MD vs MP3

Confidential • • • • • • Pro and Cons tothe users MP3? How ATRAC comparesto What is MiniDiscATRAC? Why MP3 issopopular? What isMP3? Why andwhatis AudioCompression?

Confidential Agenda samples/second 10.000.000 44.1 kHz (bytes)

44.100 Why do we need ofAudio Compression? 10 Mbytes 1-minute song (CD quality) on your HardDisc your (CDquality)on song 1-minute 1-minute song (CDquality)over theInternet song 1-minute X X (2 channels) (8 bits/byte) stereo 2 Internet 8 Confidential X / 16 bits /sample (2 bytes/sample) () (bits/s) 28.800 2 28.8 modem X (60 s/min) X (60 sec/min) 60 60

= = 10 Mbytes 10 Mbytes 49 minutes 49

• • What isAudio Compression? quality (ie.MP3 &ATRAC) quality withlittleor noperceptiblelossof reduction, size achieve to ear human ofthe the properties Modern perceptual audio codingtechniques exploit channel bandwith) requirements foraudiodata. The process thestorage space(or ofminimizing

Confidential .

• What isAudio Compression? applications bit-rate low forhighquality The keytechnology – – – – Digital audiobroadcasting systems audio Internet soundmemories solid-state games soundtracks forCD-ROM

Confidential • • • Some typical performance dataofMP3are: performance Some typical and128k/sec. sampled at44.1kHz typically is todownloadat28.8kbaud.MP3music minutes andtakesabout20 A 4-minutesongisabout 4MB MP3 =MPEGLayer-3 CD near-CD similar to FM radio than AM radio better thanshortwave better telephone Sound Quality


Confidential What isMP3? Bandwidth 7.5 kHz 4.5 kHz 2.5 kHz >15 kHz 15 kHz 11 kHz Stereo Stereo Stereo Mode Mono Mono Mono 112..128kbps 56...64 kbps Bit rate 96 kbps 32 kbps 16 kbps 8 kbps Compression Ratio Compression 26…24:1 14…12:1 24:1 48:1 96:1 16:1 • •

popular pastime. Music on the Web hasbecome a the Web. freeon are MP3 SoftwarePlayers Why MP3is sopopular?

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Music isfree. Fast todownload. about 930eachmonth. areaddeddaily Approximately 31music sites Why MP3is sopopular?

Confidential • • •

input signal from 1.4Mbs to 292KBps. from 1.4Mbs signal input 44.1KHz thebitrateof the 16bit ATRAC reduces principles. psychoacoustic Audio codingsystem based on Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding. What isMiniDisc ATRAC?

Confidential •

in soundquality. loss original datarate withvirtually appretiable no 1/5ofthe to approximately CDaudio Compresses What isMiniDisc ATRAC?

Confidential • • •

entirely 16-bit). entirely (previous to ATRAC3 it was coefficiency length to24/16-bits forATRAC 3: 3 improved word and greatly reduced. artifacts digital and noise one ofthe biggest leapsinimprovement, with possibly andwas improved ATRAC 2wasgreatly into recordings. artifactsandnoise introduced quiteafew digital ATRAC 1compression andnoisyADC and DAC ATRAC Improvement over the

Confidential Years • • • •

processing powerthanthe4.5version. has twotimesmoresignal ATRAC Type-R 24-bits. 20-and audio resolution of ATRAC 4.5 has Bit Stream" animproved"Wide feature that calls Wide BitStream. 24-bitsandhasaneat ATRAC 4worksentirely in bits. widthof20- withainput ATRAC 3.5wasimproved ATRAC Improvement over the

Confidential Years • •

needs to. it 292KBps, soitreadsfaster than only rate is whereas thedata thediscat1.4MBps read from play. Thedatais uninterrupted seconds toensure It hasaspecial memory buffer of upto40 information. track namesand theuser to programtrack allows areawhich (tableof contents) It hasaUserTOC Other MiniDisc Benefits

Confidential • •

(12/1 compression). at like”fidelity 128kbit/sec Mp3 provides “CD audio fidelity (5/1 compression). like” “CD 292kbit/sec, giving ATRAC provides How ATRAC comparesto

Confidential MP3? • Players: Advantages ofMD overportableMP3

– – audio mode. the highest-quality in RAMspace megabyte of per 1minute holds approximately only players ofaudio, MP3 holds uptoAn MD 80minutes ratio. compression a 5:1 ratiowhileMDuses 12:1 (approx.) compression usea from anMD. ThisisbecauseMP3 players notas is good asthat MP3 Player'ssoundquality Pros andCons totheusers

Confidential • Players: Advantages ofMD overportableMP3

– – Pros andCons totheusers expensive. flash RAM cartridges, but theyare relatively 's Riosupports removable via aPC. to it music new uploading requires in theSaehan's mp-man themusic change onthego.To discs while swap MD usesremovable mediasoyoucanquickly

Confidential • Players: Advantages ofMD overportableMP3

– Pros andCons totheusers music, then upload it to the MP3 player viaaPC. then uploadittothe MP3 music, audio, they requirethe usertoobtain MP3 cannot record source inreal-time. MP3players audio recorder canrecordfrom any An MD

Confidential • Players: Advantages ofMD overportableMP3

– – Pros andCons totheusers smaller than the Saehan mp-man. smaller Some MDare asthe Saehan mp-man. small as are already MD players model Most late MP3 file. an toencodetheCD audio trackinto encoder track digitally fromaCDandusing anMP3 the theprocessof ‘grabbing’ through or going 4-minute songwitha33.6modem), per minutes viatheInternet(atleast25 downloading by obtained MP3 musicismostcommonly

Confidential • MP3 Players: Disadvantages ofMiniDisc overportable

– – Pros andCons totheusers as skip resistant as solid-state media. assolid-state resistant as skip skip-resistant, MDvirtually itis nowhere makes memorysystem shockproof MD's Although means better reliability. parts moving no MP3 players aresolid-state,

Confidential • MP3 Players: Disadvantages ofMiniDisc overportable

– – Pros andCons totheusers required to makenoise-freedigital copies. Audio Outputis withDigital A soundcard MD. realtime with MP3 filesmust berecordedin
