel security in the University of Lagos, in decision-making. Nigeria.

7. Statement of the Problem 8.1. Research Questions

The rate of insecurity globally and in a 1. What is the relationship between school developing country like Nigeria in particular is location and personnel security in the University of alarming because of persistent security challenges Lagos? that are prevalent. One can posit that Nigeria in 2. To what extent does school climate recent times has witnessed an unprecedented level of influence personnel security in the University of insecurity. Inter and intra-communal and ethnic Lagos? clashes, ethnos religious violence, armed robbery, 3. To what extent does facilities relate to kidnapping, assassination, murder, gender-based personnel security in University of Lagos? violence, and bomb explosion have been on the 4. To what extent does school culture relate to increase leading to enormous loss of lives and personnel security in University of Lagos? property, and a general atmosphere of siege and social tension for the populace [23]. 8.2. Research Hypotheses Universities in Nigeria witness several challenges associated with insecurity on campus. Because of 1. There is no significant relationship between this, the management of the institutions strive to school location and personnel security in University eradicate every issue of crime, student unrest, theft, of Lagos, Nigeria. cult activities and others that affect safety of lives 2. School climate does not significantly relate and properties in the institution. Achieving this may to personnel security in the University of Lagos, perhaps improve the productivity of the employees in Nigeria. the institutions. However, there are noticeable 3. Facilities does not significantly relate to security challenges occasioned by neglect on the part Personnel security in the University of Lagos, of the management and government. Some Nigeria. employers also assume little responsibility for the 4. School culture does not significantly relate protection of workers’ health and safety. All these to personnel security in the University of Lagos, had led to destruction of valuable properties and loss Nigeria. of lives in Nigerian Universities. It appears factors such as school location and 9. Methods climate affect security of students and employees in

Nigerian universities and consequently, their output. The study adopted a descriptive survey research It seems the facilities in place and institutional design. It concentrated on obtaining information culture are also determinants of personnel security in from a sample of the population in order to make Nigerian Universities. This study therefore sets out inference to the entire population under study. The to investigate whether institutional factors relate in

Copyright © 2018, Infonomics Society 223 International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2018

population of the study comprised all 27,826 full significant relationship exists between school time undergraduate students in the University of location and personnel security in the University of Lagos as at 2014/2015 academic session (Oladipo Lagos was rejected. and Oladejo, 2016). The stratified random sampling technique was used to select 2000 participants across 10.1. Ho2: School climate does not relate the 11 faculties and the College of Medicine in the to personnel security in University of University. A total of 200 participants were selected from each of the 11 faculties and the College of Lagos. Medicine in the University of Lagos. A self- Table 2: School Climate and Personnel Security constructed 4-point modified Likert scale questionnaire titled Institutional factors and Variables N SD r p Remar Decisi Personnel Security Questionnaire (IFAPSQ) was X ks on used for data collection. It was divided into two School 1 5.2 Climate 5 7 sections (Sections A and B). Section A sought . demographic characteristics of respondents while 7 section B sought information on the variables of the 1 study. The questionnaire was scored on a 4-point 2000 0.34 .00 sig. Reject 2 0 Ho modified Likert scale of Strongly Agree (SA), Agree Personnel 1 6.5 (A), Strongly Disagree (SD), and Disagree with Security 2 3 weights 4, 3, 2, and 1 respectively. In order to ensure . content and face validity of the research instrument, 6 1 it was given to two experts in Measurement and

Evaluation for modifications. The reliability of the Table 2 shows a weak, positive correlation exist instrument was ensured by administering the between school climate and personnel security (r instrument on 200 students other than those selected =0.342, P < 0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis for the study. The split half reliability technique was which states that School climate does not relate to used, and the spearman rank order correlation was personnel security in the University of Lagos was used to get reliability coefficient of the instrument. rejected. The Spearman Brown prophesy formula was used to correct the correlation coefficient which gave a correlation coefficient of 0.76 and this shows the 10.2. Ho3: Personnel security do not instrument was reliable. Data obtained were significantly relate to facilities in subjected to inferential statistical hypotheses testing. University of Lagos. Specifically, the four null hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product Moment correlation Table 3: School Facilities and Personnel Security coefficient at 0.05 level of significance. Variabl N X SD r p Remar Decisi es ks on 10. Test of Hypotheses School 10.6 4.3 Faciliti 2 6 es Ho1: There is no significant relationship between 200 0.41 .00 sig. Reject school location and personnel security in University 0 0 0 Ho of Lagos. Person 12.6 3.2 nel 1 1 Table 1: School Location and Personnel Security Securit y Variables N X SD r p Remar Decisi ks on Table 3 shows that a strong, positive and School 17.5 3.3 significant relationship exist between school Location 8 9 2 0.87 .00 sig. Reject facilities and personnel security (r =0.871, p <0.05). 0 1 0 Ho Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that 0 personnel security does not significantly relate to 0 facilities in the University of Lagos was rejected. Personnel 12.6 6.5 Security 1 3 10.3. Ho4: School culture does not significantly relate to personnel security Table 1 shows that a strong, positive and in University of Lagos significant relationship exist between school location and personnel security (r =0.871, p <0.05).

Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that no Table 4: School culture and Personnel Security

Copyright © 2018, Infonomics Society 224 International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2018

grade students and teachers in high schools, showed Variabl N X SD r p Remar Decisi that a favourable school climate aids school safety. es ks on School 16.3 4.8 Culture 8 9 12. Conclusion and Recommendations 200 0.63 .00 sig. Reject 0 5 0 Ho Person 13.4 3.6 This paper examined institutional factors that nel 5 8 serve as threat to personnel security in University of Securit Lagos, while looking at experiences from other y universities across Nigeria. The study concludes that institutional factors such as: 1. hostile institutional Table 4 shows that a strong, positive and environment, 2. over-stretched and inadequate significant relationship exist between school culture teaching/learning facilities, 3. negative institutional and personnel security (r =0.871, p <0.05). culture such as indiscipline, poor, strained, Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that unfavourable interaction between teachers and school culture does not significantly relate to students and among students. 4. Institutional climate personnel security in the University of Lagos was such as unconducive atmosphere of the workplace rejected. including a complex nature of norms, values, It could therefore be summarized that: a strong, policies, procedures and expectations that influence positive and significant relationship exist between individual and group patterns of behaviour, and other school location and personnel security (r =0.871, p related factors such as 5. poor funding of institutions, <0.05); a weak, positive correlation exist between 6. outdated security framework, 7. inadequate school School Climate and Personnel Security (r =0.342, P plant planning, 8. poor staff and students’ safety and < 0.05); a strong, positive and significant security awareness, 9. inadequate capacity building relationship exist between school facilities and for the security personnel 10. Institutional leadership personnel security (r =0.871, p <0.05); and a strong, challenges are the major determinants of security on positive and significant relationship exist between university campuses in Nigeria. These threats include school culture and personnel security (r =0.871, p the following as revealed in this study: burglary, <0.05). arson, rape, theft, cultism, bullying, electrocution, suicide, students/communal clashes, religious 11. Findings and Discussion clashes, kidnappings, armed robberies and bombing of selected institutions by fundamental militant Hypothesis one shows that, there exist a strong, groups who direct their attacks at strategic buildings positive and significant relationship between school in institutions, which consequently affect the location and personnel security (r =0.871, p <0.05). operations of the institutions in terms of quality of The stated hypothesis is therefore rejected. The output in teaching and learning. There is need for findings of this hypothesis agree with the findings of management of the universities to take the issue or Hanover Research [12] that there exists a strong, intelligence/information gathering seriously. Safety positive and significant relationship between school and security should be considered as everybody’s location and personnel security. business because all stakeholders in the institutions The findings of hypothesis two reveals that a have a role to play in keeping safe operations. weak, positive correlation exist between School Everyone can help promote campus safety by Climate and Personnel Security (r =0.342, P < 0.05). keeping eyes and ears open and immediately Thus, the stated hypothesis which states that school reporting all crimes and public safety problems or climate does not relate to personnel security in concerns. Students require a safe and secured University of Lagos was rejected. The findings of environment for quality learning in other to meet up this hypothesis are in consonance with findings of with their high expectation. Fusing electronic the study carried out by Cohen and Geier (2010) security systems is a cost-effective approach which which revealed that school climate promotes safety has the capacity to enhance security and safety on and healthy relationships in institutions of learning. university campuses. Similarly, it agrees with the findings of a study by The task of internal security entails garnering of Thapa et al. [21 which stated that a favourable school peoples trust and confidence in the security forces. climate help to ensure reduction of risk and enhance Without this, information about perpetrators will be safety as well as security of students and employees hard to come by. Based on this, management of of the institution. It also agrees with the work of universities should work in tandem with heads of Cornell et al. [24] which they carried out on threat departments to collect information on activities assessment and found that positive school climate around their faculties. Collaboration between the reduces insecurity. Gregory et al. [11] in a study security officers, the students and heads of carried out on students and teachers in high schools departments in sharing information will in no small which involves a randomly selected sample of ninth-

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